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 * Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.junit.Assert;


 * Contains additional assertion methods not found in JUnit.
public final class MoreAsserts {

    private MoreAsserts() {

     * Asserts that {@code expectedRegex} matches any substring of {@code actual}
     * and fails with {@code message} if it does not.  The Matcher is returned in
     * case the test needs access to any captured groups.  Note that you can also
     * use this for a literal string, by wrapping your expected string in
     * {@link Pattern#quote}.
    public static MatchResult assertContainsRegex(String message, String expectedRegex, String actual) {
        if (actual == null) {
            failNotContains(message, expectedRegex, null);
        Matcher matcher = getMatcher(expectedRegex, actual);
        if (!matcher.find()) {
            failNotContains(message, expectedRegex, actual);
        return matcher;

     * Variant of {@link #assertContainsRegex(String,String,String)} using a
     * generic message.
    public static MatchResult assertContainsRegex(String expectedRegex, String actual) {
        return assertContainsRegex(null, expectedRegex, actual);

     * Asserts that {@code actual} contains precisely the elements
     * {@code expected}, in any order.  Both collections may contain
     * duplicates, and this method will only pass if the quantities are
     * exactly the same.
    public static void assertContentsAnyOrder(String message, Iterable<?> actual, Object... expected) {
        Assert.assertEquals(message, ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(expected), ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(actual));

     * Variant of {@link #assertContentsAnyOrder(String,Iterable,Object...)}
     * using a generic message.
    public static void assertContentsAnyOrder(Iterable<?> actual, Object... expected) {
        assertContentsAnyOrder((String) null, actual, expected);

     * Utility for testing equals() and hashCode() results at once.
     * Tests that lhs.equals(rhs) matches expectedResult, as well as
     * rhs.equals(lhs).  Also tests that hashCode() return values are
     * equal if expectedResult is true.  (hashCode() is not tested if
     * expectedResult is false, as unequal objects can have equal hashCodes.)
     * @param lhs An Object for which equals() and hashCode() are to be tested.
     * @param rhs As lhs.
     * @param expectedResult True if the objects should compare equal,
     *   false if not.
    public static void checkEqualsAndHashCodeMethods(String message, Object lhs, Object rhs,
            boolean expectedResult) {

        if ((lhs == null) && (rhs == null)) {
            Assert.assertTrue("Your check is dubious...why would you expect null != null?", expectedResult);

        if ((lhs == null) || (rhs == null)) {
            Assert.assertFalse("Your check is dubious...why would you expect an object " + "to be equal to null?",

        if (lhs != null) {
            Assert.assertEquals(message, expectedResult, lhs.equals(rhs));
        if (rhs != null) {
            Assert.assertEquals(message, expectedResult, rhs.equals(lhs));

        if (expectedResult) {
            String hashMessage = "hashCode() values for equal objects should be the same";
            if (message != null) {
                hashMessage += ": " + message;
            Assert.assertTrue(hashMessage, lhs.hashCode() == rhs.hashCode());

     * Variant of
     * {@link #checkEqualsAndHashCodeMethods(String, Object, Object, boolean)}
     * using a generic message.
    public static void checkEqualsAndHashCodeMethods(Object lhs, Object rhs, boolean expectedResult) {
        checkEqualsAndHashCodeMethods((String) null, lhs, rhs, expectedResult);

     * Fails a test with the given message and includes as its cause the given
     * {@link Throwable}, complete with its stack trace. This method is not
     * normally necessary; typically it is best to declare that your test method
     * throws any possible exceptions and to let JUnit handle them and mark the
     * test as an error. This method exists for cases in which it is necessary to
     * provide some context to the exception beyond that offered by its stack
     * trace -- perhaps the current element of a loop or the value of a random
     * seed.
     * @param cause the cause of the failure
     * @param errorMessageFormat the {@link java.util.Formatter format string} for
     *        the desired error message
     * @param errorMessageArgs the arguments referenced by the format specifiers
     *        in {@code errorMessageFormat}.
    public static void failWithThrowable(Throwable cause, String errorMessageFormat, Object... errorMessageArgs) {
        failWithThrowable(cause, String.format(errorMessageFormat, errorMessageArgs));

    private static Matcher getMatcher(String expectedRegex, String actual) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expectedRegex);
        return pattern.matcher(actual);

    private static void failNotContains(String message, String expectedRegex, String actual) {
        String actualDesc = (actual == null) ? "null" : ('<' + actual + '>');
        failWithMessage(message, "expected to contain regex:<" + expectedRegex + "> but was:" + actualDesc);

    private static void failWithMessage(String userMessage, String ourMessage) { == null) ? ourMessage : userMessage + ' ' + ourMessage);