Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.format.DateFormat;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;

import com.philliphsu.bottomsheetpickers.R;
import com.philliphsu.bottomsheetpickers.Utils;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import static;
import static;

 * A calendar-like view displaying a specified month and the appropriate selectable day numbers
 * within the specified month.
public abstract class MonthView extends View {
    private static final String TAG = "MonthView";

    /** Whether the month-year title should be drawn by this view. For debugging purposes. */
    private static final boolean DRAW_TITLE = false;

     * These params can be passed into the view to control how it appears.
     * {@link #VIEW_PARAMS_WEEK} is the only required field, though the default
     * values are unlikely to fit most layouts correctly.
     * This sets the height of this week in pixels
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_HEIGHT = "height";
     * This specifies the position (or weeks since the epoch) of this week,
     * calculated using {@link Utils#getWeeksSinceEpochFromJulianDay}
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_MONTH = "month";
     * This specifies the position (or weeks since the epoch) of this week,
     * calculated using {@link Utils#getWeeksSinceEpochFromJulianDay}
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_YEAR = "year";
     * This sets one of the days in this view as selected {@link Time#SUNDAY}
     * through {@link Time#SATURDAY}.
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_SELECTED_DAY = "selected_day";
     * Which day the week should start on. {@link Time#SUNDAY} through
     * {@link Time#SATURDAY}.
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_WEEK_START = "week_start";
     * How many days to display at a time. Days will be displayed starting with
     * {@link #mWeekStart}.
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_NUM_DAYS = "num_days";
     * Which month is currently in focus, as defined by {@link Time#month}
     * [0-11].
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_FOCUS_MONTH = "focus_month";
     * If this month should display week numbers. false if 0, true otherwise.
    public static final String VIEW_PARAMS_SHOW_WK_NUM = "show_wk_num";

    protected static int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 40;
    protected static int MIN_HEIGHT = 10;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_SELECTED_DAY = -1;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_WEEK_START = Calendar.SUNDAY;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_DAYS = 7;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_SHOW_WK_NUM = 0;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_FOCUS_MONTH = -1;
    protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS = 6;
    protected static final int MAX_NUM_ROWS = 6;

    // TODO: If we're keeping 255, then delete this.
    private static final int SELECTED_CIRCLE_ALPHA = 255;

    protected static int DAY_SEPARATOR_WIDTH = 1;
    protected static int MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE;
    protected static int MONTH_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE;
    protected static int MONTH_DAY_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE;
    protected static int MONTH_HEADER_SIZE;
    protected static int DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE;

    // used for scaling to the device density
    protected static float mScale = 0;

    // affects the padding on the sides of this view
    protected int mEdgePadding = 0;

    private String mDayOfWeekTypeface;
    private String mMonthTitleTypeface;

    protected Paint mMonthNumPaint;
    protected Paint mMonthTitlePaint;
    protected Paint mMonthTitleBGPaint;
    protected Paint mSelectedCirclePaint;
    protected Paint mMonthDayLabelPaint;

    // The Julian day of the first day displayed by this item
    protected int mFirstJulianDay = -1;
    // The month of the first day in this week
    protected int mFirstMonth = -1;
    // The month of the last day in this week
    protected int mLastMonth = -1;

    protected int mMonth;

    protected int mYear;
    // Quick reference to the width of this view, matches parent
    protected int mWidth;
    // The height this view should draw at in pixels, set by height param
    protected int mRowHeight = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
    // If this view contains the today
    protected boolean mHasToday = false;
    // Which day is selected [0-6] or -1 if no day is selected
    protected int mSelectedDay = -1;
    // Which day is today [0-6] or -1 if no day is today
    protected int mToday = DEFAULT_SELECTED_DAY;
    // Which day of the week to start on [0-6]
    protected int mWeekStart = DEFAULT_WEEK_START;
    // How many days to display
    protected int mNumDays = DEFAULT_NUM_DAYS;
    // The number of days + a spot for week number if it is displayed
    protected int mNumCells = mNumDays;
    // The left edge of the selected day
    protected int mSelectedLeft = -1;
    // The right edge of the selected day
    protected int mSelectedRight = -1;

    private final Calendar mCalendar;
    protected final Calendar mDayLabelCalendar;
    private final MonthViewTouchHelper mTouchHelper;

    protected int mNumRows = DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS;

    // Optional listener for handling day click actions
    protected OnDayClickListener mOnDayClickListener;

    // Whether to prevent setting the accessibility delegate
    private boolean mLockAccessibilityDelegate;

    protected int mDayTextColor;
    protected int mTodayNumberColor;
    protected int mDisabledDayTextColor;
    // TODO: Delete--no usages.
    protected int mMonthTitleColor;
    // TODO: Delete--doesn't seem to be applied to anything.
    protected int mMonthTitleBGColor;
    protected int mSelectedDayTextColor;
    protected int mMonthDayLabelTextColor;

    private String mMonthTitle;

    DateRangeHelper mDateRangeHelper;

    private static SimpleDateFormat sMonthDayLabelFormat;

    public MonthView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public MonthView(Context context, AttributeSet attr) {
        super(context, attr);
        Resources res = context.getResources();

        mDayLabelCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();

        mDayOfWeekTypeface = res.getString(R.string.bsp_day_of_week_label_typeface);
        mMonthTitleTypeface = res.getString(R.string.bsp_sans_serif);

        mDayTextColor = res.getColor(R.color.bsp_text_color_primary_light);
        // Same as background color
        mSelectedDayTextColor = getColor(context, R.color.bsp_date_picker_view_animator);
        mTodayNumberColor = Utils.getThemeAccentColor(context);
        mDisabledDayTextColor = res.getColor(R.color.bsp_text_color_disabled_light);
        mMonthTitleColor = res.getColor(android.R.color.white);
        mMonthTitleBGColor = res.getColor(R.color.bsp_circle_background);
        mMonthDayLabelTextColor = getColor(context, R.color.bsp_text_color_disabled_light);

        MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bsp_day_number_size);
        MONTH_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bsp_month_label_size);
        MONTH_DAY_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bsp_month_day_label_text_size);
        MONTH_HEADER_SIZE = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(DRAW_TITLE ? R.dimen.bsp_month_list_item_header_height
                : R.dimen.bsp_month_list_item_header_height_no_title);
        DAY_SELECTED_CIRCLE_SIZE = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bsp_day_number_select_circle_radius);

        mRowHeight = (res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.bsp_date_picker_view_animator_height)
                - getMonthHeaderSize() - getMonthNavigationBarSize()) / MAX_NUM_ROWS;
        mEdgePadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bsp_month_view_edge_padding);

        // Set up accessibility components.
        mTouchHelper = getMonthViewTouchHelper();
        ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this, mTouchHelper);
        ViewCompat.setImportantForAccessibility(this, ViewCompat.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES);
        mLockAccessibilityDelegate = true;

        // Sets up any standard paints that will be used

    public void setDatePickerController(DatePickerController controller) {
        mDateRangeHelper = new DateRangeHelper(controller);

    void setTheme(Context context, boolean themeDark) {
        if (themeDark) {
            mDayTextColor = getColor(context, R.color.bsp_text_color_primary_dark);
            mSelectedDayTextColor = getColor(context, R.color.bsp_dark_gray);
            mMonthDayLabelTextColor = getColor(context, R.color.bsp_text_color_disabled_dark);
            mDisabledDayTextColor = getColor(context, R.color.bsp_text_color_disabled_dark);

    void setTodayNumberColor(@ColorInt int color) {
        mTodayNumberColor = color;

    void setSelectedCirclePaintColor(@ColorInt int color) {

    protected MonthViewTouchHelper getMonthViewTouchHelper() {
        return new MonthViewTouchHelper(this);

    public void setAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate delegate) {
        // Workaround for a JB MR1 issue where accessibility delegates on
        // top-level ListView items are overwritten.
        if (!mLockAccessibilityDelegate) {

    public void setOnDayClickListener(OnDayClickListener listener) {
        mOnDayClickListener = listener;

    public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        // First right-of-refusal goes the touch exploration helper.
        if (mTouchHelper.dispatchHoverEvent(event)) {
            return true;
        return super.dispatchHoverEvent(event);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        switch (event.getAction()) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            final int day = getDayFromLocation(event.getX(), event.getY());
            if (day >= 0) {
        return true;

     * Sets up the text and style properties for painting. Override this if you
     * want to use a different paint.
    protected void initView() {
        mMonthTitlePaint = new Paint();
        mMonthTitlePaint.setTypeface(Typeface.create(mMonthTitleTypeface, Typeface.BOLD));

        mMonthTitleBGPaint = new Paint();

        mSelectedCirclePaint = new Paint();

        mMonthDayLabelPaint = new Paint();
        mMonthDayLabelPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.create(mDayOfWeekTypeface, Typeface.NORMAL));

        mMonthNumPaint = new Paint();

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        if (DRAW_TITLE) {

    private int mDayOfWeekStart = 0;

     * Sets all the parameters for displaying this week. The only required
     * parameter is the week number. Other parameters have a default value and
     * will only update if a new value is included, except for focus month,
     * which will always default to no focus month if no value is passed in. See
     * {@link #VIEW_PARAMS_HEIGHT} for more info on parameters.
     * @param params A map of the new parameters, see
     *            {@link #VIEW_PARAMS_HEIGHT}
    public void setMonthParams(HashMap<String, Integer> params) {
        if (!params.containsKey(VIEW_PARAMS_MONTH) && !params.containsKey(VIEW_PARAMS_YEAR)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterException("You must specify month and year for this view");
        // We keep the current value for any params not present
        if (params.containsKey(VIEW_PARAMS_HEIGHT)) {
            mRowHeight = params.get(VIEW_PARAMS_HEIGHT);
            if (mRowHeight < MIN_HEIGHT) {
                mRowHeight = MIN_HEIGHT;
        if (params.containsKey(VIEW_PARAMS_SELECTED_DAY)) {
            mSelectedDay = params.get(VIEW_PARAMS_SELECTED_DAY);

        // Allocate space for caching the day numbers and focus values
        mMonth = params.get(VIEW_PARAMS_MONTH);
        mYear = params.get(VIEW_PARAMS_YEAR);

        // Figure out what day today is
        final Time today = new Time(Time.getCurrentTimezone());
        mHasToday = false;
        mToday = -1;

        mCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, mMonth);
        mCalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, mYear);
        mCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        mDayOfWeekStart = mCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);

        if (params.containsKey(VIEW_PARAMS_WEEK_START)) {
            mWeekStart = params.get(VIEW_PARAMS_WEEK_START);
        } else {
            mWeekStart = mCalendar.getFirstDayOfWeek();

        mNumCells = Utils.getDaysInMonth(mMonth, mYear);
        for (int i = 0; i < mNumCells; i++) {
            final int day = i + 1;
            if (sameDay(day, today)) {
                mHasToday = true;
                mToday = day;
        mNumRows = calculateNumRows();

        // Invalidate cached accessibility information.

    public void setSelectedDay(int day) {
        mSelectedDay = day;

    public void reuse() {
        mNumRows = DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS;

    private int calculateNumRows() {
        int offset = findDayOffset();
        int dividend = (offset + mNumCells) / mNumDays;
        int remainder = (offset + mNumCells) % mNumDays;
        return (dividend + (remainder > 0 ? 1 : 0));

    private boolean sameDay(int day, Time today) {
        return mYear == today.year && mMonth == today.month && day == today.monthDay;

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
                mRowHeight * mNumRows + getMonthHeaderSize() + getMonthNavigationBarSize());

    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        mWidth = w;

        // Invalidate cached accessibility information.

    public int getMonth() {
        return mMonth;

    public int getYear() {
        return mYear;

     * A wrapper to the MonthHeaderSize to allow override it in children
    protected int getMonthHeaderSize() {
        return MONTH_HEADER_SIZE;

    private int getMonthNavigationBarSize() {

    String getMonthAndYearString() {
        if (mMonthTitle == null) {
            int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY;
            mMonthTitle = DateFormatHelper.formatDate(mCalendar, flags);
        return mMonthTitle;

    protected void drawMonthTitle(Canvas canvas) {
        int x = (mWidth + 2 * mEdgePadding) / 2;
        int y = (getMonthHeaderSize() - MONTH_DAY_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE) / 2 + (MONTH_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE / 3);
        canvas.drawText(getMonthAndYearString(), x, y, mMonthTitlePaint);

    protected void drawMonthDayLabels(Canvas canvas) {
        int y = getMonthHeaderSize() - (MONTH_DAY_LABEL_TEXT_SIZE / 2);
        float dayWidthHalf = (mWidth - mEdgePadding * 2) / (mNumDays * 2.0f);

        for (int i = 0; i < mNumDays; i++) {
            int calendarDay = (i + mWeekStart) % mNumDays;
            int x = (int) ((2 * i + 1) * dayWidthHalf + mEdgePadding);
            mDayLabelCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, calendarDay);
            canvas.drawText(getDayOfWeekString(mDayLabelCalendar), x, y, mMonthDayLabelPaint);

    private static String getDayOfWeekString(Calendar calendar) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
            if (sMonthDayLabelFormat == null) {
                // The output of "EEEEE" is not officially documented AFAIK, but it outputs
                // a one-letter weekday label. It also only works for API >= 18.
                sMonthDayLabelFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE", Locale.getDefault());
            return sMonthDayLabelFormat.format(calendar.getTime());
        } else {
            // TODO: Find alternative to this deprecated API. If not possible, you may want
            // to just use the label from
            // calendar.getDisplayName(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SHORT, Locale.getDefault())
            //         .toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
            // For Asian languages, the above already outputs a single character.
            // Hopefully, most clients will be on API >= 18.
            return DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK), DateUtils.LENGTH_SHORTEST);

     * Draws the week and month day numbers for this week. Override this method
     * if you need different placement.
     * @param canvas The canvas to draw on
    protected void drawMonthNums(Canvas canvas) {
        int y = (((mRowHeight + MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE) / 2) - DAY_SEPARATOR_WIDTH) + getMonthHeaderSize();
        final float dayWidthHalf = (mWidth - mEdgePadding * 2) / (mNumDays * 2.0f);
        int j = findDayOffset();
        for (int dayNumber = 1; dayNumber <= mNumCells; dayNumber++) {
            final int x = (int) ((2 * j + 1) * dayWidthHalf + mEdgePadding);

            int yRelativeToDay = (mRowHeight + MINI_DAY_NUMBER_TEXT_SIZE) / 2 - DAY_SEPARATOR_WIDTH;

            final int startX = (int) (x - dayWidthHalf);
            final int stopX = (int) (x + dayWidthHalf);
            final int startY = (int) (y - yRelativeToDay);
            final int stopY = (int) (startY + mRowHeight);

            drawMonthDay(canvas, mYear, mMonth, dayNumber, x, y, startX, stopX, startY, stopY);

            if (j == mNumDays) {
                j = 0;
                y += mRowHeight;

     * This method should draw the month day.  Implemented by sub-classes to allow customization.
     * @param canvas  The canvas to draw on
     * @param year  The year of this month day
     * @param month  The month of this month day
     * @param day  The day number of this month day
     * @param x  The default x position to draw the day number
     * @param y  The default y position to draw the day number
     * @param startX  The left boundary of the day number rect
     * @param stopX  The right boundary of the day number rect
     * @param startY  The top boundary of the day number rect
     * @param stopY  The bottom boundary of the day number rect
    public abstract void drawMonthDay(Canvas canvas, int year, int month, int day, int x, int y, int startX,
            int stopX, int startY, int stopY);

    protected int findDayOffset() {
        return (mDayOfWeekStart < mWeekStart ? (mDayOfWeekStart + mNumDays) : mDayOfWeekStart) - mWeekStart;

     * Calculates the day that the given x position is in, accounting for week
     * number. Returns the day or -1 if the position wasn't in a day.
     * @param x The x position of the touch event
     * @return The day number, or -1 if the position wasn't in a day
    public int getDayFromLocation(float x, float y) {
        final int day = getInternalDayFromLocation(x, y);
        if (day < 1 || day > mNumCells) {
            return -1;
        return day;

     * Calculates the day that the given x position is in, accounting for week
     * number.
     * @param x The x position of the touch event
     * @return The day number
    protected int getInternalDayFromLocation(float x, float y) {
        int dayStart = mEdgePadding;
        if (x < dayStart || x > mWidth - mEdgePadding) {
            return -1;
        // Selection is (x - start) / (pixels/day) == (x -s) * day / pixels
        int row = (int) (y - getMonthHeaderSize()) / mRowHeight;
        int column = (int) ((x - dayStart) * mNumDays / (mWidth - dayStart - mEdgePadding));

        int day = column - findDayOffset() + 1;
        day += row * mNumDays;
        return day;

     * Called when the user clicks on a day. Handles callbacks to the
     * {@link OnDayClickListener} if one is set.
     * <p/>
     * If the day is out of the range set by minDate and/or maxDate, this is a no-op.
     * @param day The day that was clicked
    private void onDayClick(int day) {
        // If the min / max date are set, only process the click if it's a valid selection.
        if (mDateRangeHelper.isOutOfRange(mYear, mMonth, day)) {

        if (mOnDayClickListener != null) {
            mOnDayClickListener.onDayClick(this, new CalendarDay(mYear, mMonth, day));

        // This is a no-op if accessibility is turned off.
        mTouchHelper.sendEventForVirtualView(day, AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED);

     * @return The date that has accessibility focus, or {@code null} if no date
     *         has focus
    public CalendarDay getAccessibilityFocus() {
        final int day = mTouchHelper.getFocusedVirtualView();
        if (day >= 0) {
            return new CalendarDay(mYear, mMonth, day);
        return null;

     * Clears accessibility focus within the view. No-op if the view does not
     * contain accessibility focus.
    public void clearAccessibilityFocus() {

     * Attempts to restore accessibility focus to the specified date.
     * @param day The date which should receive focus
     * @return {@code false} if the date is not valid for this month view, or
     *         {@code true} if the date received focus
    public boolean restoreAccessibilityFocus(CalendarDay day) {
        if ((day.year != mYear) || (day.month != mMonth) || ( > mNumCells)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Provides a virtual view hierarchy for interfacing with an accessibility
     * service.
    protected class MonthViewTouchHelper extends ExploreByTouchHelper {
        private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "dd MMMM yyyy";

        private final Rect mTempRect = new Rect();
        private final Calendar mTempCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();

        public MonthViewTouchHelper(View host) {

        public void setFocusedVirtualView(int virtualViewId) {
                    AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS, null);

        public void clearFocusedVirtualView() {
            final int focusedVirtualView = getFocusedVirtualView();
            if (focusedVirtualView != ExploreByTouchHelper.INVALID_ID) {
                        AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_CLEAR_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS, null);

        protected int getVirtualViewAt(float x, float y) {
            final int day = getDayFromLocation(x, y);
            if (day >= 0) {
                return day;
            return ExploreByTouchHelper.INVALID_ID;

        protected void getVisibleVirtualViews(List<Integer> virtualViewIds) {
            for (int day = 1; day <= mNumCells; day++) {

        protected void onPopulateEventForVirtualView(int virtualViewId, AccessibilityEvent event) {

        protected void onPopulateNodeForVirtualView(int virtualViewId, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat node) {
            getItemBounds(virtualViewId, mTempRect);


            if (virtualViewId == mSelectedDay) {


        protected boolean onPerformActionForVirtualView(int virtualViewId, int action, Bundle arguments) {
            switch (action) {
            case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_CLICK:
                return true;

            return false;

         * Calculates the bounding rectangle of a given time object.
         * @param day The day to calculate bounds for
         * @param rect The rectangle in which to store the bounds
        protected void getItemBounds(int day, Rect rect) {
            final int offsetX = mEdgePadding;
            final int offsetY = getMonthHeaderSize();
            final int cellHeight = mRowHeight;
            final int cellWidth = ((mWidth - (2 * mEdgePadding)) / mNumDays);
            final int index = ((day - 1) + findDayOffset());
            final int row = (index / mNumDays);
            final int column = (index % mNumDays);
            final int x = (offsetX + (column * cellWidth));
            final int y = (offsetY + (row * cellHeight));

            rect.set(x, y, (x + cellWidth), (y + cellHeight));

         * Generates a description for a given time object. Since this
         * description will be spoken, the components are ordered by descending
         * specificity as DAY MONTH YEAR.
         * @param day The day to generate a description for
         * @return A description of the time object
        protected CharSequence getItemDescription(int day) {
            mTempCalendar.set(mYear, mMonth, day);
            final CharSequence date = DateFormat.format(DATE_FORMAT, mTempCalendar.getTimeInMillis());

            if (day == mSelectedDay) {
                return getContext().getString(R.string.bsp_item_is_selected, date);

            return date;

     * Handles callbacks when the user clicks on a time object.
    public interface OnDayClickListener {
        public void onDayClick(MonthView view, CalendarDay day);