Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.jenkinsci.remoting.RoleChecker;

import static;
import static;


import hudson.DescriptorExtensionList;
import hudson.ExtensionPoint;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Util;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.Describable;
import hudson.model.Hudson;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.model.TaskListener;
import hudson.remoting.Callable;

 * This new extension point is used for surfacing different kinds of
 * Google Cloud Storage (GCS) uploads.  The most obvious implementations
 * are provided as:
 * @see ClassicUpload
 * @see StdoutUpload
 * We provide the following hooks for implementations to inject additional
 * functionality:
 * <ul>
 *   <li> Required {@link #getDetails}: provides detail information for the
 * GCS upload report.
 *   <li> Required {@link #getInclusions}: surfaces the set of
 * {@link UploadSpec} for the base class to upload to GCS.
 *   <li> Optional {@link #forResult}: determines the build states for which
 * uploading should be performed.
 *   <li> Optional {@link #getMetadata}: allows the implementation to surface
 * additional metadata on the storage object
 *   <li> Optional {@link #annotateObject}: allows the implementation to
 * ~arbitrarily rewrite parts of the object prior to insertion.
 * </ul>
public abstract class AbstractUpload implements Describable<AbstractUpload>, ExtensionPoint, Serializable {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractUpload.class.getName());
    private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> CONTENT_TYPES = ImmutableMap.of("css", "text/css");

     * Construct the base upload from a handful of universal properties.
     * @param bucket The unresolved name of the storage bucket within
     * which to store the resulting objects.
     * @param sharedPublicly Whether to publicly share the objects being uploaded
     * @param forFailedJobs Whether to perform the upload regardless of the
     * build's outcome
     * @param pathPrefix Path prefix to strip from uploaded files when determining
     * the filename in GCS. Null indicates no stripping. Filenames that do not
     * start with this prefix will not be modified. Trailing slash is
     * automatically added if it is missing.
    public AbstractUpload(String bucket, boolean sharedPublicly, boolean forFailedJobs, @Nullable String pathPrefix,
            @Nullable UploadModule module) {
        if (module != null) {
            this.module = module;
        } else {
            this.module = getDescriptor().getModule();
        this.bucketNameWithVars = checkNotNull(bucket);
        this.sharedPublicly = sharedPublicly;
        this.forFailedJobs = forFailedJobs;
        if (pathPrefix != null && !pathPrefix.endsWith("/")) {
            pathPrefix += "/";
        this.pathPrefix = pathPrefix;

     * The main action entrypoint of this extension.  This uploads the
     * contents included by the implementation to our resolved storage
     * bucket.
    public final void perform(GoogleRobotCredentials credentials, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener)
            throws UploadException {
        if (!forResult(build.getResult())) {
            // Don't upload for the given build state.

        try {
            // Turn paths containing things like $BUILD_NUMBER and $JOB_NAME into
            // their fully resolved forms.
            String bucketNameResolvedVars = Util.replaceMacro(getBucket(), build.getEnvironment(listener));

            if (!bucketNameResolvedVars.startsWith(GCS_SCHEME)) {
                        .prefix(Messages.AbstractUploadDescriptor_BadPrefix(bucketNameResolvedVars, GCS_SCHEME)));
            // Lop off the GCS_SCHEME prefix.
            bucketNameResolvedVars = bucketNameResolvedVars.substring(GCS_SCHEME.length());

            UploadSpec uploads = getInclusions(build, checkNotNull(build.getWorkspace()), listener);

            if (uploads != null) {
                BuildGcsUploadReport links = BuildGcsUploadReport.of(build);

                initiateUploadsAtWorkspace(credentials, build, bucketNameResolvedVars, uploads, listener);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_UploadException(), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_UploadException(), e);

     * This tuple is used to return the modified workspace and collection of
     * {@link FilePath}s to upload to {@link #perform}.
     * NOTE: The workspace is simply used to determine the path the object will
     * be stored in relative to the bucket.  If it is relative to the workspace,
     * that relative path will be appended to the storage prefix.  If it is
     * not, then the absolute path will be appended.
    protected static class UploadSpec implements Serializable {
        public UploadSpec(FilePath workspace, List<FilePath> inclusions) {
            this.workspace = checkNotNull(workspace);
            this.inclusions = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(inclusions);

        public final FilePath workspace;
        public final Collection<FilePath> inclusions;

     * Implementations override this interface in order to surface the set of
     * {@link FilePath}s the core logic should upload.
     * @see UploadSpec for further details.
    protected abstract UploadSpec getInclusions(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, FilePath workspace,
            TaskListener listener) throws UploadException;

     * Provide detail information summarizing this download for the GCS
     * upload report.
    public abstract String getDetails();

     * This hook is intended to give implementations the opportunity to further
     * annotate the {@link StorageObject} with metadata before uploading it to
     * cloud storage.
     * NOTE: The base implementation does not do anything, so calling
     * {@code super.annotateObject()} is unnecessary.
    protected void annotateObject(StorageObject object, TaskListener listener) throws UploadException {

     * Retrieves the metadata to attach to the storage object.
     * NOTE: This can be overriden to surface additional (or less) information.
    protected Map<String, String> getMetadata(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) {
        return MetadataContainer.of(build).getSerializedMetadata();

     * Determine whether we should upload the pattern for the given
     * build result.
    public boolean forResult(Result result) {
        if (result == Result.SUCCESS) {
            // We always run on successful builds.
            return true;
        if (result == Result.FAILURE || result == Result.UNSTABLE) {
            return isForFailedJobs();
        // else NOT_BUILT
        return false;

     * The bucket name specified by the user, which potentially contains
     * unresolved symbols, such as $JOB_NAME and $BUILD_NUMBER.
    public String getBucket() {
        return bucketNameWithVars;

    /** NOTE: old name kept for deserialization */
    private final String bucketNameWithVars;

     * Whether to surface the file being uploaded to anyone with the link.
    public boolean isSharedPublicly() {
        return sharedPublicly;

    private final boolean sharedPublicly;

     * Whether to attempt the upload, even if the job failed.
    public boolean isForFailedJobs() {
        return forFailedJobs;

    private final boolean forFailedJobs;

     * The path prefix that will be stripped from uploaded files. May be null
     * if no path prefix needs to be stripped.
    public String getPathPrefix() {
        return pathPrefix;

    private final String pathPrefix;

     * The module to use for providing dependencies.
    protected final UploadModule module;

     * Boilerplate, see:
    public static DescriptorExtensionList<AbstractUpload, AbstractUploadDescriptor> all() {
        return checkNotNull(Hudson.getInstance())
                .<AbstractUpload, AbstractUploadDescriptor>getDescriptorList(AbstractUpload.class);

     * Boilerplate, see:
    public AbstractUploadDescriptor getDescriptor() {
        return (AbstractUploadDescriptor) checkNotNull(Hudson.getInstance()).getDescriptor(getClass());

     * Execute the {@link UploadSpec} for this {@code build} to the bucket
     * specified by {@code storagePrefix} using the authority of
     * {@code credentials} and logging any information to {@code listener}.
     * @throws UploadException if anything goes awry
    private void initiateUploadsAtWorkspace(GoogleRobotCredentials credentials, final AbstractBuild build,
            String storagePrefix, final UploadSpec uploads, final TaskListener listener) throws UploadException {
        try {
            // Break things down to a compatible format:
            //   foo  /  bar / baz / blah.log
            //  ^---^   ^--------------------^
            //  bucket      storage-object
            // TODO(mattmoor): Test objectPrefix on Windows, where '\' != '/'
            // Must we translate?  Can we require them to specify in unix-style
            // and still have things work?
            String[] halves = checkNotNull(storagePrefix).split("/", 2);
            final String bucketName = halves[0];
            final String objectPrefix = (halves.length == 1) ? "" : halves[1];

            // Within the workspace, upload all of the files, using a remotable
            // credential to access the storage service from the remote machine.
            final GoogleRobotCredentials remoteCredentials = checkNotNull(credentials)
            final Map<String, String> metadata = getMetadata(build);

            uploads.workspace.act(new Callable<Void, UploadException>() {
                public Void call() throws UploadException {
                    performUploads(metadata, bucketName, objectPrefix, remoteCredentials, uploads, listener);
                    return (Void) null;

                public void checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) throws SecurityException {
                    // We know by definition that this is the correct role;
                    // the callable exists only in this method context.

            // We can't do this over the wire, so do it in bulk here
            BuildGcsUploadReport report = BuildGcsUploadReport.of(build);
            for (FilePath include : uploads.inclusions) {
                report.addUpload(getStrippedFilename(getRelative(include, uploads.workspace)), storagePrefix);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_RemoteCredentialError(), e);

     * This is the workhorse API for performing the actual uploads.  It is
     * performed at the workspace, so that all of the {@link FilePath}s should
     * be local.
    private void performUploads(Map<String, String> metadata, String bucketName, String objectPrefix,
            GoogleRobotCredentials credentials, UploadSpec uploads, TaskListener listener) throws UploadException {
        try {
            Storage service = module.getStorageService(credentials);
            Executor executor = module.newExecutor();

            // Ensure the bucket exists, fetching it regardless so that we can
            // attach its default ACLs to the objects we upload.
            Bucket bucket = getOrCreateBucket(service, credentials, executor, bucketName);

            for (FilePath include : uploads.inclusions) {
                String relativePath = getRelative(include, uploads.workspace);
                String uploadedFileName = getStrippedFilename(relativePath);
                String finalName = FilenameUtils
                        .separatorsToUnix(FilenameUtils.concat(objectPrefix, uploadedFileName));

                StorageObject object = new StorageObject().setName(finalName).setMetadata(metadata)

                if (isSharedPublicly()) {
                    object.setAcl(addPublicReadAccess(getDefaultObjectAcl(bucket, listener)));

                // Give clients an opportunity to decorate the storage
                // object before we store it.
                annotateObject(object, listener);

                // Log that we are uploading the file and begin executing the upload.
                performUploadWithRetry(executor, service, bucket, object, include);
        } catch (ForbiddenException e) {
            // If the user doesn't own a bucket then they will end up here.
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ForbiddenFileUpload(), e);
        } catch (ExecutorException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionFileUpload(), e);

     * Auxiliar method for detecting web-related filename extensions, so
     * setting correctly Content-Type.
    private String detectMIMEType(String filename) {
        String extension = Files.getFileExtension(filename);
        if (CONTENT_TYPES.containsKey(extension)) {
            return CONTENT_TYPES.get(extension);
        } else {
            return URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(filename);

     * We need our own storage retry logic because we must recreate the
     * input stream for the media uploader.
    private void performUploadWithRetry(Executor executor, Storage service, Bucket bucket, StorageObject object,
            FilePath include) throws ExecutorException, IOException, InterruptedException {
        IOException lastIOException = null;
        InterruptedException lastInterruptedException = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < module.getInsertRetryCount(); ++i) {
            try {
                // Create the insertion operation with the decorated object and
                // an input stream of the file contents.
                Storage.Objects.Insert insertion = service.objects().insert(bucket.getName(), object,
                        new InputStreamContent(object.getContentType(),;

                // Make the operation non-resumable because we have seen a dramatic
                // (e.g. 1000x) speedup from this.
                MediaHttpUploader mediaUploader = insertion.getMediaHttpUploader();
                if (mediaUploader != null) {

            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.log(SEVERE, Messages.AbstractUpload_UploadError(i), e);
                lastIOException = e;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                logger.log(SEVERE, Messages.AbstractUpload_UploadError(i), e);
                lastInterruptedException = e;

            // Pause before we retry

        // NOTE: We only reach here along paths that encountered an exception.
        // The "happy path" returns from the "try" statement above.
        if (lastIOException != null) {
            throw lastIOException;
        throw checkNotNull(lastInterruptedException);

    // Fetch the default object ACL for this bucket. Return an empty list if
    // we cannot.
    private static List<ObjectAccessControl> getDefaultObjectAcl(Bucket bucket, TaskListener listener) {
        List<ObjectAccessControl> defaultAcl = bucket.getDefaultObjectAcl();
        if (defaultAcl == null) {
            return ImmutableList.of();
        } else {
            return defaultAcl;

    // Add public access to a given access control list
    private static List<ObjectAccessControl> addPublicReadAccess(List<ObjectAccessControl> defaultAcl) {
        List<ObjectAccessControl> acl = Lists.newArrayList(defaultAcl);
        final String publicEntity = "allUsers";
        boolean alreadyShared = Iterables.tryFind(acl, new Predicate<ObjectAccessControl>() {
            public boolean apply(ObjectAccessControl access) {
                return Objects.equal(access.getEntity(), publicEntity);
        /* If the entity 'allUsers' didn't already has READER or OWNER access, grant
           READER. This is to avoid having both an OWNER record and a READER record
           for that same entity */
        if (!alreadyShared) {
            acl.add(new ObjectAccessControl().setEntity("allUsers").setRole("READER"));
        return acl;

     * Fetches or creates an instance of the bucket with the given name with the
     * specified storage service.
     * @param credentials The credentials with which to fetch/create the bucket
     * @param bucketName The top-level bucket name to ensure exists
     * @return an instance of the named bucket, created or retrieved.
     * @throws UploadException if any issues are encountered
    protected Bucket getOrCreateBucket(Storage service, GoogleRobotCredentials credentials, Executor executor,
            String bucketName) throws UploadException {
        try {
            try {
                return executor.execute(service.buckets().get(bucketName).setProjection("full")); // to retrieve the bucket ACLs
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                try {
                    // This is roughly the opposite of how the command-line sample does
                    // things.  We do things this way to optimize for the case where the
                    // bucket already exists.
                    Bucket bucket = new Bucket().setName(bucketName);
                    bucket = executor.execute(
                            service.buckets().insert(credentials.getProjectId(), bucket).setProjection("full")); // to retrieve the bucket ACLs

                    return bucket;
                } catch (ConflictException ex) {
                    // If we get back a "Conflict" response, it means that the bucket
                    // was inserted between when we first tried to get it and were able
                    // to successfully insert one.
                    // NOTE: This could be due to an initial insertion attempt succeeding
                    // but returning an exception, or a race with another service.
                    return executor.execute(service.buckets().get(bucketName).setProjection("full")); // to retrieve the bucket ACLs
        } catch (ExecutorException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionGetBucket(bucketName), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UploadException(Messages.AbstractUpload_ExceptionGetBucket(bucketName), e);

     * If a path prefix to strip has been specified, and the input string
     * starts with that prefix, returns the portion of the input after that
     * prefix. Otherwise, returns the unmodified input.
    protected String getStrippedFilename(String filename) {
        if (pathPrefix != null && filename != null && filename.startsWith(pathPrefix)) {
            return filename.substring(pathPrefix.length());
        return filename;

     * Compute the relative path of the given file inclusion, relative to the
     * given workspace.  If the path is absolute, it returns the root-relative
     * path instead.
     * @param include The file whose relative path we are computing
     * @param workspace The workspace containing the included file.
     * @return The unix-style relative path of file.
     * @throws UploadException when the input is malformed
    public static String getRelative(FilePath include, FilePath workspace) throws UploadException {
        LinkedList<String> segments = new LinkedList<String>();
        while (!include.equals(workspace)) {
            include = include.getParent();
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(include.getName())) {
                // When we reach "/" we're done either way.
        return Joiner.on("/").join(segments);