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 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

 * Converts ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) Cartesian coordinates to local ENU (East, North,
 * and Up).
 * <p> Source: reference from Navipedia:

public class Ecef2EnuConverter {

     * Converts a vector represented by coordinates ecefX, ecefY, ecefZ in an
     * Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Cartesian system into a vector in a
     * local east-north-up (ENU) Cartesian system.
     * <p> For example it can be used to rotate a speed vector or position offset vector to ENU.
     * @param ecefX X coordinates in ECEF
     * @param ecefY Y coordinates in ECEF
     * @param ecefZ Z coordinates in ECEF
     * @param refLat Latitude in Radians of the Reference Position
     * @param refLng Longitude in Radians of the Reference Position
     * @return the converted values in {@code EnuValues}
    public static EnuValues convertEcefToEnu(double ecefX, double ecefY, double ecefZ, double refLat,
            double refLng) {

        RealMatrix rotationMatrix = getRotationMatrix(refLat, refLng);
        RealMatrix ecefCoordinates = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[] { ecefX, ecefY, ecefZ });

        RealMatrix enuResult = rotationMatrix.multiply(ecefCoordinates);
        return new EnuValues(enuResult.getEntry(0, 0), enuResult.getEntry(1, 0), enuResult.getEntry(2, 0));

     * Computes a rotation matrix for converting a vector in Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF)
     * Cartesian system into a vector in local east-north-up (ENU) Cartesian system with respect to
     * a reference location. The matrix has the following content:
     * - sinLng                     cosLng            0
     * - sinLat * cosLng      - sinLat * sinLng      cosLat
     *   cosLat * cosLng        cosLat * sinLng      sinLat
     * <p> Reference: Pratap Misra and Per Enge
     * "Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance" Page 137.
     * @param refLat Latitude of reference location
     * @param refLng Longitude of reference location
     * @return the Ecef to Enu rotation matrix
    public static RealMatrix getRotationMatrix(double refLat, double refLng) {
        RealMatrix rotationMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(3, 3);

        // Fill in the rotation Matrix
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(0, 0, -1 * Math.sin(refLng));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(1, 0, -1 * Math.cos(refLng) * Math.sin(refLat));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(2, 0, Math.cos(refLng) * Math.cos(refLat));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(0, 1, Math.cos(refLng));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(1, 1, -1 * Math.sin(refLat) * Math.sin(refLng));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(2, 1, Math.cos(refLat) * Math.sin(refLng));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(0, 2, 0);
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(1, 2, Math.cos(refLat));
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(2, 2, Math.sin(refLat));
        return rotationMatrix;

     * A container for values in ENU (East, North, Up) coordination system.
    public static class EnuValues {

         * East Coordinates in local ENU
        public final double enuEast;

         * North Coordinates in local ENU
        public final double enuNorth;

         * Up Coordinates in local ENU
        public final double enuUP;

         * Constructor
        public EnuValues(double enuEast, double enuNorth, double enuUP) {
            this.enuEast = enuEast;
            this.enuNorth = enuNorth;
            this.enuUP = enuUP;
