Source code

Java tutorial


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Copyright 2015 Maciej SIDOR []
The source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.googlecode.msidor.springframework.integration.system;

import java.util.List;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.messaging.Message;
import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;
import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * Handles shutdown of spring integration components.
 * Additionally the thread pool task executors are monitored to make sure that they finished they work.
 * Optionally, this component may shutdown the entire application by calling System.exit command. 
 * @author Maciej SIDOR (
 * @since 2015
public class ShutdownHandler {
     * Logger
    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

     * Channel that manages the spring integration beans. Will be used to send shutdown command to selected spring integration beans
    private MessageChannel operationChannel = null;

     * List of spring integration beans IDs that will be shutdown 
    private List<String> componentsToShutDown = null;

     * List of Thread Pool Task Executors to wait for before shutting down the application
    private List<ThreadPoolTaskExecutor> executorsToWatch = null;

     * Timeout after which the application shutdowns even if there are still tasks being executed by the Thread Pool Task Executors
    private long timeout = 0;

     * Variable that indicates if every condition is satisfied to shutdown the application
    private boolean okToShutdown = false;

     * Indicates if component should shutdown entire application
    private boolean shutodwnApplication = false;

     * System exit code if application is shutdown
    private int systemExitCode = 0;

     * Handles application shutdown
    public void shutdownGently() {

        long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();"Shuting down the application...");

        if (componentsToShutDown != null) {

            Assert.notNull(operationChannel, "Operation channel must be set");

            for (String component : componentsToShutDown) {
      "Sending shutdown command to component: ".concat(component));

                Message<String> operation = MessageBuilder.withPayload("@" + component + ".stop()").build();


        if (executorsToWatch != null) {
  "Checking if all executor threads have been accomplished...");

            boolean allDone = true;
            do {
                allDone = true;
                for (ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor : executorsToWatch) {
                    allDone = allDone && executor.getActiveCount() == 0;
            } while (!allDone && !Thread.interrupted()
                    && ((timeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp < timeout) || timeout <= 0));

            if (allDone)
      "No more active threads");
                log.warn("Some threads are still working");

        okToShutdown = true;

        if (shutodwnApplication) {


     * Return list of spring integration beans IDs that will be shutdown 
     * @return List of spring integration beans IDs that will be shutdown 
    public List<String> getComponentsToShutDown() {
        return componentsToShutDown;

     * Sets list of spring integration beans IDs that will be shutdown 
     * @param componentsToShutDown List of spring integration beans IDs that will be shutdown 
    public void setComponentsToShutDown(List<String> componentsToShutDown) {
        this.componentsToShutDown = componentsToShutDown;

     * Returns list of Thread Pool Task Executors to wait for before shutting down the application
     * @return List of Thread Pool Task Executors to wait for before shutting down the application
    public List<ThreadPoolTaskExecutor> getExecutorsToWatch() {
        return executorsToWatch;

     * Sets list of Thread Pool Task Executors to wait for before shutting down the application
     * @param executorsToWatch List of Thread Pool Task Executors to wait for before shutting down the application
    public void setExecutorsToWatch(List<ThreadPoolTaskExecutor> executorsToWatch) {
        this.executorsToWatch = executorsToWatch;

     * Returns channel that manages the spring integration beans. Will be used to send shutdown command to selected spring integration beans
     * @return Channel that manages the spring integration beans. Will be used to send shutdown command to selected spring integration beans
    public MessageChannel getOperationChannel() {
        return operationChannel;

     * Sets channel that manages the spring integration beans. Will be used to send shutdown command to selected spring integration beans
     * @param Channel that manages the spring integration beans. Will be used to send shutdown command to selected spring integration beans
    public void setOperationChannel(MessageChannel operationChannel) {
        this.operationChannel = operationChannel;

     * Returns timeout after which the application shutdowns even if there are still tasks being executed by the Thread Pool Task Executors
     * @return Timeout after which the application shutdowns even if there are still tasks being executed by the Thread Pool Task Executors
    public long getTimeout() {
        return timeout;

     * Sets timeout after which the application shutdowns even if there are still tasks being executed by the Thread Pool Task Executors
     * @param Timeout after which the application shutdowns even if there are still tasks being executed by the Thread Pool Task Executors
    public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
        this.timeout = timeout;

     * Returns true if every condition is satisfied to shutdown the application
     * @return true if every condition is satisfied to shutdown the application
    public boolean isOkToShutdown() {
        return okToShutdown;

     * Sets system exit code if application is shutdown
     * @param system exit code if application is shutdown
    public void setSystemExitCode(int systemExitCode) {
        this.systemExitCode = systemExitCode;

     * Sets flag that indicates if component should shutdown entire application
     * @param true if component should shutdown entire application
    public void setShutodwnApplication(boolean shutodwnApplication) {
        this.shutodwnApplication = shutodwnApplication;
