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 * Copyright (c) 2016 ModelSolv, Inc. and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    ModelSolv, Inc. - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package com.reprezen.swagedit.validation;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.dadacoalition.yedit.YEditLog;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.ui.IFileEditorInput;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.MappingNode;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Node;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.NodeId;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.NodeTuple;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.ScalarNode;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.SequenceNode;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserException;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonPointer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.github.fge.jsonschema.core.exceptions.ProcessingException;
import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchema;
import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.Messages;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.editor.SwaggerDocument;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.json.references.JsonReferenceFactory;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.json.references.JsonReferenceValidator;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.model.AbstractNode;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.model.ArrayNode;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.model.Model;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.model.ObjectNode;
import com.reprezen.swagedit.model.ValueNode;

 * This class contains methods for validating a Swagger YAML document.
 * Validation is done against the Swagger JSON Schema.
 * @see SwaggerError
public class Validator {

    private final JsonReferenceValidator referenceValidator;

    public Validator(JsonReferenceValidator referenceValidator) {
        this.referenceValidator = referenceValidator;

    public Validator() {
        this.referenceValidator = new JsonReferenceValidator(new JsonReferenceFactory());

     * Returns a list or errors if validation fails.
     * This method accepts as input a swagger YAML document and validates it against the swagger JSON Schema.
     * @param content
     * @param editorInput
     *            current input
     * @return list or errors
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ParserException
    public Set<SwaggerError> validate(SwaggerDocument document, IFileEditorInput editorInput) {
        Set<SwaggerError> errors = Sets.newHashSet();

        JsonNode jsonContent = null;
        try {
            jsonContent = document.asJson();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        if (jsonContent != null) {
            Node yaml = document.getYaml();
            if (yaml != null) {
                URI baseURI = editorInput != null ? editorInput.getFile().getLocationURI() : null;

                errors.addAll(validateAgainstSchema(new ErrorProcessor(yaml), document));
                errors.addAll(referenceValidator.validate(baseURI, document));

        return errors;

     * Validates the YAML document against the Swagger schema
     * @param processor
     * @param document
     * @return error
    protected Set<SwaggerError> validateAgainstSchema(ErrorProcessor processor, SwaggerDocument document) {
        final JsonSchemaFactory factory = JsonSchemaFactory.newBuilder().freeze();
        final Set<SwaggerError> errors = Sets.newHashSet();

        JsonSchema schema = null;
        try {
            schema = factory.getJsonSchema(document.getSchema().asJson());
        } catch (ProcessingException e) {
            return errors;

        try {
            ProcessingReport report = schema.validate(document.asJson(), true);

        } catch (ProcessingException e) {

        return errors;

     * Validates the model against with different rules that cannot be verified only by JSON schema validation.
     * @param model
     * @return errors
    protected Set<SwaggerError> validateModel(Model model) {
        final Set<SwaggerError> errors = new HashSet<>();

        if (model != null && model.getRoot() != null) {
            for (AbstractNode node : model.allNodes()) {
                checkArrayTypeDefinition(errors, node);
                checkObjectTypeDefinition(errors, node);
        return errors;

     * This method checks that the node if an array type definitions includes an items field.
     * @param errors
     * @param model
    protected void checkArrayTypeDefinition(Set<SwaggerError> errors, AbstractNode node) {
        if (hasArrayType(node)) {
            AbstractNode items = node.get("items");
            if (items == null) {
                errors.add(error(node, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Messages.error_array_missing_items));
            } else {
                if (!items.isObject()) {
                    errors.add(error(items, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Messages.error_array_items_should_be_object));

     * Returns true if the node is an array type definition
     * @param node
     * @return true if array definition
    protected boolean hasArrayType(AbstractNode node) {
        if (node.isObject() && node.get("type") instanceof ValueNode) {
            ValueNode typeValue = node.get("type").asValue();
            return "array".equalsIgnoreCase(typeValue.getValue().toString());
        return false;

     * Validates an object type definition.
     * @param errors
     * @param node
    protected void checkObjectTypeDefinition(Set<SwaggerError> errors, AbstractNode node) {
        if (node instanceof ObjectNode) {
            JsonPointer ptr = node.getPointer();
            if (ptr != null) {
                if (ptr.toString().startsWith("/definitions")) {
                    checkMissingType(errors, node);
                    checkMissingRequiredProperties(errors, node);
                } else if (ptr.toString().endsWith("/schema")) {
                    checkMissingType(errors, node);
                    checkMissingRequiredProperties(errors, node);

     * This method checks that the node if an object definition includes a type field.
     * @param errors
     * @param node
    protected void checkMissingType(Set<SwaggerError> errors, AbstractNode node) {
        if (node.get("properties") != null) {
            if (node.get("type") == null) {
                errors.add(error(node, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Messages.error_type_missing));
            } else {
                AbstractNode typeValue = node.get("type");
                if (!(typeValue instanceof ValueNode)
                        || !Objects.equals("object", typeValue.asValue().getValue())) {
                    errors.add(error(node, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Messages.error_wrong_type));

     * This method checks that the required values for the object type definition contains only valid properties.
     * @param errors
     * @param node
    protected void checkMissingRequiredProperties(Set<SwaggerError> errors, AbstractNode node) {
        if (node.get("required") instanceof ArrayNode) {
            ArrayNode required = node.get("required").asArray();

            AbstractNode properties = node.get("properties");
            if (properties == null) {
                errors.add(error(node, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR, Messages.error_missing_properties));
            } else {
                for (AbstractNode prop : required.elements()) {
                    if (prop instanceof ValueNode) {
                        ValueNode valueNode = prop.asValue();
                        String value = valueNode.getValue().toString();

                        if (properties.get(value) == null) {
                            errors.add(error(valueNode, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,
                                    String.format(Messages.error_required_properties, value)));

    protected SwaggerError error(AbstractNode node, int level, String message) {
        return new SwaggerError(node.getStart().getLine() + 1, level, message);

     * Finds all duplicate keys in all objects present in the YAML document.
    protected Set<SwaggerError> checkDuplicateKeys(Node document) {
        HashMultimap<Pair<Node, String>, Node> acc = HashMultimap.<Pair<Node, String>, Node>create();

        collectDuplicates(document, acc);

        Set<SwaggerError> errors = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (Pair<Node, String> key : acc.keys()) {
            Set<Node> duplicates = acc.get(key);

            if (duplicates.size() > 1) {
                for (Node duplicate : duplicates) {
                    errors.add(createDuplicateError(key.getValue(), duplicate));

        return errors;

     * This method iterates through the YAML tree to collect the pairs of Node x String representing an object and one
     * of it's keys. Each pair is associated to a Set of Nodes which contains all nodes being a key to the pair's Node
     * and having for value the pair's key. Once the iteration is done, the resulting map should be traversed. Each pair
     * having more than one element in its associated Set are duplicate keys.
    protected void collectDuplicates(Node parent, Multimap<Pair<Node, String>, Node> acc) {
        switch (parent.getNodeId()) {
        case mapping: {
            for (NodeTuple value : ((MappingNode) parent).getValue()) {
                Node keyNode = value.getKeyNode();

                if (keyNode.getNodeId() == NodeId.scalar) {
                    acc.put(Pair.of(parent, ((ScalarNode) keyNode).getValue()), keyNode);

                collectDuplicates(value.getValueNode(), acc);
        case sequence: {
            for (Node value : ((SequenceNode) parent).getValue()) {
                collectDuplicates(value, acc);

    protected SwaggerError createDuplicateError(String key, Node node) {
        return new SwaggerError(node.getStartMark().getLine() + 1, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING,
                String.format(Messages.error_duplicate_keys, key));
