Source code

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/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Pentaho Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
 * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms 
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may not use 
 * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, 
 * please go to The Original Code is Pentaho 
 * Data Integration.  The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation.
 * Software distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" 
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or  implied. Please refer to 
 * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.*/

package com.panet.imeta.core.xml;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

import com.panet.imeta.core.Const;
import com.panet.imeta.core.exception.KettleXMLException;
import com.panet.imeta.core.row.ValueMeta;
import com.panet.imeta.core.vfs.KettleVFS;

 * This class contains a number of (static final) methods to facilitate the
 * retreival of information from XML Node(s).
 * @author Matt
 * @since 04-04-2003
public class XMLHandler {
    private static XMLHandlerCache cache = XMLHandlerCache.getInstance();
    private static SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(ValueMeta.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_MASK);

     * The header string to specify encoding in UTF-8 for XML files
     * @return The XML header.
    public static final String getXMLHeader() {
        return getXMLHeader(Const.XML_ENCODING);

     * The header string to specify encoding in an XML file
     * @param encoding
     *            The desired encoding to use in the XML file
     * @return The XML header.
    public static final String getXMLHeader(String encoding) {
        return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + encoding + "\"?>" + Const.CR;

     * Get the value of a tag in a node
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for
     * @return The value of the tag or null if nothing was found.
    public static final String getTagValue(Node n, String tag) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        if (n == null)
            return null;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
                if (childnode.getFirstChild() != null)
                    return childnode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
        return null;

     * Get the value of a tag in a node
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for
     * @return The value of the tag or null if nothing was found.
    public static final String getTagValueWithAttribute(Node n, String tag, String attribute) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        if (n == null)
            return null;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)
                    && childnode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attribute) != null) {
                if (childnode.getFirstChild() != null)
                    return childnode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
        return null;

     * Search a node for a certain tag, in that subnode search for a certain
     * subtag. Return the value of that subtag.
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for
     * @param subtag
     *            The subtag to look for
     * @return The string of the subtag or null if nothing was found.
    public static final String getTagValue(Node n, String tag, String subtag) {
        NodeList children, tags;
        Node childnode, tagnode;

        if (n == null)
            return null;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) // <file>
                tags = childnode.getChildNodes();
                for (int j = 0; j < tags.getLength(); j++) {
                    tagnode = tags.item(j);
                    if (tagnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(subtag)) {
                        if (tagnode.getFirstChild() != null)
                            return tagnode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
        return null;

     * Count nodes with a certain tag
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tags to count
     * @return The number of nodes found with a certain tag
    public static final int countNodes(Node n, String tag) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        int count = 0;

        if (n == null)
            return 0;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) // <file>
        return count;

     * Get node child with a certain subtag set to a certain value
     * @param n
     *            The node to search in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for
     * @param subtag
     *            The subtag to look for
     * @param subtagvalue
     *            The value the subtag should have
     * @param nr
     *            The nr of occurance of the value
     * @return The node found or null if we couldn't find anything.
    public static final Node getNodeWithTagValue(Node n, String tag, String subtag, String subtagvalue, int nr) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode, tagnode;
        String value;

        int count = 0;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) // <hop>
                tagnode = getSubNode(childnode, subtag);
                value = getNodeValue(tagnode);
                if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(subtagvalue)) {
                    if (count == nr)
                        return childnode;
        return null;

     * Get node child with a certain subtag set to a certain value
     * @param n
     *            The node to search in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for
     * @param subtag
     *            The subtag to look for
     * @param subtagvalue
     *            The value the subtag should have
     * @param nr
     *            The nr of occurance of the value
     * @return The node found or null if we couldn't find anything.
    public static final Node getNodeWithAttributeValue(Node n, String tag, String attributeName,
            String attributeValue) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) // <hop>
                Node attribute = childnode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attributeName);

                if (attribute != null && attributeValue.equals(attribute.getTextContent()))
                    return childnode;
        return null;

     * Get nodes with a certain tag one level down
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tags to count
     * @return The list of nodes found with the specified tag
    public static final List<Node> getNodes(Node n, String tag) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();

        if (n == null)
            return nodes;

        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) // <file>
        return nodes;

     * Search for a subnode in the node with a certain tag.
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for
     * @return The subnode if the tag was found, or null if nothing was found.
    public static final Node getSubNode(Node n, String tag) {
        int i;
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        if (n == null)
            return null;

        // Get the childres one by one out of the node,
        // compare the tags and return the first found.
        children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) {
                return childnode;
        return null;

     * Search a node for a child of child
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to look for in the node
     * @param subtag
     *            The tag to look for in the children of the node
     * @return The sub-node found or null if nothing was found.
    public static final Node getSubNode(Node n, String tag, String subtag) {
        Node t = getSubNode(n, tag);
        if (t != null)
            return getSubNode(t, subtag);
        return null;

     * Get a subnode in a node by nr.<br>
     * This method uses caching and assumes you loop over subnodes in sequential
     * order (nr is increasing by 1 each call)
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to count
     * @param nr
     *            The position in the node
     * @return The subnode found or null in case the position was invalid.
    public static final Node getSubNodeByNr(Node n, String tag, int nr) {
        return getSubNodeByNr(n, tag, nr, true);

     * Get a subnode in a node by nr.<br>
     * It optially allows you to use caching.<br>
     * Caching assumes that you loop over subnodes in sequential order (nr is
     * increasing by 1 each call)
     * @param n
     *            The node to look in
     * @param tag
     *            The tag to count
     * @param nr
     *            The position in the node
     * @param useCache
     *            set this to false if you don't want to use caching. For
     *            example in cases where you want to loop over subnodes of a
     *            certain tag in reverse or random order.
     * @return The subnode found or null in case the position was invalid.
    public static final Node getSubNodeByNr(Node n, String tag, int nr, boolean useCache) {
        NodeList children;
        Node childnode;

        if (n == null)
            return null;

        int count = 0;
        // Find the child-nodes of this Node n:
        children = n.getChildNodes();

        int lastChildNr = -1;
        XMLHandlerCacheEntry entry = null;

        if (useCache) {
            entry = new XMLHandlerCacheEntry(n, tag);
            lastChildNr = cache.getLastChildNr(entry);
        if (lastChildNr < 0) {
            lastChildNr = 0;
        } else {
            count = nr; // we assume we found the previous nr-1 at the
            // lastChildNr
            lastChildNr++; // we left off at the previouso one, so continue with
            // the next.

        for (int i = lastChildNr; i < children.getLength(); i++) // Try all
        // children
            childnode = children.item(i);
            if (childnode.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) // We found the
            // right tag
                if (count == nr) {
                    if (useCache)
                        cache.storeCache(entry, i);
                    return childnode;
        return null;

     * Find the value entry in a node
     * @param n
     *            The node
     * @return The value entry as a string
    public static final String getNodeValue(Node n) {
        if (n == null)
            return null;

        // Find the child-nodes of this Node n:
        NodeList children = n.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) // Try all children
            Node childnode = children.item(i);
            String retval = childnode.getNodeValue();
            if (retval != null) // We found the right value
                return retval;
        return null;

    public static final String getTagAttribute(Node node, String attribute) {
        String retval = null;

        NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
        if (nnm != null) {
            Node attr = nnm.getNamedItem(attribute);
            if (attr != null) {
                retval = attr.getNodeValue();
        return retval;

     * Load a file into an XML document
     * @param filename
     *            The filename to load into a document
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occured!
    public static final Document loadXMLFile(String filename) throws KettleXMLException {
        try {
            return loadXMLFile(KettleVFS.getFileObject(filename));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new KettleXMLException(e);

     * Load a file into an XML document
     * @param filename
     *            The filename to load into a document
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occured!
    public static final Document loadXMLFile(FileObject fileObject) throws KettleXMLException {
        return loadXMLFile(fileObject, null, false, false);

     * Load a file into an XML document
     * @param filename
     *            The filename to load into a document
     * @param systemId
     *            Provide a base for resolving relative URIs.
     * @param ignoreEntities
     *            Ignores external entities and returns an empty dummy.
     * @param namespaceAware
     *            support XML namespaces.
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occured!
    public static final Document loadXMLFile(FileObject fileObject, String systemID, boolean ignoreEntities,
            boolean namespaceAware) throws KettleXMLException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;
        DocumentBuilder db;
        Document doc;

        try {
            // Check and open XML document
            dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            // even dbf.setValidating(false) will the parser NOT prevent from
            // checking the existance of the DTD
            // thus we need to give the BaseURI (systemID) below to have a
            // chance to get it
            // or return empty dummy documents for all external entities
            // (sources)
            if (ignoreEntities)
                db.setEntityResolver(new DTDIgnoringEntityResolver());
            InputStream inputStream = null;
            try {
                if (Const.isEmpty(systemID)) {
                    // Normal parsing
                    inputStream = KettleVFS.getInputStream(fileObject);
                    doc = db.parse(inputStream);
                } else {
                    // Do extra verifications
                    String systemIDwithEndingSlash = systemID.trim();
                    // make sure we have an ending slash, otherwise the last
                    // part will be ignored
                    if (!systemIDwithEndingSlash.endsWith("/") && !systemIDwithEndingSlash.endsWith("\\")) {
                        systemIDwithEndingSlash = systemIDwithEndingSlash.concat("/");
                    inputStream = KettleVFS.getInputStream(fileObject);
                    doc = db.parse(inputStream, systemIDwithEndingSlash);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ef) {
                throw new KettleXMLException(ef);
            } finally {
                if (inputStream != null)

            return doc;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KettleXMLException("Error reading information from file", e);

     * Read in an XML file from the passed input stream and return an XML
     * document
     * @param inputStream
     *            The filename input stream to read the document from
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occurred!
    public static final Document loadXMLFile(InputStream inputStream) throws KettleXMLException {
        return loadXMLFile(inputStream, null, false, false);

     * Load a file into an XML document
     * @param inputStream
     *            The stream to load a document from
     * @param systemId
     *            Provide a base for resolving relative URIs.
     * @param ignoreEntities
     *            Ignores external entities and returns an empty dummy.
     * @param namespaceAware
     *            support XML namespaces.
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occured!
    public static final Document loadXMLFile(InputStream inputStream, String systemID, boolean ignoreEntities,
            boolean namespaceAware) throws KettleXMLException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;
        DocumentBuilder db;
        Document doc;

        try {
            // Check and open XML document
            dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

            // even dbf.setValidating(false) will the parser NOT prevent from
            // checking the existance of the DTD
            // thus we need to give the BaseURI (systemID) below to have a
            // chance to get it
            // or return empty dummy documents for all external entities
            // (sources)
            if (ignoreEntities) {
                db.setEntityResolver(new DTDIgnoringEntityResolver());

            try {
                if (Const.isEmpty(systemID)) {
                    // Normal parsing
                    doc = db.parse(inputStream);
                } else {
                    // Do extra verifications
                    String systemIDwithEndingSlash = systemID.trim();

                    // make sure we have an ending slash, otherwise the last
                    // part will be ignored
                    if (!systemIDwithEndingSlash.endsWith("/") && !systemIDwithEndingSlash.endsWith("\\")) {
                        systemIDwithEndingSlash = systemIDwithEndingSlash.concat("/");
                    doc = db.parse(inputStream, systemIDwithEndingSlash);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ef) {
                throw new KettleXMLException(ef);
            } finally {
                if (inputStream != null)

            return doc;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KettleXMLException("Error reading information from input stream", e);

    public static final Document loadXMLFile(File resource) throws KettleXMLException {
        try {
            return loadXMLFile(resource.toURI().toURL());
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new KettleXMLException(e);

     * Load a file into an XML document
     * @param file
     *            The file to load into a document
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occured!
    public static final Document loadXMLFile(URL resource) throws KettleXMLException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;
        DocumentBuilder db;
        Document doc;

        try {
            // Check and open XML document
            dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            InputStream inputStream = resource.openStream();
            try {
                doc = db.parse(inputStream);
            } catch (IOException ef) {
                throw new KettleXMLException(ef);
            } finally {

            return doc;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KettleXMLException("Error reading information from resource", e);

     * Load a String into an XML document
     * @param string
     *            The XML text to load into a document
     * @return the Document if all went well, null if an error occurred!
    public static final Document loadXMLString(String string) throws KettleXMLException {
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;
        DocumentBuilder db;
        Document doc;

        try {
            // Check and open XML document
            dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
            StringReader stringReader = new;
            InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(stringReader);
            try {
                doc = db.parse(inputSource);
            } catch (IOException ef) {
                throw new KettleXMLException("Error parsing XML", ef);
            } finally {

            return doc;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new KettleXMLException("Error reading information from XML string : " + Const.CR + string, e);

    public static final String getString() {
        return XMLHandler.class.getName();

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag String value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param val
     *            The String value of the tag
     * @param cr
     *            true if a carriage return is desired after the ending tag.
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, String val, boolean cr, String... attributes) {
        StringBuffer value;

        if (val != null && val.length() > 0) {
            value = new StringBuffer("<");

            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i += 2)
                value.append(" ").append(attributes[i]).append("=\"").append(attributes[i + 1]).append("\" ");


            appendReplacedChars(value, val);

        } else {
            value = new StringBuffer("<");

            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i += 2)
                value.append(" ").append(attributes[i]).append("=\"").append(attributes[i + 1]).append("\" ");


        if (cr) {

        return value.toString();

     * Take the characters from string val and append them to the value
     * stringbuffer In case a character is not allowed in XML, we convert it to
     * an XML code
     * @param value
     *            the stringbuffer to append to
     * @param string
     *            the string to "encode"
    public static void appendReplacedChars(StringBuffer value, String string) {
        // If it's a CDATA content block, leave those parts alone.
        boolean isCDATA = string.startsWith("<![CDATA[") && string.endsWith("]]>");

        for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
            char c = string.charAt(i);
            switch (c) {
            case '&':
            case '\'':
            case '<':
                if (i != 0 || !isCDATA) {
                } else {
            case '>':
                if (i != string.length() - 1 || !isCDATA) {
                } else {
            case '"':
            case '/':
                if (isCDATA) // Don't replace slashes in a CDATA block, it's
                // just not right.
                } else {
            case 0x1A:
                value.append("{ILLEGAL XML CHARACTER 0x1A}");

     * Build an XML string (including a carriage return) for a certain tag
     * String value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param val
     *            The String value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, String val) {
        return addTagValue(tag, val, true);

     * Build an XML string (including a carriage return) for a certain tag
     * boolean value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param bool
     *            The boolean value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, boolean bool) {
        return addTagValue(tag, bool, true);

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag boolean value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param bool
     *            The boolean value of the tag
     * @param cr
     *            true if a carriage return is desired after the ending tag.
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, boolean bool, boolean cr) {
        return addTagValue(tag, bool ? "Y" : "N", cr);

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag long integer value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param l
     *            The long integer value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, long l) {
        return addTagValue(tag, l, true);

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag long integer value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param l
     *            The long integer value of the tag
     * @param cr
     *            true if a carriage return is desired after the ending tag.
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, long l, boolean cr) {
        // Tom modified this for performance
        // return addTagValue(tag, ""+l, cr);
        return addTagValue(tag, String.valueOf(l), cr);

     * Build an XML string (with carriage return) for a certain tag integer
     * value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param i
     *            The integer value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, int i) {
        return addTagValue(tag, i, true);

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag integer value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param i
     *            The integer value of the tag
     * @param cr
     *            true if a carriage return is desired after the ending tag.
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, int i, boolean cr) {
        return addTagValue(tag, "" + i, cr);

     * Build an XML string (with carriage return) for a certain tag double value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param d
     *            The double value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, double d) {
        return addTagValue(tag, d, true);

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag double value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param d
     *            The double value of the tag
     * @param cr
     *            true if a carriage return is desired after the ending tag.
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, double d, boolean cr) {
        return addTagValue(tag, "" + d, cr);

     * Build an XML string (with carriage return) for a certain tag Date value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param date
     *            The Date value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, Date date) {
        return addTagValue(tag, date, true);

     * Build an XML string for a certain tag Date value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param date
     *            The Date value of the tag
     * @param cr
     *            true if a carriage return is desired after the ending tag.
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, Date date, boolean cr) {
        return addTagValue(tag, date2string(date), cr);

     * Build an XML string (including a carriage return) for a certain tag
     * BigDecimal value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param val
     *            The BigDecimal value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, BigDecimal val) {
        return addTagValue(tag, val, true);

     * Build an XML string (including a carriage return) for a certain tag
     * BigDecimal value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param val
     *            The BigDecimal value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, BigDecimal val, boolean cr) {
        return addTagValue(tag, val != null ? val.toString() : (String) null, true);

     * Build an XML string (including a carriage return) for a certain tag
     * binary (byte[]) value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param val
     *            The binary value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
     * @throws IOException
     *             in case there is an Base64 or GZip encoding problem
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, byte[] val) throws IOException {
        return addTagValue(tag, val, true);

     * Build an XML string (including a carriage return) for a certain tag
     * binary (byte[]) value
     * @param tag
     *            The XML tag
     * @param val
     *            The binary value of the tag
     * @return The XML String for the tag.
     * @throws IOException
     *             in case there is an Base64 or GZip encoding problem
    public static final String addTagValue(String tag, byte[] val, boolean cr) throws IOException {
        String string;
        if (val == null) {
            string = null;
        } else {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            GZIPOutputStream gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(baos);
            BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(gzos);

            string = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(baos.toByteArray()));

        return addTagValue(tag, string, true);

     * Get all the attributes in a certain node (on the root level)
     * @param node
     *            The node to examine
     * @return an array of strings containing the names of the attributes.
    public static String[] getNodeAttributes(Node node) {
        NamedNodeMap nnm = node.getAttributes();
        if (nnm != null) {
            String attributes[] = new String[nnm.getLength()];
            for (int i = 0; i < nnm.getLength(); i++) {
                Node attr = nnm.item(i);
                attributes[i] = attr.getNodeName();
            return attributes;
        return null;


    public static String[] getNodeElements(Node node) {
        ArrayList<String> elements = new ArrayList<String>(); // List of String

        NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes();
        if (nodeList == null)
            return null;

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
            String nodeName = nodeList.item(i).getNodeName();
            if (elements.indexOf(nodeName) < 0)

        if (elements.isEmpty())
            return null;

        return elements.toArray(new String[elements.size()]);

    public static Date stringToDate(String dateString) {
        if (Const.isEmpty(dateString))
            return null;

        try {
            synchronized (simpleDateFormat) {
                return simpleDateFormat.parse(dateString);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            return null;

    public static String date2string(Date date) {
        if (date == null)
            return null;
        synchronized (simpleDateFormat) {
            return simpleDateFormat.format(date);

     * Convert a XML encoded binary string back to binary format
     * @param string
     *            the (Byte64/GZip) encoded string
     * @return the decoded binary (byte[]) object
     * @throws IOException
     *             In case there is a decoding error
    public static byte[] stringToBinary(String string) throws IOException {
        byte[] bytes;
        if (string == null) {
            bytes = new byte[] {};
        } else {
            bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(string.getBytes());
        if (bytes.length > 0) {
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
            GZIPInputStream gzip = new GZIPInputStream(bais);
            BufferedInputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(gzip);
            byte[] result = new byte[] {};

            byte[] extra = new byte[1000000];
            int nrExtra =;
            while (nrExtra >= 0) {
                // add it to bytes...
                int newSize = result.length + nrExtra;
                byte[] tmp = new byte[newSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
                    tmp[i] = result[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < nrExtra; i++)
                    tmp[result.length + i] = extra[i];

                // change the result
                result = tmp;
                nrExtra =;
            bytes = result;

        return bytes;

    public static String buildCDATA(String string) {
        StringBuffer cdata = new StringBuffer("<![CDATA[");
        cdata.append(Const.NVL(string, "")).append("]]>");
        return cdata.toString();

    public static final String openTag(String tag) {
        return "<" + tag + ">";

    public static final String closeTag(String tag) {
        return "</" + tag + ">";


 * Handle external references and return an empty dummy document.
 * @author jb
 * @since 2007-12-21
class DTDIgnoringEntityResolver implements EntityResolver {
    public DTDIgnoringEntityResolver() {
        // nothing

    public InputSource resolveEntity(java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID) throws IOException {
        // System.out.println("Public-ID: "+publicID.toString());
        // System.out.println("System-ID: "+systemID.toString());
        return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>".getBytes()));