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 * Copyright (c) 2018, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at
package com.joyent.manta.http;

import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.joyent.manta.config.MantaClientMetricConfiguration;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.HttpDownloadContinuationException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.HttpDownloadContinuationIncompatibleRequestException;
import com.joyent.manta.exception.HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException;
import com.joyent.manta.util.InputStreamContinuator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.ProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.AbstractExecutionAwareRequest;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import static com.joyent.manta.http.ApacheHttpHeaderUtils.extractDownloadResponseFingerprint;
import static com.joyent.manta.http.HttpContextRetryCancellation.CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_MANTA_RETRY_DISABLE;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.notNull;
import static org.apache.http.HttpHeaders.IF_MATCH;
import static org.apache.http.HttpHeaders.RANGE;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT;

 * Manages state needed to repeatedly "resume" a download (as an {@link} by updating the {@code
 * Range} header whenever non-fatal resonse errors occur. Uses {@code If-Match} to make sure the object being downloaded
 * has not been changed between download segments. Additionally validates that the returned {@code ETag} does actually
 * match the {@code If-Match} header and that the returned {@code Content-Range} does actually match the requested
 * {@code Range} header.
 * <p>
 * Note: closing a continuator frees any resources that continuator owns and records the number of continuations
 * provided by that continuator, it should <strong>NOT</strong> close the provided {@link HttpClient}.
 * @author <a href="">Tomas Celaya</a>h
 * @since 3.2.3
public class ApacheHttpGetResponseEntityContentContinuator implements InputStreamContinuator {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApacheHttpGetResponseEntityContentContinuator.class);

     * Set of exceptions from which we know we cannot recover by simply retrying. Since {@link
     *} is an {@link} we omit that class from this list.
     * @see org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler#nonRetriableClasses
     * @see MantaHttpRequestRetryHandler#NON_RETRIABLE
    private static final Set<Class<? extends IOException>> EXCEPTIONS_FATAL = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
            new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(UnknownHostException.class, ConnectException.class, SSLException.class)));

     * Sentinel value for unbounded continuations.
    static final int INFINITE_CONTINUATIONS = -1;

     * Prefix used to build metric names for exceptions from which this continuator has helped recover.
    static final String METRIC_NAME_RECOVERED_EXCEPTION_PREFIX = "get-continuations-recovered-exception-";

     * Metric name for the possible-but-unlikely scenario where a continuation is requested
     * where the number of bytes read is equal to the expected object size.
    static final String METRIC_NAME_RECOVERED_EOF = "get-continuations-recovered-EOF";

     * The key under which the distribution of continuations delivered per request is recorded.
    static final String METRIC_NAME_CONTINUATIONS_PER_REQUEST = "get-continuations-per-request-distribution";

     * The HTTP client.
    private final HttpClient client;

     * A clone of the original user-supplied request. We need to defensively clone the request in case the user intends
     * to reuse it themselves since we modify headers.
    private final HttpGet request;

     * Number of continuations we have supplied.
    private int continuation;

     * The maximum number of continuations we should provide. {@code 0} {@code -1}
    private final int maxContinuations;

     * Information recorded about the initial request/response exchange we can used to validateResponseWithMarker
     * response headers for continuations.
    private final HttpDownloadContinuationMarker marker;

     * Nullable metric registry for tracking exceptions seen.
    private final MetricRegistry metricRegistry;

     * Histogram of the number of continuations built by a single instance, in addition to total continuations (since
     * histograms also keep the number of samples recorded).
    private final Histogram continuationsDeliveredDistribution;

     * Construct a coordinator. Each download request requires a new continuator. Invariants required by this class will
     * be checked including whether the provided headers and the supplied client context's retry configuration are
     * compatible with this implementation.
     * @param connCtx the http connection context
     * @param request the initial request
     * @param marker the relevant information from the initial exchange
     * @throws HttpDownloadContinuationIncompatibleRequestException when the initial request is incompatible with this
     * implementation
     * @throws HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException when the initial response diverges from the request
     * headers
     * @throws HttpDownloadContinuationException when something unexpected happens while preparing
    ApacheHttpGetResponseEntityContentContinuator(final MantaApacheHttpClientContext connCtx, final HttpGet request,
            final HttpDownloadContinuationMarker marker, final int maxContinuations)
            throws HttpDownloadContinuationException {
        this(verifyDownloadContinuationIsSafeAndExtractHttpClient(connCtx), request, marker, maxContinuations,

     * Package-private constructor for unit-testing methods which do execute continuation requests (and can prepare
     * their own client which obeys our retry rules).
     * @param client the client we'll use to make requests for the remaining data
     * @param request the initial request
     * @param marker the relevant information from the initial exchange
     * @param metricRegistry registry for building the total continuations {@link Counter}
    ApacheHttpGetResponseEntityContentContinuator(final HttpClient client, final HttpGet request,
            final HttpDownloadContinuationMarker marker, final int maxContinuations,
            final MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
        // we clone the request in case the user is reusing the same request object
        this.request = cloneRequest(request);
        this.marker = requireNonNull(marker);
        this.request.setHeader(IF_MATCH, this.marker.getEtag());
        this.request.setHeader(RANGE, this.marker.getCurrentRange().render());

        this.client = requireNonNull(client);
        this.continuation = 0;

        if (maxContinuations == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum continuations must be -1 or positive, zero given.");

        this.maxContinuations = maxContinuations;

        if (metricRegistry != null) {
            this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry;
            this.continuationsDeliveredDistribution = metricRegistry
        } else {
            this.metricRegistry = null;
            this.continuationsDeliveredDistribution = null;

     * Get an {@link InputStream} which picks up starting {@code bytesRead} bytes from the beginning of the logical
     * object being downloaded. Implementations should compare headers across all requests and responses to ensure that
     * the object being downloaded has not changed between the initial and subsequent requests.
     * @param ex the exception which occurred while downloading (either the first response or a continuation)
     * @param bytesRead byte offset at which the new stream should start
     * @return another stream which continues to deliver the bytes from the initial request
     * @throws HttpDownloadContinuationException if the provided {@link IOException} is not recoverable or the number of
     * retries has been reached, or there is an error
     * @throws HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException if the continuation response was incompatible or
     * indicated that the remote object has somehow changed
    public InputStream buildContinuation(final IOException ex, final long bytesRead) throws IOException {

        if (!isRecoverable(ex)) {
            throw ex;


        if (this.maxContinuations != INFINITE_CONTINUATIONS && this.maxContinuations <= this.continuation) {
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationException(
                    String.format("Maximum number of continuations reached [%s], aborting auto-retry: %s",
                            this.maxContinuations, ex.getMessage()),

                "Attempting to build a continuation for " + "[{}] request " + "to path [{}] "
                        + "to recover at byte offset {} " + "from exception {}",
                this.request.getMethod(), this.request.getRequestLine().getUri(), bytesRead, ex.getMessage());

        // if an IOException occurs while reading EOF the user may ask us for a continuation
        // starting after the last valid byte.
        if (bytesRead == this.marker.getTotalRangeSize()) {
            if (this.metricRegistry != null) {
                this.metricRegistry.counter(METRIC_NAME_RECOVERED_EXCEPTION_PREFIX + ex.getClass().getSimpleName())

            return ClosedInputStream.CLOSED_INPUT_STREAM;

        try {
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            // we should wrap and rethrow this so that the caller doesn't get stuck in a loop
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationException("Failed to update download continuation offset", iae);

        this.request.setHeader(RANGE, this.marker.getCurrentRange().render());

        // not yet trying to handle exceptions during request execution
        final HttpResponse response;
        try {
            final HttpContext httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();
            httpContext.setAttribute(CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_MANTA_RETRY_DISABLE, true);
            response = this.client.execute(this.request, httpContext);
        } catch (final IOException ioe) {
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationException(
                    "Exception occurred while attempting to build continuation: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

        final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

        if (statusCode != SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT) {
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException(String
                    .format("Invalid response code: expecting [%d], got [%d]", SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT, statusCode));

        try {
            validateResponseWithMarker(extractDownloadResponseFingerprint(response, false));
        } catch (final HttpException he) {
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException(
                    "Continuation request failed validation: " + he.getMessage(), he);

        final InputStream content;
        try {
            final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

            if (entity == null) {
                throw new HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException(
                        "Entity missing from continuation response");

            content = entity.getContent();

            if (content == null) {
                throw new HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException(
                        "Entity content missing from continuation response");
        } catch (final UnsupportedOperationException | IOException uoe) {
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationUnexpectedResponseException(uoe);

        if (this.metricRegistry != null) {
            this.metricRegistry.counter(METRIC_NAME_RECOVERED_EXCEPTION_PREFIX + ex.getClass().getSimpleName())

        LOG.debug("Successfully constructed continuation at byte offset {} to recover from {}", bytesRead, ex);

        return content;

     * Determine whether an {@link IOException} indicates a fatal issue or not. Shamelessly plagiarized from {@link
     * org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler}.
     * @param ex the exception to check
     * @return whether or not the caller should retry their request
    private static boolean isRecoverable(final IOException ex) {
        if (EXCEPTIONS_FATAL.contains(ex.getClass())) {
            return false;

        for (final Class<? extends IOException> exceptionClass : EXCEPTIONS_FATAL) {
            if (exceptionClass.isInstance(ex)) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Compare a new response fingerprint with the internal marker.
     * @param responseFingerprint the continuation response etag+contentrange
     * @throws ProtocolException if the response does not match the marker's expectations
     * @see ApacheHttpHeaderUtils#extractDownloadResponseFingerprint(HttpResponse, boolean)
    void validateResponseWithMarker(final Pair<String, HttpRange.Response> responseFingerprint)
            throws ProtocolException {
        notNull(responseFingerprint, "Response fingerprint must not be null");

        if (!this.marker.getEtag().equals(responseFingerprint.getLeft())) {
            throw new ProtocolException(String.format("Response ETag mismatch: expected [%s], got [%s]",
                    this.marker.getEtag(), responseFingerprint.getLeft()));

        if (responseFingerprint.getRight() == null) {
            throw new ProtocolException("Response missing Content-Range and Content-Length");

        // ask the marker to make sure we got the expected range back
        try {
        } catch (final HttpException e) {
            throw new ProtocolException("Response Content-Range mismatch: " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Method indicating that this continuator is no longer required. Currently only used to record the number of
     * continuations that where used for this particular request.
    public void close() {
        if (this.continuationsDeliveredDistribution == null) {


     * Clone a request so we can freely modify headers when retrieving a continuation {@link InputStream} in {@link
     * #buildContinuation(IOException, long)}. This method is necessary because {@link
     * AbstractExecutionAwareRequest#clone()} is basically useless.
     * @param request the request being cloned
     * @return the cloned request
    static HttpGet cloneRequest(final HttpGet request) {
        final HttpGet get = new HttpGet(request.getURI());

        // deep-clone headers
        for (final Header hdr : request.getAllHeaders()) {
            get.addHeader(hdr.getName(), hdr.getValue());

        return get;

    private static HttpClient verifyDownloadContinuationIsSafeAndExtractHttpClient(
            final MantaApacheHttpClientContext connCtx) throws HttpDownloadContinuationException {
        notNull(connCtx, "Connection context must not be null");

        final boolean cancellable = connCtx.isRetryCancellable();
        final boolean enabled = connCtx.isRetryEnabled();
        if (enabled && !cancellable) {
            throw new HttpDownloadContinuationException(
                    "Incompatible connection context, automatic retries must be " + "disabled or cancellable");

        return requireNonNull(connCtx.getHttpClient());

    private static MetricRegistry extractMetricRegistry(final MantaApacheHttpClientContext connCtx) {
        final MantaClientMetricConfiguration metricConfig = connCtx.getMetricConfig();
        if (metricConfig == null) {
            return null;

        return metricConfig.getRegistry();