Source code

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 * (c) Copyright 2012 WibiData, Inc.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.moz.fiji.schema.hbase;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;

import com.moz.fiji.annotations.ApiAudience;
import com.moz.fiji.annotations.ApiStability;
import com.moz.fiji.schema.NotAFijiManagedTableException;

 * <p>Multiple instances of Fiji can be installed on a single HBase
 * cluster.  Within a Fiji instance, several HBase tables are created
 * to manage system, metadata, schemas, and user-space tables.  This
 * class represents the name of one of those HBase tables that are
 * created and managed by Fiji.  This class should only be used internally
 * in Fiji modules, or by framework application developers who need
 * direct access to HBase tables managed by Fiji.</p>
 * <p>
 * The names of tables in HBase created and managed by Fiji are
 * made of a list of delimited components.  There are at least 3
 * components of a name:
 * </p>
 * <ol>
 *   <li>
 *     Prefix: a literal string "fiji" used to mark that this table
 *     is managed by Fiji.
 *   </li>
 *   <li>
 *     FijiInstance: the name of fiji instance managing this table.
 *   </li>
 *   <li>
 *     Type: the type of table (system, schema, meta, table).
 *   </li>
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * If the type of the table is "table", then it's name (the name users
 * of Fiji would use to refer to it) is the fourth and final component.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * For example, an HBase cluster might have the following tables:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * devices
 * fiji.default.meta
 * fiji.default.schema
 * fiji.default.schema_hash
 * fiji.default.schema_id
 * fiji.default.system
 * fiji.experimental.meta
 * fiji.experimental.schema
 * fiji.experimental.schema_hash
 * fiji.experimental.schema_id
 * fiji.experimental.system
 * fiji.experimental.table.baz
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * In this example, there is an HBase table completely unrelated to
 * fiji called "devices."  There are two fiji installations, one
 * called "default" and another called "experimental."  Within the
 * "default" installation, there are two Fiji tables, "foo" and
 * "bar."  Within the "experimental" installation, there is a single
 * Fiji table "baz."
 * </p>
public final class FijiManagedHBaseTableName {
    /** The delimited used to separate the components of an HBase table name. */
    private static final char DELIMITER = '.';

    private static final Joiner DELIMITER_JOINER = Joiner.on(DELIMITER);

    /** The first component of all HBase table names managed by Fiji. */
    public static final String FIJI_COMPONENT = "fiji";

    /** Regexp matching Fiji system tables. */
    public static final Pattern FIJI_SYSTEM_TABLES_REGEX = Pattern

    /** The name component used for the Fiji meta table. */
    private static final String FIJI_META_COMPONENT = "meta";

    /** The name component used for the Fiji schema hash table. */
    private static final String FIJI_SCHEMA_HASH_COMPONENT = "schema_hash";

    /** The name component used for the Fiji schema IDs table. */
    private static final String FIJI_SCHEMA_ID_COMPONENT = "schema_id";

    /** The name component used for the Fiji system table. */
    private static final String FIJI_SYSTEM_COMPONENT = "system";

    /** The name component used for all user-space Fiji tables. */
    private static final String FIJI_TABLE_COMPONENT = "table";

    /** The HBase table name. */
    private final String mHBaseTableName;

    /** The Fiji instance name. */
    private final String mFijiInstanceName;

    /** The Fiji table name, or null if it is not a user-space Fiji table. */
    private final String mFijiTableName;

     * Constructs a Fiji-managed HBase table name.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The fiji instance name.
     * @param type The type component of the HBase table name (meta, schema, system, table).
    private FijiManagedHBaseTableName(String fijiInstanceName, String type) {
        mHBaseTableName = DELIMITER_JOINER.join(FIJI_COMPONENT, fijiInstanceName, type);
        mFijiInstanceName = fijiInstanceName;
        mFijiTableName = null;

     * Constructs a Fiji-managed HBase table name.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The fiji instance name.
     * @param type The type component of the HBase table name.
     * @param fijiTableName The name of the user-space Fiji table.
    private FijiManagedHBaseTableName(String fijiInstanceName, String type, String fijiTableName) {
        mHBaseTableName = DELIMITER_JOINER.join(FIJI_COMPONENT, fijiInstanceName, type, fijiTableName);
        mFijiInstanceName = fijiInstanceName;
        mFijiTableName = fijiTableName;

     * Constructs using an HBase HTable name.
     * @param hbaseTableName The HBase HTable name.
     * @return A new fiji-managed HBase table name.
     * @throws NotAFijiManagedTableException If the HBase table is not managed by fiji.
    public static FijiManagedHBaseTableName get(String hbaseTableName) throws NotAFijiManagedTableException {
        // Split it into components.
        String[] components = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(hbaseTableName, Character.toString(DELIMITER), 4);

        // Make sure the first component is 'fiji'.
        if (!components[0].equals(FIJI_COMPONENT)) {
            throw new NotAFijiManagedTableException(hbaseTableName, "Doesn't start with fiji name component.");

        if (components.length == 3) {
            // It's a managed fiji meta/schema/system table.
            return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(components[1], components[2]);
        } else if (components.length == 4) {
            // It's a user-space fiji table.
            return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(components[1], components[2], components[3]);
        } else {
            // Wrong number of components... must not be a fiji table.
            throw new NotAFijiManagedTableException(hbaseTableName, "Invalid number of name components.");

     * Gets a new instance of a Fiji-managed HBase table that holds the Fiji meta table.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The name of the Fiji instance.
     * @return The name of the HBase table used to store the Fiji meta table.
    public static FijiManagedHBaseTableName getMetaTableName(String fijiInstanceName) {
        return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(fijiInstanceName, FIJI_META_COMPONENT);

     * Gets a new instance of a Fiji-managed HBase table that holds the Fiji schema hash table.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The name of the Fiji instance.
     * @return The name of the HBase table used to store the Fiji schema hash table.
    public static FijiManagedHBaseTableName getSchemaHashTableName(String fijiInstanceName) {
        return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(fijiInstanceName, FIJI_SCHEMA_HASH_COMPONENT);

     * Gets a new instance of a Fiji-managed HBase table that holds the Fiji schema IDs table.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The name of the Fiji instance.
     * @return The name of the HBase table used to store the Fiji schema IDs table.
    public static FijiManagedHBaseTableName getSchemaIdTableName(String fijiInstanceName) {
        return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(fijiInstanceName, FIJI_SCHEMA_ID_COMPONENT);

     * Gets a new instance of a Fiji-managed HBase table that holds the Fiji system table.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The name of the Fiji instance.
     * @return The name of the HBase table used to store the Fiji system table.
    public static FijiManagedHBaseTableName getSystemTableName(String fijiInstanceName) {
        return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(fijiInstanceName, FIJI_SYSTEM_COMPONENT);

     * Gets a new instance of a Fiji-managed HBase table that holds a user-space Fiji table.
     * @param fijiInstanceName The name of the Fiji instance.
     * @param fijiTableName The name of the user-space Fiji table.
     * @return The name of the HBase table used to store the user-space Fiji table.
    public static FijiManagedHBaseTableName getFijiTableName(String fijiInstanceName, String fijiTableName) {
        return new FijiManagedHBaseTableName(fijiInstanceName, FIJI_TABLE_COMPONENT, fijiTableName);

     * Gets the name of the Fiji instance this named table belongs to.
     * @return The name of the fiji instance.
    public String getFijiInstanceName() {
        return mFijiInstanceName;

     * Gets the name of the Fiji table.
     * A user defined fiji table named "foo" in the default fiji instance will be stored in HBase
     * with the FijiManaged name "".  This method will return only "foo".
     * @return The name of the fiji table, or null if this is not a user-space Fiji table.
    public String getFijiTableName() {
        return mFijiTableName;

     * Gets the name of the HBase table that stores the data for this Fiji table.
     * @return The HBase table name as a UTF-8 encoded byte array.
    public byte[] toBytes() {
        return Bytes.toBytes(mHBaseTableName);

    public String toString() {
        return mHBaseTableName;

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (!(other instanceof FijiManagedHBaseTableName)) {
            return false;
        return toString().equals(other.toString());

    public int hashCode() {
        return toString().hashCode();