Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2012-2014 MarkLogic Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.marklogic.samplestack.integration.service;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.domain.ClientRole;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.domain.Contributor;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.domain.QnADocument;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.impl.DatabaseContext;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.service.QnAService;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.testing.IntegrationTests;
import com.marklogic.samplestack.testing.Utils;

@ContextConfiguration(classes = { DatabaseContext.class })
public class QnAServiceIT extends MarkLogicIntegrationIT {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QnAServiceIT.class);

    QnAService service;

    ObjectMapper mapper;

     * In this test we exercise the search/ask/answer/accept flow
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
    public void testAskAndAnswerFlow() throws JsonProcessingException {

        // a fresh question
        QnADocument newQuestion;
        // state after submission
        QnADocument submittedQuestionAndAnswer;
        // same document, having searched for it
        QnADocument questionFromSearch;
        // state after answering
        QnADocument answeredQuestion;
        // state after two answers
        QnADocument answeredTwiceQuestion;

        // state after acceptance
        QnADocument acceptedQuestion;

        // check for existing answers with a naive question
        String question = "How do I get to know MarkLogic quickly?";

        // first step -- send question to the server, get back results
        // TODO expand this first step.
        service.findOne(ClientRole.SAMPLESTACK_CONTRIBUTOR, question, 1);

        newQuestion = new QnADocument(mapper, question,
                "I mean, there are several reasons. \n* bullet\n*bullet And so it goes.", "xquery", "javascript",

        // ask a question.
        submittedQuestionAndAnswer = service.ask(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), newQuestion);

        assertEquals(newQuestion.getJson().get("title"), submittedQuestionAndAnswer.getJson().get("title"));
        assertEquals(newQuestion.getJson().get("tags"), submittedQuestionAndAnswer.getJson().get("tags"));

        // search for my original question.
        questionFromSearch = service.findOne(ClientRole.SAMPLESTACK_CONTRIBUTOR, question, 1);;
        assertEquals("Title was set properly on ingested question", newQuestion.getJson().get("title"),

        JsonNode ownerNode = questionFromSearch.getJson().get("owner");
        assertEquals("The question has an owner/userName", Utils.joeUser.getUserName(),

        // TODO somehow assert the question I just asked is in this list?
        answeredQuestion = service.answer(Utils.maryUser.getUserName(), submittedQuestionAndAnswer.getId(),
                "I think your question is very good.");


        JsonNode answer = answeredQuestion.getJson().get("answers").get(0);

        assertEquals("answered question has an answer", Utils.maryUser.getUserName(),

        // add another answer
        answeredTwiceQuestion = service.answer(Utils.maryUser.getUserName(), answeredQuestion.getId(),
                "I think the question has merit, but is inherently unanswerable.");
        assertEquals("twice answered question has two answers", 2,

        String firstAnswerId = answer.get("id").asText();
        String secondAnswerId = answeredTwiceQuestion.getJson().get("answers").get(1).get("id").asText();

        acceptedQuestion = service.accept(firstAnswerId);

        assertEquals("Accepted answer id is correct", firstAnswerId,
        assertTrue("The right answer has been accepted",

        // accept another answer
        acceptedQuestion = service.accept(secondAnswerId);
        assertEquals("Accepted answer id is correct", secondAnswerId,
        assertTrue("The right answer has been accepted",


    public void testVoting() {
        QnADocument newQuestion = new QnADocument(mapper, "How does voting work?",
                "I want lots of up votes on my document", "voting", "votes");
        QnADocument submitted = service.ask(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), newQuestion);

        int docScore = submitted.getJson().get("docScore").asInt();

        QnADocument answered = service.answer(Utils.maryUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId(),
                "I think your question is very good.  I want lots of votes too.");
        String answerId = answered.getJson().get("answers").get(0).get("id").asText();

        // vote up
        int joesReputation = Utils.joeUser.getReputation();
        int marysReputation = Utils.joeUser.getReputation();

        // joe votes his own question up, reputation +1 for joe.
        service.voteUp(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId());
        QnADocument votedOn = service.get(ClientRole.SAMPLESTACK_CONTRIBUTOR, submitted.getId());
        int newScore = votedOn.getJson().get("docScore").asInt();
        assertEquals("Vote score should be one higher than before", docScore + 1, newScore);

        try {
            service.voteUp(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId());
            fail("Same person cannot vote twice on same post");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // pass
        try {
            service.voteDown(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId());
            fail("Same person cannot vote twice on same post");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // pass

        // mary votes her own answer down, her rep should be -1
        service.voteDown(Utils.maryUser.getUserName(), answerId);
        QnADocument votedTwiceOn = service.get(ClientRole.SAMPLESTACK_CONTRIBUTOR, submitted.getId());
        int newerScore = votedTwiceOn.getJson().get("docScore").asInt();
        assertEquals("Vote score should be one higher than before", newScore - 1, newerScore);

        Contributor joesState = contributorService.get(Utils.joeUser.getId());
        assertEquals("joe has voted once", 1, joesState.getVotes().size());
        assertTrue("joe voted on this", joesState.hasVotedOn(submitted.getId()));
        assertEquals("joe reputation has gained", joesReputation + 1, joesState.getReputation());

        Contributor marysState = contributorService.get(Utils.maryUser.getId());
        assertEquals("mary has voted once", 1, marysState.getVotes().size());
        assertTrue("mary voted on this", marysState.hasVotedOn(answerId));
        assertEquals("marys reputation has suffered", marysReputation - 1, marysState.getReputation());


    public void testComments() {

        QnADocument newQuestion = new QnADocument(mapper, "How do comments work?",
                "I could go on and on but would rather solicit commentary", "commentary");

        QnADocument submitted = service.ask(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), newQuestion);
        QnADocument answered = service.answer(Utils.maryUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId(),
                "I think your question is very good.");

        String answerId = answered.getJson().get("answers").get(0).get("id").asText();

        String c1 = "Here's ONE comment on your question";
        String c2 = "Here's TWO comment on your question";
        String c3 = "Here's ONE comment on your answer";

        service.comment(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId(), c1);
        service.comment(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), submitted.getId(), c2);

        QnADocument finalDocument = service.comment(Utils.joeUser.getUserName(), answerId, c3);

        assertEquals("Comment 1", c1, finalDocument.getJson().get("comments").get(0).get("text").asText());
        assertEquals("Comment 2", c2, finalDocument.getJson().get("comments").get(1).get("text").asText());
        assertEquals("Comment 3", c3,

    public void testCRUD() throws JsonProcessingException {
        QnADocument question = new QnADocument(mapper, "What is my first question?",
                "Its body is suspiciously short, like a unit test's.", "tag1", "tag2");
        Contributor joeUser = Utils.joeUser;

        QnADocument question2 = service.ask(joeUser.getUserName(), question);


        assertEquals("Persisted question", "What is my first question?", question2.getJson().get("title").asText());
        assertNotNull("Persisted question has ts", question2.getJson().get("creationDate"));


    public void testDefaultSearchService() throws JsonProcessingException {
        testComments(); // get a document in there.
        JsonNode structuredQuery = getTestJson("queries/blank.json");
        // test view-all
        ObjectNode jsonResults = service.rawSearch(ClientRole.SAMPLESTACK_CONTRIBUTOR, structuredQuery, 1);;
        assertTrue("Blank query got back results", jsonResults.get("results").size() > 0);
        assertEquals("Blank query got back facets", 2, jsonResults.get("facets").size());
        assertNotNull("Blank query got back date facet", jsonResults.get("facets").get("date"));
        assertNotNull("Blank query got back tag facet", jsonResults.get("facets").get("tag"));
