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 * Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
package com.joyent.manta.client;

import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.joyent.manta.client.crypto.ExternalSecurityProviderLoader;
import com.joyent.manta.config.AuthAwareConfigContext;
import com.joyent.manta.config.ConfigContext;
import com.joyent.manta.config.DefaultsConfigContext;
import com.joyent.manta.config.MantaClientMetricConfiguration;
import com.joyent.manta.config.MetricReporterMode;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaClientException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaClientHttpResponseException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaErrorCode;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaIOException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaJobException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaNoHttpResponseException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.OnCloseAggregateException;
import com.joyent.manta.http.ContentTypeLookup;
import com.joyent.manta.http.EncryptionHttpHelper;
import com.joyent.manta.http.HttpHelper;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaApacheHttpClientContext;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaConnectionFactory;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaConnectionFactoryConfigurator;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaContentTypes;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaHttpHeaders;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaHttpRequestFactory;
import com.joyent.manta.http.StandardHttpHelper;
import com.joyent.manta.http.entity.ExposedByteArrayEntity;
import com.joyent.manta.http.entity.ExposedStringEntity;
import com.joyent.manta.util.ConcurrentWeakIdentityHashMap;
import com.joyent.manta.util.MantaUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAmount;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import static com.joyent.manta.util.MantaUtils.formatPath;

 * Manta client object that allows for doing CRUD operations against the Manta HTTP
 * API. Using this client you can retrieve implementations of {@link MantaObject}.
 * @author <a href="">Yunong Xiao</a>
 * @author <a href="">Elijah Zupancic</a>
public class MantaClient implements AutoCloseable {

     * Directory separator used in Manta.
    public static final String SEPARATOR = "/";

     * The static logger instance.
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MantaClient.class);

     * HTTP metadata headers that violate the Manta API contract.
    private static final String[] ILLEGAL_METADATA_HEADERS = new String[] { HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH,
            "Content-MD5", "Durability-Level" };

     * Maximum number of results to return for a directory listing.
    private static final int MAX_RESULTS = 1024;

     * Unique identifier for this client instance.
    private final UUID clientId;

     * Flag indicating if the client instance has been closed.
    private volatile boolean closed = false;

     * The instance of the http helper class used to simplify creating requests.
    private final HttpHelper httpHelper;

     * Library configuration context reference which can load derived authentication state.
    private final AuthAwareConfigContext config;

     * Collection of all of the {@link AutoCloseable} objects that will need to be
     * closed when MantaClient is closed.
    private final Set<AutoCloseable> danglingStreams = (Collections
            .newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentWeakIdentityHashMap<>()));

     * ForkJoinPool used specifically for find() operations because we want
     * to make sure that the number of concurrent threads will not exceed
     * the maximum number of available connections.
    private final ForkJoinPool findForkJoinPool;

     * Reporting agent used when metrics and JMX are enabled.
    private final MantaClientAgent agent;

    /* We preform some sanity checks against the JVM in order to determine if
     * we can actually run on the platform. */
    static {
        LOG.debug("Preferred Security Provider: {}", ExternalSecurityProviderLoader.getPreferredProvider());

     * Creates a new instance of a Manta client.
     * @param config The configuration context that provides all of the configuration values.
    public MantaClient(final ConfigContext config) {
        this(config, null);

     * Creates a new instance of the Manta client based on user-provided connection objects. This allows for a higher
     * degree of customization at the cost of more involvement from the consumer.
     * Users opting into advanced configuration (i.e. not passing {@code null} as the second parameter)
     * should be comfortable with the internals of {@link CloseableHttpClient} and accept that we can only make a
     * best effort to support all possible use-cases. For example, users may pass in a builder which is wired to a
     * {@link org.apache.http.impl.conn.BasicHttpClientConnectionManager} and effectively make the client
     * single-threaded by eliminating the connection pool. Bug or feature? You decide!
     * @param config The configuration context that provides all of the configuration values
     * @param connectionFactoryConfigurator pre-configured objects for use with a MantaConnectionFactory (or null)
    public MantaClient(final ConfigContext config,
            final MantaConnectionFactoryConfigurator connectionFactoryConfigurator) {
        this(config, connectionFactoryConfigurator, null, null);

     * Creates a new instance of the Manta client based on user-provided connection objects. This allows for a higher
     * degree of customization at the cost of more involvement from the consumer.
     * Users opting into advanced configuration (i.e. not passing {@code null} as the second parameter)
     * should be comfortable with the internals of {@link CloseableHttpClient} and accept that we can only make a
     * best effort to support all possible use-cases. For example, users may pass in a builder which is wired to a
     * {@link org.apache.http.impl.conn.BasicHttpClientConnectionManager} and effectively make the client
     * single-threaded by eliminating the connection pool. Bug or feature? You decide!
     * @param config The configuration context that provides all of the configuration values
     * @param connectionFactoryConfigurator pre-configured objects for use with a MantaConnectionFactory (or null)
     * @param metricConfiguration the metrics registry and configuration, or null to prepare one from the general config
    public MantaClient(final ConfigContext config,
            final MantaConnectionFactoryConfigurator connectionFactoryConfigurator,
            final MantaClientMetricConfiguration metricConfiguration) {
        this(config, connectionFactoryConfigurator, null, metricConfiguration);

     * Creates a new instance of the Manta client based on user-provided connection objects. This allows for a higher
     * degree of customization at the cost of more involvement from the consumer.
     * Users opting into advanced configuration (i.e. not passing {@code null} as the second parameter)
     * should be comfortable with the internals of {@link CloseableHttpClient} and accept that we can only make a
     * best effort to support all possible use-cases. For example, users may pass in a builder which is wired to a
     * {@link org.apache.http.impl.conn.BasicHttpClientConnectionManager} and effectively make the client
     * single-threaded by eliminating the connection pool. Bug or feature? You decide!
     * @param config The configuration context that provides all of the configuration values
     * @param connectionFactoryConfigurator pre-configured objects for use with a MantaConnectionFactory (or null)
     * @param httpHelper helper object for executing http requests (or null to build one ourselves)
     * @param metricConfiguration the metrics registry and configuration, or null to prepare one from the general config
    MantaClient(final ConfigContext config, final MantaConnectionFactoryConfigurator connectionFactoryConfigurator,
            final HttpHelper httpHelper, final MantaClientMetricConfiguration metricConfiguration) {


        this.clientId = UUID.randomUUID();

        if (config instanceof AuthAwareConfigContext) {
            this.config = (AuthAwareConfigContext) config;
        } else {
            this.config = new AuthAwareConfigContext(config);

        final boolean metricsEnabled = this.config.getMetricReporterMode() != null
                && !this.config.getMetricReporterMode().equals(MetricReporterMode.DISABLED);

        final MantaClientMetricConfiguration metricConfig;
        if (metricConfiguration != null) {
            metricConfig = metricConfiguration;
        } else if (metricsEnabled) {
            metricConfig = new MantaClientMetricConfiguration(this.clientId, new MetricRegistry(),
                    config.getMetricReporterMode(), config.getMetricReporterOutputInterval());
        } else {
            metricConfig = null;

        final MantaConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new MantaConnectionFactory(config,
                connectionFactoryConfigurator, metricConfig);

        final MantaApacheHttpClientContext connectionContext = new MantaApacheHttpClientContext(connectionFactory,

        final MantaHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new MantaHttpRequestFactory(this.config);

        if (httpHelper != null) {
            this.httpHelper = httpHelper;
        } else if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(this.config.isClientEncryptionEnabled())) {
            this.httpHelper = new EncryptionHttpHelper(connectionContext, requestFactory, config);
        } else {
            this.httpHelper = new StandardHttpHelper(connectionContext, requestFactory,
                    ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(config.verifyUploads(), DefaultsConfigContext.DEFAULT_VERIFY_UPLOADS),

        if (metricConfig != null) {
            this.agent = new MantaClientAgent(metricConfig);
        } else {
            this.agent = null;

        this.findForkJoinPool = FindForkJoinPoolFactory.getInstance(config);

    /* ======================================================================
     * Constructor Helpers
     * ====================================================================== */

     * Dumps the configuration that is used to load a {@link MantaClient} if
     * the Java system property manta.dumpConfig is set.
     * @param context Configuration context object to dump
    private static void dumpConfig(final ConfigContext context) {
        if (context == null) {
            System.out.println("Configuration Context was null");

        String dumpConfigVal = System.getProperty("manta.dumpConfig");
        if (dumpConfigVal != null && MantaUtils.parseBooleanOrNull(dumpConfigVal)) {

      * Method that returns the configuration context used by the MantaClient instance.
      * @return instance of the configuration context (not necessarily the one passed in)
    public ConfigContext getContext() {
        return this.config;

     * Flag indicating if the client is closed or is in the process of being
     * closed.
     * @return true if closed
    public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

    /* ======================================================================
     * Object Access
     * ====================================================================== */

     * Deletes an object from Manta.
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the Manta object.
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a HTTP status code other than {@code 200 | 202 | 204} is encountered
    public void delete(final String rawPath) throws IOException {
        this.delete(rawPath, null);

     * Deletes an object from Manta, with optional headers.
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the Manta object.
     * @param requestHeaders HTTP headers to attach to request (may be null)
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a HTTP status code other than {@code 200 | 202 | 204} is encountered
    public void delete(final String rawPath, final MantaHttpHeaders requestHeaders) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");

        String path = formatPath(rawPath);
        LOG.debug("DELETE {}", path);

        httpHelper.httpDelete(path, requestHeaders);

     * Recursively deletes an object in Manta.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the Manta object.
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public void deleteRecursive(final String path) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("DELETE {} [recursive]", path);

        /* We repetitively run the find() -> delete() stream operation and check
         * the diretory targeted for deletion by attempting to delete it this
         * deals with unpredictable directory contents changes that are a result
         * or concurrent modifications to the contents of the directory path to
         * be deleted. */
        int loops = 0;

        /* We record the number of request timeouts where we were unable to get
         * a HTTP connection from the pool in order to provide feedback to the
         * consumer of the SDK so that they can better tune their settings.*/
        final AtomicInteger responseTimeouts = new AtomicInteger(0);

        while (true) {

            /* Initially, we delete only the file objects returned from the
             * stream because we don't care what order they are in. */
            Stream<MantaObject> toDelete = find(path).map(obj -> {
                if (obj.isDirectory()) {
                    return obj;

                try {
                } catch (MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
                    if (!e.getServerCode().equals(MantaErrorCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)) {
                        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
                    /* This exception can be thrown if the parallelism value
                     * isn't tuned for the findForkJoinPool in relation to
                     * the amount of bandwidth available. Essentially, the
                     * processing thread is waiting too long for a new
                     * connection from the pool. If this is thrown too often,
                     * the maximum number of connections can be increased,
                     * the ConnectionRequestTimeout can be increased, or
                     * the fork join pool parallelism value can be
                     * decreased.
                     * Below we cope with this problem, by skipping the
                     * deletion of the object and letting it
                     * get deleted later in the loop when there is less
                     * contention on the connection pool.
                } catch (ConnectionPoolTimeoutException e) {
                    LOG.debug("{} for deleting object {}", e.getMessage(), obj.getPath());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

                obj.getHttpHeaders().put("deleted", true);

                return obj;
                    /* We then sort the directories (and remaining files) with
                     * the deepest paths in the filesystem hierarchy first, so
                     * that we can delete subdirectories and files before
                     * the parent directories.*/

            /* We go through every remaining directory and file attempt to
             * delete it even though that operation may not be immediately
             * successful. */
            toDelete.forEachOrdered(obj -> {
                for (int i = 0; i < config.getRetries(); i++) {
                    try {
                        /* Don't bother deleting the file if it was marked as
                         * deleted from the map step. */
                        if (obj.getHttpHeaders().containsKey("deleted")) {

                        /* If a file snuck in, we will delete it here. Typically
                         * this should be an empty directory. */

                        LOG.trace("Finished deleting path {}", obj.getPath());

                    } catch (MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
                        // If the directory has already gone, we are good to go
                        if (e.getServerCode().equals(MantaErrorCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)) {

                        /* If we get a directory not empty error we try again
                         * hoping that the next iteration will clean up any
                         * remaining files. */
                        if (e.getServerCode().equals(MantaErrorCode.DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR)) {

                        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
                    } catch (ConnectionPoolTimeoutException e) {
                        LOG.debug("{} for deleting object {}", e.getMessage(), obj.getPath());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

            /* For each iteration of this loop, we attempt to delete the parent
             * path. If all subdirectories and files have been deleted, then
             * this operation will succeed.
            try {
            } catch (MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
                // Somehow our current path has been deleted, so our work is done
                if (e.getServerCode().equals(MantaErrorCode.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR)) {
                } else if (e.getServerCode().equals(MantaErrorCode.DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR)) {

                MantaIOException mioe = new MantaIOException("Unable to delete path", e);
                mioe.setContextValue("path", path);

                throw mioe;
            } catch (ConnectionPoolTimeoutException e) {
                LOG.debug("{} for deleting root object {}", e.getMessage(), path);

        LOG.debug("Finished deleting path {}. It took {} loops to delete recursively", path, loops);

        if (responseTimeouts.get() > 0) {
  "Request timeouts were hit [%d] times when attempting to delete "
                    + "recursively. You may want to adjust the Manta SDK request "
                    + "timeout config setting, the Manta SDK maximum connections "
                    + "setting, or the Java system property "
                    + "[java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism].");

     * Get the metadata for a Manta object. The difference with this method vs head() is
     * that the request being made against the Manta API is done via a GET.
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return The {@link MantaObjectResponse}.
     * @throws IOException                                     If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException                If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public MantaObjectResponse get(final String rawPath) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");

        String path = formatPath(rawPath);
        final HttpResponse response = httpHelper.httpGet(path);
        final MantaHttpHeaders headers = new MantaHttpHeaders(response.getAllHeaders());
        return new MantaObjectResponse(path, headers);

     * <p>Get a Manta object's data as an {@link InputStream}. This method allows you to
     * stream data from the Manta storage service in a memory efficient manner to your
     * application.</p>
     * <p><strong>It is your responsibility to close this stream. Otherwise, you
     * may end up with resource leaks.</strong></p>
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param requestHeaders optional HTTP headers to include when getting an object
     * @return {@link InputStream} that extends {@link MantaObjectResponse}.
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public MantaObjectInputStream getAsInputStream(final String rawPath, final MantaHttpHeaders requestHeaders)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");

        final String path = formatPath(rawPath);
        final HttpGet get = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(path);
        final MantaObjectInputStream stream = httpHelper.httpRequestAsInputStream(get, requestHeaders);


        return stream;

     * @see #getAsInputStream(String, MantaHttpHeaders)
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param requestHeaders optional HTTP headers to include when getting an object
     * @param startPosition see {@link MantaHttpHeaders#setByteRange(Long, Long)}
     * @param endPosition see {@link MantaHttpHeaders#setByteRange(Long, Long)}
     * @return {@link InputStream} that extends {@link MantaObjectResponse}.
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public MantaObjectInputStream getAsInputStream(final String rawPath, final MantaHttpHeaders requestHeaders,
            final Long startPosition, final Long endPosition) throws IOException {
        if (requestHeaders.getRange() != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ambiguous request, requestHeaders already has a Range");
        requestHeaders.setByteRange(startPosition, endPosition);
        return getAsInputStream(rawPath, requestHeaders);

     * Get a Manta object's data as an {@link InputStream}. This method allows you to
     * stream data from the Manta storage service in a memory efficient manner to your
     * application.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return {@link InputStream} that extends {@link MantaObjectResponse}.
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public MantaObjectInputStream getAsInputStream(final String path) throws IOException {
        return getAsInputStream(path, null);

     * Get a Manta object's data as a {@link String} using the JVM's default encoding.
     * This method is not memory efficient, by loading the data into a String you are
     * loading all of the Object's data into memory.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return String containing the entire Manta object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public String getAsString(final String path) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream is = getAsInputStream(path)) {
            return IOUtils.toString(is, Charset.defaultCharset());

     * Get a Manta object's data as a {@link String} using the specified encoding.
     * This method is not memory efficient, by loading the data into a String you are
     * loading all of the Object's data into memory.
     * @param path        The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param charsetName The encoding type used to convert bytes from the
     *                    stream into characters to be scanned
     * @return String containing the entire Manta object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public String getAsString(final String path, final String charsetName) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream is = getAsInputStream(path)) {
            return IOUtils.toString(is, charsetName);

     * Get a Manta object's data as a {@link String} using the specified encoding.
     * This method is not memory efficient, by loading the data into a String you are
     * loading all of the Object's data into memory.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param charset The encoding type used to convert bytes from the
     *                stream into characters to be scanned
     * @return String containing the entire Manta object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public String getAsString(final String path, final Charset charset) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream is = getAsInputStream(path)) {
            return IOUtils.toString(is, charset);

     * Copies Manta object's data to a temporary file on the file system and return
     * a reference to the file using a NIO {@link Path}. This method is memory
     * efficient because it uses streams to do the copy.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return reference to the temporary file as a {@link Path} object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public Path getToTempPath(final String path) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream is = getAsInputStream(path)) {
            final Path temp = Files.createTempFile("manta-object", "tmp");

            Files.copy(is, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);

            return temp;

     * Copies Manta object's data to a temporary file on the file system and return
     * a reference to the file using a {@link File}. This method is memory
     * efficient because it uses streams to do the copy.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return reference to the temporary file as a {@link File} object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public File getToTempFile(final String path) throws IOException {
        return getToTempPath(path).toFile();

     * Get a Manta object's data as an NIO {@link java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel}.
     * This method allows you to stream data from the Manta storage service in a
     * memory efficient manner to your application. Unlike an {@link InputStream},
     * this will allow you to stream data by moving between arbitrary position in
     * the Manta object data.
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param position The starting position (in number of bytes) to read from
     * @return seekable stream of object data
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public MantaSeekableByteChannel getSeekableByteChannel(final String rawPath, final long position)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "Path must not be blank");
        String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        return new MantaSeekableByteChannel(path, position, httpHelper);

     * Get a Manta object's data as an NIO {@link java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel}.
     * This method allows you to stream data from the Manta storage service in
     * a memory efficient manner to your application. Unlike an {@link InputStream},
     * this will allow you to stream data by moving between arbitrary position
     * in the Manta object data.
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return seekable stream of object data
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem getting the object over the network
    public MantaSeekableByteChannel getSeekableByteChannel(final String rawPath) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "Path must not be blank");
        String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        return new MantaSeekableByteChannel(path, httpHelper);

     * <p>Generates a URL that allows for the download of the resource specified
     * in the path without any additional authentication.</p>
     * <p>This could be useful for when you want to generate links that expire
     * after N seconds to give to external users for temporary download
     * access.</p>
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param method the String GET or the string HEAD. This is the HTTP verb
     *               that will be used when requesting this resource
     * @param expiresIn time from now on when resource expires
     * @return a signed URL that allows for downloading a resource
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem generating the URL
    public URI getAsSignedURI(final String path, final String method, final TemporalAmount expiresIn)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(expiresIn, "expires in duration must not be null");
        final Instant expires =;
        return getAsSignedURI(path, method, expires);

     * <p>Generates a URL that allows for the download of the resource specified
     * in the path without any additional authentication.</p>
     * <p>This could be useful for when you want to generate links that expire
     * after N seconds to give to external users for temporary download
     * access.</p>
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param method the String GET or the string HEAD. This is the HTTP verb
     *               that will be used when requesting this resource
     * @param expires time when resource expires and become unavailable
     * @return a signed URL that allows for downloading a resource
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem generating the URL
    public URI getAsSignedURI(final String path, final String method, final Instant expires) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(expires, "Expires setting must not be null");

        return getAsSignedURI(path, method, expires.getEpochSecond());

     * <p>Generates a URL that allows for the download of the resource specified
     * in the path without any additional authentication.</p>
     * <p>This could be useful for when you want to generate links that expire
     * after N seconds to give to external users for temporary download
     * access.</p>
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param method the String GET or the string HEAD. This is the HTTP verb
     *               that will be used when requesting this resource
     * @param expiresEpochSeconds time when resource expires and become unavailable in epoch seconds
     * @return a signed URL that allows for downloading a resource
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem generating the URL
    public URI getAsSignedURI(final String path, final String method, final long expiresEpochSeconds)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(path, "Path must be not be blank");

        final String fullPath = String.format("%s%s", config.getMantaURL(), formatPath(path));
        final URI request = URI.create(fullPath);
        final UriSigner uriSigner = new UriSigner(config);

        return uriSigner.signURI(request, method, expiresEpochSeconds);

     * Get the metadata associated with a Manta object.
     * @param rawPath The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return The {@link MantaObjectResponse}.
     * @throws IOException                                     If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException                If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public MantaObjectResponse head(final String rawPath) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "Path must not be empty nor null");

        String path = formatPath(rawPath);
        final HttpResponse response = httpHelper.httpHead(path);
        final MantaHttpHeaders headers = new MantaHttpHeaders(response.getAllHeaders());
        return new MantaObjectResponse(path, headers);

     * Return a stream of the contents of a directory in Manta as an {@link Iterator}.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the directory.
     * @return A {@link Iterator} of {@link MantaObjectResponse} listing the contents of the directory.
    public MantaDirectoryListingIterator streamingIterator(final String path) {
        return streamingIterator(path, MAX_RESULTS);

     * Return a stream of the contents of a directory in Manta as an {@link Iterator}.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the directory.
     * @param pagingSize size of result set requested against the Manta API (2-1024)
     * @return A {@link Iterator} of {@link MantaObjectResponse} listing the contents of the directory.
    public MantaDirectoryListingIterator streamingIterator(final String path, final int pagingSize) {
        MantaDirectoryListingIterator itr = new MantaDirectoryListingIterator(path, httpHelper, pagingSize);
        return itr;

     * Return a stream of the contents of a directory in Manta.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the directory.
     * @return A {@link Stream} of {@link MantaObjectResponse} listing the contents of the directory.
     * @throws IOException thrown when there is a problem getting the listing over the network
    public Stream<MantaObject> listObjects(final String path) throws IOException {
        final MantaDirectoryListingIterator itr = streamingIterator(path);

        /* We preemptively check the iterator for a next value because that will
         * trigger an error if the path doesn't exist or is otherwise inaccessible.
         * This error typically takes the form of an UncheckedIOException, so we
         * unwind that exception if the cause is a MantaClientHttpResponseException
         * and rethrow another MantaClientHttpResponseException, so that the
         * stacktrace will point to this running method.
        try {
            if (!itr.hasNext()) {
                return Stream.empty();
        } catch (UncheckedIOException e) {
            if (e.getCause() instanceof MantaClientHttpResponseException) {
                throw e.getCause();
            } else {
                throw e;

        final int additionalCharacteristics = Spliterator.CONCURRENT | Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL
                | Spliterator.DISTINCT;

        Stream<Map<String, Object>> backingStream = StreamSupport
                .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(itr, additionalCharacteristics), false);

        Stream<MantaObject> stream =;


        return stream;

     * <p>Finds all directories and files recursively under a given path. Since
     * this method returns a {@link Stream}, consumers can add their own
     * additional filtering based on path, object type or other criteria.</p>
     * <p>This method will make each request to each subdirectory in parallel.
     * Parallelism settings are set by JDK system property:
     * <code>java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism</code></p>
     * <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> this method is not atomic and thereby not
     * safe if other operations are performed on the directory structure while
     * it is running.</p>
     * @param path directory path
     * @return A recursive unsorted {@link Stream} of {@link MantaObject}
     *         instances representing the contents of all subdirectories.
    public Stream<MantaObject> find(final String path) {
        return find(path, null);

     * <p>Finds all directories and files recursively under a given path. Since
     * this method returns a {@link Stream}, consumers can add their own
     * additional filtering based on path, object type or other criteria.</p>
     * <p>This method will make each request to each subdirectory in parallel.
     * Parallelism settings are set by JDK system property:
     * <code>java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism</code></p>
     * <p>When using a filter with this method, if the filter matches a directory,
     * then all subdirectory results for that directory will be excluded. If you
     * want to perform a match against all results, then use {@link #find(String)}
     * and then filter on the stream returned.</p>
     * <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> this method is not atomic and thereby not
     * safe if other operations are performed on the directory structure while
     * it is running.</p>
     * @param path directory path
     * @param filter predicate class used to filter all results returned
     * @return A recursive unsorted {@link Stream} of {@link MantaObject}
     *         instances representing the contents of all subdirectories.
    public Stream<MantaObject> find(final String path, final Predicate<? super MantaObject> filter) {
        /* We read directly from the iterator here to reduce the total stack
         * frames and to reduce the amount of abstraction to a minimum.
         * Within this loop, we store all of the objects found in memory so
         * that we can later query find() methods for the directory objects
         * in parallel. */
        final Stream.Builder<MantaObject> objectBuilder = Stream.builder();
        final Stream.Builder<MantaObject> dirBuilder = Stream.builder();

        try (MantaDirectoryListingIterator itr = streamingIterator(path)) {
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                final Map<String, Object> item =;
                final MantaObject obj = MantaObjectConversionFunction.INSTANCE.apply(item);

                /* We take a predicate as a method parameter because it allows
                 * us to filter at the highest level within this iterator. If
                 * we just passed the stream as is back to the user, then
                 * they would have to filter the results *after* all of the
                 * HTTP requests were made. This way the filter can help limit
                 * the total number of HTTP requests made to Manta. */
                if (filter == null || filter.test(obj)) {

                    if (obj.isDirectory()) {

        /* All objects within this directory should be included in the results,
         * so we have a stream stored here that will later be concatenated. */
        final Stream<MantaObject> objectStream =;

        /* Directories are processed in parallel because it is the only unit
         * within our abstractions that can be properly done in parallel.
         * MantaDirectoryListingIterator forces all paging of directory
         * listings to be sequential requests. However, it works fine to
         * run multiple MantaDirectoryListingIterator instances per request.
         * That is exactly what we are doing here using streams which is
         * allowing us to do the recursive calls in a lazy fashion.
         * From a HTTP request perspective, this means that only the listing for
         * this current highly directory is performed and no other listing
         * will be performed until the stream is read.
        try {
            final Stream<MantaObject> dirStream = findForkJoinPool
                    .submit(() -> -> find(obj.getPath(), filter))).get();

            /* Due to the way we concatenate the results will be quite out of order
             * if a consumer needs sorted results that is their responsibility. */
            final Stream<MantaObject> stream = Stream.concat(objectStream, dirStream);


            return stream;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return Stream.empty();
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw new MantaException(e.getCause());

     * Return a boolean indicating if a directory is empty.
     * @param path directory path
     * @return true if directory is empty, otherwise false
     * @throws IOException thrown when we are unable to list the directory over the network
    public boolean isDirectoryEmpty(final String path) throws IOException {
        final MantaObject object = this.head(path);

        if (!object.isDirectory()) {
            MantaClientException e = new MantaClientException("The requested object was not a directory");
            e.setContextValue("path", path);
            throw e;

        Long size = object.getHttpHeaders().getResultSetSize();

        if (size == null) {
            MantaClientException e = new MantaClientException(
                    "Expected result-set-size header to be non-null but it was not" + " part of the response");
            e.setContextValue("path", path);
            throw e;

        return size == 0;

     * Convenience method that issues a HTTP HEAD request to see if a given
     * object exists at the specified path.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return true if Manta returns a 2xx status code and false if Manta returns
     *         any error status code or if there was a connection problem (IOException)
    public boolean existsAndIsAccessible(final String path) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Puts an object into Manta.
     * @param path    The path to the Manta object.
     * @param source  {@link InputStream} to copy object data from
     * @param headers optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException                                     If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException                If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final InputStream source, final MantaHttpHeaders headers)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, source, headers, null);

     * Puts an object into Manta.
     * @param path     The path to the Manta object.
     * @param source   {@link InputStream} to copy object data from
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException                                     If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException                If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final InputStream source, final MantaMetadata metadata)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, source, null, metadata);

     * Puts an object into Manta using a stream with an unknown length. Since
     * we don't know the length,
     * @param path     The path to the Manta object.
     * @param source   {@link InputStream} to copy object data from
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final InputStream source, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        return put(path, source, -1L, headers, metadata);

     * Puts an object into Manta.
     * @param rawPath The path to the Manta object.
     * @param source {@link InputStream} to copy object data from
     * @param contentLength the total length of the stream (-1 if unknown)
     * @param headers optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String rawPath, final InputStream source, final long contentLength,
            final MantaHttpHeaders headers, final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");
        Validate.notNull(source, "Input stream must not be null");
        final String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        final ContentType contentType = ContentTypeLookup.findOrDefaultContentType(headers,

        final int preLoadSize = config.getUploadBufferSize();
        final HttpEntity entity;

        /* We don't know how big the stream is, so we read N bytes from it and
         * see if it ends. If it ended, then we just convert that buffer into
         * an entity and pass it. If it didn't end, then we create new stream
         * that concatenates the bytes read with the source stream.
         * Unfortunately, this will put us in a chunked transfer encoding and
         * it will affect performance. */
        if (contentLength < 0) {
            // If our stream is a FileInputStream, then we can pull the size off of it
            if (source.getClass().equals(FileInputStream.class)) {
                FileInputStream fsin = (FileInputStream) source;
                entity = new InputStreamEntity(fsin, fsin.getChannel().size(), contentType);
            } else {
                byte[] preLoad = new byte[preLoadSize];
                int read =, preLoad);

                // The total amount of bytes read was less than the preload size,
                // so we can just return a in-memory non-streaming entity
                if (read < preLoadSize) {
                    entity = new ExposedByteArrayEntity(preLoad, 0, read, contentType);
                } else {
                    ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(preLoad);
                    SequenceInputStream sin = new SequenceInputStream(bin, source);

                    entity = new InputStreamEntity(sin, contentType);

            /* We know how big the stream is, so we can decide if it is within our
             * preload threshold and load it into memory or if it isn't within the
             * threshold, we can pass it on as a streamed entity in non-chunked mode. */
        } else {
            if (contentLength <= preLoadSize && contentLength <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                byte[] preLoad = new byte[(int) contentLength];
      , preLoad);
                entity = new ExposedByteArrayEntity(preLoad, contentType);
            } else {
                entity = new InputStreamEntity(source, contentLength, contentType);

        return httpHelper.httpPut(path, headers, entity, metadata);

     * Copies the supplied {@link InputStream} to a remote Manta object at the
     * specified path.
     * @param path   The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param source the {@link InputStream} to copy data from
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final InputStream source) throws IOException {
        return put(path, source, null, null);

     * Copies the supplied {@link String} to a remote Manta object at the specified
     * path using the default JVM character encoding as a binary representation.
     * @param path    The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param string  string to copy
     * @param headers optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final String string, final MantaHttpHeaders headers)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, string, headers, null);

     * Copies the supplied {@link String} to a remote Manta object at the specified
     * path using the default JVM character encoding as a binary representation.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param string   string to copy
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final String string, final MantaMetadata metadata)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, string, null, metadata);

     * Creates an OutputStream that wraps a PUT request to Manta. Try to avoid using this
     * to add data to Manta because it requires an additional thread to be started in order
     * to upload using an {@link}. Additionally, if you do not close()
     * the stream, the data will not be uploaded.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @return A OutputStream that allows for directly uploading to Manta
    public MantaObjectOutputStream putAsOutputStream(final String path) {
        return putAsOutputStream(path, null, null);

     * Creates an OutputStream that wraps a PUT request to Manta. Try to avoid using this
     * to add data to Manta because it requires an additional thread to be started in order
     * to upload using an {@link}. Additionally, if you do not close()
     * the stream, the data will not be uploaded.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return A OutputStream that allows for directly uploading to Manta
    public MantaObjectOutputStream putAsOutputStream(final String path, final MantaHttpHeaders headers) {
        return putAsOutputStream(path, headers, null);

     * Creates an OutputStream that wraps a PUT request to Manta. Try to avoid using this
     * to add data to Manta because it requires an additional thread to be started in order
     * to upload using an {@link}. Additionally, if you do not close()
     * the stream, the data will not be uploaded.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return A OutputStream that allows for directly uploading to Manta
    public MantaObjectOutputStream putAsOutputStream(final String path, final MantaMetadata metadata) {
        return putAsOutputStream(path, null, metadata);

     * Creates an OutputStream that wraps a PUT request to Manta. Try to avoid using this
     * to add data to Manta because it requires an additional thread to be started in order
     * to upload using an {@link}. Additionally, if you do not close()
     * the stream, the data will not be uploaded.
     * @param rawPath     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return A OutputStream that allows for directly uploading to Manta
    public MantaObjectOutputStream putAsOutputStream(final String rawPath, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");
        final String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        final ContentType contentType = ContentTypeLookup.findOrDefaultContentType(headers, path,

        MantaObjectOutputStream stream = new MantaObjectOutputStream(path, httpHelper, headers, metadata,


        return stream;

     * Copies the supplied {@link String} to a remote Manta object at the specified
     * path using the default JVM character encoding as a binary representation.
     * @param rawPath     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param string   string to copy
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String rawPath, final String string, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "Path must not be blank");
        Validate.notNull(string, "String content must not be null");

        String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        final ContentType contentType = ContentTypeLookup.findOrDefaultContentType(headers,

        /* We remove the content-type from the headers, because
         * it will be automatically from the string specific entity.
         * This operation is specific to ExposedStringEntity instances or
         * org.apache.http.entity.String entity objects and not other
         * entity objects because strings by their very nature need to
         * have a character set specified in order to convert them
         * to a binary representation.
         * Adding it twice can confuse our contract. */
        if (headers != null) {

        final HttpEntity entity;

        if (string == null) {
            entity = null;
        } else {
            entity = new ExposedStringEntity(string, contentType);

        return httpHelper.httpPut(path, headers, entity, metadata);

     * Copies the supplied {@link String} to a remote Manta object at the specified
     * path using the default JVM character encoding as a binary representation.
     * @param path   The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param string string to copy
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final String string) throws IOException {
        return put(path, string, Charset.defaultCharset());

     * Copies the supplied {@link String} to a remote Manta object at the specified
     * path using supplied charset name.
     * @param path   The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param string string to copy
     * @param charsetName character set to encode string as
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final String string, final String charsetName)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, string, Charset.forName(charsetName));

     * Copies the supplied {@link String} to a remote Manta object at the specified
     * path using the supplied {@link Charset}.
     * @param path   The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param string string to copy
     * @param charset character set to encode string as
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final String string, final Charset charset)
            throws IOException {
        ContentType contentType = ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.withCharset(charset);
        MantaHttpHeaders headers = new MantaHttpHeaders();

        return put(path, string, headers, null);

     * Copies the supplied {@link File} to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param file     file to upload
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final File file) throws IOException {
        return put(path, file, null, null);

     * Copies the supplied {@link File} to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param file     file to upload
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final File file, final MantaHttpHeaders headers)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, file, headers, null);

     * Copies the supplied {@link File} to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param file     file to upload
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final File file, final MantaMetadata metadata)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, file, null, metadata);

     * Copies the supplied {@link File} to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param rawPath     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param file     file to upload
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String rawPath, final File file, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");
        Validate.notNull(file, "File must not be null");
        final String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        if (!file.exists()) {
            String msg = String.format("File doesn't exist: %s", file.getPath());
            throw new FileNotFoundException(msg);

        if (!file.canRead()) {
            String msg = String.format("Can't access file for read: %s", file.getPath());
            throw new IOException(msg);

        final ContentType contentType = ContentTypeLookup.findOrDefaultContentType(headers, path, file,

        final HttpEntity entity = new FileEntity(file, contentType);

        return httpHelper.httpPut(path, headers, entity, metadata);

     * Copies the supplied byte array to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param bytes    byte array to upload
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
        return put(path, bytes, null, null);

     * Copies the supplied byte array to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param bytes    byte array to upload
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final byte[] bytes, final MantaMetadata metadata)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, bytes, null, metadata);

     * Copies the supplied byte array to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param bytes    byte array to upload
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String path, final byte[] bytes, final MantaHttpHeaders headers)
            throws IOException {
        return put(path, bytes, headers, null);

     * Copies the supplied byte array to a remote Manta object at the specified path.
     * @param rawPath     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param bytes    byte array to upload
     * @param headers  optional HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @param metadata optional user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the object over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse put(final String rawPath, final byte[] bytes, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");
        Validate.notNull(bytes, "Byte array must not be null");
        final String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        final ContentType contentType = ContentTypeLookup.findOrDefaultContentType(headers, path,

        final HttpEntity entity = new ExposedByteArrayEntity(bytes, contentType);

        return httpHelper.httpPut(path, headers, entity, metadata);

     * Appends the specified metadata to an existing Manta object.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param metadata user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the metadata over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse putMetadata(final String path, final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        final MantaHttpHeaders headers = new MantaHttpHeaders(metadata);
        return putMetadata(path, headers, metadata);

     * Appends metadata derived from HTTP headers to an existing Manta object.
     * @param path     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param headers  HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the metadata over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse putMetadata(final String path, final MantaHttpHeaders headers) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(headers, "Headers must not be null");

        final MantaMetadata metadata = new MantaMetadata(headers.metadataAsStrings());
        return putMetadata(path, headers, metadata);

     * Replaces the specified metadata to an existing Manta object using the
     * specified HTTP headers.
     * @param rawPath     The fully qualified path of the object. i.e. /user/stor/foo/bar/baz
     * @param headers  HTTP headers to include when copying the object
     * @param metadata user-supplied metadata for object
     * @return Manta response object
     * @throws IOException when there is a problem sending the metadata over the network
    public MantaObjectResponse putMetadata(final String rawPath, final MantaHttpHeaders headers,
            final MantaMetadata metadata) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");
        Validate.notNull(headers, "Headers must not be null");
        Validate.notNull(metadata, "Metadata must not be null");

        for (String header : ILLEGAL_METADATA_HEADERS) {
            if (headers.containsKey(header)) {
                String msg = String.format("Critical header [%s] can't be changed", header);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        String path = formatPath(rawPath);
        return httpHelper.httpPutMetadata(path, headers, metadata);

     * Creates a directory in Manta.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the Manta directory.
     * @return true when directory was created
     * @throws IOException                                     If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException                If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public boolean putDirectory(final String path) throws IOException {
        return putDirectory(path, null);

     * Creates a directory in Manta.
     * @param rawPath    The fully qualified path of the Manta directory.
     * @param rawHeaders Optional {@link MantaHttpHeaders}. Consult the Manta api for more header information.
     * @return true when directory was created
     * @throws IOException                                     If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException                If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public boolean putDirectory(final String rawPath, final MantaHttpHeaders rawHeaders) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "PUT directory path must not be empty nor null");

        String path = formatPath(rawPath);

        LOG.debug("PUT    {} [directory]", path);

        final HttpPut put = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().put(path);

        final MantaHttpHeaders headers;

        if (rawHeaders == null) {
            headers = new MantaHttpHeaders();
        } else {
            headers = rawHeaders;

        MantaHttpRequestFactory.addHeaders(put, headers.asApacheHttpHeaders());

        put.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MantaContentTypes.DIRECTORY_LIST.getContentType());

        HttpResponse response = httpHelper.executeAndCloseRequest(put, HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT,
                "PUT    {} response [{}] {} ");

        // When LastModified is set, the directory already exists
        return response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED) == null;

     * Creates a directory in Manta.
     * @param path The fully qualified path of the Manta directory.
     * @param recursive recursive create all of the directories specified in the path
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public void putDirectory(final String path, final boolean recursive) throws IOException {
        putDirectory(path, recursive, null);

     * Creates a directory in Manta.
     * @param rawPath   The fully qualified path of the Manta directory.
     * @param recursive recursive create all of the directories specified in the path
     * @param headers   Optional {@link MantaHttpHeaders}. Consult the Manta api for more header information.
     * @throws IOException                      If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public void putDirectory(final String rawPath, final boolean recursive, final MantaHttpHeaders headers)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawPath, "rawPath must not be blank");

        if (!recursive) {
            putDirectory(rawPath, headers);

        final Integer skipDepth = config.getSkipDirectoryDepth();
        final RecursiveDirectoryCreationStrategy directoryCreationStrategy;
        if (skipDepth != null && 0 < skipDepth) {
            RecursiveDirectoryCreationStrategy.createWithSkipDepth(this, rawPath, headers, skipDepth);
        } else {
            RecursiveDirectoryCreationStrategy.createCompletely(this, rawPath, headers);

     * Create a Manta snaplink.
     * @param rawLinkPath The fully qualified path of the new snaplink.
     * @param rawObjectPath The fully qualified path of the object to link against.
     * @param headers Optional {@link MantaHttpHeaders}. Consult the Manta api for more header information.
     * @throws IOException If an IO exception has occurred.
     * @throws MantaClientHttpResponseException If a http status code {@literal > 300} is returned.
    public void putSnapLink(final String rawLinkPath, final String rawObjectPath, final MantaHttpHeaders headers)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(rawLinkPath, "rawLinkPath must not be blank");
        Validate.notBlank(rawObjectPath, "rawObjectPath must not be blank");
        final String linkPath = formatPath(rawLinkPath);
        final String objectPath = formatPath(rawObjectPath);

        LOG.debug("PUT    {} -> {} [snaplink]", objectPath, linkPath);
        final HttpPut put = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().put(linkPath);

        if (headers != null) {
            MantaHttpRequestFactory.addHeaders(put, headers.asApacheHttpHeaders());

        put.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MantaContentTypes.SNAPLINK.getContentType());
        put.setHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, objectPath);

        httpHelper.executeAndCloseRequest(put, HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT, "PUT    {} -> {} response [{}] {} ",
                objectPath, linkPath);

     * <p>Moves an object from one path to another path. When moving
     * directories or files between different directories, this operation is
     * not transactional and may fail or produce inconsistent result if
     * the source or the destination is modified while the operation is
     * in progress.</p>
     * <p><em>Note: If you need to do a rename, then use
     * {@link #putSnapLink(String, String, MantaHttpHeaders)}</em></p>
     * @param source Original path to move from
     * @param destination Destination path to move to
     * @throws IOException thrown when something goes wrong
    public void move(final String source, final String destination) throws IOException {
        move(source, destination, false);

     * <p>Moves an object from one path to another path. When moving
     * directories or files between different directories, this operation is
     * not transactional and may fail or produce inconsistent result if
     * the source or the destination is modified while the operation is
     * in progress.</p>
     * <p><em>Note: If you need to do a rename, then use
     * {@link #putSnapLink(String, String, MantaHttpHeaders)}</em></p>
     * @param source Original path to move from
     * @param destination Destination path to move to
     * @param recursivelyCreateDestinationDirectories when true create the full destination directory path
     * @throws IOException thrown when something goes wrong
    public void move(final String source, final String destination,
            final boolean recursivelyCreateDestinationDirectories) throws IOException {
        Validate.notBlank(source, "Source path must not be empty nor null");
        Validate.notBlank(destination, "Destination path must not be empty nor null");

        LOG.debug("Moving [{}] to [{}]", source, destination);

        MantaObjectResponse entry = head(source);

        if (entry.isDirectory()) {
            moveDirectory(source, destination, entry);
        } else {
            moveFile(source, destination, recursivelyCreateDestinationDirectories);

     * Moves a file from one path to another path. When moving
     * files between different directories, this operation is
     * not transactional and may fail or produce inconsistent result if
     * the source or the destination is modified while the operation is
     * in progress.
     * @param source Original path to move from
     * @param destination Destination path to move to
     * @param recursivelyCreateDestinationDirectories when true create the full destination directory path
     * @throws IOException thrown when something goes wrong
    private void moveFile(final String source, final String destination,
            final boolean recursivelyCreateDestinationDirectories) throws IOException {
        final String formattedDestination = formatPath(destination);
        final String destinationDir = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(formattedDestination);

        if (recursivelyCreateDestinationDirectories && !existsAndIsAccessible(destinationDir)) {
            putDirectory(destinationDir, true);

        putSnapLink(destination, source, null);

     * Moves a directory from one path to another path. This operation is not
     * transactional and may fail or produce inconsistent result if the source
     * or the destination is modified while the operation is in progress.
     * @param source Original path to move from
     * @param destination Destination path to move to
     * @param entry Directory supplemental data object
     * @throws IOException thrown when something goes wrong
    private void moveDirectory(final String source, final String destination, final MantaObjectResponse entry)
            throws IOException {
        putDirectory(destination, true);
        MantaHttpHeaders sourceHeaders = entry.getHttpHeaders();
        Long contentsCount = sourceHeaders.getResultSetSize();

        // If we were just copying an empty directory, we just create the
        // new directory and delete the original
        if (contentsCount != null && contentsCount == 0L) {

        MantaObjectResponse destDir = head(destination);
        String destDirPath = destDir.getPath();
        String sourceDirPath = entry.getPath();

        listObjects(source).forEach(mantaObject -> {
            try {
                String sourcePath = mantaObject.getPath();
                String relPath = sourcePath.substring(sourceDirPath.length());
                String destFullPath = destDirPath + SEPARATOR + relPath;

                if (mantaObject.isDirectory()) {
                    move(mantaObject.getPath(), destFullPath);
                } else {
                    putSnapLink(destFullPath, sourcePath, null);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);


    /* ======================================================================
     * Job Methods
     * ====================================================================== */

     * Submits a new job to be executed. This call is not idempotent, so calling
     * it twice will create two jobs.
     * @param job Object populated with details about the request job
     * @return id of the newly created job
     * @throws IOException thrown when there are problems creating the job over the network
    public UUID createJob(final MantaJob job) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(job, "Manta job must not be null");

        String path = formatPath(String.format("%s/jobs", config.getMantaHomeDirectory()));
        ObjectMapper mapper = MantaObjectMapper.INSTANCE;
        byte[] json = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(job);

        HttpEntity entity = new ExposedByteArrayEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);

        HttpPost post = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().post(path);

        Function<CloseableHttpResponse, UUID> jobIdFunction = response -> {
            final String location = response.getFirstHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION).getValue();
            String id = MantaUtils.lastItemInPath(location);
            return UUID.fromString(id);

        /* This endpoint has a propensity for failing to respond, so we retry on
         * failure. */

        final int retries;

        if (config.getRetries() == null) {
            retries = DefaultsConfigContext.DEFAULT_HTTP_RETRIES;
        } else {
            retries = config.getRetries();

        IOException lastException = new IOException("Never thrown. Report me as a bug.");

        // if retries are set to zero, we always execute at least once
        for (int count = 0; count < retries || count == 0; count++) {
            try {
                return httpHelper.executeAndCloseRequest(post, jobIdFunction, "POST   {} response [{}] {} ", path);
            } catch (NoHttpResponseException | MantaNoHttpResponseException e) {
                lastException = e;
                LOG.warn("Error posting createJob. Retrying.", e);

        throw lastException;

     * Submits inputs to an already created job, as created by createJob().
     * Inputs are object names, and are fed in as a \n separated stream.
     * Inputs will be processed as they are received.
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @param inputs iterator of paths to Manta objects to be added as inputs
     * @throws IOException thrown when we are unable to add inputs over the network
    public void addJobInputs(final UUID jobId, final Iterator<String> inputs) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(inputs, "Inputs must not be null");

        ContentType contentType = ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.withCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        HttpEntity entity = new StringIteratorHttpContent(inputs, contentType);

        addJobInputs(jobId, entity);

     * Submits inputs to an already created job, as created by createJob().
     * Inputs are object names, and are fed in as a \n separated stream.
     * Inputs will be processed as they are received.
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @param inputs stream of paths to Manta objects to be added as inputs
     * @throws IOException thrown when we are unable to add inputs over the network
    public void addJobInputs(final UUID jobId, final Stream<String> inputs) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(inputs, "Inputs must not be null");

        ContentType contentType = ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.withCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        HttpEntity entity = new StringIteratorHttpContent(inputs, contentType);

        addJobInputs(jobId, entity);

     * Submits inputs to an already created job, as created by createJob().
     * Inputs are object names, and are fed in as a \n separated stream.
     * Inputs will be processed as they are received.
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @param entity Http entity to use for collecting streaming content
     * @throws IOException thrown when we are unable to add inputs over the network
    private void addJobInputs(final UUID jobId, final HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Manta job id must not be null");
        processJobInputs(jobId, entity);

     * Utility method for processing the addition of job inputs over HTTP.
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @param entity content object containing input objects
     * @throws IOException thrown when we are unable to add inputs over the network
    protected void processJobInputs(final UUID jobId, final HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {

        String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/in", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        HttpPost post = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().post(path);
        post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING, "chunked");

        httpHelper.executeAndCloseRequest(post, "POST   {} response [{}] {} ");

     * <p>Get a stream of all of the input objects submitted for a job.</p>
     * <p><strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong></p>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return Stream of input objects associated with a job
     * @throws IOException thrown when there is a problem getting objects over the network
    public Stream<String> getJobInputs(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Manta job id must not be null");
        String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/in", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        HttpGet get = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(path);
        HttpResponse response = httpHelper.executeRequest(get, "GET    {} response [{}] {} ");
        return responseAsStream(response);

     * Submits inputs to an already created job, as created by CreateJob.
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return true when Manta has accepted the ending input
     * @throws IOException thrown when there is a problem ending input over the network
    public boolean endJobInput(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Manta job id must not be null");
        String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/in/end", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        HttpResponse response = httpHelper.httpPost(path);
        StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();

        // We expect a return value of 202 when the cancel request was accepted
        return statusLine.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED;

     * <p>This cancels a job from doing any further work. Cancellation is
     * asynchronous and "best effort"; there is no guarantee the job will
     * actually stop. For example, short jobs where input is already
     * closed will likely still run to completion. This is however useful
     * when:</p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>input is still open</li>
     * <li>you have a long-running job</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return true when Manta has accepted the cancel request
     * @throws IOException thrown when we have a problem canceling over the network
    public boolean cancelJob(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Manta job id must not be null");
        String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/cancel", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        HttpResponse response = httpHelper.httpPost(path);
        StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();

        // We expect a return value of 202 when the cancel request was accepted
        return statusLine.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED;

     * Gets the high-level job container object for a given id.
     * First, attempts to get the live status object and if it can't be
     * retrieved, then we get the archived status object.
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return Object representing the properties of the job or null if not found
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get the job over the network
    public MantaJob getJob(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Manta job id must not be null");
        final String livePath = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/status", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        final CloseableHttpClient client = httpHelper.getConnectionContext().getHttpClient();
        final HttpUriRequest initialRequest = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(livePath);
        MantaJob job;
        HttpEntity entity;

        CloseableHttpResponse lastResponse = null;

        try (CloseableHttpResponse initialResponse = client.execute(initialRequest)) {
            lastResponse = initialResponse;
            final StatusLine statusLine = initialResponse.getStatusLine();

            // If we can't get the live status of the job, we try to get the archived
            // status of the job just like the CLI mjob utility.
            if (statusLine.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                final String archivePath = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/job.json", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(),

                final HttpUriRequest archiveRequest = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(archivePath);

                // We close the request that was previously opened, because it
                // didn't have what we need.

                CloseableHttpResponse archiveResponse = client.execute(archiveRequest);
                lastResponse = archiveResponse;
                final StatusLine archiveStatusLine = archiveResponse.getStatusLine();

                // Job wasn't available via live status nor archive
                if (archiveStatusLine.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                    String msg = "No record for job in Manta";
                    MantaJobException e = new MantaJobException(jobId, msg);
                    HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, archiveRequest, archiveResponse);
                    throw e;
                    // There was an undefined problem with pulling the job from the archive
                } else if (archiveStatusLine.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                    String msg = "Unable to get job data from archive";
                    MantaIOException ioe = new MantaIOException(msg);
                    HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(ioe, archiveRequest, archiveResponse);
                    ioe.setContextValue("jobId", Objects.toString(jobId));
                    throw ioe;
                    // The job was pulled without problems from the archive
                } else {
                    entity = archiveResponse.getEntity();

                // There was an undefined problem with pulling the job from the live status
            } else if (statusLine.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                String msg = "Unable to get job data from live status";
                MantaIOException ioe = new MantaIOException(msg);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(ioe, initialRequest, initialResponse);
                ioe.setContextValue("jobId", Objects.toString(jobId));
                throw ioe;
                // The job was pulled without problems from the live status
            } else {
                entity = initialResponse.getEntity();

            try (InputStream in = entity.getContent()) {
                job = MantaObjectMapper.INSTANCE.readValue(in, MantaJob.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Unable to deserialize job data";
                MantaIOException ioe = new MantaIOException(msg, e);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(ioe, initialRequest, initialResponse);
                ioe.setContextValue("jobId", Objects.toString(jobId));
                throw ioe;
            // We sweep up any uncaught io exceptions and wrap them with details
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (e instanceof MantaIOException) {
                throw e;

            String msg = "Unable to get job data";
            MantaIOException ioe = new MantaIOException(msg, e);
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(ioe, initialRequest, lastResponse);
            ioe.setContextValue("jobId", Objects.toString(jobId));
            throw ioe;
            // Likewise we sweep up any uncaught runtime exceptions and wrap them
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if (e instanceof MantaException) {
                throw e;

            String msg = "Unexpected error when getting job data";
            MantaJobException je = new MantaJobException(jobId, msg, e);
            HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(je, initialRequest, lastResponse);
            throw je;
        } finally {
            if (lastResponse != null) {

        Validate.notNull(job, "Job returned must not be null");
        return job;

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs as a real-time {@link Stream} from
     * the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @return a stream with all of the jobs
    public Stream<MantaJob> getAllJobs() {
        return getAllJobIds().map(id -> {
            Validate.notNull(id, "Job ids must not be null");

            try {
                return getJob(id);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Error processing job object stream";
                MantaJobException jobException = new MantaJobException(id, msg, e);
                jobException.setContextValue("failedJobId", Objects.toString(id));
                throw jobException;

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs as a real-time {@link Stream} that matches
     * the supplied name from the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream
     * when you are done with otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param limit the maximum number of jobs to list 0-1024
     * @return a stream with the amount of jobs as specified in the limit parameter
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<MantaJob> getAllJobs(final int limit) throws IOException {
        if (limit < 0 || limit > MAX_RESULTS) {
            String msg = String.format("%d is invalid: must be between [1, %d]", limit, MAX_RESULTS);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        return getAllJobs("limit", String.valueOf(limit));

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs as a real-time {@link Stream} that match
     * the supplied job state from the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream
     * when you are done with otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param state Manta job state
     * @return a stream with all of the jobs (actually all that Manta will give us)
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<MantaJob> getJobsByState(final String state) throws IOException {
        return getAllJobs("state", state);

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs as a real-time {@link Stream} that match
     * the supplied name from the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream
     * when you are done with otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param name job name to search for
     * @return a stream with all of the jobs (actually all that Manta will give us)
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<MantaJob> getJobsByName(final String name) throws IOException {
        return getAllJobs("name", name);

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs as a real-time {@link Stream} from
     * the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param filterName filter name to filter request by (if none, default to null)
     * @param filter filter value to filter request by (if none, default to null)
     * @return a stream with all of the jobs (actually all that Manta will give us)
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<MantaJob> getAllJobs(final String filterName, final String filter) throws IOException {

        return getAllJobIds(filterName, filter).map(id -> {
            if (id == null) {
                return null;

            try {
                return getJob(id);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Error filtering job object stream";
                MantaJobException jobException = new MantaJobException(id, msg, e);

                jobException.setContextValue("filterName", filterName);
                jobException.setContextValue("filter", filter);

                throw jobException;

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs' IDs as a real-time {@link Stream} from
     * the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @return a stream with all of the job IDs (actually all that Manta will give us)
    public Stream<UUID> getAllJobIds() {
        final String path = String.format("%s/jobs", config.getMantaHomeDirectory());

        final MantaDirectoryListingIterator itr = new MantaDirectoryListingIterator(path, httpHelper, MAX_RESULTS);


        Stream<Map<String, Object>> backingStream = StreamSupport
                .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(itr, Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);

        return -> {
            final String id = Objects.toString(item.get("name"));
            return UUID.fromString(id);

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs' IDs as a real-time {@link Stream} from
     * the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param limit the maximum number of job ids to list 0-1024
     * @return a stream with the amount of jobs as specified in the limit parameter
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<UUID> getAllJobIds(final int limit) throws IOException {
        if (limit < 0 || limit > MAX_RESULTS) {
            String msg = String.format("%d is invalid: must be between [1, %d]", limit, MAX_RESULTS);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        return getAllJobIds("limit", String.valueOf(limit));

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs' IDs as a real-time {@link Stream} that match
     * the supplied job state from the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream
     * when you are done with otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param state Manta job state
     * @return a stream with all of the job IDs (actually all that Manta will give us)
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<UUID> getJobIdsByState(final String state) throws IOException {
        return getAllJobIds("state", state);

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs' IDs as a real-time {@link Stream} that matches
     * the supplied name from the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream
     * when you are done with otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param name job name to search for
     * @return a stream with all of the job IDs (actually all that Manta will give us)
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    public Stream<UUID> getJobIdsByName(final String name) throws IOException {
        return getAllJobIds("name", name);

     * Gets all of the Manta jobs' IDs as a real-time {@link Stream} from
     * the Manta API. <strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong>
     * @param filterName filter name to filter request by (if none, default to null)
     * @param filter filter value to filter request by (if none, default to null)
     * @return a stream with all of the job IDs (actually all that Manta will give us)
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of jobs over the network
    private Stream<UUID> getAllJobIds(final String filterName, final String filter) throws IOException {
        final List<NameValuePair> params;

        if (filterName != null && filter != null) {
            NameValuePair pair = new BasicNameValuePair(filterName, filter);
            params = Collections.singletonList(pair);
        } else {
            params = Collections.emptyList();

        final String path = formatPath(String.format("%s/jobs", config.getMantaHomeDirectory()));
        final HttpGet get = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(path, params);

        final HttpResponse response = httpHelper.executeRequest(get, "GET    {} response [{}] {} ");
        final ObjectMapper mapper = MantaObjectMapper.INSTANCE;
        final Stream<String> responseStream = responseAsStream(response);

        return -> {
            try {
                final Map jobDetails = mapper.readValue(s, Map.class);
                final Object value = jobDetails.get("name");

                if (value == null) {
                    return null;

                return UUID.fromString(value.toString());
            } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
                String msg = "Error deserializing for job id stream";
                MantaJobException jobException = new MantaJobException(msg, e);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(jobException, get, response);
                jobException.setContextValue("filterName", filterName);
                jobException.setContextValue("filter", filter);
                jobException.setContextValue("failedContent", s);

                throw jobException;

     * <p>Returns the current "live" set of outputs from a job. Think of this
     * like tail -f. The objects are returned as a stream. The stream is
     * composed of a list of object names on Manta that contain the output
     * of the job.</p>
     * <p><strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong></p>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return stream of object paths that refer to job output
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of outputs over the network
    public Stream<String> getJobOutputs(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Job id must not be null");
        String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/out", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        HttpGet get = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(path);
        HttpResponse response = httpHelper.executeRequest(get, "GET    {} response [{}] {} ");
        return responseAsStream(response);

     * <p>Returns a stream of {@link InputStream} implementations for each
     * output returned from the Manta API for a job.</p>
     * <p><strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong></p>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return stream of each output's input stream
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of outputs over the network
    public Stream<MantaObjectInputStream> getJobOutputsAsStreams(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Job id must not be null");

        return getJobOutputs(jobId).map(obj -> {
            try {
                return getAsInputStream(obj);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Error deserializing JSON output as InputStream";
                MantaJobException jobException = new MantaJobException(jobId, msg, e);
                jobException.setContextValue("output", obj);

                throw jobException;

     * <p>Returns a stream of strings containing all of the
     * output returned from the Manta API for a job. Be careful, this method
     * is not memory-efficient.</p>
     * <p><strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong></p>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return stream of each job output as a string
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of outputs over the network
    public Stream<String> getJobOutputsAsStrings(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Job id must not be null");

        return getJobOutputs(jobId).map(obj -> {
            try {
                return getAsString(obj);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Error deserializing JSON output as string";
                MantaJobException jobException = new MantaJobException(jobId, msg, e);
                jobException.setContextValue("output", obj);

                throw jobException;

     * <p>Returns the current "live" set of failures from a job. Think of this
     * like tail -f. The objects are returned as a stream. The stream is
     * composed of a list of object names on Manta that contain the output
     * of the job.</p>
     * <p>Essentially, this method returns a stream of all of the Manta objects
     * whose jobs failed. There are no details about the nature of the failures
     * returned in this method.</p>
     * <p><strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong></p>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return stream of Manta object names whose jobs failed
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of failures over the network
    public Stream<String> getJobFailures(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Job id must not be null");

        String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/fail", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        final HttpGet get = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(path);
        final HttpResponse response = httpHelper.executeRequest(get, "GET    {} response [{}] {} ");

        return responseAsStream(response);

     * <p>Returns a list of failure details for each object in which a failure
     * occurred.</p>
     * <p><strong>Make sure to close this stream when you are done with
     * otherwise the HTTP socket will remain open.</strong></p>
     * @param jobId UUID of the Manta job
     * @return a stream of job error objects
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't get a list of errors over the network
    public Stream<MantaJobError> getJobErrors(final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Job id must not be null");

        final String path = String.format("%s/jobs/%s/live/err", config.getMantaHomeDirectory(), jobId);

        final HttpGet get = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().get(path);
        final HttpResponse response = httpHelper.executeRequest(get, "GET    {} response [{}] {} ");
        final ObjectMapper mapper = MantaObjectMapper.INSTANCE;

        return responseAsStream(response).map(err -> {
            try {
                return mapper.readValue(err, MantaJobError.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Error deserializing JSON job error output";
                MantaJobException jobException = new MantaJobException(jobId, msg, e);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(jobException, get, response);
                jobException.setContextValue("errText", err);

                throw jobException;

     * Creates an instance of a {@link MantaJobBuilder} class that allows you
     * to fluently build Manta jobs.
     * @return Manta job builder fluent interface class
    public MantaJobBuilder jobBuilder() {
        return new MantaJobBuilder(this);

     * Parses a HTTP response's content as a Java 8 stream of strings.
     * @param response HTTP response object
     * @return stream of strings representing each line of the response
     * @throws IOException thrown when we can't access the response over the network
    protected Stream<String> responseAsStream(final HttpResponse response) throws IOException {
        // This resource is closed using the onClose() lambda below
        final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
        final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(entity.getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader);

        Stream<String> stream = br.lines().onClose(() -> {

            if (response instanceof Closeable) {
                IOUtils.closeQuietly((Closeable) response);

        return stream;

    /* ======================================================================
     * Lifecyle Methods
     * ====================================================================== */

    public void close() {
        if (this.closed) {

        this.closed = true;

        final List<Exception> exceptions = new ArrayList<>();

        /* We explicitly close all streams that may have been opened when
         * this class (MantaClient) is closed. This helps to alleviate problems
         * where resources haven't been closed properly. In particular, this
         * is useful for the streamingIterator() method that returns an
         * iterator that must be closed after consumption. */
        for (AutoCloseable closeable : danglingStreams) {
            try {
                if (closeable == null) {

            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                /* Do nothing, but we won't capture the interrupted exception
                 * because even if we are interrupted, we want to close all open
                 * resources. */
            } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            /* Do nothing, but we won't capture the interrupted exception
             * because even if we are interrupted, we want to close all open
             * resources. */
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Deregister associated MBeans
        try {
            if (this.agent != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {

        // Shut down the ForkJoinPool that may be executing find() operations
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            String msg = "At least one exception was thrown when performing close()";
            OnCloseAggregateException exception = new OnCloseAggregateException(msg);


            throw exception;

     * Closes the Manta client resource and logs any problems to the debug level
     * logger. No exceptions are thrown on failure.
    public void closeQuietly() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.debug("Error closing connection", e);

     * Closes the Manta client resource and logs any problems to the warn level
     * logger. No exceptions are thrown on failure.
    public void closeWithWarning() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                LOG.warn("Error closing client", e);