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 * Copyright 2012 J. Patrick Meyer
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.model;

import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.estimation.ItemParamPrior;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Samejima's graded response model.
 * TODO currently uses an array of m-1 step parameters for an item with m categories. Change to array of m steps when use this for estimation.
public class IrmGRM extends AbstractItemResponseModel {

    private double discrimination = 1.0;
    private double proposalDiscrimination = 1.0;
    private double discriminationStdError = 0.0;
    private double D = 1.7;
    private double[] step;
    private double[] proposalStep;
    private double[] stepStdError;

    private ItemParamPrior discriminationPrior = null;
    private ItemParamPrior[] stepPrior = null;

     * Default constructor
     * @param discrimination item discrimination parameter
     * @param step an array of m-1 step parameters for an m category item
     * @param D a scaling constant that is either 1.0, 1.7, or 1.712.
    public IrmGRM(double discrimination, double[] step, double D) {
        this.discrimination = discrimination;
        this.step = step;
        this.stepStdError = new double[step.length];
        this.D = D;
        maxCategory = step.length;
        ncat = maxCategory + 1;

    public double cumulativeProbability(double theta, double[] iparam, int category, double D) {
        if (category > maxCategory || category < minCategory)
            return 0;
        if (category == minCategory)
            return 1.0;

        double a = iparam[0];
        double[] s = Arrays.copyOfRange(iparam, 1, iparam.length);

        double Zk = D * a * (theta - s[category - 1]);
        double expZk = Math.exp(Zk);
        double prob = expZk / (1 + expZk);

        return prob;

     * Compute cumulative probability of scoring at or above category.
     * @param theta examinee proficiency
     * @param category response category
     * @return
    public double cumulativeProbability(double theta, int category) {
        if (category > maxCategory || category < minCategory)
            return 0;
        if (category == minCategory)
            return 1.0;

        double Zk = D * discrimination * (theta - step[category - 1]);
        double expZk = Math.exp(Zk);
        double prob = expZk / (1 + expZk);

        return prob;

    public double probability(double theta, double[] iparam, int response, double D) {
        if (response == minCategory)
            return 1.0 - cumulativeProbability(theta, iparam, response + 1, D);
        if (response == maxCategory)
            return cumulativeProbability(theta, iparam, response, D);
        double prob1 = cumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1);
        double prob = cumulativeProbability(theta, response);
        return prob - prob1;

     * Computes probability of a response using parameters stored in the object.
     * This method returns the category probability, not the cumulative probability.
     * @param theta
     * @param response
     * @return
    public double probability(double theta, int response) {
        if (response == minCategory)
            return 1.0 - cumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1);
        if (response == maxCategory)
            return cumulativeProbability(theta, response);
        double prob1 = cumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1);
        double prob = cumulativeProbability(theta, response);
        return prob - prob1;

    public double expectedValue(double theta) {
        double ev = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ncat; i++) {
            ev += scoreWeight[i] * probability(theta, i);
        return ev;

    public double[] nonZeroPrior(double[] param) {
        double[] p = Arrays.copyOf(param, param.length);
        if (discriminationPrior != null)
            p[0] = discriminationPrior.nearestNonZero(param[0]);
        for (int k = 1; k < param.length; k++) {
            if (stepPrior[k - 1] != null)
                p[k] = stepPrior[k - 1].nearestNonZero(param[k]);
        return p;

    public void setDiscriminationPrior(ItemParamPrior prior) {
        discriminationPrior = prior;

    public void setStepPriorAt(ItemParamPrior prior, int k) {
        stepPrior[k] = prior;

    public void setDifficultyPrior(ItemParamPrior difficultyPrior) {


    public void setGuessingPrior(ItemParamPrior guessingPrior) {


    public void setSlippingPrior(ItemParamPrior slippingPrior) {


    public double[] gradient(double theta, double[] iparam, int k, double D) {
        //empty method
        return null;

    public double[] gradient(double theta, int k) {
        //empty method
        return null;

    public double addPriorsToLogLikelihood(double ll, double[] iparam) {
        return ll;

    public double[] addPriorsToLogLikelihoodGradient(double[] loglikegrad, double[] iparam) {
        //empty method
        return loglikegrad;

    public void setScoreWeights(double[] scoreWeight) throws DimensionMismatchException {
        if (scoreWeight.length != step.length)
            throw new DimensionMismatchException(scoreWeight.length, step.length);
        this.scoreWeight = scoreWeight;

     * Partial derivative wrt Theta. This calculation is required for IRT true score equating.
     * @param theta person proficiency value at which derivative is calculated
     * @return first partial derivative
    public double derivTheta(double theta) {
        double deriv = 0.0;
        for (int k = 0; k < ncat; k++) {
            deriv += scoreWeight[k] * derivCalc(theta, k);
        return deriv;

     * Support function for derivTheta(). Translated from Equating Recipes C++ library
     * by Kolen and Brennan. C++ function PdLGRoverTheta() written by Seonghoon Kim on
     * 09/05/08. For original C++ library, see
     * @param theta person proficiency at which derivative is calculated
     * @param resp response category.
     * @return
    private double derivCalc(double theta, int resp) {
        double cp_jk = 0;
        double cp_jk1 = 0;

        if (resp == 0) {
            cp_jk = 1.0;
            cp_jk1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-D * discrimination * (theta - step[resp])));
        } else {
            if (resp < (ncat - 1)) {
                cp_jk = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-D * discrimination * (theta - step[resp - 1])));
                cp_jk1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-D * discrimination * (theta - step[resp])));
            } else { /* CatId == CatNum */
                cp_jk = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-D * discrimination * (theta - step[resp - 1])));
                cp_jk1 = 0.0;
        return (D * discrimination * (cp_jk * (1.0 - cp_jk) - cp_jk1 * (1.0 - cp_jk1)));

    public void incrementMeanSigma(Mean mean, StandardDeviation sd) {
        for (int i = 0; i < maxCategory; i++) {


    public void incrementMeanMean(Mean meanDiscrimination, Mean meanDifficulty) {
        for (int i = 0; i < maxCategory; i++) {


    public void scale(double intercept, double slope) {
        discrimination /= slope;
        discriminationStdError *= slope;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxCategory; i++) {
            step[i] = step[i] * slope + intercept;
            stepStdError[i] = stepStdError[i] * slope;

    public int getNumberOfParameters() {
        return step.length + 1;

    public int getNumberOfEstimatedParameters() {
        if (isFixed)
            return 0;
        return step.length + 1;

     * From Ostini and Nering but needs checking. May need to incorporate score function.
     * @param theta
     * @return
    public double itemInformationAt(double theta) {
        double dSum = 0.0;
        double top = 0.0;
        double bot = 0.0;
        for (int k = 0; k < ncat; k++) {
            top = Math.pow(derivCalc(theta, k), 2);
            bot = probability(theta, k);
            dSum += top / bot;
        return dSum;

    private double tStarCumulativeProbability(double theta, int category, double intercept, double slope) {
        if (category > maxCategory || category < minCategory)
            return 0;
        if (category == minCategory)
            return 1.0;

        double a = discrimination / slope;
        double b = step[category - 1] * slope + intercept;

        double Zk = D * a * (theta - b);
        double expZk = Math.exp(Zk);
        double prob = expZk / (1 + expZk);

        return prob;

     * Returns the probability of a response with a linear transformatin of the parameters.
     * This transformation is such that Form X (New Form) is transformed to the scale of Form Y
     * (Old Form). It implements the backwards (New to Old) transformation as described in Kim
     * and Kolen.
     * @param theta examinee proficiency parameter
     * @param response item response
     * @param intercept intercept coefficient of linear transformation
     * @param slope slope (i.e. scale) parameter of the linear transformation
     * @return probability of a response at values of linearly transformed item parameters
    public double tStarProbability(double theta, int response, double intercept, double slope) {
        if (response == minCategory)
            return 1.0 - tStarCumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1, intercept, slope);
        if (response == maxCategory)
            return tStarCumulativeProbability(theta, response, intercept, slope);
        double prob1 = tStarCumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1, intercept, slope);
        double prob = tStarCumulativeProbability(theta, response, intercept, slope);
        return prob - prob1;

     * computes the expected value using parameters stored in the object
     * @param theta
     * @return
    public double tStarExpectedValue(double theta, double intercept, double slope) {
        double ev = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < ncat; i++) {
            ev += scoreWeight[i] * tStarProbability(theta, i, intercept, slope);
        return ev;

    private double tSharpCumulativeProbability(double theta, int category, double intercept, double slope) {
        if (category > maxCategory || category < minCategory)
            return 0;
        if (category == minCategory)
            return 1.0;

        double a = discrimination * slope;
        double b = (step[category - 1] - intercept) / slope;

        double Zk = D * a * (theta - b);
        double expZk = Math.exp(Zk);
        double prob = expZk / (1 + expZk);

        return prob;

    public double tSharpProbability(double theta, int response, double intercept, double slope) {
        if (response == minCategory)
            return 1.0 - tSharpCumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1, intercept, slope);
        if (response == maxCategory)
            return tSharpCumulativeProbability(theta, response, intercept, slope);
        double prob1 = tSharpCumulativeProbability(theta, response + 1, intercept, slope);
        double prob = tSharpCumulativeProbability(theta, response, intercept, slope);
        return prob - prob1;

    public double tSharpExpectedValue(double theta, double intercept, double slope) {
        double ev = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < ncat; i++) {
            ev += scoreWeight[i] * tSharpProbability(theta, i, intercept, slope);
        return ev;

    public String toString() {
        String s = "[" + getDiscrimination();
        double[] sp = getStepParameters();
        for (int i = 0; i < sp.length; i++) {
            s += ", " + sp[i];
        s += "]";
        return s;

    public IrmType getType() {
        return IrmType.GRM;

    public double getScalingConstant() {
        return D;

    // GETTER AND SETTER METHODS MAINLY FOR USE WHEN ESTIMATING PARAMETERS                                                 //

    public double[] getItemParameterArray() {
        double[] ip = new double[getNumberOfParameters()];
        ip[0] = discrimination;
        for (int k = 0; k < ncatM1; k++) {
            ip[k + 1] = step[k];
        return ip;

    public void setStandardErrors(double[] x) {
        discriminationStdError = x[0];
        for (int k = 0; k < ncat - 1; k++) {
            stepStdError[k] = x[k + 1];

    public double getDifficulty() {
        return 0.0;

    public void setDifficulty(double difficulty) {


    public double getProposalDifficulty() {
        return 0.0;

    public void setProposalDifficulty(double difficulty) {


    public double getDifficultyStdError() {
        return Double.NaN;

    public void setDifficultyStdError(double stdError) {


    public double getDiscrimination() {
        return discrimination;

    public void setDiscrimination(double discrimination) {
        this.discrimination = discrimination;

    public void setProposalDiscrimination(double discrimination) {
        this.proposalDiscrimination = discrimination;

    public double getDiscriminationStdError() {
        return discriminationStdError;

    public void setDiscriminationStdError(double stdError) {
        discriminationStdError = stdError;

    public double getGuessing() {
        return 0;

    public void setGuessing(double guessing) {


    public void setProposalGuessing(double guessing) {


    public double getGuessingStdError() {
        return Double.NaN;

    public void setGuessingStdError(double stdError) {


    public void setSlipping(double slipping) {


    public void setProposalSlipping(double slipping) {


    public void setSlippingStdError(double slipping) {


    public double getSlipping() {
        return Double.NaN;

    public double getSlippingStdError() {
        return Double.NaN;

    public double[] getStepParameters() {
        return step;

    public void setStepParameters(double[] step) {
        this.step = step;

    public void setProposalStepParameters(double[] step) {
        this.proposalStep = step;

    public double[] getStepStdError() {
        return stepStdError;

    public void setStepStdError(double[] stdError) {
        stepStdError = stdError;

    public double[] getThresholdParameters() {
        return step;

    public void setThresholdParameters(double[] thresholds) {


    public void setProposalThresholds(double[] thresholds) {


    public double[] getThresholdStdError() {
        double[] sp = new double[ncat];
        for (int k = 0; k < ncat; k++) {
            sp[k] = Double.NaN;
        return sp;

    public void setThresholdStdError(double[] stdError) {


    public double acceptAllProposalValues() {
        double max = 0;
        if (!isFixed) {
            double delta = Math.abs(this.discrimination - proposalDiscrimination);
            if (proposalDiscrimination >= 1)
                delta /= proposalDiscrimination;
            max = Math.max(max, delta);
            this.discrimination = this.proposalDiscrimination;

            for (int m = 0; m < ncat; m++) {
                delta = Math.abs(this.step[m] - proposalStep[m]);
                if (proposalStep[m] >= 1)
                    delta /= proposalStep[m];
                max = Math.max(max, delta);
            this.step = this.proposalStep;
        return max;

    // END GETTER AND SETTER METHODS                                                                                       //
