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/* (c) 2014 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
 * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
 * License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

package com.linkedin.cubert.plan.physical;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counter;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode;

import com.linkedin.cubert.block.Block;
import com.linkedin.cubert.block.BlockProperties;
import com.linkedin.cubert.block.BufferedTupleOperatorBlock;
import com.linkedin.cubert.operator.OperatorType;
import com.linkedin.cubert.operator.PhaseContext;
import com.linkedin.cubert.operator.TupleOperator;
import com.linkedin.cubert.utils.JsonUtils;

 * Utility functions for performance profiling (when -perf is enabled).
public class PerfProfiler {
    private static final String mapperProfileCounterGroupName = "MapperPerformanceCounter";
    private static final String reducerProfileCounterGroupName = "ReducerPerformanceCounter";

     * Auxiliary data for performance profile. First dimension indicates the pass index,
     * and the second dimension indicates the index of the operator in the pass.
    private BufferedTupleOperatorBlock[][] profileOperatorBlock;
    private LongWritable[][] cumulativeOperatorTime;
    private List<Integer>[][] operatorDependency;
    List<ArrayNode> multipassOperatorsJson;
    private int currentPassIndex;

    public PerfProfiler(List<ArrayNode> multipassOperatorsJson) {
        this.multipassOperatorsJson = multipassOperatorsJson;

    public PerfProfiler(ArrayNode operatorsJson) {
        multipassOperatorsJson = new ArrayList<ArrayNode>();

    private void Setup() {
        int numPass = multipassOperatorsJson.size();
        profileOperatorBlock = new BufferedTupleOperatorBlock[numPass][];
        cumulativeOperatorTime = new LongWritable[numPass][];
        operatorDependency = new List[numPass][];
        currentPassIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPass; i++)
            SetupPass(i, multipassOperatorsJson.get(i));

    private void SetupPass(int passIndex, ArrayNode operatorsJson) {
        profileOperatorBlock[passIndex] = new BufferedTupleOperatorBlock[operatorsJson.size()];
        cumulativeOperatorTime[passIndex] = new LongWritable[operatorsJson.size()];
        operatorDependency[passIndex] = getOperatorDependency(operatorsJson);

    // Get the parent operators for each operator.
    private static List<Integer>[] getOperatorDependency(ArrayNode operatorsJson) {
        Map<String, Integer> relationName2OperatorID = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        int numOperators = operatorsJson.size();
        List<Integer>[] inputOperatorIDs = new ArrayList[numOperators];

        for (int i = 0; i < numOperators; i++) {
            JsonNode operatorJson = operatorsJson.get(i);
            if (!operatorJson.has("operator"))

            OperatorType type = OperatorType.valueOf(operatorJson.get("operator").getTextValue());
            String outputName = operatorJson.get("output").getTextValue();

            if (type.isTupleOperator()) {
                inputOperatorIDs[i] = getInputOperatorIDs(relationName2OperatorID, operatorJson);
                relationName2OperatorID.put(outputName, i);

        return inputOperatorIDs;

    private static List<Integer> getInputOperatorIDs(Map<String, Integer> relationName2OperatorID, JsonNode json) {
        if (!json.has("input"))
            return null;

        List<Integer> inputOperatorIDs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        String[] inputs = JsonUtils.asArray(json.get("input"));
        for (String input : inputs) {
            Integer inputOperatorID = relationName2OperatorID.get(input);
            if (inputOperatorID != null)

        return inputOperatorIDs.size() == 0 ? null : inputOperatorIDs;

    public void updatePerformanceCounter() {

    // Obtain the time spending on each operator by subtracting the time from its upstream
    // operator.
    public long[] getOperatorTime() {
        LongWritable[] curCumulativeOperatorTime = cumulativeOperatorTime[currentPassIndex];
        List<Integer>[] curOperatorDependency = operatorDependency[currentPassIndex];

        long[] operatorTime = new long[curCumulativeOperatorTime.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < operatorTime.length; i++) {
            if (curCumulativeOperatorTime[i] != null) {
                operatorTime[i] = curCumulativeOperatorTime[i].get();
                if (curOperatorDependency[i] != null) {
                    for (int parentID : curOperatorDependency[i])
                        operatorTime[i] -= curCumulativeOperatorTime[parentID].get();
            } else {
                operatorTime[i] = -1;

        return operatorTime;

    private void resetOperatorTime() {
        LongWritable[] curCumulativeOperatorTime = cumulativeOperatorTime[currentPassIndex];

        for (LongWritable singleOperatorTime : curCumulativeOperatorTime) {
            if (singleOperatorTime != null)

    // Update the counter.
    private void updateCounter() {
        long[] operatorTime = getOperatorTime();

        String profileCounterGroupName = PhaseContext.isMapper() ? mapperProfileCounterGroupName
                : reducerProfileCounterGroupName;

        ArrayNode operatorsJson = multipassOperatorsJson.get(currentPassIndex);
        for (int i = 0; i < operatorTime.length; i++) {
            if (operatorTime[i] > 0) {
                JsonNode operatorJson = operatorsJson.get(i);

                OperatorType type = OperatorType.valueOf(operatorJson.get("operator").getTextValue());
                String outputName = operatorJson.get("output").getTextValue();

                String counterName = String.format("P%d-O%d-%s-%s", currentPassIndex, i, type, outputName);
                Counter profileCounter = PhaseContext.getCounter(profileCounterGroupName, counterName);

    public void incPass() {

    public void resetPass() {
        currentPassIndex = 0;

    public Block getProfileOperatorBlock(int operatorIndex, TupleOperator operator, BlockProperties props) {
        BufferedTupleOperatorBlock[] curProfileOperatorBlock = profileOperatorBlock[currentPassIndex];
        LongWritable[] curCumulativeOperatorTime = cumulativeOperatorTime[currentPassIndex];

        if (curProfileOperatorBlock[operatorIndex] == null) {
            curCumulativeOperatorTime[operatorIndex] = new LongWritable();
            curProfileOperatorBlock[operatorIndex] = new BufferedTupleOperatorBlock(operator, props,
        } else {

        return curProfileOperatorBlock[operatorIndex];