Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright (c) 2011, Andrew Morton. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package com.morty.podcast.writer.file;

import com.morty.podcast.writer.constants.PodCastConstants;
import com.morty.podcast.writer.PodCastUtils;
import com.morty.podcast.writer.file.PodCastFileProperties;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * Allows for UTF8 filenames.
 * @author amorton
public class PodCastFile extends File {
    private static final Log m_logger = LogFactory.getLog(PodCastFile.class);
    Map m_internalProperties;
    Map m_parentPropeties;

     * Constructor - see related Constructor
     * @param name
    public PodCastFile(String name) {

     * Constructor - see related Constructor
     * @param uri
    public PodCastFile(URI uri) {

     * Constructor - see related Constructor
     * @param file
     * @param name
    public PodCastFile(File file, String name) {
        super(file, name);

     * Constructor - see related Constructor
     * @param string1
     * @param string2
    public PodCastFile(String string1, String string2) {
        super(string1, string2);

     * Gets the file original name and applies UTF-8 encoding
     * @return UTF-8 compliant name
    public String getName() {
        return PodCastUtils.convertToUTF8(super.getName());

     * Set propert - allows for the properties of files to be retrieved.
    public void setProperties(Map props) {
        m_internalProperties = props;

    public Map getProperties() {
        return m_internalProperties;

    public boolean hasProperty(String key) {
        return m_internalProperties.containsKey(key) || m_parentPropeties.containsKey(key);

    public Object getProperty(String key) {
        //Look for the props in the file, then the parent.
        if (m_internalProperties.containsKey(key))
            return m_internalProperties.get(key);
        else if (m_parentPropeties.containsKey(key))
            return m_parentPropeties.get(key);
            return null;

    //Parent props are those that affect us, but we dont allow access to them outside of this class!
    public void setParentProperties(Map props) {
        m_parentPropeties = props;

    public Map getParentProperties() {
        return m_parentPropeties;

    //Ability to get file properties
    public boolean isValid() {
        if (!m_internalProperties.containsKey(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_VALID)) {
  "isValid: No flag set");
            return true;
        } else if (m_internalProperties.get(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_VALID) == Boolean.TRUE) {
  "isValid: Flag set to true");
            return true;
        } else
            return false;

    public Date getFileDate() {
        //Look at the props. If not there use the lastModified
        //Look at the first 8 characters. If valid date, then use it, otherwise, the last
        //created date
        String potentialDate;
        if (this.hasProperty(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_DATE))
            potentialDate = (String) this.getProperty(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_DATE);
        else {
  "No date field found - using the last modified date");
            Date lmd = new Date(this.lastModified());
            return lmd;
        }"Parsing filename date of  [" + potentialDate + "]");
        Date fileDate = null;
        try {
            //try parsing YYYYMMDD
            fileDate = PodCastConstants.DATE_PARSER.parse(potentialDate);
  "Parsed Date using new parser [yyyymmdd]");
        } catch (Exception de) {

            try {
                //If that doesnt work, then try DDMMYYYY
                fileDate = PodCastConstants.DATE_PARSER_OLD.parse(potentialDate);
      "Parsed Date using old parser [ddmmyyyy]");
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Unparsable date - Using Parsed Date from last modified date");
                fileDate = new Date(this.lastModified());
        return fileDate;

    public String getFormattedFileDate(String format) {
        //Get the date and format it in the right format.
        DateFormat parser = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
        return parser.format(this.getFileDate());

    public String getDescription() {
        //This one allows for a custom template description from the category
        //Get the description for the file.
        //Is there a custom description - use if there is.
        //Is there a template. Use if there is and you can parse the filename.
        //Otherwise just use the default
        String desc = PodCastUtils.getMapValue(m_parentPropeties, this.getName(), PodCastConstants.DEFAULT_DESC);
        if (desc.equals(PodCastConstants.DEFAULT_DESC)) //look for template (in case thats configured)
            if (PodCastUtils.getMapValue(m_parentPropeties, PodCastConstants.ITEM_DESC_TEMPLATE, "").equals("")) {
                m_logger.debug("No template in custom values");
                //we dont have a template setup - so use the default.
                desc = PodCastConstants.DEFAULT_DESC;
            } else {
                m_logger.debug("Using template for description");

                //Use the %s parameters first, to get rid of them (legacy templates) and then apply the new one
                //This is for backwards compatibility. if the template is still using %s, then we pass in the unit and description
                desc = String.format(
                        PodCastUtils.getMapValue(m_parentPropeties, PodCastConstants.ITEM_DESC_TEMPLATE,

      "About to replace parameters in desc [" + desc + "] ");

                //Then we replace any other parameters that might be set.
                desc = PodCastUtils.replaceParameters(desc, m_internalProperties);
                m_logger.debug("Custom description applied [" + desc + "]");


        } else
            m_logger.debug("Has custom value for file");

        //Replace any '_' characters with space the original description will still have the underscores!
        desc = StringUtils.replace(desc, "_", " ");"Description is [" + desc + "]");

        return desc;


    public String getOriginalDescription() {
        if (m_internalProperties.containsKey(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_DESC))
            return (String) this.getProperty(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_DESC);
            return "";


    public String getTitle() {
        //This is a taken from the formatter.
        return (String) this.getProperty(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_TITLE);

    public String getMimeType() {
        //Set during the formatter
        return (String) this.getProperty(PodCastFileProperties.FILE_MIME_TYPE);
