Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 1999-2013 NetDimensions Ltd.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
 * NetDimensions Ltd. ("Confidential Information").  You shall not
 * disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
 * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
 * with NetDimensions.
package com.netdimensions.sample;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;

import com.netdimensions.client.Client;
import com.netdimensions.client.Commands;
import com.netdimensions.client.types.Record;

public class Enrollments {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        final Client client = new Client(args[0], new UsernamePasswordCredentials(args[1], args[2]));

        try {
            // This comment added on Dell Studio
            // This comment also added on Dell Studio
            // Third comment added on Dell Studio
            // Fourth comment added via browser
            // Fifth comment added via browser
            final List<Record> enrollments = client.send(Commands.getEnrollments());
            for (Record e : sorted(enrollments, new Comparator<Record>() {
                public int compare(Record o1, Record o2) {
                    return o2.enrollmentDate.compareTo(o1.enrollmentDate);
            })) {
                System.out.println(e.learningModule.title + " ("
                        + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(e.enrollmentDate) + ")");
        } finally {

    private static <T> List<T> sorted(final List<T> list, final Comparator<T> c) {
        final List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(list);
        Collections.sort(result, c);
        return result;