Source code

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Here is the source code for


package com.linkedin.databus.core;

 * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.ByteBufferCRC32;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.StringUtils;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.util.Utils;

public class DbusEventV2 extends DbusEventSerializable {
    /** Serialization Format is :
     * <pre>
     *   HEADER FIXED PART (43 bytes):
     *     Version (1 byte)         // 0 for DbusEventV1 (historical), 2 for DbusEventV2
     *     Magic (4 bytes)          // Must be 0xCAFEDEED for version 2
     *     Header Length (4 bytes)  // Length of fixed and variable parts of the header
     *     HeaderCrc (4 bytes)      // CRC of the header portion (fixed + variable), from offset 17 through end of header
     *     BodyCRC (4 bytes)        // CRC of the rest of the event
     *     Total Length (4 bytes)   // Total length, including header and body
     *     Attributes (2 bytes)     // (MSB)12-bit flags, 2 bits opcode, 2-bits key-type (LSB)
     *     NanoTimestamp (8 bytes)  // Time (in nanoseconds) at which the event was generated
     *     SourceId (4 bytes)       // SourceId for the event
     *     PartitionId (2 bytes)    // Partition ID for the event
     *     Sequence (8 bytes)       // Sequence number for the event window in which this event was generated
     *     if key type is long
     *       Long Key (8 bytes)
     *     else if key type is string
     *       String key length (4 bytes)
     *       String key (as per length)
     *     else // key type must be schema
     *       DbusEventPart
     *     DbusEventPart
     *   PAYLOAD PART:
     *     DbusEventPart
     * </pre>
     * A DbusEventPart is serialized as:
     * <pre>
     *   Length (4 bytes)
     *   Schema Attributes (2 bytes having the schema version and schema digest type)
     *   Schema Digest (4 or 16 bytes depending on schema digest type)
     *   Bytes (as per length)
     * </pre>
     * TODO Point to a wiki page
    public static final String MODULE = DbusEventV2.class.getName();
    public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MODULE);

    private static final int VersionOffset = 0;
    private static final int MagicOffset = 1;
    private static final int HeaderLenOffset = 5;
    private static final int HeaderCrcOffset = 9;
    private static final int BodyCrcOffset = 13;
    private static final int TotalLenOffset = 17;
    private static final int AttributesOffset = 21;
    private static final int TimestampOffset = 23;
    private static final int SourceIdOffset = 31;
    private static final int PartitionIdOffset = 35;
    private static final int SequenceOffset = 37;
    private static final int FixedHeaderLen = 45;
    private static final int StringKeyLengthOffset = 45; // If the key is of type string, the length of the string is here
    private static final int StringKeyLengthSize = 4; // size of storage to store the length of the key
    private static final int LongKeyOffset = 45;
    private static final int LongKeyLength = 8; // sizedof(long)
    private static final int SchemaKeyOffset = 45; // If the key is of type schema, it starts at this offset.

    // Bits in the Attributes (short) field
    // |   12 bits flags       | 2 bits key type | 2 bits op code |
    // MSB                                                       LSB
    private static final short KEY_TYPE_MASK = 0x000C; // Shifted left by 2 bits
    private static final short KEY_TYPE_SHIFT = 2;
    private static final short LONG_KEY_TYPE = 0x01;
    private static final short STRING_KEY_TYPE = 0x02;
    private static final short SCHEMA_KEY_TYPE = 0x03;
    private static final short OPCODE_MASK = 0x0003;
    private static final int DELETE_OP_CODE = 2;
    private static final int UPSERT_OP_CODE = 1;
    private static final int CONTROL_EVENT_OP_CODE = 0;
    // Shifted positions for the attribute bits
    private static final short FLAG_IS_REPLICATED = 0x10;
    private static final short FLAG_TRACE_ON = 0x20;
    private static final short FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_METADATA_PART = 0x40;
    private static final short FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_PART = 0x80;

    private static final int MAGIC = 0xCAFEDEED;

    // TODO Find a way to not duplicate variables and methods.

    // near-empty constructor that doesn't create a useful event
    public DbusEventV2() {
        _inited = false;

    public DbusEventV2(ByteBuffer buf, int position) {
        resetInternal(buf, position);

    public void setSequence(long sequence) {
        _buf.putLong(_position + SequenceOffset, sequence);

    public void applyCrc() {
        long headerCrc = ByteBufferCRC32.getChecksum(_buf, _position + BodyCrcOffset, numBytesForHeaderCrc());
        Utils.putUnsignedInt(_buf, _position + HeaderCrcOffset, headerCrc);

    public void setSize(int sz) {
        _buf.putInt(_position + TotalLenOffset, sz);

    public void setHeaderCrc(long crc) {
        Utils.putUnsignedInt(_buf, _position + HeaderCrcOffset, crc);

    public void setValue(byte[] bytes) {
        // TODO Remove this after implementing DbusEventPart method to set value?
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");

    public void setValueCrc(long crc) {
        // For V2 events, this translates to setting the CRC for the non-header portion.
        Utils.putUnsignedInt(_buf, _position + BodyCrcOffset, crc);

    public DbusEvent clone(DbusEvent e) {
        DbusEventV2 reuse = (DbusEventV2) e;
        if (null == reuse) {
            reuse = new DbusEventV2(_buf, _position);
        } else {
            if (!(e instanceof DbusEventV2)) {
                throw new UnsupportedClassVersionError("Unsupported class:" + e.getClass().getSimpleName());
            reuse.resetInternal(_buf, _position);

        return reuse;

    public void setSrcId(int srcId) {
        _buf.putInt(_position + SourceIdOffset, srcId);

     * Replace the schema ID for the payload. The caller knows what they are doing, and
     * will call methods to re-compute CRCs.
     * @param payloadSchemaId the new schema digest
    public void setSchemaId(byte[] payloadSchemaId) {
        int payloadPartPosition = payloadPartPosition();
        if (payloadPartPosition == -1) {
            throw new DatabusRuntimeException("No payload in which to set schema ID");
        DbusEventPart.replaceSchemaDigest(_buf, payloadPartPosition, payloadSchemaId);

    public void recomputeCrcsAfterEspressoRewrite() {
        long valueCrc = getCalculatedValueCrc();
        // Recompute the Body as well as header CRC since both have changed

    public DbusEventInternalReadable reset(ByteBuffer buf, int position) {
        if (buf.get(position) != DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2) {
            verifyByteOrderConsistency(buf, "DbusEventV2.reset()");
            return DbusEventV1Factory.createReadOnlyDbusEventFromBufferUnchecked(buf, position);
        resetInternal(buf, position);
        return this;

    public long headerCrc() {
        return Utils.getUnsignedInt(_buf, _position + HeaderCrcOffset);

    // DbusEventV1 returns PARTIAL if the header or event is partial, but it logs an error.
    // We return PARTIAL but do not log an error.
    // TODO:  should this also check _inited?  if _inited == false, presumably we should return ERR
    public EventScanStatus scanEvent(boolean logErrors) {
        HeaderScanStatus h = scanHeader(logErrors);
        if (h != HeaderScanStatus.OK) {
            // scanHeader should have logged errors.
            return (h == HeaderScanStatus.ERR ? EventScanStatus.ERR : EventScanStatus.PARTIAL);

        int bytesInBuffer = _buf.limit() - _position;
        int eventLengthFromHeader = _buf.getInt(_position + TotalLenOffset);

        if (bytesInBuffer < eventLengthFromHeader) {
            return EventScanStatus.PARTIAL;
        // We know that we have exactly the number of bytes we expect to have.
        long calculatedBodyCrc = getCalculatedValueCrc();
        long bodyCrc = bodyCrc();
        if (calculatedBodyCrc != bodyCrc) {
            if (logErrors) {
                LOG.error("bodyCrcInEvent = " + bodyCrc);
                LOG.error(",calculatedBodyCrc = " + calculatedBodyCrc);
                LOG.error(",crc-ed block size = " + valueLength());
                LOG.error(",event sequence = " + sequence());
                LOG.error(",timestamp = " + timestampInNanos());
            return EventScanStatus.ERR;

        return EventScanStatus.OK;

    public int payloadLength() {
        return valueLength();

    public long bodyCrc() {
        return Utils.getUnsignedInt(_buf, _position + BodyCrcOffset);

    private int bodyLength() {
        return _buf.getInt(_position + TotalLenOffset) - headerLength();

    public long getCalculatedValueCrc() {
        return ByteBufferCRC32.getChecksum(_buf, _position + headerLength(), bodyLength());

    public DbusEventInternalWritable createCopy() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not imeplemented");

    // We really mean the payload schema version here.
    // TODO We should optimize by creating the DbusEventPart objects during scan event.
    public short schemaVersion() {
        DbusEventPart payloadPart = getPayloadPart();
        if (payloadPart == null) {
            return 0;
        return payloadPart.getSchemaVersion();

    private int headerLength() {
        return _buf.getInt(_position + HeaderLenOffset);

    protected HeaderScanStatus scanHeader(boolean logErrors) {
        if (getVersion() != DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2) {
            if (logErrors) {
                LOG.error("Incorrect version byte in header:" + getVersion());

        int bytesInBuffer = _buf.limit() - _position;
        if (bytesInBuffer < HeaderCrcOffset) {
            // We can't even get to the header length
            return HeaderScanStatus.PARTIAL;
        if (headerLength() < FixedHeaderLen) {
            if (logErrors) {
                LOG.error("Header length too small:" + headerLength());
        if (bytesInBuffer < headerLength()) {
            return HeaderScanStatus.PARTIAL;
        // We have the complete header. Verify the CRC and return the status.
        long calculatedHeaderCrc = getCalculatedHeaderCrc();
        if (calculatedHeaderCrc != headerCrc()) {
            if (logErrors) {
                LOG.error("Header CRC mismatch: Calculated:" + calculatedHeaderCrc + ",found:" + headerCrc());
            return HeaderScanStatus.ERR;

        return HeaderScanStatus.OK;

    protected boolean isPartial() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");

    public byte getVersion() {
        return (_buf.get(_position + VersionOffset));

    public int getMagic() {
        return (_buf.getInt(_position + MagicOffset));

    public boolean isExtReplicatedEvent() {
        return isAttributeSet(FLAG_IS_REPLICATED);

    private short getKeyTypeAttribute() {
        return _buf.getShort(_position + AttributesOffset);

    public boolean isKeyNumber() {
        return (getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute()) == DbusEventKey.KeyType.LONG);

    public boolean isKeyString() {
        return (getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute()) == DbusEventKey.KeyType.STRING);

    public boolean isKeySchema() {
        return (getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute()) == DbusEventKey.KeyType.SCHEMA);

    public boolean isTraceEnabled() {
        return isAttributeSet(FLAG_TRACE_ON);

    private boolean hasPayloadPart() {
        return isAttributeSet(FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_PART);

    private boolean hasMetadata() {
        return isAttributeSet(FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_METADATA_PART);

    public DbusOpcode getOpcode() {
        return getOpCode(_buf.getShort(_position + AttributesOffset));

    public long timestampInNanos() {
        return _buf.getLong(_position + TimestampOffset);

    public int size() {
        return _buf.getInt(_position + TotalLenOffset);

    public long sequence() {
        return _buf.getLong(_position + SequenceOffset);

    public long key() {
        assert isKeyNumber();
        return _buf.getLong(_position + LongKeyOffset);

     * key length includes 4 bytes of the key length size
     * @see com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEvent#keyLength()
    public int keyLength() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("DbusEvent.keyLength() is deprecated");

     * @see com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventInternalReadable#keyBytesLength()
    public int keyBytesLength() {
        assert isKeyString() : "Key type not string = " + getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute());
        return _buf.getInt(_position + StringKeyLengthOffset);

    public byte[] keyBytes() {
        assert isKeyString() : "Key type = " + getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute());
        int strKeyLen = keyBytesLength();
        byte dst[] = new byte[strKeyLen];
        int offsetToCopyFrom = StringKeyLengthOffset + StringKeyLengthSize;
        // TODO Use slice() and then bulk-get.
        for (int i = 0; i < strKeyLen; i++) //not using 'bulk' get, because it would adjust _position
            dst[i] = _buf.get(_position + offsetToCopyFrom + i);
        return dst;

    public short srcId() {
        int srcId = getSourceId();
        assert srcId <= Short.MAX_VALUE : "Source ID = " + srcId + " not handled by caller";
        return (short) srcId;

    public int getSourceId() {
        return _buf.getInt(_position + SourceIdOffset);

    public short physicalPartitionId() {
        return (_buf.getShort(_position + PartitionIdOffset));

    public short logicalPartitionId() {
        return (_buf.getShort(_position + PartitionIdOffset));

    public short getPartitionId() {
        return physicalPartitionId();

    public byte[] schemaId() {
        DbusEventPart payloadPart = getPayloadPart();
        if (payloadPart == null) {
            return null;
        return payloadPart.getSchemaDigest(); // clones the byte array already

    public void schemaId(byte[] md5) {
        DbusEventPart payloadPart = getPayloadPart();
        if (payloadPart == null) {
        // TODO assert that the digest is MD5 type? Optimize to copy once?
        byte[] srcBytes = payloadPart.getSchemaDigest();
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            md5[i] = srcBytes[i];

    // Return the position within the buffer where the payload part starts.
    private int payloadPartPosition() {
        if (!hasPayloadPart()) {
            return -1;
        // We know that payload has MD5 hash as signature.
        int payloadPartPosition = _position + headerLength();
        if (hasMetadata()) {
            // Skip metadata to get to the payload
            payloadPartPosition += DbusEventPart.partLength(_buf, payloadPartPosition);
        return payloadPartPosition;

    public int valueLength() {
        // TODO Maybe use DbusEventPart?
        if (!hasPayloadPart()) {
            return 0;
        return _buf.getInt(payloadPartPosition());

    public ByteBuffer value() {
        DbusEventPart payloadPart = getPayloadPart();
        if (payloadPart == null) {
            return null;
        // this will return a new ByteBuffer object pointing to the
        // original data, with position pointing to beginning of the
        // data and limit set to the end.
        return payloadPart.getData();

    public DbusEventPart getPayloadPart() {
        int payloadPartPosition = payloadPartPosition();
        if (payloadPartPosition == -1) {
            return null;
        return getDbusEventPart(payloadPartPosition);

    public DbusEventPart getPayloadMetadataPart() {
        // TODO Cache the parts as we de-serialize them. Perhaps best done in scanEvent().
        if (!hasMetadata()) {
            return null;
        return getDbusEventPart(_position + headerLength());

    public DbusEventPart getKeyPart() {
        assert isKeySchema() : "Key type = " + getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute());
        return getDbusEventPart(_position + SchemaKeyOffset);

    private DbusEventPart getDbusEventPart(int dbusEventPartStartPos) {
        ByteBuffer dbusEventPartBB;
        dbusEventPartBB = _buf.asReadOnlyBuffer().order(_buf.order());
        DbusEventPart dbusEventPart = DbusEventPart.decode(dbusEventPartBB);
        return dbusEventPart;

    private DbusEventKey.KeyType getKeyType(short attributes) {
        switch ((attributes & KEY_TYPE_MASK) >> KEY_TYPE_SHIFT) {
        case LONG_KEY_TYPE:
            return DbusEventKey.KeyType.LONG;
        case STRING_KEY_TYPE:
            return DbusEventKey.KeyType.STRING;
        case SCHEMA_KEY_TYPE:
            return DbusEventKey.KeyType.SCHEMA;
        throw new DatabusRuntimeException("Unexpected attribute value:" + attributes);

    private DbusOpcode getOpCode(short attributes) {
        switch (attributes & OPCODE_MASK) {
        case UPSERT_OP_CODE:
            return DbusOpcode.UPSERT;
        case DELETE_OP_CODE:
            return DbusOpcode.DELETE;
            return null;
        throw new DatabusRuntimeException("Unexpected op code " + (attributes & OPCODE_MASK));

    private int numBytesForHeaderCrc() {
        // We run the header CRC from the BodyCrcOffset up until the end of the header.
        return (_buf.getInt(_position + HeaderLenOffset) - BodyCrcOffset);

    private boolean isAttributeSet(short attribute) {
        return ((_buf.getShort(_position + AttributesOffset) & attribute) == attribute);

    private long getCalculatedHeaderCrc() {
        return ByteBufferCRC32.getChecksum(_buf, _position + BodyCrcOffset, numBytesForHeaderCrc());

    private static short setOpCode(DbusOpcode opCode, short attributes, int srcId) {
        // DbusEventInfo does not support an opcode reserved for control events.
        if (DbusEventUtils.isControlSrcId(srcId)) {
            // We know that CONTROL_EVENT_OP_CODE is 0, and findbugs does not like us ORing a 0,
            // so we return here.
            //      attributes |= CONTROL_EVENT_OP_CODE;
            return attributes;
        if (opCode == null) {
            // Keeping compatiblity with V1. See DDSDBUS-2282.
            opCode = DbusOpcode.UPSERT;
        switch (opCode) {
        case UPSERT:
            attributes |= UPSERT_OP_CODE;
        case DELETE:
            attributes |= DELETE_OP_CODE;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unimplemented opCode:" + opCode);
        return attributes;

    private static short setKeyType(DbusEventKey key, short attributes) {
        switch (key.getKeyType()) {
        case STRING:
            attributes |= (STRING_KEY_TYPE << KEY_TYPE_SHIFT);
        case LONG:
            attributes |= (LONG_KEY_TYPE << KEY_TYPE_SHIFT);
        case SCHEMA:
            attributes |= (SCHEMA_KEY_TYPE << KEY_TYPE_SHIFT);
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unimplemented key type:" + key.getKeyType());
        return attributes;

    // Since this is in test code path only, we keep it sub-optimal by copying
    // string key multiple times. Better way is to get a reference to the key
    // bytes (sorry, findbugs) or move the encoding logic into DbusEventKey to
    // avoid a short-term key copy plus memory allocation.
    public static void setKey(ByteBuffer buf, DbusEventKey key) {
        switch (key.getKeyType()) {
        case STRING:
            byte[] keyBytes = key.getStringKeyInBytes();
        case LONG:
        case SCHEMA:
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unimplemented key type:" + key.getKeyType());

    // Having a value length of 0 is a valid case when a row is deleted, or has a schema that produces a 0 length payload.
    // Also, we use DbusEvent internally to create events to carry Checkpoint, DbusErrorEvent or SCNRegressMessage.
    // These events have a payload, but no schema version. The schemaId is ignored in these events, but the payload
    // part must be present.
    private static boolean shouldEncodePayloadPart(DbusEventInfo eventInfo) {
        if (eventInfo.getPayloadSchemaVersion() > 0 || eventInfo.getValueLength() > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static int serializeEvent(DbusEventKey key, ByteBuffer buf, DbusEventInfo dbusEventInfo) {
        // Serialize a DbusEventV2 that has exact same contents as a DbusEventV1.
        final int start = buf.position();
        buf.putInt(0); // Header len placeholder
        buf.putInt(0); // Header crc placeholder
        buf.putInt(0); // Body CRC placeholder
        buf.putInt(0); // total length placeholder

        short attributes = 0;
        attributes = setOpCode(dbusEventInfo.getOpCode(), attributes, dbusEventInfo.getSrcId());
        attributes = setKeyType(key, attributes);
        if (dbusEventInfo.isEnableTracing()) {
            attributes |= FLAG_TRACE_ON;

        if (dbusEventInfo.isReplicated()) {
            attributes |= FLAG_IS_REPLICATED;

        DbusEventPart metadata = dbusEventInfo.getMetadata();
        if (shouldEncodePayloadPart(dbusEventInfo)) {
            attributes |= FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_PART;
        if (metadata != null) {
            attributes |= FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_METADATA_PART;

        // Fixed part of header is done. Now for the variable header part
        setKey(buf, key);
        final int hdrEndPos = buf.position();

        if (metadata != null) {

        if ((attributes & FLAG_HAS_PAYLOAD_PART) != 0) {
            ByteBuffer bb = dbusEventInfo.getValueByteBuffer();
            if (bb == null) {
                // Special case to encode when there is no data.
                bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(1).order(buf.order());
            DbusEventPart valuePart = new DbusEventPart(SchemaDigestType.MD5, dbusEventInfo.getSchemaId(),
                    dbusEventInfo.getPayloadSchemaVersion(), bb);
        final int end = buf.position();
        buf.putInt(start + HeaderLenOffset, hdrEndPos - start);
        buf.putInt(start + TotalLenOffset, end - start);

        long bodyCrc = ByteBufferCRC32.getChecksum(buf, hdrEndPos, end - hdrEndPos);
        Utils.putUnsignedInt(buf, start + BodyCrcOffset, bodyCrc);
        // Header CRC
        if (dbusEventInfo.isAutocommit()) {
            // Do the body CRC first, since that is included in the header CRC
            long hdrCrc = ByteBufferCRC32.getChecksum(buf, start + BodyCrcOffset,
                    hdrEndPos - start - BodyCrcOffset);
            Utils.putUnsignedInt(buf, start + HeaderCrcOffset, hdrCrc);
        return buf.position() - start;

    public static int serializeEvent(DbusEventKey key, short pPartitionId, short lPartitionId,
            long timeStampInNanos, short srcId, byte[] schemaId, byte[] value, boolean enableTracing,
            ByteBuffer serializationBuffer) throws KeyTypeNotImplementedException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unimplemented as yet");

     * Compute how long an event would be, if it were to be serialized.
    public static int computeEventLength(DbusEventKey key, DbusEventInfo eventInfo)
            throws KeyTypeNotImplementedException {
        int evtLen = LongKeyOffset;
        switch (key.getKeyType()) {
        case LONG:
            evtLen += LongKeyLength;
        case STRING:
            evtLen += key.getStringKeyInBytes().length + StringKeyLengthSize;
        case SCHEMA:
            evtLen += key.getSchemaKey().computePartLength();
            String msg = "Unknown key type:" + key.getKeyType();
            throw new KeyTypeNotImplementedException(msg);

        DbusEventPart metadata = eventInfo.getMetadata();
        if (metadata != null) {
            evtLen += metadata.computePartLength();

        // In case of Checksum event, the payload is non-null, but there is no schema.
        // We need to encode a payload part if either the payload has some data, or
        // if schema version is non-zero.
        // All payload schema digests are MD5 until we choose to support CRC digest in
        // payload.
        if (shouldEncodePayloadPart(eventInfo)) {
            evtLen += DbusEventPart.computePartLength(SchemaDigestType.MD5, eventInfo.getValueLength());

        return evtLen;

    public DbusEventInternalWritable convertToV1() throws KeyTypeNotImplementedException {
        DbusEventKey key;
        DbusEventFactory eventV1Factory = new DbusEventV1Factory();

        // to create new event we need to get data from ByteBuffer of the current event
        ByteBuffer curValue = value();

        // create the key
        if (isKeyNumber()) {
            key = new DbusEventKey(key());
        } else if (isKeyString()) {
            key = new DbusEventKey(keyBytes());
        } else {
            String msg = "Conversion not supported for this key type:" + getKeyType(getKeyTypeAttribute());
            throw new KeyTypeNotImplementedException(msg);

        // validate schmeaId - for v1 it should be array of bytes with 0s
        byte[] schemaId = schemaId();
        if (schemaId == null) {
            schemaId = DbusEventInternalWritable.emptyMd5;

        boolean autocommit = true; // will generate CRC for the event - should always be true
        DbusEventInfo dbusEventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(getOpcode(), sequence(), getPartitionId(), getPartitionId(),
                timestampInNanos(), (short) getSourceId(), schemaId, null, isTraceEnabled(), autocommit);
        if (curValue != null) {
            dbusEventInfo.setValueByteBuffer(curValue); // to make it more efficient we should copy directly from the buffer

        // allocate the buffer
        int newEventSize = eventV1Factory.computeEventLength(key, dbusEventInfo);
        ByteBuffer serializationBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newEventSize);
        int size = DbusEventV1.serializeEvent(key, serializationBuffer, dbusEventInfo);

        if (size != newEventSize)
            throw new DatabusRuntimeException("event size doesn't match after conversion from V2 to V1");
        serializationBuffer.limit(size); // set the limit to the end of the event
        // construct the event from the buffer at the position
        return new DbusEventV1(serializationBuffer, 0);

    public static ByteBuffer serializeEndOfPeriodMarker(long seq, short partition, ByteOrder byteOrder) {
        DbusEventKey key = DbusEventInternalWritable.EOPMarkerKey;
        DbusEventInfo eventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(null, seq, partition, partition, System.nanoTime(),
                EOPMarkerSrcId, DbusEventInternalWritable.emptyMd5, new byte[0], false, //enable tracing
                true, // autocommit
                DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2, (short) 0, // payload schema version
                null // Metadata

        try {
            int evtLen = computeEventLength(key, eventInfo);
            ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(evtLen).order(byteOrder);
            serializeEvent(key, buf, eventInfo);
            return buf;
        } catch (KeyTypeNotImplementedException e) {
            throw new DatabusRuntimeException("Unexpected exception on key :" + key, e);

    public String toString() {
        if (_buf == null) {
            return "buf=null";

        boolean valid = true;

        try {
            valid = isValid(true);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error("DbusEventV2.toString() : Got Exception while trying to validate the event ", ex);
            valid = false;

        if (!valid) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Position: ");
            sb.append(", buf: ");
            sb.append(_buf != null ? _buf.toString() : "null");
            sb.append(", validity: false; hexDump:");
            if (_buf != null && _position >= 0) {
                sb.append(StringUtils.hexdumpByteBufferContents(_buf, _position, 100));

            return sb.toString();

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
                .append(Integer.toHexString((int) headerCrc())).append(";Length=").append(size())
        if (isKeyString()) {
        } else if (isKeyNumber()) {
        } else if (isKeySchema()) {

                .append(";SchemaId=").append(schemaId() == null ? "null" : "0x" + Hex.encodeHexString(schemaId()))
                .append(";ValueCrc=").append("0x").append(Integer.toHexString((int) bodyCrc()))

        if (hasMetadata()) {

        // Do not print data here, it could be big.
        return sb.toString();