Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
 * Please see distribution for license.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;

import com.opengamma.DataNotFoundException;
import com.opengamma.core.position.PositionSource;
import com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTarget;
import com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTargetResolver;
import com.opengamma.engine.ComputationTargetSpecification;
import com.opengamma.engine.value.ValueSpecification;
import com.opengamma.engine.view.calc.ViewCycle;
import com.opengamma.engine.view.compilation.CompiledViewDefinition;
import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker;
import com.opengamma.util.tuple.Pair;

 * Grid for displaying analytics data for a portfolio or for calculated values that aren't associated with the
 * portfolio (primitives). This class isn't thread safe.
/* package */ abstract class MainAnalyticsGrid<V extends MainGridViewport> extends AnalyticsGrid<V> {

    /** Row and column structure of the grid. */
    protected final MainGridStructure _gridStructure;
    /** Type of data in the grid, portfolio or primitives. */
    private final AnalyticsView.GridType _gridType;
    /** Dependency graph grids for cells in this grid, keyed by grid ID. */
    private final Map<Integer, DependencyGraphGrid> _depGraphs = Maps.newHashMap();
    /** For looking up calculation targets using their specifications. */
    private final ComputationTargetResolver _targetResolver;

    /** Cache of results. */
    protected ResultsCache _cache = new ResultsCache();
    /** The calculation cycle used to calculate the most recent set of results. */
    private ViewCycle _cycle = EmptyViewCycle.INSTANCE;

    /* package */ MainAnalyticsGrid(AnalyticsView.GridType gridType, MainGridStructure gridStructure, String gridId,
            ComputationTargetResolver targetResolver) {
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(gridType, "gridType");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(gridStructure, "gridStructure");
        ArgumentChecker.notNull(targetResolver, "targetResolver");
        _gridType = gridType;
        _gridStructure = gridStructure;
        _targetResolver = targetResolver;

     * Updates the data in the viewports of the main grid and all dependency graph grids when new results arrive
     * from the calculation engine.
     * @param cache Cache of calculation results
     * @param cycle Calculation cycle that calculated the latest results
     * @return List of IDs specifiying the viewports whose data has changed as a result of the new update
    /* package */ List<String> updateResults(ResultsCache cache, ViewCycle cycle) {
        _cache = cache;
        _cycle = cycle;
        List<String> updatedIds = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (MainGridViewport viewport : _viewports.values()) {
            CollectionUtils.addIgnoreNull(updatedIds, viewport.updateResults(cache));
        for (DependencyGraphGrid grid : _depGraphs.values()) {
        return updatedIds;

     * Updates a viewport on the main grid, e.g. in response the the user scrolling the grid.
     * @param viewportId ID of the viewport
     * @param viewportDefinition Definition of the updated viewport
     * @return The viewport's callback ID if it was updated or {@code null} if not
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no viewport exists with the specified ID
    /* package */ String updateViewport(int viewportId, ViewportDefinition viewportDefinition) {
        return getViewport(viewportId).update(viewportDefinition, _cache);

    // -------- dependency graph grids --------

     * Opens a depdency graph grid showing the steps used to calculate a cell's value.
     * @param graphId Unique ID of the dependency graph
     * @param gridId ID passed to listeners when the grid's row and column structure changes, this can be any unique value
     * @param row Row index of the cell whose dependency graph is required
     * @param col Column index of the cell whose dependency graph is required
     * @param compiledViewDef Compiled view definition containing the full dependency graph
     * TODO a better way to specify which cell we want - target spec? stable row ID generated on the server?
     * one of these will be needed when dynamic view aggregation is implemented
    /* package */ void openDependencyGraph(int graphId, String gridId, int row, int col,
            CompiledViewDefinition compiledViewDef) {
        if (_depGraphs.containsKey(graphId)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dependency graph ID " + graphId + " is already in use");
        Pair<String, ValueSpecification> targetForCell = _gridStructure.getTargetForCell(row, col);
        if (targetForCell == null) {
            throw new DataNotFoundException("No dependency graph is available for row " + row + ", col " + col);
        String calcConfigName = targetForCell.getFirst();
        ValueSpecification valueSpec = targetForCell.getSecond();
        DependencyGraphGrid grid = DependencyGraphGrid.create(compiledViewDef, valueSpec, calcConfigName, _cycle,
                gridId, _targetResolver);
        _depGraphs.put(graphId, grid);

     * Returns an existing dependency graph grid.
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @return The dependency graph grid
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no dependency graph exists with the specified ID
    private DependencyGraphGrid getDependencyGraph(int graphId) {
        DependencyGraphGrid grid = _depGraphs.get(graphId);
        if (grid == null) {
            throw new DataNotFoundException(
                    "No dependency graph found with ID " + graphId + " for " + _gridType + " grid");
        return grid;

     * Closes an existing dependency graph grid.
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no dependency graph exists with the specified ID
    /* package */ void closeDependencyGraph(int graphId) {
        AnalyticsGrid grid = _depGraphs.remove(graphId);
        if (grid == null) {
            throw new DataNotFoundException(
                    "No dependency graph found with ID " + graphId + " for " + _gridType + " grid");

     * Returns the grid structure for a dependency graph.
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @return The grid structure of the specified dependency graph
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no dependency graph exists with the specified ID
    /* package */ DependencyGraphGridStructure getGridStructure(int graphId) {
        return getDependencyGraph(graphId).getGridStructure();

     * Creates a viewport on a dependency graph grid.
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @param viewportId ID of the viewport, can be any unique value
     * @param callbackId ID passed to listeners when the viewport's data changes, can be any unique value
     * @param viewportDefinition Definition of the viewport
     * @return {@code true} if there is data available for the new viewport
    /* package */ boolean createViewport(int graphId, int viewportId, String callbackId,
            ViewportDefinition viewportDefinition) {
        return getDependencyGraph(graphId).createViewport(viewportId, callbackId, viewportDefinition);

     * Updates an existing viewport on a dependency graph grid
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @param viewportId ID of the viewport
     * @param viewportDefinition Definition of the viewport
     * @return Version number of the viewport, allows clients to ensure any data they receive for a viewport matches
     * the current viewport state
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no dependency graph exists with the specified ID
    /* package */ String updateViewport(int graphId, int viewportId, ViewportDefinition viewportDefinition) {
        return getDependencyGraph(graphId).updateViewport(viewportId, viewportDefinition, _cycle);

     * Deletes an existing viewport on a dependency graph grid.
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @param viewportId ID of the viewport, can be any unique value
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no dependency graph exists with the specified ID
    /* package */ void deleteViewport(int graphId, int viewportId) {

     * Returns the data for a viewport on a dependency graph grid.
     * @param graphId ID of the dependency graph
     * @param viewportId ID of the viewport, can be any unique value
     * @return The current data for the viewport
     * @throws DataNotFoundException If no dependency graph exists with the specified ID
    /* package */ ViewportResults getData(int graphId, int viewportId) {
        return getDependencyGraph(graphId).getData(viewportId);

     * @return The IDs for all depdendency graph grids that are sent to listeners when the grid structure changes
    /* package */ List<String> getDependencyGraphCallbackIds() {
        List<String> gridIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (AnalyticsGrid grid : _depGraphs.values()) {
        return gridIds;

     * @return The row and column structure of the main grid
    public GridStructure getGridStructure() {
        return _gridStructure;

     * Resolver that doesn't resolve anything, used for grids that will always be empty.
    protected static class DummyTargetResolver implements ComputationTargetResolver {

        public ComputationTarget resolve(ComputationTargetSpecification specification) {
            return null;

        public SecuritySource getSecuritySource() {
            return null;

        public PositionSource getPositionSource() {
            return null;