Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-2014 Ning, Inc.
 * Copyright 2014-2015 The Billing Project, LLC
 * The Billing Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package com.ning.billing.recurly;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Account;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.AccountBalance;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Accounts;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.AddOn;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.AddOns;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Adjustment;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.AdjustmentRefund;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Adjustments;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.BillingInfo;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Coupon;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Coupons;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Errors;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.GiftCard;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.GiftCards;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Invoice;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.InvoiceRefund;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.InvoiceState;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Invoices;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Plan;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Plans;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.RecurlyAPIError;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.RecurlyObject;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.RecurlyObjects;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Redemption;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Redemptions;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.RefundApplyOrder;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.RefundOption;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.ShippingAddresses;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Subscription;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.SubscriptionState;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.SubscriptionUpdate;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.SubscriptionNotes;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Subscriptions;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Transaction;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.TransactionState;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.TransactionType;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Transactions;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.Usage;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.MeasuredUnit;
import com.ning.billing.recurly.model.MeasuredUnits;

import com.ning.billing.recurly.util.http.SslUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient;
import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig;
import com.ning.http.client.Response;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper;

public class RecurlyClient {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecurlyClient.class);

    public static final String RECURLY_DEBUG_KEY = "recurly.debug";
    public static final String RECURLY_API_VERSION = "2.5";

    private static final String X_RECORDS_HEADER_NAME = "X-Records";
    private static final String LINK_HEADER_NAME = "Link";

    private static final String GIT_PROPERTIES_FILE = "com/ning/billing/recurly/";
    static final String GIT_COMMIT_ID_DESCRIBE_SHORT = "";
    private static final Pattern TAG_FROM_GIT_DESCRIBE_PATTERN = Pattern

    public static final String FETCH_RESOURCE = "/recurly_js/result";

     * Checks a system property to see if debugging output is
     * required. Used internally by the client to decide whether to
     * generate debug output
    private static boolean debug() {
        return Boolean.getBoolean(RECURLY_DEBUG_KEY);

    // TODO: should we make it static?
    private final XmlMapper xmlMapper;
    private final String userAgent;

    private final String key;
    private final String baseUrl;
    private AsyncHttpClient client;

    public RecurlyClient(final String apiKey) {
        this(apiKey, "api");

    public RecurlyClient(final String apiKey, final String subDomain) {
        this(apiKey, subDomain + "", 443, "v2");

    public RecurlyClient(final String apiKey, final String host, final int port, final String version) {
        this(apiKey, "https", host, port, version);

    public RecurlyClient(final String apiKey, final String scheme, final String host, final int port,
            final String version) {
        this.key = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(apiKey.getBytes());
        this.baseUrl = String.format("%s://%s:%d/%s", scheme, host, port, version);
        this.xmlMapper = RecurlyObject.newXmlMapper();
        this.userAgent = buildUserAgent();

     * Open the underlying http client
    public synchronized void open() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {
        client = createHttpClient();

     * Close the underlying http client
    public synchronized void close() {
        if (client != null) {

     * Create Account
     * <p>
     * Creates a new account. You may optionally include billing information.
     * @param account account object
     * @return the newly created account object on success, null otherwise
    public Account createAccount(final Account account) {
        return doPOST(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE, account, Account.class);

     * Get Accounts
     * <p>
     * Returns information about all accounts.
     * @return Accounts on success, null otherwise
    public Accounts getAccounts() {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE, Accounts.class);

     * Get Accounts given query params
     * <p>
     * Returns information about all accounts.
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return Accounts on success, null otherwise
    public Accounts getAccounts(final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE, Accounts.class, params);

     * Get Coupons
     * <p>
     * Returns information about all accounts.
     * @return Coupons on success, null otherwise
    public Coupons getCoupons() {
        return doGET(Coupons.COUPONS_RESOURCE, Coupons.class);

     * Get Coupons given query params
     * <p>
     * Returns information about all accounts.
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return Coupons on success, null otherwise
    public Coupons getCoupons(final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(Coupons.COUPONS_RESOURCE, Coupons.class, params);

     * Get Account
     * <p>
     * Returns information about a single account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return account object on success, null otherwise
    public Account getAccount(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode, Account.class);

     * Update Account
     * <p>
     * Updates an existing account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param account     account object
     * @return the updated account object on success, null otherwise
    public Account updateAccount(final String accountCode, final Account account) {
        return doPUT(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode, account, Account.class);

     * Get Account Balance
     * <p>
     * Retrieves the remaining balance on the account
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the updated AccountBalance if success, null otherwise
    public AccountBalance getAccountBalance(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + "/" + AccountBalance.ACCOUNT_BALANCE_RESOURCE,

     * Close Account
     * <p>
     * Marks an account as closed and cancels any active subscriptions. Any saved billing information will also be
     * permanently removed from the account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
    public void closeAccount(final String accountCode) {
        doDELETE(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode);

    // Account adjustments

     * Get Account Adjustments
     * <p>
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the adjustments on the account
    public Adjustments getAccountAdjustments(final String accountCode) {
        return getAccountAdjustments(accountCode, null, null, new QueryParams());

     * Get Account Adjustments
     * <p>
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param type {@link Adjustments.AdjustmentType}
     * @return the adjustments on the account
    public Adjustments getAccountAdjustments(final String accountCode, final Adjustments.AdjustmentType type) {
        return getAccountAdjustments(accountCode, type, null, new QueryParams());

     * Get Account Adjustments
     * <p>
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param type {@link Adjustments.AdjustmentType}
     * @param state {@link Adjustments.AdjustmentState}
     * @return the adjustments on the account
    public Adjustments getAccountAdjustments(final String accountCode, final Adjustments.AdjustmentType type,
            final Adjustments.AdjustmentState state) {
        return getAccountAdjustments(accountCode, type, state, new QueryParams());

     * Get Account Adjustments
     * <p>
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param type {@link Adjustments.AdjustmentType}
     * @param state {@link Adjustments.AdjustmentState}
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the adjustments on the account
    public Adjustments getAccountAdjustments(final String accountCode, final Adjustments.AdjustmentType type,
            final Adjustments.AdjustmentState state, final QueryParams params) {
        final String url = Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Adjustments.ADJUSTMENTS_RESOURCE;

        if (type != null)
            params.put("type", type.getType());
        if (state != null)
            params.put("state", state.getState());

        return doGET(url, Adjustments.class, params);

    public Adjustment getAdjustment(final String adjustmentUuid) {
        return doGET(Adjustments.ADJUSTMENTS_RESOURCE + "/" + adjustmentUuid, Adjustment.class);

    public Adjustment createAccountAdjustment(final String accountCode, final Adjustment adjustment) {
        return doPOST(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Adjustments.ADJUSTMENTS_RESOURCE, adjustment,

    public void deleteAccountAdjustment(final String accountCode) {
        doDELETE(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Adjustments.ADJUSTMENTS_RESOURCE);

    public void deleteAdjustment(final String adjustmentUuid) {
        doDELETE(Adjustments.ADJUSTMENTS_RESOURCE + "/" + adjustmentUuid);


     * Create a subscription
     * <p>
     * Creates a subscription for an account.
     * @param subscription Subscription object
     * @return the newly created Subscription object on success, null otherwise
    public Subscription createSubscription(final Subscription subscription) {
        return doPOST(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE, subscription, Subscription.class);

     * Preview a subscription
     * <p>
     * Previews a subscription for an account.
     * @param subscription Subscription object
     * @return the newly created Subscription object on success, null otherwise
    public Subscription previewSubscription(final Subscription subscription) {
        return doPOST(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/preview", subscription, Subscription.class);

     * Get a particular {@link Subscription} by it's UUID
     * <p>
     * Returns information about a single subscription.
     * @param uuid UUID of the subscription to lookup
     * @return Subscription
    public Subscription getSubscription(final String uuid) {
        return doGET(Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE + "/" + uuid, Subscription.class);

     * Cancel a subscription
     * <p>
     * Cancel a subscription so it remains active and then expires at the end of the current bill cycle.
     * @param subscription Subscription object
     * @return -?-
    public Subscription cancelSubscription(final Subscription subscription) {
        return doPUT(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/" + subscription.getUuid() + "/cancel", subscription,

     * Postpone a subscription
     * <p>
     * postpone a subscription, setting a new renewal date.
     * @param subscription Subscription object
     * @return -?-
    public Subscription postponeSubscription(final Subscription subscription, final DateTime renewaldate) {
        return doPUT(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/" + subscription.getUuid()
                + "/postpone?next_renewal_date=" + renewaldate, subscription, Subscription.class);

     * Terminate a particular {@link Subscription} by it's UUID
     * @param subscription Subscription to terminate
    public void terminateSubscription(final Subscription subscription, final RefundOption refund) {
        doPUT(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/" + subscription.getUuid() + "/terminate?refund=" + refund,
                subscription, Subscription.class);

     * Reactivating a canceled subscription
     * <p>
     * Reactivate a canceled subscription so it renews at the end of the current bill cycle.
     * @param subscription Subscription object
     * @return -?-
    public Subscription reactivateSubscription(final Subscription subscription) {
        return doPUT(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/" + subscription.getUuid() + "/reactivate",
                subscription, Subscription.class);

     * Update a particular {@link Subscription} by it's UUID
     * <p>
     * Returns information about a single subscription.
     * @param uuid               UUID of the subscription to update
     * @param subscriptionUpdate subscriptionUpdate object
     * @return Subscription the updated subscription
    public Subscription updateSubscription(final String uuid, final SubscriptionUpdate subscriptionUpdate) {
        return doPUT(Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE + "/" + uuid, subscriptionUpdate, Subscription.class);

     * Preview an update to a particular {@link Subscription} by it's UUID
     * <p>
     * Returns information about a single subscription.
     * @param uuid UUID of the subscription to preview an update for
     * @return Subscription the updated subscription preview
    public Subscription updateSubscriptionPreview(final String uuid, final SubscriptionUpdate subscriptionUpdate) {
        return doPOST(Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE + "/" + uuid + "/preview", subscriptionUpdate,

     * Update to a particular {@link Subscription}'s notes by it's UUID
     * <p>
     * Returns information about a single subscription.
     * @param uuid UUID of the subscription to preview an update for
     * @param subscriptionNotes SubscriptionNotes object
     * @return Subscription the updated subscription
    public Subscription updateSubscriptionNotes(final String uuid, final SubscriptionNotes subscriptionNotes) {
        return doPUT(SubscriptionNotes.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/" + uuid + "/notes", subscriptionNotes,

     * Get the subscriptions for an {@link Account}.
     * <p>
     * Returns subscriptions associated with an account
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return Subscriptions on the account
    public Subscriptions getAccountSubscriptions(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE,

     * Get all the subscriptions on the site
     * <p>
     * Returns all the subscriptions on the site
     * @return Subscriptions on the site
    public Subscriptions getSubscriptions() {
        return doGET(Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE, Subscriptions.class);

     * Get the subscriptions for an {@link Account} given query params
     * <p>
     * Returns subscriptions associated with an account
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param state {@link SubscriptionState}
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return Subscriptions on the account
    public Subscriptions getAccountSubscriptions(final String accountCode, final SubscriptionState state,
            final QueryParams params) {
        if (state != null)
            params.put("state", state.getType());

        return doGET(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE,
                Subscriptions.class, params);

     * Post usage to subscription
     * <p>
     * @param subscriptionCode The recurly id of the {@link Subscription }
     * @param addOnCode recurly id of {@link AddOn}
     * @param usage the usage to post on recurly
     * @return the {@link Usage} object as identified by the passed in object
    public Usage postSubscriptionUsage(final String subscriptionCode, final String addOnCode, final Usage usage) {
        return doPOST(Subscription.SUBSCRIPTION_RESOURCE + "/" + subscriptionCode + AddOn.ADDONS_RESOURCE + "/"
                + addOnCode + Usage.USAGE_RESOURCE, usage, Usage.class);

     * Get the subscriptions for an account.
     * This is deprecated. Please use getAccountSubscriptions(String, Subscriptions.State, QueryParams)
     * <p>
     * Returns information about a single account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param status      Only accounts in this status will be returned
     * @return Subscriptions on the account
    public Subscriptions getAccountSubscriptions(final String accountCode, final String status) {
        final QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
        if (status != null)
            params.put("state", status);

        return doGET(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Subscriptions.SUBSCRIPTIONS_RESOURCE,
                Subscriptions.class, params);


     * Update an account's billing info
     * <p>
     * When new or updated credit card information is updated, the billing information is only saved if the credit card
     * is valid. If the account has a past due invoice, the outstanding balance will be collected to validate the
     * billing information.
     * <p>
     * If the account does not exist before the API request, the account will be created if the billing information
     * is valid.
     * <p>
     * Please note: this API end-point may be used to import billing information without security codes (CVV).
     * Recurly recommends requiring CVV from your customers when collecting new or updated billing information.
     * @param billingInfo billing info object to create or update
     * @return the newly created or update billing info object on success, null otherwise
    public BillingInfo createOrUpdateBillingInfo(final BillingInfo billingInfo) {
        final String accountCode = billingInfo.getAccount().getAccountCode();
        // Unset it to avoid confusing Recurly
        return doPUT(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + BillingInfo.BILLING_INFO_RESOURCE, billingInfo,

     * Lookup an account's billing info
     * <p>
     * Returns only the account's current billing information.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the current billing info object associated with this account on success, null otherwise
    public BillingInfo getBillingInfo(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + BillingInfo.BILLING_INFO_RESOURCE,

     * Clear an account's billing info
     * <p>
     * You may remove any stored billing information for an account. If the account has a subscription, the renewal will
     * go into past due unless you update the billing info before the renewal occurs
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
    public void clearBillingInfo(final String accountCode) {
        doDELETE(Account.ACCOUNT_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + BillingInfo.BILLING_INFO_RESOURCE);

    // User transactions

     * Lookup an account's transactions history
     * <p>
     * Returns the account's transaction history
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the transaction history associated with this account on success, null otherwise
    public Transactions getAccountTransactions(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE,

     * Lookup an account's transactions history given query params
     * <p>
     * Returns the account's transaction history
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param state {@link TransactionState}
     * @param type {@link TransactionType}
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the transaction history associated with this account on success, null otherwise
    public Transactions getAccountTransactions(final String accountCode, final TransactionState state,
            final TransactionType type, final QueryParams params) {
        if (state != null)
            params.put("state", state.getType());
        if (type != null)
            params.put("type", type.getType());

        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE,
                Transactions.class, params);

     * Get site's transaction history
     * <p>
     * All transactions on the site
     * @return the transaction history of the site on success, null otherwise
    public Transactions getTransactions() {
        return doGET(Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE, Transactions.class);

     * Get site's transaction history
     * <p>
     * All transactions on the site
     * @param state {@link TransactionState}
     * @param type {@link TransactionType}
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the transaction history of the site on success, null otherwise
    public Transactions getTransactions(final TransactionState state, final TransactionType type,
            final QueryParams params) {
        if (state != null)
            params.put("state", state.getType());
        if (type != null)
            params.put("type", type.getType());

        return doGET(Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE, Transactions.class, params);

     * Lookup a transaction
     * @param transactionId recurly transaction id
     * @return the transaction if found, null otherwise
    public Transaction getTransaction(final String transactionId) {
        return doGET(Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE + "/" + transactionId, Transaction.class);

     * Creates a {@link Transaction} through the Recurly API.
     * @param trans The {@link Transaction} to create
     * @return The created {@link Transaction} object
    public Transaction createTransaction(final Transaction trans) {
        return doPOST(Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE, trans, Transaction.class);

     * Refund a transaction
     * @param transactionId recurly transaction id
     * @param amount        amount to refund, null for full refund
    public void refundTransaction(final String transactionId, @Nullable final BigDecimal amount) {
        String url = Transactions.TRANSACTIONS_RESOURCE + "/" + transactionId;
        if (amount != null) {
            url = url + "?amount_in_cents=" + (amount.intValue() * 100);

    // User invoices

     * Lookup an invoice
     * <p>
     * Returns the invoice given an integer id
     * @deprecated Please switch to using a string for invoice ids
     * @param invoiceId Recurly Invoice ID
     * @return the invoice
    public Invoice getInvoice(final Integer invoiceId) {
        return getInvoice(invoiceId.toString());

     * Lookup an invoice given an invoice id
     * <p>
     * Returns the invoice given a string id.
     * The invoice may or may not have acountry code prefix (ex: IE1023).
     * For more information on invoicing and prefixes, see:
     * @param invoiceId String Recurly Invoice ID
     * @return the invoice
    public Invoice getInvoice(final String invoiceId) {
        return doGET(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId, Invoice.class);

     * Fetch invoice pdf
     * <p>
     * Returns the invoice pdf as an inputStream
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceId Recurly Invoice ID
     * @return the invoice pdf as an inputStream
    public InputStream getInvoicePdf(final Integer invoiceId) {
        return getInvoicePdf(invoiceId.toString());

     * Fetch invoice pdf
     * <p>
     * Returns the invoice pdf as an inputStream
     * @param invoiceId String Recurly Invoice ID
     * @return the invoice pdf as an inputStream
    public InputStream getInvoicePdf(final String invoiceId) {
        return doGETPdf(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId);

     * Lookup an account's invoices
     * <p>
     * Returns the account's invoices
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the invoices associated with this account on success, null otherwise
    public Invoices getAccountInvoices(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE, Invoices.class);

     * Refund an invoice given an open amount
     * <p/>
     * Returns the refunded invoice
     * @param invoiceId The id of the invoice to refund
     * @param amountInCents The open amount to refund
     * @param order If credit line items exist on the invoice, this parameter specifies which refund method to use first
     * @return the refunded invoice
    public Invoice refundInvoice(final String invoiceId, final Integer amountInCents,
            final RefundApplyOrder order) {
        final InvoiceRefund invoiceRefund = new InvoiceRefund();

        return doPOST(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + "/refund", invoiceRefund, Invoice.class);

     * Refund an invoice given some line items
     * <p/>
     * Returns the refunded invoice
     * @param invoiceId The id of the invoice to refund
     * @param lineItems The list of adjustment refund objects
     * @param order If credit line items exist on the invoice, this parameter specifies which refund method to use first
     * @return the refunded invoice
    public Invoice refundInvoice(final String invoiceId, List<AdjustmentRefund> lineItems,
            final RefundApplyOrder order) {
        final InvoiceRefund invoiceRefund = new InvoiceRefund();

        return doPOST(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + "/refund", invoiceRefund, Invoice.class);

     * Lookup an account's shipping addresses
     * <p>
     * Returns the account's shipping addresses
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the shipping addresses associated with this account on success, null otherwise
    public ShippingAddresses getAccountShippingAddresses(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + ShippingAddresses.SHIPPING_ADDRESSES_RESOURCE,

     * Lookup an account's invoices given query params
     * <p>
     * Returns the account's invoices
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param state {@link InvoiceState} state of the invoices
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the invoices associated with this account on success, null otherwise
    public Invoices getAccountInvoices(final String accountCode, final InvoiceState state,
            final QueryParams params) {
        if (state != null)
            params.put("state", state.getType());
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE, Invoices.class,

     * Post an invoice: invoice pending charges on an account
     * <p>
     * Returns an invoice
     * @param accountCode
     * @return the invoice that was generated on success, null otherwise
    public Invoice postAccountInvoice(final String accountCode, final Invoice invoice) {
        return doPOST(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE, invoice,

     * Mark an invoice as paid successfully - Recurly Enterprise Feature
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceId Recurly Invoice ID
    public Invoice markInvoiceSuccessful(final Integer invoiceId) {
        return markInvoiceSuccessful(invoiceId.toString());

     * Mark an invoice as paid successfully - Recurly Enterprise Feature
     * @param invoiceId String Recurly Invoice ID
    public Invoice markInvoiceSuccessful(final String invoiceId) {
        return doPUT(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + "/mark_successful", null, Invoice.class);

     * Mark an invoice as failed collection
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceId Recurly Invoice ID
    public Invoice markInvoiceFailed(final Integer invoiceId) {
        return markInvoiceFailed(invoiceId.toString());

     * Mark an invoice as failed collection
     * @param invoiceId String Recurly Invoice ID
    public Invoice markInvoiceFailed(final String invoiceId) {
        return doPUT(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + "/mark_failed", null, Invoice.class);

     * Force collect an invoice
     * @param invoiceId String Recurly Invoice ID
    public Invoice forceCollectInvoice(final String invoiceId) {
        return doPUT(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + "/collect", null, Invoice.class);

     * Enter an offline payment for a manual invoice (beta) - Recurly Enterprise Feature
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceId Recurly Invoice ID
     * @param payment   The external payment
    public Transaction enterOfflinePayment(final Integer invoiceId, final Transaction payment) {
        return enterOfflinePayment(invoiceId.toString(), payment);

     * Enter an offline payment for a manual invoice (beta) - Recurly Enterprise Feature
     * @param invoiceId String Recurly Invoice ID
     * @param payment   The external payment
    public Transaction enterOfflinePayment(final String invoiceId, final Transaction payment) {
        return doPOST(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + "/transactions", payment, Transaction.class);


     * Create a Plan's info
     * <p>
     * @param plan The plan to create on recurly
     * @return the plan object as identified by the passed in ID
    public Plan createPlan(final Plan plan) {
        return doPOST(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE, plan, Plan.class);

     * Update a Plan's info
     * <p>
     * @param plan The plan to update on recurly
     * @return the updated plan object
    public Plan updatePlan(final Plan plan) {
        return doPUT(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + plan.getPlanCode(), plan, Plan.class);

     * Get a Plan's details
     * <p>
     * @param planCode recurly id of plan
     * @return the plan object as identified by the passed in ID
    public Plan getPlan(final String planCode) {
        return doGET(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode, Plan.class);

     * Return all the plans
     * <p>
     * @return the plan object as identified by the passed in ID
    public Plans getPlans() {
        return doGET(Plans.PLANS_RESOURCE, Plans.class);

     * Return all the plans given query params
     * <p>
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the plan object as identified by the passed in ID
    public Plans getPlans(final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(Plans.PLANS_RESOURCE, Plans.class, params);

     * Deletes a {@link Plan}
     * <p>
     * @param planCode The {@link Plan} object to delete.
    public void deletePlan(final String planCode) {
        doDELETE(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode);


     * Create an AddOn to a Plan
     * <p>
     * @param planCode The planCode of the {@link Plan } to create within recurly
     * @param addOn    The {@link AddOn} to create within recurly
     * @return the {@link AddOn} object as identified by the passed in object
    public AddOn createPlanAddOn(final String planCode, final AddOn addOn) {
        return doPOST(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode + AddOn.ADDONS_RESOURCE, addOn, AddOn.class);

     * Get an AddOn's details
     * <p>
     * @param addOnCode recurly id of {@link AddOn}
     * @param planCode  recurly id of {@link Plan}
     * @return the {@link AddOn} object as identified by the passed in plan and add-on IDs
    public AddOn getAddOn(final String planCode, final String addOnCode) {
        return doGET(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode + AddOn.ADDONS_RESOURCE + "/" + addOnCode, AddOn.class);

     * Return all the {@link AddOn} for a {@link Plan}
     * <p>
     * @param planCode
     * @return the {@link AddOn} objects as identified by the passed plan ID
    public AddOns getAddOns(final String planCode) {
        return doGET(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode + AddOn.ADDONS_RESOURCE, AddOns.class);

     * Return all the {@link AddOn} for a {@link Plan}
     * <p>
     * @param planCode
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the {@link AddOn} objects as identified by the passed plan ID
    public AddOns getAddOns(final String planCode, final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode + AddOn.ADDONS_RESOURCE, AddOns.class, params);

     * Deletes a {@link AddOn} for a Plan
     * <p>
     * @param planCode  The {@link Plan} object.
     * @param addOnCode The {@link AddOn} object to delete.
    public void deleteAddOn(final String planCode, final String addOnCode) {
        doDELETE(Plan.PLANS_RESOURCE + "/" + planCode + AddOn.ADDONS_RESOURCE + "/" + addOnCode);


     * Create a {@link Coupon}
     * <p>
     * @param coupon The coupon to create on recurly
     * @return the {@link Coupon} object
    public Coupon createCoupon(final Coupon coupon) {
        return doPOST(Coupon.COUPON_RESOURCE, coupon, Coupon.class);

     * Get a Coupon
     * <p>
     * @param couponCode The code for the {@link Coupon}
     * @return The {@link Coupon} object as identified by the passed in code
    public Coupon getCoupon(final String couponCode) {
        return doGET(Coupon.COUPON_RESOURCE + "/" + couponCode, Coupon.class);

     * Delete a {@link Coupon}
     * <p>
     * @param couponCode The code for the {@link Coupon}
    public void deleteCoupon(final String couponCode) {
        doDELETE(Coupon.COUPON_RESOURCE + "/" + couponCode);


     * Redeem a {@link Coupon} on an account.
     * @param couponCode redeemed coupon id
     * @return the {@link Coupon} object
    public Redemption redeemCoupon(final String couponCode, final Redemption redemption) {
        return doPOST(Coupon.COUPON_RESOURCE + "/" + couponCode + Redemption.REDEEM_RESOURCE, redemption,

     * Lookup the first coupon redemption on an account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the coupon redemption for this account on success, null otherwise
    public Redemption getCouponRedemptionByAccount(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Redemption.REDEMPTION_RESOURCE,

     * Lookup all coupon redemptions on an account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @return the coupon redemptions for this account on success, null otherwise
    public Redemptions getCouponRedemptionsByAccount(final String accountCode) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Redemption.REDEMPTIONS_RESOURCE,

     * Lookup all coupon redemptions on an account given query params.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the coupon redemptions for this account on success, null otherwise
    public Redemptions getCouponRedemptionsByAccount(final String accountCode, final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Redemption.REDEMPTIONS_RESOURCE,
                Redemptions.class, params);

     * Lookup the first coupon redemption on an invoice.
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceNumber invoice number
     * @return the coupon redemption for this invoice on success, null otherwise
    public Redemption getCouponRedemptionByInvoice(final Integer invoiceNumber) {
        return getCouponRedemptionByInvoice(invoiceNumber.toString());

     * Lookup the first coupon redemption on an invoice.
     * @param invoiceId String invoice id
     * @return the coupon redemption for this invoice on success, null otherwise
    public Redemption getCouponRedemptionByInvoice(final String invoiceId) {
        return doGET(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + Redemption.REDEMPTION_RESOURCE,

     * Lookup all coupon redemptions on an invoice.
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceNumber invoice number
     * @return the coupon redemptions for this invoice on success, null otherwise
    public Redemptions getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(final Integer invoiceNumber) {
        return getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(invoiceNumber.toString(), new QueryParams());

     * Lookup all coupon redemptions on an invoice.
     * @param invoiceId String invoice id
     * @return the coupon redemptions for this invoice on success, null otherwise
    public Redemptions getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(final String invoiceId) {
        return getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(invoiceId, new QueryParams());

     * Lookup all coupon redemptions on an invoice given query params.
     * @deprecated Prefer using Invoice#getId() as the id param (which is a String)
     * @param invoiceNumber invoice number
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the coupon redemptions for this invoice on success, null otherwise
    public Redemptions getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(final Integer invoiceNumber, final QueryParams params) {
        return getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(invoiceNumber.toString(), params);

     * Lookup all coupon redemptions on an invoice given query params.
     * @param invoiceId String invoice id
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return the coupon redemptions for this invoice on success, null otherwise
    public Redemptions getCouponRedemptionsByInvoice(final String invoiceId, final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(Invoices.INVOICES_RESOURCE + "/" + invoiceId + Redemption.REDEMPTION_RESOURCE,
                Redemptions.class, params);

     * Deletes a coupon redemption from an account.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
    public void deleteCouponRedemption(final String accountCode) {
        doDELETE(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Redemption.REDEMPTION_RESOURCE);

     * Deletes a specific redemption.
     * @param accountCode recurly account id
     * @param redemptionUuid recurly coupon redemption uuid
    public void deleteCouponRedemption(final String accountCode, final String redemptionUuid) {
        doDELETE(Accounts.ACCOUNTS_RESOURCE + "/" + accountCode + Redemption.REDEMPTIONS_RESOURCE + "/"
                + redemptionUuid);

    // Recurly.js API

     * Fetch Subscription
     * <p>
     * Returns subscription from a recurly.js token.
     * @param recurlyToken token given by recurly.js
     * @return subscription object on success, null otherwise
    public Subscription fetchSubscription(final String recurlyToken) {
        return fetch(recurlyToken, Subscription.class);

     * Fetch BillingInfo
     * <p>
     * Returns billing info from a recurly.js token.
     * @param recurlyToken token given by recurly.js
     * @return billing info object on success, null otherwise
    public BillingInfo fetchBillingInfo(final String recurlyToken) {
        return fetch(recurlyToken, BillingInfo.class);

     * Fetch Invoice
     * <p>
     * Returns invoice from a recurly.js token.
     * @param recurlyToken token given by recurly.js
     * @return invoice object on success, null otherwise
    public Invoice fetchInvoice(final String recurlyToken) {
        return fetch(recurlyToken, Invoice.class);

     * Get Gift Cards given query params
     * <p>
     * Returns information about all gift cards.
     * @param params {@link QueryParams}
     * @return gitfcards object on success, null otherwise
    public GiftCards getGiftCards(final QueryParams params) {
        return doGET(GiftCards.GIFT_CARDS_RESOURCE, GiftCards.class, params);

     * Get Gift Cards
     * <p>
     * Returns information about all gift cards.
     * @return gitfcards object on success, null otherwise
    public GiftCards getGiftCards() {
        return doGET(GiftCards.GIFT_CARDS_RESOURCE, GiftCards.class);

     * Get a Gift Card
     * <p>
     * @param giftCardId The id for the {@link GiftCard}
     * @return The {@link GiftCard} object as identified by the passed in id
    public GiftCard getGiftCard(final Long giftCardId) {
        return doGET(GiftCards.GIFT_CARDS_RESOURCE + "/" + Long.toString(giftCardId), GiftCard.class);

     * Redeem a Gift Card
     * <p>
     * @param redemptionCode The redemption code the {@link GiftCard}
     * @param accountCode The account code for the {@link Account}
     * @return The updated {@link GiftCard} object as identified by the passed in id
    public GiftCard redeemGiftCard(final String redemptionCode, final String accountCode) {
        final GiftCard.Redemption redemptionData = GiftCard.createRedemption(accountCode);
        final String url = GiftCards.GIFT_CARDS_RESOURCE + "/" + redemptionCode + "/redeem";

        return doPOST(url, redemptionData, GiftCard.class);

     * Purchase a GiftCard
     * <p>
     * @param giftCard The giftCard data
     * @return the giftCard object
    public GiftCard purchaseGiftCard(final GiftCard giftCard) {
        return doPOST(GiftCards.GIFT_CARDS_RESOURCE, giftCard, GiftCard.class);

     * Preview a GiftCard
     * <p>
     * @param giftCard The giftCard data
     * @return the giftCard object
    public GiftCard previewGiftCard(final GiftCard giftCard) {
        return doPOST(GiftCards.GIFT_CARDS_RESOURCE + "/preview", giftCard, GiftCard.class);

     * Return all the MeasuredUnits
     * <p>
     * @return the MeasuredUnits object as identified by the passed in ID
    public MeasuredUnits getMeasuredUnits() {
        return doGET(MeasuredUnits.MEASURED_UNITS_RESOURCE, MeasuredUnits.class);

     * Create a MeasuredUnit's info
     * <p>
     * @param measuredUnit The measuredUnit to create on recurly
     * @return the measuredUnit object as identified by the passed in ID
    public MeasuredUnit createMeasuredUnit(final MeasuredUnit measuredUnit) {
        return doPOST(MeasuredUnit.MEASURED_UNITS_RESOURCE, measuredUnit, MeasuredUnit.class);

    private <T> T fetch(final String recurlyToken, final Class<T> clazz) {
        return doGET(FETCH_RESOURCE + "/" + recurlyToken, clazz);


    private InputStream doGETPdf(final String resource) {
        return doGETPdfWithFullURL(baseUrl + resource);

    private <T> T doGET(final String resource, final Class<T> clazz) {
        return doGETWithFullURL(clazz, constructGetUrl(resource, new QueryParams()));

    private <T> T doGET(final String resource, final Class<T> clazz, QueryParams params) {
        return doGETWithFullURL(clazz, constructGetUrl(resource, params));

    private String constructGetUrl(final String resource, QueryParams params) {
        return baseUrl + resource + params.toString();

    public <T> T doGETWithFullURL(final Class<T> clazz, final String url) {
        if (debug()) {
  "Msg to Recurly API [GET] :: URL : {}", url);
        return callRecurlySafeXmlContent(client.prepareGet(url), clazz);

    private InputStream doGETPdfWithFullURL(final String url) {
        if (debug()) {
  "Msg to Recurly API [GET] :: URL : {}", url);

        return callRecurlySafeGetPdf(url);

    private InputStream callRecurlySafeGetPdf(String url) {
        final Response response;
        final InputStream pdfInputStream;
        try {
            response = clientRequestBuilderCommon(client.prepareGet(url)).addHeader("Accept", "application/pdf")
                    .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf").execute().get();
            pdfInputStream = response.getResponseBodyAsStream();

        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("Interrupted while calling recurly", e);
            return null;
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            log.error("Execution error", e);
            return null;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Error retrieving response body", e);
            return null;

        if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
            RecurlyAPIError recurlyAPIError = new RecurlyAPIError();

            throw new RecurlyAPIException(recurlyAPIError);

        return pdfInputStream;

    private <T> T doPOST(final String resource, final RecurlyObject payload, final Class<T> clazz) {
        final String xmlPayload;
        try {
            xmlPayload = xmlMapper.writeValueAsString(payload);
            if (debug()) {
      "Msg to Recurly API [POST]:: URL : {}", baseUrl + resource);
      "Payload for [POST]:: {}", xmlPayload);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to serialize {} object as XML: {}", clazz.getName(), payload.toString());
            return null;

        return callRecurlySafeXmlContent(client.preparePost(baseUrl + resource).setBody(xmlPayload), clazz);

    private <T> T doPUT(final String resource, final RecurlyObject payload, final Class<T> clazz) {
        final String xmlPayload;
        try {
            if (payload != null) {
                xmlPayload = xmlMapper.writeValueAsString(payload);
            } else {
                xmlPayload = null;

            if (debug()) {
      "Msg to Recurly API [PUT]:: URL : {}", baseUrl + resource);
      "Payload for [PUT]:: {}", xmlPayload);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to serialize {} object as XML: {}", clazz.getName(), payload.toString());
            return null;

        return callRecurlySafeXmlContent(client.preparePut(baseUrl + resource).setBody(xmlPayload), clazz);

    private void doDELETE(final String resource) {
        callRecurlySafeXmlContent(client.prepareDelete(baseUrl + resource), null);

    private <T> T callRecurlySafeXmlContent(final AsyncHttpClient.BoundRequestBuilder builder,
            @Nullable final Class<T> clazz) {
        try {
            return callRecurlyXmlContent(builder, clazz);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.warn("Error while calling Recurly", e);
            return null;
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            // Extract the errors exception, if any
            if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getCause() != null
                    && e.getCause().getCause() instanceof TransactionErrorException) {
                throw (TransactionErrorException) e.getCause().getCause();
            } else if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof TransactionErrorException) {
                // See
                throw (TransactionErrorException) e.getCause();
            log.error("Execution error", e);
            return null;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("Interrupted while calling Recurly", e);
            return null;

    private <T> T callRecurlyXmlContent(final AsyncHttpClient.BoundRequestBuilder builder,
            @Nullable final Class<T> clazz) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        final Response response = clientRequestBuilderCommon(builder).addHeader("Accept", "application/xml")
                .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8").execute().get();

        final InputStream in = response.getResponseBodyAsStream();
        try {
            final String payload = convertStreamToString(in);
            if (debug()) {
      "Msg from Recurly API :: {}", payload);

            // Handle errors payload
            if (response.getStatusCode() >= 300) {
                log.warn("Recurly error whilst calling: {}\n{}", response.getUri(), payload);
                RecurlyAPIError recurlyError = new RecurlyAPIError();

                if (response.getStatusCode() == 422) {
                    final Errors errors;
                    try {
                        errors = xmlMapper.readValue(payload, Errors.class);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // 422 is returned for transaction errors (see
                        // as well as bad input payloads
                        log.debug("Unable to extract error", e);
                        return null;
                    throw new TransactionErrorException(errors);
                } else if (response.getStatusCode() == 401) {
                            "We could not authenticate your request. Either your subdomain and private key are not set or incorrect");

                    throw new RecurlyAPIException(recurlyError);
                } else {
                    try {
                        recurlyError = xmlMapper.readValue(payload, RecurlyAPIError.class);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.debug("Unable to extract error", e);

                    throw new RecurlyAPIException(recurlyError);

            if (clazz == null) {
                return null;

            final T obj = xmlMapper.readValue(payload, clazz);
            if (obj instanceof RecurlyObject) {
                ((RecurlyObject) obj).setRecurlyClient(this);
            } else if (obj instanceof RecurlyObjects) {
                final RecurlyObjects recurlyObjects = (RecurlyObjects) obj;

                // Set the RecurlyClient on all objects for later use
                for (final Object object : recurlyObjects) {
                    ((RecurlyObject) object).setRecurlyClient(this);

                // Set the total number of records
                final String xRecords = response.getHeader(X_RECORDS_HEADER_NAME);
                if (xRecords != null) {

                // Set links for pagination
                final String linkHeader = response.getHeader(LINK_HEADER_NAME);
                if (linkHeader != null) {
                    final String[] links = PaginationUtils.getLinks(linkHeader);
            return obj;
        } finally {

    private AsyncHttpClient.BoundRequestBuilder clientRequestBuilderCommon(
            AsyncHttpClient.BoundRequestBuilder requestBuilder) {
        return requestBuilder.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + key)
                .addHeader("X-Api-Version", RECURLY_API_VERSION).addHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent)

    private String convertStreamToString(final is) {
        try {
            return new Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
        } catch (final NoSuchElementException e) {
            return "";

    private void closeStream(final InputStream in) {
        if (in != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.warn("Failed to close http-client - provided InputStream: {}", e.getLocalizedMessage());

    protected AsyncHttpClient createHttpClient() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        final AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder builder = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder();

        // Don't limit the number of connections per host
        // See

        return new AsyncHttpClient(;

    String getUserAgent() {
        return userAgent;

    private String buildUserAgent() {
        final String defaultVersion = "0.0.0";
        final String defaultJavaVersion = "0.0.0";

        try {
            final Properties gitRepositoryState = new Properties();
            final URL resourceURL = Resources.getResource(GIT_PROPERTIES_FILE);
            final CharSource charSource = Resources.asCharSource(resourceURL, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

            Reader reader = null;
            try {
                reader = charSource.openStream();
            } finally {
                if (reader != null) {

            final String version = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(getVersionFromGitRepositoryState(gitRepositoryState),
            final String javaVersion = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(StandardSystemProperty.JAVA_VERSION.value(),
            return String.format("KillBill/%s; %s", version, javaVersion);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            return String.format("KillBill/%s; %s", defaultVersion, defaultJavaVersion);

    String getVersionFromGitRepositoryState(final Properties gitRepositoryState) {
        final String gitDescribe = gitRepositoryState.getProperty(GIT_COMMIT_ID_DESCRIBE_SHORT);
        if (gitDescribe == null) {
            return null;
        final Matcher matcher = TAG_FROM_GIT_DESCRIBE_PATTERN.matcher(gitDescribe);
        return matcher.find() ? : null;