Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package com.parallax.server.blocklyprop.db.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.ConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.DriverManagerConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolableConnection;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolableConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolingDataSource;
import org.apache.commons.pool2.ObjectPool;
import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool;

 * @author Michel
public class DataSourceSetup {

    private static DataSource dataSource;

    private static List<NeedsDataSource> dataSourceUsers = new ArrayList<NeedsDataSource>();

    public static DataSource getDataSource() {
        return dataSource;

    public static void registerDataSourceUsers(NeedsDataSource dataSourceUser) {
        if (dataSource != null) {
        } else {

    public static PoolingDataSource connect(Configuration configuration) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        String driver = configuration.getString("database.driver");
        String url = configuration.getString("database.url");
        String username = configuration.getString("database.username");
        String password = configuration.getString("database.password");


        // First, we'll create a ConnectionFactory that the
        // pool will use to create Connections.
        // We'll use the DriverManagerConnectionFactory,
        // using the connect string passed in the command line
        // arguments.
        ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(url, username, password);

        // Next we'll create the PoolableConnectionFactory, which wraps
        // the "real" Connections created by the ConnectionFactory with
        // the classes that implement the pooling functionality.
        PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory,
        poolableConnectionFactory.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1");

        // Now we'll need a ObjectPool that serves as the
        // actual pool of connections.
        // We'll use a GenericObjectPool instance, although
        // any ObjectPool implementation will suffice.
        ObjectPool<PoolableConnection> connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool<>(poolableConnectionFactory);

        // Set the factory's pool property to the owning pool

        // Finally, we create the PoolingDriver itself,
        // passing in the object pool we created.
        PoolingDataSource<PoolableConnection> dataSourceInstance = new PoolingDataSource<>(connectionPool);

        for (NeedsDataSource dataSourceUser : dataSourceUsers) {
        DataSourceSetup.dataSource = dataSourceInstance;
        return dataSourceInstance;
