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// license-header java merge-point
/* Autogenerated on 10/04/2012 00:47:02+0530 by AndroMDA
 * TEMPLATE:    cxf/CXFTestClient.vsl in andromda-webservices-cartridge
 * MODEL CLASS: AndroMDAModel::com.myjeeva.andromda.demo::service::SearchService
 * STEREOTYPE:  WebService
 * STEREOTYPE:  Service
package com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.service.test;

import com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.service.SearchServiceSEI;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;

 * Remote component interface for the SearchService.
public class SearchServiceWSITCase extends TestSuite {
    private Object scenario = null;

     * Constructor with no parameters
    public SearchServiceWSITCase() {

     * Constructor with service name
     * @param name Service name to be tested
    public SearchServiceWSITCase(String name)

     * Constructor with service name and scenario - allows running one scenario data line from spreadsheet
     * @param name Service name to be tested
     * @param scenarioIn the first column of the spreadsheet
    public SearchServiceWSITCase(String name, Object scenarioIn)

     * @return the scenario
    public Object getScenario() {
        return this.scenario;

     * @param scenarioIn the scenario to set
    public void setScenario(Object scenarioIn) {
        this.scenario = scenarioIn;

     * JUnit test suite, calls DataDrivenTestSuite with data from SearchService.xls
     * @return TestSuite with ServiceName driver
    public static TestSuite suite()
    // Uncomment to create DataDrivenTests with Excel data inputs
    // TestDriverDefinition parameters: dataClass, filename, sheet name. Populates dataClass with spreadsheet contents.
    //TestDriverDefinition driverDef = new TestDriverDefinition(SearchServiceTestData.class, "SearchService.xls", "SearchService");
    //DataDrivenTestSuite suite = new DataDrivenTestSuite(SearchServiceWSITCase.class, driverDef);
    // TODO: post processing of data and suite elements through a delegate class/method
    // Use this for running JUnit 4 tests with JUnit 3 test runner.
    TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
    suite.addTest(new SearchServiceWSITCase("indexDocument"));
    suite.addTest(new SearchServiceWSITCase("performSearch"));
    return suite;

    /** Run JUnit tests from the java main command line
     * @param args ignored
    public static void main(String args[]) {

    // ---------------- test methods  ----------------------

     * Invokes the indexDocument service method on SearchService.
     * Operation parameters:
     *     documents com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.vo.DocumentVO
     * Operation return:
     *     indexDocumentResponse java.lang.Boolean
    public void indexDocument() {
        System.out.println("Starting test: indexDocument for " + this.getName());
        // TestCase.setUp and tearDown methods for each individual service method test
        // Customize CreateInput method if different default input data is required.
        com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.service.IndexDocument indexDocumentInput = com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.service.IndexDocumentImpl
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
                new String[] { "cxf-client.xml" });

        SearchServiceSEI client = (SearchServiceSEI) context.getBean("SearchServiceClient");

        java.lang.Boolean indexDocumentResponse = null;
        try {
            indexDocumentResponse = client.indexDocument(indexDocumentInput.getDocuments() // java.util.List<com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.vo.DocumentVO>
            if (indexDocumentResponse == null) {
                System.out.println("indexDocumentResponse Result was valid and null");
            } else {
                System.out.println(" Result = " + indexDocumentResponse.toString());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("SearchService client.indexDocument" + " threw exception " + ex);
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError(ex.toString());
        System.out.println("Finished test for SearchService.indexDocument(documents)");

     * Invokes the performSearch service method on SearchService.
     * Operation parameters:
     *     queryTerm java.lang.String
     * Operation return:
     *     performSearchResponse com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.vo.SearchResultVO
    public void performSearch() {
        System.out.println("Starting test: performSearch for " + this.getName());
        // TestCase.setUp and tearDown methods for each individual service method test
        // Customize CreateInput method if different default input data is required.
        com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.service.PerformSearch performSearchInput = com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.service.PerformSearchImpl
        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
                new String[] { "cxf-client.xml" });

        SearchServiceSEI client = (SearchServiceSEI) context.getBean("SearchServiceClient");

        com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.vo.SearchResultVO performSearchResponse = null;
        try {
            performSearchResponse = client.performSearch(performSearchInput.getQueryTerm() // java.lang.String
            if (performSearchResponse == null) {
                System.out.println("performSearchResponse Result was valid and null");
            } else {
                System.out.println(" Result = " + performSearchResponse.toString());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("SearchService client.performSearch" + " threw exception " + ex);
            throw new junit.framework.AssertionFailedError(ex.toString());
        System.out.println("Finished test for SearchService.performSearch(queryTerm)");

     * JUnit test data class, used by DataDrivenTestSuite in suite()
    public static class SearchServiceTestData {
        // TODO: Add test data fields here (populated by SearchService.xls spreadsheet
        // TODO: Recursively list every primitive parameter in entire operation parameter hierarchy

        private com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.vo.DocumentVO indexDocumentDocuments;

         * Data value for documents indexDocument on used by DataDrivenTestSuite in suite().
         * indexDocumentdocuments must be the column name of the parameter in the spreadsheet
         * @param value DocumentVO to be populated manually
        public void setIndexDocumentDocuments(com.myjeeva.andromda.demo.vo.DocumentVO value) {
            this.indexDocumentDocuments = value;

        private java.lang.String performSearchQueryTerm;

         * Data value for queryTerm performSearch on used by DataDrivenTestSuite in suite().
         * performSearchqueryTerm must be the column name of the parameter in the spreadsheet
         * @param value String to be populated manually
        public void setPerformSearchQueryTerm(java.lang.String value) {
            this.performSearchQueryTerm = value;