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 * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
package com.joyent.manta.client.multipart;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaClient;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaMetadata;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaObject;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaObjectMapper;
import com.joyent.manta.client.MantaObjectResponse;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaClientHttpResponseException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaIOException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.MantaMultipartException;
import com.joyent.manta.http.HttpHelper;
import com.joyent.manta.http.MantaHttpHeaders;
import com.joyent.manta.util.MantaUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.StatusLine;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static com.joyent.manta.client.MantaClient.SEPARATOR;

 * Class providing a jobs-based implementation multipart uploads to Manta.
 * @author <a href="">Elijah Zupancic</a>
 * @since 2.5.0 (moved from MantaMultipartManager)
public class JobsMultipartManager extends AbstractMultipartManager<JobsMultipartUpload, MantaMultipartUploadPart> {
     * Logger instance.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobsMultipartManager.class);

     * We only allow 1k parts for jobs based uploads because it is rather
     * expensive to do multipart with jobs.
    private static final int MAX_PARTS = 1_000;

     * Temporary storage directory on Manta for multipart data. This is a
     * randomly chosen UUID used so that we don't have directory naming
     * conflicts.
    static final String MULTIPART_DIRECTORY = "stor/.multipart-6439b444-9041-11e6-9be2-9f622f483d01";

     * Metadata file containing information about final multipart file.
    static final String METADATA_FILE = "metadata.json";

     * Number of seconds to poll Manta to see if a job is complete.
    private static final long DEFAULT_SECONDS_TO_POLL = 5L;

     * Number of times to check to see if a multipart transfer has completed.
    private static final int NUMBER_OF_TIMES_TO_POLL = 20;

     * Reference to {@link MantaClient} Manta client object providing access to
     * Manta.
    private final MantaClient mantaClient;

     * Reference to the collection of all of the {@link AutoCloseable} objects
     * that will need to be closed when MantaClient is closed. This reference
     * should point to the value set on the MantaClient field.
    private final Set<AutoCloseable> danglingStreams;

     * Reference to the Apache HTTP Client context and request creation helper.
    private final HttpHelper httpHelper;

     * Full path on Manta to the upload directory.
    private final String resolvedMultipartUploadDirectory;

     * Format for naming Manta jobs.
    private static final String JOB_NAME_FORMAT = "multipart-%s";

     * Key name for retrieving job id from metadata.
    static final String JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY = "m-multipart-job-id";

     * Key name for retrieving upload id from final object's metadata.
    static final String UPLOAD_ID_METADATA_KEY = "m-multipart-upload-id";

     * Creates a new instance backed by the specified {@link MantaClient}.
     * @param mantaClient Manta client instance to use to communicate with server
    public JobsMultipartManager(final MantaClient mantaClient) {

        Validate.notNull(mantaClient, "Manta client object must not be null");

        this.mantaClient = mantaClient;
        this.httpHelper = readFieldFromMantaClient("httpHelper", mantaClient, HttpHelper.class);
        this.resolvedMultipartUploadDirectory = mantaClient.getContext().getMantaHomeDirectory() + SEPARATOR
                + MULTIPART_DIRECTORY;
        final Set<AutoCloseable> dangling = (Set<AutoCloseable>) readFieldFromMantaClient("danglingStreams",
                mantaClient, Set.class);
        this.danglingStreams = dangling;

    public int getMaxParts() {
        return MAX_PARTS;

    public int getMinimumPartSize() {
        return 1;

    public Stream<MantaMultipartUpload> listInProgress() throws IOException {
        final List<Exception> exceptions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

        final Stream<MantaObject> multipartDirList;
        try {
            multipartDirList = mantaClient.listObjects(this.resolvedMultipartUploadDirectory);
            // This catches an exception on the initial listObjects call
        } catch (final MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
            if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                return Stream.empty();
            } else {
                throw e;

        final Stream<MantaMultipartUpload> stream = multipartDirList.filter(MantaObject::isDirectory)
                .map(object -> {
                    final String idString = MantaUtils.lastItemInPath(object.getPath());
                    final UUID id = UUID.fromString(idString);

                    try {
                        MultipartMetadata mantaMetadata = downloadMultipartMetadata(id);
                        MantaMultipartUpload upload = new JobsMultipartUpload(id, mantaMetadata.getPath());
                        return upload;
                    } catch (MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
                        if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                            return null;
                        } else {
                            return null;
                    } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
                        return null;
                /* We explicitly filter out items that stopped existing when we
                 * went to get the multipart metadata because we encountered a
                 * race condition. */

        if (exceptions.isEmpty()) {

            return stream;

        final MantaIOException aggregateException = new MantaIOException(
                "Problem(s) listing multipart uploads in progress");

        MantaUtils.attachExceptionsToContext(aggregateException, exceptions);

        throw aggregateException;

    public JobsMultipartUpload initiateUpload(final String path) throws IOException {
        return initiateUpload(path, new MantaMetadata(), new MantaHttpHeaders());

    public JobsMultipartUpload initiateUpload(final String path, final MantaMetadata mantaMetadata)
            throws IOException {
        return initiateUpload(path, mantaMetadata, new MantaHttpHeaders());

    public JobsMultipartUpload initiateUpload(final String path, final MantaMetadata mantaMetadata,
            final MantaHttpHeaders httpHeaders) throws IOException {
        return initiateUpload(path, -1L, mantaMetadata, httpHeaders);

    public JobsMultipartUpload initiateUpload(final String path, final Long contentLength,
            final MantaMetadata mantaMetadata, final MantaHttpHeaders httpHeaders) throws IOException {
        // contentLength parameter is entirely ignored

        final MantaMetadata metadata;

        if (mantaMetadata == null) {
            metadata = new MantaMetadata();
        } else {
            metadata = mantaMetadata;

        final UUID uploadId = Generators.timeBasedGenerator().generate();

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Creating a new multipart upload [{}] for {}", uploadId, path);

        final String uploadDir = multipartUploadDir(uploadId);
        mantaClient.putDirectory(uploadDir, true);

        final String metadataPath = uploadDir + METADATA_FILE;

        final MultipartMetadata multipartMetadata = new MultipartMetadata().setPath(path)

        if (httpHeaders != null) {

        final byte[] metadataBytes = MantaObjectMapper.INSTANCE.writeValueAsBytes(multipartMetadata);

        LOGGER.debug("Writing metadata to: {}", metadataPath);
        mantaClient.put(metadataPath, metadataBytes);

        return new JobsMultipartUpload(uploadId, path);

    MantaMultipartUploadPart uploadPart(final JobsMultipartUpload upload, final int partNumber,
            final HttpEntity entity, final HttpContext context) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");
        Validate.notNull(entity, "Upload entity must not be null");

        final String path = multipartPath(upload.getId(), partNumber);
        final HttpPut put = httpHelper.getRequestFactory().put(path);

        final int expectedStatusCode = HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT;
        final CloseableHttpClient httpClient = httpHelper.getConnectionContext().getHttpClient();

        try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(put, context)) {
            StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();

            final MantaObjectResponse objectResponse = new MantaObjectResponse(path,
                    new MantaHttpHeaders(response.getAllHeaders()));

            if (statusLine.getStatusCode() != expectedStatusCode) {
                String errorMessage = "Manta server responded with an unexpected response code";
                // We create the exception below because it will parse the JSON error codes
                MantaClientHttpResponseException mchre = new MantaClientHttpResponseException(put, response, path);
                // We chain it to this exception so that it obeys the contract
                MantaMultipartException e = new MantaMultipartException(errorMessage, mchre);
                HttpHelper.annotateContextedException(e, put, response);
                throw e;

            return new MantaMultipartUploadPart(objectResponse);

     * Retrieves information about a single part of a multipart upload.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @param partNumber part number to identify relative location in final file
     * @return multipart single part object
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public MantaMultipartUploadPart getPart(final JobsMultipartUpload upload, final int partNumber)
            throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");
        final String path = multipartPath(upload.getId(), partNumber);
        final MantaObjectResponse response = mantaClient.head(path);

        return new MantaMultipartUploadPart(response);


     * Retrieves the state of a given Manta multipart upload.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @return enum representing the state / status of the multipart upload
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public MantaMultipartStatus getStatus(final JobsMultipartUpload upload) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");

        return getStatus(upload, null);

     * Retrieves the state of a given Manta multipart upload.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @param jobId Manta job id used to concatenate multipart parts
     * @return enum representing the state / status of the multipart upload
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    private MantaMultipartStatus getStatus(final MantaMultipartUpload upload, final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload id must not be null");

        final String dir = multipartUploadDir(upload.getId());
        final MantaObjectResponse response;
        final MantaJob job;

        try {
            response = mantaClient.head(dir);
        } catch (MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
            if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                if (jobId == null) {
                    job = findJob(upload);
                } else {
                    job = mantaClient.getJob(jobId);

                if (job == null) {
                    return MantaMultipartStatus.UNKNOWN;
                } else if (job.getCancelled() != null && job.getCancelled()) {
                    return MantaMultipartStatus.ABORTED;
                } else if (job.getState().equals("done")) {
                    return MantaMultipartStatus.COMPLETED;
                } else if (job.getState().equals("running")) {
                    return MantaMultipartStatus.COMMITTING;
                } else {
                    MantaException mioe = new MantaException("Unexpected job state");
                    mioe.setContextValue("job_state", job.getState());
                    mioe.setContextValue("job_id", job.getId().toString());
                    mioe.setContextValue("multipart_id", upload.getId());
                    mioe.setContextValue("multipart_upload_dir", dir);

                    throw mioe;

            throw e;

        if (!response.isDirectory()) {
            MantaMultipartException e = new MantaMultipartException(
                    "Remote path was a file and not a directory as expected");
            e.setContextValue("multipart_upload_dir", dir);
            throw e;

        if (jobId == null) {
            job = findJob(upload);
        } else {
            job = mantaClient.getJob(jobId);

        if (job == null) {
            return MantaMultipartStatus.CREATED;

        /* If we still have the directory associated with the multipart
         * upload AND we are in the state of Cancelled. */
        if (job.getCancelled()) {
            return MantaMultipartStatus.ABORTING;

        final String state = job.getState();

        /* If we still have the directory associated with the multipart
         * upload AND we have the job id, we are in a state where the
         * job hasn't finished clearing out the data files. */
        if (state.equals("done") || state.equals("running") || state.equals("queued")) {
            return MantaMultipartStatus.COMMITTING;
        } else {
            return MantaMultipartStatus.UNKNOWN;

     * Lists the parts that have already been uploaded.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @return stream of parts identified by integer part number
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public Stream<MantaMultipartUploadPart> listParts(final JobsMultipartUpload upload) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");
        final String dir = multipartUploadDir(upload.getId());

        Stream<MantaMultipartUploadPart> stream = mantaClient.listObjects(dir)
                .filter(value -> !Paths.get(value.getPath()).getFileName().toString().equals(METADATA_FILE))


        return stream;

     * Aborts a multipart transfer.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public void abort(final JobsMultipartUpload upload) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");

        final String dir = multipartUploadDir(upload.getId());

        final MantaJob job = findJob(upload);

        LOGGER.debug("Aborting multipart upload [{}]", upload.getId());

        if (job != null && (job.getState().equals("running") || job.getState().equals("queued"))) {
            LOGGER.debug("Aborting multipart upload [{}] backing job [{}]", upload.getId(), job);

        LOGGER.debug("Deleting multipart upload data from: {}", dir);

    public void complete(final JobsMultipartUpload upload,
            final Iterable<? extends MantaMultipartUploadTuple> parts) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");

        try (Stream<? extends MantaMultipartUploadTuple> stream =,
                false)) {
            complete(upload, stream);

     * Completes a multipart transfer by assembling the parts on Manta.
     * This is an asynchronous operation and you will need to call
     * {@link #waitForCompletion(MantaMultipartUpload, Duration, int, Function)}
     * to block until the operation completes.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @param partsStream stream of multipart part objects
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public void complete(final JobsMultipartUpload upload,
            final Stream<? extends MantaMultipartUploadTuple> partsStream) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");
        LOGGER.debug("Completing multipart upload [{}]", upload.getId());

        final String uploadDir = multipartUploadDir(upload.getId());
        final MultipartMetadata metadata = downloadMultipartMetadata(upload.getId());

        final Map<String, MantaMultipartUploadPart> listing = new HashMap<>();
        try (Stream<MantaMultipartUploadPart> listStream = listParts(upload).limit(getMaxParts())) {
            listStream.forEach(p -> listing.put(p.getEtag(), p));

        final String path = metadata.getPath();

        final StringBuilder jobExecText = new StringBuilder("set -o pipefail; mget -q ");

        List<MantaMultipartUploadTuple> missingTuples = new ArrayList<>();

        final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);

        try (Stream<? extends MantaMultipartUploadTuple> distinct = partsStream.sorted().distinct()) {
            distinct.forEach(part -> {
                final int i = count.incrementAndGet();

                if (i > getMaxParts()) {
                    String msg = String.format(
                            "Too many multipart parts specified [%d]. " + "The maximum number of parts is %d",
                            getMaxParts(), count.get());
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

                // Catch and log any gaps in part numbers
                if (i != part.getPartNumber()) {
                    missingTuples.add(new MantaMultipartUploadTuple(i, "N/A"));
                } else {
                    final MantaMultipartUploadPart o = listing.get(part.getEtag());

                    if (o != null) {
                        jobExecText.append(o.getObjectPath()).append(" ");
                    } else {

        if (!missingTuples.isEmpty()) {
            final MantaMultipartException e = new MantaMultipartException(
                    "Multipart part(s) specified couldn't be found");

            int missingCount = 0;
            for (MantaMultipartUploadTuple missingPart : missingTuples) {
                String key = String.format("missing_part_%d", ++missingCount);
                e.setContextValue(key, missingPart.toString());

            throw e;

        final String headerFormat = "\"%s: %s\" ";

        jobExecText.append("| mput ").append("-H ")
                .append(String.format(headerFormat, UPLOAD_ID_METADATA_KEY, upload.getId())).append("-H ")
                .append(String.format(headerFormat, JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY, "$MANTA_JOB_ID")).append("-q ");

        if (metadata.getContentType() != null) {
            jobExecText.append("-H 'Content-Type: ").append(metadata.getContentType()).append("' ");

        MantaMetadata objectMetadata = metadata.getObjectMetadata();

        if (objectMetadata != null) {
            Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = objectMetadata.entrySet();

            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
                jobExecText.append("-H '").append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(entry.getValue())
                        .append("' ");

        final MantaJobPhase concatPhase = new MantaJobPhase().setType("reduce").setExec(jobExecText.toString());

        final MantaJobPhase cleanupPhase = new MantaJobPhase().setType("reduce").setExec("mrm -r " + uploadDir);

        MantaJobBuilder.Run run = mantaClient.jobBuilder().newJob(String.format(JOB_NAME_FORMAT, upload.getId()))

        // We write the job id to Metadata object so that we can query it easily
        writeJobIdToMetadata(upload.getId(), run.getId());

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Created job for concatenating parts: {}", run.getId());

     * Downloads the serialized metadata object from Manta and deserializes it.
     * @param id multipart upload id
     * @return metadata object
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    protected JobsMultipartManager.MultipartMetadata downloadMultipartMetadata(final UUID id) throws IOException {
        final String uploadDir = multipartUploadDir(id);
        final String metadataPath = uploadDir + METADATA_FILE;

        LOGGER.debug("Reading metadata from: {}", metadataPath);
        try (InputStream in = mantaClient.getAsInputStream(metadataPath)) {
            return MantaObjectMapper.INSTANCE.readValue(in, JobsMultipartManager.MultipartMetadata.class);

     * Writes the multipart job id to the metadata object's Manta metadata.
     * @param uploadId multipart upload id
     * @param jobId Manta job id used to concatenate multipart parts
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    protected void writeJobIdToMetadata(final UUID uploadId, final UUID jobId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(uploadId, "Multipart upload id must not be null");
        Validate.notNull(jobId, "Job id must not be null");

        final String uploadDir = multipartUploadDir(uploadId);
        final String metadataPath = uploadDir + METADATA_FILE;

        LOGGER.debug("Writing job id [{}] to: {}", jobId, metadataPath);

        MantaMetadata metadata = new MantaMetadata();
        metadata.put(JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY, jobId.toString());
        mantaClient.putMetadata(metadataPath, metadata);

     * Writes the multipart job id to the metadata object's Manta metadata.
     * @param uploadId multipart upload id
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
     * @return Manta job id used to concatenate multipart parts
    protected UUID getJobIdFromMetadata(final UUID uploadId) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(uploadId, "Multipart upload id must not be null");

        final String uploadDir = multipartUploadDir(uploadId);
        final String metadataPath = uploadDir + METADATA_FILE;

        try {
            MantaObjectResponse response = mantaClient.head(metadataPath);
            String uuidAsString = response.getMetadata().get(JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY);

            if (uuidAsString == null) {
                return null;

            return UUID.fromString(uuidAsString);
        } catch (MantaClientHttpResponseException e) {
            if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                return null;

            throw e;

     * Waits for a multipart upload to complete. Polling every 5 seconds.
     * @param <R> Return type for executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @param executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded lambda executed when timesToPoll has been exceeded
     * @return null when under poll timeout, otherwise returns return value of executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public <R> R waitForCompletion(final MantaMultipartUpload upload,
            final Function<UUID, R> executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded) throws IOException {
        Validate.notNull(upload, "Multipart upload object must not be null");

        return waitForCompletion(upload, Duration.ofSeconds(DEFAULT_SECONDS_TO_POLL), NUMBER_OF_TIMES_TO_POLL,


     * Waits for a multipart upload to complete. Polling for set interval.
     * @param <R> Return type for executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @param pingInterval interval to poll
     * @param timesToPoll number of times to poll Manta to check for completion
     * @param executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded lambda executed when timesToPoll has been exceeded
     * @return null when under poll timeout, otherwise returns return value of executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    public <R> R waitForCompletion(final MantaMultipartUpload upload, final Duration pingInterval,
            final int timesToPoll, final Function<UUID, R> executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded) throws IOException {
        if (timesToPoll <= 0) {
            String msg = String.format(
                    "times to poll should be set to a value greater than 1. " + "Actual value: %d", timesToPoll);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        final String dir = multipartUploadDir(upload.getId());
        final MantaJob job = findJob(upload);

        if (job == null) {
            String msg = "Unable for find job associated with multipart upload. "
                    + "Was complete() run for upload or was it run so long ago "
                    + "that we no longer have a record for it?";
            MantaMultipartException e = new MantaMultipartException(msg);
            e.setContextValue("upload_id", upload.getId().toString());
            e.setContextValue("upload_directory", dir);
            e.setContextValue("job_id", job.getId().toString());

            throw e;

        final long waitMillis = pingInterval.toMillis();

        int timesPolled;

        /* We ping the upload directory and wait for it to be deleted because
         * there is the chance for a race condition when the job attempts to
         * delete the upload directory, but isn't finished. */
        for (timesPolled = 0; timesPolled < timesToPoll; timesPolled++) {
            try {
                final MantaMultipartStatus status = getStatus(upload, job.getId());

                // We do a check preemptively because we shouldn't sleep unless we need to
                if (status.equals(MantaMultipartStatus.COMPLETED)) {
                    return null;

                if (status.equals(MantaMultipartStatus.ABORTED)) {
                    String msg = "Manta job backing multipart upload was aborted. "
                            + "This upload was unable to be completed.";
                    MantaMultipartException e = new MantaMultipartException(msg);
                    e.setContextValue("upload_id", upload.getId().toString());
                    e.setContextValue("upload_directory", dir);
                    e.setContextValue("job_id", job.getId().toString());

                    throw e;

                if (status.equals(MantaMultipartStatus.UNKNOWN)) {
                    String msg = "Manta job backing multipart upload was is in "
                            + "a unknown state. Typically this means that we "
                            + "are unable to get the status of the job backing " + "the multipart upload.";
                    MantaMultipartException e = new MantaMultipartException(msg);
                    e.setContextValue("upload_id", upload.getId().toString());
                    e.setContextValue("upload_directory", dir);
                    e.setContextValue("job_id", job.getId().toString());

                    throw e;

                // Don't bother to sleep if we won't be doing a check
                if (timesPolled < timesToPoll + 1) {
                    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOGGER.debug("Waiting for [{}] ms for upload [{}] to complete " + "(try {} of {})",
                                waitMillis, upload.getId(), timesPolled + 1, timesToPoll);

            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                /* We assume the client has written logic for when the polling operation
                 * doesn't complete within the time period as expected and we also make
                 * the assumption that that behavior would be acceptable when the thread
                 * has been interrupted. */
                return executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded.apply(upload.getId());

        if (timesPolled >= timesToPoll) {
            return executeWhenTimesToPollExceeded.apply(upload.getId());

        return null;

     * Builds the full remote path for a part of a multipart upload.
     * @param id multipart upload id
     * @param partNumber part number to identify relative location in final file
     * @return temporary path on Manta to store part
    String multipartPath(final UUID id, final int partNumber) {
        final String dir = multipartUploadDir(id);
        return String.format("%s%d", dir, partNumber);

     * Finds the directory in which to upload parts into.
     * @param id multipart transaction id
     * @return temporary Manta directory in which to upload parts
    String multipartUploadDir(final UUID id) {
        Validate.notNull(id, "Multipart transaction id must not be null");

        return this.resolvedMultipartUploadDirectory + SEPARATOR + id.toString() + SEPARATOR;

     * Returns the Manta job used to concatenate multiple file parts.
     * @param upload multipart upload object
     * @return Manta job object or null if not found
     * @throws IOException thrown if there is a problem connecting to Manta
    MantaJob findJob(final MantaMultipartUpload upload) throws IOException {
        final UUID jobId = getJobIdFromMetadata(upload.getId());

        if (jobId == null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Unable to get job id from metadata directory. Now trying job listing.");
            try (Stream<MantaJob> jobs = mantaClient
                    .getJobsByName(String.format(JOB_NAME_FORMAT, upload.getId()))) {
                return jobs.findFirst().orElse(null);

        return mantaClient.getJob(jobId);

     * Inner class used only with the jobs-based multipart implementation for
     * storing header and metadata information.
    static class MultipartMetadata implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -4410867990710890357L;

         * Path to final object on Manta.
        private String path;

         * Metadata of final object.
        private HashMap<String, String> objectMetadata;

         * HTTP content type to write to the final object.
        private String contentType;

         * Creates a new instance.
        MultipartMetadata() {

        String getPath() {
            return path;

         * Sets the path to the final object on Manta.
         * @param path remote Manta path
         * @return this instance
        MultipartMetadata setPath(final String path) {
            this.path = path;
            return this;

         * Gets the metadata associated with the final Manta object.
         * @return new instance of {@link MantaMetadata} with data populated
        MantaMetadata getObjectMetadata() {
            if (this.objectMetadata == null) {
                return null;

            return new MantaMetadata(this.objectMetadata);

         * Sets the metadata to be written to the final object on Manta.
         * @param objectMetadata metadata to write
         * @return this instance
        MultipartMetadata setObjectMetadata(final MantaMetadata objectMetadata) {
            if (objectMetadata != null) {
                this.objectMetadata = new HashMap<>(objectMetadata);
            } else {
                this.objectMetadata = null;

            return this;

        String getContentType() {
            return contentType;

         * Sets http headers to write to the final object on Manta. Actually,
         * we only consume Content-Type for now.
         * @param contentType HTTP content type to set for the object
         * @return this instance
        MultipartMetadata setContentType(final String contentType) {
            this.contentType = contentType;
            return this;