Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.guess.license.plate.Task;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.guess.license.plate.release.R;
import com.guess.license.plate.Activity.SplashActivity;
import com.guess.license.plate.Database.Database;
import com.guess.license.plate.Database.InitialData;
import com.guess.license.plate.Database.DatabaseHelper;
import com.guess.license.plate.Network.ServerError;
import com.guess.license.plate.Network.ThreadSafeHttpClientFactory;
import com.guess.license.plate.Network.WebConf;
import com.guess.license.plate.Repository.Language;
import com.guess.license.plate.Repository.Preferences;
import com.guess.license.plate.Repository.SharedPreference;

import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.CountDownTimer;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.Window;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class LoadingTaskConn extends AsyncTask<DatabaseHelper, Integer, ServerError> {

    private final Context context;
    private final SplashActivity activity;

    private ProgressDialog loadingDialog;
    private DatabaseHelper databaseHelper;
    private SQLiteDatabase db;

    private final int TIMER = 4000;

     * A Loading task that will load some resources that are necessary for the app to start
     * @param progressBar - the progress bar you want to update while the task is in progress
     * @param finishedListener - the listener that will be told when this task is finished
    public LoadingTaskConn(Context context, SplashActivity activity) {
        this.context = context;
        this.activity = activity;

        // Progress Dialog
        this.loadingDialog = new ProgressDialog(activity,;
        if (!this.loadingDialog.isShowing()) {

    protected ServerError doInBackground(DatabaseHelper... params) {
        this.databaseHelper = params[0];

        // Setting the values of default

        // Getting the shared preferences
        boolean[] prefs = SharedPreference.GetSharedPreferenceBool(context);
        boolean hasToBeUpdated = prefs.length == SharedPreference.BOOL_SIZE ? prefs[0] : false;

        return hasToBeUpdated ? updateDatabase() : ServerError.NO_ERROR;

    protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) {

    protected void onPostExecute(ServerError result) {

        if (result != null && !result.equals(ServerError.NO_ERROR)) {
            Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, Language.GetServerErrorLanguage(result, context),
            toast.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0, 0);

        new CountDownTimer(TIMER, 1000) {

            public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
                // Do nothing

            public void onFinish() {

    private void setDefaultValues() {
        if (databaseHelper != null) {
            db = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase();
            Cursor cursor = db.query("Plate", null, null, null, null, null, null);
            int count = cursor.getCount();

            if (count == 0) {
                // Setting all the default setting values
                SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
                Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
                editor.putString(Preferences.LANGUAGE.toString(), Locale.getDefault().getLanguage());
                editor.putString(Preferences.THEME.toString(), "Theme 1");
                editor.putString(Preferences.RANGE.toString(), "Europe");
                editor.putBoolean(Preferences.UPDATE.toString(), true);
                editor.putBoolean(Preferences.SOUND.toString(), false);

                // Insert Build
                // Insert Plate
                // Insert Language


    private ServerError updateDatabase() {
        // Updating, passing the connection to the db, the DB records in the tables(build, plate and language)
        return updateDatabase(WebConf.DB_CONN, WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS, WebConf.DEFAULT_VERSION);

    private ServerError updateDatabase(String conn, String[] objJS, int serverVersion) {

        // No error as Default
        ServerError res = ServerError.NO_ERROR;

        // Number of JSON main object that will be processed
        int numObjJS = objJS.length;

        // In case there are no JSON object to process on the server shows an error message
        if (numObjJS == 0) {
            return ServerError.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND;

        // Instance of List of entities
        ArrayList<HttpEntity> objJSEntities = new ArrayList<HttpEntity>();

        // Create a number of JSON arrays equals to the number of JSON objects
        // because each JSON object contains a JSON array
        JSONArray[] arrayJson = new JSONArray[numObjJS];

        // Check if the objects passed have been parsed correctly, in case even one of those
        // has not been parsed correctly the app will return an error
        res = tryToParseJSON(conn, objJS, numObjJS, objJSEntities, arrayJson, serverVersion);

        return res;

    private ServerError tryToParseJSON(String conn, String[] objJS, int numObjJS,
            ArrayList<HttpEntity> objJSEntities, JSONArray[] arrayJson, int serverVersion) {
        // Parsing each JSON object in a string, then create a JSONArray from the name of 
        // the JSON object, that should be similar to the name of the DB table,
        // and in the end put it in the array that contains the JSON arrays

        ServerError res = ServerError.NO_ERROR;

        // Processing all the JSON objects found on the server
        for (int i = 0; i < numObjJS; i++) {

            // Parsing the JSON object selected
            ServerError entityRes = tryToGetEntity(conn, objJS[i], WebConf.EXSTENSION[0], objJSEntities);

            // In case it's not possible to get the entity of the JSON object return an error
            if (!entityRes.equals(ServerError.NO_ERROR)) {
                return entityRes;

            //Log.e("SERVER", "Entity " + objJS[i] + " has been gotten correctly");

            // In case the JSON object has not been parsed correctly return an error
            ServerError parsing = parseEntity(objJS, i, objJSEntities, arrayJson);
            if (!parsing.equals(ServerError.NO_ERROR)) {
                return parsing;

            // Set an instance of the DB writable, needs to be updated
            db = databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase();

            // Move the each JSON array got from the respective JSON object
            // to the DB using the respective DB object.
            res = moveToDB(objJS, i, arrayJson, serverVersion);
            if (res.equals(ServerError.OLD_BUILD)) {
                return res;

            // Closing database connection

        return res;

    private ServerError tryToGetEntity(String conn, String objJSName, String extension,
            ArrayList<HttpEntity> objJSEntities) {
        // Building string for URI
        String uriPath = WebConf.URI_PATH;
        String uriFile = WebConf.URI_FILE;
        String uriSeparator = WebConf.URI_SEP;
        String uri = uriPath.concat(uriFile).concat(uriSeparator);

        // Building string for Parameters
        String firstPar = WebConf.PARAMETER[0].concat(objJSName);
        String separator = WebConf.PAR_SEP;
        String secondPar = WebConf.PARAMETER[1].concat(extension);
        String parameters = firstPar.concat(separator).concat(secondPar);

        HttpClient client = ThreadSafeHttpClientFactory.INSTANCE.getThreadSafeHttpClient();
        HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(conn.concat(uri).concat(parameters));

        try {

            HttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet);

            StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
            int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();

            if (statusCode == WebConf.STATUS_CODE) {
                HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
            } else {
                return ServerError.CONNECTION;
        } catch (ClientProtocolException ee) {
            return ServerError.PROTOCOL;

        } catch (IOException ee) {
            return ServerError.STREAM;

        return ServerError.NO_ERROR;

    private ServerError parseEntity(String[] objJS, int i, ArrayList<HttpEntity> objJSEntities,
            JSONArray[] arrayJson) {
        HttpEntity entity = objJSEntities.get(i);
        try {
            String parStr = EntityUtils.toString(entity, HTTP.UTF_8);

            // Getting the JSON object for the entity parsed
            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(parStr);
            arrayJson[i] = jsonObject.getJSONArray(objJS[i]);

        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return ServerError.CONNECTION;
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            return ServerError.CONNECTION;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return ServerError.CONNECTION;
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            return ServerError.CONNECTION;

        return ServerError.NO_ERROR;

    private ServerError moveToDB(String[] objJS, int i, JSONArray[] arrayJson, int serverVersion) {
        // No error as Default
        ServerError res = ServerError.NO_ERROR;
        // Getting the JSON Array selected
        JSONArray jsonSel = arrayJson[i];
        //Log.e("SERVER", "JSON array selected: "+ objJS[i]);  

        // Set the instance for the values to insert into the lite db
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

        // Start going through the JSON Array selected
        for (int j = 0; j < jsonSel.length(); j++) {
            try {
                // Getting the every single JSON object of the main JSON Array selected
                JSONObject objSel = jsonSel.getJSONObject(j);
                // Moving to the DB passing by the object
                res = setValuesToDB(objSel, objJS[i], values, serverVersion);
                if (res.equals(ServerError.OLD_BUILD))
                    return res;

            } catch (JSONException e) {
                return ServerError.GENERAL;

        return res;

    private ServerError setValuesToDB(JSONObject jsObj, String objJS, ContentValues values, int serverVersion)
            throws JSONException {
        ServerError result = ServerError.NO_ERROR;
        String[] columns = null;
        String whereClause = null;
        String[] whereArgs = null;

        if (objJS.equals(WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS[0])) {

            serverVersion = jsObj.getInt(WebConf.TAG_BUILD_VERSION);
            columns = new String[] { Database.BUILD[3] };

            // Settings the values to insert or update
            values.put(Database.BUILD[1], jsObj.getInt(WebConf.TAG_BUILD_NUMBER));
            values.put(Database.BUILD[2], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_BUILD_NAME));
            values.put(Database.BUILD[3], serverVersion);
            values.put(Database.BUILD[4], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_BUILD_DEVELOPER));
        } else if (objJS.equals(WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS[1])) {
            serverVersion = jsObj.getInt(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_VERSION);
            columns = new String[] { Database.PLATE[5] };
            whereClause = "imgID = ?";
            whereArgs = new String[] { jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_IMG_ID) };

            // Settings the values to insert or update
            values.put(Database.PLATE[1], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_NAME));
            values.put(Database.PLATE[2], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_IMG_ID));
            values.put(Database.PLATE[3], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_COUNTRY));
            values.put(Database.PLATE[4], jsObj.getInt(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_DIFFICULTY));
            values.put(Database.PLATE[5], serverVersion);
            values.put(Database.PLATE[6], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_PLATE_CONTINENT));

        } else if (objJS.equals(WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS[2])) {
            serverVersion = jsObj.getInt(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_VERSION);
            columns = new String[] { Database.LANG[2] };
            whereClause = "imgID = ?";
            whereArgs = new String[] { jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_IMG_ID) };

            // Settings the values to insert or update
            values.put(Database.LANG[1], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_IMG_ID));
            values.put(Database.LANG[2], serverVersion);
            values.put(Database.LANG[3], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH));
            values.put(Database.LANG[4], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN));
            values.put(Database.LANG[5], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_SPANISH));
            values.put(Database.LANG[6], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_FRENCH));
            values.put(Database.LANG[7], jsObj.getString(WebConf.TAG_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE));

        // Inserting or updating the values just set
        result = insOrUpDB(jsObj, objJS, columns, whereClause, whereArgs, values, serverVersion);

        return result;

    private ServerError insOrUpDB(JSONObject jsObj, String objJS, String[] columns, String whereClause,
            String[] whereArgs, ContentValues values, int serverVersion) throws JSONException {
        ServerError result = ServerError.NO_ERROR;

        Cursor cursor = db.query(objJS, columns, whereClause, whereArgs, null, null, null);
        int count = cursor.getCount();

        if (count > 0) {
            // Getting the version
            int currDBVersion = 0;
            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                if (cursor.isNull(0))
                    currDBVersion = 0;
                    currDBVersion = cursor.getInt(0);

            if (objJS.equals(WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS[0])) {
                if (currDBVersion == serverVersion) {
                    return ServerError.OLD_BUILD;

                db.update(objJS, values, whereClause, whereArgs);

            } else if (objJS.equals(WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS[1])) {
                // In case the plate processed is a new version update it in the DB
                if (currDBVersion != serverVersion) {
                    db.update(objJS, values, whereClause, whereArgs);
            } else if (objJS.equals(WebConf.JSON_OBJECTS[2])) {
                // In case the language processed is a new version update it in the DB
                if (currDBVersion != serverVersion) {
                    db.update(objJS, values, whereClause, whereArgs);
        } else {
            db.insert(objJS, null, values);

        return result;