Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Marco Aurelio Barbosa Fagnani Gomes Lotz (
 * The source code in this document is licensed under Creative Commons
 * Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You must 
 * credit the author of the source code in the way specified by the author or
 * licenser (but not in a way to suggest that the author or licenser has given 
 * you allowance to you or to your use of the source code). If you modify,
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 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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 * To see a copy of the license, access:
package com.marcolotz.MRComponents;



import ij.plugin.DICOM;
import ij.util.DicomTools;

 * The key structure used by mapper and reducers. It is of paramount importance
 * that the Key element do not know an image, since it is desirable for it to be
 * as small as possible.
 * @author Marco Aurelio Lotz
public class KeyStructureWritable implements WritableComparable<KeyStructureWritable> {

    /* ======================== DICOM info ======================= */

    // Unique identifier for the series that the image belongs to.
    private String seriesInstanceUID;

    private String studyDate;
    private String seriesDate;

    private String studyTime;
    private String seriesTime;

    private String modality;

    private String manufacturer;
    private String institutionName;
    private String institutionAddress;

    private String stationName;
    private String studyDescription;

    private String patientsName;
    private String patientsID;

    private String bodyPartExamined;
    private String sliceThickness;
    private String kVP;

     * gives the distance between two adjacent slices (perpendicular to the
     * image plane). More detailed info at:
     * /how-to-calculate-space-between-dicom-slices-for-mpr
    private String spaceBetweenSlices;

    // The size of a pixel (in mm).
    private String pixelSpacing;

    /* =========================================================== */

    public KeyStructureWritable() {

    public KeyStructureWritable(DICOM image) {

    private void generateMetadata(DICOM image) {
        seriesInstanceUID = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.SeriesInstanceUID);

        studyDate = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.StudyDate);
        seriesDate = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.SeriesDate);

        studyTime = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.StudyTime);
        seriesTime = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.SeriesTime);

        modality = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.Modality);

        manufacturer = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.Manufacturer);

        institutionName = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.InstitutionName);
        institutionAddress = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.InstitutionAddress);

        stationName = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.StationName);
        studyDescription = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.StudyDescription);

        patientsName = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.PatientsName);
        patientsID = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.PatientsID);

        bodyPartExamined = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.BodyPartExamined);
        sliceThickness = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.SliceThickness);
        kVP = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.KVP);
        spaceBetweenSlices = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.SpaceBetweenSlices);

        pixelSpacing = DicomTools.getTag(image, DICOMTags.PixelSpacing);

    public String getSeriesInstanceUID() {
        return seriesInstanceUID;

    public String getStudyDate() {
        return studyDate;

    public String getSeriesDate() {
        return seriesDate;

    public String getStudyTime() {
        return studyTime;

    public String getSeriesTime() {
        return seriesTime;

    public String getModality() {
        return modality;

    public String getManufacturer() {
        return manufacturer;

    public String getInstitutionName() {
        return institutionName;

    public String getInstitutionAddress() {
        return institutionAddress;

    public String getStationName() {
        return stationName;

    public String getStudyDescription() {
        return studyDescription;

    public String getPatientsName() {
        return patientsName;

    public String getPatientsID() {
        return patientsID;

    public String getBodyPartExamined() {
        return bodyPartExamined;

    public String getSliceThickness() {
        return sliceThickness;

    public String getkVP() {
        return kVP;

    public String getPixelSpacing() {
        return pixelSpacing;

     * @return the spaceBetweenSlices
    public String getSpaceBetweenSlices() {
        return spaceBetweenSlices;

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

        SerializerConverter.writeString(seriesInstanceUID, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(studyDate, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(seriesDate, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(studyTime, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(seriesTime, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(modality, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(manufacturer, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(institutionName, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(institutionAddress, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(stationName, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(studyDescription, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(patientsName, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(patientsID, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(bodyPartExamined, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(sliceThickness, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(kVP, out);
        SerializerConverter.writeString(spaceBetweenSlices, out);

        SerializerConverter.writeString(pixelSpacing, out);

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {

        seriesInstanceUID = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        studyDate = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        seriesDate = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        studyTime = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        seriesTime = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        modality = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        manufacturer = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        institutionName = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        institutionAddress = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        stationName = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        studyDescription = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        patientsName = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        patientsID = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        bodyPartExamined = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        sliceThickness = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        kVP = SerializerConverter.readString(in);
        spaceBetweenSlices = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

        pixelSpacing = SerializerConverter.readString(in);

    public int compareTo(KeyStructureWritable comparedKeyStruct) {

        Text seriesInstanceHere = new Text(this.getSeriesInstanceUID());
        Text seriesInstanceCompared = new Text(comparedKeyStruct.getSeriesInstanceUID());

        return seriesInstanceHere.compareTo(seriesInstanceCompared);

     * The default partitioner is the HashPartitioner, which uses the hashCode
     * method to determine which reducer to send the K,V pair to. For this
     * reason, objects with the same key should give the same hash value.
     * In this implementation the hashCode is given by the SeriesInstanceUID
     * Hash.
    public int hashCode() {
        Text hashText = new Text(getSeriesInstanceUID());
        return hashText.hashCode();