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 * @(#) 2010-3-11
 * Copyright 2008 Painiu. All rights reserved.
package com.painiu.core.dao.hibernate;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Conjunction;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction;
import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.ProjectionList;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.springframework.orm.ObjectRetrievalFailureException;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback;

import com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO;
//import com.painiu.core.model.Album;
//import com.painiu.core.model.Group;
import com.painiu.core.model.Icon;
//import com.painiu.core.model.InterestingPhoto;
//import com.painiu.core.model.LatestPhoto;
import com.painiu.core.model.License;
import com.painiu.core.model.Photo;
import com.painiu.core.model.PhotoAddress;
import com.painiu.core.model.Privacy;
import com.painiu.core.model.Relation;
import com.painiu.core.model.User;
//import com.painiu.core.model.UserRecentPhoto;
import com.painiu.core.persistence.UserTypes;

 * <p>
 * <a href=""><i>View Source</i></a>
 * </p>
 * @author Zhang Songfu
 * @version $Id: 41 2010-06-10 17:30:08Z zhangsf $

public class PhotoDAOHibernate extends BaseDAOHibernate implements PhotoDAO {

    //~ Static fields/initializers =============================================

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PhotoDAOHibernate.class);

    private static final long ONE_DAYS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1;

    //~ Instance fields ========================================================

    //~ Constructors ===========================================================

    //~ Methods ================================================================

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getPhoto(java.lang.String)
    public Photo getPhoto(String id) {
        Photo photo = (Photo) getHibernateTemplate().get(Photo.class, id);
        if (photo == null) {
            if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                log.warn("uh, oh, photo[" + id + "] not found...");
            throw new ObjectRetrievalFailureException(Photo.class, id);
        return photo;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#savePhoto(com.painiu.core.model.Photo)
    public void savePhoto(Photo photo) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Saving Photo[" + photo.getId() + "]");


     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#removePhoto(com.painiu.core.model.Photo)
    public void removePhoto(Photo photo) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Removing Photo[" + photo.getId() + "]");

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getRecentPublicPhotos(int, int)
    public Result getRecentPublicPhotos(int start, int limit) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Retriving recent photos: start = " + start + ", limit=" + limit);

        Long timestamp = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - ONE_DAYS);

        return find(
                "from Photo p inner join fetch p.user where p.privacy = ?"
                        + " and (p.state = ? or p.state = ? or p.state = ?) and p.timestamp > ? "
                        + " order by p.timestamp desc",
                new Object[] { Privacy.EVERYONE, Photo.State.USER_POPULAR, Photo.State.USER_COMMENDATORY,
                        Photo.State.USER_SENIOR, timestamp },
                new Type[] { UserTypes.privacy(), UserTypes.photoState(), UserTypes.photoState(),
                        UserTypes.photoState(), Hibernate.LONG },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getTaggedPhotos(java.lang.String, int, int)
    public Result getTaggedPhotos(String tagName, int start, int limit) {
        return find(
                "select count( from PhotoTag t join as p inner join p.user u "
                        + "where t.tagName = ? and p.privacy = ? and (p.state = ? or p.state = ? or p.state = ? )",
                "select p from PhotoTag t join as p inner join p.user u"
                        + " where t.tagName = ? and p.privacy = ? and (p.state = ? or p.state = ? or p.state = ?)"
                        + " order by t.taggedDate desc",
                new Object[] { tagName, Privacy.EVERYONE, Photo.State.USER_POPULAR, Photo.State.USER_COMMENDATORY,
                        Photo.State.USER_SENIOR },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.STRING, UserTypes.privacy(), UserTypes.photoState(), UserTypes.photoState(),
                        UserTypes.photoState() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getUserPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getUserPhotos(User user, boolean orderByTaken, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {

        String countSql = "select count( from Photo p where p.user = ? "
                + " and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0";

        String sql = "from Photo p join fetch p.stat where p.user = ? "
                + " and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 order by " + (orderByTaken ? "p.takenDate" : "p.timestamp")
                + " desc";
        return find(countSql, sql, new Object[] { user, relation },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.relation() }, start, limit);


     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getUserTaggedPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.lang.String, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getUserTaggedPhotos(User user, String tagName, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        return find(
                "select count( from PhotoTag t inner join p "
                        + "where p.user = ? and t.tagName = ? and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0",
                "select p from PhotoTag t inner join p "
                        + "where p.user = ? and t.tagName = ? and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 order by t.taggedDate desc",
                new Object[] { user, tagName, relation },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.STRING, UserTypes.relation() }, start, limit);

      * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getCommentedPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int)
    public Result getCommentedPhotos(User user, int start, int limit) {
        return find(
                "select count(distinct from PhotoComment c inner join p "
                        + "where p.user != ? and = ?",
                "select distinct p from PhotoComment c inner join p inner join fetch p.user "
                        + "where p.user != ? and = ? order by c.postedDate desc",
                new Object[] { user, user },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.entity(User.class) }, start, limit);

    * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getRecentActivePhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.util.Date, int, int)
    public Result getRecentActivePhotos(User user, Date afterDate, int start, int limit) {
        return find("select count(distinct from PhotoEvent e where e.owner = ? and e.createdDate > ?",
                "select distinct p from PhotoEvent e inner join p "
                        + "where e.owner = ? and e.createdDate > ? order by e.createdDate desc",
                new Object[] { user, afterDate }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.TIMESTAMP },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getMostComments(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getMostComments(User user, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        return find(
                "select count( from Photo p join p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.comments > 0",
                "from Photo p join fetch p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.comments > 0 "
                        + "order by stat.comments desc",
                new Object[] { user, relation }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getMostFavorites(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getMostFavorites(User user, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        return find(
                "select count( from Photo p join p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.favorites > 0",
                "from Photo p join fetch p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.favorites > 0 "
                        + "order by stat.favorites desc",
                new Object[] { user, relation }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getMostInteresting(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int, int)
    public Result getMostInteresting(Date fromDate, Date toDate, int interests, int start, int limit) {
        return find(
                "select count( from Photo p join p.stat stat where p.timestamp >= ? and p.timestamp < ?"
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.interests >= ?",
                "from Photo p join fetch p.stat stat where p.timestamp >= ? and p.timestamp < ?"
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.interests >= ? "
                        + "order by stat.interests desc",
                new Object[] { fromDate.getTime(), toDate.getTime(), Relation.NONE, new Integer(interests) },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.LONG, Hibernate.LONG, UserTypes.relation(), Hibernate.INTEGER }, start,

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getMostInteresting(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getMostInteresting(User user, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        return find(
                "select count( from Photo p join p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.interests > 0",
                "from Photo p join fetch p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.interests > 0 "
                        + "order by stat.interests desc",
                new Object[] { user, relation }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getMostViews(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getMostViews(User user, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        return find(
                "select count( from Photo p join p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.views > 0",
                "from Photo p join fetch p.stat stat where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.views > 0 " + "order by stat.views desc",
                new Object[] { user, relation }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

    public Result getMostPopular(User user, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        return find(
                "select count( from InterestingPhoto pi join p where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0",
                "select p from InterestingPhoto as pi join as p where p.user = ? "
                        + "and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 " + "order by pi.createdDate desc",
                new Object[] { user, relation }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.lang.String[], boolean, java.lang.String, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    //public Result getPhotos(final User user, final Group group, final String[] tags, final boolean taggedAll, final String text, final int start, final int limit, final Relation relation) {
    public Result getPhotos(final User user, final String[] tags, final boolean taggedAll, final String text,
            final int start, final int limit, final Relation relation) {

        return (Result) getReadOnlyHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {

            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                //Criteria criteria = buildCountPhotoCriteria(session, user, group, tags, taggedAll, text, relation);
                Criteria criteria = buildCountPhotoCriteria(session, user, tags, taggedAll, text, relation);

                int count = ((Integer) criteria.list().iterator().next()).intValue();

                //criteria = buildPhotoCriteria(session, user, group, tags, taggedAll, text, relation, false);
                criteria = buildPhotoCriteria(session, user, tags, taggedAll, text, relation, false);

                List data = criteria.setFirstResult(start).setMaxResults(limit).list();

                Result result = new Result(start, limit);

                if (user != null) {
                    for (Iterator i = data.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                        Photo photo = (Photo);

                return result;

    //static Criteria buildCountPhotoCriteria(final Session session, User user, Group group, String[] tags, boolean taggedAll, String text, Relation relation) {
    static Criteria buildCountPhotoCriteria(final Session session, User user, String[] tags, boolean taggedAll,
            String text, Relation relation) {
        //Criteria criteria = buildPhotoCriteria(session, user, group, tags, taggedAll, text, relation, true);
        Criteria criteria = buildPhotoCriteria(session, user, tags, taggedAll, text, relation, true);
        if ((tags != null && tags.length > 1) || text != null) {
            return criteria.setProjection(Projections.countDistinct("id"));
        return criteria.setProjection(Projections.count("id"));

    //static Criteria buildPhotoCriteria(final Session session, User user, Group group, String[] tags, boolean taggedAll, String text, Relation relation, boolean count) {
    static Criteria buildPhotoCriteria(final Session session, User user, String[] tags, boolean taggedAll,
            String text, Relation relation, boolean count) {
        Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Photo.class);

        if (user != null) {
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("user", user));

            if (relation != null) {
                        Restrictions.sqlRestriction(" {alias}.privacy & ? > 0", relation, UserTypes.relation()));
        } else {
                    Restrictions.sqlRestriction(" {alias}.privacy & ? > 0", Relation.NONE, UserTypes.relation()));

            criteria.setFetchMode("user", FetchMode.JOIN);

        //if (user == null && group == null) {
        if (user == null) {
            Disjunction disjState = Restrictions.disjunction();

            disjState.add(Restrictions.eq("state", Photo.State.USER_POPULAR));
            disjState.add(Restrictions.eq("state", Photo.State.USER_COMMENDATORY));
            disjState.add(Restrictions.eq("state", Photo.State.USER_SENIOR));


        //if (album != null) {
        //   criteria.createAlias("albumPhotos", "ap");
        //   criteria.add( Restrictions.eq("ap.album", album) );

        //if (group != null) {
        //   criteria.createAlias("groupPhotos", "gp");
        //   criteria.add( Restrictions.eq("", group) );

        if ((tags != null && tags.length > 0) || text != null) {
            Criteria subCriteria = criteria.createCriteria("photoTags", "tags");

            if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) {
                if (taggedAll) {
                    Conjunction conj = Restrictions.conjunction();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
                        conj.add(Restrictions.eq("tagName", tags[i]));
                } else {
                    Disjunction disj = Restrictions.disjunction();
                    for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
                        disj.add(Restrictions.eq("tagName", tags[i]));

            if (text != null) {
                Disjunction disj = Restrictions.disjunction();

                disj.add("title", text, MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
                disj.add("description", text, MatchMode.ANYWHERE));
                disj.add(Restrictions.eq("tags.tagName", text));


        // TODO order parameters
        if (!count) {
            /*if (album != null) {
            } else*/
            /*if (group != null) {
            } else {*/
        // distinct ?
        if ((tags != null && tags.length > 1) || text != null) {
            ProjectionList proj = Projections.projectionList();


            if (user == null) {
                criteria.createAlias("user", "user");


            criteria.setResultTransformer(new PhotoBeanResultTransformer());

        return criteria;

    static class PhotoBeanResultTransformer implements ResultTransformer {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public PhotoBeanResultTransformer() {

        public Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases) {
            Photo photo = new Photo();
            photo.setAddress(new PhotoAddress());
            photo.setId((String) tuple[0]);
            photo.setTitle((String) tuple[1]);
            photo.setWidth((Integer) tuple[2]);
            photo.setHeight((Integer) tuple[3]);
            photo.getAddress().setHost((Integer) tuple[4]);
            photo.getAddress().setDir((String) tuple[5]);
            photo.getAddress().setFilename((String) tuple[6]);
            photo.getAddress().setSecret((String) tuple[7]);
            photo.getAddress().setUsername((String) tuple[8]);
            photo.getAddress().setFileKey((String) tuple[9]);

            if (tuple.length > 10) {
                User user = new User();
                user.setId((String) tuple[10]);
                user.setUsername((String) tuple[11]);
                user.setNickname((String) tuple[12]);
                Icon icon = new Icon();
                icon.setHost((Integer) tuple[13]);
                icon.setDir((String) tuple[14]);
                icon.setFilename((String) tuple[15]);
                icon.setUsername((String) tuple[16]);
                icon.setFileKey((String) tuple[17]);


            return photo;

        public List transformList(List collection) {
            return collection;

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getPhotosPostedAt(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int)
    public Result getPhotosPostedAt(Date from, Date to, int start, int limit) {
        return getPhotosPostedAt(from, to, start, limit, true, false);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getPhotosPostedAt(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int, boolean)
    public Result getPhotosPostedAt(Date from, Date to, int start, int limit, boolean descOrder, boolean update) {
        String countSql = "select count( from Photo p where p.timestamp >= ? and p.timestamp < ?";

        String sql = "from Photo p join fetch p.user where p.timestamp >= ? and p.timestamp < ? order by p.timestamp"
                + (descOrder ? " desc" : "");

        return find(countSql, sql, new Object[] { from.getTime(), to.getTime() },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.LONG, Hibernate.LONG }, start, limit, !update);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getPhotosPostedAt(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int, java.util.List)
    public Result getPhotosPostedAt(Date from, Date to, int start, int limit, List photoStates) {
        String userFilter = "";
        List objects = new ArrayList(5);
        List types = new ArrayList(5);
        if (photoStates != null && photoStates.size() > 0) {
            Properties userRank = new Properties();
            userRank.put("enumClassname", Photo.State.class);
            for (int i = 0; i < photoStates.size(); i++) {
                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userFilter)) {
                    userFilter = " and (p.state = ? ";
                } else {
                    userFilter += " or p.state = ? ";
            userFilter += ") ";
        Object[] srcTypes = types.toArray();
        Type[] desTypes = new Type[srcTypes.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < srcTypes.length; i++) {
            desTypes[i] = (Type) srcTypes[i];
        String countSql = "select count( from Photo p " + "where p.timestamp >= ? and p.timestamp < ?"
                + userFilter;

        String sql = "from Photo p join fetch p.user user " + "where p.timestamp >= ? and p.timestamp < ? "
                + userFilter + "order by p.timestamp";

        return find(countSql, sql, objects.toArray(), desTypes, start, limit, false);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getUserPhotosPostedAt(User user, Date from, Date to, int start, int limit, boolean detail,
            Relation relation) {
        String countSql = "select count( from Photo p where p.user = ? and "
                + "p.postedDate >= ? and p.postedDate < ? and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0";

        String sql = "from Photo p" + (detail ? " join fetch p.stat " : " ")
                + "where p.user = ? and p.postedDate >= ? and "
                + "p.postedDate < ? and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 order by p.postedDate desc";

        return find(countSql, sql, new Object[] { user, from, to, relation }, new Type[] {
                Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getUserPhotosTakenOn(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getUserPhotosTakenOn(User user, Date from, Date to, int start, int limit, boolean detail,
            Relation relation) {
        String countSql = "select count( from Photo p where p.user = ? and "
                + "p.takenDate >= ? and p.takenDate < ? and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0";

        String sql = "from Photo p" + (detail ? " join fetch p.stat " : " ")
                + "where p.user = ? and p.takenDate >= ? and "
                + "p.takenDate < ? and bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 order by p.takenDate desc";

        return find(countSql, sql, new Object[] { user, from, to, relation }, new Type[] {
                Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, UserTypes.relation() },
                start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getContactsPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int)
    public List getContactsPhotos(final User user, final Date fromDate, final Date toDate, final int start,
            final int limit) {
        return (List) getReadOnlyHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
                List list = session
                                "select {photo.*}, {user.*} " + "from yp_photo photo, yp_user user, yp_contact uc "
                                        + "where photo.user_id = uc.user_id " + "and uc.user_id = user.user_id "
                                        + "and uc.reversed_type & photo.privacy > 0 " + "and uc.owner_id = :user "
                                        + "and photo.posted_date > :fromDate and photo.posted_date < :toDate "
                                        + "order by photo.posted_date desc limit :offset, :limit")
                        .addEntity("photo", Photo.class).addJoin("user", "photo.user").setEntity("user", user)
                        .setTimestamp("fromDate", fromDate).setTimestamp("toDate", toDate)
                        .setInteger("offset", start).setInteger("limit", limit).list();

                List photos = new ArrayList(list.size());

                for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                    Object[] arr = (Object[]);

                return photos;

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getContactsLatestPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, int)
    /*public List getContactsLatestPhotos(User user, int limit) {
       return getContactsLatestPhoto(user, limit, true);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getContactsLatestPhoto(com.painiu.core.model.User, int)
    /*public List getContactsLatestPhoto(User user, int limit) {
       return getContactsLatestPhoto(user, limit, false);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getContactsLatestPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int)
    /*public Result getContactsLatestPhotos(final User user, final int start, final int limit) {
       return getContactsLatestPhoto(user, start, limit, true);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getContactsLatestPhoto(com.painiu.core.model.User, int, int)
    /*public Result getContactsLatestPhoto(final User user, final int start, final int limit) {
       return getContactsLatestPhoto(user, start, limit, false);
    private List getContactsLatestPhoto(final User user, final int limit, final boolean fivePerUser) {
       return (List) getReadOnlyHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
     public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        String privacyColumn = fivePerUser ? "five_privacy" : "one_privacy";
        List list = session.createSQLQuery(
              "select p.* from yp_photo_latest p inner join yp_user u on p.user_id = u.user_id " +
              "left outer join yp_contact uc on u.user_id = uc.user_id " +
              "where uc.reversed_type & p." + privacyColumn +  " > 0 and uc.owner_id = :userId " +
              "order by p.posted_timestamp desc")
        .addEntity("p", LatestPhoto.class)
        .setString("userId", user.getId())
        List photos = new ArrayList(list.size());
        for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
           LatestPhoto latestPhoto = (LatestPhoto);
           try {
           } catch (Exception e) {
              // may be deleted
        return photos;
    private Result getContactsLatestPhoto(final User user, final int start, final int limit, final boolean fivePerUser) {
       return (Result) getReadOnlyHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
     public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        Result result = new Result(start, limit);
        String privacyColumn = fivePerUser ? "five_privacy" : "one_privacy";
        Number count = (Number) session.createSQLQuery(
              "select count(photo_id) from yp_photo_latest p inner join yp_user u on p.user_id = u.user_id " +
              "left outer join yp_contact uc on u.user_id = uc.user_id " +
              "where uc.reversed_type & p." + privacyColumn +  " > 0 and uc.owner_id = :userId")
               .setString("userId", user.getId())
        List list = session.createSQLQuery(
              "select p.* from yp_photo_latest p inner join yp_user u on p.user_id = u.user_id " +
              "left outer join yp_contact uc on u.user_id = uc.user_id " +
              "where uc.reversed_type & p." + privacyColumn +  " > 0 and uc.owner_id = :userId " +
              "order by p.posted_timestamp desc")
        .addEntity("p", LatestPhoto.class)
        .setString("userId", user.getId())
        .setMaxResults(limit + 1)
        List photos = new ArrayList(list.size());
        for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
           LatestPhoto latestPhoto = (LatestPhoto);
           try {
           } catch (Exception e) {
              // may be deleted
        return result;

    public List getCameraList() {
        return (List) getReadOnlyHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
                List list = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select camera_model, cnt "
                                + "from (select camera_model, count(photo_id) as cnt from yp_photo "
                                + " where camera_model is not null group by camera_model) as tt order by cnt desc")

                List photos = new ArrayList(list.size());

                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                    Object[] arr = (Object[]) list.get(i);

                return photos;

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getNotInAlbum(com.painiu.core.model.User, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int, com.painiu.core.model.Relation)
    public Result getNotInAlbum(User user, Date minPostedDate, Date maxPostedDate, Date minTakenDate,
            Date maxTakenDate, int start, int limit, Relation relation) {
        List args = new ArrayList(6);
        List types = new ArrayList(6);

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("from yp_photo photo left join yp_album_photo ap on photo.photo_id = ap.photo_id")
                .append(" where photo.user_id = ?");


        if (minPostedDate != null) {
            sb.append(" and photo.posted_date >= ?");
        if (maxPostedDate != null) {
            sb.append(" and photo.posted_date < ?");
        if (minTakenDate != null) {
            sb.append(" and photo.taken_date >= ?");
        if (maxTakenDate != null) {
            sb.append(" and photo.taken_date < ?");

        sb.append(" and photo.privacy & ? > 0 and ap.album_id is null");

        args.add(new Integer(relation.value()));

        final String baseSql = sb.toString();
        final Object[] paramValues = args.toArray();
        final Type[] paramTypes = (Type[]) types.toArray(new Type[types.size()]);

        return findBySQL("select count(photo.photo_id) " + baseSql,
                "select {photo.*} " + baseSql + " order by photo.posted_timestamp desc", "photo", Photo.class,
                paramValues, paramTypes, start, limit);

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#blockUserPhotos(com.painiu.core.model.User)
    public void blockUserPhotos(User user) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("blocking photos of " + user);

        bulkUpdate("update Photo p set p.state = ? where p.user = ? and p.state != ?",
                new Object[] { Photo.State.BLOCKED, user, Photo.State.BLOCKED },
                new Type[] { UserTypes.photoState(), Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.photoState() });

     *  get license photos
    public Result getLicensePhotos(License license, int start, int limit, Date from, Date to) {
        return find(
                " from Photo p  where p.creativeType = ? " + " and p.license = ?  and p.privacy = ? "
                        + " and (p.state = ? or p.state = ? or p.state = ?) "
                        + " and p.postedDate >= ? and p.postedDate < ? " + " order by p.postedDate desc",
                new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(1), license, Privacy.EVERYONE, Photo.State.USER_POPULAR,
                        Photo.State.USER_COMMENDATORY, Photo.State.USER_SENIOR, from, to },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.INTEGER, UserTypes.license(), UserTypes.privacy(), UserTypes.photoState(),
                        UserTypes.photoState(), UserTypes.photoState(), Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP },
                start, limit);

     *  get license photos by tag
    public Result getTaggedLicensePhotos(String tagName, License license, int start, int limit, Date from,
            Date to) {
        return find("select count( from PhotoTag t join as p "
                + "where t.tagName = ? and p.privacy = ? and p.state = ? and p.creativeType = ? and p.license = ?  and p.postedDate >= ? and p.postedDate < ? ",
                "select p from PhotoTag t join as p inner join p.user "
                        + "where t.tagName = ? and p.privacy = ? and p.state = ? and p.creativeType = ? and p.license = ? order by t.taggedDate desc",
                new Object[] { tagName, Privacy.EVERYONE, Photo.State.PUBLISHED, Integer.valueOf(1), license, from,
                        to },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.STRING, UserTypes.privacy(), UserTypes.photoState(), Hibernate.INTEGER,
                        UserTypes.license(), Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP },
                start, limit);

    /*public void saveInterestingPhoto(InterestingPhoto interestingPhoto) {
       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
     log.debug("Saving Photo Interesting[" + interestingPhoto + "]");
    public InterestingPhoto getInterestingPhoto(Photo photo) {
    return (InterestingPhoto) getHibernateTemplate().get(InterestingPhoto.class, photo.getId());
    public void removeInterestingPhoto(InterestingPhoto interestingPhoto) {
       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
     log.debug("Removing Photo Interesting[" + interestingPhoto + "]");

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getInterestingnessPhotoIdsGroupByDate(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List getInterestingnessPhotoIdsGroupByDate(final Date fromDate, final Date toDate, final int limit) {
        return (List) getReadOnlyHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Query queryObject = session.getNamedQuery("getPhotoInterestingGroupByDate");

                queryObject.setInteger("limit", limit);
                queryObject.setTimestamp("fromDate", fromDate);
                queryObject.setTimestamp("toDate", toDate);

                return queryObject.list();

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getInterestingnessPhotos(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int)
    /*public Result getInterestingnessPhotos(Date fromDate, Date toDate, int start, int limit) {
       return getInterestingnessPhotos(fromDate, toDate, "stat.interests desc", start, limit);

    public Result getInterestingnessPhotos(int start, int limit) {
       return find(
        "select count( from Photo p join p.stat stat where " +
        "bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.score > 0 ",
        "select p from Photo p join p.stat as stat join fetch p.user " +
        "where bitwise_and(p.privacy, ?) > 0 and stat.score > 0 " +
        "order by p.postedDate desc ", 
        new Object[] { Relation.NONE  },
        new Type[] { UserTypes.relation() },
        start, limit);

    //   public List getInterestingnessPhotosNoMore(Date fromDate, Date toDate, String orderBy, int limit) {
    //      return find(
    //            "select pi from InterestingPhoto pi  where pi.createdDate >=? and pi.createdDate <= ? order by " + (orderBy == null ? "rand()" : orderBy),
    //            new Object[] {fromDate, toDate},
    //            new Type[] {Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP},
    //            0, limit).getData();
    //   }

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getInterestingnessPhotos(java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    /*public List getInterestingnessPhotos(Date fromDate, Date toDate, int limit) {
       return getInterestingnessPhotos(fromDate, toDate, null, -1, limit).getData();

    /*private Result getInterestingnessPhotos(Date fromDate, Date toDate, String orderBy, int start, int limit) {
       Result result = find(
        "select count( from InterestingPhoto pi where pi.createdDate >= ? and pi.createdDate < ?",
        "select pi from InterestingPhoto pi " + 
        ((orderBy != null && orderBy.indexOf("stat") != -1) ? "join pi.stat as stat " : "") + 
        "where pi.createdDate >= ? and pi.createdDate < ? " +
        "order by " + (orderBy == null ? "rand()" : orderBy), 
        new Object[] { fromDate, toDate },
        new Type[] { Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP },
        start, limit);
       return convertPhotoResult(result);

    public int getInterestingnessPhotos(Date fromDate, Date toDate) {
        return count(
                "select count( from InterestingPhoto pi where pi.createdDate >= ? and pi.createdDate < ?",
                new Object[] { fromDate, toDate }, new Type[] { Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP });

    /*private static Result convertPhotoResult(Result result) {
       List list = result.getOriginalData();
       Iterator it = list.iterator();
       List photos = new ArrayList(list.size());
       while (it.hasNext()) {
     InterestingPhoto interestingPhoto = (InterestingPhoto);
       return result;

     *   ? 

     *  Save User Recent Photo
    /*public void saveUserRecentPhoto(UserRecentPhoto userRecentPhoto) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
           log.debug("Saving UserRecentPhoto [" + userRecentPhoto.getId() + "]");

     * remove recent photo from user pool...
     * @param userRecentPhoto
    /*public void removeUserRecentPhoto (UserRecentPhoto userRecentPhoto) {
       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
     log.debug("Removing UserRecentPhoto [" + userRecentPhoto.getId() + "]");
    public UserRecentPhoto getUserRecentPhoto(Photo photo) {
       List list =  find(" from UserRecentPhoto urp where = ? ",
        new Object[] {photo},
        new Type[] {Hibernate.entity(Photo.class)},
        0, 1
       if (list.size() > 0) {
     return (UserRecentPhoto) list.get(0);
       return null;
    public UserRecentPhoto getUserRecentPhoto(String id) {
       UserRecentPhoto photo = (UserRecentPhoto) getHibernateTemplate().get(UserRecentPhoto.class, id);
    if (photo == null) {
       log.warn("uh, oh, UserRecentPhoto[" + id + "] not found...");
       throw new ObjectRetrievalFailureException(UserRecentPhoto.class, id);
    return photo;

     * get recent photos from user pool...
     * @param user
     * @param privacy
     * @param limit
     * @return
    public List getUserRecentPhotos(User user, Privacy privacy, int limit) {
        return find(" from UserRecentPhoto urp where urp.user = ? " + " and urp.privacy = ?  ",
                new Object[] { user, privacy }, new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.privacy() }, 0,

     * get top photos from photo pool...
     * @param user
     * @param privacy
     * @param limit
     * @return
    public List getTopUserPhotos(User user, Privacy privacy, int limit) {
        return find(" from Photo p where p.user = ? and p.privacy = ? and p.state = ? order by p.postedDate desc",
                new Object[] { user, privacy, Photo.State.PUBLISHED },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.privacy(), UserTypes.photoState() }, 0, limit)
        // return result.getData();

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getUserPhotoTotal(com.painiu.core.model.User)
    public Integer getUserPhotoTotal(User user) {
        return count("select count( from Photo p where p.user = ? ", new Object[] { user },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class) });

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#updatePhotosState(com.painiu.core.model.User)
    public void setPhotosState(User user, Photo.State state) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("update photos status of " + user);

        bulkUpdate("update Photo p set p.state = ? where p.user = ? and (p.state != ? or p.state is null)",
                new Object[] { state, user, state },
                new Type[] { UserTypes.photoState(), Hibernate.entity(User.class), UserTypes.photoState() });

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#getInterestingnessPhotosByTags(java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int, int)
    public Result getInterestingnessPhotosByTags(String tags, Date fromDate, Date toDate, int start, int limit) {
        //      Result result = find(
        //            "select count( from InterestingPhoto pi where pi.createdDate >= ? and pi.createdDate < ?",
        //            "select pi from InterestingPhoto pi stat.interests desc " + 
        //            "where pi.createdDate >= ? and pi.createdDate < ? " +
        //            " stat.interests desc ", 
        //            new Object[] { fromDate, toDate },
        //            new Type[] { Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, Hibernate.TIMESTAMP },
        //            start, limit);
        //      return convertPhotoResult(result);
        return null;

     * @see com.painiu.core.dao.PhotoDAO#mergeUserPhoto(com.painiu.core.model.User, com.painiu.core.model.User)
    public void mergeUserPhoto(User user, User merged) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("update photos owner from " + merged + " to " + user);
        bulkUpdate("update Photo p set p.user = ? where p.user = ?", new Object[] { user, merged },
                new Type[] { Hibernate.entity(User.class), Hibernate.entity(User.class) });
