Source code

Java tutorial


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package com.noxpvp.mmo.abilities;

import org.apache.commons.lang.IllegalClassException;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;

import com.noxpvp.core.VaultAdapter;
import com.noxpvp.core.manager.PlayerManager;
import com.noxpvp.core.utils.TownyUtil;
import com.noxpvp.mmo.MasterListener;
import com.noxpvp.mmo.NoxMMO;
import com.noxpvp.mmo.handlers.BaseMMOEventHandler;

public abstract class BasePlayerAbility extends BaseEntityAbility implements PlayerAbility {

    private MasterListener masterListener;

    public BasePlayerAbility(final String name, Player player) {
        super(name, player);

        this.masterListener = NoxMMO.getInstance().getMasterListener();

    public Player getPlayer() {
        if (!(getEntity() instanceof Player))
            throw new IllegalStateException("Internal Data was tampered with..",
                    new IllegalClassException(Player.class, Entity.class));
        return (Player) getEntity();

    public NoxPlayer getNoxPlayer() {
        if (isValid())
            return PlayerManager.getInstance().getPlayer(getPlayer());
        return null;

    public MasterListener getMasterListener() {
        return masterListener;

    public void registerHandler(BaseMMOEventHandler<? extends Event> handler) {

    public void unRegisterHandler(BaseMMOEventHandler<? extends Event> handler) {


     * Returns is the player of this ability is null and has the permission, thus if the execute method will start
     * @return boolean If the execute() method is normally able to start
    public boolean mayExecute() {
        Player player = getPlayer();

        return player != null && player.isValid() && player.isOnline() && hasPermission()
                && (((this instanceof PVPAbility) && TownyUtil.isPVP(player)) || !(this instanceof PVPAbility));

     * Recommended to override if you want to add dynamic perm node support.
     * @return true if allowed or false if not OR if could not retrieve NoxPlayer object.
    public boolean hasPermission() {
        NoxPlayer p = getNoxPlayer();
        if (p == null)
            return false;

        return VaultAdapter.PermUtils.hasPermission(p,
                (NoxMMO.PERM_NODE + ".ability." + getName().replaceAll(" ", "-").toLowerCase()));
