Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


BASIC! is an implementation of the Basic programming language for
Android devices.
Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 Paul Laughton
This file is part of BASIC! for Android
BASIC! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
BASIC! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with BASIC!.  If not, see <>.
You may contact the author or current maintainers at
Apache Commons Net
Copyright 2001-2011 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed by
The Apache Software Foundation (

package com.rfo.basic;

//Log.v(LOGTAG, "Line Buffer  " + ExecutingLineBuffer);

import android.util.Log;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;

import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.util.ByteArrayBuffer;

import com.rfo.basic.Basic.TextStyle;
import com.rfo.basic.GPS.GpsData;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;

import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
//import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException;
//import android.content.ClipboardManager;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;


import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo;
import android.hardware.SensorManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.speech.RecognizerIntent;
import android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech;
import android.telephony.CellLocation;
import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener;
import android.telephony.SignalStrength;
import android.telephony.SmsManager;
import android.telephony.SmsMessage;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation;
import android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.text.ClipboardManager;

import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuInflater;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.Toast;

/* Executes the Basic program. Run splits into two parts.
 * The UI thread part (console) and the background thread part (interpreter).
 * The actual execution of the program occurs in the background
 * thread. UI activities must all be handled in the UI thread.
 * This leads to a little complication.

public class Run extends Activity {

    public static boolean isOld = false;
    private static final String LOGTAG = "Run";
    //   Log.v(LOGTAG, "Line Buffer  " + ExecutingLineBuffer.line());

    public static final Object LOCK = new Object();
    public static boolean mWaitForLock; // semaphore for Input, TGet, and Dialogs

    // ********************* Message types for the Handler *********************

    private static final int MESSAGE_GROUP_MASK = 0x0F00;// groups can be 0x1 through 0xF

    private static final int MESSAGE_DEFAULT_GROUP = 0x0000;
    private static final int MESSAGE_CONSOLE_GROUP = 0x0100;
    private static final int MESSAGE_DIALOG_GROUP = 0x0200;
    private static final int MESSAGE_BT_GROUP = 0x0300;// add this offset to messages from BlueTooth commands
    private static final int MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP = 0x0400;// add this offset to messages from HTML commands

    private static final int MESSAGE_DEBUG_GROUP = 0x0F00;// add this offset to messages from debug commands

    // message numbers < 256 are in "default" group 0
    private static final int MESSAGE_CHECKPOINT = 1; // for checkpointMessage() method

    private static final int MESSAGE_UPDATE_CONSOLE = MESSAGE_CONSOLE_GROUP + 0;
    private static final int MESSAGE_CONSOLE_LINE_CHAR = MESSAGE_CONSOLE_GROUP + 2; // for CONSOLE.LINE.CHAR command
    private static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_CONSOLE = MESSAGE_CONSOLE_GROUP + 3; // for CLS command
    private static final int MESSAGE_CONSOLE_TITLE = MESSAGE_CONSOLE_GROUP + 4; // for CONSOLE.TITLE command

    private static final int MESSAGE_TOAST = MESSAGE_DIALOG_GROUP + 0; // for POPUP command
    private static final int MESSAGE_INPUT_DIALOG = MESSAGE_DIALOG_GROUP + 1; // for INPUT command
    private static final int MESSAGE_ALERT_DIALOG = MESSAGE_DIALOG_GROUP + 2; // for DIALOG.* commands

    // ************************* ConsoleListView class *************************
    // Custom ListView, just to handle the BACK key

    private final KeyboardManager.KeyboardChangeListener mKeyboardChangeListener = new KeyboardManager.KeyboardChangeListener() {
        public void kbChanged() { // required by KeyboardManager.Callbacks interface

    public static class ConsoleListView extends ListView {
        private final static String LOGTAG = "ConsoleListView";

        private KeyboardManager mKB;

        public ConsoleListView(Context context) {
            this(context, null);

        public ConsoleListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            super(context, attrs);

        public ConsoleListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
            super(context, attrs, defStyle);

        public void setKeyboardManager(KeyboardManager.KeyboardChangeListener listener) {
            mKB = new KeyboardManager(getContext(), this, listener);

        public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
            return (mKB != null) && mKB.onKeyPreIme(keyCode, event); // delegate to KeyboardManager

    // *************************** EventHolder class ***************************
    // Used to carry events between Activities.

    public static class EventHolder {
        public static final int KEY_DOWN = 1;
        public static final int KEY_UP = 2;
        public static final int BACK_KEY_PRESSED = 3;
        public static final int GR_BACK_KEY_PRESSED = 4;
        public static final int GR_KB_CHANGED = 5;
        public static final int GR_TOUCH = 6;
        public static final int GR_STATE = 7;
        public static final int WEB_STATE = 8;
        public static final int DATALINK_ADD = 9;

        public static final int ON_PAUSE = 1;
        public static final int ON_RESUME = 2;

        int mType; // one of the above constants
        int mCode;
        KeyEvent mEvent;
        String mStringData;

        public EventHolder(int type, int code) {
            mType = type;
            mCode = code;

        public EventHolder(int type, String data) {
            mType = type;
            mStringData = data;

        public EventHolder(int type, int code, KeyEvent event) {
            mType = type;
            mCode = code;
            mEvent = event;

    // *************************** ProgramLine class ***************************

    public static class ProgramLine {
        private String mText; // full text, after preprocessing
        private Command mCommand; // Command object, once known
        private int mKeywordLength; // skip past command keyword after Command is known
        private Command mSubCommand; // sub-Command object, if mCommand is a group
        private int mSubKeywordLength; // length of subcommand keyword(s)
        public Object mExtras; // command-specific extra data

        public ProgramLine(String text) {
            mText = text;
            mCommand = null;
            mKeywordLength = 0;
            mSubCommand = null;
            mSubKeywordLength = 0;
            mExtras = null;

        // Getters.
        public String text() {
            return mText;

        public int length() {
            return (mText == null) ? 0 : mText.length();

        public Command cmd() {
            return mCommand;

        public Command subcmd() {
            return mSubCommand;

        public int offset() {
            return mKeywordLength;

        public int subOffset() {
            return mSubKeywordLength;

        // Delegates.
        public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {
            return mText.startsWith(prefix);

        public boolean startsWith(String prefix, int start) {
            return mText.startsWith(prefix, start);

        // Replace the remembered command with a new one; look up its keyword length.
        public void cmd(Command command) {

        // Replace the remembered command with a new one; use the length provided.
        public void cmd(Command command, int length) {
            mCommand = command;
            mKeywordLength = length;
            mSubCommand = null;
            mSubKeywordLength = 0;

        // Replace the remembered subcommand (one of a group) with a new one.
        // Add the subcommand keyword length to the remembered subcommand keyword length;
        // this allows getting a member of a subgroup.
        // Total keyword length is group command length plus sub-command(s) length.
        public void subcmd(Command sub) {
            mSubCommand = sub;
            mSubKeywordLength += (sub == null) ? 0 :;

        // Replace the remembered command with the remembered subcommand.
        // Add the subcommand keyword length to the current command keyword length.
        public void promoteSubCommand() {
            cmd(mSubCommand, mKeywordLength + mSubKeywordLength);

        private Command searchCommands(Command[] commands, int start) {
            for (Command c : commands) { // loop through the command list
                if (mText.startsWith(, start)) {
                    return c;
            return null; // no keyword found

        public Command findCommand(Command[] commands, int start) {
            if (mCommand == null) {
                Command c = searchCommands(commands, start);
                if (c != null) {
                } // remember the Command object
            return mCommand; // return remembered command, or null if no keyword found

        public Command findSubCommand(Command[] commands, int start) {
            if (mSubCommand == null) {
                Command c = searchCommands(commands, start);
                subcmd(c); // remember the Command object
            return mSubCommand; // return remembered command, or null if no keyword found
    } // class ProgramLine

    // ***************************** Command class *****************************

    public static class Command { // Map a command keyword string to its execution function
        public final String name; // The command keyword
        public final int id; // Normally 0, may be set non-zero to indicate special case

        public Command(String name) {
            this(name, 0);

        public Command(String name, int id) {
   = name;
   = id;

        public boolean run() {
            return false;
        } // Run the command execution function

        public boolean run(int arg) {
            return false;
        } // Run the command execution function with an argument

    // **************************** Interrupt class ****************************

    public static class Interrupt {
        public final static Integer ERROR_BIT = 0x0001;
        public final static Integer BACK_KEY_BIT = 0x0002;
        public final static Integer MENU_KEY_BIT = 0x0004;
        public final static Integer TIMER_BIT = 0x0008;
        public final static Integer KEY_BIT = 0x0010;
        public final static Integer GR_TOUCH_BIT = 0x0020;
        public final static Integer BT_READY_BIT = 0x0040;
        public final static Integer CONS_TOUCH_BIT = 0x0080;
        public final static Integer BACKGROUND_BIT = 0x0100; // background state change
        public final static Integer KB_CHANGE_BIT = 0x0200;
        public final static Integer LOW_MEM_BIT = 0x0400;
        public final static Integer FN_RTN_BIT = 0x1000; // for user-defined function,  not an interrupt

        protected final int mLine; // ISR entry line

        public Interrupt(int line) {
            mLine = line;

        public int line() {
            return mLine;
        } // ISR entry line
    } // class Interrupt

    // **************************** FileInfo class ****************************
    // Records information about an open file. Objects go in the FileTable.

    public enum FileType {

    public static abstract class FileInfo {
        protected final int mMode;
        protected final boolean mIsText;
        protected boolean mIsEOF;
        protected boolean mIsClosed;
        protected long mPosition;
        protected long mMark;
        private int mMarkLimit;

        public FileInfo(int mode, boolean isText) {
            mMode = mode;
            mIsText = isText;
            mIsEOF = (mMode == FMW); // initially at bof if reading, eof if writing/appending
            mIsClosed = false;
            mPosition = 1;

        public void mark(long pos, int limit) {
            mMark = pos;
            mMarkLimit = limit;

        public void markCurrentPosition(int newLimit) {
            mMark = mPosition;
            mMarkLimit = newLimit;

        public void eof(boolean isEOF) {
            mIsEOF = isEOF;

        protected void closed() {
            mIsClosed = true;

        public void position(long pos) {
            mPosition = pos;

        public void incPosition() {

        public void incPosition(long delta) {
            mPosition += delta;

        public int mode() {
            return mMode;

        public boolean isText() {
            return mIsText;

        public boolean isEOF() {
            return mIsEOF;

        public boolean isClosed() {
            return mIsClosed;

        public long position() {
            return mPosition;

        public long mark() {
            return mMark;

        public int markLimit() {
            return mMarkLimit;

        // args: stream to flush, previous exception or null;
        // return: previous exception if any, else new exception if any, else null
        public static IOException flushStream(Flushable stream, IOException ex) { // flush a stream
            if (stream == null) {
                return ex;
            try {
                return ex;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return (ex == null) ? e : ex;

        // args: stream to close, previous exception or null
        // return: previous exception if any, else new exception if any, else null
        public static IOException closeStream(Closeable stream, IOException ex) { // close a stream
            if (stream == null) {
                return ex;
            try {
                return ex;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return (ex == null) ? e : ex;

        protected IOException flush(IOException ex) { // default implementation is a no-op
            return ex; // can invoke on read types

        protected abstract IOException close(IOException ex);
    } // class FileInfo

    public static class TextWriterInfo extends FileInfo {
        public FileWriter mTextWriter;

        public TextWriterInfo(int mode) {
            super(mode, true);
        } // true means it is text

        public IOException flush(IOException ex) {
            return flushStream(mTextWriter, ex);

        public IOException close(IOException ex) {
            IOException e = closeStream(mTextWriter, ex);
            mTextWriter = null;
            return e;

    public static class TextReaderInfo extends FileInfo {
        public BufferedReader mTextReader;

        public TextReaderInfo(int mode) {
            super(mode, true);
        } // true means it is text

        public IOException close(IOException ex) {
            IOException e = closeStream(mTextReader, ex);
            mTextReader = null;
            return e;

    public static class ByteWriterInfo extends FileInfo {
        public FileOutputStream mByteWriter; // stream for almost all operations

        // Both of these are built from the FileOutputStream.
        // Only one can be used at a time. Once one is used, we close the stream
        // to keep the other from being used in parallel.
        private DataOutputStream mDOStream;
        private FileChannel mChannel;

        public ByteWriterInfo(int mode) {
            super(mode, false);
        } // false means it is byte, not text

        public DataOutputStream getDOS() {
            if (mDOStream == null) {
                mDOStream = new DataOutputStream(mByteWriter);
            return mDOStream;

        public void truncateFile(long length) throws IOException {
            IOException ex = null;
            if ((mByteWriter == null) || (mDOStream != null)) {
                ex = new IOException("Error getting FileChannel");
            } else {
                long pnow = position();
                if (length < 0) {
                    length = 0;
                if (length < (pnow - 1)) {
                    mChannel = mByteWriter.getChannel();
                    try {
                        mChannel.truncate(length); // truncate the file
                        position(length + 1);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        ex = e;
            ex = close(flushChannel(ex));
            if (ex != null) {
                throw ex;

        // arg: previous exception or null;
        // return: previous exception if any, else new exception if any, else null
        private IOException flushChannel(IOException ex) { // flush the channel
            FileChannel chnl = mChannel;
            mChannel = null;
            if (chnl == null) {
                return ex;
            try {
                return ex;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return (ex == null) ? e : ex;

        // arg: previous exception or null;
        // return: previous exception if any, else new exception if any, else null
        public IOException flush(IOException ex) { // flush the channel
            return (mChannel != null) ? flushChannel(ex)
                    : flushStream(((mDOStream != null) ? mDOStream : mByteWriter), ex);

        // args: stream to close, previous exception or null
        // return: previous exception if any, else new exception if any, else null
        public IOException close(IOException ex) {
            Closeable stream = (mChannel != null) ? mChannel : ((mDOStream != null) ? mDOStream : mByteWriter);
            mChannel = null;
            mDOStream = null;
            mByteWriter = null;
            return closeStream(stream, ex);

    public static class ByteReaderInfo extends FileInfo {
        public BufferedInputStream mByteReader;

        public ByteReaderInfo(int mode) {
            super(mode, false);
        } // false means it is byte, not text

        private DataInputStream mDIStream;

        public DataInputStream getDIS() {
            if (mDIStream == null) {
                mDIStream = new DataInputStream(mByteReader);
            return mDIStream;

        public IOException close(IOException ex) {
            IOException e = closeStream(mByteReader, ex);
            mByteReader = null;
            return e;

    // ***************** The constants for the Basic Keywords *****************

    // First, an alphabetical list of all of the top-level keywords.
    // Every constant in this list must appear in both BasicKeyWords[] and BASIC_cmd[].
    private static final String BKW_APP_GROUP = "app.";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_GROUP = "array.";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_GROUP = "audio.";
    private static final String BKW_BACK_RESUME = "back.resume";
    private static final String BKW_BACKGROUND_RESUME = "background.resume";
    private static final String BKW_BROWSE = "browse";
    private static final String BKW_BT_GROUP = "bt.";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_GROUP = "bundle.";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_GROUP = "byte.";
    private static final String BKW_CALL = "call";
    private static final String BKW_CLIPBOARD_GET = "clipboard.get";
    private static final String BKW_CLIPBOARD_PUT = "clipboard.put";
    private static final String BKW_CLS = "cls";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_GROUP = "console.";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLETOUCH_RESUME = "consoletouch.resume";
    private static final String BKW_D_U_BREAK = "d_u.break";
    private static final String BKW_D_U_CONTINUE = "d_u.continue";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_GROUP = "debug.";
    private static final String BKW_DECRYPT = "decrypt";
    private static final String BKW_DEVICE = "device";
    private static final String BKW_DIALOG_GROUP = "dialog.";
    private static final String BKW_DIM = "dim";
    private static final String BKW_DIR = "dir"; // same as "file.dir"
    private static final String BKW_DO = "do";
    private static final String BKW_ECHO_GROUP = "echo.";
    private static final String BKW_ELSE = "else";
    private static final String BKW_ELSEIF = "elseif";
    private static final String BKW_EMAIL_SEND = "email.send";
    private static final String BKW_EMPTY_PROGRAM = "@@@";
    private static final String BKW_ENCRYPT = "encrypt";
    private static final String BKW_END = "end";
    private static final String BKW_ENDIF = "endif";
    private static final String BKW_EXIT = "exit";
    private static final String BKW_F_N_BREAK = "f_n.break";
    private static final String BKW_F_N_CONTINUE = "f_n.continue";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_GROUP = "file.";
    private static final String BKW_FN_GROUP = "fn.";
    private static final String BKW_FONT_GROUP = "font.";
    private static final String BKW_FOR = "for";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_GROUP = "ftp.";
    private static final String BKW_GOSUB = "gosub";
    private static final String BKW_GOTO = "goto";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_GROUP = "gps.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GROUP = "gr.";
    private static final String BKW_GRABFILE = "grabfile";
    private static final String BKW_GRABURL = "graburl";
    private static final String BKW_HEADSET = "headset";
    private static final String BKW_HOME = "home";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_GROUP = "html.";
    private static final String BKW_HTTP_POST = "";
    private static final String BKW_IF = "if";
    private static final String BKW_INCLUDE = "include";
    private static final String BKW_INKEY = "inkey$";
    private static final String BKW_INPUT = "input";
    private static final String BKW_JOIN = "join";
    private static final String BKW_JOIN_ALL = "join.all";
    private static final String BKW_KB_GROUP = "kb.";
    private static final String BKW_KEY_RESUME = "key.resume";
    private static final String BKW_LET = "let";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_GROUP = "list.";
    private static final String BKW_LOWMEM_RESUME = "lowmemory.resume";
    private static final String BKW_MENUKEY_RESUME = "menukey.resume";
    private static final String BKW_MKDIR = "mkdir"; // same as "file.mkdir"
    private static final String BKW_MYPHONENUMBER = "myphonenumber";
    private static final String BKW_NEXT = "next";
    private static final String BKW_NOTIFY = "notify";
    private static final String BKW_ONBACKGROUND = "onbackground:";
    private static final String BKW_ONBACKKEY = "onbackkey:";
    private static final String BKW_ONBTREADREADY = "onbtreadready:";
    private static final String BKW_ONCONSOLETOUCH = "onconsoletouch:";
    private static final String BKW_ONERROR = "onerror:";
    private static final String BKW_ONGRTOUCH = "ongrtouch:";
    private static final String BKW_ONKBCHANGE = "onkbchange:";
    private static final String BKW_ONKEYPRESS = "onkeypress:";
    private static final String BKW_ONLOWMEM = "onlowmemory:";
    private static final String BKW_ONMENUKEY = "onmenukey:";
    private static final String BKW_ONTIMER = "ontimer:";
    private static final String BKW_PAUSE = "pause";
    private static final String BKW_PHONE_GROUP = "phone.";
    private static final String BKW_POPUP = "popup";
    private static final String BKW_PREDEC = "--"; // omit from BasicKeyWords[]
    private static final String BKW_PREINC = "++"; // omit from BasicKeyWords[]
    private static final String BKW_PRINT = "print";
    private static final String BKW_PRINT_SHORTCUT = "?";
    private static final String BKW_READ_GROUP = "read.";
    private static final String BKW_REM = "rem";
    private static final String BKW_RENAME = "rename"; // same as "file.rename"
    private static final String BKW_REPEAT = "repeat";
    private static final String BKW_RETURN = "return";
    private static final String BKW_RINGER_GROUP = "ringer.";
    private static final String BKW_RUN = "run";
    private static final String BKW_SCREEN_GROUP = "screen.";
    private static final String BKW_SELECT = "select";
    private static final String BKW_SENSORS_GROUP = "sensors.";
    private static final String BKW_SMS_GROUP = "sms.";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_GROUP = "socket.";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_GROUP = "soundpool.";
    private static final String BKW_SPLIT = "split";
    private static final String BKW_SPLIT_ALL = "split.all"; // split.all new/2013-07-25 gt
    private static final String BKW_SQL_GROUP = "sql.";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_GROUP = "stack.";
    private static final String BKW_STT_LISTEN = "stt.listen";
    private static final String BKW_STT_RESULTS = "stt.results";
    private static final String BKW_SU_GROUP = "su.";
    private static final String BKW_SW_GROUP = "sw.";
    private static final String BKW_SWAP = "swap";
    private static final String BKW_SYSTEM_GROUP = "system.";
    private static final String BKW_TEXT_GROUP = "text.";
    private static final String BKW_TGET = "tget";
    private static final String BKW_TIME = "time";
    private static final String BKW_TIMER_GROUP = "timer.";
    private static final String BKW_TIMEZONE_GROUP = "timezone.";
    private static final String BKW_TONE = "tone";
    private static final String BKW_TTS_GROUP = "tts.";
    private static final String BKW_UNDIM = "undim";
    private static final String BKW_UNTIL = "until";
    private static final String BKW_VIBRATE = "vibrate";
    private static final String BKW_VOLKEYS_GROUP = "volkeys.";
    private static final String BKW_W_R_BREAK = "w_r.break";
    private static final String BKW_W_R_CONTINUE = "w_r.continue";
    private static final String BKW_WAKELOCK = "wakelock";
    private static final String BKW_WHILE = "while";
    private static final String BKW_WIFI_INFO = "";
    private static final String BKW_WIFILOCK = "wifilock";

    // Some generic words used by multiple commands
    private static final String BKW_ON = "on";
    private static final String BKW_OFF = "off";
    private static final boolean ON = true; // true: enable something, turn it on
    private static final boolean OFF = false; // false: disable something, turn it off

    // This array lists all of the top-level keywords so Format can find them.
    // The order of this list determines the order Format uses for its linear search.
    // BKW_PREDEC and BKW_PREINC are omitted as they look like regular expressions (!).
    // This array is also used by DEBUG.COMMANDS.
    public static final String BasicKeyWords[] = { BKW_LET, BKW_PRINT, BKW_IF, BKW_ELSEIF, BKW_ELSE, BKW_ENDIF,
            // BKW_PREDEC, BKW_PREINC,                  // Format can't handle these and doesn't need them

            BKW_ONERROR, // Interrupt labels are listed for formatter, but have no Command objects

    private static HashMap<String, String[]> keywordLists = null; // For Format: map associates a keyword group
    // with the prefix common to the group.

    public static HashMap<String, String[]> getKeywordLists() {
        if (keywordLists == null) {
            keywordLists = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); // If you add a new keyword group, add it to this list!

            keywordLists.put(BKW_APP_GROUP, app_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_ARRAY_GROUP, Array_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_AUDIO_GROUP, Audio_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_BT_GROUP, bt_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_BUNDLE_GROUP, Bundle_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_BYTE_GROUP, byte_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_CONSOLE_GROUP, Console_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_DIALOG_GROUP, Dialog_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_DEBUG_GROUP, debug_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_ECHO_GROUP, echo_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_FILE_GROUP, file_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_FN_GROUP, fn_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_FONT_GROUP, font_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_FTP_GROUP, ftp_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_GPS_GROUP, GPS_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_GR_GROUP, GR_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_HTML_GROUP, html_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_KB_GROUP, KB_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_LIST_GROUP, List_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_PHONE_GROUP, phone_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_READ_GROUP, read_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_RINGER_GROUP, ringer_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SCREEN_GROUP, screen_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SENSORS_GROUP, Sensors_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SMS_GROUP, SMS_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SOCKET_GROUP, Socket_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_GROUP, sp_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SQL_GROUP, SQL_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_STACK_GROUP, Stack_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SU_GROUP, su_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SW_GROUP, sw_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_SYSTEM_GROUP, System_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_TEXT_GROUP, text_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_TIMER_GROUP, Timer_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_TIMEZONE_GROUP, TimeZone_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_TTS_GROUP, tts_KW);
            keywordLists.put(BKW_VOLKEYS_GROUP, VolKeys_KW);
        return keywordLists;

    // **************** The variables for the math function names ************************

    private static final String MF_ABS = "abs(";
    private static final String MF_ACOS = "acos(";
    private static final String MF_ASCII = "ascii(";
    private static final String MF_ASIN = "asin(";
    private static final String MF_ATAN = "atan(";
    private static final String MF_ATAN2 = "atan2(";
    private static final String MF_BACKGROUND = "background(";
    private static final String MF_BAND = "band(";
    private static final String MF_BIN = "bin(";
    private static final String MF_BNOT = "bnot(";
    private static final String MF_BOR = "bor(";
    private static final String MF_BXOR = "bxor(";
    private static final String MF_CBRT = "cbrt(";
    private static final String MF_CEIL = "ceil(";
    private static final String MF_CLOCK = "clock(";
    private static final String MF_COS = "cos(";
    private static final String MF_COSH = "cosh(";
    private static final String MF_ENDS_WITH = "ends_with(";
    private static final String MF_EXP = "exp(";
    private static final String MF_FLOOR = "floor(";
    private static final String MF_FRAC = "frac("; // new/2014-03-16 gt
    private static final String MF_GR_COLLISION = "gr_collision(";
    private static final String MF_HEX = "hex(";
    private static final String MF_HYPOT = "hypot(";
    private static final String MF_INT = "int("; // new/2014-03-16 gt
    private static final String MF_IS_IN = "is_in(";
    private static final String MF_IS_NUMBER = "is_number(";
    private static final String MF_LEN = "len(";
    private static final String MF_LOG = "log(";
    private static final String MF_LOG10 = "log10(";
    private static final String MF_MAX = "max("; // new/2013-07-29 gt
    private static final String MF_MIN = "min("; // new/2013-07-29 gt
    private static final String MF_MOD = "mod(";
    private static final String MF_OCT = "oct(";
    private static final String MF_PI = "pi("; // new/2013-07-29 gt
    private static final String MF_POW = "pow(";
    private static final String MF_RANDOMIZE = "randomize(";
    private static final String MF_RND = "rnd(";
    private static final String MF_ROUND = "round(";
    private static final String MF_SGN = "sgn("; // new/2014-03-16 gt
    private static final String MF_SHIFT = "shift(";
    private static final String MF_SIN = "sin(";
    private static final String MF_SINH = "sinh(";
    private static final String MF_SQR = "sqr(";
    private static final String MF_STARTS_WITH = "starts_with(";
    private static final String MF_TAN = "tan(";
    private static final String MF_TIME = "time(";
    private static final String MF_TODEGREES = "todegrees(";
    private static final String MF_TORADIANS = "toradians(";
    private static final String MF_UCODE = "ucode(";
    private static final String MF_VAL = "val(";

    public static final String MathFunctions[] = { // Command list for Format

    private static final HashMap<String, Integer> mRoundingModeTable = new HashMap<String, Integer>(7) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 101L;
            put("hd", BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
            put("he", BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
            put("hu", BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
            put("d", BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
            put("u", BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);
            put("f", BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
            put("c", BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);

    //*********************** The variables for the Operators  ************************

    private static final String OP_INC = "++";
    private static final String OP_DEC = "--";

    public static final String OperatorString[] = { "<=", "<>", ">=", ">", "<", "=", "^", "*", "+", "-", "/", "!",
            "|", "&", "(", ")", "=", "+", "-", " ", "\n" };

    private static final int LE = 0; // Enumerated names of operators
    private static final int NE = 1;
    private static final int GE = 2;
    private static final int GT = 3;
    private static final int LT = 4;

    private static final int LEQ = 5;
    private static final int EXP = 6;
    private static final int MUL = 7;
    private static final int PLUS = 8;
    private static final int MINUS = 9;

    private static final int DIV = 10;
    private static final int NOT = 11;
    private static final int OR = 12;
    private static final int AND = 13;
    private static final int LPRN = 14;

    private static final int RPRN = 15;
    private static final int ASSIGN = 16;
    private static final int UPLUS = 17;
    private static final int UMINUS = 18;

    private static final int SOE = 19;
    private static final int EOL = 20;
    private static final int FLPRN = 21;

    private static final int GoesOnPrecedence[] = { // Precedence for going onto stack
            8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 10, 9, 9, 10, 7, 5, 6, 15, 2, 15, 13, 13, 0, 0, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
            15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 };

    private static final int ComesOffPrecedence[] = { // Precedence for coming off stack
            8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 10, 9, 9, 10, 7, 5, 6, 2, 14, 1, 13, 13, 0, 0, 2, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
            13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 };

    private int OperatorValue = 0; // Will hold enumerated operator name value

    //**********************  The variables for the string functions  *******************

    private static final String SF_BIN = "bin$(";
    private static final String SF_CHR = "chr$(";
    private static final String SF_DECODE = "decode$(";
    private static final String SF_ENCODE = "encode$(";
    private static final String SF_FORMAT = "format$(";
    private static final String SF_FORMAT_USING = "format_using$(";
    private static final String SF_GETERROR = "geterror$(";
    private static final String SF_HEX = "hex$(";
    private static final String SF_INT = "int$(";
    private static final String SF_LEFT = "left$(";
    private static final String SF_LOWER = "lower$(";
    private static final String SF_LTRIM = "ltrim$(";
    private static final String SF_MID = "mid$(";
    private static final String SF_OCT = "oct$(";
    private static final String SF_REPLACE = "replace$(";
    private static final String SF_RIGHT = "right$(";
    private static final String SF_RTRIM = "rtrim$(";
    private static final String SF_STR = "str$(";
    private static final String SF_TRIM = "trim$(";
    private static final String SF_UPPER = "upper$(";
    private static final String SF_USING = "using$(";
    private static final String SF_VERSION = "version$(";
    private static final String SF_WORD = "word$(";

    public static final String StringFunctions[] = { // Command list for Format
            SF_WORD, SF_VERSION, };

    private static final int TLEFT = 1; // control bits for SF_TRIM
    private static final int TRIGHT = 2;

    private static final boolean ENCODE = true; // control bits for ENCODE/DECODE
    private static final boolean DECODE = false;

    private static final int ENCODING_ENCRYPT = 1; // encode/decode types
    private static final int ENCODING_BASE64 = 2;
    private static final int ENCODING_URL = 3;
    private static final int ENCODING_OTHER = 4; // simple string conversion

    // *************************** Various execution control variables ****************************

    public static final int BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT = 255;

    private Intent mConsoleIntent; // keep a reference to the Intent that started Run 

    public static boolean Exit = false; // Exits program and signals caller to exit, too
    private boolean Stop = false; // Stops program from running
    private boolean mInterpreterRunning;
    private boolean RunPaused = false;
    // events from other Activities
    public static final ArrayList<EventHolder> mEventList = new ArrayList<EventHolder>();

    private Interrupt mOnErrorInt = null; // OnError gets a named interrupt. The others are anonymous.
    private boolean ConsoleLongTouch = false;
    private int TouchedConsoleLine = 0; // first valid line number is 1
    private int interruptResume = -1;

    /* TODO: move these to Interpreter */ // Constants for use in the IfElseStack
    private static final Integer IEskip1 = 1; // Skip statements until ELSE, ELSEIF or ENDIF
    private static final Integer IEskip2 = 2; // Skip to until ENDIF
    private static final Integer IEexec = 3; // Execute to ELSE, ELSEIF or ENDIF
    private static final Integer IEinterrupt = 4;

    // The output screen text lines
    final private static int MIN_CONSOLE_LINES = 100; // starting capacity of mConsole
    private final ArrayList<String> mOutput = new ArrayList<String>(MIN_CONSOLE_LINES);
    private final ArrayList<String> mConsoleBuffer = new ArrayList<String>(); // carries output from mInterpreter to UI

    public Basic.ColoredTextAdapter mConsole; // The output screen array adapter
    private ConsoleListView lv; // The output screen list view
    private Interpreter mInterpreter; // the program runner, runs in a separate Thread
    private boolean SyntaxError = false; // Set true when Syntax Error message has been output

    private boolean mMessagePending; // If true, may be messages pending

    // debugger dialog and ui thread vars
    private static final int MESSAGE_DEBUG_DIALOG = MESSAGE_DEBUG_GROUP + 1;
    private static final int MESSAGE_DEBUG_SWAP = MESSAGE_DEBUG_GROUP + 2;
    private static final int MESSAGE_DEBUG_SELECT = MESSAGE_DEBUG_GROUP + 3;
    private Object DB_LOCK = new Object();
    private boolean mWaitForDebugLock = false;
    private boolean WaitForDebugResume = false;
    private boolean DebuggerStep = false;
    private boolean DebuggerHalt = false;
    private boolean WaitForSwap = false;
    private boolean WaitForSelect = false;
    private boolean dbSwap = false;
    private boolean dbSelect = false;
    private AlertDialog dbDialog;
    private AlertDialog dbSwapDialog;
    private AlertDialog dbSelectDialog;
    private boolean dbDialogScalars;
    private boolean dbDialogArray;
    private boolean dbDialogList;
    private boolean dbDialogStack;
    private boolean dbDialogBundle;
    private boolean dbDialogWatch;
    private boolean dbDialogProgram;
    private boolean dbDialogConsole;
    private String dbConsoleHistory;
    private String dbConsoleExecute;
    private int dbConsoleELBI;
    private ArrayList<Var> WatchedVars;
    private Var WatchedArray;
    private int WatchedList;
    private int WatchedStack;
    private int WatchedBundle;
    // end debugger ui vars

    private HashMap<String, Integer> Labels; // A list of all labels and associated line numbers

    private ClipboardManager clipboard;
    public static boolean Notified;

    // ******************** Command Keywords for User-defined Functions ********************

    private static final String BKW_FN_DEF = "def";
    private static final String BKW_FN_RTN = "rtn";

    private static final String fn_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            BKW_FN_DEF, BKW_FN_RTN, BKW_END };

    // ********************************** SWITCH keywords **********************************

    private static final String BKW_SW_BEGIN = "begin";
    private static final String BKW_SW_CASE = "case";
    private static final String BKW_SW_BREAK = "break";
    private static final String BKW_SW_DEFAULT = "default";

    private static final String sw_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ********************************* WAKELOCK keywords *********************************

    private PowerManager.WakeLock theWakeLock;
    private static final int partial = 1;
    private static final int dim = 2;
    private static final int bright = 3;
    private static final int full = 4;
    private static final int release = 5;

    // ********************************* WIFILOCK keywords *********************************

    private WifiManager.WifiLock theWifiLock;
    private static final int wifi_mode_scan = 1;
    private static final int wifi_mode_full = 2;
    private static final int wifi_mode_high = 3;
    private static final int wifi_release = 4;

    // ********************* File I/O operation keywords and variables *********************

    // for both TEXT and BYTE
    private static final String BKW_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_EOF = "eof";
    private static final String BKW_POSITION_GET = "position.get";
    private static final String BKW_POSITION_SET = "position.set";
    private static final String BKW_POSITION_MARK = "position.mark";

    // for FILE
    private static final String BKW_FILE_DELETE = "delete";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_SIZE = "size";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_DIR = "dir";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_MKDIR = "mkdir";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_RENAME = "rename";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_ROOT = "root";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_EXISTS = "exists";
    private static final String BKW_FILE_TYPE = "type";

    private static final String file_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    private static final int FMR = 0; // File Mode Read
    private static final int FMW = 1; // File Mode Write

    // ********************************* TEXT I/O keywords *********************************

    private static final String BKW_TEXT_READLN = "readln";
    private static final String BKW_TEXT_WRITELN = "writeln";
    private static final String BKW_TEXT_INPUT = "input";

    private static final String text_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ********************************* BYTE I/O keywords *********************************

    private static final String BKW_BYTE_READ_BYTE = "read.byte";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_WRITE_BYTE = "write.byte";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_READ_BUFFER = "read.buffer";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_WRITE_BUFFER = "write.buffer";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_READ_NUMBER = "read.number";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_WRITE_NUMBER = "write.number";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_COPY = "copy";
    private static final String BKW_BYTE_TRUNCATE = "truncate";

    private static final String byte_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // *********************************** READ keywords ***********************************

    private static final String BKW_READ_DATA = "data";
    private static final String BKW_READ_NEXT = "next";
    private static final String BKW_READ_FROM = "from";

    private static final String read_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ********************************** SCREEN keywords **********************************

    private static final String BKW_SCREEN_ROTATION = "rotation";
    private static final String BKW_SCREEN_SIZE = "size";

    private static final String screen_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // *********************************** FONT keywords ***********************************

    private static final String BKW_FONT_LOAD = "load";
    private static final String BKW_FONT_DELETE = "delete";
    private static final String BKW_FONT_CLEAR = "clear";

    private static final String font_KW[] = { // Font command list for Format

    // ********************************* CONSOLE keywords **********************************

    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_FRONT = "front";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_SAVE = "save";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_TITLE = "title";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_COUNT = "line.count";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_TEXT = "line.text";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_TOUCHED = "line.touched";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_NEW = "";
    private static final String BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_CHAR = "line.char";

    private static final String Console_KW[] = { // Console command list for Format

    // ************************************ KB keywords ************************************

    private static final String BKW_KB_HIDE = "hide";
    private static final String BKW_KB_RESUME = "resume";
    private static final String BKW_KB_SHOW = "show";
    private static final String BKW_KB_SHOWING = "showing";
    private static final String BKW_KB_TOGGLE = "toggle";

    private static final String KB_KW[] = { // KB command list for Format

    // ****************************** INPUT command variables ******************************

    private boolean mInputCancelled = false; // Signal between Interpreter Thread and UI Thread
    //   private boolean mInputDismissed = false;         // This will be used only if we dismiss the dialog in onPause

    // *********************** DIALOG command keywords and variables ***********************

    private static final String BKW_DIALOG_MESSAGE = "message";
    private static final String BKW_DIALOG_SELECT = "select";

    private static final String Dialog_KW[] = { // Dialog command list for Format

    private int mAlertItemID = 0; // index of button or list item

    // ***************************** SELECT Command variables ******************************

    public static int SelectedItem; // The index of the selected item
    public static boolean SelectLongClick; // True if long click

    // *********************************** SQL keywords ************************************

    private static final String BKW_SQL_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_INSERT = "insert";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_QUERY_LENGTH = "query.length";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_QUERY_POSITION = "query.position";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_QUERY = "query";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_NEXT = "next";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_DELETE = "delete";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_UPDATE = "update";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_EXEC = "exec";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_RAW_QUERY = "raw_query";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_DROP_TABLE = "drop_table";
    private static final String BKW_SQL_NEW_TABLE = "new_table";

    private static final String SQL_KW[] = { // SQL command list for Format

    // ********************************* INKEY$ variables **********************************

    public static final String Numbers = "0123456789"; // translations for key codes
    public static final String Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    static ArrayList<String> InChar;

    // *************************** TEXT.INPUT command variables ****************************

    public static String TextInputString = "";

    // ******************* Graphics (GR) command keywords and variables ********************

    private boolean GRopen = false;
    private boolean GRFront;

    public static ArrayList<GR.BDraw> DisplayList;
    public static ArrayList<Integer> RealDisplayList;

    public static ArrayList<Paint> PaintList;
    public static ArrayList<Bitmap> BitmapList;

    public static double TouchX[] = new double[2];
    public static double TouchY[] = new double[2];
    public static boolean NewTouch[] = new boolean[2];

    // Graphics command keywords
    private static final String BKW_GR_ARC = "arc";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BOUNDED_TOUCH = "bounded.touch";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BOUNDED_TOUCH2 = "bounded.touch2";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BRIGHTNESS = "brightness";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CIRCLE = "circle";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CLIP = "clip";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CLS = "cls";
    private static final String BKW_GR_COLOR = "color";
    private static final String BKW_GR_FRONT = "front";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GETDL = "getdl";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GROUP_CMD = "group";
    private static final String BKW_GR_HIDE = "hide";
    private static final String BKW_GR_LINE = "line";
    private static final String BKW_GR_MODIFY = "modify";
    private static final String BKW_GR_MOVE = "move";
    private static final String BKW_GR_NEWDL = "newdl";
    private static final String BKW_GR_ONGRTOUCH_RESUME = "ongrtouch.resume";
    private static final String BKW_GR_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_GR_ORIENTATION = "orientation";
    private static final String BKW_GR_OVAL = "oval";
    private static final String BKW_GR_POINT = "point";
    private static final String BKW_GR_POLY = "poly";
    private static final String BKW_GR_RECT = "rect";
    private static final String BKW_GR_RENDER = "render";
    private static final String BKW_GR_ROTATE_END = "rotate.end";
    private static final String BKW_GR_ROTATE_START = "rotate.start";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SAVE = "save";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SCALE = "scale";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SCREEN = "screen";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SCREEN_TO_BITMAP = "screen.to_bitmap";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SET_ANTIALIAS = "set.antialias";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SET_PIXELS = "set.pixels";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SET_STROKE = "set.stroke";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SHOW = "show";
    private static final String BKW_GR_SHOW_TOGGLE = "show.toggle";
    private static final String BKW_GR_STATUSBAR = "statusbar";
    private static final String BKW_GR_STATUSBAR_SHOW = "";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TOUCH = "touch";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TOUCH2 = "touch2";

    // gr bitmap group
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_GROUP = "bitmap.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_CREATE = "create";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_CROP = "crop";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_DELETE = "delete";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_DRAW = "draw";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_DRAWINTO_END = "drawinto.end";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_DRAWINTO_START = "drawinto.start";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_FILL = "fill";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_LOAD = "load";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_SAVE = "save";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_SCALE = "scale";
    private static final String BKW_GR_BITMAP_SIZE = "size";
    // gr camera group
    private static final String BKW_GR_CAMERA_GROUP = "camera.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CAMERA_AUTOSHOOT = "autoshoot";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CAMERA_BLINDSHOOT = "blindshoot";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CAMERA_MANUALSHOOT = "manualshoot";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CAMERA_SELECT = "select";
    private static final String BKW_GR_CAMERA_SHOOT = "shoot";
    // gr get group
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_GROUP = "get.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_BMPIXEL = "bmpixel";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_PARAMS = "params";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_PIXEL = "pixel";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_POSITION = "position";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_TEXTBOUNDS = "textbounds";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_TYPE = "type";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GET_VALUE = "value";
    // gr group group
    private static final String BKW_GR_GROUP_GROUP = "group.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_GROUP_LIST = "list";
    // use existing constants for getdl and newdl
    // gr paint group
    private static final String BKW_GR_PAINT_GROUP = "paint.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_PAINT_COPY = "copy";
    private static final String BKW_GR_PAINT_GET = "get";
    private static final String BKW_GR_PAINT_RESET = "reset";
    // gr text group
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_GROUP = "text.";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_ALIGN = "align";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_BOLD = "bold";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_DRAW = "draw";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_HEIGHT = "height";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_SIZE = "size";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_SKEW = "skew";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_STRIKE = "strike";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_TYPEFACE = "typeface";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_UNDERLINE = "underline";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_WIDTH = "width";
    private static final String BKW_GR_TEXT_SETFONT = "setfont";

    private static final String GR_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

            // GR subgroups - Format can handle only one level of grouping

    // ****************************** Audio command keywords *******************************

    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_LOAD = "load";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_PLAY = "play";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_LOOP = "loop";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_STOP = "stop";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_VOLUME = "volume";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_POSITION_CURRENT = "position.current";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_POSITION_SEEK = "";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_LENGTH = "length";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_RELEASE = "release";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_PAUSE = "pause";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_ISDONE = "isdone";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_RECORD_START = "record.start";
    private static final String BKW_AUDIO_RECORD_STOP = "record.stop";

    private static final String Audio_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ************************** SENSORS keywords and variables ***************************

    private static final String BKW_SENSORS_LIST = "list";
    private static final String BKW_SENSORS_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_SENSORS_READ = "read";
    private static final String BKW_SENSORS_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_SENSORS_ROTATE = "rotate";

    private static final String Sensors_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    private SensorActivity theSensors;

    // **************************** GPS keywords and variables *****************************

    private static final String BKW_GPS_ALTITUDE = "altitude";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_LATITUDE = "latitude";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_LONGITUDE = "longitude";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_BEARING = "bearing";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_ACCURACY = "accuracy";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_SPEED = "speed";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_PROVIDER = "provider";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_SATELLITES = "satellites";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_TIME = "time";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_LOCATION = "location";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_STATUS = "status";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_GPS_CLOSE = "close";

    private static final String GPS_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            BKW_GPS_CLOSE, };

    private GPS theGPS;

    // *********************** ARRAY command keywords and variables ************************

    private enum ArrayOrderOps {
        DoSort, DoShuffle, DoReverse

    private enum ArrayMathOps {
        DoSum, DoAverage, DoMin, DoMax, DoVariance, DoStdDev

    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_DELETE = "delete";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_DIMS = "dims";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_FILL = "fill";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_LENGTH = "length";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_LOAD = "load";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_SORT = "sort";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_SUM = "sum";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_AVERAGE = "average";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_REVERSE = "reverse";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_SHUFFLE = "shuffle";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_MIN = "min";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_MAX = "max";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_VARIANCE = "variance";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_STD_DEV = "std_dev";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_COPY = "copy";
    private static final String BKW_ARRAY_SEARCH = "search";

    private static final String Array_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ******************************* LIST command keywords *******************************

    private static final String BKW_LIST_CREATE = "create";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_ADD_LIST = "add.list";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_ADD_ARRAY = "add.array";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_ADD = "add";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_REPLACE = "replace";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_TYPE = "type";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_GET = "get";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_CLEAR = "clear";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_REMOVE = "remove";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_INSERT = "insert";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_SIZE = "size";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_TOARRAY = "toarray";
    private static final String BKW_LIST_SEARCH = "search";

    private static final String List_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            BKW_LIST_SEARCH };

    // ****************************** BUNDLE command keywords ******************************

    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_CREATE = "create";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_PUT = "put";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_GET = "get";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_NEXT = "next";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_TYPE = "type";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_KEYS = "keys";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_COPY = "copy";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_CLEAR = "clear";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_CONTAIN = "contain";
    private static final String BKW_BUNDLE_REMOVE = "remove";

    private static final String Bundle_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ****************************** STACK command keywords *******************************

    private static final String BKW_STACK_CREATE = "create";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_PUSH = "push";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_POP = "pop";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_PEEK = "peek";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_TYPE = "type";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_ISEMPTY = "isempty";
    private static final String BKW_STACK_CLEAR = "clear";

    private static final String Stack_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            BKW_STACK_CLEAR };

    // ************* SOCKET command keywords, classes, and variables *************

    // socket commands
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_MYIP = "myip";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_CLIENT_GROUP = "client.";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_SERVER_GROUP = "server.";

    // socket subgroup commands
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_CLIENT_IP = "client.ip";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_CONNECT = "connect";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_CREATE = "create";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_DISCONNECT = "disconnect";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_READ_FILE = "read.file";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_READ_LINE = "read.line";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_READ_READY = "read.ready";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_SERVER_IP = "server.ip";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_STATUS = "status";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_BYTES = "write.bytes";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_FILE = "write.file";
    private static final String BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_LINE = "write.line";

    private static final String Socket_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

            // SOCKET subgroups - Format can handle only one level of grouping
            // SOCKET.CLIENT. subgroup
            // SOCKET.SERVER. subgroup

    // Constants that indicate the current connection state
    public static final int STATE_NOT_ENABLED = -1; // channel is not enabled, or server socket not created
    public static final int STATE_NONE = 0; // channel is doing nothing (initial state)
    public static final int STATE_LISTENING = 1; // now listening for incoming connections
    public static final int STATE_CONNECTING = 2; // now initiating an outgoing connection
    public static final int STATE_CONNECTED = 3; // now connected to a remote device
    public static final int STATE_READING = 4; // now reading from a remote device
    public static final int STATE_WRITING = 5; // now writing to a remote device

    private int clientSocketState;
    private int serverSocketState;

    private Socket theClientSocket;
    private ClientSocketConnectThread clientSocketConnectThread;
    private BufferedReader ClientBufferedReader;
    private PrintWriter ClientPrintWriter;

    private ServerSocket newSS;
    private ServerSocketConnectThread serverSocketConnectThread;
    private Socket theServerSocket;
    private BufferedReader ServerBufferedReader;
    private PrintWriter ServerPrintWriter;

    private class ServerSocketConnectThread extends Thread {
        public void run() {
            try {
                theServerSocket = newSS.accept();
                ServerBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(theServerSocket.getInputStream()));
                ServerPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(
                        new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(theServerSocket.getOutputStream())), true);
                serverSocketState = STATE_CONNECTED;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                serverSocketState = STATE_NONE;
            } finally {
                serverSocketConnectThread = null; // null global reference to itself
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "serverSocketConnectThread exit, state " + serverSocketState);

        public void interrupt() {
            if (serverSocketState == STATE_LISTENING) { // in case SERVER_DISCONNECT interrupts thread
                serverSocketState = STATE_NONE; // change state or SERVER_STATUS will report LISTENING

    private class ClientSocketConnectThread extends Thread {
        private final String mAddress;
        private final int mPort;

        public ClientSocketConnectThread(String address, int port) {
            mAddress = address;
            mPort = port;

        public void run() {
            try {
                theClientSocket = new Socket(mAddress, mPort);
                ClientBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(theClientSocket.getInputStream()));
                ClientPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(
                        new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(theClientSocket.getOutputStream())), true);
                clientSocketState = STATE_CONNECTED;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                clientSocketState = STATE_NONE;
            } finally {
                clientSocketConnectThread = null; // null global reference to itself
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "clientSocketConnectThread exit, state " + clientSocketState);

        public void interrupt() {
            if (clientSocketState == STATE_CONNECTING) { // in case CLIENT_CLOSE interrupts thread
                clientSocketState = STATE_NONE; // change state or CLIENT_STATUS will report CONNECTING

    // ************************* DEBUG and ECHO keywords *************************

    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_ECHO_ON = BKW_ECHO_GROUP + BKW_ON;
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_ECHO_OFF = BKW_ECHO_GROUP + BKW_OFF;
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_SCALARS = "dump.scalars";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_ARRAY = "dump.array";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_LIST = "dump.list";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_STACK = "dump.stack";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_BUNDLE = "dump.bundle";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_WATCH_CLEAR = "watch.clear";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_WATCH = "watch";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_SCALARS = "show.scalars";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_ARRAY = "show.array";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_LIST = "show.list";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_STACK = "show.stack";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_BUNDLE = "show.bundle";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_WATCH = "";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_PROGRAM = "show.program";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_SHOW = "show";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_CONSOLE = "console";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_COMMANDS = "commands";
    private static final String BKW_DEBUG_STATS = "stats";

    private static final String debug_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            // Do not include BKW_PRINT_SHORTCUT

    // Legacy: can use DEBUG.ECHO or just ECHO
    private static final String echo_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            BKW_ON, BKW_OFF };

    // ******************** FTP Client keywords and variables ********************

    private static final String BKW_FTP_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_DIR = "dir";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_CD = "cd";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_GET = "get";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_PUT = "put";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_DELETE = "delete";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_RMDIR = "rmdir";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_MKDIR = "mkdir";
    private static final String BKW_FTP_RENAME = "rename";

    private static final String ftp_KW[] = { // FTP command list for Format

    public FTPClient mFTPClient = null;
    public String FTPdir = null;

    // ************************ CAMERA command variables *************************

    public static Bitmap CameraBitmap;
    public static boolean CameraDone;
    private int CameraNumber;
    private int NumberOfCameras; // -1 if we don't know yet

    // ****************** Bluetooth (BT) keywords and variables ******************

    // Message types sent from the BluetoothChatService
    public static final int MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE = MESSAGE_BT_GROUP + 1;
    public static final int MESSAGE_READ = MESSAGE_BT_GROUP + 2;
    public static final int MESSAGE_WRITE = MESSAGE_BT_GROUP + 3;
    public static final int MESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME = MESSAGE_BT_GROUP + 4;

    // Key names received from the BluetoothChatService
    public static final String DEVICE_NAME = "device_name";
    public static final String TOAST = "toast";

    // Intent request codes
    public static final int REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE_SECURE = 1;
    public static final int REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE_INSECURE = 2;
    public static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT = 3;

    public static UUID MY_UUID_SECURE = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
    public static UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");

    public static int bt_enabled = 0;
    private int bt_state;
    public static boolean bt_Secure;

    // Name of the connected device
    private String mConnectedDeviceName = null;
    // Array adapter for the conversation thread
    private StringBuffer mOutStringBuffer;
    // Local Bluetooth adapter
    public static BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = null;
    // Member object for the chat services
    public static BluetoothChatService mChatService = null;
    // Input buffer - use this for synchronization lock
    private final ArrayList<String> BT_Read_Buffer = new ArrayList<String>();
    public static BluetoothDevice btConnectDevice = null;

    private static final String BKW_BT_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_BT_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_BT_STATUS = "status";
    private static final String BKW_BT_CONNECT = "connect";
    private static final String BKW_BT_DEVICE_NAME = "";
    private static final String BKW_BT_WRITE = "write";
    private static final String BKW_BT_READ_READY = "read.ready";
    private static final String BKW_BT_READ_BYTES = "read.bytes";
    private static final String BKW_BT_SET_UUID = "set.uuid";
    private static final String BKW_BT_LISTEN = "listen";
    private static final String BKW_BT_RECONNECT = "reconnect";
    private static final String BKW_BT_ONREADREADY_RESUME = "onreadready.resume";
    private static final String BKW_BT_DISCONNECT = "disconnect";

    private static final String bt_KW[] = { // Bluetooth command list for Format

    // *************** Superuser (SU) and SYSTEM command keywords ****************

    private static final String BKW_SU_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_SU_WRITE = "write";
    private static final String BKW_SU_READ_READY = "read.ready";
    private static final String BKW_SU_READ_LINE = "read.line";
    private static final String BKW_SU_CLOSE = "close";

    private static final String su_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
    private static final String[] System_KW = su_KW; // Command list for Format

    // *********************** SOUNDPOOL command keywords ************************

    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_LOAD = "load";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_PLAY = "play";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_STOP = "stop";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_UNLOAD = "unload";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_PAUSE = "pause";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_RESUME = "resume";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_RELEASE = "release";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETVOLUME = "setvolume";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETPRIORITY = "setpriority";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETLOOP = "setloop";
    private static final String BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETRATE = "setrate";

    private static final String sp_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ****************** RINGER command keywords and variables ******************

    private static final String BKW_RINGER_GET_MODE = "get.mode";
    private static final String BKW_RINGER_SET_MODE = "set.mode";
    private static final String BKW_RINGER_GET_VOLUME = "get.volume";
    private static final String BKW_RINGER_SET_VOLUME = "set.volume";

    private static final String ringer_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    private static final int RINGER_UNKNOWN = -1;
    private static final int RINGER_SILENT = 0;
    private static final int RINGER_VIBRATE = 1;
    private static final int RINGER_NORMAL = 2;

    // ****************** HEADSET command classes and variables ******************

    private int headsetState;
    private String headsetName;
    private int headsetMic;

    public class BroadcastsHandler extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if (intent.getAction().equalsIgnoreCase(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG)) {
                //            String data = intent.getDataString();
                //            Bundle extraData = intent.getExtras();

                headsetState = intent.getIntExtra("state", -1);
                headsetName = intent.getStringExtra("name");
                headsetMic = intent.getIntExtra("microphone", -1);

    private BroadcastsHandler headsetBroadcastReceiver = null;

    // ******************* HTML command keywords and variables *******************

    private static final String BKW_HTML_OPEN = "open";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_ORIENTATION = "orientation";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_LOAD_URL = "load.url";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_LOAD_STRING = "load.string";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_GET_DATALINK = "get.datalink";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_CLOSE = "close";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_GO_BACK = "go.back";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_GO_FORWARD = "go.forward";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_CLEAR_CACHE = "clear.cache";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_CLEAR_HISTORY = "clear.history";
    private static final String BKW_HTML_POST = "post";

    private static final String html_KW[] = { // Command list for Format
            BKW_HTML_POST };

    // Message types for the HTML commands
    private static final int MESSAGE_HTML_OPEN = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 1;
    private static final int MESSAGE_GO_BACK = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 2;
    private static final int MESSAGE_GO_FORWARD = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 3;
    private static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_CACHE = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 4;
    private static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_HISTORY = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 5;
    private static final int MESSAGE_LOAD_URL = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 6;
    private static final int MESSAGE_LOAD_STRING = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 7;
    private static final int MESSAGE_POST = MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP + 8;

    private Intent htmlIntent;
    private boolean mWebFront;

    // ************************** SMS command variables **************************

    private static final String BKW_SMS_RCV_INIT = "rcv.init";
    private static final String BKW_SMS_RCV_NEXT = "";
    private static final String BKW_SMS_SEND = "send";

    private static final String SMS_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ********************* Speech to Text (STT) variables **********************

    public static final int VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST_CODE = 1234;
    private static String sttDefaultPrompt;
    private static String sttPrompt;
    public static ArrayList<String> sttResults;
    public static boolean sttListening;
    public static boolean sttDone;

    // ********************** Text to Speech (TTS) keywords **********************

    private static final String BKW_TTS_INIT = "init";
    private static final String BKW_TTS_SPEAK_TOFILE = "speak.tofile";
    private static final String BKW_TTS_SPEAK = "speak";
    private static final String BKW_TTS_STOP = "stop";

    private static final String tts_KW[] = { // TTS command list for Format

    // ************************* TIMER command variables *************************

    private static final String BKW_TIMER_SET = "set";
    private static final String BKW_TIMER_CLEAR = "clear";
    private static final String BKW_TIMER_RESUME = "resume";

    private static final String Timer_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // *********************** TIMEZONE command variables ************************

    private static final String BKW_TIMEZONE_SET = "set";
    private static final String BKW_TIMEZONE_GET = "get";
    private static final String BKW_TIMEZONE_LIST = "list";

    private static final String TimeZone_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ************************* PHONE command variables *************************

    private static final String BKW_PHONE_CALL = "call";
    private static final String BKW_PHONE_DIAL = "dial";
    private static final String BKW_PHONE_RCV_INIT = "rcv.init";
    private static final String BKW_PHONE_RCV_NEXT = "";
    private static final String BKW_PHONE_INFO = "info";

    private static final String phone_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ***************** VOLKEYS command keywords and variables ******************

    private static final String VolKeys_KW[] = { // VolKeys command list for Format
            BKW_ON, BKW_OFF };

    // If true, this flag blocks transmission of certain Key events to the system.
    // See onKeyDown() in and
    public static boolean mBlockVolKeys = false;

    // ************************** APP command variables **************************

    private static final String BKW_APP_BROADCAST = "broadcast";
    private static final String BKW_APP_START = "start";

    private static final String app_KW[] = { // Command list for Format

    // ***************************************************************************

    private Context getContext() {
        ContextManager cm = Basic.getContextManager();
        return cm.getContext();

    // These sendMessage methods are used by mInterpreter to send messages to mHandler.
    // For convenience, there are several combinations of message parameters provided.

    private void sendMessage(int what) {

    private void sendMessage(int what, Object obj) { // Use this to send a String or other Object
        mHandler.obtainMessage(what, obj).sendToTarget();

    private void sendMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2) { // Use this to send one or two int arguments
        mHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2).sendToTarget();

    // This Handler is in the UI (foreground) thread part of Run.
    // It gets control when the interpreter thread sends a Message.

    private final Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            switch (msg.what & MESSAGE_GROUP_MASK) {
            case MESSAGE_DEFAULT_GROUP:
                switch (msg.what) {
                case MESSAGE_CHECKPOINT: // no more messages pending
                    mMessagePending = false;
            case MESSAGE_CONSOLE_GROUP:
                switch (msg.what) {
                case MESSAGE_UPDATE_CONSOLE:
                    updateConsole((String[]) msg.obj);
                case MESSAGE_CONSOLE_LINE_CHAR:
                    char c = (char) msg.arg1;
                    synchronized (mConsoleBuffer) {
                        int n = mOutput.size() - 1;
                        String s = mOutput.get(n) + c;
                        mOutput.set(n, s);
                case MESSAGE_CLEAR_CONSOLE:
                case MESSAGE_CONSOLE_TITLE:
                    String title = (String) msg.obj;
                    setTitle((title != null) ? title : getResources().getString(R.string.run_name));
            case MESSAGE_DIALOG_GROUP:
                switch (msg.what) {
                case MESSAGE_INPUT_DIALOG:
                    doInputDialog((DialogArgs) msg.obj);
                case MESSAGE_ALERT_DIALOG:
                    doAlertDialog((DialogArgs) msg.obj);
                case MESSAGE_TOAST:
                    String msgText = (String) msg.obj;
                    Bundle b = msg.getData();
                    int duration = b.getInt("dur", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                    Toast toast = Toaster(msgText, duration);
                    int x = msg.arg1;
                    int y = msg.arg2;
                    toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, x, y);
            case MESSAGE_BT_GROUP:
                handleBTMessage(msg); // handle Bluetooth Messages
            case MESSAGE_HTML_GROUP:
                handleHtmlMessage(msg); // handle HTML Messages
            case MESSAGE_DEBUG_GROUP:
                handleDebugMessage(msg); // handle debug Messages
            default: // unrecognized Message
                break; // ignore it
    }; // mHandler

    private Toast Toaster(CharSequence msg) { // default: short, high toast
        Toast toast = Toaster(msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
        toast.setGravity(Gravity.TOP | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0, 50);
        return toast;

    private Toast Toaster(CharSequence msg, int duration) {
        Toast toast = Toast.makeText(Run.this, msg, duration);
        return toast;

    private void updateConsole(String... strs) {

        synchronized (mConsoleBuffer) {
            if (mConsoleBuffer.size() != 0) { // if any lines
                mOutput.addAll(mConsoleBuffer); // write each line to screen
            if ((strs != null) && (strs.length != 0)) {
                for (String str : strs) {

    private void errorToConsole(String str) { // conditionally write an error message to the console
        if (mOnErrorInt == null) { // if there is an OnError label, do not show the message.

    // TODO: Move this to Interpreter when Interpreter is put in its own class file
    public static Intent buildVoiceRecognitionIntent() {
        if (sttPrompt == null) {
            sttPrompt = sttDefaultPrompt;
        Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
        intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM);
        intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_PROMPT, sttPrompt);
        return intent;

    // ************************************* Run Entry Point **************************************
    // Called by Android runtime when Run is launched from Editor or AutoRun

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onCreate " + this.toString());

        if (Basic.lines == null) {
            Log.e(LOGTAG, "onCreate: Lost context. Bail out.");

        //      Log.v(LOGTAG, "isOld  " + isOld);
        if (isOld) {
            if (theWakeLock != null) {
            if (theWifiLock != null) {
        theWakeLock = null;
        theWifiLock = null;
        isOld = true;

        ContextManager cm = Basic.getContextManager();
        cm.registerContext(ContextManager.ACTIVITY_RUN, this);

        mConsoleIntent = getIntent(); // keep a reference to the Intent that started Run

        // Establish the output screen
        TextStyle style = new TextStyle(Basic.defaultTextStyle, Settings.getConsoleTypeface(this));
        mConsole = new Basic.ColoredTextAdapter(this, mOutput, style);
        lv = (ConsoleListView) findViewById(;
        lv.setBackgroundColor(Settings.getEmptyConsoleColor(this).equals("line") ? mConsole.getLineColor()
                : mConsole.getBackgroundColor()); // default is "background"
        if (Settings.getLinedConsole(this)) {
            lv.setDivider(new ColorDrawable(mConsole.getLineColor())); // override default from theme, sometimes it's invisible
            if (lv.getDividerHeight() < 1) {
            } // make sure the divider shows
        } else {
            lv.setDividerHeight(0); // don't show the divider


        headsetBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastsHandler();
        this.registerReceiver(headsetBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG));

        // Listeners for Console Touch

        lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                TouchedConsoleLine = position + 1;
                ConsoleLongTouch = false;

        lv.setOnItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener() {
            public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                TouchedConsoleLine = position + 1;
                ConsoleLongTouch = true;
                return true;

        mInterpreter = new Interpreter(); // start the interpreter in a background Thread

    } // end onCreate

    private void InitRunVars() { // init vars needed for Run
        clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
        mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
        mInterpreter = null; // reference to Interpreter Thread

    // The following methods run in the foreground. The are called by asynchronous user events
    // caused by the user pressing a key.

    private boolean handleMenuKey(KeyEvent event) {
        boolean trapped = triggerInterrupt(Interrupt.MENU_KEY_BIT);
        if (trapped)
            return true; // trapped by onMenuKey:

        if (Basic.isAPK || // if MENU key hit in APK and not trapped by OnMenuKey
                (event == null)) // or relayed via EventList with null event object
            return true; // then tell OS to ignore it
        return false; // let Android create the Run Menu

    public void GR_BackPressed() {
        boolean trapped = triggerInterrupt(Interrupt.BACK_KEY_BIT);
        if (trapped)
            return; // trapped by onBackKey

        if (mInterpreter != null) {
        } // stop GR, don't wait for it
        doBackPressed(); // stop interpreter, too

    public void onBackPressed() { // system BACK key callback
        boolean trapped = triggerInterrupt(Interrupt.BACK_KEY_BIT);
        if (trapped)
            return; // trapped by onBackKey:

        doBackPressed(); // untrapped BACK key

    private void doBackPressed() { // BACK key pressed in Run, interrupt check already done
        if (Basic.DoAutoRun) {
            Exit = true; // if AutoRun, untrapped BACK key always means exit
        if (mInterpreterRunning) {
            Stop = true; // if running a program, stop it
        } else {
            finish(); // else already stopped, return to the Editor

    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // The user hit a key
        // Log.v(LOGTAG, "onKeyDown" + keyCode);

        // Eat the MENU key Down event, will handle the Up event.
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU)
            return true;

        // If event is null, we called this directly from runLoop(),
        // so the return value does not matter.
        if (event == null)
            return true;

        // Alternate: if the user program has set mBlockVolKeys, block everything but BACK
        // if (mBlockVolKeys && (keyCode != KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)) return true;

        // If the user program has set mBlockVolKeys, block volume and headset keys.
        if (mBlockVolKeys && ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) || (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN)
                || (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE) || (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MUTE)
                || (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK))) {
            return true;

        // Otherwise pass the KeyEvent up the chain.
        return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        // Log.v(LOGTAG, "onKeyUp" + keyCode);
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {
            return handleMenuKey(event);
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
            return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);

        char c;
        String theKey = "@";
        int n;
        if (keyCode >= 7 && keyCode <= 16) {
            n = keyCode - 7;
            c = Numbers.charAt(n);
            theKey = Character.toString(c);

        } else if (keyCode >= 29 && keyCode <= 54) {
            n = keyCode - 29;
            c = Chars.charAt(n);
            theKey = Character.toString(c);
        } else if (keyCode == 62) {
            c = ' ';
            theKey = Character.toString(c);
        } else if (keyCode >= 19 && keyCode <= 23) {
            switch (keyCode) {
            case 19:
                theKey = "up";
            case 20:
                theKey = "down";
            case 21:
                theKey = "left";
            case 22:
                theKey = "right";
            case 23:
                theKey = "go";
        } else {
            theKey = "key " + keyCode;

        synchronized (this) {

        return true;

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Called when the menu key is pressed.
        if (!Settings.getConsoleMenu(this)) {
            return false;

        MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
        inflater.inflate(, menu);
        MenuItem item = menu.getItem(1);
        if (Basic.DoAutoRun) { // If APK or shortcut, menu action is "Exit", not "Editor"
        return true;

    public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Executed when Menu key is pressed (before onCreateOptionsMenu() above.

        MenuItem item;
        if (Stop) { // If program running display with Editor dimmed
            item = menu.getItem(0); // Other wise dim Stop and undim Editor
            item = menu.getItem(1);
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // A menu item is selected
        switch (item.getItemId()) {

        case // User wants to stop execution
            updateConsole("Stopped by user."); // tell user
            Stop = true; // signal main loop to stop
            disableInterrupt(Interrupt.BACK_KEY_BIT); // menu-selected stop is not trappable
            return true;

        case // User pressed Editor
            if (!Basic.DoAutoRun && SyntaxError && (mInterpreter != null)) {
                Editor.SyntaxErrorDisplacement = mInterpreter.ExecutingLineIndex;

            // TODO: This can't possibly be enough. Shouldn't we run cleanup() or equivalent?
            Basic.clearContextManager(); // unregister all Context references
            if (mChatService != null) {
                mChatService = null;


        return true;

    protected void onStart() {
        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onStart " + this.toString());

    protected void onResume() {
        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onResume " + this.toString());

        RunPaused = false;

        //      if (WaitForInput) { theAlertDialog = doInputDialog().show(); } maybe???

    protected void onPause() {
        // The Android OS wants me to dismiss dialog while paused so I will

        /*   if (WaitForInput) {
              InputDismissed = true;
        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onPause " + this.toString());
        if (lv.mKB != null) {

        // If there is a Media Player running, pause it and hope
        // that it works.
        /*   if (theMP != null) {
              try { theMP.pause(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {}
        RunPaused = true;


    protected void onStop() {
        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onStop " + this.toString());
        if (!GR.Running) {

    protected void onRestart() {
        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onRestart " + this.toString());

    protected void onDestroy() {
        Log.v(LOGTAG, "onDestroy " + this.toString());

        if (theSensors != null) {
            theSensors = null;

        if (theGPS != null) {
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "Stopping GPS from onDestroy");
            theGPS = null;

        if (theWakeLock != null) {
            theWakeLock = null;

        if (theWifiLock != null) {
            theWifiLock = null;

        if (headsetBroadcastReceiver != null) {

        // BitmapListClear();


    public void onLowMemory() {
        Log.d(LOGTAG, "onLowMemory");
        // If interpreter is running and OnLowMemory: label exists, set the Low Mem interrupt
        // otherwise notify the user via the Console.
        boolean trapped = triggerInterrupt(Interrupt.LOW_MEM_BIT);
        if (!trapped) {
            updateConsole("Warning: Low Memory");

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        switch (requestCode) {
            // When DeviceListActivity returns with a device to connect
            if ((resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) && (mInterpreter != null)) {
                mInterpreter.connectDevice(data, bt_Secure);
            // When DeviceListActivity returns with a device to connect
            if ((resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) && (mInterpreter != null)) {
                mInterpreter.connectDevice(data, false);
        case REQUEST_ENABLE_BT:
            // When the request to enable Bluetooth returns
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                // Bluetooth is now enabled, so set up a chat session
                bt_enabled = 1;
            } else {
                bt_enabled = -1;
            if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
                sttResults = new ArrayList<String>();
                sttResults = data.getStringArrayListExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS);
            sttDone = true;

    // ********************************************************************************************
    // Methods used to communicate between Run and Interpreter
    // or utilities used in both threads

    private boolean triggerInterrupt(Integer bit) { // delegate to the interpreter if it exists
        return (mInterpreter != null) && (mInterpreter.triggerInterrupt(bit));

    private void disableInterrupt(Integer bit) { // delegate to the interpreter if it exists
        if (mInterpreter != null) {

    private void clearConsole() {
        synchronized (mConsoleBuffer) {

    private void checkpointMessage() {
        mMessagePending = true;

    private static String chomp(String str) {
        return str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);

    private static String quote(String str) {
        return '\"' + str + '\"';

    // ********************************************************************************************
    // Static methods that would be attached to a class if we didn't nest everything.
    // When this file is broken up, these should be attached to appropriate top-level classes.

    // Get the absolute index of the point where name can be inserted into
    // a list of names to preserve alphabetical order within the list.
    // The name must not already be in names.
    // Use of Collections.binarySearch for speed: thanks to Nicolas Mougin.
    public static int newVarIndex(ArrayList<String> names, String name) {
        int index = Collections.binarySearch(names, name);
        if (index >= 0) {
            throw new InvalidParameterException("newVarIndex: variable " + name + " already exists");
        return -(index + 1); // return the absolute index
        //      Alternate ending to add log:
        //      index = -(index + 1);                        // make the index absolute
        //      Log.v(LOGTAG, CLASSTAG + " newVarIndex() create var " + name + " at index " + index + "/" + vNames.size() + "(start=" + vStart + ")");
        //      return index;

    // ***************** Dialogs *****************

    // Superset of fields needed by all Dialogs.
    private class DialogArgs {
        public String mTitle = null;
        public String mInputDefault = null;
        public String mMessage = null;
        public String mButton1 = null;
        public String mButton2 = null;
        public String mButton3 = null;
        public String[] mList = null;
        public Var.Val mReturnVal = null;
        public Var.Val mLongClickVal = null;

    private void doInputDialog(DialogArgs args) {
        Context context = getContext();
        Log.d(LOGTAG, "InputDialog context " + context);

        EditText text = new EditText(context);
        Var.Val returnVal = args.mReturnVal;
        if (returnVal.isNumeric()) {
            text.setInputType(0x00003002); // Limits keys to signed decimal numbers
        String btnLabel = args.mButton1;
        if (btnLabel == null) {
            btnLabel = "Ok";

        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        builder.setView(text).setCancelable(true).setTitle(args.mTitle) // default null, no title displayed if null or empty
                .setPositiveButton(btnLabel, null); // need to override default View click handler to prevent
        // auto-dismiss, but can't do it until after show()

        builder.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
            public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Input Dialog onCancel");
                mInputCancelled = true; // signal read by executeINPUT

        final AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
        dialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
            public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Input Dialog onDismiss");
                releaseLOCK(); // release the lock that executeINPUT is waiting for
        dialog.getButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) // now we can replace the View click listener
                .setOnClickListener(new InputDialogClickListener(dialog, text, args)); // to prevent auto-dismiss

    private class InputDialogClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {
        // Use inner class members so we don't need as many outer class members.
        private final AlertDialog mmDialog;
        private final EditText mmText;
        private final boolean mmIsNumeric;
        private final Var.Val mmVal;

        public InputDialogClickListener(AlertDialog dialog, EditText text, DialogArgs args) {
            mmDialog = dialog;
            mmText = text;
            mmVal = args.mReturnVal;
            mmIsNumeric = mmVal.isNumeric();

        public void onClick(View view) {
            String theInput = mmText.getText().toString();
            if (mmIsNumeric) { // Numeric Input Handling
                try {
                    double d = Double.parseDouble(theInput.trim()); // have java parse it into a double
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.d(LOGTAG, "Input Dialog bad input");
                    Toaster("Not a number. Try Again.").show();
            } else { // String Input Handling
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "Input Dialog done, positive");

    private void doAlertDialog(DialogArgs args) {
        Context context = getContext();
        Log.d(LOGTAG, "AlertDialog context " + context);

        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
        String positive = args.mButton1;
        String neutral = args.mButton2;
        String negative = args.mButton3;
        String[] list = args.mList;
        AlertDialogClickListener listener = new AlertDialogClickListener();

        builder.setCancelable(true).setTitle(args.mTitle); // no title if null or empty
        if (positive != null) {
            builder.setPositiveButton(positive, listener);
        if (neutral != null) {
            builder.setNeutralButton(neutral, listener);
        if (negative != null) {
            builder.setNegativeButton(negative, listener);

        if (list != null) {
            builder.setItems(list, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    mAlertItemID = which + 1; // convert to 1-based index
        } else {
            builder.setMessage(args.mMessage); // list and message are mutually exclusive

        builder.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
            public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Alert Dialog onCancel");
                mAlertItemID = 0; // no button clicked or item selected

        final AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
        dialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
            public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Alert Dialog onDismiss");
                releaseLOCK(); // release the lock that executeINPUT is waiting for

    private class AlertDialogClickListener implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int buttonID) {
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "AlertDialog done, button " + buttonID);
            int id = 0; // default: no button
            switch (buttonID) {
            case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE:
                id = 1;
            case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL:
                id = 2;
            case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE:
                id = 3;
            mAlertItemID = id;

    private void releaseLOCK() {
        if (!mWaitForLock)

        synchronized (LOCK) {
            mWaitForLock = false; // semaphore used in waitForLOCK
            LOCK.notify(); // release the lock

    // ***************** Bluetooth message handler *****************

    public boolean handleBTMessage(Message msg) {
        switch (msg.what) {
            bt_state = msg.arg1;
        case MESSAGE_WRITE:
            //            byte[] writeBuf = (byte[]) msg.obj;
            // construct a string from the buffer
            //            String writeMessage = new String(writeBuf);
        case MESSAGE_READ:
            byte[] readBuf = (byte[]) msg.obj;
            String readMessage = "";
            // construct a string from the valid bytes in the buffer
            //            String readMessage = new String(readBuf, 0, msg.arg1);
            try {
                readMessage = new String(readBuf, "ISO-8859-1");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                errorToConsole("Error: " + e.getMessage());
            readMessage = readMessage.substring(0, msg.arg1);
            synchronized (BT_Read_Buffer) {
                if (BT_Read_Buffer.size() == 0) {
            // save the connected device's name
            mConnectedDeviceName = msg.getData().getString(DEVICE_NAME);
            return false; // message not recognized
        return true; // message handled

    // ***************** HTML message handler *****************

    public boolean handleHtmlMessage(Message msg) {
        if ((msg.what == MESSAGE_HTML_OPEN) && (htmlIntent != null)) {
            startActivityForResult(htmlIntent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);
        } else if (Web.aWebView != null) {
            switch (msg.what) {
            case MESSAGE_GO_BACK:
            case MESSAGE_GO_FORWARD:
            case MESSAGE_CLEAR_CACHE:
            case MESSAGE_CLEAR_HISTORY:
            case MESSAGE_LOAD_URL:
                String url = (String) msg.obj;
            case MESSAGE_LOAD_STRING:
                String[] data = (String[]) msg.obj;
                Web.aWebView.webLoadString(data[0], data[1]); // baseURL and HTML.Load.String argument
            case MESSAGE_POST:
                String[] params = (String[]) msg.obj;
                Web.aWebView.webPost(params[0], params[1]); // URL and data for "POST" request
                return false; // message not recognized
        return true; // message handled

    //=====================DEBUGGER DIALOG STUFF========================

    private void DialogSelector(int selection) {
        dbDialogScalars = false;
        dbDialogArray = false;
        dbDialogList = false;
        dbDialogStack = false;
        dbDialogBundle = false;
        dbDialogWatch = false;
        dbDialogConsole = false;
        dbDialogProgram = false;
        switch (selection) {
        case 1:
            dbDialogScalars = true;
        case 2:
            dbDialogArray = true;
        case 3:
            dbDialogList = true;
        case 4:
            dbDialogStack = true;
        case 5:
            dbDialogBundle = true;
        case 6:
            dbDialogWatch = true;
        case 7:
            dbDialogConsole = true;
            dbDialogProgram = true;

    private void doDebugDialog() {

        int lineIndex = 0;
        String text = "";
        if (mInterpreter != null) {
            lineIndex = mInterpreter.ExecutingLineIndex;
            text = mInterpreter.ExecutingLineBuffer.text();

        ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();

        if (!dbDialogProgram) {
            msg = mInterpreter.dbDoFunc();
            msg.add("Executable Line #:    " + Integer.toString(lineIndex + 1) + '\n' + chomp(text));

        if (dbDialogScalars)
            msg.addAll(mInterpreter.dbDoScalars("  "));
        if (dbDialogArray)
            msg.addAll(mInterpreter.dbDoArray("  "));
        if (dbDialogList)
            msg.addAll(mInterpreter.dbDoList("  "));
        if (dbDialogStack)
            msg.addAll(mInterpreter.dbDoStack("  "));
        if (dbDialogBundle)
            msg.addAll(mInterpreter.dbDoBundle("  "));
        if (dbDialogWatch)
            msg.addAll(mInterpreter.dbDoWatch("  "));

        if (dbDialogProgram) {
            for (int i = 0; i < Basic.lines.size(); ++i) {
                msg.add(((i == lineIndex) ? " >>" : "   ") // mark current line
                        + (i + 1) + ": " // one-based line index
                        + chomp(Basic.lines.get(i).text())); // remove newline

        LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
        View dialogLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.debug_dialog_layout, null);

        ListView debugView = (ListView) dialogLayout.findViewById(;
        debugView.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(Run.this, R.layout.debug_list_layout, msg));
        if (dbDialogProgram) {

        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Run.this).setCancelable(true)

        builder.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
            public void onCancel(DialogInterface arg0) {
                DebuggerHalt = true;
                WaitForDebugResume = false;

        builder.setPositiveButton("Resume", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                WaitForDebugResume = false;

        builder.setNeutralButton("Step", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                DebuggerStep = true;
                WaitForDebugResume = true;

        builder.setNegativeButton("View Swap", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                dbSwap = true;

        dbDialog =;

    private void doDebugSwapDialog() {

        ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
        msg.addAll(Arrays.asList("Program", "Scalars", "Array", "List", "Stack", "Bundle", "Watch"));
        final String[] names = { "View Program", "View Scalars", "View Array", "View List", "View Stack",
                "View Bundle", "View Watch", "View Console" };

        LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
        View dialogLayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.debug_list_s_layout, null);

        ListView debugView = (ListView) dialogLayout.findViewById(;
        debugView.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(Run.this, R.layout.simple_list_layout_1, msg));

        debugView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
                boolean dosel = (dbDialogArray && WatchedArray == null) || (dbDialogList && WatchedList == -1)
                        || (dbDialogStack && WatchedStack == -1) || (dbDialogBundle && WatchedBundle == -1);
                if (dosel) {
                    // if the element has not been defined ask if user wishes to do so.
                    // or at least this is where it will go.
                    // for now, default to view program.
                    position = 0;
                String name = (position < names.length) ? names[position] : "";

        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Run.this).setCancelable(true).setTitle("Select View:")

        builder.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
            public void onCancel(DialogInterface arg0) {
                WaitForSwap = false;

        builder.setPositiveButton("Confirm", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                WaitForSwap = false;
                dbSwap = false;

        /*  // leave out until the element selector is done.
              builder.setNeutralButton("Choose Element",
                 new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,int which) {
           WaitForSelect = true;
        dbSwapDialog =;

    private void doDebugSelectDialog() {
        if (dbSelectDialog != null) {

        ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
        // TODO: What did Michael have in mind?

    public boolean handleDebugMessage(Message msg) {
        switch (msg.what) {
        case MESSAGE_DEBUG_SWAP:
            return false; // message not recognized
        return true; // message handled

    private void releaseDebugLOCK() {
        if (!mWaitForDebugLock)

        synchronized (DB_LOCK) {
            mWaitForDebugLock = false; // semaphore used in waitForLOCK
            DB_LOCK.notify(); // release the lock

    /* ****************************** Start of Basic's run program code *******************************
     * BASIC! program runner -- the BASIC! interpreter -- runs in a background thread.
     * The code is organized (?) as follows:
     * The first chunk is the code that initializes the interpreter and then controls
     * the running of the program by dispatching each line of code to be executed.
     * The second chunk is a set of Command tables that holds the function and command names.
     * The third chunk is made up of parsing methods. They identify the command on each line and call
     * its execution method. The execution methods call the parsing methods to identify variables and
     * evaluate expressions.
     * The final and largest part of Interpreter is code that actually executes user program statements.

    /* Implementation notes:
       1.   This class must eventually be moved to its own file. Perhaps to run as a service?
          Nested classes can't have static members, so until it moves, a few things
          that really belong to this class are owned by Run instead.
       2.   Command lines are in the Basic.lines array. Line 0 is valid.
          To jump to a new line, set ExecutingLineIndex to the line before.
          RunLoop() increments the index before loading ExecutingLineBuffer.
       3.   A command line is a ProgramLine object. The first time a line runs,
          it is fully parsed from the text to locate the right Command object.
          The ProgramLine stores the Command for future runs of the same line.
          Some commands use a second Command reference for a sub-command.
          The THEN and ELSE statements of a single-line IF are fully-parsed.
       4.   Interrupts: OnError is special, so it is in a named variable.
          The others are all anonymous. All, including OnError, are in
          mIntA for "armed" interrupts, i.e, those that have interrupt labels.
          All except OnError can be in mIntT, the triggered interrupts.
          Triggering copies the Interrupt object from mIntA to mIntT.
          Servicing removes it from mIntT. OnError is always serviced first.
          The rest are serviced in the order they occur.
       5.   Activity instances other than Run send events to the Interpreter
          through static Run.mEventList, and instance of Run.EventHoder.
       6.   Basic.mContextMgr is a static instance of ContextManager.
          The three major Activity instances (Run, GR, Web) are required
          to register actions with the ContextManager. The Interpreter
          uses these actions to track which context is active (if any).
       7.   Variables. The symbol table is two lists: VarNames and Vars.
          Each Var in Vars holds a reference to a Var.Val (for scalars)
          or a Var.ArrayDef or a Var.FnDef
          Both lists are internal, so index 0 is valid.
       8.   A scalar value is a Val object. Sometimes variables are named
          as if the value and the variable are the same, but they are not.
       9.   Paint objects are in the PaintList array. Object 0 cannot be attached
          to graphics objects, but is accessible otherwise. Objects 0 and 1 are
          initially opaque black, antialias on, style.FILL, stroke weight 0.0.
       10.   GR.OPEN adds another Paint the color of the background at index 2.
          GR.CLS reinitializes Paints 0 and 1 but does not add PaintList[2].

    public class Interpreter extends Thread {

        // The execution of the basic program is done by this background Thread.
        // This is done to keep the UI responsive.

        // ***************************** ForNext class *****************************
        // Records information about a For/Next loop. Objects go on the ForNextStack.

        private class ForNext {
            private int mLine; // loop return location
            private Var.Val mVal; // loop index
            private double mStep; // step value
            private double mLimit; // limit value

            public ForNext(int line, Var.Val val, double step, double limit) {
                mLine = line;
                mVal = val;
                mStep = step;
                mLimit = limit;

            public int line() {
                return mLine;

            public boolean doStep() {
                double idx = mVal.nval(); // get the loop index
                idx += mStep; // do the STEP
                mVal.val(idx); // update the loop index
                return (((mStep > 0) && (idx > mLimit)) || // test limit
                        ((mStep <= 0) && (idx < mLimit))); // return true if stepped past limit
        } // class ForNext

        // *************************** WhileRepeat class ***************************
        // Records information about a While/Repeat loop. Objects go on the WhileStack.

        private class WhileRepeat {
            private int mLine; // loop return location
            private int mArgOffset; // offset to "while" condition expression

            public WhileRepeat(int line, int offset) {
                mLine = line;
                mArgOffset = offset;

            public int line() {
                return mLine;

            public int offset() {
                return mArgOffset;
        } // class ForNext

        // **************************** SwitchDef class ****************************
        // Fields record line numbers of the commands.

        private class SwitchDef {
            public final ArrayList<Integer> mCases = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Sw.Case
            public int mDefault = -1; // Sw.Default
            public int mEnd = -1; // Sw.End

        // ************************* CallStackFrame class *************************
        // System state saved across function calls. Objects go on the FunctionStack.

        private class CallStackFrame {
            private Var.FnDef mFnDef; // reference to called function
            private ProgramLine mPL; // reference to ProgramLine of function call
            // might not be Lines[mELI], could be substitute
            private int mELI; // record line number of function call
            private int mLI; // record LinIndex after closing paren
            private String mPKW; // record PossibleKeyWord

            public Var.FnDef fnDef() {
                return mFnDef;

            public String name() {

            public void store(Var.FnDef fn) {
                mFnDef = fn;
                mPL = ExecutingLineBuffer;
                mELI = ExecutingLineIndex;
                mPKW = PossibleKeyWord;

            public void storeLI() {
                mLI = LineIndex;

            public void restore() {
                ExecutingLineBuffer = mPL;
                ExecutingLineIndex = mELI;
                LineIndex = mLI;
                PossibleKeyWord = mPKW;

        // **************************** START OF VARIABLE DEFINITIONS *****************************

        // ************************* Various execution control variables **************************

        private int ExecutingLineIndex = 0; // Points to the current line in Basic.lines
        private ProgramLine ExecutingLineBuffer = null; // Holds the current line being executed
        private int LineIndex = 0; // Current displacement into ExecutingLineBuffer's line

        private Var.Table mGlobalSymbolTable; // The symbol table that contains all global Vars
        private Var.Table mSymbolTable; // The current symbol table, all non-global Vars in scope
        private Stack<Var.Table> mSymbolTables; // Stack of symbol tables to search

        // "Armed" interrupts and "Triggered" interrupts. "Triggered" are serviced in order.
        private final HashMap<Integer, Interrupt> mIntA = new HashMap<Integer, Interrupt>();
        private final LinkedHashMap<Integer, Interrupt> mIntT = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Interrupt>();

        private Stack<Integer> GosubStack; // Stack used for Gosub/Return
        private Stack<ForNext> ForNextStack; // Stack used for For/Next
        private Stack<WhileRepeat> WhileStack; // Stack used for While/Repeat
        private Stack<Integer> DoStack; // Stack used for Do/Until

        private Stack<Integer> IfElseStack; // Stack for IF-ELSE-ENDIF operations
        private Stack<CallStackFrame> FunctionStack; // State saved through the currently executing functions

        private HashMap<String, Var.FnDef> mFunctionTable; // Globally-accessible table of user-defined functions
        private boolean fnRTN = false; // Set true by fn.rtn. Cause RunLoop() to return

        // Working Var objects for the parser, one of each type.
        // These are used to avoid creating a new Var every time a variable is parsed.
        private Var.ScalarVar mScalarVar; // Working Var for parser
        private Var.ArrayVar mArrayVar; // Working Var for parser
        private Var.FunctionVar mFunctionVar; // Working Var for parser

        private boolean VarIsInt = false; // temporary integer status used only by fprint
        private Var.Val mVal; // *TEMPORARY* bridge value set by getVar() and friends
        // TODO: this is a temporary stand-in for theValueIndex

        private String StringConstant = ""; // Storage for a string constant
        private boolean SEisLE = false; // If a String expression result is a logical expression

        private Double EvalNumericExpressionValue; // Return value from EvalNumericExprssion()
        private Long EvalNumericExpressionIntValue; // Integer copy of EvalNumericExpressionValue when VarIsInt is true
        private Double GetNumberValue; // Return value from GetNumber()
        private String PossibleKeyWord = ""; // Used when TO, STEP, THEN are expected
        private static final String NO_ERROR = "No error";
        private String mErrorMsg = NO_ERROR;

        // *************************** Random number function variables ***************************

        private Random randomizer = null;

        // ******************************* Print command variables ********************************

        private String PrintLine = ""; // Hold the Print line currently being built
        private String textPrintLine = ""; // Hold the TextPrint line currently being built
        private boolean PrintLineReady = false; // Signals a line is ready to print or write

        // ******************************** List command variables ********************************

        private ArrayList<ArrayList> theLists;
        private ArrayList<Var.Type> theListsType;

        // ******************************* Bundle command variables *******************************

        private ArrayList<Bundle> theBundles;

        // ******************************* Stack command variables ********************************

        private ArrayList<Stack> theStacks;
        private ArrayList<Var.Type> theStacksType;

        // ******************************** Read command variables ********************************

        private ArrayList<Var.Val> readData;
        private int readNext;

        // ********************************** File I/O variables **********************************

        private ArrayList<FileInfo> FileTable; // File table list

        // ******************************** SQL command variables *********************************

        private ArrayList<SQLiteDatabase> DataBases; // List of created databases
        private ArrayList<Cursor> Cursors; // List of database cursors

        // ******************************** Font command variables ********************************

        private ArrayList<Typeface> FontList;

        // ***************************** Graphics commands variables ******************************

        private Intent mGrIntent; // Graphics Activity (GR) Intent
        private boolean mShowStatusBar;
        private Canvas drawintoCanvas = null;

        // ******************************** HTML command variables ********************************

        public ArrayList<String> htmlData_Buffer;
        private boolean htmlOpening;

        // ******************************* Audio command variables ********************************

        private MediaPlayer theMP = null;
        private ArrayList<MediaPlayer> theMPList;
        private ArrayList<String> theMPNameList;
        private boolean PlayIsDone;
        private MediaRecorder mRecorder = null;

        // ***************************** SoundPool command variables ******************************

        private SoundPool theSoundPool;

        // *************************** Text-to-Speech command variables ***************************

        private TextToSpeechActivity theTTS;

        // ****************************** Vibrate command variables *******************************

        private Vibrator myVib;

        // ******************************* Phone command variables ********************************

        public int phoneState = 0;
        public String phoneNumber = "";
        public boolean phoneRcvInited = false;
        public TelephonyManager mTM;
        public SignalStrength mSignalStrength = null;

        // ******************************** SMS command variables *********************************

        private ArrayList<String> smsRcvBuffer;

        // ******************************* Timer command variables ********************************

        public Timer theTimer;

        // ***************************** TimeZone commands variables ******************************

        public String theTimeZone = "";

        // ******************************** Run command variables *********************************

        private AutoRun mAutoRun; // used to load the new program

        // ************************ Superuser and System command variables ************************

        private boolean mIsSU = true; // set true for SU commands, false for System commands
        private DataOutputStream SUoutputStream;
        private BufferedReader SUinputStream;
        private Process SUprocess;
        private ArrayList<String> SU_ReadBuffer;
        private SUReader theSUReader = null;

        // ******************************* Debug commands variables *******************************

        private boolean Debug = false;
        private boolean Echo = false;

        // ****************************** START OF INTERPRETER CODE *******************************

        private UncaughtExceptionHandler mDefaultExceptionHandler;

        private UncaughtExceptionHandler mUncaughtExceptionHandler = new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
            private static final String INTERNAL_ERROR = "Internal error! Please notify developer.";

            public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable ex) {
                if (ex instanceof OutOfMemoryError) {
                    handleHere("Out of memory");
                } else if (ex instanceof NullPointerException) {
                    PrintShow(INTERNAL_ERROR, Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
                    handleHere("Null pointer exception");
                } else if (ex instanceof InvalidParameterException) {
                    PrintShow(INTERNAL_ERROR, Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
                    handleHere("Invalid parameter exception");
                } else {
                    Log.e(LOGTAG, Log.getStackTraceString(ex));
                    mDefaultExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(thread, ex);

            private void handleHere(String err) {
                PrintShow(err + ", near line:", ExecutingLineBuffer.text());
                SyntaxError = true; // This blocks "Program ended" checks in finishRun()
                mOnErrorInt = null; // Don't allow OnError to catch fatal exception

        public void run() {


            //         Basic.Echo = Settings.getEcho(getApplicationContext());
            Echo = false;
            fnRTN = false;

            mDefaultExceptionHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();

            boolean ok = PreScan(); // The execution starts by scanning the source for labels and
            if (!ok) {
                sendMessage(MESSAGE_UPDATE_CONSOLE); // PreScan found error or duplicate label
            } else {
                ExecutingLineIndex = 0; // just in case PreScan ever changes it
                ok = RunLoop(); // run the program in the interpreter

            if (ok && mAutoRun != null) { // program executed a RUN command
                Intent runIntent = mAutoRun.load();
                Run.this.startActivity(runIntent); // start new Run
                Exit = true; // and force this Run to finish

            if (Exit) {
                finish(); // stop the Run Activity, too

        private void finishRun() { // Called from run() when done running, and from UncaughtExceptionHandler

            Stop = true; // If Stop is not already set, set it so that menu code can display the right thing
            PrintLine = ""; // Clear the Print Line buffer
            PrintLineReady = false;
            textPrintLine = "";


            // For debugging loop errors: if debug is on and errors are not trapped
            // and there is no other error and no immediate exit, then check the loop stacks.
            if (Debug && (mOnErrorInt == null) && !SyntaxError && !Exit) {
                if (!ForNextStack.empty()) {
                    PrintShow("Program ended with FOR without NEXT");
                if (!WhileStack.empty()) {
                    PrintShow("Program ended with WHILE without REPEAT");
                if (!DoStack.empty()) {
                    PrintShow("Program ended with DO without UNTIL");
            if (mConsoleBuffer.size() != 0) { // somebody changed the console

        // Scan the entire program. Find all the labels and statements.
        // Must set ExecutingLineBuffer for use by called functions, but it will be reloaded when
        // RunLoop() starts. At present nobody downstream needs to have ExecutingLineIndex set.
        private boolean PreScan() {
            final String READ_DATA = BKW_READ_GROUP + BKW_READ_DATA; // "" command keyword
            for (int LineNumber = 0; LineNumber < Basic.lines.size(); ++LineNumber) {
                ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(LineNumber); // scan one line at a time
                // ExecutingLineIndex = LineNumber;
                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();

                int li = text.indexOf(":"); // fast check
                if ((li <= 0) && (text.charAt(0) != 'r')) {
                } // not label or READ.DATA, next line

                String word = getWord(text, 0, "");
                LineIndex = word.length();

                if (isNext(':')) { // if word really is a label, store it
                    if (Labels.put(word, LineNumber) != null) { // if duplicate label
                        Stop = true; // non-recoverable error
                        return RunTimeError("Duplicate label");
                    ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(CMD_LABEL, LineIndex);
                    if (!checkEOL()) {
                        return false;
                } else if (text.startsWith(READ_DATA)) { // Is not a label. If it is READ.DATA
                    LineIndex = READ_DATA.length(); // set LineIndex just past READ.DATA
                    ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(CMD_READ_DATA, LineIndex); // store the command reference
                    if (!executeREAD_DATA()) {
                        return false;
                    } // parse and store the data list
                    if (!checkEOL()) {
                        return false;
            return true;

        private void getInterruptLabels() { // check for interrupt labels
            mOnErrorInt = // OnError: gets a named Interrupt object
                    getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONERROR, Interrupt.ERROR_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONBACKKEY, Interrupt.BACK_KEY_BIT); // the rest can be anonymous
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONMENUKEY, Interrupt.MENU_KEY_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONTIMER, Interrupt.TIMER_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONKEYPRESS, Interrupt.KEY_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONGRTOUCH, Interrupt.GR_TOUCH_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONCONSOLETOUCH, Interrupt.CONS_TOUCH_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONBTREADREADY, Interrupt.BT_READY_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONBACKGROUND, Interrupt.BACKGROUND_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONKBCHANGE, Interrupt.KB_CHANGE_BIT);
            getInterruptLabel(BKW_ONLOWMEM, Interrupt.LOW_MEM_BIT);

        private Interrupt getInterruptLabel(String label, Integer bit) {
            Interrupt intrpt = null;
            Integer line = Labels.get(chomp(label)); // remove colon from input string
            if (line != null) { // if this interrupt's label exists
                intrpt = new Interrupt(line.intValue());
                mIntA.put(bit, intrpt); // "arm" the interrupt
            return intrpt;

        // The RunLoop() drives the execution of the program. It is called from doInBackground and
        // recursively from doUserFunction.

        public boolean RunLoop() {
            boolean flag = true;
            while (ExecutingLineIndex < Basic.lines.size() && flag && !Stop) { // keep executing statements until end
                ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(ExecutingLineIndex); // next program line
                //            Log.d(LOGTAG, "RunLoop: " + ExecutingLineBuffer.line());
                LineIndex = 0;

                flag = StatementExecuter(); // execute the next statement
                // returns true if no problems executing statement
                if (Exit)
                    break; // if Exit skip all other processing

                if (!flag) { // error supersedes all other interrupt checking
                    if (mOnErrorInt != null) { // if there is an OnError label
                        ExecutingLineIndex = mOnErrorInt.line(); // go to the OnError line
                        SyntaxError = false; // and clear the error status
                        flag = true;
                } else {
                    readEventList(); // get events detected by other activities
                    serviceInterrupt(); // sets ExecutingLineIndex if an interrupt triggered

                if (mConsoleBuffer.size() != 0) { // somebody changed the console

                if (fnRTN) { // fn_rtn signal
                    fnRTN = false; // make RunLoop() return to doUserFunction

                // Debugger control
                // Michael/paulon0n also defined a signal for "Alert dialog var not set called". TODO?
                while (WaitForDebugResume && flag && !Stop) {
                    mWaitForDebugLock = true;
                    sendMessage(MESSAGE_DEBUG_DIALOG); // signal UI to show debugger dialog
                    waitForDebugLOCK(); // wait for user's selection

                    if (DebuggerHalt) {
                        PrintShow("Execution halted");
                        Stop = true;
                    if (DebuggerStep) {
                        DebuggerStep = false;
                        break; // let the next command run
                    if (dbSwap) {
                        WaitForSwap = true;
                        while (WaitForSwap) {
                            if(dbSelect) {
                               dbSelect = false;
                               WaitForSelect = true;
                               while (WaitForSelect) {
                        dbSwap = false;

                ++ExecutingLineIndex; // step to next line
            return flag;
        } // end RunLoop()

        private boolean StatementExecuter() { // Execute one basic line (statement)
            Command c = ExecutingLineBuffer.findCommand(BASIC_cmd, LineIndex);
            if (c == null) {
                c = CMD_IMPLICIT; // no keyword, assume pseudo LET or CALL
                ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(c); // and remember it
            } else {
                LineIndex += ExecutingLineBuffer.offset(); // skip keyword length

            if (!IfElseStack.empty()) { // if inside IF-ELSE-ENDIF
                Integer q = IfElseStack.peek(); // decide if we should skip to ELSE or ENDIF
                if ((q == IEskip1) && ( != CID_SKIP_TO_ELSE) && ( != CID_SKIP_TO_ENDIF)) {
                    return true; // skip unless IF, ELSEIF, ELSE, or ENDIF
                } else if ((q == IEskip2) && ( != CID_SKIP_TO_ENDIF)) {
                    return true; // skip unless IF or ENDIF

            if (Echo) {
                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
                PrintShow(text.substring(0, text.length() - 1));
            if (! {
                return false;
            return true; // Statement executed ok. Return to main looper.
        } // StatementExecuter()

        private void readEventList() {
            synchronized (mEventList) {
                while (mEventList.size() != 0) {
                    EventHolder e = mEventList.remove(0);
                    if (e != null) {
                        switch (e.mType) {
                        case EventHolder.KEY_DOWN:
                            onKeyDown(e.mCode, e.mEvent);
                        case EventHolder.KEY_UP:
                            onKeyUp(e.mCode, e.mEvent);
                        case EventHolder.GR_BACK_KEY_PRESSED:
                        case EventHolder.BACK_KEY_PRESSED:
                        case EventHolder.GR_KB_CHANGED:
                        case EventHolder.GR_TOUCH:
                        case EventHolder.GR_STATE:
                        case EventHolder.WEB_STATE:
                        case EventHolder.DATALINK_ADD:
        } // readEventList()

        private boolean triggerInterrupt(Integer bit) {
            Interrupt intrpt = mIntA.get(bit);
            if (intrpt == null)
                return false;

            synchronized (mIntT) {
                mIntT.put(bit, intrpt);
            return true;

        private void serviceInterrupt() {
            if (interruptResume != -1)
                return; // if servicing another interrupt, do not service another now
            if (mIntT.size() != 0) { // if there are triggered interrupts
                Interrupt intrpt = null; // service the oldest
                synchronized (mIntT) {
                    Iterator<Integer> it = mIntT.keySet().iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        Integer key =;
                        if (key == null)
                            continue; // huh? should not happen
                        intrpt = mIntT.remove(key);
                        if (intrpt == null)
                            continue; // huh? should not happen
                if (intrpt != null) {
                    interruptResume = ExecutingLineIndex; // Set the resume Line Number
                    ExecutingLineIndex = intrpt.line(); // Set the ISR line number
        } // serviceInterrupt()

        private void disableInterrupt(Integer bit) { // permanently disable an interrupt
            if (mIntA.remove(bit) != null) { // remove from "armed" list
                mIntT.remove(bit); // and from triggered list

        private boolean doResume(String errMsg) {
            if (interruptResume == -1) {
                return RunTimeError(errMsg);

            ExecutingLineIndex = interruptResume;
            interruptResume = -1;
            // Pull the IEinterrupt from the If Else stack
            // It is possible that IFs were executed in the interrupt code
            // so pop entries until we get to the IEinterrupt
            while (IfElseStack.peek() != IEinterrupt) {
            IfElseStack.pop(); // Top of stack is now IEInterrupt, pop it

            return true;

        private void grStateChange(int newState) {
            switch (newState) {
            case EventHolder.ON_PAUSE:
                GRFront = false;
            case EventHolder.ON_RESUME:
                GRFront = true;

        private void webStateChange(int newState) {
            switch (newState) {
            case EventHolder.ON_PAUSE:
                mWebFront = false;
            case EventHolder.ON_RESUME:
                mWebFront = true;

        private void InitVars() {
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "InitVars() started");

            // Owned by Run class

            mInterpreterRunning = true;
            RunPaused = false;
            Stop = false; // Stops program from running
            Exit = false; // Exits program and signals caller to exit, too
            mEventList.clear(); // events from other Activities

            ConsoleLongTouch = false;
            TouchedConsoleLine = 0; // first valid line number is 1
            interruptResume = -1;

            SyntaxError = false; // Set true when Syntax Error message has been output

            mMessagePending = false; // If true, may be messages pending

            // debugger dialog and ui vars
            WatchedVars = new ArrayList<Var>(); // list of watched variables
            dbDialogScalars = false;
            dbDialogArray = false;
            dbDialogList = false;
            dbDialogStack = false;
            dbDialogBundle = false;
            dbDialogWatch = false;
            dbDialogProgram = true;
            dbConsoleHistory = "";
            dbConsoleExecute = "";
            dbConsoleELBI = 0;
            WatchedArray = null;
            WatchedList = -1;
            WatchedStack = -1;
            WatchedBundle = -1;
            dbSwap = false;
            dbDialog = null;
            dbSwapDialog = null;
            dbSelectDialog = null;
            // end debugger ui vars

            Labels = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // A list of all labels and associated line numbers

            InChar = new ArrayList<String>();
            TextInputString = "";

            GRopen = false; // Graphics Open Flag
            GRFront = false;
            DisplayList = new ArrayList<GR.BDraw>();
            RealDisplayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            PaintList = new ArrayList<Paint>();
            BitmapList = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();

            theSensors = null;
            theGPS = null;

            clientSocketState = STATE_NONE;
            serverSocketState = STATE_NONE;

            theClientSocket = null;
            clientSocketConnectThread = null;
            ClientBufferedReader = null;
            ClientPrintWriter = null;

            newSS = null;
            serverSocketConnectThread = null;
            theServerSocket = null;
            ServerBufferedReader = null;
            ServerPrintWriter = null;

            mFTPClient = null;
            FTPdir = null;

            CameraBitmap = null;
            CameraDone = true;
            NumberOfCameras = -1;

            bt_enabled = 0;
            mConnectedDeviceName = null;
            mOutStringBuffer = null;
            mChatService = null;

            headsetState = -1;
            headsetName = "NA";
            headsetMic = -1;

            htmlIntent = null;

            sttDefaultPrompt = getString(R.string.stt_prompt);
            sttPrompt = null;
            sttListening = false;

            // Owned by Interpreter class
            // allocate objects

            ExecutingLineBuffer = new ProgramLine("\n"); // Holds the current line being executed

            GosubStack = new Stack<Integer>(); // Stack used for Gosub/Return
            ForNextStack = new Stack<ForNext>(); // Stack used for For/Next
            WhileStack = new Stack<WhileRepeat>(); // Stack used for While/Repeat
            DoStack = new Stack<Integer>(); // Stack used for Do/Until

            IfElseStack = new Stack<Integer>(); // Stack for IF-ELSE-ENDIF operations
            FunctionStack = new Stack<CallStackFrame>(); // State saved through the currently executing functions
            mFunctionTable = new HashMap<String, Var.FnDef>(); // Globally-accessible table of user-defined functions

            mGlobalSymbolTable = new Var.Table(); // The symbol table that contains all global Vars
            mSymbolTable = new Var.Table(); // The current symbol table, all non-global Vars in scope
            mSymbolTables = new Stack<Var.Table>(); // List of all local symbol tables

            // Initialize the parser's working Var objects.
            // These are used to avoid creating a new Var every time a variable is parsed.
            mScalarVar = new Var.ScalarVar("", Var.Type.NOVAR);
            mArrayVar = new Var.ArrayVar("", Var.Type.NOVAR);
            mFunctionVar = new Var.FunctionVar("", Var.Type.NOVAR);

            mErrorMsg = NO_ERROR;

            theLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList>();
            theLists.add(new ArrayList<ArrayList>());

            theListsType = new ArrayList<Var.Type>();

            theBundles = new ArrayList<Bundle>();
            theBundles.add(new Bundle());

            theStacks = new ArrayList<Stack>();
            theStacks.add(new Stack());

            theStacksType = new ArrayList<Var.Type>();

            readData = new ArrayList<Var.Val>();

            FileTable = new ArrayList<FileInfo>(); // File table list

            DataBases = new ArrayList<SQLiteDatabase>(); // List of created data bases
            Cursors = new ArrayList<Cursor>(); // List of database cursors

            FontList = new ArrayList<Typeface>();

            theMPList = new ArrayList<MediaPlayer>();
            theMPNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
            theMPList.add(null); // We don't use the [0] element of these Lists

            Log.d(LOGTAG, "InitVars() done");
        } // end InitVars

        public void cleanUp() {
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "cleanUp() started");
            mEventList.clear(); // events from other Activities
            mIntT.clear(); // clear all pending interrupts
            mIntA.clear(); // disable all interrupts

            if ((lv != null) && (lv.mKB != null)) {
                lv.mKB = null;
            if ((GR.drawView != null) && (GR.drawView.mKB != null)) {
                GR.drawView.mKB = null;

            if (theMP != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                theMP = null;

            if (theSoundPool != null) {
                theSoundPool = null;

            if (Web.aWebView != null) {
            if (htmlData_Buffer != null) {


            ((NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)).cancelAll();

            if (theMP != null) {
                theMP = null;
            if (theMPList != null) {
                for (MediaPlayer mp : theMPList) {
                    if (mp != null) {
                theMPList = null;
                theMPNameList = null;

            if (theSensors != null) {
                theSensors = null;

            if (theServerSocket != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                theServerSocket = null;

            if (clientSocketConnectThread != null) {
                clientSocketConnectThread = null;

            if (serverSocketConnectThread != null) {
                serverSocketConnectThread = null;

            if (newSS != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                newSS = null;

            if (theClientSocket != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                theClientSocket = null;

            clientSocketState = STATE_NONE;
            serverSocketState = STATE_NONE;


            Stop = true; // make sure the interpreter thread stops
            mMessagePending = false;

            if (theGPS != null) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Stopping GPS from cleanUp");
                theGPS = null;

            if (!SyntaxError || Basic.DoAutoRun) { // if no error or no Editor
                Editor.SyntaxErrorDisplacement = -1; // clear error highlighting, if any


            if (mChatService != null) {
                mChatService = null;

            if (theSUReader != null) {
                theSUReader = null;
            if (SUprocess != null) {
                SUprocess = null;


            if (mTM != null) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "mTM: unlistening");
                mTM.listen(PSL, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE);
                mTM = null;
            mSignalStrength = null;

            mInterpreterRunning = false;

            Log.d(LOGTAG, "cleanUp() done");
        } // end cleanup

        // ***************************************** UI Locks *****************************************

        private void waitForLOCK() {
            synchronized (LOCK) {
                //         Log.d(LOGTAG, "set LOCK wait");
                while (mWaitForLock) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        mWaitForLock = false;

        private void waitForGrLOCK() {
            synchronized (GR.LOCK) {
                //         Log.d(LOGTAG, "set GR.LOCK wait");
                while (GR.waitForLock) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        GR.waitForLock = false;

        private void waitForDebugLOCK() {
            synchronized (DB_LOCK) {
                //         Log.d(LOGTAG, "set DB_LOCK wait");
                while (mWaitForDebugLock) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        mWaitForDebugLock = false;

        // ************************************* Function Tables **************************************

        private final Command[] MF_cmd = new Command[] { // Map math function names to their functions
                new Command(MF_ABS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ABS();
                }, new Command(MF_ACOS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ACOS();
                }, new Command(MF_ASCII) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ASCII();
                }, new Command(MF_ASIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ASIN();
                }, new Command(MF_ATAN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ATAN();
                }, new Command(MF_ATAN2) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ATAN2();
                }, new Command(MF_BACKGROUND) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_BACKGROUND();
                }, new Command(MF_BAND) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_BAND();
                }, new Command(MF_BIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_base(2);
                }, new Command(MF_BNOT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_BNOT();
                }, new Command(MF_BOR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_BOR();
                }, new Command(MF_BXOR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_BXOR();
                }, new Command(MF_CBRT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_CBRT();
                }, new Command(MF_CEIL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_CEIL();
                }, new Command(MF_CLOCK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_CLOCK();
                }, new Command(MF_COS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_COS();
                }, new Command(MF_COSH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_COSH();
                }, new Command(MF_ENDS_WITH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ENDS_WITH();
                }, new Command(MF_EXP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_EXP();
                }, new Command(MF_FLOOR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_FLOOR();
                }, new Command(MF_FRAC) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_FRAC();
                }, new Command(MF_GR_COLLISION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_GR_COLLISION();
                }, new Command(MF_HEX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_base(16);
                }, new Command(MF_HYPOT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_HYPOT();
                }, new Command(MF_INT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_INT();
                }, new Command(MF_IS_IN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_IS_IN();
                }, new Command(MF_IS_NUMBER) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_IS_NUMBER();
                }, new Command(MF_LEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_LEN();
                }, new Command(MF_LOG) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_LOG();
                }, new Command(MF_LOG10) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_LOG10();
                }, new Command(MF_MAX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_MAX();
                }, new Command(MF_MIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_MIN();
                }, new Command(MF_MOD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_MOD();
                }, new Command(MF_OCT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_base(8);
                }, new Command(MF_PI) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_PI();
                }, new Command(MF_POW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_POW();
                }, new Command(MF_RANDOMIZE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_RANDOMIZE();
                }, new Command(MF_RND) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_RND();
                }, new Command(MF_ROUND) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_ROUND();
                }, new Command(MF_SGN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_SGN();
                }, new Command(MF_SHIFT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_SHIFT();
                }, new Command(MF_SIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_SIN();
                }, new Command(MF_SINH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_SINH();
                }, new Command(MF_SQR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_SQR();
                }, new Command(MF_STARTS_WITH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_STARTS_WITH();
                }, new Command(MF_TAN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_TAN();
                }, new Command(MF_TIME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_TIME();
                }, new Command(MF_TODEGREES) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_TODEGREES();
                }, new Command(MF_TORADIANS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_TORADIANS();
                }, new Command(MF_UCODE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_UCODE();
                }, new Command(MF_VAL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMF_VAL();
                }, };

        private final HashMap<String, Command> MF_map = new HashMap<String, Command>(64) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 102L;
                for (Command c : MF_cmd) {
                    put(, c);

        private final Command[] SF_cmd = new Command[] { // Map string function names to their functions
                new Command(SF_BIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_BIN();
                }, new Command(SF_CHR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_CHR();
                }, new Command(SF_DECODE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_ENCODE(DECODE);
                }, new Command(SF_ENCODE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_ENCODE(ENCODE);
                }, new Command(SF_FORMAT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_FORMAT();
                }, new Command(SF_FORMAT_USING) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_USING();
                }, new Command(SF_GETERROR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_GETERROR();
                }, new Command(SF_HEX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_HEX();
                }, new Command(SF_INT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_INT();
                }, new Command(SF_LEFT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_LEFT();
                }, new Command(SF_LOWER) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_LOWER();
                }, new Command(SF_LTRIM) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_TRIM(TLEFT);
                }, new Command(SF_MID) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_MID();
                }, new Command(SF_OCT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_OCT();
                }, new Command(SF_REPLACE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_REPLACE();
                }, new Command(SF_RIGHT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_RIGHT();
                }, new Command(SF_RTRIM) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_TRIM(TRIGHT);
                }, new Command(SF_STR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_STR();
                }, new Command(SF_TRIM) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_TRIM(TLEFT | TRIGHT);
                }, new Command(SF_UPPER) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_UPPER();
                }, new Command(SF_USING) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_USING();
                }, new Command(SF_VERSION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_VERSION();
                }, new Command(SF_WORD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSF_WORD();
                }, };

        private final HashMap<String, Command> SF_map = new HashMap<String, Command>(64) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 103L;
                for (Command c : SF_cmd) {
                    put(, c);

        // ************************************** Command Tables **************************************

        /* Markers for IF, etc., to facilitate skipping them in StatementExecuter() */
        private final int CID_SKIP_TO_ELSE = 1; // Ok to execute when skipping to ELSE or ENDIF
        private final int CID_SKIP_TO_ENDIF = 2; // Ok to execute when skipping to ENDIF
        /* Other markers to make special-case handling faster */
        private final int CID_GROUP = 3;
        private final int CID_OPEN = 4;
        private final int CID_CLOSE = 5;
        private final int CID_EX = 6; // EXception within its command group
        private final int CID_READ = 7;
        private final int CID_WRITE = 8;
        private final int CID_STATUS = 9;
        private final int CID_DATALINK = 10;

        /* Special case: what to do if no command keyword at the beginning of the line. */
        private final Command CMD_IMPLICIT = new Command("") {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeImplicitCommand();
        private final Command CMD_IMPL_LET = new Command("") {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeLET(0.0);
        /* Label: length is variable, but irrelevant. No command name, so DO NOT put this in a searchable command table. */
        private final Command CMD_LABEL = new Command("") {
            public boolean run() {
                return true;
        /* Other special cases where we need a named Command and also a command table entry. */
        private final Command CMD_CALL = new Command(BKW_CALL) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeCALL();
        private final Command CMD_LET = new Command(BKW_LET) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeLET();
        private final Command CMD_PREINC = new Command(BKW_PREINC) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeLET(1.0);
        private final Command CMD_PREDEC = new Command(BKW_PREDEC) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeLET(-1.0);
        private final Command CMD_FOR = new Command(BKW_FOR) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeFOR();
        private final Command CMD_NEXT = new Command(BKW_NEXT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeNEXT();
        private final Command CMD_WHILE = new Command(BKW_WHILE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeWHILE();
        private final Command CMD_REPEAT = new Command(BKW_REPEAT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeREPEAT();
        private final Command CMD_DO = new Command(BKW_DO) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeDO();
        private final Command CMD_UNTIL = new Command(BKW_UNTIL) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeUNTIL();
        private final Command CMD_SW_GROUP = new Command(BKW_SW_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSW();

        // Map BASIC! command keywords to their execution functions.
        // The order of this list determines the order of the linear keyword search, which affects performance.
        private final Command[] BASIC_cmd = new Command[] { CMD_LET, new Command(BKW_IF, CID_SKIP_TO_ENDIF) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeIF();
        }, new Command(BKW_ENDIF, CID_SKIP_TO_ENDIF) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeENDIF();
        }, new Command(BKW_ELSEIF, CID_SKIP_TO_ELSE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeELSEIF();
        }, new Command(BKW_ELSE, CID_SKIP_TO_ELSE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeELSE();
        }, new Command(BKW_PRINT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executePRINT();
        }, new Command(BKW_PRINT_SHORTCUT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executePRINT();
            public boolean run() {
                return executeF_N_BREAK();
        }, new Command(BKW_W_R_BREAK) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeW_R_BREAK();
        }, new Command(BKW_D_U_BREAK) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeD_U_BREAK();
        }, new Command(BKW_F_N_CONTINUE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeF_N_CONTINUE();
        }, new Command(BKW_W_R_CONTINUE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeW_R_CONTINUE();
        }, new Command(BKW_D_U_CONTINUE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeD_U_CONTINUE();
        }, CMD_SW_GROUP, new Command(BKW_FN_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeFN();
        }, CMD_CALL, new Command(BKW_GOTO) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeGOTO();
        }, new Command(BKW_GOSUB) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeGOSUB();
        }, new Command(BKW_RETURN) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeRETURN();
        }, new Command(BKW_GR_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeGR();
        }, new Command(BKW_DIM) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeDIM();
        }, new Command(BKW_UNDIM) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeUNDIM();
        }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeARRAY();
        }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeBUNDLE();
        }, new Command(BKW_LIST_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeLIST();
        }, new Command(BKW_STACK_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSTACK();
        }, CMD_PREINC, CMD_PREDEC, new Command(BKW_INKEY) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeINKEY();
        }, new Command(BKW_INPUT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeINPUT();
        }, new Command(BKW_DIALOG_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeDIALOG();
        }, new Command(BKW_SELECT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSELECT();
        }, new Command(BKW_TGET) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTGET();
        }, new Command(BKW_FILE_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeFILE();
        }, new Command(BKW_TEXT_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTEXT();
        }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeBYTE();
        }, new Command(BKW_READ_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeREAD();
        }, new Command(BKW_DIR) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeDIR();
        }, new Command(BKW_MKDIR) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeMKDIR();
        }, new Command(BKW_RENAME) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeRENAME();
        }, new Command(BKW_GRABFILE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeGRABFILE();
        }, new Command(BKW_GRABURL) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeGRABURL();
        }, new Command(BKW_BROWSE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeBROWSE();
        }, new Command(BKW_BT_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeBT();
        }, new Command(BKW_FTP_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeFTP();
        }, new Command(BKW_HTML_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeHTML();
        }, new Command(BKW_HTTP_POST) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeHTTP_POST();
        }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSOCKET();
        }, new Command(BKW_SQL_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSQL();
        }, new Command(BKW_GPS_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeGPS();
        }, new Command(BKW_POPUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executePOPUP();
        }, new Command(BKW_SENSORS_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSENSORS();
        }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeAUDIO();
        }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSOUNDPOOL();
        }, new Command(BKW_RINGER_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeRINGER();
        }, new Command(BKW_TONE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTONE();
        }, new Command(BKW_CLIPBOARD_GET) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeCLIPBOARD_GET();
        }, new Command(BKW_CLIPBOARD_PUT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeCLIPBOARD_PUT();
        }, new Command(BKW_ENCRYPT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeENCRYPT(ENCODE);
        }, new Command(BKW_DECRYPT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeENCRYPT(DECODE);
        }, new Command(BKW_SWAP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSWAP();
        }, new Command(BKW_SPLIT_ALL) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSPLIT(-1);
        }, new Command(BKW_SPLIT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSPLIT(0);
        }, new Command(BKW_JOIN_ALL) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeJOIN(true);
        }, new Command(BKW_JOIN) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeJOIN(false);
        }, new Command(BKW_CLS) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeCLS();
        }, new Command(BKW_FONT_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeFONT();
        }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeCONSOLE();
        }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeDEBUG();
        }, new Command(BKW_ECHO_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeECHO();
        }, new Command(BKW_KB_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeKB();
        }, new Command(BKW_NOTIFY) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeNOTIFY();
        }, new Command(BKW_RUN) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeRUN();
        }, new Command(BKW_EMPTY_PROGRAM) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeEMPTY_PROGRAM();
        }, new Command(BKW_SU_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSU(true);
        }, new Command(BKW_SYSTEM_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSU(false);
        }, new Command(BKW_STT_LISTEN) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSTT_LISTEN();
        }, new Command(BKW_STT_RESULTS) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSTT_RESULTS();
        }, new Command(BKW_TTS_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTTS();
        }, new Command(BKW_TIMER_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTIMER();
        }, new Command(BKW_TIMEZONE_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTIMEZONE();
        }, new Command(BKW_TIME) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeTIME();
        }, new Command(BKW_VIBRATE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeVIBRATE();
        }, new Command(BKW_WAKELOCK) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeWAKELOCK();
        }, new Command(BKW_WIFILOCK) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeWIFILOCK();
        }, new Command(BKW_END) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeEND();
        }, new Command(BKW_EXIT) {
            public boolean run() {
                Stop = Exit = true;
                return true;
        }, new Command(BKW_HOME) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeHOME();
        }, new Command(BKW_INCLUDE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return true;
        }, new Command(BKW_PAUSE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executePAUSE();
        }, new Command(BKW_REM) {
            public boolean run() {
                return true;
        }, new Command(BKW_DEVICE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeDEVICE();
        }, new Command(BKW_SCREEN_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSCREEN();
        }, new Command(BKW_WIFI_INFO) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeWIFI_INFO();
        }, new Command(BKW_HEADSET) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeHEADSET();
        }, new Command(BKW_MYPHONENUMBER) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeMYPHONENUMBER();
        }, new Command(BKW_EMAIL_SEND) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeEMAIL_SEND();
        }, new Command(BKW_PHONE_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executePHONE();
        }, new Command(BKW_SMS_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSMS();
        }, new Command(BKW_VOLKEYS_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeVOLKEYS();
        }, new Command(BKW_APP_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeAPP();

                new Command(BKW_BACK_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeBACK_RESUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_BACKGROUND_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeBACKGROUND_RESUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLETOUCH_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLETOUCH_RESUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_KEY_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeKEY_RESUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_LOWMEM_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeLOWMEM_RESUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_MENUKEY_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMENUKEY_RESUME();
                } }; // BASIC_cmd

        // **************** FN Group - user-defined functions

        private final Command[] fn_cmd = new Command[] { // Map user function command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_FN_DEF) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFN_DEF();
                }, new Command(BKW_FN_RTN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFN_RTN();
                }, new Command(BKW_END) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFN_END();
                }, };

        // **************** SW Group - switch statements

        private final Command CMD_SW_BEGIN = new Command(BKW_SW_BEGIN) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSW_BEGIN();
        private final Command CMD_SW_CASE = new Command(BKW_SW_CASE) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSW_CASE();
        private final Command CMD_SW_BREAK = new Command(BKW_SW_BREAK) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSW_BREAK();
        private final Command CMD_SW_DEFAULT = new Command(BKW_SW_DEFAULT) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSW_DEFAULT();
        private final Command CMD_SW_END = new Command(BKW_END) {
            public boolean run() {
                return executeSW_END();

        private final Command[] sw_cmd = new Command[] { // Map sw (switch) command keywords to their execution functions

        // **************** FILE Group

        private final Command[] file_cmd = new Command[] { // Map File command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_FILE_DELETE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDELETE();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_DIR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDIR();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_EXISTS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFILE_EXISTS();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_MKDIR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMKDIR();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_RENAME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeRENAME();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_ROOT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFILE_ROOT();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_SIZE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFILE_SIZE();
                }, new Command(BKW_FILE_TYPE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFILE_TYPE();
                } };

        // **************** TEXT Group - text file operations

        private final Command[] text_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Text I/O command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_OPEN, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTEXT_OPEN();
                }, new Command(BKW_CLOSE, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLOSE(FileType.FILE_TEXT);
                }, new Command(BKW_TEXT_READLN, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeTEXT_READLN(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_TEXT_WRITELN, CID_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeTEXT_WRITELN(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_EOF, CID_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeEOF(fId, FileType.FILE_TEXT);
                }, new Command(BKW_TEXT_INPUT, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTEXT_INPUT();
                }, new Command(BKW_POSITION_GET, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executePOSITION_GET(fId, FileType.FILE_TEXT);
                }, new Command(BKW_POSITION_SET, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeTEXT_POSITION_SET(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_POSITION_MARK, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePOSITION_MARK(FileType.FILE_TEXT);
                }, };

        // **************** BYTE Group - binary file operations

        private final Command[] byte_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Byte I/O command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_OPEN, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeBYTE_OPEN();
                }, new Command(BKW_CLOSE, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLOSE(FileType.FILE_BYTE);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_READ_BYTE, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_READ_BYTE(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_WRITE_BYTE, CID_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_WRITE_BYTE(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_READ_BUFFER, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_READ_BUFFER(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_WRITE_BUFFER, CID_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_WRITE_BUFFER(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_READ_NUMBER) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_READ_NUMBER(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_WRITE_NUMBER) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_WRITE_NUMBER(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_EOF, CID_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeEOF(fId, FileType.FILE_BYTE);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_COPY, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_COPY(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_BYTE_TRUNCATE, CID_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_TRUNCATE(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_POSITION_GET, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executePOSITION_GET(fId, FileType.FILE_BYTE);
                }, new Command(BKW_POSITION_SET, CID_READ) {
                    public boolean run(int fId) {
                        return executeBYTE_POSITION_SET(fId);
                }, new Command(BKW_POSITION_MARK, CID_EX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePOSITION_MARK(FileType.FILE_BYTE);
                }, };

        // **************** READ Group - READ.DATA

        private final Command CMD_READ_DATA = new Command(BKW_READ_DATA) {
            public boolean run() {
                return true;
        private final Command[] read_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Read command keywords to their execution functions
                // Do NOT call executeREAD_DATA, that was done in PreScan
                CMD_READ_DATA, new Command(BKW_READ_NEXT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeREAD_NEXT();
                }, new Command(BKW_READ_FROM) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeREAD_FROM();
                }, };

        // **************** SCREEN Group

        private final Command[] screen_cmd = new Command[] { // Map screen command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SCREEN_ROTATION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSCREEN_ROTATION();
                }, new Command(BKW_SCREEN_SIZE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSCREEN_SIZE();
                }, };

        // **************** FONT Group

        private final Command[] font_cmd = new Command[] { // Map font command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_FONT_LOAD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFONT_LOAD();
                }, new Command(BKW_FONT_DELETE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFONT_DELETE();
                }, new Command(BKW_FONT_CLEAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFONT_CLEAR();
                }, };

        // **************** CONSOLE Group

        private final Command[] Console_cmd = new Command[] { // Map console command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_FRONT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_FRONT();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_SAVE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_DUMP();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_TITLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_TITLE();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_COUNT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_LINE_COUNT();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_TEXT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_LINE_TEXT();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_TOUCHED) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_LINE_TOUCHED();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_NEW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_LINE_NEW();
                }, new Command(BKW_CONSOLE_LINE_CHAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCONSOLE_LINE_CHAR();
                } };

        // **************** DIALOG Group

        private final Command[] Dialog_cmd = new Command[] { // Map dialog command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_DIALOG_MESSAGE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDIALOG_MESSAGE();
                }, new Command(BKW_DIALOG_SELECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDIALOG_SELECT();
                }, };

        // **************** KB Group

        private final Command[] KB_cmd = new Command[] { // Map KB command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_KB_HIDE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeKB_HIDE();
                }, new Command(BKW_KB_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeKB_RESUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_KB_SHOWING) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeKB_SHOWING();
                }, new Command(BKW_KB_SHOW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeKB_SHOW();
                }, new Command(BKW_KB_TOGGLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeKB_TOGGLE();
                }, };

        // **************** SQL Group - SQLite database operations

        private final Command[] SQL_cmd = new Command[] { // Map SQL command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SQL_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_close();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_INSERT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_insert();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_QUERY_LENGTH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_query_length();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_QUERY_POSITION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_query_position();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_QUERY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_query();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_NEXT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_next();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_DELETE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_delete();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_UPDATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_update();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_EXEC) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_exec();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_RAW_QUERY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_raw_query();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_DROP_TABLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_drop_table();
                }, new Command(BKW_SQL_NEW_TABLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sql_new_table();
                } };

        // **************** GR Group - graphics mode commands

        private final Command[] GR_cmd = new Command[] { // Map GR command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_RENDER) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_render();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_MODIFY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_modify();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_MOVE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_move();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BOUNDED_TOUCH2) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bound_touch(1);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BOUNDED_TOUCH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bound_touch(0);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TOUCH2) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_touch(1);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TOUCH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_touch(0);

                new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeGR_BITMAP();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CAMERA_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeGR_CAMERA();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeGR_GET();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GROUP_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeGR_GROUP();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_PAINT_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeGR_PAINT();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeGR_TEXT();

                new Command(BKW_GR_ARC) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_arc();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BRIGHTNESS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_brightness();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CIRCLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_circle();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CLIP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_clip();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_close();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CLS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_cls();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_COLOR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_color();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_FRONT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_front();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GETDL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_getdl();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_NEWDL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_newdl();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GROUP_CMD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_group_objs();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_HIDE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_show(GR.VISIBLE.HIDE);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_LINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_line();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_ONGRTOUCH_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_touch_resume();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_OPEN, CID_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_ORIENTATION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_orientation();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_OVAL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_oval();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_POINT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_point();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_POLY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_poly();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_RECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_rect();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_ROTATE_END) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_rotate_end();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_ROTATE_START) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_rotate_start();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SAVE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_save();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SCALE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_scale();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SCREEN_TO_BITMAP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_screen_to_bitmap();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SCREEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_screen();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SET_ANTIALIAS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_antialias();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SET_PIXELS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_set_pixels();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SET_STROKE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_stroke_width();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SHOW_TOGGLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_show(GR.VISIBLE.TOGGLE);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_SHOW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_show(GR.VISIBLE.SHOW);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_STATUSBAR_SHOW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_statusbar_show();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_STATUSBAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_statusbar();
                }, };

        private final Command[] GrBitmap_cmd = new Command[] { // Map GR.bitmap command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_CREATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_create();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_CROP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_crop();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_DELETE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_delete();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_DRAWINTO_START) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_drawinto_start();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_DRAWINTO_END) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_drawinto_end();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_DRAW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_draw();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_FILL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_fill();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_LOAD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_load();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_SAVE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_bitmap_save();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_SCALE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_scale();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_BITMAP_SIZE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_bitmap_size();
                }, };

        private final Command[] GrCamera_cmd = new Command[] { // Map command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_CAMERA_AUTOSHOOT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_camera_shoot(CameraView.PICTURE_MODE_AUTO);
                // new Command(BKW_GR_CAMERA_BLINDSHOOT)       { public boolean run() { return execute_camera_shoot(CameraView.PICTURE_MODE_BLIND); } },
                new Command(BKW_GR_CAMERA_MANUALSHOOT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_camera_shoot(CameraView.PICTURE_MODE_MANUAL);
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CAMERA_SELECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_camera_select();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_CAMERA_SHOOT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_camera_shoot(CameraView.PICTURE_MODE_USE_UI);
                }, };

        private final Command[] GrGet_cmd = new Command[] { // Map GR.get command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_GET_BMPIXEL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_bmpixel();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_PARAMS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_params();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_PIXEL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_pixel();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_POSITION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_position();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_TEXTBOUNDS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_textbounds();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_TYPE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_type();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GET_VALUE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_get_value();
                }, };

        private final Command[] GrGroup_cmd = new Command[] { // Map command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_GROUP_LIST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_group_list();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_GETDL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_group_getdl();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_NEWDL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_group_newdl();
                }, };

        private final Command[] GrPaint_cmd = new Command[] { // Map GR.paint command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_PAINT_COPY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_paint_copy();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_PAINT_GET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_paint_get();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_PAINT_RESET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_paint_reset();
                }, };

        private final Command[] GrText_cmd = new Command[] { // Map GR.text command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_ALIGN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_align();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_BOLD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_bold();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_DRAW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_draw();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_HEIGHT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_height();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_SETFONT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_setfont();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_SIZE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_size();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_SKEW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_skew();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_STRIKE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_strike();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_TYPEFACE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_typeface();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_UNDERLINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_underline();
                }, new Command(BKW_GR_TEXT_WIDTH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gr_text_width();
                }, };

        // **************** AUDIO Group

        private final Command[] audio_cmd = new Command[] { // Map audio command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_AUDIO_LOAD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_load();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_PLAY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_play();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_LOOP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_loop();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_STOP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_stop();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_VOLUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_volume();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_POSITION_CURRENT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_pcurrent();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_POSITION_SEEK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_pseek();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_LENGTH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_length();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_RELEASE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_release();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_PAUSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_pause();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_ISDONE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_isdone();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_RECORD_START) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_record_start();
                }, new Command(BKW_AUDIO_RECORD_STOP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_audio_record_stop();
                }, };

        // **************** SENSORS Group

        private final Command[] sensors_cmd = new Command[] { // Map sensor command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SENSORS_LIST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sensors_list();
                }, new Command(BKW_SENSORS_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sensors_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_SENSORS_READ) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sensors_read();
                }, new Command(BKW_SENSORS_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sensors_close();
                }, new Command(BKW_SENSORS_ROTATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_sensors_rotate();
                }, };

        // **************** GPS Group

        private final Command[] GPS_cmd = new Command[] { // Map GPS command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_GPS_ALTITUDE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.ALTITUDE);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_LATITUDE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.LATITUDE);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_LONGITUDE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.LONGITUDE);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_BEARING) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.BEARING);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_ACCURACY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.ACCURACY);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_SPEED) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.SPEED);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_PROVIDER) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_string(GpsData.PROVIDER);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_SATELLITES) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_satellites();
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_TIME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_num(GpsData.TIME);
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_LOCATION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_location();
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_STATUS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_status();
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_OPEN, CID_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_GPS_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_gps_close();
                }, };

        // **************** ARRAY Group

        private final Command[] array_cmd = new Command[] { // Map array command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_ARRAY_DELETE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeUNDIM();
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_DIMS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_dims();
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_FILL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_fill();
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_length();
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_LOAD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_load();
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_REVERSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_collection(ArrayOrderOps.DoReverse);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_SHUFFLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_collection(ArrayOrderOps.DoShuffle);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_SORT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_collection(ArrayOrderOps.DoSort);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_SUM) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps.DoSum);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_AVERAGE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps.DoAverage);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_MIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps.DoMin);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_MAX) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps.DoMax);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_VARIANCE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps.DoVariance);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_STD_DEV) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps.DoStdDev);
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_COPY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_copy();
                }, new Command(BKW_ARRAY_SEARCH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_array_search();
                }, };

        // **************** LIST Group

        private final Command[] list_cmd = new Command[] { // Map list command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_LIST_CREATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_NEW();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_ADD_LIST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_ADDLIST();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_ADD_ARRAY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_ADDARRAY();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_ADD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_ADD();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_REPLACE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_SET();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_TYPE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_GETTYPE();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_GET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_GET();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_CLEAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_CLEAR();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_REMOVE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_REMOVE();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_INSERT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_INSERT();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_SIZE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_SIZE();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_TOARRAY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_TOARRAY();
                }, new Command(BKW_LIST_SEARCH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_LIST_SEARCH();
                }, };

        // **************** BUNDLE Group

        private final Command[] bundle_cmd = new Command[] { // Map bundle command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_CREATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_CREATE();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_PUT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_PUT();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_GET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_GET();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_NEXT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_NEXT();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_TYPE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_TYPE();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_KEYS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_KEYSET();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_COPY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_COPY();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_CLEAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_CLEAR();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_CONTAIN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_CONTAIN();
                }, new Command(BKW_BUNDLE_REMOVE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BUNDLE_REMOVE();
                }, };

        // **************** STACK Group

        private final Command[] stack_cmd = new Command[] { // Map stack command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_STACK_CREATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_CREATE();
                }, new Command(BKW_STACK_PUSH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_PUSH();
                }, new Command(BKW_STACK_POP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_POP();
                }, new Command(BKW_STACK_PEEK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_PEEK();
                }, new Command(BKW_STACK_TYPE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_TYPE();
                }, new Command(BKW_STACK_ISEMPTY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_ISEMPTY();
                }, new Command(BKW_STACK_CLEAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_STACK_CLEAR();
                }, };

        // **************** SOCKET Group

        private final Command[] Socket_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Socket command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CLIENT_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSocketClient();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_SERVER_GROUP, CID_GROUP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSocketServer();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_MYIP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeMYIP();
                } };

        private final Command[] SocketClient_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Socket.client command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CONNECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_CONNECT();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_STATUS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_STATUS();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_READ_READY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_READ_READY();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_READ_LINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_READ_LINE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_LINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_WRITE_LINE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_BYTES) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_WRITE_BYTES();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_CLOSE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_SERVER_IP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_SERVER_IP();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_READ_FILE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_GETFILE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_FILE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeCLIENT_PUTFILE();
                } };

        private final Command[] SocketServer_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Socket.server command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CREATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_CREATE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CONNECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_ACCEPT();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_STATUS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_STATUS();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_READ_READY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_READ_READY();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_READ_LINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_READ_LINE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_LINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_WRITE_LINE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_BYTES) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_WRITE_BYTES();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_DISCONNECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_DISCONNECT();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_CLOSE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_CLIENT_IP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_CLIENT_IP();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_READ_FILE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_GETFILE();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOCKET_WRITE_FILE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSERVER_PUTFILE();
                } };

        // **************** DEBUG Group and ECHO Group

        private final Command[] debug_cmd = new Command[] { // Map debug command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_ON) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_TOGGLE(ON);
                }, new Command(BKW_OFF) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_TOGGLE(OFF);
                }, new Command(BKW_PRINT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_PRINT();
                }, new Command(BKW_PRINT_SHORTCUT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_PRINT();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_ECHO_ON) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeECHO_TOGGLE(ON);
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_ECHO_OFF) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeECHO_TOGGLE(OFF);
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_SCALARS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDUMP_SCALARS();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_ARRAY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDUMP_ARRAY();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_LIST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDUMP_LIST();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_STACK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDUMP_STACK();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_DUMP_BUNDLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDUMP_BUNDLE();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_WATCH_CLEAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_WATCH_CLEAR();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_WATCH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_WATCH();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_SCALARS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_SCALARS();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_ARRAY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_ARRAY();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_LIST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_LIST();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_STACK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_STACK();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_BUNDLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_BUNDLE();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_WATCH) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_WATCH();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW_PROGRAM) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW_PROGRAM();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_SHOW) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_SHOW();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_CONSOLE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_CONSOLE();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_COMMANDS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_COMMANDS();
                }, new Command(BKW_DEBUG_STATS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeDEBUG_STATS();
                }, };

        // Legacy: can use DEBUG.ECHO or just ECHO
        private final Command[] echo_cmd = new Command[] { // Map echo command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_ON) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeECHO_TOGGLE(ON);
                }, new Command(BKW_OFF) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeECHO_TOGGLE(OFF);
                }, };

        // **************** TTS Group - text-to-speech

        private final Command[] tts_cmd = new Command[] { // Map TTS command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_TTS_INIT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTTS_INIT();
                }, new Command(BKW_TTS_SPEAK_TOFILE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTTS_SPEAK_TOFILE();
                }, new Command(BKW_TTS_SPEAK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTTS_SPEAK();
                }, new Command(BKW_TTS_STOP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTTS_STOP();
                } };

        // **************** FTP Group

        private final Command[] ftp_cmd = new Command[] { // Map FTP command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_FTP_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_OPEN();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_CLOSE();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_DIR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_DIR();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_CD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_CD();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_GET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_GET();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_PUT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_PUT();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_DELETE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_DELETE();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_RMDIR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_RMDIR();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_MKDIR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_MKDIR();
                }, new Command(BKW_FTP_RENAME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeFTP_RENAME();
                }, };

        // **************** BT Group - Bluetooth channel operations

        private final Command[] bt_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Bluetooth command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_BT_OPEN, CID_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_close();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_STATUS, CID_STATUS) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_status();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_CONNECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_connect();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_DEVICE_NAME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_device_name();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_write();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_READ_READY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_read_ready();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_READ_BYTES) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_read_bytes();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_SET_UUID) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_set_uuid();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_LISTEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_listen();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_RECONNECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_reconnect();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_ONREADREADY_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_readReady_Resume();
                }, new Command(BKW_BT_DISCONNECT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_BT_disconnect();
                }, };

        // **************** SU and SYSTEM Groups - superuser and system commands

        private final Command[] SU_cmd = new Command[] { // Map SU/System command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SU_OPEN, CID_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SU_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_SU_WRITE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SU_write();
                }, new Command(BKW_SU_READ_READY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SU_read_ready();
                }, new Command(BKW_SU_READ_LINE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SU_read_line();
                }, new Command(BKW_SU_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SU_close();
                } };

        // **************** SP Group - soundpool

        private final Command[] sp_cmd = new Command[] { // Map soundpool command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_OPEN, CID_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_LOAD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_load();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_PLAY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_play();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_STOP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_stop();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_UNLOAD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_unload();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_PAUSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_pause();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_resume();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_RELEASE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_release();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETVOLUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_setvolume();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETPRIORITY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_setpriority();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETLOOP) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_setloop();
                }, new Command(BKW_SOUNDPOOL_SETRATE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_SP_setrate();
                }, };

        // **************** RINGER Group

        private final Command[] ringer_cmd = new Command[] { // Map ringer command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_RINGER_GET_MODE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeRINGER_GET_MODE();
                }, new Command(BKW_RINGER_SET_MODE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeRINGER_SET_MODE();
                }, new Command(BKW_RINGER_GET_VOLUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeRINGER_GET_VOLUME();
                }, new Command(BKW_RINGER_SET_VOLUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeRINGER_SET_VOLUME();
                }, };

        // **************** HTML Group

        private final Command[] html_cmd = new Command[] { // Map HTML command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_HTML_OPEN, CID_OPEN) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_open();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_ORIENTATION) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_orientation();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_LOAD_URL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_load_url();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_LOAD_STRING) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_load_string();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_GET_DATALINK, CID_DATALINK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_get_datalink();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_CLOSE, CID_CLOSE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_close();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_GO_BACK) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_go_back();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_GO_FORWARD) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_go_forward();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_CLEAR_CACHE) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_clear_cache();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_CLEAR_HISTORY) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_clear_history();
                }, new Command(BKW_HTML_POST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return execute_html_post();
                }, };

        // **************** SMS Group - text messages

        private final Command[] sms_cmd = new Command[] { // Map SMS command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_SMS_RCV_INIT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSMS_RCV_INIT();
                }, new Command(BKW_SMS_RCV_NEXT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSMS_RCV_NEXT();
                }, new Command(BKW_SMS_SEND) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeSMS_SEND();
                } };

        // **************** TIMER Group

        private final Command[] Timer_cmd = new Command[] { // Map Timer command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_TIMER_SET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTIMER_SET();
                }, new Command(BKW_TIMER_CLEAR) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTIMER_CLEAR();
                }, new Command(BKW_TIMER_RESUME) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTIMER_RESUME();
                } };

        // **************** TIMEZONE Group

        private final Command[] TimeZone_cmd = new Command[] { // Map TimeZone command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_TIMEZONE_SET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTIMEZONE_SET();
                }, new Command(BKW_TIMEZONE_GET) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTIMEZONE_GET();
                }, new Command(BKW_TIMEZONE_LIST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeTIMEZONE_LIST();
                } };

        // **************** PHONE Group

        private final Command[] phone_cmd = new Command[] { // Map phone command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_PHONE_CALL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePHONE_DIAL(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
                }, new Command(BKW_PHONE_DIAL) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePHONE_DIAL(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
                }, new Command(BKW_PHONE_RCV_INIT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePHONE_RCV_INIT();
                }, new Command(BKW_PHONE_RCV_NEXT) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePHONE_RCV_NEXT();
                }, new Command(BKW_PHONE_INFO) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executePHONE_INFO();
                } };

        // **************** VOLKEYS Group

        private final Command[] VolKeys_cmd = new Command[] { // Map VolKeys command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_ON) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeVOLKEYS_TOGGLE(ON);
                }, new Command(BKW_OFF) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeVOLKEYS_TOGGLE(OFF);
                }, };

        // **************** APP Group - activity manager commands

        private final Command[] app_cmd = new Command[] { // Map app command keywords to their execution functions
                new Command(BKW_APP_BROADCAST) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeAPP_BROADCAST();
                }, new Command(BKW_APP_START) {
                    public boolean run() {
                        return executeAPP_START();
                }, };

        // Methods used by execution functions of group commands

        private Command findSubcommand(Command[] commands, String type) {
            Command c = ExecutingLineBuffer.findSubCommand(commands, LineIndex);
            if (c == null) {
                RunTimeError("Unknown " + type + " command");
            } // no keyword found
            LineIndex += ExecutingLineBuffer.subOffset();
            return c;

        private boolean executeSubcommand(Command[] commands, String type) {
            Command c = findSubcommand(commands, type);
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            ExecutingLineBuffer.promoteSubCommand(); // replace the group command with the subcommand

        // Very special case: <group>.<subgroup>.<subcommand> where the <group> needs a validity check.
        // For example, GR.TEXT.SIZE: statementExecuter() must run executeGR() every time.
        private boolean executeSubgroupCommand(Command[] commands, String type) {
            int groupOffset = ExecutingLineBuffer.subOffset(); // get offset of <subgroup> keyword
            ExecutingLineBuffer.subcmd(null); // force findSubcommand to search
            Command c = findSubcommand(commands, type); // replace subcmd field with <subcommand>
            LineIndex -= groupOffset; // got counted twice
            return (c != null) &&;

        // The methods starting here are the core code for running a Basic program

        // Variable names consist of letters, digits, and these non-alphanumeric characters.
        private final static String varChars = "_@#";

        // Look for a BASIC! word: [_@#\l]?[_@#\l\d]*
        private String getWord(String line, int start, String possibleKeyword) {
            int max = line.length();
            if (start >= max || start < 0) {
                return "";
            boolean isPossibleKeyword = (possibleKeyword.length() != 0);

            int li = start;
            char c = line.charAt(li);
            if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (varChars.indexOf(c) >= 0)) { // if first character matches
                do { // there's a word
                    if (++li >= max)
                        break; // done if no more characters

                    if (isPossibleKeyword && // caller wants to stop at keyword
                            line.startsWith(possibleKeyword, li)) {
                    } // THEN, TO, or STEP

                    c = line.charAt(li); // get next character
                } // and check it, stop if not valid
                while ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (varChars.indexOf(c) >= 0));
            return line.substring(start, li);

        private void PrintShow(String... strs) { // write the console
            synchronized (mConsoleBuffer) {
                if (strs != null) {
                    for (String str : strs) {

        private void SyntaxError() { // Called to output Syntax Error Message
            if (!SyntaxError) { // If a previous syntax error message has
                RunTimeError("Syntax Error"); // not been displayed then display one now
                SyntaxError = true; // and set the flag so we don't do it again.

            if (GRopen) {
                // If graphics is opened then the user will not be able to see error messages.
                // Provide a haptic notice.
                lv.performHapticFeedback(2, 1);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                lv.performHapticFeedback(2, 1);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                lv.performHapticFeedback(2, 1);


        private boolean RunTimeError(String... msgs) {
            if (mOnErrorInt == null) { // don't display anything if error is being trapped
                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
                if (text.endsWith("\n")) {
                    text = chomp(text);
                PrintShow(msgs[0], text); // display error message and offending line

                for (int i = 1; i < msgs.length; ++i) { // display any supplemental text
            SyntaxError = true;
            Editor.SyntaxErrorDisplacement = ExecutingLineIndex + 1;

            Log.d(LOGTAG, "RunTimeError: " + mErrorMsg);
            return false; // always return false as convenience for caller

        private boolean RunTimeError(Throwable e) {
            return RunTimeError("Error:", e);

        private boolean RunTimeError(String prefix, Throwable e) {
            String msg = (e == null) ? null : e.getMessage();
            return RunTimeError(prefix + " " + ((msg == null) ? "?" : msg));

        private void writeErrorMsg(String msg) { // Write errorMsg, do NOT set SyntaxError
            mErrorMsg = msg + "\nLine: " + ExecutingLineBuffer.text();

        private void writeErrorMsg(String prefix, Throwable e) {
            String msg = (e == null) ? null : e.getMessage();
            writeErrorMsg(prefix + " " + ((msg == null) ? "?" : msg));

        private void writeErrorMsg(Exception e) {
            writeErrorMsg("Error:", e);

        private void clearErrorMsg() { // Clear the global error message
            mErrorMsg = NO_ERROR;

        // ************************* start of getVar() and its derivatives ****************************

        private static final boolean TYPE_NUMERIC = true; // true: type is numeric
        private static final boolean TYPE_STRING = false; // false: type is NOT numeric
        private static final boolean USER_FN_OK = true; // flag used as parseVar() argument, when false
        // user-defined function names are not recognized as valid symbols

        private static final String EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR = "Array variable expected";
        private static final String EXPECT_ARRAY_EXISTS = "Array must be created before using";
        private static final String EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX = "Expected '[]'";
        private static final String EXPECT_NUM_ARRAY = "Array not numeric";
        private static final String EXPECT_STRING_ARRAY = "Not string array";
        private static final String EXPECT_NEW_FN_NAME = "Function previously defined at:";

        // getVar:
        // This function parses a function name out of the input stream, then searches for
        // it in the variable lists. If an existing variable is not found, it creates one.
        // It writes global flags, variables, and data structures for results and status.
        // There are other functions that duplicate getVar() except for small changes that
        // make certain cases more efficient by leaving out some of the work.
        // In Paul's original design, this function handled all cases of scalar and array
        // variables, and user-defined function names for FN.DEF (but not function calls)
        // with special cases directed by these global flags:
        //     doingDim, unDiming, SkipArrayValues, DoingDef
        // This implementation behaves as the original did when all flags were set false.
        // There are now dedicated functions for some of the special cases.
        // All other cases must be built up from the primitives found below.
        private boolean getVar() { // Get variable name if there is one.
            int LI = LineIndex;
            mVal = getVarValue(getVarAndType()); // If there is one, find it in the symbol table.
            // If not found in table, create new variable.
            if (mVal != null)
                return true; // found: value is in mVal
            LineIndex = LI; // not found: back up LineIndex
            return false;

        private boolean getNVar() { // get var and assure that it is numeric
            int LI = LineIndex;
            mVal = getVarValue(getVarAndType(TYPE_NUMERIC));
            if (mVal != null)
                return true; // found: value is in mVal
            LineIndex = LI; // not found: back up LineIndex
            return false;

        private boolean getSVar() { // get var and assure that it is not numeric
            int LI = LineIndex;
            mVal = getVarValue(getVarAndType(TYPE_STRING));
            if (mVal != null)
                return true; // found: value is in mVal
            LineIndex = LI; // not found: back up LineIndex
            return false;

        private boolean getSVars(ArrayList<Var> vars) { // get string scalar(s) or writeable array variable from command line
            boolean isArray;
            do {
                Var var = getVarAndType(TYPE_STRING); // string var, may be scalar or array
                if (var == null)
                    return false;
                isArray = var.isArray();
                if (isArray) { // note: new array is not added to symbol table yet
                    if (!validArrayVarForWrite(var, TYPE_STRING))
                        return false;
                } else {
                    if (getVarValue(var) // create a new variable in symbol table if necessary
                    == null)
                        return false; // for completeness: can't happen because var is not array
                vars.add(var); // add to caller's Var list
            } while (!isArray && isNext(',')); // continue until no more parameters unless one was an array
            return true;

        // Get a Var for creating an array: must be array name with no index(es).
        private Var getArrayVarForWrite() { // returns the Var, null if error or no var
            Var var = getVarAndType(); // either string or numeric type is ok
            if (validArrayVarForWrite(var)) {
                return var;
            } // no error: return Var
            // error: return null
            if (var != null) {
                LineIndex -=;
            } // if LineIndex moved, back it up
            return null;

        private boolean validArrayVarForWrite(Var var) {
            if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
            if (!isNext(']')) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX);
            return true; // no error

        // Get a Var for creating an array: must be array name of correct type with no index(es).
        private Var getArrayVarForWrite(boolean type) { // returns the Var, null if error or no var
            Var var = getVarAndType(); // either string or numeric type is ok
            if (validArrayVarForWrite(var, type)) {
                return var;
            } // no error: return Var
            // error: return null
            if (var != null) {
                LineIndex -=;
            } // if LineIndex moved, back it up
            return null;

        private boolean validArrayVarForWrite(Var var, boolean type) {
            if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
            if (type != var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError(type ? EXPECT_NUM_ARRAY : EXPECT_STRING_ARRAY);
            if (!isNext(']')) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX);
            return true; // no error

        // Get a Var for using an array or array segment: must be name of existing array
        private Var getExistingArrayVar() { // returns the Var, null if error or no var
            Var var = getVarAndType();
            if (validExistingArrayVar(var)) {
                return var;
            } // no error: return Var
            // error: return null
            if (var != null) {
                LineIndex -=;
            } // if LineIndex moved, back it up
            return null;

        private boolean validExistingArrayVar(Var var) {
            if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
            if (var.isNew()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_EXISTS);
            return true; // no error

        private Var getNewFNVar() { // get var and assure that it is a new function name
            // returns the name, does NOT create a variable
            Var var = parseVar(USER_FN_OK); // Get function name if there is one.
            if (var != null) {
                if (var.isFunction()) { // If there is one...
                    var = searchVar(var); // ... look for it in the symbol table.
                    if (var.isNew()) {
                        return var; // return new Var: SUCCESSFUL EXIT
                    } else {
                        RunTimeError(EXPECT_NEW_FN_NAME); // not new
                LineIndex -=; // name not valid, back up LineIndex
            return null; // ERROR EXIT

        // ************************* top half of getVar() *************************

        // Result is a Var, or null if no variable name found on the line.
        private Var getVarAndType() {
            Var var = parseVar(!USER_FN_OK); // Get variable name if there is one.
            if (var != null) { // If there is one...
                var = searchVar(var); // ... find it in the symbol table.
            return var; // note: LineIndex does not change if var is null

        // Result is a Var, or null if no variable name found on the line, or if variable type is wrong.
        private Var getVarAndType(boolean needNumeric) { // specify TYPE_NUMERIC or TYPE_STRING
            Var var = parseVar(!USER_FN_OK); // get variable name if there is one
            if (var != null) { // if found, parseVar changed LineIndex
                if (needNumeric == var.isNumeric()) { // if type matches expected type
                    return searchVar(var); // look up the variable name
                } // else type mismatch, return no var
                LineIndex -=; // back up LineIndex
            return null; // no variable name found, LineIndex does not change

        // Gets the variable name and type. Returns them in a Var object.
        // Name includes $ for strings, [ for arrays, ( for functions.
        // If arg is false, user-defined function names are not valid variable names.
        // If no valid variable name, returns null and does not advance LineIndex.
        // Note: returns one of the "working Var" pool. Don't store this reference
        // anywhere. Copy the Var instead.
        private Var parseVar(boolean isUserFnAllowed) {
            String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
            int LI = LineIndex;
            int max = text.length();
            Var var = null;

            // PosibleKeyWord is for the special cases where a var could be followed by keyword THEN, TO or STEP.
            String name = getWord(text, LI, PossibleKeyWord); // isolate the var characters
            LI += name.length();
            if (LI > LineIndex) { // no var if length is 0
                char c = text.charAt(LI);
                boolean isNumeric = (c != '$'); // Is this a string var?
                if (!isNumeric) {
                    name += c;
                    c = text.charAt(LI);
                if (c == '[') { // Is this an array?
                    name += c;
                    var = mArrayVar.reNew(name, isNumeric);
                } else if (c == '(') { // Is this a function?
                    if (!isUserFnAllowed) {
                        return null;
                    } // Do not write LineIndex
                    name += c;
                    var = mFunctionVar.reNew(name, isNumeric);
                } else {
                    var = mScalarVar.reNew(name, isNumeric);
            if (LI >= max) {
                LineIndex = max;
                return null;
            } // can't happen: line ends with "\n"
            LineIndex = LI;
            VarIsInt = false; // Never an integer
            return var; // null if no variable name found

        // Always returns a Var, never null. Can use this Var anywhere;
        // if it was one of the "working Var" pool from parseVar() it gets copied.
        private Var searchVar(Var var) { // search for a variable by name
            // Skip global table for now, there's nothing in it.
            Var v = null;
            //      Var v = searchVar(mGlobalSymbolTable, var);   // first search global symbols
            //      if (v == null) {
            if (interruptResume < 0) { // normal operation, not in interrupt
                v = searchVar(mSymbolTable, var); // search local symbols
            } else { // in interrupt
                for (Var.Table symbols : mSymbolTables) { // search all tables
                    v = searchVar(symbols, var);
                    if (v != null) {
            if (v != null) {
                return v;
            //      }
            return var.copy(); // not in lists of variable names, return new Var

        // Utility for searchVar(Var), searches one table.
        private Var searchVar(Var.Table symbols, Var var) { // search a table for a variable by name
            if (symbols == null) {
                return null;
            } // no table
            int j = Collections.binarySearch(symbols.mVarNames,;
            if (j < 0) {
                return null;
            } // name not found

            var = symbols.mVars.get(j);
            if (var.isArray()) {
                // If variable is array invalidated by UNDIM,
                // delete it so a new one with the same name can be created.
                Var.ArrayDef array = var.arrayDef();
                if ((array != null) && !array.valid()) {
            return var;

        // ************************* bottom half of getVar() **********************

        // Do NOT call before calling parseVar() and searchVar(Var).
        // can automatically create scalar but not array.
        // Error if isArray and isNew or if GetArrayValue returns null.
        private Var.Val getVarValue(Var var) { // bottom half of getVar()
            if (var == null)
                return null; // no var to get
            Var.Val val = null;
            if (var.isArray()) {
                Var.ArrayVar aVar = (Var.ArrayVar) var;
                if (var.isNew()) { // new array: error
                    RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_EXISTS); // set error and return null
                } else { // existing array
                    val = GetArrayValue(aVar); // get a value based upon user's index values
            } else {
                if (var.isNew()) { // new scalar: put an empty Val in the Var
                    var.newVal(); // make a new Val attached to the Var
                    insertNewVar(var); // and put the Var in the symbol table;
                val = var.val(); // get the Val from the Var
            return val;

        // Get insertion point (-index - 1) so name list will still be in alphabetical order.
        private void insertNewVar(Var var) { // make a new var table entry
            String name =;
            // Throws exception if var already exists. If necessary, avoid by testing var.isNew() first.
            int index = newVarIndex(mSymbolTable.mVarNames, name);
            mSymbolTable.add(index, name, var); // create new intry in symbol table

        // ************************************* end of getVar() **************************************

        // ********************************** The Expression Parsers **********************************

        private boolean getNumber() { // Get a number if there is one
            char c = 0;
            String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
            int max = text.length();
            int i = LineIndex;
            while (i < max) { // Must start with one or more digits
                c = text.charAt(i);
                if (c > '9' || c < '0') {
                } // If not a digit, done with whole part
            if (i == LineIndex) {
                return false;
            } // No digits, not a number

            if (c == '.') { // May have a decimal point
                while (++i < max) { // Followed by more digits
                    c = text.charAt(i);
                    if (c > '9' || c < '0') {
                    } // If not a digit, done with fractional part
            if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { // Is there an exponent
                if (++i < max) {
                    c = text.charAt(i);
                    if (c == '+' || c == '-') {
                    } // Is there a sign on the exponent
                while (i < max) { // Get the exponent
                    c = text.charAt(i);
                    if (c > '9' || c < '0') {
                    } // If not a digit, done with exponent
            String num = text.substring(LineIndex, i); // isolate the numeric characters
            LineIndex = i;
            double d = 0.0;
            try {
                d = Double.parseDouble(num);
            } // have java parse it into a double
            catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } // can't happen if above parsing is correct

            GetNumberValue = d; // Report the value
            return true; // Say we found a number

        private boolean GetStringConstant() { // Get a string constant if there is one
            String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
            int max = text.length();
            if (LineIndex >= max || LineIndex < 0) {
                return false;

            int i = LineIndex;
            StringConstant = "";
            char c = text.charAt(i);
            if (c != '"') {
                return false;
            } // first char not "", not String Constant
            while (true) { // Get the rest of the String
                ++i; // copy character until " or EOL
                if (i >= max) {
                    return false;
                c = text.charAt(i);
                if (c == '"') {
                } // if " we're done

                if (c == '\r') { // AddProgramLine hides embedded newline as carriage return
                    c = '\n';
                } else if (c == '\\') { // AddProgramLine allows only quote or backslash after backslash
                    c = text.charAt(++i);
                StringConstant += c; // add to String Constant

            if (i < max - 1) {
            } // do not let index be >= line length
            LineIndex = i;
            return true; // Say we have a string constant

        private boolean evalToPossibleKeyword(String keyword) { // use with midline keywords THEN, TO, STEP
            // Evaluate a numeric expression, terminated either by EOL or by the given possible keyword.
            // Expression value is left in EvalNumericExpressionValue; return true is expression is valid.
            PossibleKeyWord = keyword; // tell parseVar to expect the keyword
            boolean ok = evalNumericExpression();
            PossibleKeyWord = ""; // restore global before return
            return ok;

        private boolean evalNumericExpression() { // Evaluate a numeric expression

            if (LineIndex >= ExecutingLineBuffer.length())
                return false;
            char c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex);
            if (c == '\n' || c == ')')
                return false; // If eol or starts with ')', there is not an expression

            Stack<Double> ValueStack = new Stack<Double>(); // Each call to eval gets its own stack
            Stack<Integer> OpStack = new Stack<Integer>(); // thus we can recursively call eval
            int SaveIndex = LineIndex;

            OpStack.push(SOE); // Push Start of Expression onto stack
            if (!ENE(OpStack, ValueStack)) { // Now do the recursive evaluation
                LineIndex = SaveIndex; // if it fails, back up
                return false; // and die

            if (ValueStack.empty())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = ValueStack.pop(); // Recursive eval succeeded. Pop stack for results
            return true;

        // The recursive part of evalNumericExpression
        private boolean ENE(Stack<Integer> theOpStack, Stack<Double> theValueStack) {
            double incdec = 0.0; // for recording pre-inc/dec
            char c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex); // First character
            if (c == '+') { // Check for unary operators or pre-inc/dec
                ++LineIndex; // move to the next character
                if (isNext('+')) {
                    incdec = 1.0;
                } // remember to pre-increment
                else {
                } // save the operator
            } else if (c == '-') {
                if (isNext('-')) {
                    incdec = -1.0;
                } // remember to post-decrement
                else {
                } // save the operator
            } else if (c == '!') {

            int holdLI = LineIndex;
            Var var = parseVar(USER_FN_OK); // duplicate getVarAndType() except USER_FN_OK
            if (var != null) { // is variable or function name
                if (!var.isFunction()) {
                    var = searchVar(var); // finish getVarAndType()
                    if (var.isNumeric()) {
                        mVal = getVarValue(var); // finish getNVar()
                        if (mVal != null) { // we have a numeric variable!
                            Var.Val val = mVal;
                            double value = val.nval();
                            if (incdec != 0) {
                                value += incdec; // pre-inc or dec
                            if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(OP_INC, LineIndex)) {
                                val.val(value + 1); // post-increment
                                LineIndex += 2;
                            } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(OP_DEC, LineIndex)) {
                                val.val(value - 1); // post-decrement
                                LineIndex += 2;
                            theValueStack.push(value); // PUSH THE VALUE of the nvar
                        } else {
                            return false;
                        } // nvar, but null val: runtime error getting array val
                    } else { // var but not numeric
                        LineIndex = holdLI; // not nvar, back up and try something else
                } else { // function name
                    if (incdec != 0) {
                        return false;
                    } // pre-inc/dec applies only to numeric variables
                    Command cmd;
                    String name =;
                    Var.FnDef def = mFunctionTable.get(name);
                    if ((def != null) && def.type().isNumeric()) { // like isUserFunction(true, TYPE_NUMERIC)
                        if (!doUserFunction(def)) {
                            return false;
                        theValueStack.push(EvalNumericExpressionValue); // PUSH THE VALUE (result of the function)
                    } else if ((cmd = MF_map.get(name)) != null) { // try Math Function
                        if (!doMathFunction(cmd)) {
                            return false;
                        theValueStack.push(EvalNumericExpressionValue); // PUSH THE VALUE (result of the function)
                    } else {
                        LineIndex = holdLI; // not valid num function, back up and try something else
            } // else var is null, try something else

            if (LineIndex == holdLI) { // no valid Var found, here's where we try stomething else
                if (incdec != 0) {
                    return false;
                } // pre-inc/dec applies only to numeric variables
                else if (getNumber()) { // is it a number?
                    theValueStack.push(GetNumberValue); // PUSH THE VALUE (the number)
                } else if (evalStringExpression()) { // try String Logical Expression
                    if (!SEisLE)
                        return false; // if was not a logical string expression, fail
                } else if (isNext('(')) { // handle possible (
                    String holdPKW = PossibleKeyWord;
                    PossibleKeyWord = "";
                    boolean ok = evalNumericExpression() && isNext(')'); // eval expression inside the parens
                    PossibleKeyWord = holdPKW; // restore global before possible return
                    if (!ok) {
                        return false;
                    theValueStack.push(EvalNumericExpressionValue); // no errors, push expression value
                } else {
                    return false;
                } // nothing left, fail

            if (LineIndex >= ExecutingLineBuffer.length()) {
                return false;
            c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex);

            if (!PossibleKeyWord.equals("")) {
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(PossibleKeyWord, LineIndex)) {
                    return handleOp(EOL, theOpStack, theValueStack);

            if (",:;]".indexOf(c) >= 0) { // treat any of these characters as an eol
                return handleOp(EOL, theOpStack, theValueStack);

            if (!getOp()) {
                return false;
            } // If operator does not follow, then fail

            switch (OperatorValue) { // Handle special case operators
            // (This is probably redundant given the above)
            case EOL:
                if (!handleOp(EOL, theOpStack, theValueStack)) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            case RPRN:
                if (!handleOp(RPRN, theOpStack, theValueStack)) {
                    return false;
                if (theOpStack.isEmpty()) {
                    return true;
                } // ')' was removed with matching '('
                if ((theOpStack.pop() == RPRN) && !theOpStack.isEmpty()) {
                    if (theOpStack.pop() == SOE) {
                        --LineIndex; // LineIndex points at ')'
                        return true; // Let caller try to match ')'
                return false; // op stack got corrupted?
            case NOT: // can't use unary operator after operand
            case LPRN: // can't start new expression after operand
                return false;
                if (!handleOp(OperatorValue, theOpStack, theValueStack)) { // Handles non special case ops
                    return false;

            return ENE(theOpStack, theValueStack); // Recursively call ENE for rest of expression

        private boolean getOp() { // Get an expression operator if there is one

            int lastOp = OperatorString.length; // Look for operator
            for (int i = 0; i < lastOp; ++i) {
                String op = OperatorString[i];
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(op, LineIndex)) {
                    OperatorValue = i;
                    LineIndex += op.length();
                    return true;
            if (isNext('~')) { // Look for the array.load continue line character
                OperatorValue = EOL; // Change it to EOL
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean handleOp(int op, Stack<Integer> theOpStack, Stack<Double> theValueStack) { // handle an expression operator

            // Execute operator in turn by their precedence

            double d1 = 0;
            double d2 = 0;
            int ExecOp = 0;

            // If the operator stack is empty, push an SOE (should never happen)
            if (theOpStack.empty()) {
                //         theOpStack.push(SOE);
                return false;
            // If the current operator's Goes Onto Stack Precedence
            // is less than the top of stack' Come Off precedence
            // then pop the top of stack operator and execute it
            // keep doing this until the Goes Onto Precedence
            // is less then the TOS Come Off Precedence and then
            // push the current operator onto the operator stack

            while (ComesOffPrecedence[theOpStack.peek()] >= GoesOnPrecedence[op]) {

                if (theValueStack.empty())
                    return false; // Avoid a crash
                ExecOp = theOpStack.pop();

                // Execute the popped operator
                // In general values are popped from the stack and then
                // operated on by the operator
                // the result is then pushed onto the value stack
                switch (ExecOp) {

                case UMINUS:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = -d1;

                case UPLUS:

                case PLUS:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = d2 + d1;

                case MINUS:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = d2 - d1;

                case MUL:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = d2 * d1;

                case DIV:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    // handle divide by zero
                    if (d1 == 0) {
                        return RunTimeError("DIVIDE BY ZERO AT:");
                    d1 = d2 / d1;

                case EXP:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = Math.pow(d2, d1);

                case LE:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d2 <= d1) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case NE:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d2 != d1) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case GE:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d2 >= d1) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case GT:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d2 > d1) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case LT:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d2 < d1) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case LEQ: // Logical Equals
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d2 == d1) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case OR:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = ((d1 != 0) || (d2 != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case AND:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d2 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = ((d1 != 0) && (d2 != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case NOT:
                    d1 = theValueStack.pop();
                    d1 = (d1 == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                case LPRN:
                    if (op != RPRN) {
                        return false;
                case FLPRN:
                case RPRN:
                case SOE:
                    return true;
                case EOL:
                    d1 = d2;
                //         if (op == RPRN) break;

            } // End of while pop stack operations

            theOpStack.push(op); // Push the current operator
            return true;

        private boolean evalStringExpression() { // Evaluate a string expression

            int max = ExecutingLineBuffer.length();
            if (LineIndex >= max) {
                return false;

            char c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex);
            if (c == '\n' || c == ')') {
                return false;
            } // If eol or starts with ')', there is not an expression

            SEisLE = false; // Assume not Logical Expression

            if (!ESE()) {
                return false;
            } // Get the next element (constant, var, function, etc)
            String Temp1 = StringConstant;
            StringBuilder sb = null;
            while (isNext('+')) { // Another piece to concatenate?
                if (!ESE()) {
                    return false;
                } // Get the next element (constant, var, function, etc)
                if (sb == null) {
                    sb = new StringBuilder(Temp1);
                sb.append(StringConstant); // save the resulting string
            if (sb != null) {
                StringConstant = Temp1 = sb.toString();
                sb = null;

            EvalNumericExpressionValue = 0.0; // Set Logical Compare Result to false
            if (LineIndex >= max) {
                return false;
            c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex);
            if ((c == '\n') || // end of line
                    (c == ')') || // end of parenthesized expression
                    (c == ',') || // parameter separator
                    (c == ';') || // PRINT separator
                    (c == ':') // SQL.UPDATE separator
            ) {
                return true;
            } // string expression done

            // logical comparison operator required
            int SaveLineIndex = LineIndex;
            boolean isOp = getOp();
            int operator = OperatorValue;
            isOp &= operator == LE || operator == NE || operator == GE || operator == GT || operator == LT
                    || operator == LEQ;
            if (!isOp) { // not a logical comparison op
                LineIndex = SaveLineIndex;
                return true; // string expression done

            if (!ESE()) {
                return false;
            } // get the string to compare

            SEisLE = true; // signal logical string expression
            String Temp2 = StringConstant; // do any concat on the right side
            while (isNext('+')) {
                SaveLineIndex = LineIndex - 1; // index of the '+'
                if (ESE()) {
                    if (sb == null) {
                        sb = new StringBuilder(Temp2);
                    sb.append(StringConstant); // build up the right side string
                } else { // what follows is not a string expression
                    LineIndex = SaveLineIndex; // assume the + operation is numeric
            if (sb != null) {
                StringConstant = Temp2 = sb.toString();

            if ((Temp1 == null) || (Temp2 == null)) {
                return false;
            int cv = Temp1.compareTo(Temp2); // Do the compare
            /* if Temp1 < Temp2, cv < 0
             * if Temp1 = Temp2, cv = 0
             * if Temp1 > Temp2, cv > 0

            EvalNumericExpressionValue = 0.0; // assume false

            switch (operator) {

            case LE:
                if (cv <= 0)
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = 1.0;
            case NE:
                if (cv != 0)
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = 1.0;
            case GE:
                if (cv >= 0)
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = 1.0;
            case GT:
                if (cv > 0)
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = 1.0;
            case LEQ:
                if (cv == 0)
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = 1.0;
            case LT:
                if (cv < 0)
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = 1.0;
                return false; // Can't happen
            return true;

        private boolean ESE() { // Get a String expression element

            if (GetStringConstant())
                return true; // Try String Constant

            int LI = LineIndex;

            if (isNext('(')) { // Try parenthesized string expression
                if (getStringArg() && isNext(')'))
                    return true; // logical expresson not allowed here
                LineIndex = LI;
                return false;

            Var var = parseVar(USER_FN_OK); // duplicate getVarAndType() except USER_FN_OK
            if (var == null)
                return false; // no variable or function name

            if (var.isFunction()) { // name ends with '('; it's a function
                if (var.isString()) { // could be a user-defined string-type function
                    Var.FnDef fn = mFunctionTable.get(; // search like isUserFunction()
                    if (fn != null) {
                        boolean ok = doUserFunction(fn); // execute the user function
                        if (!ok) {
                            LineIndex = LI;
                        return ok;

                Command cmd = SF_map.get(; // try built-in string function
                if (cmd != null) {
                    boolean ok =; // execute the built-in functon
                    if (!ok) {
                        LineIndex = LI;
                    return ok;
            } else // array or scalar
            if (var.isString()) { // is it a string type?
                var = searchVar(var);
                Var.Val val = getVarValue(var); // bottom half of getVar()
                if (val != null) {
                    StringConstant = val.sval();
                    return true;

            LineIndex = LI;
            return false;

        // ******************************* Statement Parsing Utilities ********************************

        private boolean isEOL() {
            return (LineIndex >= ExecutingLineBuffer.length())
                    || (ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex) == '\n');

        private boolean checkEOL() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true;
            String ec = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().substring(LineIndex);
            RunTimeError("Extraneous characters in line: " + ec);
            return false;

        private boolean isNext(char c) { // Check the current character
            if ((LineIndex < ExecutingLineBuffer.length()) && // if it is as expected...
                    (ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex) == c)) {
                ++LineIndex; // ... increment the character pointer
                return true;
            return false; // else don't increment LineIndex

        private boolean getStringArg() { // Get and validate a string
            return (evalStringExpression() // Get the string expression
                    && !SEisLE // Okay if not logical expression
                    && (StringConstant != null)); //      and not null
            // Leaves evaluation result in StringConstant

        private boolean getArgAsNum() { // Get and validate a numeric expression
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) { // or string that evaluates to a number
                if (SyntaxError || !getStringArg()) {
                    return false;
                try {
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = Double.valueOf(StringConstant);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    return false;
            return true; // return value in EvalNumericExpressionValue

        // Get optional arguments, where all are variables, not expressions.
        // types: 1 numeric, 2 string, 3 either
        // Type 3 coming in is overwritten to type of variable found on command line.
        private boolean getOptVars(byte[] types, Var.Val[] vals) {

            if (isEOL())
                return true; // no arguments
            int nArgs = types.length;
            if (nArgs != vals.length)
                return false; // array lengths must match

            boolean isComma = true;
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                if (isComma) {
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                    if (!isComma) {
                        if (!getVar())
                            return false;
                        Var.Val val = mVal;
                        byte vType = (byte) (val.isNumeric() ? 1 : 2);
                        if ((vType & types[arg]) == 0)
                            return false; // type mismatch
                        types[arg] = vType;
                        vals[arg] = val;
                        isComma = isNext(',');
            return (!isComma && checkEOL());
        } // getOptVars

        // Get optional arguments, where all are expressions, not variables.
        // types: 1 numeric, 2 string, 3 either
        // Type 3 coming in is overwritten to type of expression found on command line.
        private boolean getOptExprs(byte[] type, Double[] nVal, String[] sVal) {

            if (isEOL())
                return true; // no arguments
            int nArgs = type.length;
            if (nArgs != nVal.length)
                return false; // array lengths must match
            if (nArgs != sVal.length)
                return false; // array lengths must match

            boolean isComma = true;
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                int typ = type[arg];
                if (isComma) {
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                    if (!isComma) {
                        if (typ != 2) { // try numeric expression
                            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                                if (typ == 1)
                                    return false; // required numeric
                                typ = 2; // actual type is string
                            } else {
                                if (typ == 3) {
                                    typ = 1;
                                } // actual type is numeric
                                nVal[arg] = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
                        if (typ == 2) { // try string expression
                            if (!getStringArg())
                                return false;
                            sVal[arg] = StringConstant;
                        isComma = isNext(',');
            return (!isComma && checkEOL());
        } // getOptExprs(byte[], Double[], Sring[])

        // Like getOptExprs, but limited to integer arguments.
        private boolean getOptExprs(int[] iVal) {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // no arguments
            int nArgs = iVal.length;
            boolean isComma = true;
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                if (isComma) {
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                    if (!isComma) {
                        if (!evalNumericExpression())
                            return false;
                        iVal[arg] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                        isComma = isNext(',');
            return (!isComma && checkEOL());
        } // getOptExprs(int[])

        // Like getOptExprs, but limited to String arguments.
        private boolean getOptExprs(String[] sVal) {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // no arguments
            int nArgs = sVal.length;
            boolean isComma = true;
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                if (isComma) {
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                    if (!isComma) {
                        if (!getStringArg())
                            return false;
                        sVal[arg] = StringConstant;
                        isComma = isNext(',');
            return (!isComma && checkEOL());
        } // getOptExprs(String[])

        private double[] getArgsDD() { // get two numeric arguments (doubles)
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            double d1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            double d2 = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            double[] args = { d1, d2 };
            return args;

        private long[] getArgsLL() { // get two numeric arguments (longs)
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            long l1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            long l2 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            long[] args = { l1, l2 };
            return args;

        private int[] getArgsII() { // get two numeric arguments (ints)
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            int i1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            int i2 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            int[] args = { i1, i2 };
            return args;

        private int[] getArgs4I() { // get four numeric int arguments
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            int i1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            int i2 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            int i3 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return null;
            int i4 = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            int[] args = { i1, i2, i3, i4 };
            return args;

        private Var.Val[] getArgs4NVar() { // get four numeric var arguments
            if (!getNVar()) {
                return null;
            Var.Val v1 = mVal;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!getNVar()) {
                return null;
            Var.Val v2 = mVal;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!getNVar()) {
                return null;
            Var.Val v3 = mVal;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!getNVar()) {
                return null;
            Var.Val v4 = mVal;
            Var.Val[] args = { v1, v2, v3, v4 };
            return args;

        private String[] getArgsSS() { // get two string arguments
            if (!getStringArg()) {
                return null;
            String s1 = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return null;
            if (!getStringArg()) {
                return null;
            String s2 = StringConstant;
            String[] args = { s1, s2 };
            return args;

        // ************************************** Math Functions **************************************

        private boolean doMathFunction(Command cmd) {
            // If the function exists, run it, and verify that the closing ')' is present.
            // Function value is returned in EvalNumericExpressionValue.
            return (cmd != null) && && isNext(')');

        private boolean executeMF_SIN() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.sin(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_COS() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.cos(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_TAN() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.tan(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_SQR() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            double d1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            if (d1 < 0) {
                return RunTimeError("SQR parameter must be >= 0");
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.sqrt(d1);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ABS() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.abs(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_SGN() { // 2014-03-16 gt
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.signum(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_CEIL() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.ceil(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_FLOOR() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.floor(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_INT() { // 2014-03-16 gt
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Double.valueOf(EvalNumericExpressionIntValue);
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_FRAC() { // 2014-03-16 gt
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            String str = EvalNumericExpressionValue.toString();
            String sgn = (EvalNumericExpressionValue < 0) ? "-" : "";
            int point = str.indexOf('.');
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = (point < 0) ? 0.0 : Double.parseDouble(sgn + str.substring(point));
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_MIN() { // 2013-07-29 gt
            double[] args = getArgsDD();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.min(args[0], args[1]);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_MAX() { // 2013-07-29 gt
            double[] args = getArgsDD();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.max(args[0], args[1]);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_LOG() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.log(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_EXP() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.exp(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_TODEGREES() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.toDegrees(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_TORADIANS() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.toRadians(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_PI() { // 2013-07-29 gt
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.PI;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ATAN() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.atan(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ACOS() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            double d1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            if (d1 < -1 || d1 > 1) {
                return RunTimeError("ACOS parameter out of range");
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.acos(d1);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ASIN() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            double d1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            if (d1 < -1 || d1 > 1) {
                return RunTimeError("ASIN parameter out of range");
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.asin(d1);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ROUND() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            double d1 = EvalNumericExpressionValue; // look for optional place count arg
            if (!isNext(',')) { // no optional parameters, legacy behavior
                d1 = (double) Math.round(d1);
            } else {
                int places = 0; // default decimal place count
                int roundingMode = BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN; // default rounding mode
                boolean isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false; // get decimal place count
                    places = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                    if (places < 0) {
                        return RunTimeError("Decimal place count (" + places + ") must be >= 0");
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                if (isComma) { // look for optional rounding mode
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false;
                    String roundingArg = StringConstant.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
                    Integer mode = mRoundingModeTable.get(roundingArg);
                    if (mode == null) {
                        return RunTimeError("Invalid rounding mode: " + roundingArg);
                    roundingMode = mode.intValue();
                d1 = new BigDecimal(d1).setScale(places, roundingMode).doubleValue();
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = d1;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_LEN() { // LEN(s$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get and check the string expression
            double d1 = StringConstant.length(); // then get its length
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = d1;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_RANDOMIZE() {
            if (isNext(')')) { // no parameter
                --LineIndex; // unget the ')'
                randomizer = new Random(); // same as seed == 0
            } else {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                long seed = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
                randomizer = (seed == 0L) ? new Random() : new Random(seed);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = 0.0;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_RND() {
            if (randomizer == null) {
                randomizer = new Random();
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = randomizer.nextDouble();
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_BACKGROUND() {
            boolean background = RunPaused && !GRFront && !mWebFront;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = background ? 1.0 : 0.0;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_VAL() { // VAL(s$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get and check the string expression
            StringConstant = StringConstant.trim();
            if (StringConstant.length() == 0) {
                return RunTimeError("VAL of empty string is not valid");
            try {
                double d1 = Double.parseDouble(StringConstant); // have java parse it into a double
                EvalNumericExpressionValue = d1;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return RunTimeError("Not a valid number: " + StringConstant);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_IS_NUMBER() { // IS_NUMBER(s$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get and check the string expression
            StringConstant = StringConstant.trim();
            double isNum = 0.0; // default: not a valid numeric string
            if (StringConstant.length() > 0) { // not valid if length 0
                try {
                    Double.parseDouble(StringConstant); // have java parse it into a double
                    isNum = 1.0; // return 1: it's a valid numeric string
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                } // return 0: not a valid numeric string
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = isNum;
            return true;

        private int getIndexArg(int max) { // return 1-based index, 0 if error, default 1
            int index = 1;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return 0;
                index = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (max != 0) { // if empty string, index is irrelevant
                    if ((index < 1) || (index > max)) {
                        RunTimeError("Index (" + index + ") out of range");
                        return 0;
            return index;

        private boolean executeMF_ASCII() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get and check the string expression
            String arg = StringConstant;
            int len = arg.length();
            int index = getIndexArg(len); // get 1-based string index, 0 if error
            if (--index < 0)
                return false; // convert to 0-based index

            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = (len == 0) ? 256L : (arg.charAt(index) & 0x00FF);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_UCODE() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get and check the string expression
            String arg = StringConstant;
            int len = arg.length();
            int index = getIndexArg(len); // get 1-based string index, 0 if error
            if (--index < 0)
                return false; // convert to 0-based index

            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = (len == 0) ? 0x10000L : arg.charAt(index);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_MOD() { // MOD( d1,d2
            double[] args = getArgsDD();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            if (args[1] == 0.0) {
                return RunTimeError("DIVIDE BY ZERO AT:");
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = (args[0] % args[1]);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_BNOT() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            long arg = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = ~arg;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_BOR() {
            long[] args = getArgsLL();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = (args[0] | args[1]);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_BAND() {
            long[] args = getArgsLL();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = (args[0] & args[1]);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_BXOR() {
            long[] args = getArgsLL();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = (args[0] ^ args[1]);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_IS_IN() {
            String[] args = getArgsSS();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            String searchFor = args[0];
            String searchIn = args[1];

            int start = 1;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            double k; // result: index of matched substring
            if (start < 0) { // do reverse search
                start += searchIn.length(); // zero-based index of start character
                k = searchIn.lastIndexOf(searchFor, start);
            } else { // do forward search
                --start; // zero-based index of start character
                k = searchIn.indexOf(searchFor, start);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = (k < 0) ? 0 : ++k; // convert to one-based index
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_STARTS_WITH() {
            String[] args = getArgsSS();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            String searchFor = args[0];
            String searchIn = args[1];
            int start = 1;

            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (start < 1) {
                    return RunTimeError("Start value must be >= 1");

            if (start > searchIn.length()) {
                start = searchIn.length();
            if (--start < 0) {
                start = 0;
            } // make one-based start index zero-based

            int i1 = searchIn.startsWith(searchFor, start) ? searchFor.length() : 0;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = (double) i1;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ENDS_WITH() {
            String[] args = getArgsSS();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            String searchFor = args[0];
            String searchIn = args[1];

            int i1 = searchIn.endsWith(searchFor) ? (searchIn.length() - searchFor.length() + 1) : 0;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = (double) i1;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_CLOCK() {
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = (double) SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_TIME() {
            if (ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex) == ')') { // If no args, use current time
                EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = System.currentTimeMillis();
            } else { // Otherwise, get user-supplied time
                Time time = theTimeZone.equals("") ? new Time() : new Time(theTimeZone);
                if (!parseTimeArgs(time))
                    return false;
                EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = time.toMillis(true);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_GR_COLLISION() {
            int[] args = getArgsII();
            if (args == null)
                return false;

            EvalNumericExpressionValue = gr_collide(args[0], args[1]);
            return (EvalNumericExpressionValue != -1); // -1 is run time error

        private boolean executeMF_base(int base) { // BIN, OCT, or HEX, depending on the base parameter
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get and check the string expression
            try {
                EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = new BigInteger(StringConstant, base).longValue();
                EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
                VarIsInt = true;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return RunTimeError("Not a valid number: " + StringConstant);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_SHIFT() {
            long[] args = getArgsLL();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            long value = args[0];
            long bits = args[1];

            EvalNumericExpressionIntValue = (bits < 0) ? (value << -bits) : (value >> bits);
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = EvalNumericExpressionIntValue.doubleValue();
            VarIsInt = true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_ATAN2() {
            double[] args = getArgsDD();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.atan2(args[0], args[1]);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_CBRT() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.cbrt(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_COSH() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.cosh(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_HYPOT() {
            double[] args = getArgsDD();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.hypot(args[0], args[1]);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_SINH() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.sinh(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_POW() {
            double[] args = getArgsDD();
            if (args == null)
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.pow(args[0], args[1]);
            return true;

        private boolean executeMF_LOG10() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            EvalNumericExpressionValue = Math.log10(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        // ************************************ end Math Functions ************************************

        // ************************************* String Functions *************************************

        // Each string function must check for the closing parenthesis (')').

        private boolean executeSF_LEFT() { // LEFT$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String str = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            int length = str.length();
            if (length > 0) {
                int count = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (count < 0) {
                    count += length;
                    str = (count <= 0) ? "" : str.substring(0, count);
                } else if (count < length) {
                    str = str.substring(0, count);
            StringConstant = str;
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_RIGHT() { // RIGHT$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            String str = StringConstant;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            int length = str.length();
            if (length > 0) {
                int count = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (count < 0) {
                    str = (-count >= length) ? "" : str.substring(-count);
                } else if (count < length) {
                    str = str.substring(length - count);
            StringConstant = str;
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_MID() { // MID$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get the string
            String str = StringConstant;
            int length = str.length();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the start index
            int start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            int count;

            if (isNext(',')) { // If there is a count, get it
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                count = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            } else {
                count = length; // Default count is whole string
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            if (length > 0) {
                if (--start < 0) {
                    start = 0;
                } // change 1-based index to 0-based
                else if (start >= length) {
                    start = length;
                int end; // 0-based end index
                if (count > 0) {
                    end = start + count;
                    if (end > length) {
                        end = length;
                } else {
                    end = start + 1;
                    if (end > length) {
                        end = length;
                    start = end + count;
                    if (start < 0) {
                        start = 0;
                if ((count == 0) || (start >= length)) {
                    str = "";
                } else if ((start > 0) || (end < length)) {
                    str = str.substring(start, end);
            StringConstant = str;
            return true;

        private String ltrim(String str, String trim) { // remove
            if ((str == null) || str.equals(""))
                return "";
            if ((trim == null) || trim.equals(""))
                return str;
            if (!trim.startsWith("^")) {
                trim = "^" + trim;
            return str.replaceFirst(trim, "");

        private String rtrim(String str, String trim) {
            if ((str == null) || str.equals(""))
                return "";
            if ((trim == null) || trim.equals(""))
                return str;
            if (!trim.endsWith("$")) {
                trim += "$";
            return str.replaceFirst(trim, "");

        private boolean executeSF_TRIM(int what) { // TRIM$
            // use TLEFT, TRIGHT, or TLEFT|TRIGHT for what arg
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String str = StringConstant;
            String trim = "\\s+"; // default: trim whitespace
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                trim = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            if (trim != "") {
                if ((what & TLEFT) != 0) {
                    str = ltrim(str, trim);
                if ((what & TRIGHT) != 0) {
                    str = rtrim(str, trim);
            StringConstant = str;
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_WORD() { // WORD$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // string to split
            String SearchString = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // which word to return
            int wordIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            String r[] = doSplit(SearchString, 0); // get regex arg, if any, and split the string.
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            int length = r.length; // get the number of strings generated
            if (length == 0)
                return false; // error in doSplit()

            wordIndex--; // convert to 0-based index
            for (int i = 0; (i < length) && (r[i].length() == 0); ++i) {
                wordIndex++; // special case: string started with delimiter(s)
            StringConstant = ((wordIndex < 0) || (wordIndex >= length)) ? "" : r[wordIndex];
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_STR() { // STR$
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            StringConstant = String.valueOf(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_UPPER() { // UPPER$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            StringConstant = StringConstant.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_LOWER() { // LOWER$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            StringConstant = StringConstant.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_ENCODE(boolean mode) { // DECODE$ and ENCODE$
            int encoding;
            String charset = "UTF-8"; // default charset
            // If one of the special encodings (Base64, URL, or encryption),
            // the first arg is the type, (optional) second is charset (password if encryption)
            // and third (required) is the string to encode/decode.
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the type or charset
            String type = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            String typeLC = type.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
            if (typeLC.equals("base64")) {
                encoding = ENCODING_BASE64;
            } else if (typeLC.equals("url")) {
                encoding = ENCODING_URL;
            } else if (typeLC.equals("encrypt")) {
                encoding = ENCODING_ENCRYPT;
            } else if (typeLC.equals("decrypt")) {
                encoding = ENCODING_ENCRYPT;
            } else {
                // Plain string conversion. First arg is charset, second is string to convert.
                encoding = ENCODING_OTHER;
                charset = type;

            String src;
            switch (encoding) {
            case ENCODING_ENCRYPT:
                charset = ""; // default password is empty string
                // Fall through to get password, if present.
            case ENCODING_BASE64:
            case ENCODING_URL:
                if (!isNext(',')) {
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false; // get the optional charset (password if ENCRYPT)
                    charset = StringConstant;
                    if (!isNext(','))
                        return false;
                // Fall through to get the string.
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // Get the required source string
                src = StringConstant;
                if (!isNext(')'))
                    return false; // Function must end with ')'

            String dest = null;
            try {
                switch (encoding) {
                case ENCODING_ENCRYPT:
                    dest = (mode == ENCODE) ? encrypt(src, charset) : decrypt(src, charset);
                case ENCODING_BASE64:
                    dest = (mode == ENCODE) ? encodeBase64(src, charset) : decodeBase64(src, charset);
                case ENCODING_URL:
                    dest = (mode == ENCODE) ? URLEncoder.encode(src, charset) : URLDecoder.decode(src, charset);
                    dest = (mode == ENCODE) ? encode(src, charset) : decode(src, charset);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (encoding == ENCODING_ENCRYPT) {
                    return encryptionException(mode, e);
                } else {
                    // UnsupportedEncodingException, IllegalCharsetNameException, or UnsupportedCharsetException
                    return RunTimeError(charset + " is not a valid encoding on this device.");
            if (dest == null)
                return false;
            StringConstant = dest;
            return true;

        private boolean encryptionException(boolean mode, Exception e) {
            return (mode == ENCODE) ? RunTimeError("Encryption error (" + e.getMessage() + ")")
                    : RunTimeError("Decryption error (" + e.getMessage() + "). Check password.");

        private String encrypt(String src, String pw) throws Exception {
            Cipher ecipher = new Basic.Encryption(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pw).cipher();
            byte[] utf8 = src.getBytes("UTF-8"); // encode the string into bytes using UTF-8
            byte[] enc = ecipher.doFinal(utf8); // encrypt

            // To support FroYo, there is a copy of Android's in our build files.
            String dest = Base64.encodeToString(enc, Base64.NO_WRAP); // encode bytes to base64 to get a string
            return dest.trim();

        private String decrypt(String src, String pw) throws Exception {
            Cipher dcipher = new Basic.Encryption(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pw).cipher();
            // To support FroYo, there is a copy of Android's in our build files.
            byte[] dec = Base64.decode(src, Base64.DEFAULT); // decode base64 to get bytes
            byte[] utf8 = dcipher.doFinal(dec); // decrypt
            return new String(utf8, "UTF-8"); // encode bytes to UTF-8 to get a string

        private String encodeBase64(String src, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            byte[] enc = src.getBytes(charset);
            // To support FroYo, there is a copy of Android's in our build files.
            return Base64.encodeToString(enc, Base64.NO_WRAP);

        private String decodeBase64(String src, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            // To support FroYo, there is a copy of Android's in our build files.
            byte[] dec = Base64.decode(src, Base64.DEFAULT);
            return new String(dec, charset);

        private String encode(String src, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            byte[] enc = src.getBytes(charset);
            return new String(enc, "ISO-8859-1");

        private String decode(String src, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            byte[] dec = src.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); // any char > 00FF maps to byte 3F
            return new String(dec, charset);

        private boolean executeSF_FORMAT() { // FORMAT$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the pattern string
            String str = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the number to format
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            return Format(str, EvalNumericExpressionValue); // and then do the format

        private boolean executeSF_USING() {
            Locale locale;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                StringConstant = "";
            } // force default Locale
            else {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get user-specified Locale
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false;
            locale = parseLocale(StringConstant);
            if (locale == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Unknown locale " + StringConstant);

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get format string
            String fmt = StringConstant;

            Object[] args = getUsingArgs(); // get data to format
            if (args == null)
                return false; // error getting args
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            try {
                StringConstant = String.format(locale, fmt, args);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("Cannot complete FPRINT\n", e);

            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_CHR() { // CHR$
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            do {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                sb.append((char) EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue());
            } while (isNext(','));
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            StringConstant = sb.toString();
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_VERSION() { // VERSION$
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            StringConstant = getString(R.string.version);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_GETERROR() { // GETERROR$
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            StringConstant = (mErrorMsg != null) ? mErrorMsg : "unknown";
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_REPLACE() { // REPLACE$
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String target = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String argument = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String replacment = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'

            if (argument == null || replacment == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid string");

            StringConstant = target.replace(argument, replacment);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_INT() { // INT$
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            long val = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            StringConstant = Long.toString(val);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_HEX() { // HEX$
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            long val = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            StringConstant = Long.toHexString(val);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_OCT() { // OCT$
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            long val = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            StringConstant = Long.toOctalString(val);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSF_BIN() { // BIN$
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(')'))
                return false; // Function must end with ')'
            long val = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            StringConstant = Long.toBinaryString(val);
            return true;

        private boolean parseTimeArgs(Time time) { // Convert time parameters to Time object fields
            int year, month, day, hour, minute, second; // Requires six parameters,
            if (!getArgAsNum())
                return false; // either numeric or string containing a number
            year = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // Year$
            if (!isNext(',') || !getArgAsNum())
                return false;
            month = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue() - 1; // Month$ (convert to 0-index)
            if (!isNext(',') || !getArgAsNum())
                return false;
            day = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // Day$
            if (!isNext(',') || !getArgAsNum())
                return false;
            hour = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // Hour$
            if (!isNext(',') || !getArgAsNum())
                return false;
            minute = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // Minute$
            if (!isNext(',') || !getArgAsNum())
                return false;
            second = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // Second$
            time.set(second, minute, hour, day, month, year);
            return true;

        private Locale parseLocale(String localeStr) {
            if ((localeStr == null) || (localeStr.length() == 0)) {
                return Locale.getDefault();
            Locale locale;
            String[] f = localeStr.split("_");
            switch (f.length) {
            default: // ignore excess fields
            case 3:
                locale = new Locale(f[0], f[1], f[2]);
            case 2:
                locale = new Locale(f[0], f[1]);
            case 1:
                locale = new Locale(f[0]);
            return locale;

        private Object[] getUsingArgs() {
            ArrayList<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>();
            while (isNext(',')) {
                if (evalNumericExpression()) { // field is numeric
                    if (VarIsInt) {
                    } else {
                } else if (getStringArg()) {
                    args.add(StringConstant); // field is string
                if (SyntaxError)
                    return null;
            return args.toArray();

        private boolean Format(String Fstring, double Fvalue) { // Format a number for output
            // Do the heart of the FORMAT$ function
            BigDecimal B = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.0);
            try {
                B = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.abs(Fvalue));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            String Vstring = B.toPlainString(); // and convert the big decimal to a string

            String FWstring = ""; // Will hold the whole number part of the pattern (format) string
            String FDstring = ""; // Will hold the decimal part of the pattern string
            String VWstring = ""; // Will hold the whole number part of the number
            String VDstring = ""; // Will hold the decimal part of the number
            String Temp = "";
            int i = 0;
            char c = ' ';
            boolean FhasDecimal = false;
            int FdecimalIndex = 0;
            boolean VhasDecimal = false;
            int VdecimalIndex = 0;

            // First find pattern string decimal index
            for (i = 0; i < Fstring.length(); ++i) {
                if (Fstring.charAt(i) == '.') {
                    if (FhasDecimal)
                        return false; // if more than one decimal, error
                    FhasDecimal = true;
                    FdecimalIndex = i;
            if (!FhasDecimal) { // If no decimal in pattern
                FdecimalIndex = i + 1; // set decimal index past end of pattern
            } else { // else move index past the decimal
            // Split the pattern string
            FWstring = Fstring.substring(0, FdecimalIndex - 1); // FW is whole number part (includes decimal)
            if (FhasDecimal) {
                FDstring = Fstring.substring(FdecimalIndex, Fstring.length());
            } // FD is decimal string

            for (i = 0; i < FDstring.length(); ++i) { // insure FD only has # chars
                if (FDstring.charAt(i) != '#')
                    return false;

            for (i = 0; i < Vstring.length(); ++i) { // Scan the number string for its decimal index
                if (Vstring.charAt(i) == '.') {
                    if (VhasDecimal)
                        return false; // more than one decimal should never happen
                    VhasDecimal = true;
                    VdecimalIndex = i; // Set the value decimal index
            if (!VhasDecimal) { // If value has not decimal (should never happen)
                VdecimalIndex = i + 1;
            } else {
                ++VdecimalIndex; // move the decimal index past the decimal
            // Split the value string
            VWstring = Vstring.substring(0, VdecimalIndex - 1); // VW is whole number part (includes decimal)
            if (VhasDecimal) {
                VDstring = Vstring.substring(VdecimalIndex, Vstring.length());
            } // VD is the decimal part

            // Build the decimal part of the output string
            Temp = "";
            if (FDstring.length() > 0) {
                Temp = ".";
            } // If any pattern for decimal, output the decimal

            for (i = 0; i < FDstring.length(); ++i) { // Copy Decimal digits to output as long as there
                if (FDstring.charAt(i) != '#')
                    return false; // are pattern # chars. If run out of digits before
                if (i < VDstring.length()) { // pattern digits, output 0 characters
                    Temp += VDstring.charAt(i);
                } else {
                    Temp += "0";
            VDstring = Temp; // Save the Decimal Value output string

            Temp = "";
            int FWI = FWstring.length();
            int VWI = VWstring.length();
            // Now work on the floating pattern

            String FloatChar = " "; // Initialize float charcter to none
            if ((FWI > 0) && // If there is a float character
                    (FWstring.charAt(0) != '#') && (FWstring.charAt(0) != '%')) {
                FloatChar = Character.toString(FWstring.charAt(0)); // then move it to FloatChar
                FWstring = FWstring.substring(1, FWI);

            String Header = ""; // Initialize Header to empty
            Header += FloatChar; // add the float char to the header
            Header += (Fvalue < 0) ? "-" : " "; // if value < 0 output minus sign else space
            // note: reverse order will be unreversed later

            // Now work on the whole number par
            StringConstant = "";
            if ((FWI == 0) && (VWI > 0)) { // No Whole format characters and Whole Value characters remain
                if (VWstring.charAt(0) != '0') { // and the Whole character is not '0'
                    StringConstant = "*" + VDstring; // then show error
                } else { // No whole number format chars and not whole number digits
                    StringConstant += (Fvalue < 0) ? "-" : " "; // If the decimal digits are < 0 output minus else blank
                    StringConstant += FloatChar + VDstring; // Build result for decimal digits with no whole number
                return true; // done

            // We have whole format chars and whole value digits
            boolean blanks = true;
            while (FWI >= 0) { // While there are format characters
                c = FWstring.charAt(FWI); // get the format character
                switch (c) {

                case '#': // format charcter = #
                    blanks = true;
                    if (VWI >= 0) {
                        if ((VWI == 0) && (VWstring.charAt(VWI) == '0')) {
                            Temp += " ";
                        } // if there are no more digits, output space
                        else {
                            Temp += Character.toString(VWstring.charAt(VWI));
                        } // else output the digit
                        --VWI; // go to the next digit
                    } else if (VWI == -1) { // No digits left, if we just ran out, output the header
                        Temp += Header + " "; // output the header
                    } else {
                        Temp += " "; // output space

                case '%': // format charcter = %
                    blanks = false;
                    if (VWI >= 0) {
                        Temp += Character.toString(VWstring.charAt(VWI)); // if more digits, output it
                    } else {
                        Temp += "0"; // else output 0

                default: // format character not # or %
                    if (blanks) { // if doing blanks
                        if (VWI >= 0) {
                            Temp += c;
                        } // if more digits, output char
                        else if (VWI == -1) {
                            Temp += Header + " ";
                        } // if just now ran out, output header and blank
                        else {
                            Temp += " ";
                        } // else just a blank
                    } else {
                        Temp += c; // not blanks, output the char

            if (VWI == -1) {
                Temp += Header;
            } // add the header to the end of the whole number

            Temp = new StringBuilder(Temp).reverse().toString(); // now reverse the whole thing

            StringConstant = Temp + VDstring;
            if (VWI >= 0) { // If value decimal digits remain
                StringConstant = "**" + StringConstant; // show the error in place of the header

            return true; // and we are done

        // *********************************** end String Functions ***********************************

        // ************************************* array utilities **************************************

        private boolean BuildBasicArray(Var var, int[] DimList) { // build an arbitrary array with initialized data
            Var.ArrayVar arrayVar = (Var.ArrayVar) var;
            Var.ArrayDef array;
            try {
                array = Var.ArrayDef.create(var.isNumeric(), DimList);
            } // create a new array defintion
            catch (InvalidParameterException ex) {
                return RunTimeError("DIMs must be >= 1 at");
            array.createArray(); // add an empty array of the proper size and type

            arrayVar.arrayDef(array); // add the definition to the variable
            if (var.isNew()) {
            } // put the variable in the symbol table if not already there
            return true;

        private boolean BuildBasicArray(Var var, ArrayList<Integer> DimList) { // like previous method
            int[] dims = new int[DimList.size()]; // but convert ArrayList<Integer> to int[]
            int idx = 0;
            for (int dim : DimList) {
                dims[idx++] = dim;
            return BuildBasicArray(var, dims);

        private boolean BuildBasicArray(Var var, int length) { // build a one-dimensional array with initialized data
            int[] dimValues = new int[] { length }; // list of dimensions has only one element
            return (BuildBasicArray(var, dimValues)); // go build an array of the proper size

        private boolean ListToBasicNumericArray(Var var, List<Double> Values, int length) {
            if (!BuildBasicArray(var, length))
                return false; // go build an array of the proper size and type
            double[] array = var.arrayDef().getNumArray(); // Caution! Raw array access!
            int i = 0;
            for (double d : Values) {
                array[i++] = d;
            } // stuff the array
            return true;

        private boolean ListToBasicStringArray(Var var, List<String> Values, int length) {
            if (!BuildBasicArray(var, length))
                return false; // go build an array of the proper size and type
            String[] array = var.arrayDef().getStrArray(); // Caution! Raw array access!
            int i = 0;
            for (String s : Values) {
                array[i++] = s;
            } // stuff the array
            return true;

        private Var.Val GetArrayValue(Var.ArrayVar var) { // index an array, return the value in a Val
            ArrayList<Integer> indexList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            if (!isNext(']')) { // parse out the index values for this call
                do {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return null;
                } while (isNext(','));
                if (!isNext(']'))
                    return null;
            try {
                return var.val(indexList);
            } catch (InvalidParameterException ex) {
                return null;

        private boolean getIndexPair(Integer[] pair) { // get contents of [] from command line
            // at most two index values accepted
            boolean isBracket = isNext(']');
            if (!isBracket) {
                boolean isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    pair[0] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // first index
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                isBracket = isNext(']');
                if (!isBracket && isComma) {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    pair[1] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // second index
                    isBracket = isNext(']');
            return (isBracket); // must end with ']'

        private boolean getArraySegment(Var.ArrayDef array, Integer[] pair) { // normalize array segment
            // pair in is 1-based [start, length], out is 1-based [base, length]
            if (array == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Array does not exist");
            int length = array.length(); // get the array length
            int base = 0; // array always starts at index 0
            int max = length;

            if (pair[0] != null) {
                int start = pair[0].intValue(); // start index, 1-based, default 1
                if (start > 1) {
                    base += start - 1;
                } // convert to 0-based index, ignore if less than 1
                if (base > max) {
                    base = max;
                } // not an error, just force length to 0
            if (pair[1] != null) {
                length = pair[1].intValue(); // requested length
                if (length < 0) {
                    length = 0;
                } // eliminate negative input
            if ((base + length) > max) {
                length = max - base;
            } // don't go off end of array

            pair[0] = base;
            pair[1] = length;
            return true;

        // *********************************** end array utilities ************************************

        // ************************************* Command Methods **************************************

        private boolean executeImplicitCommand() { // no keyword at beginning of line
            int LI = LineIndex;
            Var var = parseVar(USER_FN_OK); // look for a variable or function name
            if (var == null)
                return false;

            LineIndex = LI; // rewind the LineIndex for re-parse
            Command cmd = var.isFunction() ? CMD_CALL : CMD_IMPL_LET; // implicit CALL or LET (no preinc/dec)
            ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(cmd, 0); // remember for next time the line is executed

        private double incdec() {
            double result = 0.0;
            if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(OP_INC, LineIndex)) {
                LineIndex += 2;
                result = 1.0;
            } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(OP_DEC, LineIndex)) {
                LineIndex += 2;
                result = -1.0;
            return result;

        private boolean executeLET() { // Execute LET (an assignment statement)
             * This is the entry point for use when the command keyword "LET" is present.
            double preVal = incdec(); // check for pre-increment/decrement
            // Remember the result so, if the line is executed again,
            // it will go directly to the executeLET(double) with the right pre-inc/dec val.
            Command cmd = (preVal == 0) ? CMD_IMPL_LET : ((preVal > 0.0) ? CMD_PREINC : CMD_PREDEC);
            int length = +;
            ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(cmd, length);
            return executeLET(preVal);

        private boolean executeLET(double nval) { // Execute LET (an assignment statement)
             * This is the execution function for commands BKW_LET, BKW_PREDEC, and BKW_PREINC,
             * and it is also called from executeImplicitCommand() for implied LET commands.
             * Pre-decrement and pre-increment with no LET are treated as explicit
             * BKW_PREDEC and BKW_PREINC commands.
            boolean islval = (nval == 0.0); // assignable only if no inc/dec

            if (!getVar())
                return false; // get or create the variable to assign a value to
            Var.Val val = mVal; // variable's value

            boolean varIsNumeric = val.isNumeric();
            if (varIsNumeric) {
                double postincdec = incdec(); // check for post-increment/decrement
                if (postincdec != 0) {
                    nval += postincdec;
                    islval = false;
            } else if (!islval)
                return false; // can't inc/dec a string

            if (isEOL()) { // no more to parse, may have created variable
                if (varIsNumeric && (nval != 0.0)) { // pre/post inc/dec of numeric variable
                    return true;
                return false; // else (e.g., bare variable name) syntax error
            } else if (!islval)
                return false; // can't be label or assignment if already inc/dec
            else if (isNext(':')) {
                ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(CMD_LABEL, LineIndex); // it's a label
                return checkEOL(); // must end line

            // Implementation note: this should probably be put in a Java enum type. (TODO)
            int op = ASSIGN;
            String sval = "";
            if (!isNext('=')) { // require some kind of assignment operator
                // NOTE: The lvalue before assignment is the ORIGINAL value of the variable,
                // not the value as modified by and '++' or '--' in the rvalue expression.
                if (varIsNumeric) {
                    nval += val.nval();
                } else {
                    sval = val.sval();
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("+=", LineIndex)) {
                    op = PLUS;
                } else if (varIsNumeric) {
                    if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("-=", LineIndex)) {
                        op = MINUS;
                    } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("*=", LineIndex)) {
                        op = MUL;
                    } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("/=", LineIndex)) {
                        op = DIV;
                    } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("^=", LineIndex)) {
                        op = EXP;
                    } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("&=", LineIndex)) {
                        op = AND;
                    } else if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("|=", LineIndex)) {
                        op = OR;
                    } else
                        return false;
                } else
                    return false;
                LineIndex += 2;

            if (varIsNumeric) { // if variable is numeric then
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // evaluate following numeric expression
                if (op != ASSIGN) {
                    double rval = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
                    switch (op) { // apply the required operation
                    case PLUS:
                        nval += rval;
                    case MINUS:
                        nval -= rval;
                    case MUL:
                        nval *= rval;
                    case DIV:
                        nval /= rval;
                    case EXP:
                        nval = Math.pow(nval, rval);
                    case AND:
                        nval = ((nval != 0) && (rval != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                    case OR:
                        nval = ((nval != 0) || (rval != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                    EvalNumericExpressionValue = nval;
                val.val(EvalNumericExpressionValue); // assign result to the numeric var
            } else { // var is string
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // evaluate the string expression
                if (op == PLUS) {
                    StringConstant = sval + StringConstant;
                val.val(StringConstant); // assign result to the string var
            return checkEOL();
        } // executeLET

        private boolean executeDIM() {
            do { // Multiple Arrays can be DIMed in one DIM statement separated by commas
                Var var = getVarAndType(); // get the array variable name
                if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                    return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
                if (isNext(']'))
                    return false; // must have dimension(s)

                ArrayList<Integer> dimValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // a list to hold the array dimension values
                do { // get each index value
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    dimValues.add(EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue()); // and add it to the list
                } while (isNext(','));
                if (!isNext(']'))
                    return false; // must have closing bracket

                if (!BuildBasicArray(var, dimValues))
                    return false; // no error, build the array

            } while (isNext(',')); // continue while there are arrays to be DIMed
            return checkEOL(); // then done

        private boolean executeUNDIM() {
            mVal = null; // clear mVal just in case it's pointing at a big array that's about to be UNDIMed
            do { // Multiple arrays can be UNDIMed in one statement
                Var var = getVarAndType();
                if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                    return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
                if (!isNext(']')) {
                    return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX);
                if (!var.isNew()) { // if DIMed, UNDIM it
                    var.arrayDef().invalidate(); // mark the array invalid in case any other variable is looking at it
                    searchVar(var); // delete the variable so it can't be used to access this array any more
            } while (isNext(',')); // continue while there are arrays to be UNDIMed

            return checkEOL();

        private boolean executePRINT() {
            if (!buildPrintLine(PrintLine, ""))
                return false; // build up the print line in StringConstant
            if (!PrintLineReady) { // flag set by buildPrintLine
                PrintLine = StringConstant; // not ready to print; hold line
                return true; // and wait for next Print command
            PrintLine = ""; // clear the accumulated print line
            PrintShow(StringConstant); // output the line
            return true;

        // Convert the fields of a print command into a String for printing.
        // The line param can hold an existing String to add the new String to.
        // If the line ends with a semicolon set PrintLineReady false,
        // else add the newline param to the String and set PrintLineReady true.
        // If the String is valid, put it in StringConstant and return true,
        // else return false to signal a syntax error.
        private boolean buildPrintLine(String text, String newline) {
            StringBuilder printLine = new StringBuilder((text == null) ? "" : text);
            char sep = ' ';
            do { // do each field in the print statement
                char c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex);
                if (c == '\n') {
                    break; // done processing the line
                // not EOL: expression is required
                if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                    printLine.append(EvalNumericExpressionValue); // convert to string
                } else if (!SyntaxError && evalStringExpression()) {
                    printLine.append(StringConstant); // field is string
                } else {
                    if (!SyntaxError)
                        checkEOL(); // report junk at EOL unless prior error
                    return false;
                if (SyntaxError) {
                    return false;

                sep = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex); // get possible separator
                if (sep == ',') { // if the separator is a comma
                    printLine.append(sep).append(' '); // add comma + blank to the line
                } else if (sep == ';') { // if separator is semicolon
                    ++LineIndex; // don't add anything to output
            } while (true); // Exit loop happens internal to loop

            PrintLineReady = (sep != ';');
            if (PrintLineReady) { // if not ended in semicolon
                printLine.append(newline); // add newline character(s)
            StringConstant = printLine.toString();
            return true;

        private boolean executeEND() {

            String endMsg = "END"; // Default END message
            boolean ok = true;
            if (!isEOL()) {
                ok = getStringArg(); // Get user's END message
                if (ok) {
                    endMsg = StringConstant;
                    ok = checkEOL();
            if (endMsg.length() > 0) {

            Stop = true; // ALWAYS stop
            return ok;

        private boolean getLabelLineNum() {
            int li = LineIndex;
            String label = getWord(ExecutingLineBuffer.text(), LineIndex, ""); // get label name
            int len = label.length();
            LineIndex += len; // move LineIndex for isEOL()
            if (isEOL()) { // If EOL, this is a simple "GOTO/GOSUB label" statement.
                if (len == 0)
                    return false; // no label and no expression: error
            } else { // Otherwise it is a "GOTO/GOSUB index, label_list..." statement.
                int comma = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().indexOf(',', LineIndex);
                if (comma < 0)
                    return false; // if no comma, there is no expression list, so syntax error

                LineIndex = li;
                if (!evalNumericExpression() || !isNext(','))
                    return false;
                int index = (int) (EvalNumericExpressionValue + 0.5); // round index

                ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); // build label list
                do {
                    if (isEOL())
                        return false; // don't end with comma
                    label = getWord(ExecutingLineBuffer.text(), LineIndex, "");
                    LineIndex += label.length();
                } while (isNext(','));
                if (!isEOL())
                    return false;

                if ((index < 1) || (index > labels.size()))
                    return true; // no target, fall through
                label = labels.get(index - 1);
                len = label.length();
                if (len == 0)
                    return true; // no target, fall through
            Integer lineRef = Labels.get(label);
            if (lineRef == null)
                return RunTimeError("Undefined Label \"" + label + "\" at:");
            ExecutingLineIndex = lineRef.intValue();
            return true;

        private boolean executeGOTO() {
            // Look for severe block boundary crossing abuse: GOTO out of IF or FOR.
            int maxStack = 50000; // 50,000 should be enough

            if ((IfElseStack.size() > maxStack) || (ForNextStack.size() > maxStack)) {
                return RunTimeError("Stack overflow. See manual about use of GOTO.");

            return getLabelLineNum();

        private boolean executeGOSUB() {
            int returnAddress = ExecutingLineIndex;
            if (!getLabelLineNum())
                return false;
            if (ExecutingLineIndex != returnAddress) {
                GosubStack.push(returnAddress); // found a valid gosub address, expect a return
            return true;

        private boolean executeRETURN() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (GosubStack.empty()) {
                return RunTimeError("RETURN without GOSUB");
            ExecutingLineIndex = GosubStack.pop();
            return true;

        private boolean executeIF() {

            if (!IfElseStack.empty()) { // if inside of an IF block
                Integer q = IfElseStack.peek();
                if ((q != IEexec) && (q != IEinterrupt)) { // and not executing
                    int index = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().indexOf("then");
                    if (index < 0) { // if there is no THEN
                        IfElseStack.push(IEskip2); // need to skip to this if's end
                    } else {
                        LineIndex = index + 4; // skip over the THEN
                        if (isNext('\n')) { // if not single line if
                            IfElseStack.push(IEskip2); // need to skip to this if's end
                        } // else is single line, no skip needed
                    return true;
            // Execute this IF

            String kw = "then";
            if (!evalToPossibleKeyword(kw)) {
                return false;
            } // tell getVar that THEN is expected
            boolean condition = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0);

            if (ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex) != '\n') {
                if (!ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(kw, LineIndex)) {
                    return false;
                LineIndex += 4;

                if (!isNext('\n')) {
                    return SingleLineIf(condition);
                } // assume single-line IF

                // at this point: "IF condition THEN\n" and LineIndex is after '\n'

            IfElseStack.push((condition) ? IEexec : IEskip1);

            return true;

        private boolean SingleLineIf(boolean condition) {
            int index = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().lastIndexOf("else");

            // At present, can't use the same ProgramLine when calling StatementExecuter recursively.
            // We create a new, temporary ProgramLine, with its mCommand null, every time.
            if (condition) {
                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
                if (index > 0) {
                    text = text.substring(0, index) + "\n"; // clip off the "else" clause
                ExecutingLineBuffer = new ProgramLine(text);
                return StatementExecuter();

            if (index > 0) {
                LineIndex = index + 4;
                ExecutingLineBuffer = new ProgramLine(ExecutingLineBuffer.text());
                return StatementExecuter();
            return true;

        private boolean executeELSE() {

            if (IfElseStack.empty()) { // prior IF or ELSEIF should have put something on the stack
                RunTimeError("Misplaced ELSE");
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Integer q = IfElseStack.pop();
            IfElseStack.push((q == IEexec) ? IEskip2 : IEexec);

            return true;

        private boolean executeELSEIF() {

            if (IfElseStack.empty()) { // prior IF or ELSEIF should have put something on the stack
                RunTimeError("Misplaced ELSEIF");
                return false;

            Integer q = IfElseStack.pop();

            if (q == IEexec) {
            } else {
                String kw = "then";
                if (!evalToPossibleKeyword(kw)) {
                    return false;
                } // tell getVar that THEN is expected
                boolean condition = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0);

                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(kw, LineIndex)) {
                    LineIndex += 4;
                if (!checkEOL()) {
                    return false;

                IfElseStack.push((condition) ? IEexec : IEskip1);
            return true;

        private boolean executeENDIF() {

            if (IfElseStack.empty()) { // Something must be on the stack
                return RunTimeError("Misplaced ENDIF");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            IfElseStack.pop(); // but we do not care what it is
            return true;


        private boolean skipTo(Command target, Command nest, String errMsg) {
            int lineNum;
            int limit = Basic.lines.size();
            for (lineNum = ExecutingLineIndex + 1; lineNum < limit; ++lineNum) {
                ProgramLine line = Basic.lines.get(lineNum);
                Command c = line.cmd();
                if (c == null) {
                    if (line.startsWith( {
                        line.cmd(target); // found the target
                        c = target;
                    } else if (line.startsWith( {
                        line.cmd(nest); // found nested block of same type
                        c = nest;
                    } else
                        continue; // next line
                if (c == target) {
                    ExecutingLineIndex = lineNum; // found the target
                    ExecutingLineBuffer = line;
                    LineIndex = line.offset();
                    return true;
                if (c == nest) {
                    ExecutingLineIndex = lineNum; // found nested block of same type
                    if (!skipTo(target, nest, errMsg))
                        return false; // recursively seek its end
                    lineNum = ExecutingLineIndex;
            return RunTimeError(errMsg); // end of program, target not found

        private boolean executeFOR() {

            int fline = ExecutingLineIndex; // Loop return location
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val indexVal = mVal; // For Var

            if (!isNext('='))
                return false; // For Var =

            String kw = "to";
            if (!evalToPossibleKeyword(kw))
                return false; // tell getVar that TO is expected
            double fstart = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

            if (!ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(kw, LineIndex))
                return false;
            LineIndex += 2;

            kw = "step";
            if (!evalToPossibleKeyword(kw)) {
                return false;
            } // For Var = <exp> to <exp>
            double flimit = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

            double fstep = 1.0; // For Var = <exp> to <exp> <default step>
            if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith(kw, LineIndex)) {
                LineIndex += 4;
                if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                    return false;
                } // For Var = <exp> to <exp> step <exp>
                fstep = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            indexVal.val(fstart); // assign start <exp> to Var
            ForNext desc = // An object to hold values for stack
                    new ForNext(fline, indexVal, fstep, flimit);

            if (fstep > 0) { // Test the initial condition
                if (fstart > flimit) {
                    return SkipToNext();
                } // If exceeds limit then skip to NEXT
            } else {
                if (fstart < flimit) {
                    return SkipToNext();

            return true;

        private boolean SkipToNext() {
            return skipTo(CMD_NEXT, CMD_FOR, "FOR without NEXT");

        private boolean executeF_N_CONTINUE() {
            if (ForNextStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("No For Loop Active"); // then we have a misplaced CONTINUE
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!SkipToNext())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean executeF_N_BREAK() {
            if (ForNextStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("No For Loop Active"); // then we have a misplaced BREAK
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!SkipToNext())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean executeNEXT() {
            if (ForNextStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("NEXT without FOR"); // then we have a misplaced NEXT
            return doNext();

        private boolean doNext() {
            ForNext desc = ForNextStack.peek(); // peek at the descriptor
            if (desc.doStep()) { // update the loop index
                ForNextStack.pop(); // done: pop the stack
            } else {
                ExecutingLineIndex = desc.line(); // not done: repeat the loop
            return true;

        private boolean executeWHILE() {
            int LI = LineIndex;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0) { // true: push line number and index onto while stack
                WhileStack.push(new WhileRepeat(ExecutingLineIndex, LI));
                return true;
            return SkipToRepeat(); // false: find the REPEAT for the WHILE

        private boolean SkipToRepeat() {
            return skipTo(CMD_REPEAT, CMD_WHILE, "WHILE without REPEAT");

        private boolean executeW_R_CONTINUE() {
            if (WhileStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("No While Loop Active"); // then we have a misplaced CONTINUE
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int saveLine = ExecutingLineIndex; // save current line number
            if (!doRepeat())
                return false; // re-execute the WHILE statement
            if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0.0) {
                ExecutingLineIndex = saveLine; // false: skip to end of loop
                if (!SkipToRepeat())
                    return false;
                WhileStack.pop(); // and pop the stack
            return true;

        private boolean executeW_R_BREAK() {
            if (WhileStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("No While Loop Active"); // then we have a misplaced BREAK
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!SkipToRepeat())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean executeREPEAT() {
            if (WhileStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("REPEAT without WHILE"); // then we have a misplaced REPEAT
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int repeatLine = ExecutingLineIndex; // save current line number
            if (!doRepeat())
                return false; // re-execute the WHILE statement
            if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0.0) {
                WhileStack.pop(); // false: pop the stack
                ExecutingLineIndex = repeatLine; // and exit loop
            } // else re-execute loop
            return true;


        private boolean doRepeat() {
            WhileRepeat line = WhileStack.peek(); // re-execute the WHILE statement
            ExecutingLineIndex = line.line();
            ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(ExecutingLineIndex);
            LineIndex = line.offset();
            return (evalNumericExpression());

        private boolean executeDO() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            DoStack.push(ExecutingLineIndex); // push line number onto DO stack.
            return true;

        private boolean SkipToUntil() {
            return skipTo(CMD_UNTIL, CMD_DO, "DO without UNTIL");

        private boolean executeD_U_CONTINUE() {
            if (DoStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("No DO loop active"); // then we have a misplaced CONTINUE
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!SkipToUntil())
                return false;
            return doUntil();

        private boolean executeD_U_BREAK() {
            if (DoStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("No DO loop active"); // then we have a misplaced BREAK
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!SkipToUntil())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean executeUNTIL() {
            if (DoStack.empty()) { // If the stack is empty
                return RunTimeError("UNTIL without DO"); // then we have a misplaced UNTIL
            return doUntil();

        private boolean doUntil() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0) {
                ExecutingLineIndex = DoStack.peek(); // false: go back to the DO line number
            } else {
                DoStack.pop(); // true: pop the stack
            return true;

        private boolean executeINPUT() {

            String prompt = "";
            boolean isComma = isNext(','); // 1st comma
            if (!isComma) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get user prompt / Dialog title
                prompt = StringConstant;
                isComma = isNext(','); // 1st comma
            if (!isComma || !getVar())
                return false; // 1st comma, variable for return value
            Var.Val varVal = mVal;
            boolean isNumeric = varVal.isNumeric();

            String inputDefault = "";
            Var.Val canceledVal = null;
            isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) { // 2nd comma, get input default
                isComma = isNext(','); // 3rd comma
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (isNumeric) {
                        if (!evalNumericExpression())
                            return false;
                        inputDefault = String.valueOf(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
                        if (inputDefault.endsWith(".0")) {
                            inputDefault = inputDefault.replace(".0", "");
                    } else {
                        if (!getStringArg())
                            return false;
                        inputDefault = StringConstant;
                    isComma = isNext(','); // 3rd comma
            if (isComma) { // 3rd comma
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                canceledVal = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            DialogArgs args = new DialogArgs();
            args.mTitle = prompt;
            args.mInputDefault = inputDefault;
            args.mButton1 = "Ok";
            args.mReturnVal = varVal;
            mWaitForLock = true;
            mInputCancelled = false;
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_INPUT_DIALOG, args); // signal UI to start the dialog

            waitForLOCK(); // wait for the user to exit the Dialog

            if (canceledVal != null) { // use cancel var to report if canceled
                canceledVal.val(mInputCancelled ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            if (mInputCancelled) {
                if (isNumeric) { // if canceled, listener did not set value
                } else {

                if (canceledVal == null) { // no cancel var, report cancel as error
                    String err = "Input dialog cancelled";
                    if (mOnErrorInt != null) { // allow program to trap cancel as error
                        mErrorMsg = err;
                        ExecutingLineIndex = mOnErrorInt.line();
                    } else { // tell user we are stopping
                        PrintShow(err, "Execution halted");
                        Stop = true; // and stop executing
            return true;

        // ************************************** Dialog Commands *************************************

        private boolean executeDIALOG() { // Get Dialog command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(Dialog_cmd, "Dialog");

        private boolean executeDIALOG_MESSAGE() { // Show a Dialog with title, message, and 0 - 3 buttons
            String title = null;
            String msg = null;
            String[] btn = new String[3];

            if (!isNext(',')) { // 1st comma
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get Dialog title
                title = StringConstant;
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false; // 1st comma
            if (!isNext(',')) { // 2nd comma
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get Dialog message
                msg = StringConstant;
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false; // 2nd comma
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // variable for returned button number
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            for (int i = 0; (i < 3) && isNext(','); ++i) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                btn[i] = StringConstant.trim();
                if (btn[i].length() == 0)
                    return false; // do not allow empty string as button label
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            DialogArgs args = new DialogArgs();
            args.mTitle = title;
            args.mMessage = msg;
            args.mButton1 = btn[0];
            args.mButton2 = btn[1];
            args.mButton3 = btn[2];

            mWaitForLock = true;
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_ALERT_DIALOG, args); // signal UI to start the dialog

            waitForLOCK(); // wait for the user to exit the Dialog

            return true;

        private boolean executeDIALOG_SELECT() { // Show a Dialog with a selection list
            DialogArgs args = new DialogArgs();
            ArrayList<String> selectList = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (!parseSelect(args, selectList))
                return false;

            String[] array = new String[selectList.size()];
            args.mList = array;

            mWaitForLock = true;
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_ALERT_DIALOG, args); // signal UI to start the dialog

            waitForLOCK(); // wait for the user to exit the Dialog

            return true;

        // ************************************** Read Commands ***************************************

        private boolean executeREAD() { // Get READ command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(read_cmd, "Read"); // and execute the command

        // Parse and bundle the data list of a READ.DATA statement
        // Called from PreScan() and NOT from statementExecuter().
        private boolean executeREAD_DATA() {
            do { // Sweep up the data values
                Var.Val val;
                if (GetStringConstant()) { // If it is a string
                    val = new Var.StrVal(StringConstant); // create a Val object for it
                } else { // Should be a number
                    double signum = 1.0; // Assume positive
                    if (isNext('-')) {
                        signum = -1.0;
                    } // Catch minus sign
                    else if (isNext('+')) {
                    } // If not negative, eat optional '+'

                    if (getNumber()) { // If it is a number
                        val = new Var.NumVal(signum * GetNumberValue); // create a Val object for it
                    } else { // else is a run time error
                        return RunTimeError("Invalid Data Value");
                readData.add(val); // add the bundle to the list
            } while (isNext(',')); // and do again if more data
            return true;

        private boolean executeREAD_NEXT() {
            do {
                if (readNext >= readData.size()) { // Insure there is more data to read
                    return RunTimeError("No more data to read");

                Var.Val readval = readData.get(readNext); // get the data object
                ++readNext; // and increment to next object

                if (!getVar())
                    return false; // get the variable
                Var.Val val = mVal;
                if (val.isNumeric()) { // if var is numeric
                    val.val(readval.nval()); // copy the numeric value to the variable
                } else { // else var is string
                    val.val(readval.sval()); // copy the string value to the variable
            } while (isNext(',')); // loop while there are variables

            return checkEOL();

        private boolean executeREAD_FROM() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int newIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue() - 1;
            if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= readData.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Index out of range");
            readNext = newIndex;
            return checkEOL();

        // ********************************** User-Defined Functions **********************************

        private boolean executeFN() { // Get User-defined Function (FN) command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(fn_cmd, "FN");

        private boolean executeFN_DEF() { // Define User-defined Function

            Var fnVar = getNewFNVar(); // get the function name and type
            if (fnVar == null)
                return false;

            // Make a list of the parameters to put in the FunctionDefinition.
            ArrayList<Var.FunctionParameter> fParms = new ArrayList<Var.FunctionParameter>();
            if (!isNext(')')) {
                Set<String> uParms = new HashSet<String>(); // Keep a set of unique parameter names
                do { // Get each of the parameter names
                    Var var = parseVar(!USER_FN_OK); // without adding any new vars to the symbol table
                    if (var == null)
                        return false;
                    if (var.isArray() && !isNext(']')) { // Process array
                        return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX); // Array must not have any indices
                    var = var.copy(); // don't use Var from ParseVar directly
                    if (!var.isArray()) {
                    } // make sure Val of ScalarVar is not null

                    fParms.add(new Var.FunctionParameter(var));
                } while (isNext(','));
                if (!(isNext(')') && checkEOL()))
                    return false;
                // If there are duplicate parameter names, the list of unique names will be
                // shorter than the list of parameters. (Bug fix provided by Nicolas Mougin.)
                if (uParms.size() < fParms.size()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Duplicate parameter names at:");

            Var.FnDef fnDef = new Var.FnDef(ExecutingLineIndex, fnVar, fParms);
            fnVar.fnDef(fnDef); // add the definition to the Var
            if (mFunctionTable.put(, fnDef) != null) { // and the global Function Table
                return RunTimeError("Duplicate function name at:");
            insertNewVar(fnVar); // put the Var in the symbol table

            int max = Basic.lines.size();
            while (++ExecutingLineIndex < max) { // Now scan for the fn.end
                ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(ExecutingLineIndex);
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("fn.end")) { // Break out when found
                    return true;
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("fn.def")) { // Insure not trying to define function in function
                    return RunTimeError("Can not define a function within a function at:");
            return RunTimeError("No fn.end for this function"); // end of program, fn.end not found

        private boolean executeFN_RTN() {
            if (FunctionStack.empty()) { // Insure RTN actually called from executing function
                return RunTimeError("misplaced fn.rtn");

            CallStackFrame frame = FunctionStack.peek(); // Look at the top frame of the stack
            if (frame.fnDef().type().isNumeric()) { // to determine if function is string or numeric
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (!evalStringExpression())
                    return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return endUserFunction();

        private boolean executeFN_END() {
            if (FunctionStack.empty()) { // Insure END actually called from executing function
                return RunTimeError("misplaced fn.end");

            CallStackFrame frame = FunctionStack.peek(); // Look at the top frame of the stack
            if (frame.fnDef().type().isNumeric()) { // to determine if function is string or numeric
                EvalNumericExpressionValue = 0.0; // Set default value
            } else {
                StringConstant = ""; // Set default value
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return endUserFunction();

        private boolean endUserFunction() {
            FunctionStack.pop().restore(); // Function execution done. Restore stuff.
            mSymbolTables.pop(); // discard the function's symbol table
            mSymbolTable = mSymbolTables.peek(); // restore the caller's symbol table
            fnRTN = true; // Signal RunLoop() to return
            return true;

        private boolean executeCALL() {
            Var.FnDef fnDef = isUserFunction(false, false); // don't check type
            return ((fnDef != null) && doUserFunction(fnDef) && checkEOL());

        private Var.FnDef isUserFunction(boolean checkType, boolean isNumeric) { // if first arg is false, second is ignored

            if (mFunctionTable.isEmpty())
                return null; // if function table empty, return fail

            int LI = LineIndex;
            Var var = parseVar(USER_FN_OK); // duplicate getVarAndType() except USER_FN_OK
            if ((var != null) && var.isFunction()) { // found a variable and it is a function name
                Var.FnDef fnDef = mFunctionTable.get(;
                if (fnDef != null) { // function must be defined already
                    if (!checkType || (isNumeric == fnDef.type().isNumeric())) {// type matches or match not needed
                        return fnDef; // success: return function definition
            LineIndex = LI; // no match: rewind LineIndex
            return null; // and report fail

        private boolean doUserFunction(Var.FnDef fnDef) { // execute function named in fnDef

            CallStackFrame frame = new CallStackFrame();
  ; // build a stack frame

            ArrayList<Var.FunctionParameter> parms = fnDef.parms(); // parameters from FN.DEF
            int nParams = fnDef.nParms(); // number of parameters
            int nArgs = 0; // number of arguments, also parameter index
            if (nParams != 0) { // for each parameter
                do {
                    if (nArgs >= nParams) { // ensure no more parms than defined
                        return RunTimeError("Calling parameter count exceeds defined parameter count");
                    Var.FunctionParameter parm = parms.get(nArgs++); // get parm, count the arg
                    Var var = parm.var();

                    boolean byReference = isNext('&'); // optional for scalars, ignored for arrays
                    boolean typeIsNumeric = var.isNumeric();
                    if (var.isArray()) { // if this parm is an array
                        Var callVar = getExistingArrayVar(); // get caller's array name var
                        if (callVar == null)
                            return false;
                        var.arrayDef(callVar.arrayDef()); // get a reference to the caller's ArrayDef
                        if (!isNext(']')) { // must be no indices
                            return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX);
                        } else if (typeIsNumeric != callVar.isNumeric()) { // insure type (string or number) match
                            return RunTimeError("Array parameter type mismatch at:");
                    } // end array
                    else if (byReference) { // if this parm is var passed by reference
                        Var callVar = getVarAndType();
                        if (callVar == null)
                            return false; // then must be var not expression
                        if (callVar.isNew()) {
                            return RunTimeError("Call by reference vars must be predefined");
                        if (typeIsNumeric != callVar.isNumeric()) { // insure type (string or number) match
                            return RunTimeError("Parameter type mismatch at:");
                        Var.Val callVal = getVarValue(callVar); // bottom half of getVar()
                        if (callVal == null)
                            return false;
                        var.val(callVal); // get a reference to the caller's Val
                    } // end by-reference
                    else {
                        var = var.copy(); // don't use the same Var for all calls
                        Var.Val val; // don't use the same Val, either
                        if (!typeIsNumeric) { // if parm is string
                            if (!evalStringExpression()) { // get the string value
                                return RunTimeError("Parameter type mismatch at:");
                            } else {
                                val = new Var.StrVal(StringConstant);
                        } else {
                            if (!evalNumericExpression()) { // if parm is number get the numeric value
                                return RunTimeError("Parameter type mismatch at:");
                            } else {
                                val = new Var.NumVal(EvalNumericExpressionValue);
                        var.val(val); // put the value in parm's var
                    } // end scalar passed by value
                } while (isNext(',')); // keep going while caller parms exist
                // Loop may have created variables in caller's name space. No more will be created.
            } // end if

            if (nArgs != nParams) {
                return RunTimeError("Too few calling parameters at:");
            if (!isNext(')')) {
                return false;
            } // every function must have a closing right parenthesis
            frame.storeLI(); // passed ')', now save the line buffer index 

            FunctionStack.push(frame); // push the stack frame
            mSymbolTable = new Var.Table(); // start a new local symbol table
            mSymbolTables.push(mSymbolTable); // and push it on the stack of tables

            // Start the new symbol table with the function parameter names.
            for (Var.FunctionParameter parm : parms) {

            ExecutingLineIndex = fnDef.line() + 1; // set to execute first line after fn.def statement

            fnRTN = false; // will be set true by fn.rtn

            // The function body is executed in a recursive call to RunLoop().
            // FN.RTN or FN.END will signal RunLoop to exit, returning pass/fail state of the function here.
            return RunLoop();
            // Note that the part of RunLoop after StatementExecuter runs twice,
            // once after FN.RTN/END and again now, when this method exits.
        } // doUserFunction

        // ************************************ Switch Statements *************************************

        private boolean executeSW() { // Get Switch (SW) command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(sw_cmd, "SW");

        private SwitchDef scanSwitch() {
            // If this switch has already been scanned, use the stored SwitchDef.
            SwitchDef sw = (SwitchDef) (ExecutingLineBuffer.mExtras);
            if (sw != null) {
                return sw;

            // Scan until "sw.end" or end of program. Remember CASE, DEFAULT, and END lines.
            ExecutingLineBuffer.mExtras = sw = new SwitchDef();
            while (++ExecutingLineIndex < Basic.lines.size()) {
                ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(ExecutingLineIndex);
                if (!ExecutingLineBuffer.startsWith("sw.")) {
                } // not a switch command

                LineIndex = 3; // length of "sw."
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd() == null) {
                    ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd(CMD_SW_GROUP); // same as result of searchCommands()
                // cmd may be CMD_SW_GROUP if parsed while skipping THEN or ELSE clause of IF
                if (ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd() == CMD_SW_GROUP) {// find out which sw command
                    Command c = findSubcommand(sw_cmd, "SW"); // body of executeSubcommand(sw_cmd, "SW")
                    if (c == null)
                        return null; // ...
                    ExecutingLineBuffer.promoteSubCommand(); // ... to here

                Command cmd = ExecutingLineBuffer.cmd();
                if (cmd == CMD_SW_CASE) {
                } else if (cmd == CMD_SW_DEFAULT) {
                    if (sw.mDefault != -1) {
                        RunTimeError("Extra sw.default at:");
                        return null;
                    sw.mDefault = ExecutingLineIndex;
                    LineIndex += ExecutingLineBuffer.offset();
                    if (!checkEOL())
                        return null;
                } else if (cmd == CMD_SW_BREAK) {
                    ExecutingLineBuffer.mExtras = sw; // so BREAK can find END
                    LineIndex += ExecutingLineBuffer.offset();
                    if (!checkEOL())
                        return null;
                } else if (cmd == CMD_SW_END) {
                    sw.mEnd = ExecutingLineIndex;
                    LineIndex += ExecutingLineBuffer.offset();
                    if (!checkEOL())
                        return null;
                    return sw; // SUCCESSFUL EXIT
                } else if (cmd == CMD_SW_BEGIN) { // nested switch
                    if (scanSwitch() == null)
                        return null;
                } else
                    return null; // ???
            RunTimeError("No sw.end after sw.begin");
            return null;
        } // scanSwitch

        private boolean executeSW_BEGIN() {
            boolean isNumeric;
            double nexp = 0;
            String sexp = "";
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                isNumeric = true;
                nexp = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            } else if (evalStringExpression()) {
                isNumeric = false;
                sexp = StringConstant;
            } else
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            // Scan until "sw.end" or end of program.
            // Store CASE, DEFAULT, and END lines.
            SwitchDef sw = scanSwitch();
            if (sw == null)
                return false;

            // If any CASE lines were found, test their conditions.
            // Start execution at the first one that matches the BEGIN expression.
            for (int line : sw.mCases) {
                ExecutingLineIndex = line;
                ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(ExecutingLineIndex);
                LineIndex = ExecutingLineBuffer.offset();
                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();

                boolean found = false;
                char c = text.charAt(LineIndex);
                if ((c == '<') || (c == '>')) { // SW.CASE <2, SW.CASE >="a", SW.CASE <>"abc" ...
                    // Create a new, temporary ProgramLine to test the condition:
                    String test = '(' + ((isNumeric) ? String.valueOf(nexp) : quote(sexp))
                            + text.substring(LineIndex, text.length() - 1) + ")\n";
                    ExecutingLineBuffer = new ProgramLine(test);
                    LineIndex = 0;
                    boolean validCondition = evalNumericExpression() && checkEOL();

                    // Now that it's done we can revert back to the real ProgramLine and interpret the result:
                    ExecutingLineBuffer = Basic.lines.get(ExecutingLineIndex);
                    if (!validCondition)
                        return false;

                    LineIndex = text.length(); // Condition was valid -> skip it and go to EOL
                    found = (0.0 != EvalNumericExpressionValue);// found if expression was true
                } else if (isNumeric) { // SW.CASE 0,1,2,...
                    do {
                        if (!evalNumericExpression())
                            return false;
                        if (nexp == EvalNumericExpressionValue) {
                            found = true;
                    } while (isNext(','));
                } else { // SW.CASE "a","b","c",...
                    do {
                        if (!evalStringExpression())
                            return false;
                        if (sexp.equals(StringConstant)) {
                            found = true;
                    } while (isNext(','));
                if (found) { // good one -> ignore any remaining values
                    if (!isEOL() && !isNext(','))
                        return false; // must be followed by comma or EOL
                    return true;
            } // for each case
              // No matching case found.
            ExecutingLineIndex = (sw.mDefault != -1) // is there DEFAULT?
                    ? sw.mDefault // yes: jump to DEFAULT
                    : sw.mEnd; // no: jump to END
            return true;
        } // executeSW_BEGIN

        private boolean executeSW_CASE() {
            return true;

        private boolean executeSW_BREAK() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            SwitchDef sw = (SwitchDef) (ExecutingLineBuffer.mExtras);
            if (sw == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Misplaced SW.BREAK at:");
            ExecutingLineIndex = sw.mEnd; // jump to END
            return true;

        private boolean executeSW_DEFAULT() {
            return true;

        private boolean executeSW_END() {
            return true;

        // ****************************  End of core Basic Methods *****************************

        // ******************************** Data I/O Operations ********************************

        private boolean checkReadFile(int fileNumber) { // Validate input file for read commands
            if (FileTable.size() == 0) {
                RunTimeError("No files opened");
            } else if (fileNumber < 0) {
                RunTimeError("Read file did not exist");
            } else if (fileNumber >= FileTable.size()) {
                RunTimeError("Invalid File Number at");
            return !SyntaxError; // SyntaxError is true if RunTimeError was called

        private boolean checkFile(int fileNumber) { // Validate input file number for read or write commands
            if (FileTable.size() == 0) {
                RunTimeError("No files opened");
            } else if (fileNumber >= FileTable.size() || fileNumber < 0) {
                RunTimeError("Invalid File Number at");
            return !SyntaxError; // SyntaxError is true if RunTimeError was called

        private boolean checkFileType(FileInfo fInfo, FileType fType) {
            switch (fType) {
            case FILE_TEXT:
                if (!fInfo.isText()) {
                    return RunTimeError("File not opened for text");
            case FILE_BYTE:
                if (fInfo.isText()) {
                    return RunTimeError("File not opened for byte");
            return true;

        private boolean checkReadAttributes(FileInfo fInfo, FileType fType) {
            // Validate common FileInfo items for commands that read text files
            if (!checkFileType(fInfo, fType))
                return false; // Type TEXT or BYTE as requested?
            else if (fInfo.isClosed()) {
                RunTimeError("File is closed");
            } else if (fInfo.mode() != FMR) {
                RunTimeError("File not opened for read at");
            return !SyntaxError; // SyntaxError is true if RunTimeError was called

        private boolean checkWriteAttributes(FileInfo fInfo, FileType fType) {
            // Validate common FileInfo items for commands that write text files
            if (!checkFileType(fInfo, fType))
                return false; // Type TEXT or BYTE as requested?
            else if (fInfo.isClosed()) {
                RunTimeError("File is closed");
            } else if (fInfo.mode() != FMW) {
                RunTimeError("File not opened for write at");
            return !SyntaxError; // SyntaxError is true if RunTimeError was called

        // ************************************* Text Stream I/O **************************************

        private boolean executeTEXT() { // Get Text command keyword if it is there
            Command c = findSubcommand(text_cmd, "Text");
            if (c == null)
                return false;
            if ( == CID_EX) { // can't do common processing
                return; // just run it

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // first parm is the file number expression
            int fileNumber = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if ( == CID_READ) {
                if (!checkReadFile(fileNumber))
                    return false; // check runtime errors
            } else if ( == CID_WRITE) {
                if (!checkFile(fileNumber))
                    return false; // check runtime errors

        private boolean executeTEXT_OPEN() { // Open a file
            boolean append = false; // Assume not append
            int FileMode = 0; // Default to FMR
            switch (ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex)) { // First parm is a, w or r
            case 'a':
                append = true; // append is a special case of write
            case 'w': // write
                FileMode = FMW;
            case 'r': // read
                FileMode = FMR;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Next parameter is the file number variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            double fileNumber = FileTable.size();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Final parameter is the filename
            String fileName = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));

            if (FileMode == FMR) { // Read was selected
                TextReaderInfo fInfo = new TextReaderInfo(FileMode); // Prepare the FileTable object
                BufferedReader buf = null;
                int flen = (int) Math.min(file.length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                try {
                    buf = Basic.getBufferedReader(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName, Basic.Encryption.NO_DECRYPTION);
                    if (buf == null) {
                        writeErrorMsg(fileName + " not found");
                    } else if (buf.markSupported()) {
                        fInfo.mark(1, flen);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                if (buf != null) {
                    fInfo.mTextReader = buf; // store reader in fInfo
                } else {
                    fileNumber = -1; // change file index to report file does not exist

            else if (FileMode == FMW) { // Write Selected
                TextWriterInfo fInfo = new TextWriterInfo(FileMode); // Prepare the FileTable object
                // fInfo.mPosition is 1: absolute if 'w' and relative to old EOF if 'a'.
                FileWriter writer = null;
                if (!append || !file.exists()) { // if not appending overwrite existing file
                    try {
                    } // if no file create a new one
                    catch (IOException e) {
                if (file.exists() && file.canWrite()) {
                    try {
                        writer = new FileWriter(file, append);
                    } // open the filewriter for the SD Card
                    catch (IOException e) {
                if (writer != null) {
                    fInfo.mTextWriter = writer; // store writer in fInfo
                } else {
                    fileNumber = -1; // change file index to report file does not exist
            val.val(fileNumber); // return the file index
            return true; // Done

        private boolean executeTEXT_READLN(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            List<Var.Val> valList = new ArrayList<Var.Val>();
            while (isNext(',')) { // list of zero or more
                if (!getSVar())
                    return false; // numeric variable
                valList.add(mVal); // to hold the data
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_TEXT))
                return false;

            int expect = valList.size();
            int actual = 0;
            if (!fInfo.isEOF()) { // if already eof don't read
                BufferedReader buf = ((TextReaderInfo) fInfo).mTextReader;
                String[] values = new String[expect];
                try {
                    for (; actual < expect; ++actual) {
                        values[actual] = buf.readLine(); // read a line
                        if (values[actual] == null) { // hit eof
                            fInfo.eof(true); // mark fInfo
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError("I/O error at:");

                for (int i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
                    valList.get(i).val(values[i]); // give the data to the user
                fInfo.incPosition(actual); // update position in Bundle
            for (int i = actual; i < expect; ++i) { // if any array space is left
                valList.get(i).val("EOF"); // fill it with EOF markers
            return true;

        private boolean executeTEXT_WRITELN(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // set up to parse the stuff to print

            if (!buildPrintLine(textPrintLine, "\r\n"))
                return false; // build up the text line in StringConstant
            if (!PrintLineReady) { // flag set by buildPrintLine
                textPrintLine = StringConstant; // not ready to print; hold line
                return true; // and wait for next Text.Writeln command
            textPrintLine = ""; // clear the accumulated text print line

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            if (!checkWriteAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_TEXT))
                return false;

            FileWriter writer = ((TextWriterInfo) fInfo).mTextWriter;
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return RunTimeError("I/O error at");

            fInfo.incPosition(); // update position in fInfo
            return true;

        private boolean executeTEXT_INPUT() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal; // variable to hold the data

            TextInputString = "";
            String title = null;
            if (isNext(',')) { // Check for optional parameter(s)
                boolean isComma = isNext(','); // Look for second comma, two commas together
                // mean initial text is skipped, use empty string
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false; // One comma so far; get initial input text
                    TextInputString = StringConstant;
                    isComma = isNext(','); // Look again for second comma
                if (isComma) {
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false; // Second comma; get title
                    title = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Intent intent = new Intent(Run.this, TextInput.class);
            if (title != null) {
                intent.putExtra("title", title);
            mWaitForLock = true;
            startActivityForResult(intent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);

            waitForLOCK(); // Wait for signal from thread

            return true;

        private boolean executeTEXT_POSITION_SET(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // second parm is the position expression
            long pto = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            if (pto < 1) {
                return RunTimeError("Set position must be >= 1");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_TEXT))
                return false;

            long pnow = fInfo.position();
            boolean eof = fInfo.isEOF();
            BufferedReader buf = ((TextReaderInfo) fInfo).mTextReader;

            if (pto < pnow) {
                try {
                } // back to mark, exception if mark invalid
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                eof = false;
                long pmark = fInfo.mark();
                pnow = (pmark > 0) ? pmark : 1; // pmark should not be 0
            String data = null;
            while ((pnow < pto) && !eof) {
                try {
                    data = buf.readLine();
                } // read a line
                catch (Exception e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                if (data == null) {
                    eof = true; // hit eof, record in fInfo
                } else {
                    ++pnow; // not eof, update position in fInfo
            fInfo.position(pnow); // update fInfo
            return true;

        private boolean executeTGET() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal; // variable to hold the data

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            TextInputString = StringConstant;
            String Prompt = StringConstant;

            String title = null;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                title = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            checkpointMessage(); // allow any pending Console activity to complete
            while (mMessagePending) {
            } // wait for checkpointMessage semaphore to clear

            Intent intent = new Intent(Run.this, TGet.class);
            if (title != null) {
                intent.putExtra(TGet.TITLE, title);
            synchronized (mConsoleBuffer) {
                intent.putStringArrayListExtra(TGet.CONSOLE_TEXT, mOutput);
            TGet.mMenuStop = false;
            mWaitForLock = true;
            startActivityForResult(intent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);

            waitForLOCK(); // wait for signal from thread

            if (TGet.mMenuStop) { // user selected Stop from TGet menu
                // code copied from onOptionsItemSelected
                PrintShow("Stopped by user."); // tell user
                Stop = true; // signal main loop to stop
                disableInterrupt(Interrupt.BACK_KEY_BIT); // menu-selected stop is not trappable
            } else {
                PrintShow(Prompt + TextInputString);
            return true;

        // ************************************* Byte Stream I/O **************************************

        private boolean executeBYTE() { // Get Byte command keyword if it is there
            Command c = findSubcommand(byte_cmd, "Byte");
            if (c == null)
                return false;
            if ( == CID_EX) { // can't do common processing
                return; // just run it

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // first parm is the file number expression
            int fileNumber = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if ( == CID_READ) {
                if (!checkReadFile(fileNumber))
                    return false; // check runtime errors
            } else if ( == CID_WRITE) {
                if (!checkFile(fileNumber))
                    return false; // check runtime errors

        private boolean executeBYTE_OPEN() { // Open a file
            boolean append = false; // Assume not append
            int FileMode = 0; // Default to FMR
            switch (ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex)) { // First parm is a, w or r
            case 'a':
                append = true; // append is a special case of write
            case 'w': // write
                FileMode = FMW;
            case 'r': // read
                FileMode = FMR;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Next parameter is the file number variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            double fileNumber = FileTable.size();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Final parameter is the filename
            String fileName = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (FileMode == FMR) { // Read was selected
                ByteReaderInfo fInfo = new ByteReaderInfo(FileMode); // Prepare the FileTable object
                BufferedInputStream buf = null;
                if (fileName.startsWith("http")) {
                    try {
                        URL url = new URL(fileName);
                        URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                        buf = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                } else {
                    File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
                    int flen = (int) Math.min(file.length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                    try {
                        buf = Basic.getBufferedInputStream(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
                        if (buf == null) {
                            writeErrorMsg(file + " not found");
                        } else if (buf.markSupported()) {
                            fInfo.mark(1, flen);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                if (buf != null) {
                    fInfo.mByteReader = buf; // store reader in fInfo
                } else {
                    fileNumber = -1; // change file index to report file does not exist

            else if (FileMode == FMW) { // Write Selected
                ByteWriterInfo fInfo = new ByteWriterInfo(FileMode); // Prepare the FileTable object
                // fInfo.mPosition is 1: absolute if 'w' and relative to old EOF if 'a'.
                FileOutputStream fos = null;
                File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
                if (append && file.exists()) {
                    fInfo.position(file.length() + 1);
                } else { // if not appending overwrite existing file
                    try {
                    } // if no file create a new one
                    catch (IOException e) {
                if (file.exists() && file.canWrite()) {
                    try {
                        fos = new FileOutputStream(file.getAbsolutePath(), append);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                if (fos != null) {
                    fInfo.mByteWriter = fos; // store writer in fInfo
                } else {
                    fileNumber = -1; // change file index to report file does not exist
            val.val(fileNumber); // return the file index
            return true; // Done

        private boolean executeBYTE_COPY(int srcFileNumber) { // first parameter: source file table index
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalStringExpression())
                return false; // second parm is the destination file name
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(srcFileNumber); // source file info
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE))
                return false;
            if (fInfo.isEOF()) {
                return RunTimeError("Attempt to read beyond the EOF at:");

            BufferedInputStream bis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).mByteReader;

            String theFileName = StringConstant;
            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(theFileName));

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return RunTimeError(theFileName + " I/O Error");
            if (!file.exists() || !file.canWrite()) {
                return RunTimeError("Problem opening " + theFileName);
            return copyFile(bis, file, fInfo);

        // Bottom half of Byte.Copy: copy input stream to output file. Close the streams.
        // For shared use, FileInfo may be null.
        private boolean copyFile(BufferedInputStream bis, File outFile, FileInfo fInfo) {
            if ((bis == null) || (outFile == null))
                return false;
            long p = (fInfo != null) ? fInfo.position() : 0;

            IOException ex = null;
            BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
            try {
                bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile), 8192);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                int len = 0;

                while ((len = != -1) {
                    bos.write(buffer, 0, len);
                    p += len;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                ex = e;
                return RunTimeError("Exception: " + e);
            } finally {
                ex = FileInfo.closeStream(bis, ex);
                ex = FileInfo.closeStream(bos, FileInfo.flushStream(bos, ex));
                if (ex != null) {
                    return !SyntaxError && RunTimeError(ex);
            if (fInfo != null) { // update fInfo, if there is one
            return true;

        private FileInfo getByteReadParams(int fileNumber, List<Var.Val> valList) {
            // return FileInfo or null if error
            // return list of variables in varList
            while (isNext(',')) { // list of zero or more
                if (!getNVar())
                    return null; // numeric variable
                valList.add(mVal); // to hold the data
            if (!checkEOL())
                return null;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            return (checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE)) ? fInfo : null;

        private FileInfo getByteWriteParams(int fileNumber, List<Double> nvalList, List<String> svalList) {
            // return FileInfo or null if error
            // return list of numeric values in nvalList
            // or single string value in svalList
            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                if (evalNumericExpression()) { // second param may be numeric expression
                    while (isComma = isNext(',')) {
                        if (!evalNumericExpression())
                            break; // list of numeric expressions
                if (isComma) { // last param may be string expression
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return null; // note: potential double-evaluation
                    if (svalList != null) {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return null;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            return (checkWriteAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE)) ? fInfo : null;

        private boolean executeBYTE_READ_BYTE(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            List<Var.Val> valList = new ArrayList<Var.Val>();
            FileInfo fInfo = getByteReadParams(fileNumber, valList); // zero or more variables for data bytes
            if (fInfo == null)
                return false;

            int expect = valList.size();
            int actual = 0;
            if (!fInfo.isEOF()) { // if already eof don't read
                DataInputStream dis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).getDIS();
                byte[] values = new byte[expect];
                try {
                    actual =;
                } // read the byte(s)
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                if (actual < 0) {
                    actual = 0;
                } // -1 if started at EOF
                if (actual < expect) {
                } // hit eof, mark fInfo

                for (int i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
                    int datum = values[i] & 0x00FF; // prevent sign-extension
                    valList.get(i).val(datum); // give the data to the user
                fInfo.incPosition(actual); // update position in fInfo
            for (int i = actual; i < expect; ++i) {
                valList.get(i).val(-1); // eof markers if needed
            return true;

        private boolean executeBYTE_READ_NUMBER(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index)
            List<Var.Val> valList = new ArrayList<Var.Val>();
            FileInfo fInfo = getByteReadParams(fileNumber, valList);
            if (fInfo == null)
                return false;

            int expect = valList.size();
            int actual = 0;
            if (!fInfo.isEOF()) { // if already eof don't read
                DataInputStream dis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).getDIS();
                double[] values = new double[expect];
                try {
                    for (; actual < expect; ++actual) {
                        values[actual] = dis.readDouble(); // read a double
                } catch (EOFException eof) {
                } // hit eof, mark fInfo
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError("I/O error at:");

                for (int i = 0; i < actual; ++i) {
                    valList.get(i).val(values[i]); // give the data to the user
                fInfo.incPosition(actual * 8); // update position in Bundle
            for (int i = actual; i < expect; ++i) { // if any array space is left
                valList.get(i).val(-1); // fill it with EOF markers
            return true;

        private boolean executeBYTE_READ_BUFFER(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // second parm is the byte count
            int expect = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // third parm is the return buffer string variable
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE))
                return false;

            String buff = "";
            if (!fInfo.isEOF()) { // if already eof don't read
                DataInputStream dis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).getDIS();
                byte[] values = new byte[expect];
                int actual = 0;
                try {
                    actual =;
                } // read the bytes
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                if (actual < 0) {
                    actual = 0;
                } // -1 if started at EOF
                if (actual > 0) {
                    try {
                        buff = new String(values, "ISO-8859-1");
                    } // convert bytes to string for user
                    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
                        return RunTimeError(ex); // can't happen: "ISO-8859-1" is supported
                    if (actual < expect) {
                        buff = buff.substring(0, actual);
                        fInfo.eof(true); // hit eof, mark fInfo
                    fInfo.incPosition(actual); // update position in fInfo
            val.val(buff); // give the data to the user
            return true;

        private boolean executeBYTE_WRITE_BYTE(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            List<Double> nvalList = new ArrayList<Double>();
            List<String> svalList = new ArrayList<String>();
            FileInfo fInfo = getByteWriteParams(fileNumber, nvalList, svalList); // expect zero or more nval and zero or one sval
            if (fInfo == null)
                return false;
            if (svalList.size() > 1)
                return false;
            if ((nvalList.size() == 0) && (svalList.size() == 0))
                return true; // nothing to do
            return writeBytes(fInfo, nvalList, svalList);

        private boolean executeBYTE_WRITE_NUMBER(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            List<Double> nvalList = new ArrayList<Double>();
            List<String> svalList = new ArrayList<String>();
            FileInfo fInfo = getByteWriteParams(fileNumber, nvalList, svalList); // expect zero or more nval and no sval
            if (fInfo == null)
                return false;
            if (svalList.size() != 0)
                return false;
            if (nvalList.size() == 0)
                return true; // nothing to do

            DataOutputStream dos = ((ByteWriterInfo) fInfo).getDOS();
            for (Double val : nvalList) {
                try {
                } // write the number
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError("I/O error at");
            fInfo.incPosition(8 * nvalList.size()); // size of numbers written by dos.writeDouble
            return true;

        private boolean executeBYTE_WRITE_BUFFER(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            List<String> svalList = new ArrayList<String>();
            FileInfo fInfo = getByteWriteParams(fileNumber, null, svalList); // expect no nvals and a single sval
            if (fInfo == null)
                return false;
            if (svalList.size() == 0)
                return true; // nothing to do
            if (svalList.size() != 1)
                return false;

            return writeBytes(fInfo, null, svalList);

        private boolean writeBytes(FileInfo fInfo, List<Double> nvalList, List<String> svalList) {
            FileOutputStream fos = ((ByteWriterInfo) fInfo).mByteWriter;
            if ((nvalList != null) && (nvalList.size() != 0)) {
                for (Double val : nvalList) { // write the numeric byte(s)
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        return RunTimeError("I/O error at");
            if ((svalList != null) && (svalList.size() != 0)) {
                for (String s : svalList) { // write the bytes from the string(s)
                    int len = s.length();
                    for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                        try {
                            fos.write((byte) s.charAt(k));
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            return RunTimeError("I/O error at");
            return true;

        private boolean executeBYTE_TRUNCATE(int fileNumber) { // truncate a file opened for write
            // first parameter: file table index
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // second parm is the truncation length
            long length = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            if (!checkWriteAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE))
                return false;

            try {
                ((ByteWriterInfo) fInfo).truncateFile(length);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                return RunTimeError(ex);
            return true;

        private boolean executeBYTE_POSITION_SET(int fileNumber) { // first parameter: file table index
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // second parm is the position expression
            long pto = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            if (pto < 1) {
                return RunTimeError("Set position must be >= 1");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber);
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE))
                return false;

            BufferedInputStream bis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).mByteReader;
            long pnow = fInfo.position();
            boolean eof = fInfo.isEOF();

            if (pto < pnow) {
                try {
                } // back to mark, exception if mark invalid
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                eof = false;
                long pmark = fInfo.mark();
                pnow = (pmark > 0) ? pmark : 1; // pmark should not be 0
            if ((pnow != pto) && !eof) {
                long skip = pto - pnow - 1; // Skip plus single read will get to target position
                long skipped = 0;
                int data = -1;
                do {
                    try {
                        int avail = bis.available(); // Don't skip past eof
                        skipped += bis.skip(Math.min(skip - skipped, avail));
                        data =; // Read to check eof
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return RunTimeError(e);
                    if (data >= 0) {
                    } // If byte was read, count it
                    else {
                        eof = true;
                    } // otherwise mark eof in Bundle
                } while (skipped < skip);
                pnow += skipped; // Count bytes skipped
            fInfo.position(pnow); // update fInfo
            return true;

        // ************************** Text or Byte Stream: Common Operations **************************

        private boolean executeCLOSE(FileType fType) {
            if (FileTable.size() == 0)
                return true;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // First parm is the file number expression
            int fileNumber = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkFile(fileNumber))
                return false; // Check runtime errors
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber); // Get the file info
            if (!checkFileType(fInfo, fType))
                return false; // Type TEXT or BYTE as requested?

            if (fInfo.isClosed())
                return true; // Already closed

            IOException e = fInfo.close(fInfo.flush(null)); // flush is no-op on read types
            if (e != null) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            return true;

        private boolean executeEOF(int fileNumber, FileType fType) {
            if (!isNext(',') || !getNVar())
                return false; // Second parm is the logical (numeric) variable
            Var.Val val = mVal; // to hold the return value
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber); // Get the file info
            if (!checkFileType(fInfo, fType))
                return false; // Type TEXT or BYTE as requested?

            boolean eof = fInfo.isClosed() || fInfo.isEOF(); // if closed or eof return true, else false
            val.val(eof ? 1.0 : 0.0); // return boolean as numeric
            return true;

        private boolean executePOSITION_GET(int fileNumber, FileType fType) {
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Second parm is the position var
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber); // Get the file info
            if (!checkFileType(fInfo, fType))
                return false; // Type TEXT or BYTE as requested?

            return true;

        private boolean executePOSITION_MARK(FileType fType) {
            int fileNumber;
            int markLimit = -1;
            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma && !isEOL()) { // there is a file pointer arg
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                fileNumber = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                isComma = isNext(',');
            } else {
                fileNumber = FileTable.size() - 1; // default if no file pointer arg
            if (!checkReadFile(fileNumber))
                return false; // check runtime errors

            if (isComma) { // second parm is the mark limit
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                markLimit = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (markLimit < 0) {
                    markLimit = 0;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber); // Get the file info
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, fType))
                return false; // Check runtime errors

            if (markLimit < 0) {
                markLimit = fInfo.markLimit(); // retrieve mark limit from fInfo

            switch (fType) {
            case FILE_TEXT:
                BufferedReader buf = ((TextReaderInfo) fInfo).mTextReader;
                try {
                } // set the mark
                catch (IOException e) {
                    return RunTimeError("I/O error at:");
            case FILE_BYTE:
                BufferedInputStream bis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).mByteReader;
                bis.mark(markLimit); // set the mark
            fInfo.markCurrentPosition(markLimit); // update the fInfo
            return true;

        // ************************************* File Operations **************************************

        private boolean checkSDCARD(char mount) { // mount is 'w' for writable,
            // 'r' for either readable or writable
            return Basic.checkSDCARD(mount) ? true : RunTimeError("SDCARD not available.");

        private boolean executeMKDIR() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the path
            String path = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(path));
            if (!file.exists()) { // did we get a dir?
                return RunTimeError(path + " mkdir failed");
            return true;

        private boolean executeRENAME() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the old file name
            String Old = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the new file name
            String New = StringConstant;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('w'))
                return false;

            File oldFile = new File(Basic.getDataPath(Old));
            if (!oldFile.exists()) { // does the file exist?
                return RunTimeError(Old + " directory/file not in this path");
            File newFile = new File(Basic.getDataPath(New));

            if (!oldFile.renameTo(newFile)) { // try to rename it
                return RunTimeError("Rename of " + Old + " to " + New + " failed");
            return true;

        private boolean executeDELETE() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the result into
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file name
            String fileName = StringConstant;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('w'))
                return false;

            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
            double result = file.delete() ? 1 : 0; // try to delete it
            return true;

        private boolean executeFILE() { // Get File command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(file_cmd, "File");

        private boolean executeFILE_EXISTS() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the result into
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file name
            String fileName = StringConstant;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('r'))
                return false;

            double exists = 0.0; // "false"
            if (!fileName.equals("")) { // empty file name would report parent dir exists; catch it and report false
                File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
                if (file.exists())
                    exists = 1.0; // if file exists, report "true"
            return true;

        private boolean isResourceFile(int resID) {
            boolean isFile = false;
            if (resID != 0) {
                InputStream inputStream = null;
                try {
                    inputStream = getResources().openRawResource(resID);
                    isFile = true;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                } // eat exception and return false
                finally {
                    FileInfo.closeStream(inputStream, null);
            return isFile;

        private String getAssetType(String assetPath) { // return type "d" or "f", or null if not found
            AssetManager am = getAssets();
            try {
                String[] list = am.list(assetPath);
                if (list.length != 0) {
                    return "d";
                } // it's a directory (no empty directories in assets)
            } catch (IOException e) {

            try { // only works for some file extensions
                AssetFileDescriptor afd = am.openFd(assetPath);
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } // clean up
                return "f"; // it's a file
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "getAssetType:openFD:" + e);

            try { // last ditch, should always work
                InputStream is =;
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } // clean up
                return "f"; // it's a file
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "getAssetType:open:" + e);

            return null; // asset not found

        private long getResourceSize(String fileName) {
            long size = -1;
            int resID = Basic.getRawResourceID(fileName);
            if (resID != 0) {
                InputStream inputStream = null;
                try {
                    inputStream = getResources().openRawResource(resID);
                    size = inputStream.available();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                } // eat exception and return -1
                finally {
                    FileInfo.closeStream(inputStream, null);
            return size;

        private long getAssetSize(String fileName) { // get the size of a file in assets
            String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
            AssetManager am = getAssets();

            try {
                String[] list = am.list(assetPath);
                if (list.length != 0) {
                    return 0;
                } // it's a directory (no empty directories in assets)
            } catch (IOException e) {

            long size = AssetFileDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LENGTH;
            try { // try the easy way:
                AssetFileDescriptor afd = am.openFd(assetPath); // get afd
                size = afd.getLength(); // and ask it for the length
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } // clean up
                if (size != AssetFileDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LENGTH) {
                    return size;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "getAssetSize:openFD:" + e);

            BufferedInputStream bis = null;
            try { // no afd or length unknown
                InputStream is =; // open the file
                size = is.available(); // and check available
                if (size != AssetFileDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LENGTH) {
                    return size;

                // Opened file but length is unknown.
                // Last ditch attempt: read the file and count its bytes
                byte[] bytes = new byte[8192];
                long bytesRead = 0;
                bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
                for (int count = 0; count != -1; count =, 0, 8192)) {
                    bytesRead += count;
                size = bytesRead;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "getAssetSize:open:" + e);
            } finally {
                FileInfo.closeStream(bis, null);

            return ((size == AssetFileDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LENGTH) ? -1 : size);

        private boolean executeFILE_SIZE() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the size value into
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            long size = -1;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file name
            String fileName = StringConstant;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('r'))
                return false;

            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
            if (file.exists()) {
                size = file.length(); // the file exists
            } else { // the file does not exist
                if (Basic.isAPK) { // we are in APK
                    size = getResourceSize(fileName); // try to get it from raw resource
                    if (size == -1) { // resource not found
                        size = getAssetSize(fileName); // try to get it from assets
            if (size == -1) { // not file, resource, or asset
                return RunTimeError(fileName + " not found");
            val.val(size); // Put the file size into the var
            return true;

        private boolean executeFILE_TYPE() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the type info into
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file name
            String fileName = StringConstant;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('r'))
                return false;

            String type = "x"; // assume does not exist
            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
            if (file.exists()) {
                type = file.isDirectory() ? "d" : file.isFile() ? "f" : "o";
            } else { // does not exist in file system
                if (Basic.isAPK) { // we are in APK
                    int resID = Basic.getRawResourceID(fileName);
                    if (resID != 0) {
                        type = isResourceFile(resID) ? "f" : "o"; // file or other, can't be a directory
                    } else {
                        String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
                        String aType = getAssetType(assetPath); // file or directory, can't be other
                        if (aType != null) {
                            type = aType;
                        } // else "x", does not exist
                } // else "x", does not exist
            val.val(type); // put the file type into the var
            return true;

        private boolean executeFILE_ROOT() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('r'))
                return false;

            val.val(Basic.getDataPath(null)); // return canonical path to default data directory
            return true;

        private boolean executeDIR() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the path
            String filePath = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // parse the ,D$[]
            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_STRING); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a new string array variable
            String dirMark = "(d)";
            if (isNext(',')) { // optional directory marker
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                dirMark = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            File lbDir = new File(Basic.getDataPath(filePath));
            if (!lbDir.exists()) { // error if directory does not exist
                return RunTimeError(filePath + " is invalid path");

            ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList<String>();
            ArrayList<String> dirs = new ArrayList<String>();

            String FL[] = lbDir.list(); // get the list of files in the dir
            if (FL == null) { // if not a dir
                dirs.add(" "); // make list with one element
            } else {
                // Go through the file list and mark directory entries with dirMark
                String absPath = lbDir.getAbsolutePath() + '/';
                for (String s : FL) {
                    File test = new File(absPath + s);
                    if (test.isDirectory()) { // If file is a directory
                        dirs.add(s + dirMark); // mark it and add it to display list
                    } else {
                        files.add(s); // else add name without the directory mark
                Collections.sort(dirs); // Sort the directory list
                Collections.sort(files); // Sort the file list
                dirs.addAll(files); // copy the file list to end of dir list
            int length = dirs.size(); // number of directories and files in list
            if (length == 0) {
                length = 1;
            } // make at least one element if dir is empty
            // it will be an empty string
            return ListToBasicStringArray(var, dirs, length); // Copy the list to a BASIC! array

        private boolean executeGRABFILE() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // First parm is string var
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Second parm is the filename
            String theFileName = StringConstant;

            boolean textFlag = false; // Default: assume ASCII/binary
            if (isNext(',')) { // Optional third parm
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                textFlag = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0); // is the text flag: unicode if non-zero
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (!checkSDCARD('r'))
                return false;

            BufferedInputStream bis = null;
            String result = "";
            IOException ioex = null;
            Exception ex = null;

            try {
                bis = Basic.getBufferedInputStream(Basic.DATA_DIR, theFileName);
                if (bis != null) {
                    result = grabStream(bis, textFlag);
                } else {
                    writeErrorMsg("File not found");
            } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                writeErrorMsg("File not found");
            } catch (IOException ie) {
                ioex = ie;
            } catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
                writeErrorMsg("Resource not found");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                ex = e;
            } finally {
                ioex = FileInfo.closeStream(bis, ioex);
                if (ioex != null) {
                    return RunTimeError(ioex);
                } // Report first exception, if any, and if no previous RTE set
                if (ex != null) {
                    return RunTimeError(ex);
            return true;

        private boolean executeGRABURL() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // First parm is string var
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Second parm is the url

            int timeoutMillis = 0; // Default: assume infinite timeout
            if (isNext(',')) { // Optional third parm
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                timeoutMillis = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue(); // is the timeout: infinite if 0
                if (timeoutMillis < 0) {
                    timeoutMillis *= -1;
                } // negative value would throw an exception
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            BufferedInputStream bis = null;
            String result = "";

            URL url = null;
            try {
                // This assumes that you have a URL from which the response will come
                url = new URL(StringConstant);
                // Open a connection to the URL and obtain a buffered input stream
                URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                if (timeoutMillis != 0) {
                InputStream inputStream = connection.getInputStream();
                bis = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
                if (bis != null) {
                    result = grabStream(bis, true);
                } // Read as encoded text stream, not byte stream
                else {
                    writeErrorMsg("Problem opening or reading URL");
                // Alternate implementation: uncomment this catch block to handle Timeout explicitly.
                //      } catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {                  // Connect or Read timeout
                //         result = "";                                 // Empty result, finally will close stream but will not return
            } catch (Exception e) { // Report exception in run time error
            } finally {
                IOException ex = FileInfo.closeStream(bis, null); // Close stream if not already closed
                if (ex != null) {
                    return RunTimeError(ex);
                } // Report first exception, if any, and if no previous RTE set
            return true;

        private String grabStream(BufferedInputStream bis, boolean textFlag) throws IOException {
            ByteArrayBuffer byteArray = new ByteArrayBuffer(1024 * 8);
            int current = 0;
            // Read from the stream into a byte array
            while ((current = != -1) {
                byteArray.append((byte) current);

            // Construct a String object from the byte array containing the response
            if (textFlag) {
                return new String(byteArray.toByteArray()); // Text: keep full two-byte encoding, assumes input is UTF-8
            } else {
                return new String(byteArray.toByteArray(), "ISO-8859-1");// ASCII or binary: force upper byte 0

        // ************************************** Time and TimeZone commands **************************

        private boolean executeTIME() { // Get the date and time
            Time time = theTimeZone.equals("") ? new Time() : new Time(theTimeZone); // If user has set a time zone, use it
            if (evalNumericExpression()) { // If there is a numeric argument it is a time in ms
                if (!isNext(',')) {
                    return checkEOL();
                } // Done if no other arguments
                time.set(EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue()); // Use the time argument
            } else {
                time.setToNow(); // No arg, or first arg is not numeric: time is now
            String theTime[] = time.format("%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S").split(":");
            int i = 0;
            do { // String vars for time components
                if (getSVar()) { // Commas hold places for up to six svars.
                    mVal.val(theTime[i]); // If svar, use it; if nothing, skip to next comma.
            } while ((++i < 6) && isNext(',')); // Anything else will get caught by checkEOL
            if (isNext(',') && getNVar()) { // Another comma holds a place for an optional nvar
                double weekDay = time.weekDay + 1; // for day of week: 1 is Sunday
            if (isNext(',') && getNVar()) { // Another comma holds a place for an optional nvar
                // For Daylight Saving Time flag
                mVal.val(Math.signum(time.isDst)); // 1 yes, 0 no, -1 unknown
            return checkEOL();

        private boolean executeTIMEZONE() { // Get TimeZone command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(TimeZone_cmd, "TimeZone");

        private boolean executeTIMEZONE_SET() { // Set a global Time Zone string for TIME and TIME(
            String zone = Time.getCurrentTimezone(); // default to local time zone
            if (getStringArg()) {
                TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(StringConstant); // if arg, use it as TimeZone ID
                zone = tz.getID(); // read back ID, "GMT" if user-string invalid
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            theTimeZone = zone;
            return true;

        private boolean executeTIMEZONE_GET() { // Get the time zone setting
            if (!(getSVar() && checkEOL()))
                return false;
            String zone = theTimeZone;
            if (zone.equals("")) {
                zone = Time.getCurrentTimezone(); // If user never set a time zone, use local
            return true;

        private boolean executeTIMEZONE_LIST() { // Get a list of all valid time zone strings
            int listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.STR); // get a reusable List pointer - may create new list
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false; // failed to get or create a list
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            ArrayList<String> theList = new ArrayList<String>();
            theLists.set(listIndex, theList);
            for (String zone : TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) { // get all the zones the system knows
                theList.add(zone); // put them in the list
            return true;

        // ************************************** Miscellaneous Non-core commands **************************

        private boolean executeBACK_RESUME() {
            return doResume("Back key not hit");

        private boolean executeKB_RESUME() {
            return doResume("No keyboard change");

        private boolean executeLOWMEM_RESUME() {
            return doResume("No Low Memory signal");

        private boolean executeMENUKEY_RESUME() {
            return doResume("Menu key not hit");

        private boolean executePAUSE() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get pause duration value
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            long dur = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            if (dur < 1) {
                return RunTimeError("Pause must be greater than zero");

            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return true;

        private boolean executeBROWSE() {

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            String url = StringConstant;

            Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); // Intent to launch browser

            // try { Thread.sleep(500); }                  // Sleep here stopped forced stop exceptions
            // catch (InterruptedException e) { }

            try {
            } // Launch browser at url
            catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            return true;

        private boolean executeINKEY() {

            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the key value into
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            val.val(InChar.isEmpty() ? "@" : InChar.remove(0));
            return true;

        private boolean executeKEY_RESUME() {
            return doResume("No Current Key Interrupt");

        private boolean executePOPUP() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the message
            String msg = StringConstant;
            int[] args = { 0, 0, 0 }; // default x, y, duration
            if (isNext(',')) { // any optional args?
                if (!getOptExprs(args))
                    return false; // get the optional args
                args[2] = (args[2] == 0) ? Toast.LENGTH_SHORT : Toast.LENGTH_LONG; // convert boolean to int
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TOAST, args[0], args[1], msg);
            // If duration is Long, send it in a Bundle, otherwise let message default to SHORT.
            if (args[2] == Toast.LENGTH_LONG) {
                Bundle b = new Bundle();
                b.putInt("dur", args[2]);
            m.sendToTarget(); // tell the UI thread to pop the toast
            return true;

        public boolean executeCLS() { // Clear Screen
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_CLEAR_CONSOLE); // tell the UI thread to clear the Console
            return true;

        private boolean parseSelect(DialogArgs args, ArrayList<String> selectList) { // get SELECT parameters from program line

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the key value into
            Var.Val returnVal = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int saveLineIndex = LineIndex;
            Var var = getVarAndType();
            if ((var != null) && var.isArray()) {
                if (!isNext(']')) {
                    return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX);
                } // Array must not have any indices
                if (var.isNumeric()) {
                    return RunTimeError(EXPECT_STRING_ARRAY);
                if (var.isNew()) {
                    return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_EXISTS);

                Var.ArrayDef array = var.arrayDef(); // get the array
                int length = array.length(); // get the array length
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // copy the array values into the list
                    selectList.add(array.sval(i)); // Caution! No range checking!
            } else {
                LineIndex = saveLineIndex;
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;

                int listIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if ((listIndex < 1) || (listIndex >= theLists.size())) {
                    return RunTimeError("Invalid List Pointer");
                if (theListsType.get(listIndex) != Var.Type.STR) {
                    return RunTimeError("Not a string list");

            String title = null; // set defaults
            String msg = null;
            Var.Val isLongClickVal = null;

            if (isNext(',')) { // comma indicates optional arguments
                boolean isComma = true;
                if (!isNext(',') && !isEOL() && getStringArg()) {
                    title = msg = StringConstant; // user provided a title argument
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                if (isComma) {
                    if (isNext(',')) {
                        msg = ""; // user suppressed message
                    } else if (isEOL()) {
                        isComma = false;
                    } else if (getStringArg()) {
                        msg = StringConstant; // user provided a message argument
                        isComma = isNext(',');
                if (isComma) {
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false; // get the long press var
                    isLongClickVal = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            args.mTitle = title;
            args.mMessage = msg;
            args.mReturnVal = returnVal;
            args.mLongClickVal = isLongClickVal;
            return true;

        private boolean executeSELECT() {
            DialogArgs args = new DialogArgs();
            ArrayList<String> selectList = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (!parseSelect(args, selectList))
                return false;

            String title = args.mTitle; // default null
            String msg = args.mMessage; // default null

            SelectedItem = 0; // intialize return values
            SelectLongClick = false;
            mWaitForLock = true;

            Intent intent = new Intent(Run.this, Select.class);
            if (title != null) {
                intent.putExtra(Select.EXTRA_TITLE, title);
            if (msg != null) {
                intent.putExtra(Select.EXTRA_MSG, msg);
            intent.putStringArrayListExtra(Select.EXTRA_LIST, selectList);
            startActivityForResult(intent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);

            waitForLOCK(); // Wait for signal from thread

            Var.Val val = args.mReturnVal;
            if (val != null) {
            } // Set the return value

            val = args.mLongClickVal;
            if (val != null) {
                val.val(SelectLongClick ? 1 : 0);
            } // Set the LongClick return value

            return true;

        private boolean executeSPLIT(int limit) {

            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_STRING); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a new string array variable

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get the string to split
            String SearchString = StringConstant;

            String r[] = doSplit(SearchString, limit); // Get regex arg, if any, and split the string.
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int length = r.length; // Get the number of strings generated
            if (length == 0)
                return false; // error in doSplit()

            return ListToBasicStringArray(var, Arrays.asList(r), length);

        private String[] doSplit(String SearchString, int limit) { // Split a string
            // If limit < 0, keep all fields. If limit is 0, trim trailing blank fields.
            // If limit > 0, keep only up to limit fields.
            String r[] = new String[0]; // If error, return zero-length string
            String REString = null;
            if (isNext(',')) { // If user command supplied a regex
                if (!getStringArg()) {
                    return r;
                } // get it
                REString = StringConstant;
            } else {
                REString = "\\s+"; // Otherwise split on whitespace
            try {
                r = SearchString.split(REString, limit);
                if (r.length == 0) { // Special case: REString same as SearchString
                    r = new String[1]; // Return non-empty array
                    r[0] = ""; // with one empty String
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
                RunTimeError(REString + " is invalid argument at");
            return r;

        private boolean executeJOIN(boolean keepAll) { // opposite of SPLIT
            // if keepAll is true, keep empty array elements
            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array whose elements will be joined
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_STRING_ARRAY);

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // Get values inside [], if any

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // get the string variable to hold the result
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            String args[] = { "", "" }; // optional separator and wrapper
            if (isNext(',')) { // any optional args?
                if (!getOptExprs(args))
                    return false; // get the optional args
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();
            String[] array = arrayDef.getStrArray(); // raw array access

            String sep = args[0];
            String wrap = args[1];
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(wrap); // start with wrapper
            boolean doSep = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                String s = array[base + i]; // get each array element
                if ((s.length() == 0) && !keepAll)
                    continue; // skip empty strings if told to do so

                if (doSep) {
                } // separator before all but first substring
                result.append(s); // append substring
                doSep = true;
            result.append(wrap); // end with wrapper

            return true;

        // ************************************ Keyboard Commands *************************************

        private boolean executeKB() { // Get kb command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(KB_cmd, "KB"); // and execute the command

        private KeyboardManager getKeyboardManager() {
            KeyboardManager kb = GRFront ? GR.drawView.mKB : lv.mKB;
            if (kb == null) {
                RunTimeError("No keyboard manager");
            return kb;

        private boolean executeKB_TOGGLE() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            KeyboardManager kb = getKeyboardManager();
            return (kb != null) && (kb.showing() ? kbHide(kb) : kbShow(kb));

        private boolean executeKB_HIDE() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            return kbHide(getKeyboardManager());

        private boolean kbHide(KeyboardManager kb) {
            if (kb == null)
                return false;
            return true; // even if kb.hide() return false

        private boolean executeKB_SHOW() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            return kbShow(getKeyboardManager());

        private boolean kbShow(KeyboardManager kb) {
            if (kb == null)
                return false;
            if (! {
                checkpointMessage(); // allow any pending Console activity to complete
                while (mMessagePending) {
                } // wait for checkpointMessage semaphore to clear

                if (mConsole.getCount() == 0) {
                    return RunTimeError("You must PRINT before you can show the soft keyboard");
            return true;

        private boolean executeKB_SHOWING() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            KeyboardManager kb = getKeyboardManager();
            if (kb == null)
                return false;
            val.val(kb.showing() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            return true;

        // ********************************************************************************************

        private boolean executeWAKELOCK() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get setting
            int code = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (theWakeLock != null) {
                theWakeLock = null;

            PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
            String tag = "BASIC!";
            switch (code) {
            case partial:
                theWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, tag);
            case dim:
                theWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, tag);
            case bright:
                theWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK, tag);
            case full:
                theWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK, tag);
            case release:
                return RunTimeError("WakeLock code not 1 - 5");

            return true;

        private boolean executeWIFI_INFO() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            // First three return variables are strings. The IP address may be either string or numeric.
            // The last variable is numeric.
            byte[] types = { 2, 2, 2, 3, 1 }; // type of each variable
            int nArgs = types.length;
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[nArgs]; // Val object for each variable
            WifiInfo wi = null;
            if (!getOptVars(types, args))
                return false;

            try {
                WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
                wi = wm.getConnectionInfo();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, e.toString());
                return RunTimeError("Cannot get WifiInfo:", e);

            int arg = 0;
            if (args[arg] != null) {
            if (args[++arg] != null) {
            if (args[++arg] != null) {
            if (args[++arg] != null) {
                Var.Val val = args[arg]; // IP address variable
                int ip = wi.getIpAddress();
                if (types[arg] == 1) { // IP address variable is numeric
                } else { // convert to string
                    String ipString = "";
                    byte[] ipbytes = { (byte) (ip), (byte) (ip >>> 8), (byte) (ip >>> 16), (byte) (ip >>> 24) };
                    try {
                        ipString = InetAddress.getByAddress(ipbytes).getHostAddress();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        /* can't happen */ }
            if (args[++arg] != null) {
            return (++arg == nArgs); // sanity-check arg count

        private boolean executeWIFILOCK() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get setting
            int code = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (theWifiLock != null) {
                theWifiLock = null;

            WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
            String tag = "BASIC!";
            switch (code) {
            case wifi_mode_high:
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1) { // >= 12
                    theWifiLock = wm.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF, tag);
                } // Lower API versions fall through to MODE_FULL
            case wifi_mode_full:
                theWifiLock = wm.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL, tag);
            case wifi_mode_scan:
                theWifiLock = wm.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_SCAN_ONLY, tag);
            case wifi_release:
                return RunTimeError("WifiLock code not 1 - 4");

            return true;

        private boolean executeTONE() {

            double duration = 1; // seconds
            double freqOfTone = 1000; // hz
            int sampleRate = 8000; // a number

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get frequency
            freqOfTone = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get duration
            duration = EvalNumericExpressionValue / 1000;

            double dnumSamples = duration * sampleRate;
            dnumSamples = Math.ceil(dnumSamples);
            int numSamples = (int) dnumSamples;
            double sample[] = new double[numSamples];
            ByteBuffer generatedSnd = null;
            try {
                generatedSnd = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * numSamples);
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                return RunTimeError(oom);

            ShortBuffer shortView = generatedSnd.asShortBuffer();

            boolean flagMinBuff = true; // Optionally skip checking min buffer size
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0) {
                    flagMinBuff = false;

            if (flagMinBuff) {
                int minBuffer = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO,
                if (2 * numSamples < minBuffer) {
                    double minDuration = Math.ceil(1000 * (double) minBuffer / (2 * (double) sampleRate));
                    return RunTimeError(
                            "Minimum tone duration for this device: " + (int) minDuration + " milliseconds");

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // No more parameters expected

            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) { // Fill the sample array
                sample[i] = Math.sin(freqOfTone * 2 * Math.PI * i / (sampleRate));

            // convert to 16 bit pcm sound array
            // assumes the sample buffer is normalised.
            int i = 0;

            int ramp = numSamples / 20; // Amplitude ramp as a percent of sample count

            for (i = 0; i < ramp; ++i) { // Ramp amplitude up to max (to avoid clicks)
                short val = (short) (sample[i] * 32767 * i / ramp);

            for (; i < numSamples - ramp; ++i) { // Max amplitude for most of the samples
                short val = (short) (sample[i] * 32767); // scale to maximum amplitude

            for (; i < numSamples; ++i) { // Ramp amplitude down to 0
                short val = (short) (sample[i] * 32767 * (numSamples - i) / ramp);

            AudioTrack audioTrack = null; // Get audio track
            try {
                audioTrack = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO,
                        AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, numSamples * 2, AudioTrack.MODE_STATIC);
                audioTrack.write(generatedSnd.array(), 0, numSamples * 2); // Load the track
      ; // Play the track
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            int x = 0;
            do { // Monitor playback to find when done
                x = (audioTrack != null) ? audioTrack.getPlaybackHeadPosition() : numSamples;
            } while (x < numSamples);

            if (audioTrack != null)
                audioTrack.release(); // Track play done. Release track.

            audioTrack = null; // Release storage
            shortView = null;
            generatedSnd = null;
            sample = null;

            return true;

        private boolean executeVIBRATE() {

            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (!var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_NUM_ARRAY);
            } // Insure that it is a numeric array

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // get the repeat value
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int repeat = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();
            double[] array = arrayDef.getNumArray(); // raw array access

            long Pattern[] = new long[length]; // pattern array
            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // copy user array into pattern
                Pattern[i] = (long) array[base + i];

            try {
                if (myVib == null) { // if no vibrator, go get it
                    myVib = (Vibrator) Run.this.getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
                if (repeat > 0)
                    myVib.vibrate(Pattern, repeat); // do the vibrate
            } catch (SecurityException ex) {
                        "SecurityException on VIBRATE: do you have android.permission.VIBRATE in your Manifest?");
                myVib = null;
                return RunTimeError("Your app is not permitted to use VIBRATE.");
            return true;

        private void cancelVibrator() {
            if (myVib != null) {
                myVib = null;

        private boolean executeDEVICE() {
            if (!getVar() || !checkEOL())
                return false; // variable to hold the returned bundle pointer or string value
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            Locale loc = Locale.getDefault();
            TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            String failMsg = "Not available";
            String[] keys = { "Brand", "Model", "Device", "Product", "OS", "Language", "Locale", "PhoneType",
                    "PhoneNumber", "DeviceID", "SIM SN", "SIM MCC/MNC", "SIM Provider" };
            String[] vals = { Build.BRAND, Build.MODEL, Build.DEVICE, Build.PRODUCT, Build.VERSION.RELEASE,
                    loc.getDisplayLanguage(), loc.toString(), getPhoneType(tm), getPhoneNumber(tm, failMsg),
                    getDeviceID(tm, failMsg), getSimSN(tm, failMsg), getSimOperator(tm, failMsg),
                    getSimOpName(tm, failMsg) };

            int len = keys.length;
            int i = 0;
            if (val.isNumeric()) { // bundle format
                Bundle b = new Bundle();
                int bundleIndex = theBundles.size();
                for (; i < len; ++i) {
                    b.putString(keys[i], vals[i]);
            } else { // string format
                StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
                while (true) {
                    s.append(keys[i]).append(" = ").append(vals[i]);
                    if (++i == len)
            return true;

        // ************************************* Screen Commands **************************************

        private boolean executeSCREEN() { // Get SCREEN command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(screen_cmd, "Screen"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executeSCREEN_ROTATION() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get var for rotation
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Display display = ((Activity) getContext()).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
            return true;

        private boolean executeSCREEN_SIZE() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // no arguments

            Var sizeVar = null; // return array for size
            Var realVar = null; // return array for realsize
            Var.Val densVal = null; // return variable for density

            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma) {
                sizeVar = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_NUMERIC); // get array for size
                if (sizeVar == null)
                    return false; // must name a numeric array variable
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    realVar = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_NUMERIC); // get array for realsize
                    if (realVar == null)
                        return false; // must name a numeric array variable
                    isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false; // get var for density
                    densVal = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // have all parameters

            Display display = ((Activity) getContext()).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
            if ((sizeVar != null) || (realVar != null)) {
                if (!getScreenSize(display, sizeVar, realVar))
                    return false;
            if (densVal != null) {
            return true;

        public int getScreenRotation(Display display) {
            return (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 8) ? display.getOrientation() : display.getRotation();

        public int getScreenDensity(Display display) {
            DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
            return dm.densityDpi;

        public boolean getScreenSize(Display display, Var size, Var realsize) {
            Point pSize = new Point();
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 13) {
                pSize.set(display.getWidth(), display.getHeight());
            } else {
                display.getSize(pSize); // "application" screen size
            if (size != null) {
                if (!BuildBasicArray(size, 2))
                    return false; // build the array
                double[] array = size.arrayDef().getNumArray(); // raw array access
                array[0] = pSize.x;
                array[1] = pSize.y; // stuff the array
            if (realsize != null) {
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
                    display.getRealSize(pSize); // "real" screen size
                if (!BuildBasicArray(realsize, 2))
                    return false; // build the array
                double[] array = realsize.arrayDef().getNumArray(); // raw array access
                array[0] = pSize.x;
                array[1] = pSize.y; // stuff the array
            return true;

        private boolean executeHTTP_POST() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String url = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int theListIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (theListIndex < 1 || theListIndex >= theLists.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid list pointer");
            if (theListsType.get(theListIndex) != Var.Type.STR) {
                return RunTimeError("List must be of string type.");

            List<String> thisList = theLists.get(theListIndex);
            int r = thisList.size() % 2;
            if (r != 0) {
                return RunTimeError("List must have even number of elements");

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal; // variable to hold Result
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(2);
            for (int i = 0; i < thisList.size(); ++i) {
                nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(thisList.get(i), thisList.get(++i)));

            String Result = "";
            HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
            try {
                post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs, HTTP.UTF_8));
                //         HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);

                ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
                Result = client.execute(post, responseHandler);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("!", e);

            return true;

        // ************************************************ SQL Package ***************************************

        private boolean executeSQL() { // Get SQL command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(SQL_cmd, "SQL");

        private boolean getDbPtrArg() { // first arg of command is DB Pointer Variable
            // "return value" is global theValueIndex
            String errStr = "Database not opened at:";
            if (DataBases.isEmpty()) {
                return RunTimeError(errStr);
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // variable that holds the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval();
            if (i == 0) { // if pointer is zero
                return RunTimeError(errStr); // DB has been closed
            if (i < 0 || i > DataBases.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid Database Pointer at:");
            return true;

        private boolean getVarAndDbPtrArgs(Var.Val[] args) { // first arg of command is a numeric variable
            // and second is a DB table pointer expression
            String errStr = "Database not opened at:";
            if (DataBases.isEmpty()) {
                return RunTimeError(errStr);
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // user's nvar
            args[0] = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // expression that specifies the DB table pointer
            int db = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            args[1] = new Var.NumVal(db); // create a temporary Val to hold the value

            if (db == 0) { // if pointer is zero
                return RunTimeError(errStr); // DB has been closed
            if (db < 0 || db > DataBases.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid Database Pointer at:");
            return true;

        private boolean getVarAndCursorPtrArgs(Var.Val[] args) { // first arg of command is a numeric variable
            // and second is a DB cursor pointer
            if (Cursors.isEmpty()) { // Make sure there is at least one cursor
                return RunTimeError("Cursor not available at:");
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // user's nvar
            args[0] = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // the DB cursor pointer
            args[1] = mVal;

            int i = (int) mVal.nval();
            if (i == 0) { // If pointer is zero
                return RunTimeError("Cursor done at:"); // then cursor is used up
            if (i < 0 || i > Cursors.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid Cursor Pointer at:");
            return true;

        private boolean getColumnValuePairs(ContentValues values) { // Get column/value pairs from user command
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            do {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // Column
                String Column = StringConstant;
                if (!isNext(',') || !getStringArg())
                    return false; // Value
                String Value = StringConstant;
                values.put(Column, Value); // Store the pair
            } while (isNext(','));
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_open() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // DB Pointer Variable
            Var.Val val = mVal; // for the DB table pointer

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get Data Base Name
            String DBname = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String fn;
            if (DBname.startsWith(":")) {
                fn = DBname;
            } else {
                if (!checkSDCARD('w'))
                    return false;
                fn = Basic.getDataBasePath(DBname);

            SQLiteDatabase db;
            try { // Do the open or create
                db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(new File(fn), null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);

            // The newly opened data base is added to the DataBases list.
            // The list index of the new data base is added returned to the user

            val.val(DataBases.size() + 1);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_close() {

            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int i = (int) val.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base
            try {
            } // Try closing it
            catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);

            val.val(0.0); // Set the pointer to 0 to indicate closed.
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_insert() {

            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Table Name
            String TableName = StringConstant;

            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
            if (!getColumnValuePairs(values))
                return false; // Get column/value pairs from user command

            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            try {
                db.insertOrThrow(TableName, null, values);
            } // Now insert the pairs into the named table
            catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_query() {

            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[2]; // get the first two args:
            if (!getVarAndDbPtrArgs(args))
                return false;
            Var.Val cursorVar = args[0]; // Query Cursor Variable
            int dbPtr = (int) args[1].nval(); // one-based DB table pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(dbPtr - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Table Name
            String TableName = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // String of comma separated columns to get
            String RawColumns = StringConstant;

            // Must convert string to an array of columns
            ArrayList<String> cList = new ArrayList<String>(); // start by creating an ArrayList for column names

            String cTemp = ""; // Parse the Raw Columns
            for (int j = 0; j < RawColumns.length(); ++j) {
                char t = RawColumns.charAt(j);
                if (t != ',') { // while tossing out blanks
                    if (t != ' ') {
                        cTemp += t;
                    } // add characters to the column name
                } else {
                    cList.add(cTemp); // comma terminates a column name, add name to array list
                    cTemp = ""; // and start a new column name
            cList.add(cTemp); // add last column to the list

            String[] Q_Columns = new String[cList.size()]; // Finally, convert the array list
            cList.toArray(Q_Columns); // to a String Array.

            String Where = ""; // if no Where given, set empty
            String Order = ""; // if no Order given, set empty

            if (isNext(',')) { // if no comma, then no optional Where
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // Where Value
                Where = StringConstant;

                if (isNext(',')) { // if no comma, then no optional Order
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false; // Order Value
                    Order = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Cursor cursor;
            try { // Do the query and get the cursor
                cursor = db.query(TableName, Q_Columns, Where, null, null, null, Order);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);

            cursorVar.val(Cursors.size() + 1); // save the Cursor index into the var
            Cursors.add(cursor); // and save the cursor.

            return true;

        // Extended or unknown number of columns by GitHub poster @JasonFruit. See Issue #141.
        private boolean execute_sql_next() { // get data from next row of cursor
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[2]; // get the first two args:
            if (!getVarAndCursorPtrArgs(args))
                return false;
            Var.Val doneVar = args[0]; // Done Flag variable
            Var.Val cursorVar = args[1]; // DB Cursor pointer variable

            ArrayList<Var> vars = new ArrayList<Var>();
            if (isNext(',')) { // if comma, expect vars to receive column data
                if (!getSVars(vars))
                    return false; // get list of string vars to hold column(s), last may be array
            int nVars = vars.size();
            Var colArrayVar = (nVars != 0) ? vars.get(nVars - 1) : null; // last var MAY be array
            boolean isArray = (colArrayVar != null) && colArrayVar.isArray(); // is it?

            Var.Val nColVal = null; // for optional column count
            if (isArray) {
                --nVars; // count of non-array vars
                if (isNext(',')) {
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false; // get optional column count var
                    nColVal = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            doneVar.val(0.0); // set Not Done
            int i = (int) cursorVar.nval(); // get the cursor pointer
            Cursor cursor = Cursors.get(i - 1); // get the cursor

            if (cursor.moveToNext()) { // if there is another row, go there
                int nCols = cursor.getColumnCount(); // num columns of data available
                if (nColVal != null) {
                } // if requested, return total number of columns

                if (nCols < nVars) {
                    nVars = nCols;
                } // don't try to store more columns than we have 
                else if (!isArray && (nVars < nCols)) {
                    nCols = nVars;
                } // don't read more columns than we can return

                ArrayList<String> colData = new ArrayList<String>(nCols);
                for (int index = 0; index < nCols; ++index) {
                    String result;
                    try {
                        result = cursor.getString(index);
                    } // get the result
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);
                    colData.add((result != null) ? result : "");

                for (int index = 0; index < nVars; ++index) { // write column data to scalar vars
                if (isArray) { // write rest of column data to array var
                    if (colData.size() == 0) {
                    } // don't allow empty array
                    if (!ListToBasicStringArray(colArrayVar, colData, colData.size()))
                        return false;
            } else { // no next row, cursor is used up
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_query_length() { // Report the number of rows in a query result
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[2]; // Get the first two args:
            if (!getVarAndCursorPtrArgs(args))
                return false;
            Var.Val resultVar = args[0]; // variable for number of rows
            Var.Val cursorVar = args[1]; // DB Cursor pointer variable
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int i = (int) cursorVar.nval(); // get the cursor pointer
            Cursor cursor = Cursors.get(i - 1); // get the cursor
            double nRows = cursor.getCount();
            resultVar.val(nRows); // return number of rows to user
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_query_position() { // Report current position in query results
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[2]; // Get the first two args:
            if (!getVarAndCursorPtrArgs(args))
                return false;
            Var.Val resultVar = args[0]; // variable for position
            Var.Val cursorVar = args[1]; // DB Cursor pointer variable
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int i = (int) cursorVar.nval(); // get the cursor pointer
            Cursor cursor = Cursors.get(i - 1); // get the cursor
            double position = cursor.getPosition();
            resultVar.val(position + 1); // return position to user, 1-based
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_delete() {

            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Table Name
            String TableName = StringConstant;

            Var.Val resultVar = null;
            String Where = null; // if no Where given, set null
            if (isNext(',')) { // if no comma, then no optional Where
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // Where Value
                Where = StringConstant;
                if (isNext(',')) { // if there's a where
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false; // there can be a return value
                    resultVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int count = 0;
            try {
                count = db.delete(TableName, Where, null); // do the deletes
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);

            if (resultVar != null) {
                resultVar.val(count); // return the number of rows deleted
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_update() {

            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Table Name
            String TableName = StringConstant;

            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
            if (!getColumnValuePairs(values))
                return false; // Get column/value pairs from user command

            String Where = null; // Where is optional
            if (isNext(':')) { // Colon indicates Where follows
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // Where Value
                Where = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            try {
                db.update(TableName, values, Where, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_exec() {
            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Command string
            String CommandString = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_raw_query() {

            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[2]; // get the first two args:
            if (!getVarAndDbPtrArgs(args))
                return false;
            Var.Val cursorVar = args[0]; // Query Cursor Variable
            int dbPtr = (int) args[1].nval(); // one-based DB table pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(dbPtr - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // query string
            String QueryString = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Cursor cursor;
            try { // Do the query and get the cursor
                cursor = db.rawQuery(QueryString, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);

            cursorVar.val(Cursors.size() + 1); // Save the Cursor index into the var
            Cursors.add(cursor); // and save the cursor.
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_drop_table() {

            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Table Name
            String TableName = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String CommandString = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TableName;

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sql_new_table() {

            if (!getDbPtrArg())
                return false; // get variable for the DB table pointer
            int i = (int) mVal.nval(); // get the pointer
            SQLiteDatabase db = DataBases.get(i - 1); // get the data base

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Table Name
            String TableName = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            ArrayList<String> Columns = new ArrayList<String>();
            do {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // Columns
            } while (isNext(','));
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String columns = "";
            int cc = Columns.size();
            for (int j = 0; j < cc; ++j) {
                columns += Columns.get(j) + " TEXT";
                if (j != cc - 1) {
                    columns += " , ";

            String CommandString = StringConstant;
            CommandString = "CREATE TABLE " + TableName + "( " + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + columns
                    + " )";

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("SQL Exception:", e);
            return true;

        // ************************************  Graphics Package ***********************************

        private boolean executeGR() {
            Command c = findSubcommand(GR_cmd, "GR");
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            if (!GRopen && ( != CID_OPEN)) {
                return RunTimeError("Graphics not opened at:");

        private boolean executeGR_BITMAP() { // GR group, BITMAP subgroup
            return executeSubgroupCommand(GrBitmap_cmd, "Gr.Bitmap");

        private boolean executeGR_CAMERA() { // GR group, CAMERA subgroup
            return executeSubgroupCommand(GrCamera_cmd, "Gr.Camera");

        private boolean executeGR_GET() { // GR group, GET subgroup
            return executeSubgroupCommand(GrGet_cmd, "Gr.Get");

        private boolean executeGR_GROUP() { // GR group, GROUP subgroup
            return executeSubgroupCommand(GrGroup_cmd, "Gr.Group");

        private boolean executeGR_PAINT() { // GR group, PAINT subgroup
            return executeSubgroupCommand(GrPaint_cmd, "Gr.Paint");

        private boolean executeGR_TEXT() { // GR group, TEXT subgroup
            return executeSubgroupCommand(GrText_cmd, "Gr.Text");

        private void DisplayListAdd(GR.BDraw b) {
            b.common((PaintList.size() - 1), 256); // paint and alpha for this object

            if (drawintoCanvas != null) {
                GR.drawView.doDraw(drawintoCanvas, b);

            synchronized (DisplayList) {

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_drawinto_start() {
            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get the bitmap
            if (bitmap == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");
            if (!bitmap.isMutable()) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmaps loaded from files not changeable.");
            if (bitmap.isRecycled()) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was recycled");
            drawintoCanvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_drawinto_end() {
            drawintoCanvas = null;
            return true;

        private Paint newPaint(Paint fromPaint) { // Android bug workaround?
            Typeface tf = fromPaint.getTypeface();
            Paint rPaint = new Paint(fromPaint); // creates a new Paint
            rPaint.setTypeface(tf); // while preserving the type face
            return rPaint;

        private Paint initPaint() {
            return initPaint(255, 0, 0, 0); // new opaque black Paint with default settings

        private Paint initPaint(int a, int r, int g, int b) {
            Paint paint = new Paint();
            paint.setARGB(a, r, g, b); // set the colors, etc
            //      int f = paint.getFlags();
            //      paint.setFlags(f | Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG);
            return paint;

        private void DisplayListClear(GR.Type type) {
            Log.d(LOGTAG, "DisplayListClear");
            synchronized (DisplayList) {
                DisplayList.clear(); // Clear the Display List


                PaintListClear(); // clear and initialize the PaintList

                GR.BDraw b = new GR.BDraw(type); // Start Display List
                DisplayListAdd(b); // with specified first entry

        private void PaintListClear() {
            // Preserve user's current and working Paints if they exist.
            int nPaints = PaintList.size();
            Paint workingPaint = (nPaints == 0) ? initPaint() : PaintList.get(0);
            Paint currentPaint = (nPaints == 0) ? initPaint() : PaintList.get(nPaints - 1);


            PaintList.add(workingPaint); // restore user's 
            PaintList.add(currentPaint); // add user's current Paint at entry 1

        private void BitmapListClear() {
            if (BitmapList != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < BitmapList.size(); ++i) {
                    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapList.get(i);
                    if (bitmap != null) {
                        BitmapList.set(i, null);

        private boolean execute_gr_getdl() {

            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_NUMERIC); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a numeric array variable

            boolean keepHiddenObjects = false;
            if (isNext(',')) { // Optional "hidden" flag
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                keepHiddenObjects = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0);
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            double[] list = new double[RealDisplayList.size() + 1];
            int count = 0;
            for (Integer Idx : RealDisplayList) { // For each object index
                int idx = (Idx == null) ? 0 : Idx.intValue();
                boolean include = ((idx != 0) && // If not null or index of null object...
                        (keepHiddenObjects || // ... and either keeping all objects...
                                DisplayList.get(idx).isVisible())); // ... or object is not hidden...
                if (include) {
                    list[count++] = idx;
                } // ... then put index in the new list
            if (count == 0) {
                count = 1;
            } // if no objects, make a list with
            // one entry that indexes the null object

            if (!BuildBasicArray(var, count))
                return false; // build the array
            double[] array = var.arrayDef().getNumArray(); // raw array access
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { // stuff the array
                array[i] = list[i]; // count may be < list.length
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_newdl() {

            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (!var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_NUM_ARRAY);
            } // insure that it is a numeric array

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();
            double[] array = arrayDef.getNumArray(); // raw array access

            RealDisplayList.add(0); // first entry points to null object

            synchronized (DisplayList) {
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // copy the object pointers
                    int id = (int) array[base + i];
                    if (id < 0 || id >= DisplayList.size()) {
                        return RunTimeError("Invalid Object Number");
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_open() {
            if (GRopen) {
                return RunTimeError("Graphics already opened");

            int[] args = { 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0 }; // default to opaque white, no status bar, landscape
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int a = args[0];
            int r = args[1];
            int g = args[2];
            int b = args[3];
            int showStatusBar = args[4];
            int orientation = args[5];

            int backgroundColor = a * 0x1000000 + // Set the appropriate bytes
                    r * 0x10000 + g * 0x100 + b;
            mShowStatusBar = (showStatusBar != 0); // record choice for GR.StatusBar command

            synchronized (DisplayList) {
                drawintoCanvas = null;
                BitmapList.add(null); // Set Zero entry as null

                Paint paint = initPaint(a, r, g, b); // Create a new Paint object, default except color
                PaintList.add(paint); // Add to the Paint List as element 2

            mGrIntent = new Intent(Run.this, GR.class); // Set up parameters for the Graphics Activity
            mGrIntent.putExtra(GR.EXTRA_SHOW_STATUSBAR, showStatusBar);
            mGrIntent.putExtra(GR.EXTRA_ORIENTATION, orientation);
            mGrIntent.putExtra(GR.EXTRA_BACKGROUND_COLOR, backgroundColor);

            GR.Running = false; // Set up the signals
            GR.waitForLock = true;
            startActivityForResult(mGrIntent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT); // Start the Graphics Activity

            waitForGrLOCK(); // Do not continue until GR signals it is running

            GRopen = true; // Set some more signals
            GR.doSTT = false;
            CameraNumber = -1;
            return true;

        private void initTouchVars() {
            for (int i = 0; i < NewTouch.length; ++i) {
                TouchX[i] = TouchY[i] = -1;
                NewTouch[i] = false;

        private boolean execute_gr_paint_get() { // get the index of the current (latest) Paint
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            mVal.val(PaintList.size() - 1);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_paint_copy() { // copy a Paint or make a new one
            int[] args = { -1, -1 }; // default: src, dst both current Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int current = PaintList.size() - 1;
            int src = args[0];
            int dst = args[1];

            if (src != -1) {
                if (!checkPaintIndex(src))
                    return false; // ERROR: out of range
            } else {
                src = current;
            Paint srcPaint = newPaint(PaintList.get(src)); // make a copy

            if (dst != -1) {
                if (!checkPaintIndex(dst))
                    return false; // ERROR: out of range
                PaintList.set(dst, srcPaint); // replace destination Paint with the copy
            } else {
                PaintList.add(srcPaint); // add the copy to the Paint list
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_paint_reset() {
            int[] args = { -1 }; // default: reset current Paint;
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            Paint paint = initPaint(); // create a new default Paint
            int index = args[0];
            if (index == -1) {
                PaintList.add(paint); // add the new Paint to the List
            } else {
                if (!checkPaintIndex(index))
                    return false;
                PaintList.set(index, paint); // replace the existing Paint
            return true;

        private void GRstop() { // stop GR, but don't wait for lock
            if (GR.drawView != null) { // create a new display list
                DisplayListClear(GR.Type.Close); // that commands to close
                GR.drawView.postInvalidate(); // start the draw so the command will get executed
            GRopen = false;

        private boolean execute_gr_close() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (GR.drawView != null) { // create a new display list
                DisplayListClear(GR.Type.Close); // that commands to close
                GR.waitForLock = true;
                GR.drawView.postInvalidate(); // start the draw so the command will get executed
            GRopen = false;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_render() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (GR.drawView == null) { // make sure drawView has not gone null
                Stop = true;
                return false;

            synchronized (DisplayList) {
                GR.waitForLock = true;
            GR.NullBitMap = false;
            GR.drawView.postInvalidate(); // Start GR drawing.

            if (GR.NullBitMap) {
                GR.NullBitMap = false;
                return RunTimeError("Display List had deleted bitmap.");
            return true;

        private boolean checkPaintIndex(int index) {
            return ((index >= 0) && (index < PaintList.size())) ? true : RunTimeError("Paint Number out of range");

        private Paint getWorkingPaint(int index) { // get specified Paint
            // if none specified, clone current Paint as new current Paint
            Paint paint;
            if (index != -1) { // get an existing Paint
                if (!checkPaintIndex(index))
                    return null; // ERROR: out of range
                paint = PaintList.get(index);
            } else {
                paint = newPaint(PaintList.get(PaintList.size() - 1)); // get a copy of the latest Paint
                PaintList.add(paint); // add the copy to the Paint list
            return paint;

        private boolean execute_gr_color() {
            int[] args = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; // default to current color and style, new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int paintIdx = args[5];
            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx);
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            int color = paint.getColor();
            int a = (args[0] != -1) ? args[0] : 255 & (color >>> 24);
            int r = (args[1] != -1) ? args[1] : 255 & (color >>> 16);
            int g = (args[2] != -1) ? args[2] : 255 & (color >>> 8);
            int b = (args[3] != -1) ? args[3] : 255 & (color);
            paint.setARGB(a, r, g, b); // set the colors

            int style = args[4];
            if (style == 0) {
            } else if (style == 1) {
            } else if (style != -1) {

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_antialias() {
            int[] args = { -1, -1 }; // default to toggle and new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int select = args[0];
            int paintIdx = args[1];

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx);
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            // -1 toggles antialias, 0 clears it, anything else sets it.
            boolean flag = (select == -1) ? !paint.isAntiAlias() : (select != 0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_stroke_width() {
            byte[] type = { 1, 1 }; // two optional numeric arguments
            Double[] args = { null, null };
            String[] dummy = { null, null }; // not used, no String arguments
            if (!getOptExprs(type, args, dummy))
                return false;

            int paintIdx = (args[1] != null) ? args[1].intValue() : -1; // default to current Paint
            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx); // null if invalid index

            if (args[0] != null) { // if width provided
                float width = args[0].floatValue(); // get width
                if (width < 0.0f) {
                    return RunTimeError("Width must be >= 0");
                if (paint != null)
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // error reporting is in parameter order

            return true;

        // Common processing for the beginning of a command that creates a graphical object.
        // Expect a numeric variable on the command line. Leave its Val object in mVal. TODO: ELIMINATE mVal
        private GR.BDraw createGrObj_start(GR.Type type) {
            if (!getNVar())
                return null;
            GR.BDraw b = new GR.BDraw(type);
            return b;

        // Common processing for the end of a command that creates a graphical object.
        private boolean createGrObj_finish(GR.BDraw b, Var.Val val) {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            synchronized (DisplayList) {
                val.val(DisplayList.size()); // save the object index into the var
                DisplayListAdd(b); // add the object to the Display List
            return true;

        // Common processing for the end of a command that creates a bitmap.
        private boolean createBitmap_finish(Bitmap bitmap, Var.Val val, String errMsg) {
            int value;
            if (bitmap != null) {
                value = BitmapList.size(); // save the bitmap index
                BitmapList.add(bitmap); // add the new bitmap to the bitmap list
            } else {
                value = -1;
                writeErrorMsg((errMsg != null) ? errMsg : "Failed to create bitmap");
            if (val != null) {
            } // give the bitmap pointer to the user
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_point() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Point); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] xy = getArgsII();
            if (xy == null)
                return false;

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_line() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Line); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] x2y2 = getArgs4I(); // in x1, y1, x2, y2 order
            if (x2y2 == null)
                return false;

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_rect() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Rect); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] ltrb = getArgs4I();
            if (ltrb == null)
                return false;

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_arc() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Arc); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] ltrb = getArgs4I();
            if (ltrb == null)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            double[] angles = getArgsDD();
            if (angles == null)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(',') || !evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int fillMode = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            b.arc(ltrb, (float) angles[0], (float) angles[1], fillMode);

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_circle() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Circle); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] xy = getArgsII();
            if (xy == null)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(',') || !evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int radius = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

  , radius);

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_oval() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Oval); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] ltrb = getArgs4I();
            if (ltrb == null)
                return false;

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private double gr_collide(int obj1Num, int obj2Num) {

            double fail = -1;
            double xfalse = 0;
            double xtrue = 1;

            if (obj1Num < 0 || obj1Num >= DisplayList.size()) {
                RunTimeError("Object 1 Number out of range");
                return fail;
            GR.BDraw obj1 = DisplayList.get(obj1Num); // Get the first object
            if (obj1.isHidden())
                return xfalse; // If hidden then no collide

            if (obj2Num < 0 || obj2Num >= DisplayList.size()) {
                RunTimeError("Object 2 Number out of range");
                return fail;
            GR.BDraw obj2 = DisplayList.get(obj2Num); // Get the second object
            if (obj2.isHidden())
                return xfalse; // If hidden then no collide

            Rect r1 = gr_getBounds(obj1);
            if (r1 == null)
                return fail;
            Rect r2 = gr_getBounds(obj2);
            if (r2 == null)
                return fail;

            // Note: Rect.intersects(Rect, Rect) does not consider right edge to be in the Rect
            //       so we can't use it.
            return ((r1.bottom < || // Test for collision
                    (r2.bottom < || (r1.right < r2.left) || (r2.right < r1.left)) ? xfalse : xtrue;

        @SuppressLint("RtlHardcoded") // suppress false warning on Paint.Align.LEFT and RIGHT
        private Rect gr_getBounds(GR.BDraw b) { // get the bounding box of a graphical object
            int left, top, right, bottom;
            Rect bounds = null;

            GR.Type type = b.type();
            switch (type) {
            case Circle:
                int cx = b.x();
                int cy = b.y();
                int cr = b.radius();
                bounds = new Rect(cx - cr, cy - cr, cx + cr, cy + cr);

            case Arc:
            case Oval:
            case Point:
            case Rect:
                left = b.left();
                top =;
                right = b.right();
                bottom = b.bottom();
                bounds = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);
                if (bounds.width() < 0) {
                    bounds.set(right, top, left, bottom);
                if (bounds.height() < 0) {
                    bounds.set(left, bottom, right, top);

            case Bitmap:
                left = b.left();
                top =;
                Bitmap theBitmap = BitmapList.get(b.bitmap());
                right = left + theBitmap.getWidth();
                bottom = top + theBitmap.getHeight();
                bounds = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom);

            case Text:
                bounds = new Rect();
                Paint paint = PaintList.get(b.paint());
                String text = b.text();
                paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), bounds); // returns the minimum bounding box
                // from implied origin (0,0)
                int tx = b.x();
                int ty = b.y();
                float tw = paint.measureText(text); // width used for alignment
                // generally more than theRect.width()
                Paint.Align align = paint.getTextAlign();
                switch (align) { // adjust origin for alignment
                case LEFT:
                    bounds.offset(tx, ty);
                case CENTER:
                    bounds.offset((int) (tx - tw / 2), ty);
                case RIGHT:
                    bounds.offset((int) (tx - tw), ty);


            return bounds;

        private boolean execute_gr_cls() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private int getBitmapArg() { // get the bitmap number
            return getBitmapArg("Invalid Bitmap Pointer"); // with the default error message

        private int getBitmapArg(String errMsg) { // get and validate the bitmap number
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return -1;
            int bitmapPtr = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (bitmapPtr < 1 | bitmapPtr >= BitmapList.size()) {
                bitmapPtr = -1;
            return bitmapPtr;

        private int getObjectNumber() { // get the Graphics Object Number
            return getObjectNumber("Object out of range"); // with the default error message

        private int getObjectNumber(String errMsg) { // get Object Number, set RTE if out of range
            int obj = getGraphicsObjectNumber();
            if (obj == -1) {
            } // forced to -1 if out of range
            return obj;

        private int getGraphicsObjectNumber() { // get and validate the Graphics Object Number
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return -1;
            int obj = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (obj < 0 || obj >= DisplayList.size()) { // if invalid Object Number
                obj = -1; // force to standard error value (-1)
            return obj;

        private boolean execute_gr_group_objs() { // create a Group from the object numbers on the command line
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Group); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(); // get object numbers, put them in a list
            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            while (isComma) {
                double lObj = getObjectNumber();
                if (lObj < 0.0)
                    return false;
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int listIndex = theLists.size(); // store as a new numeric list

            b.list(listIndex, list); // attach the list to the Group Object
            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_group_list() { // create a group from a list
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Group); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.NUM); // reuse old list or create new one
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            ArrayList<Double> list = theLists.get(listIndex); // retrieve the list
            b.list(listIndex, list);
            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_group_getdl() { // create a group from the current Display List
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Group); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            boolean keepHiddenObjects = false;
            if (isNext(',')) { // Optional "hidden" flag
                if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                    return false;
                keepHiddenObjects = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0);
            if (!checkEOL()) {
                return false;
            } // line must end with ']'

            ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(); // copy Display List to a list
            for (Integer Idx : RealDisplayList) { // for each object index
                int idx = (Idx == null) ? 0 : Idx.intValue();
                boolean include = ((idx != 0) && // if not null or index of null object...
                        (keepHiddenObjects || // ... and either keeping all objects...
                                DisplayList.get(idx).isVisible())); // ... or object is not hidden...
                if (include) {
                    list.add((double) idx);
                } // ... then put index in the new list

            int listIndex = theLists.size(); // store as a new numeric list

            b.list(listIndex, list);
            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_group_newdl() { // set a new display list from a group
            int obj = getObjectNumber(); // get the Group Object number
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            synchronized (DisplayList) {
                GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get Group Object
                if (b.type() != GR.Type.Group) {
                    return false;
                } // make sure it's a group
                ArrayList<Double> list = b.list(); // retrive the list

                RealDisplayList.add(0); // first entry points to null object
                for (Double id : list) { // copy the group list to the Display List
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_show(GR.VISIBLE show) {
            int obj = getObjectNumber(); // get the Graphics Object number
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get Graphics Object
            if (b.type() != GR.Type.Group) { // if it is not a Group
      ; // hide or show it
                return true;

            ArrayList<Double> list = b.list(); // Group: get the list of objects to change
            if (list == null)
                return true; // nothing to do

            int dlSize = DisplayList.size();
            for (Double d : list) {
                obj = d.intValue(); // get each index from the list
                if ((obj < 0) || (obj >= dlSize)) {
                    return RunTimeError("Object out of range");
                b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get each Graphics Object to change
      ; // show or hide it
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_move() {
            int obj = getObjectNumber(); // get the Graphics Object number
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            int[] dxdy = { 0, 0 }; // default: deltas both zero
            if (isNext(',') ? !getOptExprs(dxdy) // get the deltas if there are any
                    : !checkEOL())
                return false;

            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get Graphics Object
            if (b.type() != GR.Type.Group) { // if it is not a Group
                b.move(dxdy); // move it
                return true;

            ArrayList<Double> list = b.list(); // Group: get the list of objects to change
            if (list == null)
                return true; // nothing to do

            int dlSize = DisplayList.size();
            for (Double d : list) {
                obj = d.intValue(); // get each index from the list
                if ((obj < 0) || (obj >= dlSize)) {
                    return RunTimeError("Object out of range");
                b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get each Graphics Object to change
                b.move(dxdy); // move it
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_get_position() {
            int obj = getObjectNumber();
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(',') || !getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val xVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(',') || !getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val yVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get the Graphics Object
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_get_value() {
            int obj = getObjectNumber();
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get the Graphics Object
            while (isNext(',')) { // collect tag/var pairs
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get each parameter string
                String parm = StringConstant;
                if (!b.type().hasParameter(parm)) {
                    return RunTimeError("Object does not contain " + parm);
                if (!isNext(',') || !getVar())
                    return false; // var for value
                Var.Val val = mVal;
                boolean varIsNumeric = val.isNumeric();
                if (varIsNumeric == parm.equals("text")) { // error if numeric var and "text" tag
                    return RunTimeError("Wrong var type for tag: " + parm); // or string var and not "text" tag
                if (varIsNumeric) {
                    double value = b.getValue(parm);
                } else {
                    String theText = b.text();
            return checkEOL();

        private boolean execute_gr_get_type() {
            Var.Val val = null;
            int obj = getGraphicsObjectNumber(); // forced to -1 if out of range
            if (obj == -1) {
                writeErrorMsg("Not a graphical object");
            } // message for GetError$() function
            else {
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getSVar())
                    return false; // var for type string
                val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (val != null) { // if there is a return variable
                String type; // value to return
                if (obj != -1) { // if there is a valid object number
                    GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get the Graphics Object
                    type = b.type().type(); // get its type
                } else {
                    type = "";
                } // else no type (invalid object number)
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_get_params() {
            int obj = getObjectNumber();
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get the Graphics Object

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_STRING); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a new string array variable
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            String[] params = b.type().parameters();
            int length = params.length;

            /* Puts the list of keys into a new array */
            return ListToBasicStringArray(var, Arrays.asList(params), length);

        private boolean execute_gr_touch(int p) {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // boolean variable
            Var.Val flagVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // x variable
            Var.Val xVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // y variable
            Var.Val yVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            flagVar.val(NewTouch[p] ? 1.0 : 0.0); // return touched flag as numerical value
            if (TouchX[p] != -1) { // if ever touched
                xVar.val(TouchX[p]); // then report the last touch
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_bound_touch(int p) {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // boolean variable
            Var.Val flagVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int[] bounds = getArgs4I(); // [left, top, right, bottom]
            if (bounds == null)
                return false; // error getting values
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int left = bounds[0];
            int top = bounds[1];
            int right = bounds[2];
            int bottom = bounds[3];
            if (right < left) {
                left = bounds[2];
                right = bounds[0];
            if (bottom < top) {
                top = bounds[3];
                bottom = bounds[1];

            boolean flag = false;
            if (NewTouch[p]) { // if currently being touched
                flag = (TouchX[p] >= left && TouchX[p] <= right && // true iff touch was in bounding rect
                        TouchY[p] >= top && TouchY[p] <= bottom);
            flagVar.val(flag ? 1.0 : 0.0); // return flag as numerical value
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_draw() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Text); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] xy = getArgsII();
            if (xy == null)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(',') || !getStringArg())
                return false;


            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_text_align() {
            int[] args = { -1, -1 }; // default to unchanged alignment and new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int alignCode = args[0];
            int paintIdx = args[1];

            Paint.Align align = null; // validate and convert alignment parameter
            if (alignCode == 1) {
                align = Paint.Align.LEFT;
            } else if (alignCode == 2) {
                align = Paint.Align.CENTER;
            } else if (alignCode == 3) {
                align = Paint.Align.RIGHT;
            } else if (alignCode != -1) {
                return RunTimeError("Align value not 1, 2 or 3 at ");

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx); // validate Paint index parameter and get Paint
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            if (align != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_size() {
            byte[] type = { 1, 1 }; // two optional numeric arguments
            Double[] args = { null, null };
            String[] dummy = { null, null }; // not used, no String arguments
            if (!getOptExprs(type, args, dummy))
                return false;

            int paintIdx = (args[1] != null) ? args[1].intValue() : -1; // default to current Paint
            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx); // null if invalid index

            if (args[0] != null) { // if size provided
                float size = args[0].floatValue(); // get size
                if (size <= 0.0f) {
                    return RunTimeError("Size must be > 0");
                if (paint != null)
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // error reporting is in parameter order
            return true;


        private boolean execute_gr_text_underline() {
            int[] args = { -1, -1 }; // default to toggle and new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int select = args[0];
            int paintIdx = args[1];

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx);
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            // -1 toggles underlining, 0 clears it, anything else sets it.
            boolean flag = (select == -1) ? !paint.isUnderlineText() : (select != 0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_skew() {
            byte[] type = { 1, 1 }; // two optional numeric arguments
            Double[] args = { null, null };
            String[] dummy = { null, null }; // not used, no String arguments
            if (!getOptExprs(type, args, dummy))
                return false;

            int paintIdx = (args[1] != null) ? args[1].intValue() : -1; // default to current Paint
            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx); // null if invalid index
            if (paint == null)
                return false;

            if (args[0] != null) { // if skew provided
                float skew = args[0].floatValue(); // get skew

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_bold() {
            int[] args = { -1, -1 }; // default to toggle and new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int select = args[0];
            int paintIdx = args[1];

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx);
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            // -1 toggles bold, 0 clears it, anything else sets it.
            boolean flag = (select == -1) ? !paint.isFakeBoldText() : (select != 0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_strike() {
            int[] args = { -1, -1 }; // default to toggle and new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int select = args[0];
            int paintIdx = args[1];

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx);
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            // -1 toggles strike, 0 clears it, anything else sets it.
            boolean flag = (select == -1) ? !paint.isStrikeThruText() : (select != 0);

            return true;

        private GR.BDraw getTextObject(int dlIndex) {
            if (dlIndex < 0 || dlIndex >= DisplayList.size()) {
                RunTimeError("Object Number out of range");
                return null;
            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(dlIndex);
            if (b.type() != GR.Type.Text) {
                RunTimeError("Not a text object");
                return null;
            return b;

        private boolean execute_gr_get_textbounds() {
            Paint paint;
            String text;
            if (evalNumericExpression()) { // if argument is an object number
                int index = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                GR.BDraw b = getTextObject(index);
                if (b == null)
                    return false;
                paint = PaintList.get(b.paint()); // use the text object's paint
                text = b.text(); // get text from the text object
            } else {
                if (SyntaxError)
                    return false;
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                text = StringConstant; // argument is the text to measure
                paint = PaintList.get(PaintList.size() - 1); // use current Paint

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var.Val[] val = getArgs4NVar(); // [left, top, right, bottom]
            if (val == null)
                return false; // error getting variables
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Rect bounds = new Rect();
            paint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), bounds);


            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_height() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            // Three optional numeric variables for height, up, and down values
            byte[] types = { 1, 1, 1 }; // type of each variable
            int nArgs = types.length;
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[nArgs]; // Val object for each variable
            if (!getOptVars(types, args))
                return false;

            Paint currentPaint = PaintList.get(PaintList.size() - 1);
            Paint.FontMetrics fm = currentPaint.getFontMetrics();
            float height = currentPaint.getTextSize();
            float ascent = fm.ascent;
            float descent = fm.descent;

            float[] vals = { height, ascent, descent };
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                Var.Val argval = args[arg]; // Val object to return each value
                if (argval != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_width() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // width return variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            Paint paint;
            String text;
            if (evalNumericExpression()) { // if argument is an object number
                int index = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                GR.BDraw b = getTextObject(index);
                if (b == null)
                    return false;
                paint = PaintList.get(b.paint()); // use the text object's paint
                text = b.text(); // get text from the text object
            } else {
                if (SyntaxError)
                    return false;
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                text = StringConstant; // argument is the text to measure
                paint = PaintList.get(PaintList.size() - 1); // use current Paint
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            double w = paint.measureText(text); // get the string's width
            val.val(w); // save the width into the var

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_load() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // bitmap pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file path
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String errMsg = null;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;

            String fileName = StringConstant; // the filename as given by the user
            BufferedInputStream bis = null; // establish an input stream
            try {
                bis = Basic.getBufferedInputStream(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                errMsg = e.getMessage();
            if (bis == null) {
                if (errMsg == null) {
                    errMsg = "No bitmap found";
                } // can this happen?
            } else {
                try {
                    bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(bis);
                } // create bitmap from the input stream
                catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                    errMsg = oom.getMessage();
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        return RunTimeError(e);
            return createBitmap_finish(bitmap, val, errMsg); // store the bitmap and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_delete() {
            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get the bitmap
            if (bitmap != null) {
            BitmapList.set(bitmapPtr, null);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_scale() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // destination bitmap pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get source bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            Bitmap srcBitmap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get the bitmap
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get width
            int Width = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get height
            int Height = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            boolean parm = true;
            if (isNext(',')) { // optional scale parameter
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0.0)
                    parm = false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (srcBitmap == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");
            if (Width == 0 || Height == 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Width and Height must not be zero");

            String errMsg = null;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            try {
                bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(srcBitmap, Width, Height, parm);
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                errMsg = oom.getMessage();

            if (bitmap == srcBitmap) {
                // Scale 1:1 does not create a new bitmap. Make a copy.
                bitmap = srcBitmap.copy(srcBitmap.getConfig(), false);
            return createBitmap_finish(bitmap, val, errMsg); // store the bitmap and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_size() {
            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            Bitmap srcBitmap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // access the bitmap
            if (srcBitmap == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the width variable
            Var.Val wVar = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the height variable
            Var.Val hVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int w = srcBitmap.getWidth(); // get the image width
            int h = srcBitmap.getHeight(); // get the image height

            wVar.val(w); // set the width value
            hVar.val(h); // set the height value
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_crop() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // dest Graphic Object variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg("Invalid Source Bitmap Pointer"); // get source bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            Bitmap srcBitmap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get source bitmap
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int[] bounds = getArgs4I(); // [x, y, width, height]
            if (bounds == null)
                return false; // error getting values
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (srcBitmap == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");

            String errMsg = null;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            try {
                bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(srcBitmap, bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3]);
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                errMsg = oom.getMessage();

            if (bitmap == srcBitmap) {
                // "Crop" to full image does not create a new bitmap. Make a copy.
                bitmap = srcBitmap.copy(srcBitmap.getConfig(), false);
            return createBitmap_finish(bitmap, val, errMsg); // store the bitmap and return its index

        private void fillscan(int[] arrPixels, int color, int sx, int ex, int y, int width, Stack<Point> q) {
            if ((arrPixels == null) || (q == null))

            // Scan part of a line for points of the target color,
            // pushing one new seed for each segment of connected points found.
            boolean open = false; // if true, have seeded a segment
            int x0 = width * y; // first point of line
            for (int x = sx; x <= ex; ++x) {
                boolean match = arrPixels[x0 + x] == color;
                if (!open && match) {
                    q.push(new Point(x, y)); // start a new segment
                    open = true;
                } else if (open && !match) {
                    open = false; // close this segment

        // 2015-05-31 Algorithm by George Matei, implemented by Chaand.
        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_fill() { // floodfill a region of a bitmap
            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] xy = getArgsII(); // x, y coordinates of point in region to color
            if (xy == null)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bitmap bmp = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get the bitmap
            if (!checkBitmapPoint(bmp, xy))
                return false; // is point in bitmap?

            int targetColor = bmp.getPixel(xy[0], xy[1]); // get the original color of the bitmap pixel
            Paint currentPaint = PaintList.get(PaintList.size() - 1);
            int replacementColor = currentPaint.getColor(); // get the color to change to
            if (targetColor == replacementColor)
                return true; // nothing to do

            int width = bmp.getWidth(); // get the bitmap dimensions
            int xmax = width - 1;
            int height = bmp.getHeight();
            int ymax = height - 1;
            int[] arrPixels = new int[width * height]; // array for the bitmap pixels [TODO: too much memory?]

            bmp.getPixels(arrPixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); // get the bitmap pixels

            Stack<Point> q = new Stack<Point>();

            q.push(new Point(xy[0], xy[1])); // first seed
            while (!q.empty()) {
                Point p = q.pop();
                int y = p.y;
                int x0 = width * p.y; // index of point (0, y)

                // Change all connected points of the old color to the new color
                int sx = p.x; // start point
                int ex = sx; // end point
                arrPixels[x0 + sx] = replacementColor;
                while ((sx > 0) && (arrPixels[x0 + sx - 1] == targetColor)) {
                    arrPixels[x0 + --sx] = replacementColor;
                while ((ex < xmax) && (arrPixels[x0 + ex + 1] == targetColor)) {
                    arrPixels[x0 + ++ex] = replacementColor;
                bmp.setPixels(arrPixels, x0 + sx, width, sx, y, ex - sx + 1, 1);

                if (y > 0) { // if there is a line above
                    fillscan(arrPixels, targetColor, sx, ex, y - 1, width, q); // push a point for each segment of matching color
                if (y < ymax) { // if there is a line below
                    fillscan(arrPixels, targetColor, sx, ex, y + 1, width, q); // push a point for each segment of matching color
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_draw() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Bitmap); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            if (BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr) == null) { // check the bitmap
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");
            b.bitmap(bitmapPtr); // store the bitmap number

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] xy = getArgsII();
            if (xy == null)
                return false;

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_bitmap_create() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get bitmap pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get the width
            int width = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (width <= 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Width must be >= 0");
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get the height
            int height = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (height <= 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Height must be >= 0");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String errMsg = null;
            Bitmap bitmap = null;
            try {
                bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                errMsg = oom.getMessage();

            return createBitmap_finish(bitmap, val, errMsg); // store the bitmap and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_rotate_start() {
            GR.BDraw b = new GR.BDraw(GR.Type.RotateStart); // create a new object of type Rotate Start

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get angle

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] xy = getArgsII();
            if (xy == null)
                return false;

            Var.Val val = null;
            if (isNext(',')) { // optional graphic object pointer variable
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (val != null) {
            } // save the object number into the var
            DisplayListAdd(b); // put the new object into the display list
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_rotate_end() {
            GR.BDraw b = new GR.BDraw(GR.Type.RotateEnd); // create a new object of type Rotate End

            Var.Val val = null;
            if (!isEOL()) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                val = mVal;
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

            if (val != null) {
            } // save the object number into the var
            DisplayListAdd(b); // add the object to the display list
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_modify() {
            int obj = getObjectNumber("Object Number out of range");
            if (obj < 0)
                return false;
            GR.BDraw b = DisplayList.get(obj); // get the object to change
            GR.Type type = b.type();

            while (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get the parameter string
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false;
                String parm = StringConstant;

                String sVal = "";
                int iVal = 0;
                float fVal = 0.0f;
                if (parm.equals("text")) {
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false; // get the parameter string
                    sVal = StringConstant;
                } else {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false; // get parameter value
                    fVal = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();
                    iVal = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

                // For now, these list validations must be done here and not in BDraw.modify()
                if (parm.equals("paint")) {
                    if ((iVal < 1) || (iVal >= PaintList.size())) {
                        return RunTimeError("Invalid Paint object number");
                    if (type == GR.Type.Group) {
                        // Experiment: modify group Paint means modify Paint of all group objects.
                        // TODO: This is very clumsy. Fix it.
                        int dlSize = DisplayList.size();
                        for (Double d : b.list()) {
                            obj = d.intValue(); // get each index from the list
                            if ((obj < 0) || (obj >= dlSize)) {
                                return RunTimeError("Object out of range");
                            GR.BDraw toMod = DisplayList.get(obj); // get each Graphics Object to change
                            toMod.paint(iVal); // modify it
                        } // note: the group's Paint gets changed, too
                    continue; // next parameter
                switch (type) {
                case Bitmap:
                    if (parm.equals("bitmap")) {
                        if ((iVal < 0) | (iVal >= BitmapList.size())) {
                            return RunTimeError("Bitmap pointer out of range");
                        continue; // next parameter
                case Group:
                    // Experiment: modify group alpha means modify alpha of all group objects.
                    // TODO: This is very clumsy. Fix it.
                    if (parm.equals("alpha")) {
                        int dlSize = DisplayList.size();
                        for (Double d : b.list()) {
                            obj = d.intValue(); // get each index from the list
                            if ((obj < 0) || (obj >= dlSize)) {
                                return RunTimeError("Object out of range");
                            GR.BDraw toMod = DisplayList.get(obj); // get each Graphics Object to change
                            toMod.alpha(iVal); // modify it
                        continue; // next parameter
                    /* FALL THROUGH to handle "list" */
                case Poly:
                    if (parm.equals("list")) {
                        // For Now, list parm must be done here. Validate and attach list to poly object.
                        if (!setPolyList(b, iVal))
                            return false;
                        continue; // next parameter
                if (!b.modify(parm, iVal, fVal, sVal)) {
                    return RunTimeError(b.errorMsg());
            return checkEOL();

        private boolean execute_gr_orientation() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get the mode (landscape or portrait)
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int mode = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            //      Log.d(LOGTAG, "GR.Orientation " + mode);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_screen() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // width variable
            Var.Val wVar = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // height variable
            Var.Val hVar = mVal;

            Var.Val dVar = null;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // optional density variable
                dVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Point size = new Point();
            int densityDpi = GR.drawView.getWindowMetrics(size);

            if (dVar != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_statusbar() {
            Var.Val heightVar = null;
            Var.Val showingVar = null;
            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // height variable
                heightVar = mVal;
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // showing variable
                showingVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (heightVar != null) {
                double height = 0.0;
                Resources res = getResources();
                int resID = res.getIdentifier("status_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
                if (resID > 0) {
                    height = res.getDimensionPixelSize(resID);
            if (showingVar != null) {
                showingVar.val(mShowStatusBar ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_front() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get flag
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0) {
            } else {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_set_pixels() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.SetPixels); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (!var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_NUM_ARRAY);

            Integer[] pair = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(pair))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any

            int[] xy = { 0, 0 };
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                xy[0] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false;
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                xy[1] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Var.ArrayDef array = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(array, pair))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = pair[0].intValue();
            int length = pair[1].intValue();
            if ((length % 2) != 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Not an even number of elements in pixel array");

            b.array(array, base, length);

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private boolean execute_gr_get_bmpixel() {
            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                return false;

            Bitmap SourceBitmap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get the bitmap
            return getTheBMpixel(SourceBitmap);

        private boolean execute_gr_get_pixel() {
            Bitmap b = getTheBitmap(); // get the DrawingCache bitmap
            boolean retval = (b != null) ? getTheBMpixel(b) // get the requested pixel
                    : RunTimeError("Could not capture screen bitmap. Sorry.");
            b = null;
            GR.drawView.destroyDrawingCache(); // clean up DrawingCache
            return retval;

        // After it's done with the Bitmap, caller should call destroyDrawingCache()
        private Bitmap getTheBitmap() {
            synchronized (GR.drawView) {
                GR.drawView.buildDrawingCache(); // Build the cache
                return GR.drawView.getDrawingCache(); // get the bitmap

        private boolean getTheBMpixel(Bitmap b) {
            int[] xy = getArgsII(); // get x and y
            if (xy == null)
                return false; // error getting coordinate values
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var.Val[] argb = getArgs4NVar(); // [a, r, g, b]
            if (argb == null)
                return false; // error getting variables
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // end of syntax checks

            if (!checkBitmapPoint(b, xy))
                return false; // is point in bitmap?

            int pixel = b.getPixel(xy[0], xy[1]); // get the pixel from the bitmap

            argb[0].val(Color.alpha(pixel)); // get the components of the pixel

            return true;

        private boolean checkBitmapPoint(Bitmap b, int xy[]) {
            if (b == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");
            if (xy == null) {
                return false;
            int x = xy[0];
            int y = xy[1];
            if ((x < 0) || (x >= b.getWidth()) || (y < 0) || (y >= b.getHeight())) {
                return RunTimeError("x or y exceeds size of bitmap");
            return true; // point is in bitmap

        private boolean writeBitmapToFile(Bitmap b, String fn, int quality) {
            CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.PNG; // assume png
            String tFN = fn.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); // temp convert fn to upper case
            if (tFN.endsWith(".JPG"))
                format = CompressFormat.JPEG; // test jpg
            else if (!tFN.endsWith(".PNG"))
                fn += ".png"; // test png

            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fn)); // build full path
            FileOutputStream ostream = null;

            try { // write the file
                ostream = new FileOutputStream(file);

                b.compress(format, quality, ostream); // write png or jpg
            } catch (Exception e) {
                FileInfo.closeStream(ostream, null);
                return RunTimeError(e);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_save() {

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get the filename
            String fn = StringConstant;

            int quality = 50; // set default jpeg quality
            if (isNext(',')) // if there is an optional quality parm
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // evaluate it
                quality = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (quality < 0 || quality > 100) {
                    return RunTimeError("Quality must be between 0 and 100");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bitmap b = getTheBitmap(); // get the DrawingCache bitmap
            boolean retval = (b != null) ? writeBitmapToFile(b, fn, quality)
                    : RunTimeError("Problem creating bitmap");
            b = null;
            GR.drawView.destroyDrawingCache(); // clean up DrawingCache
            return retval;

        private boolean execute_screen_to_bitmap() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String errMsg = null;
            Bitmap b = getTheBitmap(); // get the DrawingCache bitmap
            if (b == null) {
                errMsg = "Could not capture screen bitmap. Sorry.";
            } else {
                try {
                    b = b.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
                } // copy the bitmap from the DrawingCache
                catch (Exception e) {
                    errMsg = e.getMessage();
                } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) {
                    errMsg = oom.getMessage();
            createBitmap_finish(b, val, errMsg); // store the bitmap and return its index
            GR.drawView.destroyDrawingCache(); // clean up DrawingCache
            return true;

        private boolean execute_bitmap_save() {
            int bitmapPtr = getBitmapArg(); // get the bitmap number
            if (bitmapPtr < 0)
                return false;
            Bitmap SrcBitMap = BitmapList.get(bitmapPtr); // get the bitmap
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the filename
            String fn = StringConstant;

            int quality = 50; // set default jpeg quality
            if (isNext(',')) { // if there is an optional quality parm
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // evaluate it
                quality = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (SrcBitMap == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bitmap was deleted");
            if (quality < 0 || quality > 100) {
                return RunTimeError("Quality must be between 0 and 100");
            return writeBitmapToFile(SrcBitMap, fn, quality);

        private boolean execute_gr_scale() {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get x
            double x = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get y
            double y = EvalNumericExpressionValue;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            GR.scaleX = (float) x;
            GR.scaleY = (float) y;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_clip() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Clip); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            int[] ltrb = getArgs4I();
            if (ltrb == null)
                return false;

            int RegionOp = 0;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                RegionOp = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (RegionOp < 0 || RegionOp > 5) {
                    return RunTimeError("Region Operator not 0 to 5");
            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        // Validate list and attach it to a Poly-type BDraw object.
        // Do it here, not in GR, for access to RunTimeError().
        private boolean setPolyList(GR.BDraw poly, int listIndex) {
            if ((listIndex < 1) || (listIndex >= theLists.size())) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid list pointer");
            if (theListsType.get(listIndex) != Var.Type.NUM) {
                return RunTimeError("List must be numeric");
            ArrayList<Double> list = theLists.get(listIndex);
            int size = list.size();
            if (size < 4) {
                return RunTimeError("List must have at least two points");
            if ((size % 2) != 0) {
                return RunTimeError("List must have even number of elements");
            poly.list(listIndex, list);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_poly() {
            GR.BDraw b = createGrObj_start(GR.Type.Poly); // create Graphic Object and get variable
            if (b == null)
                return false;
            Var.Val saveVal = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // list pointer
            int theListIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!setPolyList(b, theListIndex))
                return false; // validate and attach list to poly object

            int[] xy = { 0, 0 };
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                xy[0] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false;
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                xy[1] = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            return createGrObj_finish(b, saveVal); // store the object and return its index

        private int getNumberOfCameras() {

            int cameraCount;
            int level = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
            if (level < Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) { // if SDK < 9 there can be only one camera
                Camera tCamera =; // Check to see if there is any camera at all
                cameraCount = (tCamera == null) ? 0 : 1;
            } else {
                cameraCount = Camera.getNumberOfCameras(); // May be more than one camera
            return cameraCount;

        private boolean execute_gr_camera_select() {

            if (NumberOfCameras < 0) {
                NumberOfCameras = getNumberOfCameras();
            if (NumberOfCameras == 0) {
                return RunTimeError("This device does not have a camera.");

            int level = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
            if (level < Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) { // if SDK < 9 there can be only one camera
                CameraNumber = -1; // so no selection is possible
                return (NumberOfCameras != 0);

            int BACK = 1;
            int FRONT = 2;

            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return false;
            } // Get user's choice
            if (!checkEOL()) {
                return false;

            int choice = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (choice != BACK && choice != FRONT) {
                return RunTimeError("Select value must be 1 (Back) or 2 (Front).");

            Camera.CameraInfo CI = new Camera.CameraInfo(); // Determine which camera number is BACK
            Camera.getCameraInfo(0, CI); // Assume 0 is BACK
            boolean zero_is_back = (CI.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK);

            if (NumberOfCameras == 1) { // Camera 0 is the only camera
                CameraNumber = 0;
                if ((choice == BACK) && !zero_is_back) {
                    return RunTimeError("Device has no back camera");
                if ((choice == FRONT) && zero_is_back) {
                    return RunTimeError("Device has no front camera");
            } else {
                CameraNumber = ((choice == BACK) == zero_is_back) ? 0 : 1;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_camera_shoot(int pictureMode) {

            if (NumberOfCameras < 0) {
                NumberOfCameras = getNumberOfCameras();
            if (NumberOfCameras == 0) {
                return RunTimeError("This device does not have a camera.");

            int flashMode = 0;
            int focusMode = 0;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                    return false;
                flashMode = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

                if (isNext(',')) { // Focus/2013-07-25 gt
                    if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                        return false;
                    focusMode = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL()) {
                return false;

            CameraBitmap = null;
            CameraDone = false;
            Intent cameraIntent = new Intent(Run.this, CameraView.class); // Start the Camera
            cameraIntent.putExtra(CameraView.EXTRA_PICTURE_MODE, pictureMode);
            cameraIntent.putExtra(CameraView.EXTRA_CAMERA_NUMBER, CameraNumber);
            cameraIntent.putExtra(CameraView.EXTRA_FLASH_MODE, flashMode);
            cameraIntent.putExtra(CameraView.EXTRA_FOCUS_MODE, focusMode);
            try {
                startActivityForResult(cameraIntent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            while (!CameraDone)

            double bitmapIndex = 0.0;
            if (CameraBitmap != null) {
                bitmapIndex = BitmapList.size();
            val.val(bitmapIndex); // Save the GR Object index into the var

            CameraBitmap = null;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_statusbar_show() {
            String[] msg = { "This command deprecated.", // First line is base of errorMsg
                    "To show status bar, use:", " alpha, red, green, blue, 1" };
            return RunTimeError(msg);

        private boolean execute_brightness() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            float value = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();
            if (value < 0.01f) {
                value = 0.01f;
            if (value > 1.0f) {
                value = 1.0f;
            GR.Brightness = value;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_typeface() {
            int[] args = { 1, 1, -1 }; // default typeface and style, new Paint
            if (!getOptExprs(args))
                return false;

            int face = args[0];
            int style = args[1];
            int paintIdx = args[2];

            Typeface tf; // interpret typeface
            switch (face) {
            case 1:
                tf = Typeface.DEFAULT;
            case 2:
                tf = Typeface.MONOSPACE;
            case 3:
                tf = Typeface.SANS_SERIF;
            case 4:
                tf = Typeface.SERIF;
                return RunTimeError("Typeface must be 1, 2, 3 or 4");
            switch (style) { // interpret style
            case 1:
                style = Typeface.NORMAL;
            case 2:
                style = Typeface.BOLD;
            case 3:
                style = Typeface.ITALIC;
            case 4:
                style = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC;
                return RunTimeError("Style must be 1, 2, 3 or 4");

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx);
            if (paint == null)
                return false; // index out of range

            // Done with error messages.
            tf = Typeface.create(tf, style);
            paint.setTypeface(tf); // put the typeface into Paint

            return true;

        private boolean execute_gr_touch_resume() {
            return doResume("No onTouch Interrupt");

        private Typeface getTypeface(String fileName) {
            Typeface tf = null;
            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
            if (file.exists()) {
                tf = Typeface.createFromFile(file); // Create a new Typeface
            } else { // the file does not exist
                if (Basic.isAPK) { // we are in APK
                    int resID = Basic.getRawResourceID(fileName); // try to load the file from a raw resource
                    if (resID != 0) {
                        InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(resID);
                        String outPath = getCacheDir() + "/tmp" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".raw";
                        File outFile = new File(outPath);
                        if (copyFile(new BufferedInputStream(is), outFile, null)) {
                            tf = Typeface.createFromFile(outPath);
                            outFile.delete(); // clean up
                    } else { // try to load the file from assets
                        String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
                        tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), assetPath);
            return tf;

        private boolean execute_gr_text_setfont() {
            int fontPtr = 0;
            String familyName = null; // default if no font arg
            int style = Typeface.NORMAL; // default if no style arg
            int paintIdx = -1; // default to current Paint

            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma && !isEOL()) { // there is a font arg
                int saveLI = LineIndex;
                fontPtr = getFontArg(); // get the font number
                if (fontPtr == -1)
                    return false; // invalid font pointer
                if (fontPtr == -2) { // not a numeric argument
                    LineIndex = saveLI;
                    if (!getStringArg())
                        return false; // get the font family name
                    familyName = StringConstant.trim();
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get the optional style
                String str = StringConstant.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
                if (str.equals("b") || str.equals("bold")) {
                    style = Typeface.BOLD;
                } else if (str.equals("i") || str.equals("italic")) {
                    style = Typeface.ITALIC;
                } else if (str.equals("bi") || str.equals("bold_italic")) {
                    style = Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC;
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                paintIdx = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Typeface tf = null;
            if (fontPtr > 0) {
                tf = FontList.get(fontPtr); // get specified custom font
                if (tf == null) {
                    return RunTimeError("Font was deleted");
            } else if (fontPtr == 0) { // no font arg
                for (int fp = FontList.size() - 1; (fp > 0) && (tf == null); --fp) {
                    tf = FontList.get(fp); // get last font loaded and not deleted
                } // if no such font, will set default family
            if (tf == null) { // font family arg, or no font arg and no fonts loaded
                tf = Typeface.create(familyName, style); // get the system font for this family name
            } // null family name sets system default

            Paint paint = getWorkingPaint(paintIdx); // null if invalid index
            if (paint == null)
                return false;


            return true;

        // ****************************************** Audio *******************************************

        private boolean executeAUDIO() { // Get Audio command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(audio_cmd, "Audio"); // and execute the command

        private MediaPlayer getMP(String fileName) {
            String errMsg = null;
            MediaPlayer mp = null;
            Context context = getApplicationContext();
            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(fileName));
            if (file.exists()) {
                Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(file); // Create Uri for the file
                if (uri != null) {
                    mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, uri); // Create a new Media Player
            } else { // the file does not exist
                if (Basic.isAPK) { // we are in APK
                    int resID = Basic.getRawResourceID(fileName); // try to load the file from a raw resource
                    if (resID != 0) {
                        mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, resID);
                    } else { // try to load the file from assets
                        AssetFileDescriptor afd = null;
                        try {
                            String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
                            afd = getAssets().openFd(assetPath);
                            mp = new MediaPlayer();
                            mp.setDataSource(afd.getFileDescriptor(), afd.getStartOffset(), afd.getLength());
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            errMsg = e.getMessage();
                            if (mp != null) {
                                mp = null;
                        } finally {
                            if (afd != null) {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                } else {
                    errMsg = "Audio file not found";
            if (mp == null) {
                writeErrorMsg((errMsg != null) ? errMsg : "Unable to load audio file");
            return mp;

        private boolean execute_audio_load() {
            /* If there is already an audio running,
             * then stop it and
             * release its resources.

            /*      if (theMP != null) {
                     try {theMP.stop();} catch (IllegalStateException e) {}
                     theMP = null;
                  } */
            //      AudioManager audioSM = (AudioManager) this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the Player Number variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file path
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String fileName = StringConstant; // the filename as given by the user
            MediaPlayer aMP = getMP(fileName);

            if (aMP == null) {
                val.val(0); // indicate error with 0 in Player Number var
            } else {

                val.val(theMPList.size()); // indicate success with list index in Player Number var
            return true;

        private boolean checkAudioFileTableIndex(int index) {
            if ((index <= 0) || (index >= theMPList.size())) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid Audio File Table index");
            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_release() {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int index = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkAudioFileTableIndex(index))
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            MediaPlayer aMP = theMPList.get(index);
            if (aMP == null)
                return true;

            if (theMP == aMP) {
                return RunTimeError("Must stop player before releasing");

            theMPList.set(index, null);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_play() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int index = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkAudioFileTableIndex(index))
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            MediaPlayer aMP = theMPList.get(index);
            if (aMP == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio not loaded at:");
            if (theMP != null) {
                return RunTimeError("Stop Current Audio Before Starting New Audio");

            //      Log.v(LOGTAG, "play " + aMP);

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            if (!aMP.isPlaying()) { // Somehow lost the player. Make a new one.
                aMP = getMP(theMPNameList.get(index));
                if (aMP == null) {
                    RunTimeError("Media player synchronous problem.");
                    return true; // TODO: Is this correct?
                theMPList.set(index, aMP);

            aMP.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
                public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {
                    PlayIsDone = true;
            //      Log.v(LOGTAG, "is playing " + theMP.isPlaying());
            PlayIsDone = false;
            theMP = aMP;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_isdone() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (theMP == null) {
                PlayIsDone = true;
            val.val((PlayIsDone) ? 1 : 0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_loop() {
            if (theMP == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio not playing at:");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_stop() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theMP == null)
                return true; // if theMP is null, Media player has stopped

            //      MediaPlayer.setOnSeekCompleteListener(mSeekListener);
            //      try {Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(InterruptedException e) {}
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                theMP = null;
            } // Signal MP stopped

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_pause() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theMP == null)
                return true; // if theMP is null, Media player has stopped

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                theMP = null;
            } // Signal MP stopped

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_volume() {
            if (theMP == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio not playing at:");
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            float left = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            float right = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            theMP.setVolume(left, right);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_pcurrent() {
            if (theMP == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio not playing at:");
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_pseek() {
            if (theMP == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio not playing at:");
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int pos = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_length() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Get the Player Number Var
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int index = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkAudioFileTableIndex(index))
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            MediaPlayer aMP = theMPList.get(index);
            if (aMP == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio not loaded at:");

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_record_start() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String recordFileName = Basic.getDataPath(StringConstant);

            int source = 0; // Get optional source
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                source = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            try {
                mRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
                switch (source) {
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:



            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError("Audio record error: " + e);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_audio_record_stop() {
            return checkEOL() && audioRecordStop();

        private boolean audioRecordStop() {
            if (mRecorder == null)
                return true;
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
            mRecorder = null;

            return true;

        // ************************************* Sensors Package **************************************

        private boolean executeSENSORS() { // Get Sensor command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(sensors_cmd, "Sensors"); // and execute the command

        private boolean execute_sensors_list() {
            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_STRING); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a string array variable
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            if (theSensors == null) {
                theSensors = new SensorActivity(Run.this);
            ArrayList<String> census = theSensors.takeCensus();
            int nSensors = census.size();
            if (nSensors == 0) {
                return RunTimeError("This device reports no Sensors");

            /* Puts the list of sensors into a new array */
            return ListToBasicStringArray(var, census, nSensors);

        private boolean execute_sensors_open() {
            if (theSensors == null) {
                theSensors = new SensorActivity(Run.this);

            if (isEOL())
                return false;
            boolean toOpen = false; // anything to open?
            do { // get the user's list of sensors to open
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // get the sensor number
                int s = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                int d = SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL;
                if (isNext(':')) {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false; // get the sensor delay value
                    d = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                toOpen |= theSensors.markForOpen(s, d); // record selection
            } while (isNext(','));
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (toOpen) { // if any valid selections
                theSensors.doOpen(); // open selected sensors
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sensors_read() {

            if (theSensors == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Sensors not opened at:");
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get Sensor Type
            int type = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (type < 0 || type > SensorActivity.MaxSensors) {
                return RunTimeError("Sensor type not 0 to " + SensorActivity.MaxSensors);

            Var.Val[] val = new Var.Val[4]; // 4 because that's what SensorActivity returns
            for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false;
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // Sensor Variable
                val[i] = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            double[] SensorValues = theSensors.getValues(type);
            for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_sensors_rotate() {

            /* This is a test.
             * It has failed so far
             * This command has not been exposed to the users.
             * Someday....?

            float mOrientation[] = new float[3];
            double SensorValues[];

            SensorValues = theSensors.getValues(1);
            float g[] = new float[3];
            g[0] = (float) SensorValues[1];
            g[1] = (float) SensorValues[2];
            g[2] = (float) SensorValues[3];

            SensorValues = theSensors.getValues(1);
            float m[] = new float[3];
            m[0] = (float) SensorValues[1];
            m[1] = (float) SensorValues[2];
            m[2] = (float) SensorValues[3];

            float r[] = new float[16];
            float R[] = new float[16];
            float i[] = new float[16];

            SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(r, i, g, m);
            /*      SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(R,
                        SensorManager.AXIS_Z, r);*/

            SensorManager.getOrientation(r, mOrientation);

            final float rad2deg = (float) (180.0f / Math.PI);

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_sensors_close() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theSensors != null) {
                theSensors = null; // Tell everyone that Sensors are closed
            return true;

        // *************************************** GPS Package ****************************************

        private boolean executeGPS() {
            Command c = findSubcommand(GPS_cmd, "GPS");
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            if ((theGPS == null) && ( != CID_OPEN)) {
                return RunTimeError("GPS not opened at:");

        public boolean execute_gps_open() {
            Var.Val statusVar = null;
            double errorCode = 1.0;
            long minTime = 0l;
            float minDistance = 0.0f;

            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma && !isEOL()) { // there is a status var
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                statusVar = mVal;
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false; // get the minTime arg
                    minTime = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
                    if (minTime < 0) {
                        return RunTimeError("Time less than zero");
                    isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // get the minDistance arg
                minDistance = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
                if (minDistance < 0) {
                    return RunTimeError("Distance less than zero");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theGPS != null)
                return true; // already opened

            try {
                theGPS = new GPS(Run.this, minTime, minDistance); // start GPS
            } catch (Exception e) {
                errorCode = 0.0;
            if (statusVar != null) {
            return true;
        } // execute_gps_open

        public boolean execute_gps_close() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theGPS != null) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Stopping GPS on command");
                theGPS.stop(); // close GPS
                theGPS = null;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gps_num(GPS.GpsData type) {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Variable for returned value
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            double value = theGPS.getNumericValue(type);
            mVal.val(value); // Set value into variable
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gps_string(GPS.GpsData type) {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            String value = theGPS.getStringValue(type);
            mVal.val((value == null) ? "" : value);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_gps_satellites() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            Var.Val satCountVar = null;
            ArrayList<Object> sats = null; // list of satellite bundles

            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // variable for returned satellite count value
                satCountVar = mVal;
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                int listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.NUM); // reuse old list or create new one
                if (listIndex < 0)
                    return false;
                sats = theLists.get(listIndex);
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (satCountVar != null) {
                double count = theGPS.getNumericValue(GpsData.SATELLITES);
                satCountVar.val(count); // set satellite count into variable
            return updateGPSSatelliteList(sats); // update list if user requested it
        } // execute_gps_satellites

        private boolean execute_gps_location() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            // returns time, provider, satellites, accuracy, latitude, longitude, altitude, bearing, and speed
            GpsData[] data = { GpsData.TIME, GpsData.PROVIDER, GpsData.SATELLITES, GpsData.ACCURACY,
                    GpsData.LATITUDE, GpsData.LONGITUDE, GpsData.ALTITUDE, GpsData.BEARING, GpsData.SPEED };
            int nArgs = data.length;
            // PROVIDER is string, the rest are numeric
            byte[] types = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; // type of each variable
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[nArgs]; // Val object for each variable

            if (!getOptVars(types, args))
                return false;

            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                Var.Val val = args[arg];
                if (val != null) {
                    if (types[arg] == 1) { // if numeric type
                    } else { // else string type
            return true;
        } // execute_gps_location

        private boolean execute_gps_status() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            // returns status, count of satellites in fix, count of satellites in view,
            // and list of satellite bundles
            Var.Val statusVar = null;
            boolean statusIsNumeric = true;
            Var.Val inFixVar = null;
            Var.Val inViewVar = null;
            ArrayList<Object> sats = null; // list of satellite bundles

            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma) {
                if (!getVar())
                    return false; // status variable
                statusVar = mVal;
                statusIsNumeric = statusVar.isNumeric(); // may be either numeric or string
                isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false; // inFix variable, numeric
                    inFixVar = mVal;
                    isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false; // inView variable, numeric
                    inViewVar = mVal;
                    isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                int listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.NUM); // reuse old list or create new one
                if (listIndex < 0)
                    return false;
                sats = theLists.get(listIndex);
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (statusVar != null) {
                if (statusIsNumeric) { // if type is numeric
                } else { // else type is string
            if (inFixVar != null) {
            if (inViewVar != null) {
            return updateGPSSatelliteList(sats); // update list if user requested it
        } // execute_gps_status

        private boolean updateGPSSatelliteList(ArrayList<Object> satList) {
            if (satList == null)
                return true; // No list, nothing to update

            // satList is a List of zero or more Bundle pointers (indices into theBundles).
            // Any Bundles present must contain satellite data.
            // We clear the stale data, but keep a history list of bundle pointers,
            // indexed by satellite PRN. When get new satellite bundles from GPS,
            // we match them by PRN to existing bundles, putting the new bundle in theBundles
            // where the old bundle was. New satellites add new bundles to theBundles.
            // Anything left in the history list is copied to the end of the user list.
            // That way we don't create a new bundle next time the same satellite reappears.

            // This is pretty convoluted, but it's all about re-using the satellite bundles,
            // or more accurately, reusing slots in theBundles list.
            // We use the user's list to keep pointers to every satellite ever seen.

            HashMap<Double, Double> oldList = validateSatelliteList(satList);
            if (oldList == null)
                return false; // list not valid
            satList.clear(); // erase the user's list

            getSatelliteBundles(oldList, satList); // get latest satellite data from GPS
            // builds satList, removes items from oldList
            for (Double prn : oldList.keySet()) { // if any satellite remain in the history list
                satList.add(oldList.get(prn)); // copy each index to the end of the user's list
            return true;
        } // updateGPSSatelliteList

        // Validate user's satellite list: it must contain valid satellite bundles.
        // Build a history list that maps each satellite PRN to a bundle pointer (theBundles index).
        // Clear the user's list and return the history list. If error, return null.
        private HashMap<Double, Double> validateSatelliteList(ArrayList<Object> satList) {
            if (satList == null)
                return null;
            if (!satList.isEmpty() && !(satList.get(0) instanceof Double)) {
                RunTimeError("Invalid Satellite List");
                return null;
            HashMap<Double, Double> history = new HashMap<Double, Double>();
            for (Object o : satList) { // for each satellite in the user's list
                Double sat = (Double) o; // index of BASIC! bundle for one satellite
                int bSatIdx = sat.intValue(); // same thing as int
                if ((bSatIdx > 0) && (bSatIdx < theBundles.size())) {
                    Bundle bSat = theBundles.get(bSatIdx); // get the satellite bundle
                    if (bSat.containsKey(GPS.KEY_PRN)) {
                        Double prn = (Double) bSat.get(GPS.KEY_PRN); // get the satellite's PRN
                        history.put(prn, sat); // map PRN to bundle index
                        bSat.clear(); // clear stale data
                        bSat.putDouble(GPS.KEY_PRN, prn); // put the PRN back in
                        continue; // all conditions met; next satellite
                    } // else no PRN
                } // else bad bundle index
                RunTimeError("Invalid Satellite Bundle"); // one of the conditions was not met
                history = null;
            return history;
        } // validateSatelliteList

        // Get the GPS satellite data bundles.
        // Try to match them up by PRN to the pool of existing satellite bundles.
        // If match found, put the new bundle in theBundles at the old index and
        // remove the history item. If no bundle exists for a PRN, create a new one.
        // This is intended to allow a user to poll GPS without proliferating bundles!
        private void getSatelliteBundles(HashMap<Double, Double> pool, List<Object> list) {
            HashMap<Double, Bundle> satMap = theGPS.getSatellites();// map of new bundles of satellite data in Java format
            for (Double prn : satMap.keySet()) {
                Bundle jSat = satMap.get(prn); // get each satellite's bundle
                Double sat = pool.get(prn); // look for a corresponding bundle index
                if (sat != null) { // existing satellite bundle
                    int bSatIdx = sat.intValue();
                    theBundles.set(bSatIdx, jSat); // put the new bundle at the known index
                } else { // no BASIC! bundle, create a new one
                    int bSatIdx = theBundles.size();
                    sat = (double) bSatIdx;
                list.add(sat); // put the bundle index into the list
                pool.remove(prn); // remove it from the history list
        } // getSatelliteBundles

        // ************************************* Array Package ****************************************

        private boolean executeARRAY() { // Get array command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(array_cmd, "Array"); // and execute the command

        private boolean execute_array_dims() { // get the dimensions of an array and put them in another array
            Var srcvar = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the source array variable (required)
            if (srcvar == null)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(']')) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_NO_INDEX);
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user supplied no desination variable(s)

            Var dimsVar = null; // variable for array of dimensions
            Var.Val lenVal = null; // variable for number of dimensions
            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                isComma = isNext(',');
                if (!isComma) {
                    dimsVar = getArrayVarForWrite(TYPE_NUMERIC); // get the array variable for dimensions
                    isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // get the variable for number of dimensions
                lenVal = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int[] dimList = ((Var.ArrayVar) srcvar).arrayDef().dimList();
            int size = dimList.length;
            if (dimsVar != null) {
                ArrayList<Double> dims = new ArrayList<Double>(size);
                for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                if (!ListToBasicNumericArray(dimsVar, dims, size))
                    return false; // copy the list to a BASIC! array
            if (lenVal != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_length() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Length Variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // Get values inside [], if any
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            if (!getArraySegment(var.arrayDef(), p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int length = p[1].intValue();

            val.val(length); // set the length into the var value

            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_load() {
            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a new array variable
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Comma before the list

            if (var.isNumeric()) { // If the array is numeric
                ArrayList<Double> Values = new ArrayList<Double>(); // Create a list for the numeric values
                if (!LoadNumericList(Values))
                    return false; // load numeric list
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                return ListToBasicNumericArray(var, Values, Values.size()); // Copy the list to a BASIC! array
            } else {
                ArrayList<String> Values = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create a list for the numeric values
                if (!LoadStringList(Values))
                    return false; // load string list
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                return ListToBasicStringArray(var, Values, Values.size()); // Copy the list to a BASIC! array

        private boolean LoadNumericList(ArrayList<Double> Values) {
            while (true) { // loop through the list
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // values may be expressions

                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
                if (LineIndex >= text.length())
                    return false;
                char c = text.charAt(LineIndex); // get the next character
                if (c == ',') { // if it is a comma
                    ++LineIndex; // skip it and continue looping
                } else
                    break; // else no more values in the list
            return true;

        private boolean LoadStringList(ArrayList<String> Values) {
            while (true) { // loop through the list
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // values may be expressions

                String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
                if (LineIndex >= text.length())
                    return false;
                char c = text.charAt(LineIndex); // get the next character
                if (c == ',') { // if it is a comma
                    ++LineIndex; // skip it and continue looping
                } else
                    break; // else no more values in the list
            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_collection(ArrayOrderOps op) {

            // This method implements several array commands

            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // Get values inside [], if any
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();

            if (var.isNumeric()) { // Numeric Array
                double[] array = arrayDef.getNumArray(); // raw array access
                ArrayList<Double> Values = new ArrayList<Double>(); // Create a list to copy array values into

                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // Copy the array values into that list
                    Values.add(array[base + i]);
                switch (op) { // Execute the command specific procedure
                case DoReverse:
                case DoSort:
                case DoShuffle:
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { // Copy the results back to the array
                    array[base + i] = Values.get(i);

            } else { // Do the same stuff for a string array
                String[] array = arrayDef.getStrArray(); // raw array access
                ArrayList<String> Values = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    Values.add(array[base + i]);
                switch (op) { // Execute the command specific procedure
                case DoReverse:
                case DoSort:
                case DoShuffle:
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    array[base + i] = Values.get(i);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_sum(ArrayMathOps op) {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the value return variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (!var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_NUM_ARRAY);

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();
            double[] array = arrayDef.getNumArray(); // raw array access

            double Sum = array[base];
            double Min = Sum;
            double Max = Min;

            for (int i = 1; i < length; ++i) { // loop through the array values
                double d = array[base + i]; // pick up the element's value
                Sum += d; // build the Sum
                if (d < Min) {
                    Min = d;
                } // find the minimum value
                if (d > Max) {
                    Max = d;
                } // and the maxium value
            double Average = Sum / length; // calculate the average

            switch (op) { // set the return value according to the command
            case DoAverage:
            case DoSum:
            case DoMax:
            case DoMin:
            case DoVariance:
            case DoStdDev:
                double T = 0;
                double W = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    double d = array[base + i]; // pick up the element's value
                    W = d - Average;
                    T = T + W * W;
                double variance = T / (length - 1);
                if (op == ArrayMathOps.DoVariance) {
                } else { // DoStdDev

            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_fill() {
            Var dstVar = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (dstVar == null)
                return false;
            boolean isNumeric = dstVar.isNumeric();

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = dstVar.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get array segment base and length
            int start = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            if (!isNumeric) { // string type array
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return RunTimeError("Array and fill must be same type");
                String fill = StringConstant; // get the string to put in array
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                String[] array = dstVar.arrayDef().getStrArray(); // Caution! Raw array access!
                Arrays.fill(array, start, start + length, fill); // fill the array
            } else { // numeric type array
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return RunTimeError("Array and fill must be same type");
                double fill = EvalNumericExpressionValue; // get the value to put in array
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                double[] array = dstVar.arrayDef().getNumArray(); // Caution! Raw array access!
                Arrays.fill(array, start, start + length, fill); // fill the array
            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_copy() {
            // **** Source Array ****

            Var var = getVarAndType();
            if (var == null)
                return false; // get the array variable
            if (!var.isArray())
                return RunTimeError("Source not array");
            if (var.isNew())
                return RunTimeError("Source array does not exist");
            boolean srcNumeric = var.isNumeric();

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any

            Var.ArrayDef srcArray = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(srcArray, p))
                return false; // get source segment base and length
            int srcBase = p[0].intValue();
            int srcLength = p[1].intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            // *** Destination Array ***

            var = getVarAndType(); // get the source array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (!var.isArray())
                return RunTimeError("Destination not array");
            if (srcNumeric != var.isNumeric())
                return RunTimeError("Arrays not of same type");
            boolean dstIsNew = var.isNew();
            Var dstVar = var;
            Var.ArrayDef dstArray;

            int extras = 0; // get the extras parameter
            if (!isNext(']')) {
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false;
                if (!isNext(']'))
                    return false;
                extras = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int dstStart = 0;
            int totalLength = 0;
            if (dstIsNew) { // copy to new array, optional extras arg adds element(s)

                if (extras == 0) { // check for cases that would create empty array
                    if (srcLength < 1)
                        return RunTimeError("Source array [Start,Length] must specify at least one element");
                totalLength = srcLength + Math.abs(extras); // go build a new array of the proper size and type
                if (!BuildBasicArray(dstVar, totalLength))
                    return false;
                dstArray = dstVar.arrayDef(); // get the destination array
                if (extras < 0) {
                    dstStart -= extras;
                } // if negative extras, add absolute value to start index

            } else { // copy over old array, optional extras arg is start index
                if (srcLength < 1)
                    return true; // nothing to do

                dstArray = dstVar.arrayDef(); // get the destination array
                int dstLength = dstArray.length(); // get the destination array length
                if (extras > dstLength)
                    return true; // dest start is past end of array, nothing to do

                if (--extras < 0) {
                    extras = 0;
                } // convert to 0-based index, ignore if less than 1
                if (extras + srcLength > dstLength) { // start index + length to copy > space available
                    srcLength = dstLength - extras; // limit copy
                } else {
                    dstLength = extras + srcLength;
                dstStart = extras;
                totalLength = dstLength - extras;

            if (srcNumeric) { // do numeric array
                double[] sarray = srcArray.getNumArray(); // raw array access
                double[] darray = dstArray.getNumArray(); // raw array access
                for (int i = 0; i < srcLength; ++i) { // copy the source array values
                    darray[dstStart++] = sarray[srcBase++];
            } else { // do String array
                String[] sarray = srcArray.getStrArray(); // raw array access
                String[] darray = dstArray.getStrArray(); // raw array access
                for (int i = 0; i < srcLength; ++i) { // copy the source array values
                    darray[dstStart++] = sarray[srcBase++];
            return true;

        private boolean execute_array_search() {
            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            Var.Val val = null;
            int start = 0;
            int found = -1;

            if (!var.isNumeric()) { // String type array
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get the string to search for
                String sfind = StringConstant;

                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false; // move to the result var
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                val = mVal;

                if (isNext(',')) { // move to the start index
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                    if (--start < 0) {
                        start = 0;
                    } // convert to zero-based index
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                String[] array = arrayDef.getStrArray(); // raw array access
                for (int i = start; i < length; ++i) { // Search the list for a match
                    if (sfind.equals(array[base + i])) {
                        found = i;
            } else { // Numeric type array
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // Get the value to search for
                double nfind = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false; // move to the result var
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                val = mVal;

                if (isNext(',')) { // move to the start index
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                    if (--start < 0) {
                        start = 0;
                    } // convert to zero-based index
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                double[] array = arrayDef.getNumArray(); // raw array access
                for (int i = start; i < length; ++i) { // Search the list for a match
                    if (nfind == array[base + i]) {
                        found = i;

            val.val(++found); // return found as 1-based index
            return true;

        // *************************************** List Package ***************************************

        private boolean executeLIST() { // Get list command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(list_cmd, "List"); // and execute the command

        private boolean execute_LIST_NEW() {
            char c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex); // Get the type, s or n

            Var.Type type = Var.Type.typeOf(c);
            if (type == Var.Type.NOVAR)
                return false; // Unknown type, don't create anything

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // List pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int theIndex = createNewList(type, val); // Try to create list, -1 if fail
            return (theIndex >= 0); // true if create succeeded

        private int createNewList(Var.Type type, Var.Val val) { // Put a new ArrayList in global theLists
            // Put its type in global theListsType
            // Write its index to user variable var
            int listIndex = theLists.size();
            switch (type) {
            case NUM:
                theLists.add(new ArrayList<Double>());
                break; // Create a numeric list
            case STR:
                theLists.add(new ArrayList<String>());
                break; // Create a string list
                return -1; // Unknown type, don't create anything
            theListsType.add(type); // Add the type
            val.val(listIndex); // tell the user where it is
            return listIndex;

        private int getListArg() { // Get the List pointer
            return getListArg("Invalid List Pointer");

        private int getListArg(String errorMsg) { // Get the List pointer
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                int listIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if ((listIndex > 0) && (listIndex < theLists.size())) {
                    return listIndex;
            return -1;

        private int getListArg(Var.Type type) {
            // Type-restricted auto-create: if the command argument is a valid list pointer (index)
            // of the correct type, return the list pointer for re-use. If it is not (i.e., it is
            // out of range or the wrong type), and the command line argument is a simple numeric
            // variable, create a new list and return its index.
            // Otherwise post a RunTimeError and return -1.
            // NOTE: if this method auto-creates a list, it writes the index to the user's variable.
            int startLI = LineIndex;
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                int listIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if ((listIndex > 0) && (listIndex < theLists.size()) && // in range
                        (theListsType.get(listIndex) == type)) { // type ok
                    return listIndex; // expression is valid string List pointer
                int endLI = LineIndex;
                LineIndex = startLI;
                if (getNVar() && (LineIndex == endLI)) { // if NVar is entire expression
                    Var.Val val = mVal;
                    return createNewList(type, val); // try to create list, -1 if fail
                } // create writes index to user variable
                LineIndex = endLI;
                RunTimeError("Invalid " + type.toString() + " List Pointer");
            return -1;

        private boolean execute_LIST_ADDARRAY() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            Var var = getExistingArrayVar(); // get the array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false;

            Integer[] p = new Integer[2];
            if (!getIndexPair(p))
                return false; // get values inside [], if any
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            boolean isListNumeric = (theListsType.get(listIndex) == Var.Type.NUM);
            if (isListNumeric != var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");

            Var.ArrayDef arrayDef = var.arrayDef();
            if (!getArraySegment(arrayDef, p))
                return false; // get segment base and length
            int base = p[0].intValue();
            int length = p[1].intValue();

            if (isListNumeric) {
                ArrayList<Double> destList = theLists.get(listIndex); // copy array to list
                double[] array = arrayDef.getNumArray(); // raw array access
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    destList.add(array[base + i]); // Caution! No range checking!
            } else {
                ArrayList<String> destList = theLists.get(listIndex); // copy array to list
                String[] array = arrayDef.getStrArray(); // raw array access
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    destList.add(array[base + i]); // Caution! No range checking!
            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_ADDLIST() {
            int destListIndex = getListArg("Invalid Destination List Pointer"); // Get the destination list pointer
            if (destListIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            int sourceListIndex = getListArg("Invalid Source List Pointer"); // Get the source list pointer
            if (sourceListIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Var.Type destType = theListsType.get(destListIndex);
            Var.Type sourceType = theListsType.get(sourceListIndex);
            if (destType != sourceType) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");

            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_SEARCH() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            Var.Val val = null;
            int start = 0;
            int found = -1;

            Var.Type type;
            type = theListsType.get(listIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            if (type == Var.Type.STR) { // String type list
                ArrayList<String> SValues = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the string list
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // values may be expressions
                String sfind = StringConstant;

                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false; // move to the result var
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                val = mVal;

                if (isNext(',')) { // move to the start index
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                    if (--start < 0) {
                        start = 0;
                    } // convert to zero-based index
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                for (int i = start; i < SValues.size(); ++i) { // search the list for a match
                    if (sfind.equals(SValues.get(i))) {
                        found = i;
            } else { // Numeric type list
                ArrayList<Double> NValues = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the numeric list
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // values may be expressions
                double nfind = EvalNumericExpressionValue;

                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false; // move to the result var
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false;
                val = mVal;

                if (isNext(',')) { // move to the start index
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    start = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                    if (--start < 0) {
                        start = 0;
                    } // convert to zero-based index
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                for (int i = start; i < NValues.size(); ++i) { // search the list for a match
                    if (nfind == (NValues.get(i))) {
                        found = i;

            val.val(++found); // return found as 1-based index
            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_ADD() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the result value

            Var.Type type;
            type = theListsType.get(listIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            if (type == Var.Type.NUM) {
                ArrayList<Double> Values = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the numeric list
                if (!LoadNumericList(Values))
                    return false; // load numeric list
            } else {
                ArrayList<String> Values = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the string list
                if (!LoadStringList(Values))
                    return false; // load string list
            return checkEOL();

        private boolean execute_LIST_SET() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the index to get
            int getIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            --getIndex; // Ones based for Basic user

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            Var.Type type;
            type = theListsType.get(listIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            if (type == Var.Type.STR) { // String type list
                if (!evalStringExpression()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                ArrayList<String> thisList = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the string list
                if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex >= thisList.size()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
                thisList.set(getIndex, StringConstant);
            } else { // Numeric type list
                if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                ArrayList<Double> thisList = theLists.get(listIndex);// Get the numeric list
                if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex >= thisList.size()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
                thisList.set(getIndex, EvalNumericExpressionValue);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_GET() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the index to get
            int getIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            --getIndex; // Ones based for Basic user

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getVar())
                return false; // Get the return value variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Var.Type listType; // Get this list's type
            listType = theListsType.get(listIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            boolean isListNumeric = listType.isNumeric();
            if (isListNumeric != val.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");

            if (!isListNumeric) { // String type list
                ArrayList<String> thisStringList = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the string list
                if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex >= thisStringList.size()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
                String thisString = thisStringList.get(getIndex); // Get the requested string
            } else { // Numeric type list
                ArrayList<Double> thisNumericList = theLists.get(listIndex);// Get the numeric list
                if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex >= thisNumericList.size()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
                Double thisNumber = thisNumericList.get(getIndex); // Get the requested number

            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_GETTYPE() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_CLEAR() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            ArrayList<?> list = theLists.get(listIndex);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_REMOVE() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the index to remove
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int getIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            --getIndex; // Ones based for Basic user

            ArrayList theList = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the  list
            if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex >= theList.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_INSERT() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the index insert at
            int getIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            --getIndex; // Ones based for Basic user

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            Var.Type listType; // Get this list's type
            listType = theListsType.get(listIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            if (listType == Var.Type.STR) { // String type list
                if (!getStringArg()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                ArrayList<String> thisStringList = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the string list
                if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex > thisStringList.size()) { // if index == size element goes at end of list
                    return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
                thisStringList.add(getIndex, StringConstant);
            } else { // Numeric type list
                if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

                ArrayList<Double> thisNumericList = theLists.get(listIndex);// Get the numeric list
                if (getIndex < 0 || getIndex > thisNumericList.size()) { // if index == size element goes at end of list
                    return RunTimeError("Index out of bounds");
                thisNumericList.add(getIndex, EvalNumericExpressionValue);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_SIZE() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the return var

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int size = theLists.get(listIndex).size();

            return true;

        private boolean execute_LIST_TOARRAY() {
            int listIndex = getListArg(); // Get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the array var

            Var var = getArrayVarForWrite(); // get the result array variable
            if (var == null)
                return false; // must name a new array variable
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false; // line must end with ']'

            Var.Type listType; // Get this list's type
            listType = theListsType.get(listIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            boolean isListNumeric = listType.isNumeric();
            if (isListNumeric != var.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");

            if (isListNumeric) {
                ArrayList<Double> Values = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the numeric list
                return ListToBasicNumericArray(var, Values, Values.size()); // Copy the list to a BASIC! array
            } else {
                ArrayList<String> Values = theLists.get(listIndex); // Get the string list
                return ListToBasicStringArray(var, Values, Values.size()); // Copy the list to a BASIC! array

        // ************************************** Bundle Package **************************************

        private boolean executeBUNDLE() { // Get bundle command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(bundle_cmd, "Bundle"); // and execute the command

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_CREATE() {
            if (!getNVar() || !checkEOL())
                return false; // get the Bundle pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            return true;

        private int createBundle(Var.Val val) { // create a new bundle and put it on the list
            int bundleIndex = theBundles.size();
            theBundles.add(new Bundle());
            return bundleIndex;

        private int getBundleArg() { // Get the Bundle pointer
            // Auto-create: if the command argument is a valid bundle pointer (index),
            // return the bundle pointer for re-use. If it is not, and the command line argument
            // is a simple numeric variable, create a new bundle and return its index.
            // Otherwise post a RunTimeError and return -1.
            // NOTE: if this method auto-creates a bundle, it writes the index to the user's variable.
            int startLI = LineIndex;
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                int bundleIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if ((bundleIndex > 0) && (bundleIndex < theBundles.size())) {
                    return bundleIndex; // expression is valid Bundle pointer
                int endLI = LineIndex;
                LineIndex = startLI;
                if (getNVar() && (LineIndex == endLI)) { // if NVar is entire expression
                    Var.Val val = mVal;
                    return createBundle(val); // create a new Bundle
                LineIndex = endLI;
                RunTimeError("Invalid Bundle Pointer");
            return -1;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_PUT() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // Get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the tag
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String tag = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);

            int LI = LineIndex;
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                b.putDouble(tag, EvalNumericExpressionValue);
            } else {
                LineIndex = LI;
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                b.putString(tag, StringConstant);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_GET() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // Get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the tag
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String tag = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value variable
            if (!getVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            boolean varIsNumeric = val.isNumeric();

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);
            if (!b.containsKey(tag)) {
                return RunTimeError(tag + " not in bundle");

            Object o = b.get(tag);
            if (o instanceof Double) {
                if (!varIsNumeric) {
                    return RunTimeError(tag + " is not a string");
                val.val(((Double) o).doubleValue());
            } else {
                if (varIsNumeric) {
                    return RunTimeError(tag + " is not numeric");
                val.val((String) o);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_NEXT() {
            return false;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_TYPE() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // Get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the tag
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String tag = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the result var
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);
            if (!b.containsKey(tag)) {
                return RunTimeError(tag + " not in bundle");

            Var.Type type = (b.get(tag) instanceof Double) ? Var.Type.NUM : Var.Type.STR;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_KEYSET() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the list var
            int listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.STR); // get a reusable List pointer - may create new list
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false; // failed to get or create a list
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);
            ArrayList<String> theStringList = new ArrayList<String>(b.keySet());
            theLists.set(listIndex, theStringList); // put the new list on the list of lists

            return true;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_COPY() {
            return false;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_CLEAR() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // Get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_CONTAIN() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // Get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the tag
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String tag = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the result var
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);
            val.val((b.containsKey(tag)) ? 1.0 : 0.0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_BUNDLE_REMOVE() {
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // Get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get the key to remove
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            String key = StringConstant;

            Bundle theBundle = theBundles.get(bundleIndex); // Get the  bundle
            theBundle.remove(key); // Remove the requested key
            return true;

        // ************************************** Stack Package ***************************************

        private boolean executeSTACK() { // Get stack command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(stack_cmd, "Stack"); // and execute the command

        private boolean execute_STACK_CREATE() {
            char c = ExecutingLineBuffer.text().charAt(LineIndex); // Get the type, s or n

            Var.Type type = Var.Type.typeOf(c);
            if (type == Var.Type.NOVAR)
                return false; // Unknown type, don't create anything

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // stack pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Stack theStack = new Stack();
            int theIndex = theStacks.size();

            theStacksType.add(type); // add the type
            val.val(theIndex); // return the stack pointer
            return true;

        private int getStackIndexArg() { // get the Stack pointer
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                int stackIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if ((stackIndex > 0) && (stackIndex < theStacks.size())) {
                    return stackIndex;
                RunTimeError("Invalid Stack Pointer");
            return -1;

        private boolean execute_STACK_PUSH() {
            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // get the Stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            Stack thisStack = theStacks.get(stackIndex); // get the stack

            Var.Type type;
            type = theStacksType.get(stackIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring

            if (type == Var.Type.STR) { // string stack
                if (!getStringArg()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                thisStack.push(StringConstant); // Add the string to the stack
            } else { // numeric stack
                if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                thisStack.push(EvalNumericExpressionValue); // Add the value to the stack
            return true;

        private boolean execute_STACK_POP() {
            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // Get the Stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            Stack thisStack = theStacks.get(stackIndex); // Get the Stack
            if (thisStack.isEmpty()) {
                return RunTimeError("Stack is empty");

            Var.Type stackType;
            stackType = theStacksType.get(stackIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring
            boolean isStackNumeric = stackType.isNumeric();

            if (!getVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (isStackNumeric != val.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!isStackNumeric) { // string stack
                String thisString = (String) thisStack.pop();
            } else { // numeric stack
                double thisNumber = ((Double) thisStack.pop()).doubleValue();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_STACK_PEEK() {
            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // Get the Stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value

            Stack thisStack = theStacks.get(stackIndex); // Get the Stack
            if (thisStack.isEmpty()) {
                return RunTimeError("Stack is empty");

            Var.Type stackType;
            stackType = theStacksType.get(stackIndex).isNS(); // ensure either numeric or sring
            boolean isStackNumeric = stackType.isNumeric();

            if (!getVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (isStackNumeric != val.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!isStackNumeric) { // string stack
                String thisString = (String) thisStack.peek();
            } else { // numeric stack
                double thisNumber = ((Double) thisStack.peek()).doubleValue();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_STACK_TYPE() {
            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // Get the Stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the value
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private boolean execute_STACK_ISEMPTY() {
            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // Get the Stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Stack thisStack = theStacks.get(stackIndex); // Get the Stack
            val.val(thisStack.isEmpty() ? 1 : 0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_STACK_CLEAR() {
            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // Get the Stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Stack thisStack = theStacks.get(stackIndex); // Get the Stack
            while (!thisStack.isEmpty()) {

            return true;

        // ************************************ Clipboard Commands ************************************

        // This code does not work on devices with API level < 11
        private boolean executeCLIPBOARD_GET() {
           if (!getSVar()) return false;                  // get the var to put the clip into
              ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
           String data = "";
           if (clipboard.hasPrimaryClip()) {               // If clip board has text
              CharSequence data1 = clipboard.getText();      // Get the clip
              data = data1.toString();
              if (data == null) data = "";
           } else data ="";                           // If no clip, set data to null
           StringVarValues.set(theValueIndex, data);         // Return the result to user
              if (!checkEOL()) return false;
           return true;
        private boolean executeCLIPBOARD_PUT() {
           int v = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
           if (!getStringArg()) return false;               // Get the string to put into the clipboard
           ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
           CharSequence cs = StringConstant;
           ClipData clip = ClipData.newPlainText("simple text",cs);
           if (!checkEOL()) return false;
           return true;

        private boolean executeCLIPBOARD_GET() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // get the var to put the clip into
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            String data;
            if (clipboard.hasText()) { // If clip board has text
                data = clipboard.getText().toString(); // Get the clip
            } else {
                data = "";
            } // If no clip, set data to null
            val.val(data); // Return the result to user
            return true;

        private boolean executeCLIPBOARD_PUT() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get the string to put into the clipboard
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            clipboard.setText(StringConstant); // Put the user expression into the clipboard
            return true;

        // *********************************** Encryption Commands ************************************

        private boolean executeENCRYPT(boolean mode) {
            String pw = ""; // default password
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // get the (optional) password arg
                pw = StringConstant;
                if (!isNext(','))
                    return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the (required) source string
            String src = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // get the destination string variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String dest = null;
            try {
                dest = (mode == ENCODE) ? encrypt(src, pw) : decrypt(src, pw);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return encryptionException(mode, e);
            if (dest == null)
                return false;

            val.val(dest); // Put the encrypted string into the user variable
            return true;

        // ************************************* Socket Commands **************************************

        private boolean executeSOCKET() { // Get Socket command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(Socket_cmd, "Socket");

        private boolean executeSocketServer() { // Get Socket Server command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(SocketServer_cmd, "Socket.Server");

        private boolean executeSocketClient() { // Get Socket Client command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(SocketClient_cmd, "Socket.Client");

        private boolean isServerSocketConnected() {
            return isServerSocketConnected("No current connection");

        private boolean isServerSocketConnected(String msgNullSocket) {
            if (theServerSocket == null) {
                return RunTimeError(msgNullSocket);
            if (!theServerSocket.isConnected()) {
                return RunTimeError("Server Connection Disrupted");
            return true;

        private boolean isClientSocketConnected() {
            if (theClientSocket == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Client Socket Not Opened");
            if (!theClientSocket.isConnected()) {
                return RunTimeError("Client Connection Disrupted");
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_CREATE() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Get the List pointer
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int SocketServersServerPort = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            try {
                newSS = new ServerSocket(SocketServersServerPort);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_ACCEPT() {
            if (newSS == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Server not created");
            boolean block = true; // Default if no "wait" parameter is to block. This preserves
            // behavior from before v01.73, when the parameter was added.
            if (evalNumericExpression()) { // Optional "wait" parameter
                block = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0);
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if ((theServerSocket != null) && theServerSocket.isConnected())
                return true;

            serverSocketState = STATE_LISTENING;
            serverSocketConnectThread = new ServerSocketConnectThread();
            if (block) {
                while (serverSocketState == STATE_LISTENING) {
                if (serverSocketState != STATE_CONNECTED) {
                    return RunTimeError("Server socket connection error: state " + serverSocketState);
            return true;

        private boolean executeCLIENT_CONNECT() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the server address
            String SocketClientsServerAdr = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // move to the port number
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // get the port number
            int SocketClientsServerPort = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            boolean block = true; // Default if no "wait" parameter is to block.
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (evalNumericExpression()) { // Optional "wait" parameter
                    block = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0);
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            clientSocketState = STATE_CONNECTING;
            clientSocketConnectThread = new ClientSocketConnectThread(SocketClientsServerAdr,
            if (block) {
                while (clientSocketState == STATE_CONNECTING) {
                if (clientSocketState != STATE_CONNECTED) {
                    return RunTimeError("Client socket connection error: state " + clientSocketState);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_STATUS() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            double status = (newSS == null) ? STATE_NOT_ENABLED
                    : (serverSocketState == STATE_LISTENING) ? STATE_LISTENING
                            : (theServerSocket == null) ? STATE_NONE
                                    : theServerSocket.isConnected() ? STATE_CONNECTED : STATE_NONE;
            return true;

        private boolean executeCLIENT_STATUS() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            double status = (clientSocketState == STATE_CONNECTING) ? STATE_CONNECTING
                    : (theClientSocket == null) ? STATE_NONE
                            : theClientSocket.isConnected() ? STATE_CONNECTED : STATE_NONE;
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_CLIENT_IP() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected("Server not connected to a client"))
                return false;
            return socketIP(theServerSocket);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_SERVER_IP() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketIP(theClientSocket);

        private boolean socketIP(Socket socket) {

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            InetAddress ia = socket.getInetAddress();
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_READ_READY() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected("No current client accepted"))
                return false;
            return socketReadReady(ServerBufferedReader);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_READ_READY() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketReadReady(ClientBufferedReader);

        private boolean socketReadReady(BufferedReader reader) {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            double ready = 0;
            try {
                if (reader.ready()) {
                    ready = 1;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_READ_LINE() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketReadLine(ServerBufferedReader);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_READ_LINE() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketReadLine(ClientBufferedReader);

        private boolean socketReadLine(BufferedReader reader) {

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String line = null;
            try {
                line = reader.readLine();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            if (line == null) {
                line = "NULL";

            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_WRITE_LINE() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketWrite(theServerSocket, ServerPrintWriter, false);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_WRITE_LINE() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketWrite(theClientSocket, ClientPrintWriter, false);

        private boolean executeSERVER_WRITE_BYTES() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketWrite(theServerSocket, ServerPrintWriter, true);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_WRITE_BYTES() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketWrite(theClientSocket, ClientPrintWriter, true);

        private boolean socketWrite(Socket socket, PrintWriter writer, boolean byteMode) {

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String err = null;
            if (byteMode) {
                OutputStream os = null;
                try {
                    os = socket.getOutputStream();
                    for (int k = 0; k < StringConstant.length(); ++k) {
                        byte bb = (byte) StringConstant.charAt(k);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    err = "Error: " + e;
                } finally {
                    IOException ex = FileInfo.closeStream(os, FileInfo.flushStream(os, null));
                    if (ex != null && err != null) {
                        err = "Error: " + ex;
            } else {
                if (writer.checkError()) {
                    err = "Error writing to socket";
            if (err != null) {
                return RunTimeError(err);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_PUTFILE() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketPutFile(theServerSocket);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_PUTFILE() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketPutFile(theClientSocket);

        private boolean executeSERVER_GETFILE() {
            if (!isServerSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketGetFile(theServerSocket);

        private boolean executeCLIENT_GETFILE() {
            if (!isClientSocketConnected())
                return false;
            return socketGetFile(theClientSocket);

        private boolean socketPutFile(Socket socket) {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Parm is the file number variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int fileNumber = (int) val.nval();
            if (!checkReadFile(fileNumber))
                return false; // Check runtime errors

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber); // Get the file info
            if (!checkReadAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE))
                return false; // Check runtime errors

            if (fInfo.isEOF()) {
                return RunTimeError("Attempt to read beyond the EOF at:");

            BufferedInputStream bis = ((ByteReaderInfo) fInfo).mByteReader;
            int bufferSize = 1024 * 16;
            try {
                OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
                DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os);

                // Set buffer size to 16K bytes, timeout to 16 sec, time out if rate is slower than 1kb/sec
                if (!streamCopy(bis, dos, bufferSize, (long) bufferSize)) { // Copy from file to socket
                    RunTimeError("Data transmission time out."); // Timeout
                    return false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                fInfo.eof(true); // update fInfo
                fInfo.close(null); // file is already closed, this cleans up the fInfo
            return true; // Success

        private boolean socketGetFile(Socket socket) {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Parm is the file number variable
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int fileNumber = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkFile(fileNumber))
                return false; // Check runtime errors

            FileInfo fInfo = FileTable.get(fileNumber); // Get the file info
            if (!checkWriteAttributes(fInfo, FileType.FILE_BYTE))
                return false; // Check runtime errors

            DataOutputStream dos = ((ByteWriterInfo) fInfo).getDOS();
            if (dos == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Error writing file");
            int bufferSize = 1024 * 512;
            try {
                InputStream is = socket.getInputStream();
                BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
                streamCopy(bis, dos, bufferSize, 0L); // Copy from socket to file and close streams
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                fInfo.eof(true); // update fInfo
                fInfo.close(null); // file is already closed, this cleans up the fInfo
            return true; // Success

        private boolean streamCopy(BufferedInputStream bis, DataOutputStream dos, int bufferSize, long timeoutTime) // time in ms, 0 means no timeout check
                throws IOException {
            IOException ex = null;
            ByteArrayBuffer byteArray = new ByteArrayBuffer(bufferSize);
            int current = 0;
            boolean timeout = false;
            long ts = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            try {
                while (!timeout && ((current = != -1)) { // Read the input stream
                    byteArray.append((byte) current);
                    if (byteArray.isFull()) {
                        dos.write(byteArray.toByteArray(), 0, bufferSize); // Write the output stream

                        if (timeoutTime != 0) { // If caller wants timeout checked
                            long te = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); // If rate is too slow
                            timeout = (te - ts > 16000); // terminate transmission
                            ts = te; // reset the start time
                int count = byteArray.length();
                if (count > 0) { // If there is anything in the buffer
                    dos.write(byteArray.toByteArray(), 0, count); // write it to the output stream
                dos.flush(); // flush the output stream
                return !timeout;

            } catch (IOException e) {
                ex = e;
                return false; // doesn't return, but overwrites return value
            } finally {
                ex = FileInfo.closeStream(dos, ex); // close the streams
                ex = FileInfo.closeStream(bis, ex);
                if (ex != null) {
                    throw ex;

        private boolean executeSERVER_DISCONNECT() {
            return checkEOL() && doServerDisconnect();

        private boolean doServerDisconnect() {
            if (serverSocketConnectThread != null) {
                serverSocketConnectThread = null;

            if (theServerSocket == null)
                return true;
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                ServerPrintWriter = null;
                ServerBufferedReader = null;
                theServerSocket = null;
                serverSocketState = STATE_NONE;

            return true;

        private boolean executeSERVER_CLOSE() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            boolean disconnect = true;
            if (theServerSocket != null) {
                disconnect = doServerDisconnect();
            try {
                if (newSS != null)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                newSS = null;
            return disconnect;

        private boolean executeCLIENT_CLOSE() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theClientSocket == null)
                return true;

            if ((clientSocketState == STATE_CONNECTING) && (clientSocketConnectThread != null)) {
                clientSocketConnectThread = null;

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            } finally {
                ClientPrintWriter = null;
                ClientBufferedReader = null;
                theClientSocket = null;
                clientSocketState = STATE_NONE;
            return true;

        private boolean executeMYIP() {
            Var var = getVarAndType(TYPE_STRING); // string scalar or array to hold IP address(es)
            Var.Val val = null; // val in case var is scalar
            Var.Val nVal = null; // optional address count in case var is array
            if (var == null)
                return false;
            if (var.isArray()) {
                if (!validArrayVarForWrite(var, TYPE_STRING))
                    return false;
                if (isNext(',')) {
                    if (!getNVar())
                        return false;
                    nVal = mVal;
            } else {
                mVal = getVarValue(var); // create a new variable if necessary
                val = mVal; // can't be null because var is not array
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            ArrayList<String> IP = new ArrayList<String>();
            try {
                for (Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); en
                        .hasMoreElements();) {
                    NetworkInterface intf = en.nextElement();
                    for (Enumeration<InetAddress> enumIpAddr = intf.getInetAddresses(); enumIpAddr
                            .hasMoreElements();) {
                        InetAddress inetAddress = enumIpAddr.nextElement();
                        if (!(inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress() || inetAddress.isLinkLocalAddress())) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            int nIP = IP.size();
            if (nIP == 0) {
            } // prevent zero-length array
            if (var.isArray()) { // return arg is array
                if (!ListToBasicStringArray(var, IP, IP.size()))
                    return false;
                if (nVal != null) {
                } // actual IP count, not array size
            } else { // return arg is scalar
                val.val(IP.get(0)); // return first IP address (may be "")
            return true;

        //****************************************** TTS *******************************************

        private boolean executeTTS() { // Get TTS command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(tts_cmd, "TTS");

        private boolean executeTTS_INIT() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (theTTS != null)
                return true; // done if already opened

            theTTS = new TextToSpeechActivity(Run.this); // blocks until initialized
            if (theTTS == null)
                return false;

            switch (theTTS.mStatus) {
            case TextToSpeech.SUCCESS:
            case TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA:
                return RunTimeError("Language Data Missing");
            case TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                return RunTimeError("Language Not Supported");
                return RunTimeError("TTS Init Failed. Code = " + theTTS.mStatus);

            return true;

        private boolean executeTTS_SPEAK() {
            if (theTTS == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Text to speech not initialized");
            if (!evalStringExpression())
                return false;
            String speech = StringConstant;
            boolean block = true; // Default if no "wait" parameter is to block. This preserves
            if (isNext(',')) { // behavior from before v01.76, when the parameter was added.
                if (!evalNumericExpression())
                    return false; // optional "wait" flag
                block = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0.0); // block if non-zero
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
            params.put(TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_STREAM, String.valueOf(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC));

            theTTS.speak(speech, params, block);
            return true;

        private boolean executeTTS_SPEAK_TOFILE() {
            if (theTTS == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Text to speech not initialized");
            if (!evalStringExpression())
                return false;
            String speech = StringConstant;
            String theFileName;
            if (isNext(',')) { // optional file name parameter
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                theFileName = StringConstant;
            } else {
                theFileName = "tts.wav";
            } // default file name
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
            theFileName = Basic.getDataPath(theFileName);
            theTTS.speakToFile(speech, params, theFileName); // always blocks
            return true;

        private boolean executeTTS_STOP() {
            return checkEOL() && ttsWaitForDone() && ttsStop();

        private boolean ttsWaitForDone() { // wait for any outstanding speaking to finish
            if (theTTS != null) { // because cleanup() can kill theTTS while we're not looking
            return (theTTS != null);

        private boolean ttsStop() {
            if (theTTS != null) {
                theTTS = null;
            return true;

        // ******************************************* FTP ********************************************

        private boolean executeFTP() { // Get FTP command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(ftp_cmd, "FTP"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executeFTP_OPEN() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // URL
            String url = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Port
            int port = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // User Name
            String user = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Pass word
            String pw = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (!ftpConnect(url, user, pw, port))
                return false;

            FTPdir = ftpGetCurrentWorkingDirectory();
            if (FTPdir == null)
                return false;

            return true;

        public boolean ftpConnect(String host, String username, String password, int port) {
            try {
                mFTPClient = new FTPClient();
                // connecting to the host
                mFTPClient.connect(host, port);

                // now check the reply code, if positive mean connection success
                if (FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(mFTPClient.getReplyCode())) {
                    // login using username & password
                    boolean status = mFTPClient.login(username, password);

                    /* Set File Transfer Mode
                     * To avoid corruption issue you must specified a correct
                     * transfer mode, such as ASCII_FILE_TYPE, BINARY_FILE_TYPE,
                     * EBCDIC_FILE_TYPE .etc. Here, I use BINARY_FILE_TYPE
                     * for transferring text, image, and compressed files.

                    return status;
            } catch (Exception e) {

            return false;

        public String ftpGetCurrentWorkingDirectory() {
            try {
                String workingDir = mFTPClient.printWorkingDirectory();
                return workingDir;
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

        private boolean executeFTP_CLOSE() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (FTPdir == null)
                return true;

            try {
                FTPdir = null;
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

        private boolean executeFTP_DIR() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // get the list variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            String dirMark = "(d)";
            if (isNext(',')) { // optional directory marker
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                dirMark = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            ArrayList<String> theStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); // create a new user list
            int theIndex = theLists.size();

            theListsType.add(Var.Type.STR); // add the type
            val.val(theIndex); // return the list pointer

            FTPFile[] ftpFiles;
            try {
                ftpFiles = mFTPClient.listFiles();
            } // get the list of files
            catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            for (FTPFile file : ftpFiles) { // write file names to list var
                String name = file.getName();
                if (file.isDirectory()) {
                    name += dirMark;
                } // mark directories

            return true;

        private boolean executeFTP_CD() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // new directory name
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String directory_path = "/" + StringConstant;

            boolean status = false;
            try {
                status = mFTPClient.changeWorkingDirectory(directory_path);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                return RunTimeError("Directory change failed.");

            FTPdir = directory_path;

            return true;

        private boolean executeFTP_GET() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Source file name
            String srcFile = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Destination file name
            String destFile = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            destFile = Basic.getDataPath(destFile);

            return ftpDownload(srcFile, destFile);

        public boolean ftpDownload(String srcFilePath, String desFilePath) {
            FileOutputStream desFileStream = null;
            boolean status = false;
            try {
                desFileStream = new FileOutputStream(desFilePath);
                status = mFTPClient.retrieveFile(srcFilePath, desFileStream);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                FileInfo.closeStream(desFileStream, null);
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                RunTimeError("Download error");
            return status;

        private boolean executeFTP_PUT() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Source file name
            String srcFile = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Destination file name
            String destFile = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            srcFile = Basic.getDataPath(srcFile);

            return ftpUpload(srcFile, destFile);

        public boolean ftpUpload(String srcFilePath, String desFilePath) {
            FileInputStream srcFileStream = null;
            boolean status = false;
            try {
                srcFileStream = new FileInputStream(srcFilePath);
                status = mFTPClient.storeFile(desFilePath, srcFileStream);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                FileInfo.closeStream(srcFileStream, null);
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                RunTimeError("Upload problem");
            return status;

        public boolean executeFTP_CMD() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Command
            String cmd = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // String parameter
            String parms = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Numeric parameter
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String[] response = null;
            try {
                response = mFTPClient.doCommandAsStrings(cmd, parms);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            return true;

        private boolean executeFTP_DELETE() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file name
            String filePath = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            boolean status = false;
            try {
                status = mFTPClient.deleteFile(filePath); // try to delete the file
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                RunTimeError("File not deleted");
            return status;

        private boolean executeFTP_RMDIR() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the directory name
            String filePath = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            boolean status = false;
            try {
                status = mFTPClient.removeDirectory(filePath); // try to remove it
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                RunTimeError("Directory not deleted");
            return status;

        private boolean executeFTP_MKDIR() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the directory name
            String filePath = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            boolean status = false;
            try {
                status = mFTPClient.makeDirectory(filePath);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                RunTimeError("Directory not created");
            return status;

        private boolean executeFTP_RENAME() {
            if (FTPdir == null) {
                return RunTimeError("FTP not opened");

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // old file name
            String oldName = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // new file name
            String newName = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            boolean status = false;
            try {
                status = mFTPClient.rename(oldName, newName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!status) {
                RunTimeError("File not renamed");
            return false;

        // **************************************** Bluetooth *****************************************

        private boolean executeBT() {
            Command c = findSubcommand(bt_cmd, "BT");
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            if ((mChatService == null) && ( != CID_OPEN) && ( != CID_STATUS)) {
                return RunTimeError("Bluetooth not opened");

        private synchronized boolean execute_BT_status() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            // status variable may be either numeric or string; the name and address are strings
            byte[] types = { 3, 2, 2 }; // type of each variable
            int nArgs = types.length;
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[nArgs]; // Val object for each variable
            if (!getOptVars(types, args))
                return false;

            int arg = 0;
            Var.Val val = args[arg];
            if (val != null) {
                int state = (mBluetoothAdapter == null) ? STATE_NOT_ENABLED
                        : (mChatService == null) ? STATE_NONE : bt_state;
                if (types[arg] == 1) { // status variable is numeric
                } else {
                    String st = ""; // string representation of state
                    switch (state) {
                    case STATE_NOT_ENABLED:
                        st = "Not enabled";
                    case STATE_NONE:
                        st = "Idle";
                    case STATE_LISTENING:
                        st = "Listening";
                    case STATE_CONNECTING:
                        st = "Connecting";
                    case STATE_CONNECTED:
                        st = "Connected";
                    case STATE_READING:
                        st = "Reading";
                    case STATE_WRITING:
                        st = "Writing";
            val = args[++arg];
            if (val != null) {
                String name = (mBluetoothAdapter == null) ? "" : mBluetoothAdapter.getName();
            val = args[++arg];
            if (val != null) {
                String address = (mBluetoothAdapter == null) ? "" : mBluetoothAdapter.getAddress();
            return (++arg == nArgs); // sanity-check arg count
        } // execute_BT_status

        private boolean execute_BT_open() {

            if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Bluetooth is not available");

            bt_Secure = true; // this flag will be used when starting
            if (evalNumericExpression()) { // the accept thread in BlueTootChatService
                if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0) {
                    bt_Secure = false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            bt_enabled = mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled() ? 1 : 0; // Is BT enabled?
            if (bt_enabled == 0) {
                bt_state = STATE_NOT_ENABLED; // Enable BT
                if (GRopen) {
                    GR.doEnableBT = true;
                    GR.drawView.postInvalidate(); // Start GR drawing.
                } else {
                    Intent enableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
                    startActivityForResult(enableIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);
                while (bt_enabled == 0) // Wait until enabled

                if (bt_enabled == -1) { // Enable failed
                    return RunTimeError("Bluetooth Not Enabled");

            synchronized (BT_Read_Buffer) {
                bt_state = STATE_NONE;
                btConnectDevice = null;
                mOutStringBuffer = new StringBuffer("");

                mChatService = new BluetoothChatService(Run.this, mHandler); // Starts the accept thread
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_close() {
            if (mChatService != null)
            return checkEOL();

        public void connectDevice(Intent data, boolean secure) {

            String address = data.getExtras().getString(DeviceListActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS);
            btConnectDevice = null;
            try {
                btConnectDevice = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address);
                if (btConnectDevice != null)
                    mChatService.connect(btConnectDevice, secure);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                RunTimeError("Connect error: " + e);

        private boolean execute_BT_connect() {
            bt_Secure = true;
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                if (EvalNumericExpressionValue == 0) {
                    bt_Secure = false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (GRopen) {
                GR.startConnectBT = true;
                GR.drawView.postInvalidate(); // Start GR drawing.
            } else {
                Intent serverIntent = null;
                try {
                    serverIntent = new Intent(Run.this, DeviceListActivity.class);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    return RunTimeError("Error selecting device");

                int requestCode = (bt_Secure) ? REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE_SECURE : REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE_INSECURE;
                startActivityForResult(serverIntent, requestCode);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_disconnect() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_reconnect() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (btConnectDevice == null) {
                return RunTimeError("Not previously connected");
            mChatService.connect(btConnectDevice, bt_Secure);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_listen() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            //      mChatService.start();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_device_name() {
            if (bt_state != STATE_CONNECTED) {
                return RunTimeError("Bluetooth not connected");

            if (!getSVar() || !checkEOL())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_write() {
            if (bt_state != STATE_CONNECTED) {
                RunTimeError("Bluetooth not connected");
                return true; // Deliberately not making error fatal

            if (!buildPrintLine("", "\n"))
                return false; // build up the text line in StringConstant

            // Check that there's actually something to send
            if (StringConstant.length() > 0) {
                // Get the message bytes and tell the BluetoothChatService to write
                byte[] send = new byte[StringConstant.length()];
                for (int k = 0; k < StringConstant.length(); ++k) {
                    send[k] = (byte) StringConstant.charAt(k);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_read_ready() {
            if (!getNVar() || !checkEOL())
                return false;
            int count = 0;
            if (bt_state == STATE_CONNECTED) {
                synchronized (BT_Read_Buffer) {
                    count = BT_Read_Buffer.size();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_readReady_Resume() {
            return doResume("No Bluetooth Read Ready Interrupt");

        private boolean execute_BT_read_bytes() {

            if (bt_state != STATE_CONNECTED) {
                return RunTimeError("Bluetooth not connected");

            String msg = "";
            if (bt_state == STATE_CONNECTED) {
                synchronized (BT_Read_Buffer) {
                    int index = BT_Read_Buffer.size();
                    if (index > 0) {
                        msg = BT_Read_Buffer.get(0);

            if (!getSVar() || !checkEOL())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_BT_set_uuid() {
            if (!evalStringExpression() || !checkEOL())
                return false;
            UUID MY_UUID_SECURE = UUID.fromString(StringConstant);
            UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE = UUID.fromString(StringConstant);
            return true;

        // *********************************** Superuser and System ***********************************

        private boolean executeSU(boolean isSU) { // SU command (isSU true) or system comand (isSU false)
            Command c = findSubcommand(SU_cmd, (isSU ? "SU" : "System"));
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            if (SUprocess == null) {
                if ( == CID_OPEN) {
                    mIsSU = isSU;
                } else
                    return RunTimeError((isSU ? "Superuser" : "System shell") + " not opened");
            return; // run the function and report back

        private boolean execute_SU_open() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (SUprocess != null)
                return true;
            SU_ReadBuffer = new ArrayList<String>(); // Initialize buffer

            File dir = null;
            if (!mIsSU) { // make sure AppPath exists
                dir = new File(Basic.getFilePath());
                if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) {
                    return RunTimeError("Cannot create working directory " + dir);
            try {
                SUprocess = (mIsSU) ? Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su") // Request Superuser
                        : Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh", null, dir); // Open ordinary shell
                SUoutputStream = new DataOutputStream(SUprocess.getOutputStream()); // Open the output stream
                SUinputStream = new BufferedReader( // Open the input stream
                        new InputStreamReader(SUprocess.getInputStream()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError((mIsSU ? "SU" : "System") + " Exception: " + e);
            theSUReader = new SUReader(SUinputStream, SU_ReadBuffer);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SU_write() {
            if (!evalStringExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String command = StringConstant;
            try {
                SUoutputStream.writeBytes(command + "\n"); // write the command followed by new line character
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError((mIsSU ? "SU" : "System") + " Exception:", e);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_SU_read_ready() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int bfrSize = 0;
            for (int pass = 0; pass < 3; ++pass) { // try more than once so tight loops in user programs work better
                synchronized (SU_ReadBuffer) {
                    bfrSize = SU_ReadBuffer.size();
                if (bfrSize != 0)
                    break; // data available
                Thread.yield(); // give the SUreader another chance to read
            val.val(bfrSize); // return buffer size
            return true;

        private boolean execute_SU_read_line() {
            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            boolean available;
            String msg = "";
            synchronized (SU_ReadBuffer) {
                available = (SU_ReadBuffer.size() > 0);
                if (available) {
                    msg = SU_ReadBuffer.remove(0); // read and remove the first item in the buffer
            if (available) {
            } // give the SUreader a chance to read again

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SU_close() {

            SUoutputStream = null;
            SUinputStream = null;
            SU_ReadBuffer = null;
            theSUReader = null;
            SUprocess = null;

            return true;

        // *************************************** FONT Commands **************************************

        private boolean executeFONT() { // Get Console command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(font_cmd, "Font");

        private boolean executeFONT_LOAD() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // font pointer variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get the file path
            String fileName = StringConstant; // the filename as given by the user
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int fontIdx;
            Typeface aFont = getTypeface(fileName);
            if (aFont == null) {
                writeErrorMsg("Font file not found: " + fileName);
                fontIdx = -1;
            } else {
                fontIdx = FontList.size();
            return true;

        private int getFontArg() { // get the font number
            return getFontArg("Invalid Font Pointer"); // with the default error message

        private int getFontArg(String errMsg) { // get and validate the font number
            if (!evalNumericExpression()) {
                return -2;
            } // or return -2 if argument is not numeric
            int fontPtr = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (fontPtr < 1 | fontPtr >= FontList.size()) {
                fontPtr = -1;
            return fontPtr;

        private boolean executeFONT_DELETE() {
            Typeface font = null;
            int fp; // index into FontList
            if (isEOL()) { // no font number arg
                for (fp = FontList.size() - 1; (fp > 0) && (font == null); --fp) {
                    font = FontList.get(fp); // find last font loaded and not deleted
                if (fp < 1)
                    return true; // nothing to do
            } else {
                fp = getFontArg(); // get the font number arg
                if (fp < 0)
                    return false;
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;
                font = FontList.get(fp); // get the font
            if (font != null) {
                FontList.set(fp, null);
            return true;

        private boolean executeFONT_CLEAR() { // command to clear the font list
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            return true;

        private void clearFontList() {
            FontList.clear(); // clear the font list
            FontList.add(null); // add a dummy element 0

        // ************************************* CONSOLE Commands *************************************

        private boolean executeCONSOLE() { // Get Console command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(Console_cmd, "Console");

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_TITLE() { // Set the console title string
            String title;
            if (isEOL()) {
                title = null; // Use default
            } else {
                if (!getStringArg() || !checkEOL())
                    return false; // Get new title
                title = StringConstant;
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_CONSOLE_TITLE, title); // Signal UI to update its title
            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_LINE_COUNT() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // variable to hold the number of lines
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            checkpointMessage(); // allow any pending Console activity to complete
            while (mMessagePending) {
            } // wait for checkpointMessage semaphore to clear

            val.val(mConsole.getCount()); // number of lines written to console
            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_LINE_TEXT() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // line number to read
            int lineNum = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!isNext(',') || !getSVar() || !checkEOL())
                return false; // variable for line content
            Var.Val val = mVal;

            if (--lineNum < 0) { // convert from 1-based user index to 0-based Java index
                return RunTimeError("Line number must be >= 1");
            int max = mConsole.getCount(); // number of lines written to console
            String lineText = (lineNum < max) ? mConsole.getItem(lineNum) : "";
            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_LINE_TOUCHED() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // variable for last line number touched
            Var.Val lineVar = mVal;
            Var.Val longTouchVar = null;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // optional variable indicating short or long touch
                longTouchVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (longTouchVar != null) {
                longTouchVar.val(ConsoleLongTouch ? 1 : 0);
            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLETOUCH_RESUME() {
            return doResume("Console not touched");

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_DUMP() {

            if (!getStringArg() || !checkEOL())
                return false; // Only parameter is the filename
            String theFileName = StringConstant;

            checkpointMessage(); // allow any pending Console activity to complete
            while (mMessagePending) {
            } // wait for checkpointMessage semaphore to clear

            File file = new File(Basic.getDataPath(theFileName));
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            if (!file.exists() || !file.canWrite()) {
                return RunTimeError("Problem opening " + theFileName);

            FileWriter writer = null;
            try {
                writer = new FileWriter(file, false); // open the filewriter for the SD Card
                synchronized (mConsoleBuffer) {
                    for (String line : mOutput) {
                        writer.write(line + "\n");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);
            // Log.d(LOGTAG, "executeCONSOLE_DUMP: file " + theFileName + " written");

            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_FRONT() {

            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_LINE_NEW() {
            return true;

        private boolean executeCONSOLE_LINE_CHAR() {
            if (!evalStringExpression())
                return false;
            char c = StringConstant.charAt(0);
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_CONSOLE_LINE_CHAR, (int) c, 0);
            return true;

        // ************************************* Ringer Commands **************************************

        private boolean executeRINGER() { // Get RINGER command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(ringer_cmd, "Ringer"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executeRINGER_GET_MODE() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // Mode return variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            AudioManager am = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
            int mode = am.getRingerMode();
            switch (mode) { // convert from Android to internal values
            case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT:
                mode = RINGER_SILENT;
            case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE:
                mode = RINGER_VIBRATE;
            case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL:
                mode = RINGER_NORMAL;
                mode = RINGER_UNKNOWN;

            return true;

        private boolean executeRINGER_SET_MODE() {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // Mode value
            int mode = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            switch (mode) { // convert from internal to Android values
            case RINGER_SILENT:
                mode = AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT;
            case RINGER_VIBRATE:
                mode = AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE;
            case RINGER_NORMAL:
                mode = AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL;
                return true; // bad value: don't change anything
            AudioManager am = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
            return true;

        private boolean executeRINGER_GET_VOLUME() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false; // volume return variable
            Var.Val volVar = mVal;
            Var.Val maxVar = null;
            if (isNext(',')) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // optional max volume return variable
                maxVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            AudioManager am = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
            int max = am.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING);
            int vol = am.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING);

            if (maxVar != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean executeRINGER_SET_VOLUME() {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // volume value
            int vol = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            AudioManager am = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
            int max = am.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING);
            if (vol < 0)
                vol = 0;
            else if (vol > max)
                vol = max;
            am.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_RING, vol, 0);

            return true;

        // **************************************** SOUND POOL ****************************************

        private boolean executeSOUNDPOOL() {
            Command c = findSubcommand(sp_cmd, "Soundpool");
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            if ((theSoundPool == null) && ( != CID_OPEN)) {
                return RunTimeError("SoundPool not opened");

        private boolean execute_SP_open() {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            int SP_max = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (SP_max <= 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Stream count must be > 0");
            //      this.setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
            theSoundPool = new SoundPool(SP_max, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_load() {
            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // Get the file path
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            String fileName = StringConstant; // The filename as given by the user
            String fn = Basic.getDataPath(fileName);

            int SoundID = theSoundPool.load(fn, 1);
            if (SoundID == 0) { // if file does not exist
                if (Basic.isAPK) { // and this is a user APK
                    int resID = Basic.getRawResourceID(fileName); // try to load the file from a raw resource
                    if (resID != 0) {
                        SoundID = theSoundPool.load(getApplicationContext(), resID, 1);
                    } else { // try to load the file from assets
                        AssetFileDescriptor afd = null;
                        try {
                            String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.DATA_DIR, fileName);
                            afd = getAssets().openFd(assetPath);
                            SoundID = theSoundPool.load(afd, 1);
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
                        } finally {
                            if (afd != null) {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException e) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_play() {
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // no parameters

            Var.Val streamVar = null;
            boolean isComma = isNext(',');
            if (!isComma) {
                if (!getNVar())
                    return false; // stream return variable
                streamVar = mVal;
                isComma = isNext(',');

            // soundID, rightVol, leftVol, priority, loop, rate
            boolean[] isInt = { true, false, false, true, true, false };// true = int, false = float
            float[] fltVal = { 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
            int[] intVal = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            int nArgs = isInt.length;
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                if (isComma) {
                    isComma = isNext(',');
                    if (!isComma) {
                        if (!evalNumericExpression())
                            return false;
                        if (isInt[arg]) {
                            int value = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                            intVal[arg] = value;
                        } else {
                            float value = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();
                            fltVal[arg] = value;
                        isComma = isNext(',');
            if (isComma || !checkEOL())
                return false;

            int soundID = intVal[0];
            float rightVolume = fltVal[1];
            if (rightVolume < 0 || rightVolume >= 1.0) {
                return RunTimeError("Right volume out of range");
            float leftVolume = fltVal[2];
            if (leftVolume < 0 || leftVolume >= 1.0) {
                return RunTimeError("Left volume out of range");
            int priority = intVal[3];
            if (priority < 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Priority less than zero");
            int loop = intVal[4];
            float rate = fltVal[5];

            int streamID =, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate);
            if (streamVar != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_stop() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_unload() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            int soundID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_pause() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (streamID == 0)

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_resume() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (streamID == 0)

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_release() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            theSoundPool = null;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_setvolume() {

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Left Volume
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            float leftVolume = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Right Volume
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            float rightVolume = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (leftVolume < 0 || leftVolume >= 1.0) {
                return RunTimeError("Left volume out of range");

            if (rightVolume < 0 || rightVolume >= 1.0) {
                return RunTimeError("Right volume out of range");

            theSoundPool.setVolume(streamID, leftVolume, rightVolume);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_setpriority() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Priority
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int priority = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (priority < 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Priority less than zero");

            theSoundPool.setPriority(streamID, priority);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_setloop() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Loop value
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int loop = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            theSoundPool.setLoop(streamID, loop);

            return true;

        private boolean execute_SP_setrate() {
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            int streamID = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false; // Rate
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            float rate = EvalNumericExpressionValue.floatValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            theSoundPool.setRate(streamID, rate);
            return true;

        // ***************************************** Headset ******************************************

        private boolean executeHEADSET() {

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val stateVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val nameVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val micVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;


            return true;

        // ******************************************* SMS ********************************************

        private boolean executeSMS() { // Get SMS command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(sms_cmd, "SMS"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executeSMS_SEND() {

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String number = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String msg = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            SmsManager sm = android.telephony.SmsManager.getDefault();
            try {
                sm.sendTextMessage(number, null, msg, null, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            return true;

        private boolean executeSMS_RCV_INIT() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"));
            smsRcvBuffer = new ArrayList<String>();
            return true;

        private boolean executeSMS_RCV_NEXT() {
            if (smsRcvBuffer == null) {
                return RunTimeError("SMS.RCV.INIT not executed)");

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (smsRcvBuffer.size() != 0) {
            } else {
            return true;

        private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {

            public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent arg1) {
                Bundle bundle = arg1.getExtras();
                SmsMessage[] recievedMsgs = null;
                String str = "";
                if (bundle != null) {
                    Object[] pdus = (Object[]) bundle.get("pdus");
                    recievedMsgs = new SmsMessage[pdus.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < recievedMsgs.length; ++i) {
                        recievedMsgs[i] = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdus[i]);
                        str += "SMS from " + recievedMsgs[i].getOriginatingAddress() + " :"
                                + recievedMsgs[i].getMessageBody().toString();
                        if (smsRcvBuffer != null)

        // *********************************** Phone Calls and Info ***********************************

        private boolean executePHONE() { // Get phone command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(phone_cmd, "Phone"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executePHONE_DIAL(String action) { // Dial or call a phone number
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            String number = "tel:" + StringConstant;

            String encodedHash = Uri.encode("#");
            number = number.replace("#", encodedHash);

            Intent callIntent = new Intent(action);
            // this will make such that when user returns to your app, your app is displayed, instead of the phone app.

            try {
                startActivityForResult(callIntent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            return true;

        private boolean executePHONE_RCV_INIT() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (phoneRcvInited)
                return true;
            phoneRcvInited = true;

            mTM = (TelephonyManager) Run.this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            mTM.listen(PSL, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE + PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS);

            return true;

        PhoneStateListener PSL = new PhoneStateListener() {
            public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {
                phoneState = state;
                if (phoneState == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING) {
                    phoneNumber = incomingNumber;

            public void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength signalStrength) {
                mSignalStrength = signalStrength;

        private boolean executePHONE_RCV_NEXT() {
            if (!phoneRcvInited) {
                return RunTimeError("phone.rcv.init not executed");

            if (!getNVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val stateVar = mVal;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val numberVar = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int callState = mTM.getCallState();
            if (callState == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE) {
                phoneNumber = "";


            return true;

        private boolean executeMYPHONENUMBER() {

            if (!getSVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String pn = getPhoneNumber(null, "Get phone number failed.");

            return true; // Leave theValueIndex intact for executeDEVICE

        private boolean executePHONE_INFO() { // This is dynamic info. Some static
            // phone info is available from executeDEVICE().
            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(bundleIndex);

            TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            String phoneType = getPhoneType(tm);
            String networkType = getNetworkType(tm);
            b.putString("PhoneType", phoneType);
            b.putString("NetworkType", networkType);

            CellLocation loc = (tm != null) ? tm.getCellLocation() : null;
            if (loc == null) {
                // no CellLocation available - not on a network?
            } else if (phoneType.equals("GSM")) {
                double cid = ((GsmCellLocation) loc).getCid();
                double lac = ((GsmCellLocation) loc).getLac();
                b.putDouble("CID", cid);
                b.putDouble("LAC", lac);

                String mcc_mnc = tm.getNetworkOperator();
                String operator = tm.getNetworkOperatorName();
                b.putString("MCC/MNC", mcc_mnc);
                b.putString("Operator", operator);
            } else if (phoneType.equals("CDMA")) {
                double baseID = ((CdmaCellLocation) loc).getBaseStationId();
                double networkID = ((CdmaCellLocation) loc).getNetworkId();
                double systemID = ((CdmaCellLocation) loc).getSystemId();
                b.putDouble("BaseID", baseID);
                b.putDouble("NetworkID", networkID);
                b.putDouble("SystemID", systemID);
            if (mSignalStrength != null) {
                // The PhoneStateListener is listening and caught a signal strength change.
                // Try to use reflection to find "@hide" methods available in some API levels.
                try {
                    Class<?> c = Class.forName("android.telephony.SignalStrength");
                    java.lang.reflect.Method m = c.getMethod("getLevel");
                    Integer level = (Integer) m.invoke(mSignalStrength, (Object[]) null);
                    b.putDouble("SignalLevel", level.doubleValue());
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsm) { // fall back on less flexible methods
                    if (phoneType.equals("GSM")) {
                        b.putDouble("GsmSignal", (double) mSignalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength());
                    } else if (phoneType.equals("CDMA")) {
                        b.putDouble("CdmaDbm", (double) mSignalStrength.getCdmaDbm());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                try {
                    Class<?> c = Class.forName("android.telephony.SignalStrength");
                    java.lang.reflect.Method m = c.getMethod("getAsuLevel");
                    Integer level = (Integer) m.invoke(mSignalStrength, (Object[]) null);
                    b.putDouble("SignalASU", level.doubleValue());
                } catch (Exception e) {
            return true;

        private String getPhoneNumber(TelephonyManager tm, String failMsg) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            String pn = (tm != null) ? tm.getLine1Number() : null;
            return (pn != null) ? pn : failMsg;

        private String getDeviceID(TelephonyManager tm, String failMsg) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            String id = (tm != null) ? tm.getDeviceId() : null;
            return (id != null) ? id : failMsg;

        private String getPhoneType(TelephonyManager tm) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            int typecode = (tm != null) ? tm.getPhoneType() : TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_NONE;
            String type;
            switch (typecode) {
            case TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_NONE:
                type = "None";
            case TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM:
                type = "GSM";
            case TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA:
                type = "CDMA";
            case TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_SIP:
                type = "SIP";
                break; // API level >= 11
            return type;

        private String getNetworkType(TelephonyManager tm) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            int typecode = (tm != null) ? tm.getNetworkType() : TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
            String type;
            switch (typecode) {
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
                type = "Unknown";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_GPRS:
                type = "GPRS";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EDGE:
                type = "EDGE";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UMTS:
                type = "UMTS";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_CDMA:
                type = "CDMA";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_0:
                type = "EVDOrev0";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_A:
                type = "EVDOrevA";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT:
                type = "1xRTT";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSDPA:
                type = "HSDPA";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSUPA:
                type = "HSUPA";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPA:
                type = "HSPA";
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_IDEN:
                type = "iDen";
                break; // API level >= 8
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_B:
                type = "EVDOrevB";
                break; // API level >= 9
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE:
                type = "LTE";
                break; // API level >= 11
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EHRPD:
                type = "EHRPD";
                break; // API level >= 11
            case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPAP:
                type = "HSPAP+";
                break; // API level >= 13
            return type;

        private int getSimState(TelephonyManager tm) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            return (tm != null) ? tm.getSimState() : TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN;

        private String getSimSN(TelephonyManager tm, String failMsg) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            String sn = failMsg;
            if (tm != null) {
                int state = getSimState(tm);
                if (state == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT) {
                    sn = "No SIM";
                } else if (state == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY) {
                    String realSN = tm.getSimSerialNumber();
                    if (realSN != null) {
                        sn = realSN;
            return sn;

        private String getSimOperator(TelephonyManager tm, String failMsg) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            return (getSimState(tm) == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY) ? tm.getSimOperator() : failMsg;

        private String getSimOpName(TelephonyManager tm, String failMsg) {
            if (tm == null) {
                tm = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
            return (getSimState(tm) == TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY) ? tm.getSimOperatorName() : failMsg;

        // ****************************************** EMAIL *******************************************

        private boolean executeEMAIL_SEND() {

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String recipiant = "mailto:" + StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String subject = StringConstant;
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String body = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO); // it's not ACTION_SEND
            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);
            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, body);
            intent.setData(Uri.parse(recipiant)); // or just "mailto:" for blank
            // this will make such that when user returns to your app, your app is displayed, instead of the email app.

            try {
                startActivityForResult(intent, BASIC_GENERAL_INTENT);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return RunTimeError(e);

            return true;

        // ***************************************** VOLKEYS ******************************************

        private boolean executeVOLKEYS() { // Get VOLKEYS command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(VolKeys_cmd, "VolKeys"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executeVOLKEYS_TOGGLE(boolean on) { // Enable or disable passing certain keys to system:
            // VOL up/down/mute, MUTE (mic), HEADSET hook
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            mBlockVolKeys = !on; // OFF means block keys, ON means let keys through to the system.
            return true;

        // ******************************************* HTML *******************************************

        private boolean executeHTML() {

            if (htmlOpening) {
                while (Web.aWebView == null)
                htmlOpening = false;

            Command c = findSubcommand(html_cmd, "HTML");
            if (c == null)
                return false;

            if ((htmlIntent == null) || (Web.aWebView == null)) {
                if ( == CID_CLOSE)
                    return true; // Allow close if already closed
                if (( != CID_OPEN) && // Allow open and get.datalink if not opened
                        ( != CID_DATALINK)) {
                    return RunTimeError("html not opened");

        private boolean execute_html_open() {
            if (Web.aWebView != null) {
                return RunTimeError("HTML previously open and not closed");

            int showStatusBar = 0; // default to status bar not showing
            int orientation = -1; // default to orientation per sensor
            if (evalNumericExpression()) {
                showStatusBar = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
                if (isNext(',')) {
                    if (!evalNumericExpression())
                        return false;
                    orientation = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            htmlIntent = new Intent(Run.this, Web.class); // Intent variable used to tell if opened
            htmlIntent.putExtra(Web.EXTRA_SHOW_STATUSBAR, showStatusBar);
            htmlIntent.putExtra(Web.EXTRA_ORIENTATION, orientation);
            Web.aWebView = null; // Will be set in
            htmlData_Buffer = new ArrayList<String>(); // Initialize the datalink buffer
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_HTML_OPEN); // Start Web View in UI thread.
            htmlOpening = true;

            return true;

        private String getURL(String path) { // build a URL for a file or directory in the file system or assets
            String urlPath = Basic.getDataPath(path); // if path is null, get full path of default data directory
            // if non-null, get full path of a file in the data directory
            if (!new File(urlPath).exists() && Basic.isAPK) { // if file or dir does not exist in file system, and this is an APK
                String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.DATA_DIR, path); // then look for it in assets
                String type = getAssetType(assetPath); // type is null if asset not found
                String expType = (path == null) ? "d" : "f"; // are we looking for a directory or a file?
                if ((type != null) && type.equals(expType)) { // if asset exists and is the expected type, use its path
                    urlPath = "/android_asset/" + assetPath;
            } // else use the file system path
            return "file://" + urlPath; // make the path into a URL

        private boolean execute_html_orientation() { // change the screen orientation
            if (!evalNumericExpression() || !checkEOL())
                return false;
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_load_url() { // Load an internet url
            if (!getStringArg() || !checkEOL())
                return false;

            String urlString = StringConstant;
            String protocolName = urlString.substring(0, 4);
            if (!protocolName.equals("http") && !protocolName.equals("java") && !protocolName.equals("file")) {
                urlString = getURL(urlString); // Get URL with full path to file in file system or assets.
                // If neither file nor asset exists,
                // path points to non-existent file system file.
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_LOAD_URL, urlString);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_load_string() { // Load an html string
            if (!getStringArg() || !checkEOL())
                return false;
            String baseURL = getURL(null) + File.separatorChar; // baseURL is default data directory in file system or assets.
            // If directory does not exist in either file system or assets,
            // path points to non-existent file system directory.
            String[] data = { baseURL, StringConstant };
            sendMessage(MESSAGE_LOAD_STRING, data);
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_get_datalink() { // Gets a data sring from datalink queue

            if (!getSVar())
                return false; // The string return variable
            Var.Val val = mVal;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String data = "";
            if (htmlData_Buffer != null) {
                synchronized (htmlData_Buffer) {
                    if (htmlData_Buffer.size() > 0) { // If the buffer is not empty
                        data = htmlData_Buffer.remove(0); // get the oldest entry and remove it from the buffer
            val.val(data); // return the data to the user

            if (Web.aWebView == null)
                return true; // if already closed, return now
            // else check to see if we should close
            //      if (data.startsWith("FOR:")) return execute_html_close();   // if Form, close the html
            if (data.startsWith("ERR:"))
                return execute_html_close(); // if error, close the html

            return true;

        private void addDataLink(String data) {
            if (htmlData_Buffer != null) {
                synchronized (htmlData_Buffer) {

        private boolean execute_html_go_back() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            //      Web.aWebView.goBack();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_go_forward() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            //      Web.aWebView.goForward();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_clear_cache() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            //      Web.aWebView.clearCache();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_clear_history() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            //      Web.aWebView.clearHistory();
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_close() { // Close the html
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            if (Web.aWebView != null)
                Web.aWebView.webClose(); // if it is open
            while (Web.aWebView != null)
                Thread.yield(); // wait for the close signal
            htmlIntent = null; // indicate not open
            return true;

        private boolean execute_html_post() {
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String url = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            int theListIndex = EvalNumericExpressionValue.intValue();
            if (theListIndex < 1 || theListIndex >= theLists.size()) {
                return RunTimeError("Invalid list pointer");
            if (theListsType.get(theListIndex) != Var.Type.STR) {
                return RunTimeError("List must be of string type.");
            List<String> thisList = theLists.get(theListIndex);
            int r = thisList.size() % 2;
            if (r != 0) {
                return RunTimeError("List must have even number of elements");

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int i = 0;
            while (i < thisList.size()) {
            String[] params = { url, sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1) };

            sendMessage(MESSAGE_POST, params);
            return true;

        // *************************************** Run Command ****************************************

        private boolean executeRUN() {

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false; // get program filename
            String fileName = StringConstant;

            String data = "";
            if (isNext(',')) { // optional
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false; // parameter to pass to program
                data = StringConstant;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            String path = Basic.getFilePath(Basic.SOURCE_DIR, fileName);
            boolean exists = false;
            if (!Basic.isAPK) {
                exists = new File(path).exists();
            } // standard BASIC can only RUN a file
            else if (Basic.getRawResourceID(fileName) != 0) {
                exists = true;
            } // APK can run resource
            else { // or asset
                String assetPath = Basic.getAppFilePath(Basic.SOURCE_DIR, fileName);
                if (getAssetType(assetPath) == "f") {
                    exists = true;
                } // it is a valid asset file
            if (!exists) { // error if the program does not exist
                return RunTimeError(fileName + " not found");

            // This AutoRun will be used later to load the new program
            // and to get an Intent to create a new Interpreter to run it.
            Context context = getApplicationContext();
            mAutoRun = new AutoRun(context, fileName, true, data); // use file name without path
            Exit = true; // do not allow interrupt processing
            return true;

        // ********************************** Empty Program Command ***********************************

        private boolean executeEMPTY_PROGRAM() {
            PrintShow("Nothing to execute.");
            Stop = true;
            return true;

        // ************************************** Notify Command **************************************

        private boolean executeNOTIFY() {

            int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1; // These two constants are without meaning in this application
            int REQUEST_CODE = 2;

            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String title = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String subtitle = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!getStringArg())
                return false;
            String msg = StringConstant;

            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;
            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false; // logical expression: wait flag
            boolean wait = (EvalNumericExpressionValue != 0);
            if (!checkEOL()) {
                return false;

            Notified = false;

            NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
            Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.icon, msg, System.currentTimeMillis());

            // The PendingIntent will launch activity if the user selects this notification
            PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(Run.this, REQUEST_CODE,
                    new Intent(Run.this, HandleNotify.class), 0);

            notification.setLatestEventInfo(Run.this, title, subtitle, contentIntent);
            notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;

            manager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);

            if (wait) {
                while (!Notified)
            return true;

        // *************************************** Swap Command ***************************************

        private boolean executeSWAP() {

            if (!getVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val aVar = mVal;
            boolean aIsNumeric = aVar.isNumeric();
            if (!isNext(','))
                return false;

            if (!getVar())
                return false;
            Var.Val bVar = mVal;
            if (aIsNumeric != bVar.isNumeric()) {
                return RunTimeError("Type mismatch");
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            if (aIsNumeric) {
                double aValue = aVar.nval();
                double bValue = bVar.nval();
            } else {
                String aValue = aVar.sval();
                String bValue = bVar.sval();
            return true;

        // ********************************* Speech-to-Text Commands **********************************

        private boolean executeSTT_LISTEN() {
            if (isEOL()) {
                sttPrompt = sttDefaultPrompt;
            } else {
                if (!getStringArg())
                    return false;
                sttPrompt = StringConstant;
                if (!checkEOL())
                    return false;

            PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
            List<ResolveInfo> activities = pm
                    .queryIntentActivities(new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH), 0);
            if (activities.size() == 0) {
                return RunTimeError("Recognizer not present");

            sttListening = true;
            sttDone = false;
            if (GRopen) {
                GR.doSTT = true;
            } else {
                Intent intent = Run.buildVoiceRecognitionIntent();
                startActivityForResult(intent, VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST_CODE);
            return true;

        private boolean executeSTT_RESULTS() {
            if (!sttListening) {
                return RunTimeError("STT_LISTEN not executed.");
            int listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.STR); // reuse old list or create new one
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            while (!sttDone)
            sttListening = false;

            if (sttResults == null) {
                sttResults = new ArrayList<String>();
                sttResults.add("Recognition Cancelled");
            theLists.set(listIndex, sttResults); // give the list of results to the user
            return true;

        // ************************************** Timer Commands **************************************

        private boolean executeTIMER() { // Get Timer command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(Timer_cmd, "Timer");

        private boolean executeTIMER_SET() {
            if (theTimer != null) {
                return RunTimeError("Previous Timer Not Cleared");

            if (!mIntA.containsKey(Interrupt.TIMER_BIT)) {
                return RunTimeError("No OnTimer: Label");

            if (!evalNumericExpression())
                return false;
            long interval = EvalNumericExpressionValue.longValue();
            if (interval < 1) {
                interval = 1;
            } // Disallow negative or zero
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            TimerTask tt = new TimerTask() {
                public void run() {

            theTimer = new Timer();
            theTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(tt, interval, interval);

            return true;

        private boolean executeTIMER_CLEAR() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            return true;

        private void cancelTimer() {
            if (theTimer != null) {
                theTimer = null;

        private boolean executeTIMER_RESUME() {
            return doResume("No timer interrupt to resume");

        // *************************************** Home Command ***************************************

        private boolean executeHOME() {
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return true;

        private boolean executeBACKGROUND_RESUME() {
            return doResume("No background state change");

        // ****************************** Android Activity Manager (AM) *******************************

        private boolean executeAPP() { // Get APPlication command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(app_cmd, "APP");

        private Intent buildIntentForAPP() {
            // Six optional string expressions and two optional numeric expressions:
            // the action, data, package, component, type, categories, bundle pointer, flags
            byte[] type = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 };
            Double[] nVal = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };
            String[] sVal = { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            if (!getOptExprs(type, nVal, sVal))
                return null;
            String action = sVal[0];
            String data = sVal[1];
            String pkg = sVal[2];
            String comp = sVal[3];
            String mime = sVal[4];
            String cats = sVal[5];
            Double bIdx = nVal[6];
            Double flags = nVal[7];

            Intent intent = new Intent(); // corresponding adb "am start" parameters
            if (action != null) {
            } // am -a
            if (data != null) { // am -d and -t
                Uri dataUri = Uri.parse(data);
                if (mime == null) {
                } // data, no MIME type
                else {
                    intent.setDataAndType(dataUri, mime);
                } // data and MIME type
            } else if (mime != null) {
            } // MIME type, no data
            if (comp != null) { // component name for am -n
                if (pkg != null) {
                    intent.setClassName(pkg, comp); // package name given
                } else {
                    intent.setClassName(Run.this, comp); // no package given
            if (cats != null) { // am -c (multiple allowed)
                String[] catArray = sVal[5].split("\\s+,\\s+", 0); // comma-separated list of categories
                for (String cat : catArray) {
            if (bIdx != null) { // am -e (limited subset)
                int bundleIndex = bIdx.intValue(); // index of a bundle of extras
                if ((bundleIndex <= 0) || (bundleIndex >= theBundles.size())) {
                    return null; // expression is not valid Bundle pointer
            if (flags != null) {
            } // am -f
            return intent;

        private boolean executeAPP_BROADCAST() { // Broadcast an Intent to application(s)
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // nothing to do

            Intent intent = buildIntentForAPP();
            if (intent != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean executeAPP_START() { // Start an Application's Activity via Intent
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // nothing to do

            Intent intent = buildIntentForAPP();
            if (intent != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return RunTimeError(e);
                return true;
            return false;

        // ************************************** Debug Commands **************************************

        private boolean executeDEBUG() { // Get debug command keyword if it is there
            return executeSubcommand(debug_cmd, "Debug"); // and execute the command

        private boolean executeECHO() { // Legacy: can use DEBUG.ECHO or just ECHO
            return executeSubcommand(echo_cmd, "Echo");

        private boolean executeDEBUG_TOGGLE(boolean on) { // parameter is ON or OFF
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            Debug = on;
            if (!Debug) {
                Echo = OFF;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_PRINT() {
            if (Debug)
            return true;

        private boolean executeECHO_TOGGLE(boolean on) { // parameter is ON or OFF
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;
            Echo = Debug & on;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_COMMANDS() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            if (isEOL())
                return true; // user asked for no data

            int listIndex = -1;
            ArrayList<String> list = null;
            if (!isNext(',')) {
                listIndex = getListArg(Var.Type.STR); // get a reusable List pointer - may create new list
                if (listIndex < 0)
                    return false; // failed to get or create a list
                isNext(','); // consume comma, if there is one

            // Three optional numeric variables for counts of math functions, string functions, and command keywords.
            byte[] types = { 1, 1, 1 }; // type of each variable
            int nArgs = types.length;
            Var.Val[] args = new Var.Val[nArgs]; // Val object for each variable
            if (!getOptVars(types, args))
                return false;
            Var.Val countVar = args[nArgs - 1]; // keyword count var is last in array

            int kwCount = 0;
            if (listIndex >= 0) {
                list = new ArrayList<String>(); // the list of commands
                theLists.set(listIndex, list); // put new list in theLists
            if ((listIndex >= 0) || (countVar != null)) { // if need list or command keyword count
                HashMap<String, String[]> groups = getKeywordLists(); // command groups

                if (list != null) {
                    for (String kw : MathFunctions) {
                        list.add(kw + ')');
                    for (String kw : StringFunctions) {
                        list.add(kw + ')');
                for (String kw : BasicKeyWords) { // build list and/or count keywords
                    if (!kw.endsWith(".")) {
                        if (list != null) {
                    } else {
                        String[] group = groups.get(kw);
                        for (String sub : group) {
                            if (list != null) {
                                list.add(kw + sub);
            int[] vals = { MathFunctions.length, StringFunctions.length, kwCount };
            for (int arg = 0; arg < nArgs; ++arg) {
                Var.Val argval = args[arg];
                if (argval != null) {
            return true;
        } // executeDEBUG_COMMANDS

        private String plusBase(int val) {
            return (val == 0) ? "0" : "1 + " + (val - 1);

        private String varStats(Var.Table symbols) {
            ArrayList<Var> vars = symbols.mVars;
            int scalars = 0;
            int arrays = 0;
            for (Var v : vars) {
                if (v instanceof Var.ScalarVar) {
                } else if (v.isArray()) {
            return "\n# variables: " + vars.size() + "\n  scalars  : " + scalars + "\n  arrays   : " + arrays;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_STATS() {
            if (Debug) {
                ActivityManager actvityManager = (ActivityManager) Run.this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
                PrintShow("Mem class  : " + actvityManager.getMemoryClass(), "Local scope" + varStats(mSymbolTable),
                        "Global scope" + varStats(mGlobalSymbolTable), "# labels   : " + Labels.size(),
                        "  lists    : " + plusBase(theLists.size()), // item 0 always present but not accessible
                        "  stacks   : " + plusBase(theStacks.size()), // item 0 always present but not accessible
                        "  bundles  : " + plusBase(theBundles.size()), // item 0 always present but not accessible
                        "  functions: " + mFunctionTable.size(), "    nested : " + FunctionStack.size(),
                        "  fonts    : " + plusBase(FontList.size()), // item 0 always present but not accessible
                        "  paints   : " + plusBase(PaintList.size()), // item 0 present after GR.Open but not accessible
                        "  bitmaps  : " + plusBase(BitmapList.size()), // item 0 present after GR.Open but not accessible
                        "DL size    : " + plusBase(DisplayList.size()), // item 0 present after GR.Open but not accessible
                        "RealDL size: " + plusBase(RealDisplayList.size()) // item 0 present after GR.Open but not accessible
                int c;
                c = InChar.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("InKey count: " + c);
                c = IfElseStack.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("IF stack   : " + c);
                c = ForNextStack.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("FOR stack  : " + c);
                c = WhileStack.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("WHILE stack: " + c);
                c = DoStack.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("DO stack   : " + c);
                c = GosubStack.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("GOSUB stack: " + c);
                c = FunctionStack.size();
                if (c != 0) {
                    PrintShow("Call stack : " + c);
            return true;

        private boolean executeDUMP_SCALARS() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            ArrayList<String> lines = dbDoScalars("");
            for (String line : lines) {
                if (line != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean executeDUMP_ARRAY() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            Var var = getVarAndType();
            if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
            if (var.isNew()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_EXISTS);
            // No checkEOL: ignore anything after the '['

            WatchedArray = var;
            ArrayList<String> lines = dbDoArray("");
            for (String line : lines) {
                if (line != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean executeDUMP_LIST() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            int listIndex = getListArg(); // get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            WatchedList = listIndex;
            ArrayList<String> lines = dbDoList("");
            for (String line : lines) {
                if (line != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean executeDUMP_STACK() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // get the stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            WatchedStack = stackIndex;
            ArrayList<String> lines = dbDoStack("");
            for (String line : lines) {
                if (line != null) {
            return true;

        private boolean executeDUMP_BUNDLE() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            WatchedBundle = bundleIndex;
            ArrayList<String> lines = dbDoBundle("");
            for (String line : lines) {
                if (line != null) {
            return true;

        //=====================DEBUGGER DIALOG STUFF========================

        private boolean executeDEBUG_WATCH_CLEAR() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            if (!checkEOL())
                return false;

            return (WatchedVars.isEmpty());

        private boolean executeDEBUG_WATCH() { // separate the names and store them
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            String text = ExecutingLineBuffer.text();
            int max = text.length() - 1;
            int ni = LineIndex; // start of name string
            do {
                int i = text.indexOf(',', ni);
                if (i < 0) {
                    i = max;
                Var var = getVarAndType();
                boolean add = (var != null);
                for (int j = 0; j < WatchedVars.size(); ++j) {
                    if (WatchedVars.get(j) == var) {
                        add = false;
                if (add) {
                LineIndex = ni = i + 1;
            } while (ni < max);
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_SCALARS() {
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_ARRAY() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            Var var = getVarAndType();
            if ((var == null) || !var.isArray()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_VAR);
            if (var.isNew()) {
                return RunTimeError(EXPECT_ARRAY_EXISTS);

            WatchedArray = var;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_LIST() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            int listIndex = getListArg(); // get the list pointer
            if (listIndex < 0)
                return false;

            WatchedList = listIndex;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_STACK() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            int stackIndex = getStackIndexArg(); // get the stack pointer
            if (stackIndex < 0)
                return false;

            WatchedStack = stackIndex;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_BUNDLE() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;

            int bundleIndex = getBundleArg(); // get the Bundle pointer
            if (bundleIndex < 0)
                return false;

            WatchedBundle = bundleIndex;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_WATCH() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_CONSOLE() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW_PROGRAM() {
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            return true;

        private boolean executeDEBUG_SHOW() { // trigger do debug dialog
            if (!Debug)
                return true;
            WaitForDebugResume = true; // make RunLoop() check debug flags
            DebuggerStep = true; // make RunLoop() start the debug dialog after this command
            return true;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoWatch(String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();

            if (!WatchedVars.isEmpty()) {
                int watchcount = WatchedVars.size();
                for (int j = 0; j < watchcount; ++j) {
                    Var wv = WatchedVars.get(j);
                    String line = dbDoOneScalar(wv, prefix);
                    if (line != null) {
            } else {
                msg.add("\n" + "Undefined.");
            return msg;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoFunc() {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
            String msgs = "";
            if (!FunctionStack.isEmpty()) {
                Stack<CallStackFrame> tempStack = (Stack<CallStackFrame>) FunctionStack.clone();
                do {
                    msgs = tempStack.pop().name() + msgs;
                } while (!tempStack.isEmpty());
            } else {
                msgs += "MainProgram";
            msg.add("In Function: " + msgs);
            return msg;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoScalars(String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
            msg.add("Scalar Dump");
            msg.add("  Local");
            for (Var var : mSymbolTable.mVars) {
                String line = dbDoOneScalar(var, prefix);
                if (line != null) {
            msg.add("  Global");
            for (Var var : mGlobalSymbolTable.mVars) {
                String line = dbDoOneScalar(var, prefix);
                if (line != null) {
            return msg;

        private String dbDoOneScalar(Var var, String prefix) {
            if (var == null) {
                return (prefix + "Warning: null variable");
            String name =;
            if (name.length() == 0) {
                return (prefix + "Warning: zero-length variable name");

            boolean isScalar = !var.isArray() && !var.isFunction();
            if (isScalar) {
                Var.Val val = var.val();
                boolean isString = var.isString();
                String line = prefix + name;
                line += " = " + (isString ? quote(val.sval()) : val.nval());
                return line;
            return null;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoArray(String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
            msg.add("Dumping Array " + + "]");

            Var.ArrayDef array = WatchedArray.arrayDef(); // get the array
            if (array == null) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Warning: null array table entry");
            } else {
                int length = array.length(); // get the array length
                // ArrayList<Integer> dims = array.dimList();
                // ArrayList<Integer> sizes = array.arraySizes();
                // msg.add("dims: " + dims.toString());
                // msg.add("sizes: " + sizes.toString());
                boolean isString = WatchedArray.isString();
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    msg.add(prefix + (isString ? quote(array.sval(i)) : array.nval(i)));
            return msg;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoList(String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
            msg.add("Dumping List " + WatchedList);

            if ((WatchedList < 0) || (WatchedList >= theLists.size())) {
                msg.add(prefix + "List has not been created.");
                return msg;

            ArrayList list = theLists.get(WatchedList); // get the list
            if (list == null) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Warning: null list variable");
                return msg;

            int length = list.size();
            if (length == 0) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Empty List");
            } else {
                boolean isString = (theListsType.get(WatchedList) == Var.Type.STR);
                for (Object item : list) { // get each item
                    String line;
                    if (item == null) {
                        line = "Warning: null list item";
                    } else {
                        line = item.toString();
                        if (isString) {
                            line = quote(line);
                    msg.add(prefix + line);
            return msg;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoStack(String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
            msg.add("Dumping stack " + WatchedStack);

            if ((WatchedStack < 0) || (WatchedStack >= theStacks.size())) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Stack has not been created.");
                return msg;

            Stack stack = theStacks.get(WatchedStack); // get the stack
            if (stack == null) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Warning: null list variable");
            } else if (stack.isEmpty()) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Empty Stack");
            } else {
                Stack tempStack = (Stack) stack.clone();
                boolean isString = (theStacksType.get(WatchedStack) == Var.Type.STR);
                do {
                    String line;
                    Object item = tempStack.pop(); // get each item
                    if (item == null) {
                        line = "Warning: null stack item";
                    } else {
                        line = item.toString();
                        if (isString) {
                            line = quote(line);
                    msg.add(prefix + line);
                } while (!tempStack.isEmpty());
            return msg;

        private ArrayList<String> dbDoBundle(String prefix) {
            ArrayList<String> msg = new ArrayList<String>();
            msg.add("Dumping Bundle " + WatchedBundle);

            if ((WatchedBundle < 0) || (WatchedBundle >= theBundles.size())) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Bundle has not been created.");
                return msg;

            Bundle b = theBundles.get(WatchedBundle); // get the bundle
            if (b == null) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Warning: null bundle variable");
                return msg;

            Set<String> set = b.keySet();
            if (set.size() == 0) {
                msg.add(prefix + "Empty Bundle");
                return msg;

            for (String s : set) {
                Object o = b.get(s);
                boolean isNumeric = o instanceof Double;
                msg.add(prefix + s + ": " + (isNumeric ? (Double) o : quote((String) o)));
            return msg;

    } // End of Interpreter

} // End of Run