Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 27 jan. 2014 NetXForge.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>
 * Contributors: Christophe Bouhier - initial API and implementation and/or
 * initial documentation
package com.netxforge.netxstudio.common.math;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.StatUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;

import com.netxforge.base.GenericsTuple;
import com.netxforge.base.NonModelUtils;
import com.netxforge.netxstudio.common.model.StudioUtils;
import com.netxforge.netxstudio.generics.GenericsFactory;
import com.netxforge.netxstudio.generics.Value;

 * Expandable list of functions.
 * @author Christophe Bouhier
public class NativeFunctions implements INativeFunctions, INativeFunctions2 {

     * Count the number of objects in the list.
     * @param range
     * @return
    public BigDecimal count(List<?> range) {
        assert range != null;
        return new BigDecimal(range.size());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#sum(org.eclipse.emf.common
     * .util.EList)
    public BigDecimal sum(List<?> range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        double[] dRange = rangeSelection(range);
        return new BigDecimal(sum(dRange));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#sum(double[])
    public double sum(double[] range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        return StatUtils.sum(range);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.netxforge.netxstudio.common.math.INativeFunctions#sum(double[],
     * double[])
    public double[] sumCollections(double[] range, double[] range2) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        assert range2 != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        assert range.length == range2.length : new MathException("Ranges should have an equal size to sum");

        double[] result = new double[range.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
            double[] d = new double[] { range[i], range2[i] };
            result[i] = StatUtils.sum(d);
        return result;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.netxstudio.common.math.INativeFunctions#sum(double[][])
    public double[] sumCollections(List<Double[]> input) {

        int firstLength = -1;
        for (Double[] dr : input) {
            if (firstLength == -1) {
                firstLength = dr.length;
            } else {
                assert dr.length == firstLength : new MathException("Ranges should have an equal size to sum");

        double[] result = new double[firstLength];
        for (Double[] dr : input) {
            result = sumCollections(result, NonModelUtils.transformToDoublePrimitiveArray(dr));
        return result;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#max(org.eclipse.emf.common
     * .util.EList)
    public BigDecimal max(List<?> range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        double[] dRange = rangeSelection(range);
        return new BigDecimal(max(dRange));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#max(double[])
    public double max(double[] range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        return StatUtils.max(range);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#min(org.eclipse.emf.common
     * .util.EList)
    public BigDecimal min(List<?> range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        double[] dRange = rangeSelection(range);
        return new BigDecimal(min(dRange));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#min(double[])
    public double min(double[] range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        return StatUtils.min(range);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#mean(org.eclipse.emf.common
     * .util.EList)
    public BigDecimal mean(List<?> range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        double[] dRange = rangeSelection(range);
        return new BigDecimal(mean(dRange));

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#mean(double[])
    public double mean(double[] range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        return StatUtils.mean(range);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#standardDeviation(org.eclipse
     * .emf.common.util.EList)
    public BigDecimal standardDeviation(List<?> range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
        double[] dRange = rangeSelection(range);
        for (int i = 0; i < dRange.length; i++) {
        return new BigDecimal(stats.getStandardDeviation());

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.netxforge.interpreter.INativeFunctions#standardDeviation(double[])
    public double standardDeviation(double[] range) {
        assert range != null : new MathException("Range can't be empty");
        DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();

        // Add the data from the array
        for (int i = 0; i < range.length; i++) {
        return stats.getStandardDeviation();

     * Converter to double values.
     * @param values
     * @return
    private double[] rangeSelection(List<?> values) {
        List<Double> doubleList = null;
        // We would need some assertion, that all objects in the collection are
        // of the same type?
        for (Object v : values) {
            if (v instanceof Value) {
                doubleList = doubleList((List<Value>) values);
            if (v instanceof BigDecimal) {
                doubleList = NonModelUtils.transformBigDecimalToDouble((List<BigDecimal>) values);
        return NonModelUtils.transformToDoublePrimitiveArray(doubleList);

     * Returns a List of Doubles. the index, can be used to retrieve the
     * original Value object/
    private List<Double> doubleList(List<Value> values) {
        List<Double> doubleList = null;
        // We would need some assertion, that all objects in the collection are
        // of the same type?
        doubleList = StudioUtils.transformValueToDouble((List<Value>) values);
        return doubleList;

     * @param channel
     * @return
    public double erlangB(double channel) {
        return this.calculateErlangB(channel, 0.1);

     * Java.
     * @param channel
     * @param gos
     * @return
    public double calculateErlangB(double channel, double gos) {

        // call:a number of servers:s blocking probability:b
        double b = 0.0;
        double sum = 0;//
        double ue = 0;//

        ue += Math.pow(channel, gos);
        ue /= calculateFactorial(gos);//
        ue = (double) ue;

        // int sum1 = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i == gos; i++) {
            double c = calculateFactorial(i);
            double d = Math.pow(channel, i);
            sum += d / c;
        b = (double) (ue / (1 + sum));

        return b;


    public int calculateFactorial(double m) {
        int fac = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i == m; i++) {
            fac *= i;
        return fac;

    public BigDecimal erlangB(List<?> range, float gradeOfService) {
        return null;

    public Value minValue(List<Value> range) {
        List<Value> sortedCopy = Ordering.from(StudioUtils.valueValueCompare()).sortedCopy(range);
        return sortedCopy.get(0);

    public Value maxValue(List<Value> range) {
        if (range.size() == 1) {
            return range.get(0);
        } else if (range.size() > 1) {
            List<Value> sortedCopy = Ordering.from(StudioUtils.valueValueCompare()).sortedCopy(range);
            return sortedCopy.get(sortedCopy.size() - 1);
        return null;

    public Value meanValue(List<Value> range) {

        List<Double> doubles = this.doubleList(range);
        double[] rangeSelection = NonModelUtils.transformToDoublePrimitiveArray(doubles);
        double mean = StatUtils.mean(rangeSelection);

        // create a new value, and set the TS, as the dailyTimeStamp
        // Should extract the

        Value newValue = GenericsFactory.eINSTANCE.createValue();

        return newValue;

     * Return a {@link GenericsTuple tuple} with a key being the slope and the
     * value being the intercept of the trendline.
    public GenericsTuple<Double, Double> trend(double[][] dataPair) {

        SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression();
        double slope = regression.getSlope();
        double intercept = regression.getIntercept();

        return new GenericsTuple<Double, Double>(slope, intercept);
