Source code

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Here is the source code for


package com.miserablemind.butter.domain.model.user.user;


 * Miserable Mind
 * The MIT License (MIT)

 * Service Layer for {@link AppUser} object.
 * <p>It extends {@link UserDetailsService} for Spring Security Interface as it is used for authentication.</p>
 * @author <a href="" target="_blank">miserablemind</a>
public interface UserManager extends UserDetailsService {

     * Registers a new user.
     * <p>Implementation should be transactional.</p>
     * <p>It requires a token for e-mail verification because verification e-mail is inserted in the same transaction.</p>
     * @param appUser           user to register. It contains data that most likely comes from a user input form.
     * @param verificationToken a token for e-mail verification.
     * @throws UserTakenException
    public void registerUser(AppUser appUser, String verificationToken) throws UserTakenException;

     * A method that Spring Security uses to authenticate and log in a user.
     * @param userNameOrEmail username to load. It can be also e-mail, in that case user that has that e-mail will be loaded
     * @return a user object if found
     * @throws UsernameNotFoundException if no user was found with that e-mail or that username
    public AppUser loadUserByUsername(String userNameOrEmail) throws UsernameNotFoundException;

     * Verifies user's e-mail address if the provided token is correct.
     * <p>Is called when user clicks a link in verification e-mail.</p>
     * <p>Implementation should be transactional.</p>
     * @param user  user that is verifying its e-mail address
     * @param token verification token that user got in verification the e-mail
     * @return {@code true} if verification was successful, otherwise {@code false}
    public boolean verifyEmail(AppUser user, String token);

     * Gets {@link AppUser} by e-mail address.
     * @param email e-mail address that user is being looked up by
     * @return returns AppUser if found, otherwise {@code false}
    public AppUser getUserByEmail(String email);

     * Inserts password reset token when password reset is requested.
     * <p>The token should not be displayed to user on request time, but rather sent by e-mail and later
     * checked by {@link #getIsResetPasswordAuthorized(String, String)}.</p>
     * @param userId     id of a user the password reset is requested
     * @param resetToken random token not displayed for user on request time
    public void addPasswordResetToken(long userId, String resetToken);

     * Checks if user should be allowed to reset its password.
     * <p>User is authorized if the link in the e-mail sent to user was clicked and token has not expired.</p>
     * @param email e-mail address the reset-password e-mail was sent to
     * @param token password token send to user by e-mail
     * @return {@code true} if not expired token exists for the e-mail provided, otherwise {@code false}
    public boolean getIsResetPasswordAuthorized(String email, String token);

     * Changes user's password to a new one.
     * @param password new user's password (not encoded)
     * @param user     user to change password for
     * @throws UsernameNotFoundException throws exception if user is not enabled
    public void changePassword(String password, AppUser user) throws UsernameNotFoundException;

     * Inserts a token for user to verify e-mail against.
     * <p>The token should never be shown to user, but rather be sent to the e-mail address that is being verified.</p>
     * @param email             e-mail address to insert verification token for
     * @param verificationToken token against which user will verify its e-mail address
    public void insertEmailVerification(String email, String verificationToken);

     * Updates {@link AppUser}
     * <p>All the values provided {@link AppUser} except id get saved to persistence layer.</p>
     * @param updatedUser dirty AppUser.
     * @throws UserTakenException if values that need to be unique, {@link AppUser#email} or {@link AppUser#username} already exist for another user
    public void updateUser(AppUser updatedUser) throws UserTakenException;