Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.linkedin.drelephant.tuning;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.ElephantContext;
import com.linkedin.drelephant.util.Utils;

import controllers.AutoTuningMetricsController;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import models.FlowDefinition;
import models.FlowExecution;
import models.JobDefinition;
import models.JobExecution;
import models.JobExecution.ExecutionState;
import models.JobSuggestedParamSet;
import models.JobSuggestedParamSet.ParamSetStatus;
import models.JobSuggestedParamValue;
import models.TuningAlgorithm;
import models.TuningJobDefinition;
import models.TuningJobExecutionParamSet;
import models.TuningParameter;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * This class processes the API requests and returns param suggestion as response
public class AutoTuningAPIHelper {

    private static final String ALLOWED_MAX_RESOURCE_USAGE_PERCENT_DEFAULT = "autotuning.default.allowed_max_resource_usage_percent";
    private static final String ALLOWED_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_PERCENT_DEFAULT = "autotuning.default.allowed_max_execution_time_percent";
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AutoTuningAPIHelper.class);

     * For a job, returns the best parameter set of the given job if it exists else  the default parameter set
     * @param jobDefId Sting JobDefId of the job
     * @return JobSuggestedParamSet the best parameter set of the given job if it exists else  the default parameter set
    private JobSuggestedParamSet getBestParamSet(String jobDefId) {
        JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSetBestParamSet ="*").where()
                .eq(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.jobDefinition + "." + JobDefinition.TABLE.jobDefId, jobDefId)
                .eq(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.isParamSetBest, true).setMaxRows(1).findUnique();

        if (jobSuggestedParamSetBestParamSet == null) {
            jobSuggestedParamSetBestParamSet ="*").where()
                    .eq(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.jobDefinition + "." + JobDefinition.TABLE.jobDefId, jobDefId)
                    .eq(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.isParamSetDefault, true).setMaxRows(1).findUnique();
        return jobSuggestedParamSetBestParamSet;

     * Returns the param values corresponding to the given param set id
     * @param paramSetId Long parameter set id
     * @return List<JobSuggestedParamValue> list of parameters
    private List<JobSuggestedParamValue> getParamSetValues(Long paramSetId) {
        List<JobSuggestedParamValue> jobSuggestedParamValues = JobSuggestedParamValue.find.where()
                .eq(JobSuggestedParamValue.TABLE.jobSuggestedParamSet + '.' +,
        return jobSuggestedParamValues;

     * Sets the max allowed increase percentage for metrics: execution time and resource usage if not provided in API call
     * @param tuningInput TuningInput
    private void setMaxAllowedMetricIncreasePercentage(TuningInput tuningInput) {
        Configuration configuration = ElephantContext.instance().getAutoTuningConf();
        if (tuningInput.getAllowedMaxExecutionTimePercent() == null) {
            Double allowedMaxExecutionTimePercent = new Double(
                    Utils.getNonNegativeInt(configuration, ALLOWED_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_PERCENT_DEFAULT, 150));
        if (tuningInput.getAllowedMaxResourceUsagePercent() == null) {
            Double allowedMaxResourceUsagePercent = new Double(
                    Utils.getNonNegativeInt(configuration, ALLOWED_MAX_RESOURCE_USAGE_PERCENT_DEFAULT, 150));

     * Sets the tuning algorithm based on the job type and optimization metric
     * @param tuningInput TuningInput for which tuning algorithm is to be set
    private void setTuningAlgorithm(TuningInput tuningInput) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        //Todo: Handle algorithm version later
        TuningAlgorithm tuningAlgorithm ="*").where()
                .eq(TuningAlgorithm.TABLE.jobType, tuningInput.getJobType())
                .eq(TuningAlgorithm.TABLE.optimizationMetric, tuningInput.getOptimizationMetric()).findUnique();
        if (tuningAlgorithm == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong job type or optimization metric. Job Type "
                    + tuningInput.getJobType() + ". Optimization Metrics: " + tuningInput.getOptimizationMetric());

     * Applies penalty to the param set corresponding to the given execution
     * @param jobExecId String job execution id/url of the execution whose parameter set has to be penalized
     * Assumption: Best param set will never be penalized
    private void applyPenalty(String jobExecId) {
        Integer penaltyConstant = 3;"Execution " + jobExecId + " failed/cancelled. Applying penalty");

        TuningJobExecutionParamSet tuningJobExecutionParamSet = TuningJobExecutionParamSet.find.where()
                .eq(TuningJobExecutionParamSet.TABLE.jobExecution + '.' + JobExecution.TABLE.jobExecId, jobExecId)

        JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet = tuningJobExecutionParamSet.jobSuggestedParamSet;
        JobExecution jobExecution = tuningJobExecutionParamSet.jobExecution;
        JobDefinition jobDefinition = jobExecution.job;

        TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition = TuningJobDefinition.find.where()
                .eq(TuningJobDefinition.TABLE.job + '.' +,;
        Double averageResourceUsagePerGBInput = tuningJobDefinition.averageResourceUsage * FileUtils.ONE_GB
                / tuningJobDefinition.averageInputSizeInBytes;
        Double maxDesiredResourceUsagePerGBInput = averageResourceUsagePerGBInput
                * tuningJobDefinition.allowedMaxResourceUsagePercent / 100.0; = penaltyConstant * maxDesiredResourceUsagePerGBInput;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.paramSetState = ParamSetStatus.FITNESS_COMPUTED;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.fitnessJobExecution = jobExecution;

        jobExecution.resourceUsage = 0D;
        jobExecution.executionTime = 0D;
        jobExecution.inputSizeInBytes = 1D;;

     * Returns flow definition corresponding to the given tuning input if it exists, else creates one and returns it
     * @param tuningInput TuningInput containing the flow definition id corresponding to which flow definition
     *                    is to be returned
     * @return FlowDefinition flow definition
    private FlowDefinition getFlowDefinition(TuningInput tuningInput) {
        FlowDefinition flowDefinition = FlowDefinition.find.where()
                .eq(FlowDefinition.TABLE.flowDefId, tuningInput.getFlowDefId()).findUnique();
        if (flowDefinition == null) {
            flowDefinition = new FlowDefinition();
            flowDefinition.flowDefId = tuningInput.getFlowDefId();
            flowDefinition.flowDefUrl = tuningInput.getFlowDefUrl();
        return flowDefinition;

     * Returns flow execution corresponding to the given tuning input if it exists, else creates one and returns it
     * @param tuningInput TuningInput containing the flow execution id corresponding to which flow execution
     *                    is to be returned
     * @return FlowExecution flow execution
    private FlowExecution getFlowExecution(TuningInput tuningInput) {
        FlowExecution flowExecution = FlowExecution.find.where()
                .eq(FlowExecution.TABLE.flowExecId, tuningInput.getFlowExecId()).findUnique();

        if (flowExecution == null) {
            flowExecution = new FlowExecution();
            flowExecution.flowExecId = tuningInput.getFlowExecId();
            flowExecution.flowExecUrl = tuningInput.getFlowExecUrl();
            flowExecution.flowDefinition = getFlowDefinition(tuningInput);
        return flowExecution;

     * Adds new job for tuning
     * @param tuningInput Tuning input parameters
     * @return Job
    private TuningJobDefinition addNewJobForTuning(TuningInput tuningInput) {"Adding new job for tuning, job id: " + tuningInput.getJobDefId());
        FlowDefinition flowDefinition = getFlowDefinition(tuningInput);
        JobDefinition job ="*").where()
                .eq(JobDefinition.TABLE.jobDefId, tuningInput.getJobDefId()).findUnique();

        if (job == null) {
            job = new JobDefinition();
            job.jobDefId = tuningInput.getJobDefId();
            job.scheduler = tuningInput.getScheduler();
            job.username = tuningInput.getUserName();
            job.jobName = tuningInput.getJobName();
            job.jobDefUrl = tuningInput.getJobDefUrl();
            job.flowDefinition = flowDefinition;

        String client = tuningInput.getClient();
        Map<String, Double> defaultParams = null;
        try {
            defaultParams = tuningInput.getDefaultParams();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Error in getting default parameters from request. ", e);
        TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition = new TuningJobDefinition();
        tuningJobDefinition.job = job;
        tuningJobDefinition.client = client;
        tuningJobDefinition.tuningAlgorithm = tuningInput.getTuningAlgorithm();
        tuningJobDefinition.tuningEnabled = true;
        tuningJobDefinition.allowedMaxExecutionTimePercent = tuningInput.getAllowedMaxExecutionTimePercent();
        tuningJobDefinition.allowedMaxResourceUsagePercent = tuningInput.getAllowedMaxResourceUsagePercent();;

        insertParamSet(job, tuningInput.getTuningAlgorithm(), defaultParams);"Added job: " + tuningInput.getJobDefId() + " for tuning");
        return tuningJobDefinition;

     * Returns the job definition corresponding to the given tuning input if it exists, else creates one and returns it
     * @param tuningInput Tuning Input corresponding to which job definition is to be returned
     * @return JobDefinition corresponding to the given tuning input
    private JobDefinition getJobDefinition(TuningInput tuningInput) {

        String jobDefId = tuningInput.getJobDefId();

        TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition ="*")
                .fetch(TuningJobDefinition.TABLE.job, "*").where()
                .eq(TuningJobDefinition.TABLE.job + "." + JobDefinition.TABLE.jobDefId, jobDefId).setMaxRows(1)
                .orderBy(TuningJobDefinition.TABLE.createdTs + " desc").findUnique();

        if (tuningJobDefinition == null) {
            // Job new to tuning
            logger.debug("Registering job: " + tuningInput.getJobName() + " for auto tuning tuning");
            tuningJobDefinition = addNewJobForTuning(tuningInput);
        return tuningJobDefinition.job;

     * Creates a new job execution entry corresponding to the given tuning input
     * @param tuningInput Input corresponding to which job execution is to be created
     * @return JobExecution: the newly created job execution
    private JobExecution addNewExecution(TuningInput tuningInput) {
        JobDefinition jobDefinition = getJobDefinition(tuningInput);
        FlowExecution flowExecution = getFlowExecution(tuningInput);

        JobExecution jobExecution = new JobExecution();
        jobExecution.jobExecId = tuningInput.getJobExecId();
        jobExecution.jobExecUrl = tuningInput.getJobExecUrl();
        jobExecution.job = jobDefinition;
        jobExecution.executionState = ExecutionState.IN_PROGRESS;
        jobExecution.flowExecution = flowExecution;;
        return jobExecution;

     * Returns the job execution corresponding to the given tuning input if it exists, else creates one and returns it
     * @param tuningInput Tuning Input corresponding to which job execution is to be returned
     * @return JobExecution corresponding to the given tuning input
    private JobExecution getJobExecution(TuningInput tuningInput) {

        JobExecution jobExecution ="*").fetch(JobExecution.TABLE.job, "*").where()
                .eq(JobExecution.TABLE.jobExecId, tuningInput.getJobExecId()).findUnique();

        if (jobExecution == null) {
            jobExecution = addNewExecution(tuningInput);
        return jobExecution;

     * Handles the api request and returns param suggestions as response
     * @param tuningInput Rest api parameters
     * @return Parameter Suggestion
    public Map<String, Double> getCurrentRunParameters(TuningInput tuningInput) throws Exception {"Parameter set request received from execution: " + tuningInput.getJobExecId());

        if (tuningInput.getAllowedMaxExecutionTimePercent() == null
                || tuningInput.getAllowedMaxResourceUsagePercent() == null) {

        JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet;
        JobExecution jobExecution = getJobExecution(tuningInput);

        if (tuningInput.getRetry()) {
            jobSuggestedParamSet = getBestParamSet(tuningInput.getJobDefId());
        } else {
            logger.debug("Finding parameter suggestion for job: " + jobExecution.job.jobName);
            jobSuggestedParamSet = getNewSuggestedParamSet(jobExecution.job);

        addNewTuningJobExecutionParamSet(jobSuggestedParamSet, jobExecution);

        List<JobSuggestedParamValue> jobSuggestedParamValues = getParamSetValues(;
        logger.debug("Number of output parameters for execution " + tuningInput.getJobExecId() + " = "
                + jobSuggestedParamValues.size());"Finishing getCurrentRunParameters");
        return jobSuggestedParamValueListToMap(jobSuggestedParamValues);

     * Adds a new entry to the "tuning_job_execution_param_set"  for the given param set and job execution
     * @param jobSuggestedParamSet JobSuggestedParamSet: param set
     * @param jobExecution JobExecution
    private void addNewTuningJobExecutionParamSet(JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet,
            JobExecution jobExecution) {
        TuningJobExecutionParamSet tuningJobExecutionParamSet = new TuningJobExecutionParamSet();
        tuningJobExecutionParamSet.jobSuggestedParamSet = jobSuggestedParamSet;
        tuningJobExecutionParamSet.jobExecution = jobExecution;

        TuningJobDefinition tuningJobDefinition = TuningJobDefinition.find.where()
                .eq(TuningJobDefinition.TABLE.job + '.' +,
        tuningJobExecutionParamSet.tuningEnabled = tuningJobDefinition.tuningEnabled;;

     * Returns a parameter set in "CREATED" state corresponding to the given job definition if it exists, else returns
     * the best parameter set
     * @param jobDefinition jobDefinition for which param set is to be returned
     * @return JobSuggestedParamSet corresponding to the given job definition
    private JobSuggestedParamSet getNewSuggestedParamSet(JobDefinition jobDefinition) {
        JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet ="*")
                .fetch(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.jobDefinition, "*").where()
                .eq(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.jobDefinition + "." +,
                .eq(JobSuggestedParamSet.TABLE.paramSetState, ParamSetStatus.CREATED).order()

        if (jobSuggestedParamSet == null) {
            //No new parameter set exists, returning the best parameter set
  "Returning best parameter set as no parameter suggestion found for job: "
                    + jobDefinition.jobName);
            jobSuggestedParamSet = getBestParamSet(jobDefinition.jobDefId);
        return jobSuggestedParamSet;

     * Returns the list of JobSuggestedParamValue as Map of String to Double
     * @param jobSuggestedParamValues List of JobSuggestedParamValue
     * @return Map of string to double containing the parameter name and corresponding value
    private Map<String, Double> jobSuggestedParamValueListToMap(
            List<JobSuggestedParamValue> jobSuggestedParamValues) {
        Map<String, Double> paramValues = new HashMap<String, Double>();
        if (jobSuggestedParamValues != null) {
            for (JobSuggestedParamValue jobSuggestedParamValue : jobSuggestedParamValues) {
                logger.debug("Param Name is " + jobSuggestedParamValue.tuningParameter.paramName + " And value is "
                        + jobSuggestedParamValue.paramValue);
        return paramValues;

     *Updates parameter set state to SENT if it is in CREATED state
     * @param jobSuggestedParamSet JobSuggestedParamSet which is to be updated
    private void markParameterSetSent(JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet) {
        if (jobSuggestedParamSet.paramSetState.equals(ParamSetStatus.CREATED)) {
  "Marking paramSetID: " + + " SENT");
            jobSuggestedParamSet.paramSetState = ParamSetStatus.SENT;

     * Inserts a parameter set in database
     * @param job Job
    private void insertParamSet(JobDefinition job, TuningAlgorithm tuningAlgorithm,
            Map<String, Double> paramValueMap) {
        logger.debug("Inserting default parameter set for job: " + job.jobName);
        JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet = new JobSuggestedParamSet();
        jobSuggestedParamSet.jobDefinition = job;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.tuningAlgorithm = tuningAlgorithm;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.paramSetState = ParamSetStatus.CREATED;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.isParamSetDefault = true;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.areConstraintsViolated = false;
        jobSuggestedParamSet.isParamSetBest = false;;
        insertParameterValues(jobSuggestedParamSet, paramValueMap);
        logger.debug("Default parameter set inserted for job: " + job.jobName);

     * Inserts parameter values in database
     * @param jobSuggestedParamSet Set of the parameters which is to be inserted
     * @param paramValueMap Map of parameter values as string
    private void insertParameterValues(JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet,
            Map<String, Double> paramValueMap) {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        if (paramValueMap != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Double> paramValue : paramValueMap.entrySet()) {
                insertParameterValue(jobSuggestedParamSet, paramValue.getKey(), paramValue.getValue());
        } else {
            logger.warn("ParamValueMap is null ");

     * Inserts parameter value in database
     * @param jobSuggestedParamSet Parameter set to which the parameter belongs
     * @param paramName Parameter name
     * @param paramValue Parameter value
    private void insertParameterValue(JobSuggestedParamSet jobSuggestedParamSet, String paramName,
            Double paramValue) {
        logger.debug("Starting insertParameterValue");
        JobSuggestedParamValue jobSuggestedParamValue = new JobSuggestedParamValue();
        jobSuggestedParamValue.jobSuggestedParamSet = jobSuggestedParamSet;
        TuningParameter tuningParameter = TuningParameter.find.where()
                .eq(TuningParameter.TABLE.paramName, paramName).findUnique();
        if (tuningParameter != null) {
            jobSuggestedParamValue.tuningParameter = tuningParameter;
            jobSuggestedParamValue.paramValue = paramValue;
        } else {
            logger.warn("TuningAlgorithm param null " + paramName);