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 *  $Id:,v 1.78 2006/06/19 20:30:12 rconner Exp $
 *  Copyright (C) 1994-2006 by Phoenix Software Technologists,
 *  Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
 *  The license text can also be found at

package com.phoenixst.plexus;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.collections.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.phoenixst.collections.*;
import com.phoenixst.plexus.traversals.GraphStructureIterator;
import com.phoenixst.plexus.util.*;

 *  This class contains static final members and static methods
 *  related to graphs and their iterators.
 *  @version    $Revision: 1.78 $
 *  @author     Ray A. Conner
 *  @since      1.0
public class GraphUtils {

     *  The logger.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GraphUtils.class);

    // Constants

    public static final int UNDIRECTED_MASK = 0x01;

    public static final int DIRECTED_OUT_MASK = 0x02;

    public static final int DIRECTED_IN_MASK = 0x04;



     *  An empty <code>Traverser</code>.
    public static final Traverser EMPTY_TRAVERSER = EmptyTraverser.INSTANCE;

     *  An immutable, <code>ObservableGraph</code> with no nodes or edges.
    public static final ObservableGraph NULL_GRAPH = NullGraph.INSTANCE;

     *  An <code>Graph.Edge</code> predicate which is
     *  <code>true</code> when directed.
    public static final Predicate DIRECTED_EDGE_PREDICATE = DirectedEdgePredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  An <code>Graph.Edge</code> predicate which is
     *  <code>true</code> when undirected.
    public static final Predicate UNDIRECTED_EDGE_PREDICATE = UndirectedEdgePredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  An <code>Graph.Edge</code> predicate which is
     *  <code>true</code> when the edge is a self-loop.
    public static final Predicate SELF_EDGE_PREDICATE = SelfEdgePredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  A <code>Traverser</code> predicate which is <code>true</code>
     *  when the edge is directed out.
    public static final Predicate OUT_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE = OutTraverserPredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  A <code>Traverser</code> predicate which is <code>true</code>
     *  when the edge is directed in.
    public static final Predicate IN_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE = InTraverserPredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  A <code>Traverser</code> predicate which is <code>true</code> when
     *  the edge is directed.
    public static final Predicate DIRECTED_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE = DirectedTraverserPredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  A <code>Traverser</code> predicate which is <code>true</code>
     *  when the edge is undirected.
    public static final Predicate UNDIRECTED_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE = UndirectedTraverserPredicate.INSTANCE;

     *  A <code>Traverser</code> predicate which is <code>true</code>
     *  when the edge is a self-loop.
    public static final Predicate SELF_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE = SelfTraverserPredicate.INSTANCE;

    // Constructor

     *  Prevent instantiation.
    private GraphUtils() {

    // Direction flag inversion method and flag toString() methods

    private static final int[] inverseDirs = new int[] { 0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7 };

    private static final String[] flagStrings = new String[] { "none", "-", ">", "- >", "<", "< -", "< >", "any" };

     *  Returns the inverse of the specified direction flags.
    public static final int invertDirection(int directionFlags) {
        return inverseDirs[directionFlags];

     *  Returns a String representation of the specified direction flags.
     *  <UL>
     *    <LI>no flags: <pre>&quot;none&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>all flags: <pre>&quot;any&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>undirected: <pre>&quot;-&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>directed out: <pre>&quot;&gt;&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>directed in: <pre>&quot;&lt;&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>directed: <pre>&quot;&lt; &gt;&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>undirected or directed out: <pre>&quot;- &gt;&quot;</pre>
     *    <LI>undirected or directed in: <pre>&quot;&lt; -&quot;</pre>
     *  </UL>
    public static final String directionFlagsToString(int directionFlags) {
        return flagStrings[directionFlags];

    // Graph.Edge toString() methods

     *  Returns a CharSequence representing the specified edge.
    public static CharSequence getTextValue(Graph.Edge edge, boolean includeUserObject) {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        if (includeUserObject) {
            s.append(") -- (");
        s.append(edge.isDirected() ? ") -> (" : ") -- (");
        return s;

    // Add Method

     *  Adds all the nodes and edges from <code>source</code> to
     *  <code>destination</code>.  If the two <code>Graphs</code> are
     *  incompatible in some way (nodes and/or edges from from the
     *  source graph not allowed in the destination), then a best
     *  effort is still made.
    public static void add(Graph destination, Graph source) {
        // Maps source edges to destination edges, if they are
        // also nodes.
        Map edgeMap = new HashMap();

        for (GraphStructureIterator i = new GraphStructureIterator(source); i.hasNext();) {
            Object object =;

            // Process Edge

            if (i.isEdge()) {
                Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) object;
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Processing source edge: " + edge);

                Object tail = edge.getTail();
                if (edgeMap.containsKey(tail)) {
                    tail = edgeMap.get(tail);
                if (!destination.containsNode(tail)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("  Tail is not present in destination, skipping Edge");

                Object head = edge.getHead();
                if (edgeMap.containsKey(head)) {
                    head = edgeMap.get(head);
                if (!destination.containsNode(head)) {
                    LOGGER.debug("  Head is not present in destination, skipping Edge");

                Graph.Edge newEdge = null;
                try {
                    newEdge = destination.addEdge(edge.getUserObject(), tail, head, edge.isDirected());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.debug("  Could not add Edge", e);
                if (newEdge == null) {
                    LOGGER.debug("  Duplicate Edge");
                if (i.isNode()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("  Adding Edge as a node");
                    edgeMap.put(edge, newEdge);
                    try {
                        if (!destination.addNode(newEdge)) {
                            LOGGER.debug("  Duplicate node");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGGER.debug("  Could not add node", e);

                // Process Node

            } else if (i.isNode()) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Processing source node: " + object);
                try {
                    if (!destination.addNode(object)) {
                        LOGGER.debug("  Duplicate node");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.debug("  Could not add node", e);

            } else {
                LOGGER.error("GraphStructureIterator is broken, neither a node nor an edge: " + object);

    // Equals testing helper method

     *  Tests two objects for being <code>.equals()</code>, handling
     *  <code>null</code> appropriately.
    public static final boolean equals(Object a, Object b) {
        return (a == null) ? (b == null) : a.equals(b);

    // Least common ancestor helper methods

     *  Helper method for <code>OrientedForest</code> implementations.
    public static Object getLeastCommonAncestor(OrientedForest forest, Object a, Object b) {
        return getFirstCommonNode(new ParentEdgeGetter(forest), a, b);

     *  Helper method for getFirstCommonNode().
    private static List getWalk(Object node, Transformer incidentEdgeGetter) {
        List list = new ArrayList();
        Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) incidentEdgeGetter.transform(node);
        while (edge != null) {
            node = edge.getOtherEndpoint(node);
            edge = (Graph.Edge) incidentEdgeGetter.transform(node);
        return list;

     *  Helper method primarily for <code>OrientedForest</code>
     *  implementations.  This method will repeatedly apply the
     *  <code>Transformer</code> to each node argument until
     *  it returns <code>null</code>, so the traversal should
     *  terminate.
    public static Object getFirstCommonNode(Transformer incidentEdgeGetter, Object a, Object b) {
        List aList = getWalk(a, incidentEdgeGetter);
        List bList = getWalk(b, incidentEdgeGetter);

        // aList and bList contain the paths from a and b, with the
        // node at index 0, the last node second from the end, and
        // a null at the very end.  The additional null is to more
        // elegantly handle the case where the paths have no common
        // nodes (the case where this method should return null).

        int aIndex = aList.size() - 1;
        int bIndex = bList.size() - 1;
        while (--aIndex >= 0 && --bIndex >= 0) {
            if (!GraphUtils.equals(aList.get(aIndex), bList.get(bIndex))) {
                // Entries at aIndex and bIndex don't match, least
                // common ancestor is the previously accessed element.
                return aList.get(aIndex + 1);

        // Entries matched all the down to the beginning of one of the
        // lists.
        return aIndex < 0 ? aList.get(0) : bList.get(0);

    // Singleton Methods

     *  Returns an unmodifiable, serializable <code>Graph</code> with
     *  the single specified node and no edges.
     *  @param node the node which the returned <code>Graph</code> is
     *  to contain.
     *  @return an unmodifiable, serializable <code>Graph</code> with
     *  the single specified node and no edges.
    public static Graph singletonGraph(Object node) {
        return new SingletonGraph(node);

     *  Returns a modifiable <code>Iterator</code> over the specified
     *  edge.
     *  @param graph the graph containing the edge over which the
     *  returned <code>Iterator</code> iterates.
     *  @param edge the edge over which the returned
     *  <code>Iterator</code> iterates.
     *  @return a modifiable <code>Iterator</code> over the specified
     *  edge.
    public static Iterator singletonEdgeIterator(Graph graph, Graph.Edge edge) {
        return new SingletonEdgeIterator(graph, edge);

     *  Returns a modifiable <code>Traverser</code> over the specified
     *  edge.
     *  @param graph the graph containing the edge over which the
     *  returned <code>Traverser</code> iterates.
     *  @param endpoint the endpoint of the edge over which the
     *  returned <code>Traverser</code> iterates.
     *  @param edge the edge over which the returned
     *  <code>Traverser</code> iterates.
     *  @return a modifiable <code>Traverser</code> over the specified
     *  edge.
    public static Traverser singletonTraverser(Graph graph, Object endpoint, Graph.Edge edge) {
        return new SingletonTraverser(graph, endpoint, edge);

    // Wrapper Methods

     *  Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified
     *  <code>Iterator</code>.
     *  @param iterator the <code>Iterator</code> for which an
     *  unmodifiable view is to be returned.
     *  @return an unmodifiable view of the specified
     *  <code>Iterator</code>.
    public static Iterator unmodifiableIterator(Iterator iterator) {
        return new UnmodifiableIterator(iterator);

     *  Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified
     *  <code>Traverser</code>.
     *  @param traverser the <code>Traverser</code> for which an
     *  unmodifiable view is to be returned.
     *  @return an unmodifiable view of the specified
     *  <code>Traverser</code>.
    public static Traverser unmodifiableTraverser(Traverser traverser) {
        return new UnmodifiableTraverser(traverser);

     *  Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified
     *  <code>Graph</code>.  If the specified <code>Graph</code> does
     *  not implement {@link ObservableGraph}, then {@link
     *  ObservableGraph#addGraphListener} and {@link
     *  ObservableGraph#removeGraphListener} with throw
     *  <code>UnsupportedOperationExceptions</code>.  The returned
     *  <code>Graph</code> will be serializable if the specified
     *  <code>Graph</code> is serializable.
     *  @param graph the <code>Graph</code> for which an unmodifiable
     *  view is to be returned.
     *  @return an unmodifiable view of the specified
     *  <code>Graph</code>.
    public static ObservableGraph unmodifiableGraph(Graph graph) {
        return new UnmodifiableGraph(graph);

     *  Returns a synchronized view of the specified
     *  <code>Graph</code>.  It is the user's responsibility to
     *  manually synchronize on the returned <code>Graph</code> when
     *  iterating over it.  If the specified <code>Graph</code> does
     *  not implement {@link ObservableGraph}, then {@link
     *  ObservableGraph#addGraphListener} and {@link
     *  ObservableGraph#removeGraphListener} with throw
     *  <code>UnsupportedOperationExceptions</code>.  The returned
     *  <code>Graph</code> will be serializable if the specified
     *  <code>Graph</code> is serializable.
     *  @param graph the <code>Graph</code> for which a synchronized
     *  view is to be returned.
     *  @return a synchronized view of the specified
     *  <code>Graph</code>.
    public static ObservableGraph synchronizedGraph(Graph graph) {
        return new SynchronizedGraph(graph);

    // Private Empty Traverser Implementation

    private static final class EmptyTraverser implements Traverser {
        static final Traverser INSTANCE = new EmptyTraverser();

        private EmptyTraverser() {

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return false;

        public Object next() {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

        public void remove() {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        public Graph.Edge getEdge() {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        public void removeEdge() {
            throw new IllegalStateException();

    // Private Null Graph Implementation

    private static final class NullGraph implements ObservableGraph, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final ObservableGraph INSTANCE = new NullGraph();

        private NullGraph() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean addNode(Object node) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean removeNode(Object node) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean containsNode(Object node) {
            return false;

        public Edge addEdge(Object object, Object tail, Object head, boolean isDirected) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean removeEdge(Edge edge) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean containsEdge(Edge edge) {
            return false;

        public int degree(Object node, Predicate traverserPredicate) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public int degree(Object node) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public Collection nodes(Predicate nodePredicate) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_SET;

        public Collection edges(Predicate edgePredicate) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_SET;

        public Collection adjacentNodes(Object node, Predicate traverserPredicate) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public Collection incidentEdges(Object node, Predicate traverserPredicate) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public Object getNode(Predicate nodePredicate) {
            return null;

        public Edge getEdge(Predicate edgePredicate) {
            return null;

        public Object getAdjacentNode(Object node, Predicate traverserPredicate) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public Edge getIncidentEdge(Object node, Predicate traverserPredicate) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public Traverser traverser(Object node, Predicate traverserPredicate) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeException("Node is not in this graph: " + node);

        public void addGraphListener(GraphListener listener) {
            // Do nothing

        public void removeGraphListener(GraphListener listener) {
            // Do nothing

        public String toString() {
            return "NULL_GRAPH";

    // Private Predicate Implementations

    private static final class DirectedEdgePredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final DirectedEdgePredicate INSTANCE = new DirectedEdgePredicate();

        private DirectedEdgePredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return ((Graph.Edge) object).isDirected();

        public String toString() {
            return "DIRECTED_EDGE_PREDICATE";

    private static final class UndirectedEdgePredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final UndirectedEdgePredicate INSTANCE = new UndirectedEdgePredicate();

        private UndirectedEdgePredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            return !((Graph.Edge) object).isDirected();

        public String toString() {
            return "UNDIRECTED_EDGE_PREDICATE";

    private static final class SelfEdgePredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final SelfEdgePredicate INSTANCE = new SelfEdgePredicate();

        private SelfEdgePredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) object;
            Object tail = edge.getTail();
            Object head = edge.getHead();
            return (tail == null) ? (head == null) : tail.equals(head);

        public String toString() {
            return "SELF_EDGE_PREDICATE";

    private static final class OutTraverserPredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final OutTraverserPredicate INSTANCE = new OutTraverserPredicate();

        private OutTraverserPredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            OrderedPair pair = (OrderedPair) object;
            Object baseNode = pair.getFirst();
            Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) pair.getSecond();
            Object tail = edge.getTail();
            return edge.isDirected() && ((baseNode == null) ? (tail == null) : baseNode.equals(tail));

        public String toString() {
            return "OUT_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE";

    private static final class InTraverserPredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final InTraverserPredicate INSTANCE = new InTraverserPredicate();

        private InTraverserPredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            OrderedPair pair = (OrderedPair) object;
            Object baseNode = pair.getFirst();
            Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) pair.getSecond();
            Object head = edge.getHead();
            return edge.isDirected() && ((baseNode == null) ? (head == null) : baseNode.equals(head));

        public String toString() {
            return "IN_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE";

    private static final class DirectedTraverserPredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final DirectedTraverserPredicate INSTANCE = new DirectedTraverserPredicate();

        private DirectedTraverserPredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            OrderedPair pair = (OrderedPair) object;
            Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) pair.getSecond();
            return edge.isDirected();

        public String toString() {

    private static final class UndirectedTraverserPredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final UndirectedTraverserPredicate INSTANCE = new UndirectedTraverserPredicate();

        private UndirectedTraverserPredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            OrderedPair pair = (OrderedPair) object;
            Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) pair.getSecond();
            return !edge.isDirected();

        public String toString() {

    private static final class SelfTraverserPredicate implements Predicate, {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        static final SelfTraverserPredicate INSTANCE = new SelfTraverserPredicate();

        private SelfTraverserPredicate() {

        private Object readResolve() {
            return INSTANCE;

        public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
            OrderedPair pair = (OrderedPair) object;
            Graph.Edge edge = (Graph.Edge) pair.getSecond();
            Object tail = edge.getTail();
            Object head = edge.getHead();
            return (tail == null) ? (head == null) : tail.equals(head);

        public String toString() {
            return "SELF_TRAVERSER_PREDICATE";
