Source code

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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.inmobi.databus.distcp;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import com.inmobi.databus.AbstractService;
import com.inmobi.databus.Cluster;
import com.inmobi.databus.DatabusConfig;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;

public abstract class DistcpBaseService extends AbstractService {

    private final Cluster srcCluster;
    private final Cluster destCluster;
    private final FileSystem srcFs;
    private final FileSystem destFs;
    protected static final int DISTCP_SUCCESS = DistCpConstants.SUCCESS;

    protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DistcpBaseService.class);

    public DistcpBaseService(DatabusConfig config, String name, Cluster srcCluster, Cluster destCluster)
            throws Exception {
        super(name + "_" + srcCluster.getName() + "_" + destCluster.getName(), config);
        this.srcCluster = srcCluster;
        this.destCluster = destCluster;
        srcFs = FileSystem.get(new URI(srcCluster.getHdfsUrl()), srcCluster.getHadoopConf());
        destFs = FileSystem.get(new URI(destCluster.getHdfsUrl()), destCluster.getHadoopConf());

    protected Cluster getSrcCluster() {
        return srcCluster;

    protected Cluster getDestCluster() {
        return destCluster;

    protected FileSystem getSrcFs() {
        return srcFs;

    protected FileSystem getDestFs() {
        return destFs;

     * Set Common or default DistCp options here.
     * @param inputPathListing
     * @param target
     * @return options instance

    protected DistCpOptions getDistCpOptions(Path inputPathListing, Path target) {
        DistCpOptions options = new DistCpOptions(inputPathListing, target);
        // If more command line options need to be passed to DistCP then, 
        // Create options instance using OptionParser.parse and set default options
        // on the returned instance.
        //with the arguments as sent in by the Derived Service
        return options;

    protected Boolean executeDistCp(DistCpOptions options) throws Exception {
        //Add Additional Default arguments to the array below which gets merged
        //with the arguments as sent in by the Derived Service
        Configuration conf = destCluster.getHadoopConf();
        DistCp distCp = new DistCp(conf, options);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Exception encountered ", e);
            throw e;
        return true;

    * @return remote Path from where this consumer can consume
    * eg: MergedStreamConsumerService - Path eg:
    * hdfs://remoteCluster/databus/system/consumers/<consumerName>
    * eg: MirrorStreamConsumerService - Path eg:
    * hdfs://remoteCluster/databus/system/mirrors/<consumerName>
    protected abstract Path getInputPath() throws IOException;

    protected String getCategoryFromFileName(String fileName) {
        LOG.debug("Splitting [" + fileName + "] on -");
        if (fileName != null && fileName.length() > 1 && fileName.contains("-")) {
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(fileName, "-");
            tokenizer.nextToken(); //skip collector name
            String catgeory = tokenizer.nextToken();
            return catgeory;
        return null;

    public long getMSecondsTillNextRun(long currentTime) {
        long runIntervalInSec = (DEFAULT_RUN_INTERVAL / 1000);
        Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
        calendar.setTime(new Date(currentTime));
        long currentSec = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        return (runIntervalInSec - currentSec) * 1000;

    protected void doFinalCommit(Map<Path, FileSystem> consumePaths) throws Exception {
        //commit distcp consume Path from remote cluster
        Set<Map.Entry<Path, FileSystem>> consumeEntries = consumePaths.entrySet();
        for (Map.Entry<Path, FileSystem> consumePathEntry : consumeEntries) {
            FileSystem fileSystem = consumePathEntry.getValue();
            Path consumePath = consumePathEntry.getKey();
            LOG.debug("Deleting/Commiting [" + consumePath + "]");


     * @param Map<Path, FileSystem> consumePaths - list of files which contain
     * fully qualified path of minute level files which have to be pulled
     * @param Path tmp - Temporary Location path on Cluster to where files have
     * to be pulled
     * @return
    protected Path getDistCPInputFile(Map<Path, FileSystem> consumePaths, Path tmp) throws IOException {
        Path input = getInputPath();
        if (!srcFs.exists(input))
            return null;
        //find all consumePaths which need to be pulled
        FileStatus[] fileList = srcFs.listStatus(input);
        if (fileList != null) {
            Set<String> minFilesSet = new HashSet<String>();
            /* inputPath could have multiple files due to backlog
            * read all and create a Input file for DISTCP with valid paths on
            * destinationCluster as an optimization so that distcp doesn't pull
            * this file remotely
            for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
                Path consumeFilePath = fileList[i].getPath().makeQualified(srcFs);
                /* put eachFile name in consumePaths
                * An example of data in consumePaths is
                * /databus/system/consumers/<cluster>/file1..and so on
                consumePaths.put(consumeFilePath, srcFs);

                LOG.debug("Reading minutePaths from ConsumePath [" + consumeFilePath + "]");
                //read all valid minute files path in each consumePath
                readConsumePath(srcFs, consumeFilePath, minFilesSet);
            Path tmpPath = createInputFileForDISCTP(destFs, srcCluster.getName(), tmp, minFilesSet);
            return getFinalPathForDistCP(tmpPath, consumePaths);

        return null;

     * read each consumePath and add only valid paths to minFilesSet
    private void readConsumePath(FileSystem fs, Path consumePath, Set<String> minFilesSet) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader reader = null;
        try {
            FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream =;
            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fsDataInputStream));
            String minFileName = null;
            do {
                minFileName = reader.readLine();
                if (minFileName != null) {
                    * To avoid data-loss in all services we publish the paths to
                    * consumers directory first before publishing on HDFS for
                    * finalConsumption. In a distributed transaction failure it's
                    * possible that some of these paths do not exist. Do isExistence
                    * check before adding them as DISTCP input otherwise DISTCP
                    * jobs can fail continously thereby blocking Merge/Mirror
                    * stream to run further
                    Path p = new Path(minFileName);
                    if (fs.exists(p)) {
              "Adding sourceFile [" + minFileName + "] to distcp " + "FinalList");
                    } else {
              "Skipping [" + minFileName + "] to pull as it's an " + "INVALID PATH");
            } while (minFileName != null);
        } finally {
            if (reader != null)

     * Helper function which returns the final path to be used as input forDistcp
     * Does cleanup of consumePaths at sourceCluster if they are INVALID
    private Path getFinalPathForDistCP(Path tmpPath, Map<Path, FileSystem> consumePaths) throws IOException {
        if (tmpPath != null) {
            LOG.warn("Source File For distCP [" + tmpPath + "]");
            consumePaths.put(tmpPath.makeQualified(destFs), destFs);
            return tmpPath.makeQualified(destFs);
        } else {
            * no valid paths to return.
            return null;

     * Helper method for getDistCPInputFile
     * if none of the paths are VALID then it does not create an empty file on
     * <clusterName> but returns a null
     * @param FileSystem - where to create file i.e. srcFs or destFs
     * @param String - sourceCluster from where we are pulling files from
     * @param Path - tmpLocation on sourceCluster
     * @param Set<String> - set of sourceFiles need to be pulled
    private Path createInputFileForDISCTP(FileSystem fs, String clusterName, Path tmp, Set<String> minFilesSet)
            throws IOException {
        if (minFilesSet.size() > 0) {
            Path tmpPath = null;
            FSDataOutputStream out = null;
            try {
                tmpPath = new Path(tmp, clusterName + new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString());
                out = fs.create(tmpPath);
                for (String minFile : minFilesSet) {
            } finally {
                if (out != null) {
            return tmpPath;
        } else
            return null;
