Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (C) Copyright 2013 Kurento (
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.base;

import static com.kurento.kmf.content.jsonrpc.JsonRpcConstants.METHOD_EXECUTE;
import static com.kurento.kmf.content.jsonrpc.JsonRpcConstants.METHOD_START;

import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import javax.servlet.AsyncContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;

import com.kurento.kmf.common.exception.KurentoMediaFrameworkException;
import com.kurento.kmf.common.exception.internal.ExceptionUtils;
import com.kurento.kmf.common.exception.internal.ServletUtils;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.ContentHandler;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.ContentSession;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.ContentApiExecutorService;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.ContentApiWebApplicationInitializer;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.ContentAsyncListener;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.ContentSessionManager;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.ControlProtocolManager;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.internal.RejectableRunnable;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.jsonrpc.JsonRpcRequest;
import com.kurento.kmf.content.jsonrpc.JsonRpcResponse;
import com.kurento.kmf.spring.KurentoApplicationContextUtils;

 * Abstract class with the definition for Handler Servlets.
 * @author Luis Lpez (
 * @version 1.0.0
public abstract class AbstractContentHandlerServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private ContentApiExecutorService executor;

    private ControlProtocolManager protocolManager;

    protected ContentHandler<? extends ContentSession> handler;

    protected ContentSessionManager contentSessionManager;

    // protected boolean useRedirectStrategy = true;
    protected Class<?> handlerClass;

    protected boolean useControlProtocol = false;

    protected abstract boolean getUseJsonControlProtocol(Class<?> handlerClass) throws ServletException;

    protected abstract AbstractContentSession createContentSession(AsyncContext asyncCtx, String contentId);

    protected abstract Logger getLogger();

    public void init() throws ServletException {

        // Recover application context associated to this servlet in this
        // context
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext thisServletContext = KurentoApplicationContextUtils
                .getKurentoServletApplicationContext(this.getClass(), this.getServletName());

        // If there is not application context associated to this servlet,
        // create one
        if (thisServletContext == null) {
            // Locate the handler class associated to this servlet
            String handlerClassName = this
            if (handlerClassName == null || handlerClassName.equals("")) {
                String message = "Cannot find handler class associated to handler servlet with name "
                        + this.getServletConfig().getServletName() + " and class " + this.getClass().getName();
                throw new ServletException(message);
            // Create application context for this servlet containing the
            // handler
            thisServletContext = KurentoApplicationContextUtils.createKurentoHandlerServletApplicationContext(
                    this.getClass(), this.getServletName(), this.getServletContext(), handlerClassName);

            // useRedirectStrategy = getUseRedirectStrategy(handlerClass);
            try {
                handlerClass = Class.forName(handlerClassName);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                String message = "Cannot recover class " + handlerClass + " on classpath";
                throw new ServletException(message);
            useControlProtocol = getUseJsonControlProtocol(handlerClass);

        // Make this servlet to receive beans to resolve the @Autowired present
        // on it
        KurentoApplicationContextUtils.processInjectionBasedOnApplicationContext(this, thisServletContext);

        if (useControlProtocol) {
            contentSessionManager = (ContentSessionManager) KurentoApplicationContextUtils


    protected final void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {

        if (useControlProtocol) {
            ServletUtils.sendHttpError(req, resp, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
                    "Only POST request are supported for this service. You can enable GET requests "
                            + " by setting useControlProtocol to false on the appropriate handler annotation");

        getLogger().info("GET request received: " + req.getRequestURI());

        if (!req.isAsyncSupported()) {
            // Async context could not be created. It is not necessary to
            // complete it. Just send error message to
            ServletUtils.sendHttpError(req, resp, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    "AsyncContext could not be started. The application should add \"asyncSupported = true\" in all "
                            + this.getClass().getName() + " instances and in all filters in the associated chain");
        if (handler == null) {
            ServletUtils.sendHttpError(req, resp, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    handler.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is null. This error means that you "
                            + "need to provide a valid implementation of interface "
                            + handler.getClass().getSimpleName());

        String contentId = req.getPathInfo();
        if (contentId != null) {
            contentId = contentId.substring(1);

        AsyncContext asyncCtx = req.startAsync();

        // Add listener for managing error conditions
        asyncCtx.addListener(new ContentAsyncListener());

        doRequest4SimpleHttpProtocol(asyncCtx, contentId, resp);


    protected final void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {

        getLogger().info("POST request received: " + req.getRequestURI());

        if (!req.isAsyncSupported()) {
            // Async context could not be created. It is not necessary to
            // complete it. Just send error message to
            ServletUtils.sendHttpError(req, resp, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    "AsyncContext could not be started. The application should add \"asyncSupported = true\" in all "
                            + this.getClass().getName() + " instances and in all filters in the associated chain");
        if (handler == null) {
            ServletUtils.sendHttpError(req, resp, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                    handler.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is null. This error means that you "
                            + "need to provide a valid implementation of interface "
                            + handler.getClass().getSimpleName());

        String contentId = req.getPathInfo();
        if (contentId != null) {
            contentId = contentId.substring(1);

        AsyncContext asyncCtx = req.startAsync();

        // Add listener for managing error conditions
        asyncCtx.addListener(new ContentAsyncListener());

        if (useControlProtocol) {
            doRequest4JsonControlProtocol(asyncCtx, contentId, resp);
        } else {
            // TODO: we should check that the content type correspond to
            // the ones we support. We should avoid receiving application/json
            // here and send a coherent error message in that case because this
            // case corresponds to using incorrectly annotations on handlers
            doRequest4SimpleHttpProtocol(asyncCtx, contentId, resp);

     * Generic processor of HTTP request when not using JSON control procotol.
     * @param asyncCtx
     *            Asynchronous context
     * @param contentId
     *            Content unique identifier
     * @param resp
     *            HTTP response
     * @throws ServletException
     *             Exception in Servlet
     * @throws IOException
     *             Input/Ouput Exception
    private void doRequest4SimpleHttpProtocol(AsyncContext asyncCtx, String contentId, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        try {
            AbstractContentSession contentRequest = createContentSession(asyncCtx, contentId);

            Future<?> future = executor.getExecutor()
                    .submit(createAsyncRequestProcessor(contentRequest, null, asyncCtx));
            // Store future and request for using it in case of error
            asyncCtx.getRequest().setAttribute(ContentAsyncListener.FUTURE_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_ATT_NAME, future);
            asyncCtx.getRequest().setAttribute(ContentAsyncListener.CONTENT_REQUEST_ATT_NAME, contentRequest);
        } catch (KurentoMediaFrameworkException ke) {
            getLogger().error(ke.getMessage(), ke);
            ServletUtils.sendHttpError((HttpServletRequest) asyncCtx.getRequest(), resp,
                    ExceptionUtils.getHttpErrorCode(ke.getCode()), ke.getMessage());

     * Generic processor of HTTP request when using JSON control protocol.
     * @param asyncCtx
     *            Asynchronous context
     * @param contentId
     *            Content unique identifier
     * @param resp
     *            HTTP response
     * @throws ServletException
     *             Exception in servlet
     * @throws IOException
     *             Input/Ouput Exception
    private void doRequest4JsonControlProtocol(AsyncContext asyncCtx, String contentId, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {

        JsonRpcRequest message = null;

        try {
            message = protocolManager.receiveJsonRequest(asyncCtx);

            if (message == null) {
                throw new KurentoMediaFrameworkException("Null json message received", 10020);

            AbstractContentSession contentSession = null;
            String sessionId = message.getParams() != null ? message.getParams().getSessionId() : null;

            if (sessionId == null && message.getMethod().equals(METHOD_START)) {
                // Session is created by a start request, we need to fill
                // asyncCtx associated to start requests.
                contentSession = createContentSession(asyncCtx, contentId);
            } else if (sessionId == null && message.getMethod().equals(METHOD_EXECUTE)) {
                // Session is created by an execute request, the asyncCtx for
                // start requests must be set to null
                contentSession = createContentSession(null, contentId);
            } else if (sessionId != null) {
                contentSession = contentSessionManager.get(sessionId);
                if (contentSession == null) {
                    throw new KurentoMediaFrameworkException(
                            "Cloud not find contentRequest object associated to sessionId " + sessionId, 10021);
            } else {
                throw new KurentoMediaFrameworkException("Cloud not find required sessionId field in request",

            Future<?> future = executor.getExecutor()
                    .submit(createAsyncRequestProcessor(contentSession, message, asyncCtx));

            // Store future for using it in ContentAsyncListener in case of
            // error
            asyncCtx.getRequest().setAttribute(ContentAsyncListener.FUTURE_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_ATT_NAME, future);
            asyncCtx.getRequest().setAttribute(ContentAsyncListener.CONTENT_REQUEST_ATT_NAME, contentSession);
        } catch (KurentoMediaFrameworkException ke) {
            int reqId = message != null ? message.getId() : 0;
            protocolManager.sendJsonError(asyncCtx, JsonRpcResponse
                    .newError(ExceptionUtils.getJsonErrorCode(ke.getCode()), ke.getMessage(), reqId));
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            int reqId = message != null ? message.getId() : 0;
                    JsonRpcResponse.newError(ExceptionUtils.getJsonErrorCode(1), t.getMessage(), reqId));

    private RejectableRunnable createAsyncRequestProcessor(AbstractContentSession contentRequest,
            JsonRpcRequest message, AsyncContext asyncCtx) {
        return (AsyncContentRequestProcessor) KurentoApplicationContextUtils.getBean("asyncContentRequestProcessor",
                contentRequest, message, asyncCtx);