Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


This file is part of the Zeidon Java Object Engine (Zeidon JOE).
Zeidon JOE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Zeidon JOE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Zeidon JOE.  If not, see <>.
Copyright 2009-2010 QuinSoft

package com.quinsoft.zencas;

import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ActivateFlags;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.CursorPosition;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.TaskQualification;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.VmlObjectOperations;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.View;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.ZeidonException;
import com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.zVIEW;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableDouble;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;

import com.quinsoft.zencas.ZGLOBAL1_Operation;

 * @author QuinSoft

public class sHost_Object extends VmlObjectOperations {
    public sHost_Object(View view) {

    //:ActivateHostObject( VIEW sHost BASED ON LOD sHost,
    //:                    VIEW zAnyView )
    //:   VIEW mUser BASED ON LOD mUser
    public int osHost_ActivateHostObject(zVIEW sHost, View zAnyView) {
        zVIEW mUser = new zVIEW();
        int lTempInteger_0 = 0;
        int RESULT = 0;

        //:// ACTIVATE sHost
        //:ActivateObjectInstance( sHost, "sHost", zAnyView, 0,
        //:                        zSINGLE + zLEVEL_APPLICATION )
        ActivateObjectInstance(sHost, "sHost", zAnyView, null, zSINGLE + zLEVEL_APPLICATION);
        //:IF sHost.Host DOES NOT EXIST
        lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity(sHost, "Host");
        if (lTempInteger_0 != 0) {
            //:CREATE ENTITY sHost.Host
            RESULT = CreateEntity(sHost, "Host", zPOS_AFTER);
            //:sHost.Host.HostName  = "QuinSoft"
            SetAttributeFromString(sHost, "Host", "HostName", "QuinSoft");
            //:COMMIT sHost
            RESULT = CommitObjectInstance(sHost);
            //:RETURN 0
            if (8 == 8)
                return (0);

        //:CREATE ENTITY sHost.Currency 
        RESULT = CreateEntity(sHost, "Currency", zPOS_AFTER);
        //:sHost.Currency.CurrencySymbol = "$"
        SetAttributeFromString(sHost, "Currency", "CurrencySymbol", "$");
        return (0);
        // END

    //:dAddressLabelFull( VIEW sHost BASED ON LOD sHost,
    //:                   STRING ( 32 ) InternalEntityStructure,
    //:                   STRING ( 32 ) InternalAttribStructure,
    //:                   SHORT GetOrSetFlag )
    //:   SHORT nRC
    public int osHost_dAddressLabelFull(View sHost, String InternalEntityStructure, String InternalAttribStructure,
            Integer GetOrSetFlag) {
        int nRC = 0;

        //:CASE GetOrSetFlag
        switch (GetOrSetFlag) {
        //:OF   zDERIVED_GET:
        case zDERIVED_GET:

        //:nRC = dAdressLabelFull( sHost /* vAnyObject */,
        //:   InternalEntityStructure /* szInternalEntityStructure */,
        //:   InternalAttribStructure /* szInternalAttribStructure */,
        //:   GetOrSetFlag /* nGetOrSetFlag */ )
            ZGLOBAL1_Operation m_ZGLOBAL1_Operation = new ZGLOBAL1_Operation(sHost);
            nRC = m_ZGLOBAL1_Operation.dAdressLabelFull(sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure,
            // m_ZGLOBAL1_Operation = null;  // permit gc  (unnecessary)
            //:RETURN nRC
            if (8 == 8)
                return (nRC);

            //:/* end zDERIVED_GET */
            //:OF   zDERIVED_SET:
        case zDERIVED_SET:

        //:  /* end zDERIVED_SET */
        //:END  /* case */
        return (0);

    //:dBudgetVarCC_Pct( VIEW sHost BASED ON LOD sHost,
    //:               STRING ( 32 ) InternalEntityStructure,
    //:               STRING ( 32 ) InternalAttribStructure,
    //:               SHORT GetOrSetFlag )
    //:DECIMAL dPct                  
    public int osHost_dBudgetVarCC_Pct(View sHost, String InternalEntityStructure, String InternalAttribStructure,
            Integer GetOrSetFlag) {
        double dPct = 0.0;
        double dTempDecimal_0 = 0.0;

        //:CASE GetOrSetFlag
        switch (GetOrSetFlag) {
        //:OF   zDERIVED_GET:
        case zDERIVED_GET:

        //:dPct = sHost.Host.BudgetVarianceCC_Percent * 100
            MutableDouble md_dTempDecimal_0 = new MutableDouble(dTempDecimal_0);
            GetDecimalFromAttribute(md_dTempDecimal_0, sHost, "Host", "BudgetVarianceCC_Percent");
            dTempDecimal_0 = md_dTempDecimal_0.doubleValue();
            dPct = dTempDecimal_0 * 100;

            //:StoreValueInRecord ( sHost,
            //:                  InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, dPct, 0 )
            StoreValueInRecord(sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, dPct, 0);

        //:  /* end zDERIVED_GET */
        //:OF   zDERIVED_SET:
        case zDERIVED_SET:

        //:     /* end zDERIVED_SET */
        //:END  /* case */
        return (0);
        // END

    //:GetFiscalYearForDate( VIEW sHost BASED ON LOD sHost,
    //:                      STRING ( 32 ) szDateOut,
    //:                      STRING ( 32 ) szDate )
    //:   INTEGER nFiscalYearMonth
    public int osHost_GetFiscalYearForDate(View sHost, StringBuilder szDateOut, String szDate) {
        int nFiscalYearMonth = 0;
        //:INTEGER nFiscalYearDay
        int nFiscalYearDay = 0;
        //:INTEGER nCurrentMonth
        int nCurrentMonth = 0;
        //:INTEGER nCurrentDay
        int nCurrentDay = 0;
        //:INTEGER nCurrentYear
        int nCurrentYear = 0;
        //:INTEGER nNextYear
        int nNextYear = 0;
        //:STRING ( 32 ) szDateTime
        String szDateTime = null;
        //:STRING ( 2 )  szCurrentMonth
        String szCurrentMonth = null;
        //:STRING ( 2 )  szCurrentDay
        String szCurrentDay = null;
        //:STRING ( 4 )  szCurrentYear
        String szCurrentYear = null;

        //:szDateTime = szDate
            StringBuilder sb_szDateTime;
            if (szDateTime == null)
                sb_szDateTime = new StringBuilder(32);
                sb_szDateTime = new StringBuilder(szDateTime);
            ZeidonStringCopy(sb_szDateTime, 1, 0, szDate, 1, 0, 33);
            szDateTime = sb_szDateTime.toString();
        //:// Start by getting the current Month, Year and the FiscalYearMonth from mHostO
        //:nFiscalYearMonth = sHost.AccountingProfile.FiscalYearEndMonth 
            MutableInt mi_nFiscalYearMonth = new MutableInt(nFiscalYearMonth);
            GetIntegerFromAttribute(mi_nFiscalYearMonth, sHost, "AccountingProfile", "FiscalYearEndMonth");
            nFiscalYearMonth = mi_nFiscalYearMonth.intValue();
        //:nFiscalYearDay = sHost.AccountingProfile.FiscalYearEndDay 
            MutableInt mi_nFiscalYearDay = new MutableInt(nFiscalYearDay);
            GetIntegerFromAttribute(mi_nFiscalYearDay, sHost, "AccountingProfile", "FiscalYearEndDay");
            nFiscalYearDay = mi_nFiscalYearDay.intValue();
        //:// Get the Year
        //:ZeidonStringCopy( szCurrentYear, 1, 4, szDateTime, 1, 4, 4 )
            StringBuilder sb_szCurrentYear;
            if (szCurrentYear == null)
                sb_szCurrentYear = new StringBuilder(32);
                sb_szCurrentYear = new StringBuilder(szCurrentYear);
            ZeidonStringCopy(sb_szCurrentYear, 1, 4, szDateTime, 1, 4, 4);
            szCurrentYear = sb_szCurrentYear.toString();
        //:nCurrentYear  = zStringToInteger( szCurrentYear  )
        nCurrentYear = zStringToInteger(szCurrentYear);
        //://nCurrentYear = StrToInt( szCurrentYear )
        //:nNextYear = nCurrentYear + 1
        nNextYear = nCurrentYear + 1;
        //:// Get the Month
        //:ZeidonStringCopy( szCurrentMonth, 1, 2, szDateTime, 5, 2, 2 )
            StringBuilder sb_szCurrentMonth;
            if (szCurrentMonth == null)
                sb_szCurrentMonth = new StringBuilder(32);
                sb_szCurrentMonth = new StringBuilder(szCurrentMonth);
            ZeidonStringCopy(sb_szCurrentMonth, 1, 2, szDateTime, 5, 2, 2);
            szCurrentMonth = sb_szCurrentMonth.toString();
        //:nCurrentMonth = zStringToInteger( szCurrentMonth )
        nCurrentMonth = zStringToInteger(szCurrentMonth);
        //:// nCurrentMonth = StrToInt( szCurrentMonth )
        //:// Get the Day         
        //:ZeidonStringCopy( szCurrentDay, 1, 2, szDateTime, 7, 2, 2 )
            StringBuilder sb_szCurrentDay;
            if (szCurrentDay == null)
                sb_szCurrentDay = new StringBuilder(32);
                sb_szCurrentDay = new StringBuilder(szCurrentDay);
            ZeidonStringCopy(sb_szCurrentDay, 1, 2, szDateTime, 7, 2, 2);
            szCurrentDay = sb_szCurrentDay.toString();
        //:nCurrentDay = zStringToInteger( szCurrentDay )
        nCurrentDay = zStringToInteger(szCurrentDay);
        //://nCurrentDay = StrToInt( szCurrentDay )
        //:IF nCurrentMonth < nFiscalYearMonth 
        if (nCurrentMonth < nFiscalYearMonth) {
            //://TraceLineI("nCurrentMonth < nFiscalYearMonth", nCurrentMonth )
            //:zIntegerToString( szDateOut, 4, nCurrentYear )
            zIntegerToString(szDateOut, 4, nCurrentYear);
            //:RETURN nCurrentYear 
            if (8 == 8)
                return (nCurrentYear);
        } else {
            //:IF nCurrentMonth > nFiscalYearMonth 
            if (nCurrentMonth > nFiscalYearMonth) {
                //://TraceLineI("nCurrentMonth > nFiscalYearMonth ", nCurrentMonth )
                //:zIntegerToString( szDateOut, 4, nNextYear )
                zIntegerToString(szDateOut, 4, nNextYear);
                //:RETURN nNextYear 
                if (8 == 8)
                    return (nNextYear);
            } else {
                //:IF nCurrentDay <= nFiscalYearDay 
                if (nCurrentDay <= nFiscalYearDay) {
                    //://TraceLineI("nCurrentDay <= nFiscalYearDay", nCurrentDay )
                    //://TraceLineI("nCurrentDay <= nFiscalYearDay", nFiscalYearDay )
                    //:zIntegerToString( szDateOut, 4, nCurrentYear )
                    zIntegerToString(szDateOut, 4, nCurrentYear);
                    //:RETURN nCurrentYear
                    if (8 == 8)
                        return (nCurrentYear);
                } else {
                    //://TraceLineI("nCurrentDay > nFiscalYearDay", nCurrentDay )
                    //://TraceLineI("nCurrentDay > nFiscalYearDay", nFiscalYearDay )
                    //:zIntegerToString( szDateOut, 4, nNextYear )
                    zIntegerToString(szDateOut, 4, nNextYear);
                    //:RETURN nNextYear
                    if (8 == 8)
                        return (nNextYear);



        return (0);
        // END

    //:dCurrentFiscalYear( VIEW sHost BASED ON LOD sHost,
    //:                    STRING ( 32 ) InternalEntityStructure,
    //:                    STRING ( 32 ) InternalAttribStructure,
    //:                    SHORT GetOrSetFlag )
    //:   VIEW wXferO       REGISTERED AS wXferO
    public int osHost_dCurrentFiscalYear(View sHost, String InternalEntityStructure, String InternalAttribStructure,
            Integer GetOrSetFlag) {
        zVIEW wXferO = new zVIEW();
        int RESULT = 0;
        //:VIEW mGLFYCurrent BASED ON LOD  mGLFY   
        zVIEW mGLFYCurrent = new zVIEW();
        //:VIEW sHost2       BASED ON LOD  sHost
        zVIEW sHost2 = new zVIEW();
        //:STRING ( 8 ) szCurrentDate
        String szCurrentDate = null;
        //:STRING ( 4 ) szFiscalYear
        String szFiscalYear = null;
        int lTempInteger_0 = 0;
        zVIEW vTempViewVar_0 = new zVIEW();
        int lTempInteger_1 = 0;

        RESULT = GetViewByName(wXferO, "wXferO", sHost, zLEVEL_TASK);

        //:CASE GetOrSetFlag
        switch (GetOrSetFlag) {
        //:OF   zDERIVED_GET:
        case zDERIVED_GET:

            //:// We are going to skip this code if sHost is not named at the Task level because the routine crashes
            //:// trying to get an address for wXferO in that case.
            //:GET VIEW sHost2 NAMED "sHost"
            RESULT = GetViewByName(sHost2, "sHost", sHost, zLEVEL_TASK);
            //:IF RESULT >= 0 
            if (RESULT >= 0) {

                //:GET VIEW mGLFYCurrent NAMED "mGLFYCurrentHost"
                RESULT = GetViewByName(mGLFYCurrent, "mGLFYCurrentHost", sHost, zLEVEL_TASK);
                //:IF RESULT < 0
                if (RESULT < 0) {
                    //:szCurrentDate = wXferO.Root.dCurrentDate 
                        MutableInt mi_lTempInteger_0 = new MutableInt(lTempInteger_0);
                        StringBuilder sb_szCurrentDate;
                        if (szCurrentDate == null)
                            sb_szCurrentDate = new StringBuilder(32);
                            sb_szCurrentDate = new StringBuilder(szCurrentDate);
                        GetVariableFromAttribute(sb_szCurrentDate, mi_lTempInteger_0, 'S', 9, wXferO, "Root",
                                "dCurrentDate", "", 0);
                        lTempInteger_0 = mi_lTempInteger_0.intValue();
                        szCurrentDate = sb_szCurrentDate.toString();
                    //:ACTIVATE mGLFYCurrent WHERE mGLFYCurrent.GLFiscalYear.FYBeginDate <= szCurrentDate
                    //:                     AND mGLFYCurrent.GLFiscalYear.FYEndDate   >= szCurrentDate
                    osHost_fnLocalBuildQual_0(sHost, vTempViewVar_0, szCurrentDate);
                    RESULT = ActivateObjectInstance(mGLFYCurrent, "mGLFY", sHost, vTempViewVar_0, zSINGLE);
                    //:NAME VIEW mGLFYCurrent "mGLFYCurrentHost"
                    SetNameForView(mGLFYCurrent, "mGLFYCurrentHost", null, zLEVEL_TASK);

                //:IF RESULT >= 0
                if (RESULT >= 0) {

                    //:// Get Fiscal Year from current year.
                    //:szFiscalYear = mGLFYCurrent.GLFiscalYear.FiscalYear
                        MutableInt mi_lTempInteger_1 = new MutableInt(lTempInteger_1);
                        StringBuilder sb_szFiscalYear;
                        if (szFiscalYear == null)
                            sb_szFiscalYear = new StringBuilder(32);
                            sb_szFiscalYear = new StringBuilder(szFiscalYear);
                        GetVariableFromAttribute(sb_szFiscalYear, mi_lTempInteger_1, 'S', 5, mGLFYCurrent,
                                "GLFiscalYear", "FiscalYear", "", 0);
                        lTempInteger_1 = mi_lTempInteger_1.intValue();
                        szFiscalYear = sb_szFiscalYear.toString();
                    //:StoreStringInRecord( sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, szFiscalYear )
                    StoreStringInRecord(sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, szFiscalYear);

                } else {

                    //:// Give error if we can't find current Fiscal Year.
                    //:MessageSend( sHost, "", "Determine Fiscal Year",
                    //:          "No Fiscal Year has been set up for current date.",
                    //:          zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0 )
                    MessageSend(sHost, "", "Determine Fiscal Year",
                            "No Fiscal Year has been set up for current date.", zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, 0);
                    //:StoreStringInRecord( sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, "" )
                    StoreStringInRecord(sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, "");


        //:/* end zDERIVED_GET */
        //:OF   zDERIVED_SET:
        case zDERIVED_SET:

        //:   /* end zDERIVED_SET */
        //:END  /* case */
        return (0);
        // END

    //:dBudgetVarAccountPct( VIEW sHost BASED ON LOD sHost,
    //:                      STRING ( 32 ) InternalEntityStructure,
    //:                      STRING ( 32 ) InternalAttribStructure,
    //:                      SHORT GetOrSetFlag )
    //:   DECIMAL dPct                  
    public int osHost_dBudgetVarAccountPct(View sHost, String InternalEntityStructure,
            String InternalAttribStructure, Integer GetOrSetFlag) {
        double dPct = 0.0;
        double dTempDecimal_0 = 0.0;

        //:CASE GetOrSetFlag
        switch (GetOrSetFlag) {
        //:OF   zDERIVED_GET:
        case zDERIVED_GET:

        //:dPct = sHost.Host.BudgetVarianceAccountPercent * 100
            MutableDouble md_dTempDecimal_0 = new MutableDouble(dTempDecimal_0);
            GetDecimalFromAttribute(md_dTempDecimal_0, sHost, "Host", "BudgetVarianceAccountPercent");
            dTempDecimal_0 = md_dTempDecimal_0.doubleValue();
            dPct = dTempDecimal_0 * 100;

            //:StoreValueInRecord ( sHost,
            //:                  InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, dPct, 0 )
            StoreValueInRecord(sHost, InternalEntityStructure, InternalAttribStructure, dPct, 0);

        //:  /* end zDERIVED_GET */
        //:OF   zDERIVED_SET:
        case zDERIVED_SET:

        //:     /* end zDERIVED_SET */
        //:END  /* case */
        return (0);
        // END

    private int osHost_fnLocalBuildQual_0(View vSubtask, zVIEW vQualObject, String szCurrentDate) {
        int RESULT = 0;

        RESULT = SfActivateSysEmptyOI(vQualObject, "KZDBHQUA", vSubtask, zMULTIPLE);
        CreateEntity(vQualObject, "EntitySpec", zPOS_AFTER);
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "EntitySpec", "EntityName", "GLFiscalYear");
        CreateEntity(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER);
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "EntityName", "GLFiscalYear");
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "AttributeName", "FYBeginDate");
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Value", szCurrentDate.toString());
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", "<=");
        CreateEntity(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER);
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", "AND");
        CreateEntity(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", zPOS_AFTER);
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "EntityName", "GLFiscalYear");
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "AttributeName", "FYEndDate");
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Value", szCurrentDate.toString());
        SetAttributeFromString(vQualObject, "QualAttrib", "Oper", ">=");
        return (0);
