Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.icantrap.collections.dawg;

import com.icantrap.collections.Stack;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * An implementation of a Directed Acycilic Word Graph.  This implementation is intended to be efficiently stored, loaded,
 * and used with Android apps.  This means that the storage format and memory footprint have been minimized.
public class Dawg {
    private static final Pattern LETTERS_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z?]+");
    private static final Pattern PATTERN_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\$?[A-Z?]*\\$?");

    private int[] nodes;

    private Dawg() {

     * Used by DawgBuilder to create a new Dawg instance from the backing int array.  Not for general use.  Use one of the
     * factory methods of Dawg to created your Dawg.
     * @param ints the integer array that this instance will use.
    Dawg(int[] ints) {
        nodes = ints.clone();

     * Writes an instance of a dawg to a Writer.  Once the data is written to the Writer, it is flushed, but the writer is
     * not closed.
     * @param writer the Writer to write the dawg to
     * @throws IOException if writing the dawg to the writer causes an IOException
    public void store(Writer writer) throws IOException {
        store(new WriterOutputStream(writer));

     * Writes an instance of a dawg to an OutputStream.  Once the data is written to the OutputStream, it is flushed, but
     * the stream is not closed.
     * @param os the OutputStream to write the dawg to
     * @throws IOException if writing the dawg to the stream causes an IOException
    public void store(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os, 8 * 1024);
        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);


     * Factory method.  Creates a new Dawg entry by reading in data from the given Reader.  Once the data is read, the
     * reader remains open.
     * @param reader the reader with the data to create the Dawg instance
     * @return a new Dawg instance with the data loaded
     * @throws DataFormatException if the Reader doesn't contain the proper data format for loading a Dawg instance
     * @throws IOException if reading from the Reader causes an IOException
    public static Dawg load(Reader reader) throws IOException {
        return load(new ReaderInputStream(reader));

     * Factory method.  Creates a new Dawg entry by reading in data from the given InputStream.  Once the data is read,
     * the stream remains open.
     * @param is the stream with the data to create the Dawg instance.
     * @return a new Dawg instance with the data loaded
     * @throws DataFormatException if the InputStream doesn't contain the proper data format for loading a Dawg instance
     * @throws IOException if reading from the stream casues an IOException.
    public static Dawg load(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is, 8 * 1024);
        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);

        int[] ints;

        try {
            ints = (int[]) ois.readObject();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            throw new DataFormatException("Bad file.  Not valid for loading com.icantrap.collections.dawg.Dawg",

        return new Dawg(ints);

     * Returns the number of nodes in this dawg.
     * @return the number of nodes in this dawg
    public int nodeCount() {
        return nodes.length;

     * Is the given word in the dawg?
     * @param word the word to check
     * @return true, if it's in the dawg.  false, otherwise.
    public boolean contains(String word) {
        if ((null == word) || (word.length() < 2))
            return false;

        char[] letters = word.toUpperCase().toCharArray();

        int ptr = nodes[0];

        for (char c : letters) {
            ptr = findChild(ptr, c);
            if (-1 == ptr)
                return false;

        return canTerminate(ptr);

     * Given a subset of source letters and a possible pattern, find words that would satisfy the conditions.
     * @param letters Confining set of letters to choose from. Use ? for wildcards
     * @param pattern Pattern for words. Use '?' for single letter wildcard. Use '*' for multiple letter wildcard.
     * @return An array of letters.
    public Result[] subwords(String letters, String pattern)
    // yes, there's a lot of repeated code here.  it might get cleaned up at the end.
        if (!lettersValid(letters))
            return null;

        if (!patternValid(pattern))
            return null;

        List<PatternToken> patternTokens = processPattern(pattern);
        int tokenCount = patternTokens.size();

        Set<Result> results = new HashSet<Result>(); // the running list of subwords

        Stack<StackEntry> stack = new Stack<StackEntry>(); // a stack of paths to traverse. This prevents the StackOverflowException.
        stack.push(new StackEntry(nodes[0], letters.toUpperCase().toCharArray(), "", 0));

        while (!stack.empty()) {
            StackEntry entry = stack.pop();
            int patternIndex = entry.patternIndex;
            char[] chars = entry.chars;

            int node = entry.node;
            char nodeValue = getChar(node);

            if (patternIndex < tokenCount) // match the pattern
                PatternToken patternToken = patternTokens.get(patternIndex);
                if (patternToken.required) {
                    StringBuilder nextSubwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(entry.subword.length() + 1)
                    List<Integer> nextWildcardPositions = entry.wildcardPositions;
                    switch (patternToken.letter) {
                    case '?': // the node value needs to be in the letters
                        if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, nodeValue))
                            chars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, nodeValue);
                        else if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, '?')) {
                            chars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, '?');
                            if (nextWildcardPositions == null)
                                nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(entry.wildcardPositions);
                        } else

                    case (char) -1:
                        if (canTerminate(node))
                            results.add(new Result(entry.subword, nextWildcardPositions));
                        if (nodeValue != patternToken.letter)
                        if (0 != nodeValue)

                    // if we just fulfilled the last token, see if the subword can terminate
                    if ((patternIndex == tokenCount) && canTerminate(node))
                        results.add(new Result(nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), nextWildcardPositions));

                    // lookahead to the next token and put a candidate on the stack
                    addCandidates(stack, patternTokens, patternIndex, node, chars, nextSubwordBuilder.toString(),
                } else // optional pattern match
                    if (node == nodes[0]) {
                        addCandidates(stack, patternTokens, patternIndex, node, chars, entry.subword,
                    } else if ('?' == patternToken.letter) {
                        // whether we match the pattern or not, it must be in the letters
                        List<Integer> nextWildcardPositions = entry.wildcardPositions;
                        StringBuilder nextSubwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(entry.subword.length() + 1)
                        char[] nextChars;

                        if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, nodeValue))
                            nextChars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, nodeValue);
                        else if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, '?')) {
                            nextChars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, '?');
                            if (nextWildcardPositions == null)
                                nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(entry.wildcardPositions);
                        } else

                        // match the pattern
                            int nextPatternIndex = patternIndex + 1;

                            // if we just fulfilled the last token, see if the subword can terminate
                            if ((nextPatternIndex == tokenCount) && canTerminate(node))
                                results.add(new Result(nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), nextWildcardPositions));

                            // lookahead to the next token and put a candidate on the stack
                            addCandidates(stack, patternTokens, nextPatternIndex, node, nextChars,
                                    nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), nextWildcardPositions);

                        // don't match the pattern
                        // lookahead to the next token and put a candidate on the stack
                        addCandidates(stack, patternTokens, patternIndex, node, nextChars,
                                nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), nextWildcardPositions);
                    } else {
                        StringBuilder nextSubwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(entry.subword.length() + 1)

                        // match the letters, not the pattern
                            List<Integer> nextWildcardPositions = entry.wildcardPositions;
                            char[] nextChars = null;
                            boolean found = true;

                            if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, nodeValue))
                                nextChars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, nodeValue);
                            else if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, '?')) {
                                nextChars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, '?');
                                if (nextWildcardPositions == null)
                                    nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                    nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(entry.wildcardPositions);
                            } else
                                found = false;

                            if (found)
                                // lookahead to the next token and put a candidate on the stack
                                addCandidates(stack, patternTokens, patternIndex, node, nextChars,
                                        nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), nextWildcardPositions);

                        // match the pattern, not the letters
                        if (nodeValue == patternToken.letter) {
                            int nextPatternIndex = patternIndex + 1;

                            // if we just fulfilled the last token, see if the subword can terminate
                            if ((nextPatternIndex == tokenCount) && canTerminate(node))
                                results.add(new Result(nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), entry.wildcardPositions));

                            // lookahead to the next token and put a candidate on the stack
                            addCandidates(stack, patternTokens, nextPatternIndex, node, chars,
                                    nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), entry.wildcardPositions);
            } else // no pattern to match
                StringBuilder nextSubwordBuilder = new StringBuilder(entry.subword.length() + 1)
                List<Integer> nextWildcardPositions = entry.wildcardPositions;
                char[] nextChars = entry.chars;

                if (node != nodes[0]) {
                    if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, nodeValue))
                        nextChars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, nodeValue);
                    else if (ArrayUtils.contains(chars, '?')) {
                        nextChars = ArrayUtils.removeElement(chars, '?');
                        if (nextWildcardPositions == null)
                            nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                            nextWildcardPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(entry.wildcardPositions);
                    } else

                    if (0 != nodeValue)

                    if (canTerminate(node))
                        results.add(new Result(nextSubwordBuilder.toString(), nextWildcardPositions));

                // find the next candidate from the letters
                addCandidatesFromLetters(stack, node, nextChars, nextSubwordBuilder.toString(),
                        nextWildcardPositions, patternIndex);
        return results.toArray(new Result[results.size()]);

    private ChildIterator childIterator(int parent) {
        return new ChildIterator(parent);

    private boolean lettersValid(String letters) {
        if ((null == letters) || (letters.length() < 2))
            return false;

        return LETTERS_REGEX.matcher(letters).matches();

    private boolean patternValid(String pattern) {
        return null == pattern || PATTERN_REGEX.matcher(pattern).matches();


    private List<PatternToken> processPattern(String pattern) {
        List<PatternToken> patternTokens = new ArrayList<PatternToken>();

        if ((null != pattern) && (pattern.length() != 0)) {
            /* The first character of a pattern can either be $, ?, or a letter.
               If it's $, we must match root.
               If it's ?, we have leading wildcard matching.  Count how many lead, then adjust the first letter token.
               If it's a letter, then we optionally match the letter.
               No matter what, all letters for the rest of the pattern are required in order.

            int length = pattern.length();
            char firstChar = pattern.charAt(0);

            if ('$' == firstChar)
                patternTokens.add(new PatternToken((char) 0, true)); // start of word. must match root
                patternTokens.add(new PatternToken(firstChar, false)); // add with the number of leading chars needed

            for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; ++i) // process everything but the last character, which might be terminator $
                patternTokens.add(new PatternToken(pattern.charAt(i), true));

            char lastChar = pattern.charAt(length - 1);
            if (length > 1) {
                if (('$' == lastChar))
                    patternTokens.add(new PatternToken((char) -1, true));
                    patternTokens.add(new PatternToken(lastChar, true));
        return patternTokens;

     * Finds the candidates for next node.
     * Note. The long parameter list is because we're trying to minimize allocations.  We could put the candidates in a 
     * collection and return that to be iterated and put on the stack.  That would shrink the parameter list.  Given how
     * often this function is called, that would generate lots of allocations.  In fact, this method originally did return
     * a collection of Nodes, and the Android Logcat showed exorbitant GC.  So now, we have a long parameter list (uglier
     * code), but significantly fewer allocations.
    private void addCandidates(Stack<StackEntry> stack, List<PatternToken> patternTokens, int patternIndex,
            int node, char[] letters, String subword, List<Integer> wildcardPositions) {
        if (patternIndex < patternTokens.size()) {
            PatternToken patternToken = patternTokens.get(patternIndex);
            if (patternToken.required) {
                switch (patternToken.letter) {
                case '?':
                    for (char letter : getUniqueLetters(letters)) {
                        if (ArrayUtils.contains(letters, '?'))
                            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = childIterator(node); iter.hasNext();)
                                stack.push(new StackEntry(, letters, subword, wildcardPositions,
                        else {
                            int candidate = findChild(node, letter);
                            if (-1 != candidate)
                                stack.push(new StackEntry(candidate, letters, subword, wildcardPositions,
                case (char) -1:
                    stack.push(new StackEntry(node, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex));
                    int candidate = findChild(node, patternToken.letter);
                    if (-1 != candidate)
                        stack.push(new StackEntry(candidate, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex));
            } else // since this token isn't required, all the children that are in the letters and the letter from the pattern
                if (patternToken.letter != '?') {
                    int candidate = findChild(node, patternToken.letter);
                    if (candidate != -1)
                        stack.push(new StackEntry(candidate, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex));

                addCandidatesFromLetters(stack, node, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex);
        } else
            addCandidatesFromLetters(stack, node, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex);

    private void addCandidatesFromLetters(Stack<StackEntry> stack, int node, char[] letters, String subword,
            List<Integer> wildcardPositions, int patternIndex) {
        if (ArrayUtils.contains(letters, '?')) // there's a wildcard, add all the children
            for (Iterator<Integer> iter = childIterator(node); iter.hasNext();)
                stack.push(new StackEntry(, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex));
        else // add the children that match a letter
            for (char letter : getUniqueLetters(letters)) {
                int candidate = findChild(node, letter);
                if (-1 != candidate)
                    stack.push(new StackEntry(candidate, letters, subword, wildcardPositions, patternIndex));

    private Set<Character> getUniqueLetters(char[] letters) {
        Set<Character> uniqueLetters = new HashSet<Character>();
        for (char letter : letters)

        return uniqueLetters;

    public class Result {
        public final String word;
        public int[] wildcardPositions = null;

        private Result(String word, List<Integer> wildcardPositions) {
            this.word = word;

            if (null != wildcardPositions) {
                int size = wildcardPositions.size();
                this.wildcardPositions = new int[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                    this.wildcardPositions[i] = wildcardPositions.get(i);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;

            Result other = (Result) obj;
            return word.equals(other.word);

        public int hashCode() {
            return word.hashCode();

    private class ChildIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {
        int childIndex;
        int child;

        private ChildIterator(int parent) {
            childIndex = getFirstChildIndex(parent);

        public boolean hasNext() {
            if (-1 == childIndex)
                return false;

            if (isLastChild(child))
                return false;

            return true;

        public Integer next() {
            if (!hasNext())
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            return (child = nodes[childIndex++]);

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You may not remove children from this structure");

    public static Set<String> extractWords(Result[] results) {
        Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Result result : results)

        return words;

    private Integer findChild(int node, char c) {
        for (Iterator<Integer> iter = childIterator(node); iter.hasNext();) {
            int child =;

            if (getChar(child) == c)
                return child;

        return -1;

    private static int getFirstChildIndex(int node) {
        return (node >> 10);

    private static boolean isLastChild(int node) {
        return (((node >> 9) & 0x1) == 1);

    private static boolean canTerminate(int node) {
        return (((node >> 8) & 0x1) == 1);

    private static char getChar(int node) {
        return (char) (node & 0xFF);

     * Used by subwords to figure out pattern matching.
    private class PatternToken {
        public PatternToken(char letter) {
            this.letter = letter;

        public PatternToken(char letter, boolean required) {
            this.letter = letter;
            this.required = required;

        public final char letter;
        public boolean required = false; // if the letter is not required, it's optional

     * Used by subwords to keep track of candidates.  StackOverflowException avoidance.
    private class StackEntry {
        public StackEntry(int node, char[] chars, String subword, int patternIndex) {
            this.node = node; // the current node to examine
            this.chars = chars.clone(); // the available letters for word building
            this.subword = subword; // the letter path so far
            this.patternIndex = patternIndex;

        public StackEntry(int node, char[] chars, String subword, List<Integer> wildcardPositions,
                int patternIndex) {
            this(node, chars, subword, patternIndex);
            this.wildcardPositions = wildcardPositions;

        public final int node;
        public final char[] chars;
        public final String subword;
        public List<Integer> wildcardPositions = null;
        public final int patternIndex;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Dawg dawg = Dawg.load(Dawg.class.getResourceAsStream("/twl06.dat"));

        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(;
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);

        StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();

        while (true) {
            System.out.print("letters:  ");
            String letters = reader.readLine();
            System.out.print("pattern:  ");
            String pattern = reader.readLine();

            Result[] results = dawg.subwords(letters.toUpperCase(), pattern.toUpperCase());

            if (results != null) {

                for (Result result : results) {
                    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(result.word);
                    if (result.wildcardPositions != null) {
                        message.append(" with wildcards at");
                        for (int position : result.wildcardPositions)
                            message.append(" ").append(position);

                System.out.println("Found " + results.length + " matches in " + stopWatch.getTime() + " ms.");
