Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



 * #%L
 * Rocky Music FX
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 1996 - 2014 Rockhopper Technologies
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Scanner;

import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.shape.QuadCurve;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Shape;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.FontSmoothingType;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * The things that are drawn on the notation canvas.
 * @author <a href="">Gene De Lisa</a>
public class MeasureSymbolManager {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MeasureSymbolManager.class);

     * these shapes are filled.
    private List<Shape> shapes = new ArrayList<>();

    private List<StaffSymbol> symbols = new ArrayList<>();

    private MeasureModel model;
    private ObservableList<MIDINote> noteList;
    private Measure measure;
    private List<Rectangle> beatRectangles = new ArrayList<>();

    private double inputBeatQuantization = Duration.SIXTY_FOURTH_NOTE;
    // metrics
    double quarterNoteWidth;
    double gclefWidth;
    double beatSpacing;
    double timeSignatureWidth;

    double staffWidth = 250d;

    private boolean drawBeatRectangles = true;

    private boolean drawClefs;

    private boolean drawKeySignature;

    private boolean drawTimeSignature;

    // private BooleanProperty drawBeatRectanglesProperty = new
    // SimpleBooleanProperty(
    // drawBeatRectangles);
    // private BooleanProperty drawTimeSignatureProperty = new
    // SimpleBooleanProperty(
    // drawTimeSignature);
    // private BooleanProperty drawClefsProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(
    // drawClefs);

    private boolean drawBrace;
    private BooleanProperty drawBraceProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(drawBrace);

    // private double beatPadding;

    DoubleProperty staffWidthProperty = new SimpleDoubleProperty();

    public MeasureSymbolManager() {


     * @param noteList
     *            the noteList to set
    public void setNoteList(ObservableList<MIDINote> list) {
        if (list == null) {
        noteList = list;
        noteList.addListener(new ListChangeListener<MIDINote>() {
            public void onChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends MIDINote> c) {
                logger.debug("notelist changed. refreshing");

     * Clear out the existing shapes, then calculate and add new ones. Draws a
     * simple representation. Does not pay any attention to the note's start
     * time. That what the MeasureCanvas will do when finished.
    public void refresh() {

        if (model == null) {
        // double x = model.getStartX() + 1d
        // * model.getFontSize();

        double x = model.getBeginningBarlineX();

        // this will be at model startx
        // sets first note x
        x = createStaves();
        // x = this.model.getStartX();

        if (this.drawTimeSignature) {
            if (!this.drawKeySignature)
                x += model.getFontSize() / 2d;
            x = addTimeSignature(x, 4, 4);

        // model.setFirstNoteX(x);

        if (noteList == null) {

        if (noteList.isEmpty()) {
        logger.debug("notelist {}", this.noteList);

        // TODO this doesn't cover initial rests i.e. when start beat > 1
        // TODO rests > 5 beats long don't work well
        MIDINote previousNote = noteList.get(0);
        MIDINote firstNote = noteList.get(0);
        double gap = firstNote.getStartBeat() - 1d;
        double eb = 1d;

        double beats = (double) measure.getTimeSignature().getNumerator();
        RangeSet<Double> durSet = TreeRangeSet.create();
        durSet.add(Range.closed(1d, beats));
        logger.debug("initial durSet {} beats {}", durSet, beats);

        for (MIDINote note : noteList) {

            Range<Double> noteRange = Range.closed(note.getStartBeat(), note.getEndBeat());
            logger.debug("durSet {} after removing {}", durSet, noteRange);

            logger.debug("beat {} beat in measure {}", note.getStartBeat(), measure.getBeatInMeasure(note));

            // figure out if there is a rest
            double sb = note.getStartBeat();
            if (sb > 1d) {
                eb = previousNote.getEndBeat();
            gap = sb - eb;
            double restbeat = (sb - gap) - this.measure.getStartBeat() + 1d;
            x = getXofBeatN(restbeat);
            logger.debug("sb {} eb {} gap {} x {} restbeat {}", sb, eb, gap, x, restbeat);
            if (gap > 0) {
                int pitch = note.getPitch().getMidiNumber();
                x = addRests(x, gap, pitch);
                x += model.getFontSize() / 2d;
                logger.debug("x {} after adding rest", x);
            } else {
                x += model.getFontSize() / 2d;

            // now worry about the note
            x = getXofBeatN(measure.getBeatInMeasure(note));
            // x = createSymbol(note, x);
            x = createStaffSymbol(note, x);

            logger.debug("x {} after adding symbol", x);
            if (gap >= 0) {
                logger.debug("adding padding");
                // some padding between the symbols
                x += model.getFontSize() / 2d;
                logger.debug("x {} after adding gap 0 spacingl", x);

            gap = 0;
            previousNote = note;

        logger.debug("final durSet {}", durSet);
        if (!durSet.isEmpty()) {
            // then there are rests
            for (Range<Double> restRange : durSet.asRanges()) {
                logger.debug("restRange {}", restRange);

        // push all the x locations to be the previous x + width
        // make sure all the rects are large enough, adjust widths and x
        // locations.
        // resize the staves to the new rectangles

    double addRests(double x, Range<Double> restRange, int pitch) {
        return x;

    double addRests(double x, double gap, int pitch) {

        String restString = Duration.getRestString(gap);
        logger.debug("rest string {}", restString);

        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(restString);
        while (scanner.hasNext()) {
            String rest =;
            Double restDur = Double.parseDouble(rest);
            logger.debug("rest {} dur {}", rest, restDur);

            String glyph = SymbolFactory.restWhole();

            // position is middle line
            double restYposition = 0d;
            // TODO quarter rest is ok. fix the other positions

            if (restDur == 4d) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.restWhole();
                if (pitch < 60) {
                    restYposition = model.bassMidiNumToY(Pitch.E4, false);
                } else {
                    restYposition = model.trebleMidiNumToY(Pitch.C6, false);
                Text text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x += (width * 1d);
            } else if (restDur == 3d) {
                // same symbol as whole rest but location is different
                glyph = SymbolFactory.restWhole();
                if (pitch < 60) {
                    restYposition = model.bassMidiNumToY(Pitch.D4, false);
                } else {
                    restYposition = model.trebleMidiNumToY(Pitch.B5, false);
                Text text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x += (width * 2d);

                glyph = SymbolFactory.restQuarter();
                text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                x += (width * 1d);

            } else if (restDur == 2d) {
                // same symbol as whole rest but location is different
                glyph = SymbolFactory.restWhole();
                if (pitch < 60) {
                    restYposition = model.bassMidiNumToY(Pitch.D4, false);
                } else {
                    restYposition = model.trebleMidiNumToY(Pitch.B5, false);
                Text text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x += (width * 1d);
            } else if (restDur == 1d) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.restQuarter();
                if (pitch < 60) {
                    restYposition = model.bassMidiNumToY(Pitch.D4, false);
                } else {
                    restYposition = model.trebleMidiNumToY(Pitch.B5, false);
                Text text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x += (width * 1d);
            } else if (restDur == .5d) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.rest8th();

                if (pitch < 60) {
                    restYposition = model.bassMidiNumToY(Pitch.D4, false);
                } else {
                    restYposition = model.trebleMidiNumToY(Pitch.B5, false);
                Text text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x += (width * 1d);
                // punt on the rest of them
            } else if (restDur < .5d) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.rest16th();
                if (pitch < 60) {
                    restYposition = model.bassMidiNumToY(Pitch.C4, false);
                } else {
                    restYposition = model.trebleMidiNumToY(Pitch.A5, false);
                Text text = addText(x, restYposition, glyph);
                double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x += (width * 1d);

        } // while scanner
        return x;


    boolean isTreble(int pitch) {
        return pitch >= Pitch.C5;

    void normalizeRectangles() {
        for (int index = 0; index < this.beatRectangles.size() - 1; index++) {
            Rectangle beat = this.beatRectangles.get(index);
            Rectangle nextBeat = this.beatRectangles.get(index + 1);
            double x = beat.getX() + beat.getWidth();


    void dumpBeatRectangles() {
        for (Rectangle beat : this.beatRectangles) {
            logger.debug("beat rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}", beat.getX(), beat.getY(), beat.getWidth(),

     * Here's the problem. The initial size of each beat was simply based on the
     * size of the drawn measure.
     * <p>
     * At this point, there should be shapes for each beat created. Now we
     * iterate across those shopes, get their sizes, and resize the beat
     * accordingly.
    void enlargeBeatRectangles() {

        // double newx = model.getFirstNoteX();

        for (int beat = 0; beat < this.beatRectangles.size(); beat++) {
            int beat1based = beat + 1;

            // the width of the symbols
            double width = getWidthOfBeat(beat1based);

            Rectangle rect = this.beatRectangles.get(beat);
            logger.debug("symbol width is {} for beat {}", width, beat1based);
            logger.debug("rect width is {} for beat {} rect x is {}", rect.getWidth(), beat1based, rect.getX());

            // if (beat1based == 1) {
            // newx = model.getFirstNoteX();
            // } else {
            // newx = rect.getX();
            // }
            // newx = rect.getX();
            // logger.debug("new x is {} for beat {}", newx, beat1based);
            if (width > rect.getWidth()) {
            List<StaffSymbol> list = getSymbolsAtBeat(beat1based);
            if (list.size() > 0) {
                // double xinc = (width) / list.size();
                // logger.debug(
                // "xinc is {} for list size {} with width {}",
                // xinc,
                // list.size(),
                // width);
                for (StaffSymbol s : list) {
                    double x = getXofBeatN(s.getNote().getStartBeat());

                // now fix up the x locations of the rectangles
        if (!this.beatRectangles.isEmpty()) {
            Rectangle r = this.beatRectangles.get(this.beatRectangles.size() - 1);
            if (r != null) {
                this.setStaffWidth(r.getX() + r.getWidth());


     * @param beat
     *            the 1 based beat
     * @return the symbols
    List<StaffSymbol> getSymbolsAtBeat(int beat) {
        // beat++;
        List<StaffSymbol> list = new ArrayList<>();
        logger.debug("iterating symbols of size {}", symbols.size());
        for (StaffSymbol s : this.symbols) {
            MIDINote note = s.getNote();
            if (note != null) {
                int floor = (int) Math.floor(note.getStartBeat());
                logger.debug("checking beat {} with note floor {} note {}", beat, floor, note);
                if (floor == beat) {
                    logger.debug("adding note {}", note);
            } else {
                logger.debug("note is null for symbol {}", s);

        return list;

     * Create a StaffSymbol for the {@code MIDINote}.
     * @param note
     *            a MIDINote
     * @param x
     *            the x locaiton where this symbol will appear
     * @return a StaffSymbol
    private double createStaffSymbol(final MIDINote note, double x) {
        int pitch = note.getPitch().getMidiNumber();
        double duration = note.getDuration();
        String glyph = "";

        // int index = (int) Math.floor(note.getStartBeat()) - 1;
        int index = (int) Math.floor(measure.getBeatInMeasure(note)) - 1;

        Rectangle beatRectangle = this.beatRectangles.get(index);
        // logger.debug(
        // "beat rect for index {} the rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}",
        // index,
        // beatRectangle.getX(),
        // beatRectangle.getY(),
        // beatRectangle.getWidth(),
        // beatRectangle.getHeight());

        // let's try without. remove calls if this works.
        beatRectangle = new Rectangle();

        // Rectangle nextBeatRectangle = null;
        // index++;
        // if (index < this.beatRectangles.size() - 1) {
        // nextBeatRectangle = this.beatRectangles.get(index);
        // logger.debug(
        // "next beat rect for index {} the rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}",
        // index,
        // nextBeatRectangle.getX(),
        // nextBeatRectangle.getY(),
        // nextBeatRectangle.getWidth(),
        // nextBeatRectangle.getHeight());
        // }

        // 1 get accidental
        // 2 determine stem direction
        // 3 get duration

        // for non accidentals.
        double y = model.getYpositionForPitch(pitch, true);

        StaffSymbol staffSymbol = new StaffSymbol();
        // shapes.add(staffSymbol);

        if (isSpellingFlat(note)) {
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flat();
            logger.debug("is flat");
            y = model.getYpositionForPitch(pitch, true);

            x += staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        if (isSpellingSharp(note)) {
            glyph =;
            logger.debug("is sharp");
            y = model.getYpositionForPitch(pitch, false);

            x += staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        double center = 0d;
        if (isTreble(pitch)) {
            center = model.getTrebleStaffCenter();
        } else {
            center = model.getBassStaffCenter();

        boolean stemUp = true;
        if (y < center) {
            stemUp = false;
        } else {
            stemUp = true;
        logger.debug("is stem up? {}", stemUp);

        QuadCurve tie = null;

        // Now pick the duration. not complete right now.
        // this ignores beaming completely.

        // whole
        if (duration - 4d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 4d;
            glyph = SymbolFactory.noteWhole();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;

        // dotted half
        if (duration - 3d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 3d;
            if (stemUp) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfUp();
            } else {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            x += width;

            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;


        // half
        if (duration - 2d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 2d;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadHalf();
                addStemHalf(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // dotted quarter
        if (duration - 1.5 >= 0d) {
            duration -= 1.5;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            x += width;
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

            // now add the dot
            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            // space between note and dot
            x += width / 2d;

            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // quarter
        if (duration - 1d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 1d;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                logger.debug("shoud draw stem at x {} y {}", x, y);
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterDown();

            logger.debug("quarter note. remainder {}", duration);

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            x += width;

            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            // beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);


        // dotted eighth
        if (duration - .75 >= 0d) {
            duration -= .75;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
                add8thFlag(staffSymbol, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

            // now add the dot
            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            // space between note and dot
            x += width / 2d;
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

            logger.debug("dotted eighth note. remainder {}", duration);


        // TODO
        // quarter triplet
        double qtriplet = 2d / 3d;
        if (duration - qtriplet >= 0d) {
            duration -= qtriplet;
            if (stemUp) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp();
            } else {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

        // eighth
        if (duration - .5 >= 0d) {
            duration -= .5;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
                add8thFlag(staffSymbol, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thDown();

            logger.debug("eighth note. remainder {}", duration);

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // 16th
        if (duration - Duration.SIXTEENTH_NOTE >= 0d) {
            duration -= Duration.SIXTEENTH_NOTE;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
                add16thFlag(staffSymbol, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note16thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note16thDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

            // beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        double etriplet = 1d / 3d;
        if (duration - etriplet >= 0d) {
            duration -= etriplet;
            if (stemUp) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thUp();
            } else {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thDown();
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // .1875 dotted 32nd
        double d = Duration.getDotted(Duration.THIRTY_SECOND_NOTE);

        // 32nd
        // s+ c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t
        if (duration - Duration.THIRTY_SECOND_NOTE >= 0d) {
            duration -= Duration.THIRTY_SECOND_NOTE;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                logger.debug("shoud draw stem at x {} y {}", x, y);
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
                add32ndFlag(staffSymbol, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note32ndUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note32ndDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // 64th
        // s+ c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x
        if (duration - Duration.SIXTY_FOURTH_NOTE >= 0d) {
            duration -= Duration.SIXTY_FOURTH_NOTE;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                logger.debug("shoud draw stem at x {} y {}", x, y);
                addStem(staffSymbol, center, x, y, stemUp);
                add64thFlag(staffSymbol, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note64thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note64thDown();

            addLedgers(staffSymbol, note, x);
            double width = staffSymbol.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            // beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        logger.debug("Added staff symbol {}", staffSymbol);
        return x;

    private void endTie(double x, double y, QuadCurve slur, double width) {
        double endx = x - width / 2d;
        // the center of the slur
        double cx = slur.getStartX() + (endx - slur.getStartX()) / 2d;

    private QuadCurve startTieUnder(double x, double y, double width) {
        QuadCurve slur;
        slur = new QuadCurve();
        slur.setStartX(x + width / 2d);
        // slur.setStartX(x + width );
        slur.setStartY(y + model.getLineInc());
        slur.setEndY(y + model.getLineInc());
        // control x is set when added
        // slur.setControlY(y + 25d); // + is under
        slur.setControlY(y + model.getLineInc() * 2d); // + is under
        // slur.setStroke(Color.web("#b9c0c5"));
        return slur;

    private QuadCurve startTieOver(double x, double y, double width) {
        QuadCurve slur;
        slur = new QuadCurve();
        slur.setStartX(x + width / 2d);
        // slur.setStartY(y + grandStaffModel.getYSpacing());
        slur.setStartY(y - model.getLineInc());
        slur.setEndY(y - model.getLineInc());
        // control x is set when added
        slur.setControlY(y - model.getLineInc() * 2d); // + is under
        return slur;

    // private void endTieOver(double x, double y, QuadCurve slur, double width)
    // {
    // double endx = x - width / 2d;
    // slur.setEndX(endx);
    // slur.setEndY(y);
    // // the center of the slur
    // double cx = slur.getStartX() + (endx - slur.getStartX()) / 2d;
    // slur.setControlX(cx);
    // shapes.add(slur);
    // }

    private void add8thFlag(double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        String glyph;
        Point2D p = null;
        double fx;
        if (stemUp) {
            p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpNW("flag8thUp");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag8thUp();
            fx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
        } else {
            p = SymbolFactory.stemDownSW("flag8thDown");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag8thDown();
            fx = x + p.getX();

        double fy = model.getStaffCenterLine() + p.getY();
        logger.debug("adding flag at x {} y {}", x + fx, fy);
        addText(fx, fy, glyph);

    private void add16thFlag(double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        String glyph;
        Point2D p = null;
        double fx;
        if (stemUp) {
            p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpNW("flag16thUp");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag16thUp();
            fx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
        } else {
            p = SymbolFactory.stemDownSW("flag16thDown");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag16thDown();
            fx = x + p.getX();

        double fy = model.getStaffCenterLine() + p.getY();
        logger.debug("adding flag at x {} y {}", x + p.getX(), fy);
        addText(fx, fy, glyph);

    private void add8thFlag(StaffSymbol symbol, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        String glyph;
        Point2D p = null;
        double fx;
        if (stemUp) {
            p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpNW("flag8thUp");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag8thUp();
            fx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
        } else {
            p = SymbolFactory.stemDownSW("flag8thDown");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag8thDown();
            fx = x + p.getX();

        double fy = model.getStaffCenterLine() + p.getY();
        logger.debug("adding flag at x {} y {}", x + fx, fy);
        Text flag = newText(fx, fy, glyph);

    private void add16thFlag(StaffSymbol symbol, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        String glyph;
        Point2D p = null;
        double fx;
        if (stemUp) {
            p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpNW("flag16thUp");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag16thUp();
            fx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
        } else {
            p = SymbolFactory.stemDownSW("flag16thDown");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag16thDown();
            fx = x + p.getX();

        double fy = model.getStaffCenterLine() + p.getY();
        logger.debug("adding flag at x {} y {}", x + p.getX(), fy);
        Text flag = newText(fx, fy, glyph);

    private void add32ndFlag(StaffSymbol symbol, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        String glyph;
        Point2D p = null;
        double fx;
        if (stemUp) {
            p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpNW("flag32ndUp");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag32ndUp();
            fx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
        } else {
            p = SymbolFactory.stemDownSW("flag32ndDown");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag32ndDown();
            fx = x + p.getX();

        double fy = model.getStaffCenterLine() + p.getY();
        logger.debug("adding flag at x {} y {}", x + p.getX(), fy);
        Text flag = newText(fx, fy, glyph);

    private void add64thFlag(StaffSymbol symbol, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        String glyph;
        Point2D p = null;
        double fx;
        if (stemUp) {
            p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpNW("flag64thUp");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag64thUp();
            fx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
        } else {
            p = SymbolFactory.stemDownSW("flag64thDown");
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flag64thDown();
            fx = x + p.getX();

        double fy = model.getStaffCenterLine() + p.getY();
        logger.debug("adding flag at x {} y {}", x + p.getX(), fy);
        Text flag = newText(fx, fy, glyph);

     * "flag16thDown": { "stemDownSW": [ 0.0, 0.128 ] }, "flag16thUp": {
     * "stemUpNW": [ 0.0, -0.088 ] },

     * "flag8thDown": { "stemDownSW": [ 0.0, 0.132 ] }, "flag8thUp": {
     * "stemUpNW": [ 0.0, -0.048 ] },

    private void addStemHalf(double center, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        if (stemUp) {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpSE("noteheadHalf");
            double lx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);
            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());
        } else {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemDownNW("noteheadHalf");
            double lx = x + p.getX();
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);
            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());

    private void addStemHalf(StaffSymbol symbol, double center, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        if (stemUp) {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpSE("noteheadHalf");
            double lx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);
            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());
        } else {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemDownNW("noteheadHalf");
            double lx = x + p.getX();
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);
            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());

    private void addStem(double center, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        if (stemUp) {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpSE("noteheadBlack");
            double lx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
            // double lx = x + p.getX();
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);

            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());
            logger.debug("added stem x {} y {}, center {}", lx, ly, center);
        } else {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemDownNW("noteheadBlack");
            double lx = x + p.getX();
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);

            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());
            logger.debug("added stem x {} y {}, center {}", lx, ly, center);
        logger.debug("added stem");

    private void addStem(StaffSymbol symbol, double center, double x, double y, boolean stemUp) {
        if (stemUp) {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemUpSE("noteheadBlack");
            double lx = x + p.getX() + this.quarterNoteWidth;
            // double lx = x + p.getX();
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);

            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());

            logger.debug("added stem x {} y {}, center {}", lx, ly, center);
        } else {
            Point2D p = SymbolFactory.getStemDownNW("noteheadBlack");
            double lx = x + p.getX();
            double ly = y + p.getY();
            Line line = new Line(lx, ly, lx, center);

            // line.setStrokeWidth(SymbolFactory.getStemThickness());

            logger.debug("added stem x {} y {}, center {}", lx, ly, center);
        logger.debug("added stem");

     * "noteheadBlack": { "stemDownNW": [ 0.0, -0.184 ], "stemUpSE": [ 1.328,
     * 0.184 ] },

    private Text addText(double x, double y, String glyph) {
        Text text = newText(x, y, glyph);

        // return the Text so the caller can query for the width etc.
        return text;

    private Text newText(double x, double y, String glyph) {
        Text text = new Text(x, y, glyph);

        text.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
            // text.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
            public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
                Text r = (Text) me.getSource();
                MIDINote note = (MIDINote) r.getUserData();
                if (note != null) {
                    logger.debug("note for text is {}", note);
                } else {
                    logger.debug("note for text is null");

        // return the Text so the caller can query for the width etc.
        return text;

    public static final boolean isSpellingFlat(MIDINote note) {
        String spelling = note.getSpelling();
        if (spelling == null) {
            spelling = PitchFormat.getInstance().format(note.getMidiNumber());
        spelling = spelling.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        if (spelling.charAt(1) == 'B' || spelling.charAt(1) == 'F') {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static final boolean isSpellingSharp(MIDINote note) {
        String spelling = note.getSpelling();
        if (spelling == null) {
            spelling = PitchFormat.getInstance().format(note.getMidiNumber());
        if (spelling.charAt(1) == '#' || spelling.charAt(1) == 'S') {
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean shouldDrawStem(int pitch) {
        boolean draw = false;
        if (isTreble(pitch)) {
            if (pitch > Pitch.C7) {
                draw = true;
            if (pitch < Pitch.B4) {
                draw = true;
        } else {
            if (pitch > Pitch.D5) {
                draw = true;
            if (pitch < Pitch.D3) {
                draw = true;
            logger.debug("bass clef pith {} draw {}", pitch, draw);

        return draw;

    public final void addLedgers(StaffSymbol staffSymbol, MIDINote note, double x) {
        int pitch = note.getPitch().getMidiNumber();
        // String line = SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(0x005A);
        // String line = SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(94);
        // line = "___";

        // these seem to be the only ones that actually draw
        String line = SymbolFactory.staff1Line();
        // String line = SymbolFactory.staff1LineWide();

        double lineinc = model.getLineInc();
        double staffBottom = 0d;
        double staffTop = 0d;
        boolean useFlat = true;

        // lacking fontmetrics, we guess at centering the ledger
        // double lx = grandStaffModel.getFontSize() / 4.3;
        // double lx = grandStaffModel.stringWidth(line) / 4d;
        double lx = 0d;

        // double width = line.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        if (isSpellingFlat(note)) {
            useFlat = true;
        if (isSpellingSharp(note)) {
            useFlat = false;

        if (isTreble(pitch)) {
            staffBottom = model.getTrebleStaffBottom();
            staffTop = model.getTrebleStaffTop();
            if (pitch < Pitch.CS5) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.TREBLE);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffBottom + lineinc + lineinc * i);
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.staff1Line());
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(0x005F));

                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);
                    Text text = newText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);


            if (pitch > Pitch.FS6) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.TREBLE);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffTop - lineinc - lineinc * i);
                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);

                    Text text = newText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);
        } else {
            staffBottom = model.getBassStaffBottom();
            staffTop = model.getBassStaffTop();
            if (pitch < Pitch.F3) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.BASS);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffBottom + lineinc + lineinc * i);
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.staff1Line());
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(0x005F));

                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);
                    // addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    Text text = newText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);

            if (pitch > Pitch.B4) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.BASS);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffTop - lineinc - lineinc * i);
                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);
                    // addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    Text text = newText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);


    public final void addLedgers(MIDINote note, double x) {
        int pitch = note.getPitch().getMidiNumber();
        // String line = SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(0x005A);
        // String line = SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(94);
        // line = "___";

        // these seem to be the only ones that actually draw
        String line = SymbolFactory.staff1Line();
        // String line = SymbolFactory.staff1LineWide();

        double lineinc = model.getLineInc();
        double staffBottom = 0d;
        double staffTop = 0d;
        boolean useFlat = true;

        // lacking fontmetrics, we guess at centering the ledger
        // double lx = grandStaffModel.getFontSize() / 4.3;
        // double lx = grandStaffModel.stringWidth(line) / 4d;
        double lx = 0d;

        // double width = line.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        if (isSpellingFlat(note)) {
            useFlat = true;
        if (isSpellingSharp(note)) {
            useFlat = false;

        if (isTreble(pitch)) {
            staffBottom = model.getTrebleStaffBottom();
            staffTop = model.getTrebleStaffTop();
            if (pitch < Pitch.CS5) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.TREBLE);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffBottom + lineinc + lineinc * i);
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.staff1Line());
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(0x005F));

                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);
                    Text text = addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);


            if (pitch > Pitch.FS6) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.TREBLE);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffTop - lineinc - lineinc * i);
                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);

                    Text text = addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);

        } else {
            staffBottom = model.getBassStaffBottom();
            staffTop = model.getBassStaffTop();
            if (pitch < Pitch.F3) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.BASS);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffBottom + lineinc + lineinc * i);
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.staff1Line());
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x, ly,
                    // SymbolFactory.unicodeToString(0x005F));

                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);
                    // addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    Text text = addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);


            if (pitch > Pitch.B4) {
                int nledgers = model.getNumberOfLedgers(pitch, useFlat, Clef.BASS);
                logger.debug("there are {} ledgers for pitch {}", nledgers, pitch);

                for (int i = 0; i < nledgers; i++) {
                    double ly = (staffTop - lineinc - lineinc * i);
                    ly += lineinc * 2d; // 1linestaff kludge
                    logger.debug("ledger y {}", ly);
                    // StaffSymbol symbol = new StaffSymbol(x - lx, ly, line);
                    // symbols.add(symbol);
                    // addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    Text text = addText(x - lx, ly, line);
                    double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                    lx = width / 4d;
                    text.setX(x - lx);



     * Enh. kiudge.
     * @param noteNum
     * @return if the note needs flats
    private static boolean needFlats(int noteNum) {
        int pc;

        pc = noteNum % 12;
        switch (pc) {
        case 1:
        case 3:
        case 6:
        case 8:
        case 10:
            return (true);
        return (false);

    void calcMetrics() {
        // do some metrics
        Text text = new Text(SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp());
        this.quarterNoteWidth = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        this.gclefWidth = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        this.timeSignatureWidth = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        // this.beatSpacing = quarterNoteWidth * 2d;

        // get the width of a beat
        String glyph = + SymbolFactory.note8thUp() + SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
        Text t = new Text(glyph);
        this.beatSpacing = t.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        // this.beatPadding = this.quarterNoteWidth;

        logger.debug("quarter note width {}", quarterNoteWidth);
        logger.debug("gclefWidth  width {}", gclefWidth);
        logger.debug("beatSpacing  width {}", beatSpacing);

     * @param beat
     *            1-based beat
     * @return the x location of that beat
    double getXofBeatN(double beat) {
        beat -= 1;
        if (beat < 0 || beat > this.beatRectangles.size())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad beat " + beat);

        int beatIndex = (int) Math.floor(beat);
        Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) this.beatRectangles.get(beatIndex);
        logger.debug("for beat {} index {} the rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}", beat + 1, beatIndex, rect.getX(),
                rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());

        double x = rect.getX();
        double mant = beat - Math.floor(beat);
        logger.debug("mant {} ", mant);
        if (mant != 0d) {
            mant = this.quantize(mant, inputBeatQuantization);
            logger.debug("man quantized {} ", mant);
            x += rect.getWidth() * mant;
        logger.debug("returning x {} for beat {}", x, beat + 1);
        return x;

     * Get the beat for x. Ignores fractional beats.
     * @param x
     *            the x location
     * @return the rounded beat
     * @see #getBeatFractionForX(double)
    public double getBeatForX(double x) {
        double beat = 0d;
        for (Rectangle r : this.beatRectangles) {
            logger.debug("x {} for beat {} the rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}", x, beat, r.getX(), r.getY(),
                    r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());
            if (r.contains(x, model.getStaffBottom())) {
        return beat;

     * Return the beat plus fraction of the beat.
     * @param x
     *            the x location
     * @return the exact beat
    public double getBeatFractionForX(double x) {
        double beat = 0d;
        //x -= model.getFirstNoteX();
        for (Rectangle r : this.beatRectangles) {
            if (r.contains(x, model.getStaffBottom())) {
                logger.debug("x {} is contained at beat {}", x, beat);
                double fraction = (x - model.getFirstNoteX()) / r.getWidth() - beat;
                logger.debug("beat fraction {}", fraction);
                beat += fraction;
                beat++; // beats are 1 based
        return beat;

    // c,1,.25 c,1.25,.25 c,1.5,.25

    double quantize(double value, double q) {
        return Math.floor(value / q) * q;

    public void setMeasure(Measure measure) {
        this.measure = measure;

     * Determine the number of attacks in a beat. e.g. c,1,q would be one. c,1,e
     * c,1.5,3 would be two.
     * @param track
     *            a track for a beat
     * @return the number of attacks
    int getNAttacks(MIDITrack track) {
        int a = 0;
        double last = 0d;
        for (MIDINote n : track) {
            if (n.getStartBeat() != last) {
                last = n.getStartBeat();
        logger.debug("returning {} attacks", a);
        return a;

    List<Shape> shapesAtBeat(int beat) {
        logger.debug("searching for shapes at beat {} n shapes is {}", beat, this.shapes.size());
        List<Shape> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Shape s : this.shapes) {
            MIDINote note = (MIDINote) s.getUserData();
            if (note != null) {
                int sb = (int) Math.floor(note.getStartBeat());
                logger.debug("checking start beat {}", sb);
                if (sb == beat) {
            } else {
                logger.debug("note is null for shape {}", s);
        return list;

     * Count the widths of shapes at beat.
     * @param beat
     *            which beat. 1 based.
     * @return the width
    double getWidthOfBeat(int beat) {

        // double shapePadding = model.getFontSize() / 2d;
        double width = 0;
        // List<Shape> list = shapesAtBeat(beat);
        List<StaffSymbol> list = getSymbolsAtBeat(beat);
        logger.debug("{} shapes at beat {}", list.size(), beat);
        for (StaffSymbol s : list) {
            // width += s.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            width += s.getWidth();
            // width += shapePadding;
            // width += this.beatPadding;
        logger.debug("returning Beat {} with width {}", beat, width);
        return width;

    private void createBeatRectangles() {

        TimeSignature t = null;
        if (this.measure == null) {
            t = new TimeSignature(4, 4);
        } else {
            t = this.measure.getTimeSignature();

        // set up beat widths. create a Rectangle for each beat.

        double x = this.model.getFirstNoteX();
        // double y = this.staffModel.getBassStaffBottom();
        double y = this.model.getTrebleStaffTop();
        double height = this.model.getBassStaffBottom() - this.model.getTrebleStaffTop();

        // equal size rectangles based on the width of the staff
        double beatWidth = (this.staffWidth - model.getFirstNoteX()) / t.getNumerator();
        logger.debug("beat width is {} for staff width {}", beatWidth, this.staffWidth);
        logger.debug("first note x {} staffwidth -x {}", model.getFirstNoteX(), staffWidth - model.getFirstNoteX());

        for (double bbeat = 1d; bbeat <= t.getNumerator(); bbeat += 1d) {
            logger.debug("looping beat {}", bbeat);

            // nah. the beat witdh needs to be a percentage of the emtpy beat
            // width.
            // the rectangle should grow only if there are too many notes to fit
            // within the beat.

            if (this.measure != null) {
                MIDITrack nlAtBeat = this.measure.getNotesAtBeat(bbeat);

                // determine width of this beat
                // should be num different start beats within beat * spacing
                // beatWidth = (getNAttacks(nlAtBeat) + 1d) * this.beatSpacing;

                // KeySignature ks = measure.getKeySignatureAtBeat(bbeat);
                // if (ks == null) {
                // ks = KeySignature.CMAJOR;
                // }
                // for (MIDINote n : nlAtBeat) {
                // if (isAccidental(ks, n.getMidiNumber())) {
                // }
                // }

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, beatWidth, height);
            rect.setFill(Color.web("blue", 0.1));
            rect.setStroke(Color.web("blue", 0.7));
            logger.debug("rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}", rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(),
            // rect.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
            // @Override
            // public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
            // Rectangle r = (Rectangle) me.getSource();
            // int beat = beatRectangles.indexOf(r);
            // List<MIDINote> notes = getNotesAtBeat(beat);
            // for (MIDINote note : notes) {
            // }
            // }
            // });

            // this.getChildren().add(rect);
            x += beatWidth;

            // if (nlAtBeat != null && nlAtBeat.size() != 0) {
            // double shortest = nlAtBeat.getShortestDuration();
            // }

    protected List<MIDINote> getNotesAtBeat(int beat) {
        List<MIDINote> list = new ArrayList<>();
        return list;

    public static boolean isAccidental(KeySignature ks, int pitch) {
        boolean accidental = false;
        Scale scale = getScale(ks);
        accidental = scale.isDiatonic(pitch);
        return accidental;

    static Scale getScale(KeySignature ks) {
        String key;
        String name;
        if (ks.isMajor()) {
            name = "Major";
        } else {
            name = "Melodic Minor";
        key = ks.getRoot().getPreferredSpelling();
        Scale scale = ScaleFactory.getScaleByKeyAndName(key, name);
        logger.debug("scale {}", scale);
        return scale;

    public void setMeasureModel(MeasureModel mm) {
        this.model = mm;


        // KeySignature keysig = this.measure.getKeySignatureAtBeat(1d);


        model.fontSizeProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
                logger.debug("new font size {}", newValue);

        model.staffWidthProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {


        model.measureProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Measure>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Measure> observable, Measure oldValue, Measure newValue) {


        model.drawBeatRectanglesProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
                drawBeatRectangles = true;
        model.drawKeySignatureProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
                drawKeySignature = newValue;
        model.drawTimeSignatureProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
                drawTimeSignature = true;
        model.drawClefsProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
                drawClefs = true;
        model.drawBracesProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
            public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
                drawBrace = true;

        // this.drawBeatRectanglesProperty.bind(this.model.getDrawBeatRectanglesProperty());
        // this.drawTimeSignatureProperty.bind(this.model.getDrawTimeSignatureProperty());
        // this.drawClefsProperty.bind(this.model.getDrawClefsProperty());


    private BooleanProperty drawBeatsProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
    private BooleanProperty drawBracesProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
    private BooleanProperty drawTimeSignatureProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
    private BooleanProperty drawKeySignatureProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
    private BooleanProperty drawClefsProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);

    BooleanProperty drawBeatsProperty() {
        return drawBeatsProperty;

    BooleanProperty drawTimeSignatureProperty() {
        return drawTimeSignatureProperty;

    BooleanProperty drawKeySignatureProperty() {
        return drawKeySignatureProperty;

    BooleanProperty drawClefsProperty() {
        return drawClefsProperty;

    BooleanProperty drawBracesProperty() {
        return drawBracesProperty;

     * @return the shapes
    public List<Shape> getShapes() {
        if (this.drawBeatsProperty.get()) {
        return shapes;

    public double addTimeSignature(double x, int timeSigNum, int timeSigDen) {

        double advance = x;
        // which ts number string is the longest?

        Text numerator;
        Text numerator1;
        switch (timeSigNum) {
        case 0:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
        case 1:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig1());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig1());
        case 2:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig2());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig2());
        case 3:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig3());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig3());
        case 4:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig4());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig4());
        case 5:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig5());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig5());
        case 6:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig6());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig6());
        case 7:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig7());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig7());
        case 8:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig8());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig8());
        case 9:
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig9());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig9());
            numerator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
            numerator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
        Text denomenator;
        Text denomenator1;
        switch (timeSigDen) {
        case 0:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
        case 1:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig1());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig1());
        case 2:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig2());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig2());
        case 3:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig3());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig3());
        case 4:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig4());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig4());
        case 5:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig5());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig5());
        case 6:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig6());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig6());
        case 7:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig7());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig7());
        case 8:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig8());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig8());
        case 9:
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig9());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig9());
            denomenator = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());
            denomenator1 = new Text(SymbolFactory.timeSig0());


        double numwidth = numerator.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
        double denomwidth = denomenator.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
        double offset = 0d;

        double ty = model.getTrebleStaffBottom();
        double by = model.getBassStaffBottom();

        if (numwidth > denomwidth) {
            offset = numwidth / 2d;
            offset -= denomwidth / 2d;
            numerator.setY(ty - 3d * model.getLineInc());
            denomenator.setX(x + offset);
            denomenator.setY(ty - 1d * model.getLineInc());

            numerator1.setY(by - 3d * model.getLineInc());
            denomenator1.setX(x + offset);
            denomenator1.setY(by - 1d * model.getLineInc());

            advance += numwidth;

        } else if (numwidth < denomwidth) {
            offset = denomwidth / 2d;
            offset -= numwidth / 2d;
            numerator.setX(x + offset);
            numerator.setY(ty - 3d * model.getLineInc());
            denomenator.setY(ty - 1d * model.getLineInc());

            numerator1.setX(x + offset);
            numerator1.setY(by - 3d * model.getLineInc());
            denomenator1.setY(by - 1d * model.getLineInc());
            advance += numwidth;

        } else if (numwidth == denomwidth) {
            numerator.setY(ty - 3d * model.getLineInc());
            denomenator.setY(ty - 1d * model.getLineInc());

            numerator1.setY(by - 3d * model.getLineInc());
            denomenator1.setY(by - 1d * model.getLineInc());
            advance += numwidth;


        // model.setFirstNoteX(x + advance + model.getFontSize() / 2d);
        model.setFirstNoteX(advance + model.getFontSize() / 2d);

        return advance;

    // public void setShowBeats(boolean showBeats) {
    // this.drawBeatRectangles = showBeats;
    // }

    public void setStaffWidth(double width) {
        this.staffWidth = width;
        logger.debug("staff width set to {}", staffWidth);

    double createStaves() {
        logger.debug("new staffwidth {}", this.staffWidth);
        return createStaves(this.staffWidth);

     * Create the staves.
     * The model's first note x is set to either the opening barline plus .5 of
     * the fontsize or a bit after the clef.
     * @param staffWidth
     *            how wide
     * @return the advance
    double createStaves(double staffWidth) {
        logger.debug("drawing the staves {}", staffWidth);
        double x = model.getStartX();
        double y = model.getStaffBottom();
        double yspacing = model.getYSpacing();
        Font font = model.getFont();

        y = model.getBassStaffBottom();
        if (this.drawBrace) {
            Text brace = new Text(x, y, SymbolFactory.brace());
            x += (4d * brace.getLayoutBounds().getWidth());

        model.setFirstNoteX(x + model.getFontSize() / 2d);

        Line barline = new Line(x, model.getBassStaffBottom(), x,
                model.getTrebleStaffBottom() - model.getLineInc() * 4);
        x += (barline.getLayoutBounds().getWidth());

        double clefX = x + model.getFontSize() / 4d;
        y = model.getTrebleStaffBottom();

        double trebleClefWidth = 0;
        if (this.drawClefs) {
            // just some spacing
            // x += staffModel.getFontSize();
            // double clefX = x+10d;
            Text trebleClef = new Text(clefX, y - (yspacing * 2d), SymbolFactory.gClef());
            trebleClefWidth = trebleClef.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            clefX = x + trebleClefWidth / 2d;

            model.setFirstNoteX(clefX + trebleClefWidth + model.getFontSize() / 2d);

        String staff = SymbolFactory.staff5Lines();
        // double staffStringIncrement = model.getFontSize() / 2d;
        Text text = new Text(staff);
        double staffStringIncrement = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        // draw the treble staff
        // for (double xx = x; xx < staffWidth - staffStringIncrement; xx +=
        // staffStringIncrement) {
        for (double xx = x; xx < staffWidth; xx += staffStringIncrement) {
            text = new Text(xx, y, staff);

        y = model.getBassStaffBottom();
        if (this.drawClefs) {
            y = model.getBassStaffBottom();
            Text bassClef = new Text(clefX, y - (yspacing * 6d), SymbolFactory.fClef());

        // draw the bass staff
        for (double xx = x; xx < staffWidth; xx += staffStringIncrement) {
            text = new Text(xx, y, staff);

        if (this.drawKeySignature) {
            logger.debug("drawing ks");
            x = drawKeySignature(x + trebleClefWidth + model.getFontSize() / 2d);
            model.setFirstNoteX(x + model.getFontSize() / 2d);


        return x + trebleClefWidth;

    private double drawKeySignature(double x) {
        if (this.measure == null) {
            logger.debug("null measure");
            this.measure = this.model.getMeasure();
            // return x;
        KeySignature ks = this.measure.getKeySignatureAtBeat(1d);

        logger.debug("drawing ks " + ks);
        double y = 0d;
        double startx = x;
        Text text;
        if (ks != null) {
            String glyph = null;
            int n = ks.getSf();
            if (n < 0) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.flat();

            } else {
                glyph =;

            logger.debug("n accidentals {}", n);
            switch (n) {
            case -7:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.C6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.F5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.C4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.F3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            case -6:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.C6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.C4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            case -5:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            case -4:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            case -3:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case -2:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF6, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.EF4, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            case -1:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF5, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.BF3, true);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            case 0:
            case 1:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                x = startx;
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS4, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case 2:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.CS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case 3:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.CS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case 4:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.CS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case 5:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.CS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AS5, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case 6:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.FS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.CS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.GS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.DS6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.AS5, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.E6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            case 7:
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.F6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.C6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.G6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.D6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.A5, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.E6, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
                y = model.getYpositionForPitch(Pitch.B5, false);
                text = addText(x, y, glyph);
                x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
        return x;


     * @return the drawBeatRectangles
    public boolean isDrawBeatRectangles() {
        return drawBeatRectangles;

     * @param drawBeatRectangles
     *            the drawBeatRectangles to set
    public void setDrawBeatRectangles(boolean drawBeatRectangles) {
        this.drawBeatRectangles = drawBeatRectangles;

     * @return the drawTimeSignature
    public boolean isDrawTimeSignature() {
        return drawTimeSignature;

     * @param drawTimeSignature
     *            the drawTimeSignature to set
    public void setDrawTimeSignature(boolean drawTimeSignature) {
        this.drawTimeSignature = drawTimeSignature;

     * @return the drawClefs
    public boolean isDrawClefs() {
        return drawClefs;

     * @param drawClefs
     *            the drawClefs to set
    public void setDrawClefs(boolean drawClefs) {
        this.drawClefs = drawClefs;

     * @return the drawKeySignature
    public boolean isDrawKeySignature() {
        return drawKeySignature;

     * @param drawKeySignature
     *            the drawKeySignature to set
    public void setDrawKeySignature(boolean drawKeySignature) {
        this.drawKeySignature = drawKeySignature;

    // /**
    // * @return the drawBeatRectanglesProperty
    // */
    // public BooleanProperty drawBeatRectanglesProperty() {
    // return drawBeatRectanglesProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @param drawBeatRectanglesProperty
    // * the drawBeatRectanglesProperty to set
    // */
    // public void setDrawBeatRectanglesProperty(
    // BooleanProperty drawBeatRectanglesProperty) {
    // this.drawBeatRectanglesProperty = drawBeatRectanglesProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @return the drawTimeSignatureProperty
    // */
    // public BooleanProperty drawTimeSignatureProperty() {
    // return drawTimeSignatureProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @param drawTimeSignatureProperty
    // * the drawTimeSignatureProperty to set
    // */
    // public void setDrawTimeSignatureProperty(
    // BooleanProperty drawTimeSignatureProperty) {
    // this.drawTimeSignatureProperty = drawTimeSignatureProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @return the drawClefsProperty
    // */
    // public BooleanProperty drawClefsProperty() {
    // return drawClefsProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @param drawClefsProperty
    // * the drawClefsProperty to set
    // */
    // public void setDrawClefsProperty(BooleanProperty drawClefsProperty) {
    // this.drawClefsProperty = drawClefsProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @return the drawBraceProperty
    // */
    // public BooleanProperty getDrawBraceProperty() {
    // return drawBraceProperty;
    // }
    // /**
    // * @param drawBraceProperty
    // * the drawBraceProperty to set
    // */
    // public void setDrawBraceProperty(BooleanProperty drawBraceProperty) {
    // this.drawBraceProperty = drawBraceProperty;
    // }

    public void setDrawBraces(boolean selected) {
        // this.drawBraceProperty.set(selected);
        this.drawBrace = selected;

     * Create a StaffSymbol for the {@code MIDINote}.
     * @param note
     *            a MIDINote
     * @param x
     *            the x locaiton where this symbol will appear
     * @return a StaffSymbol
    private double createSymbol(final MIDINote note, double x) {
        int pitch = note.getPitch().getMidiNumber();
        double duration = note.getDuration();
        String glyph = "";

        int index = (int) Math.floor(note.getStartBeat()) - 1;
        Rectangle beatRectangle = this.beatRectangles.get(index);
        logger.debug("beat rect for index {} the rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}", index, beatRectangle.getX(),
                beatRectangle.getY(), beatRectangle.getWidth(), beatRectangle.getHeight());

        // let's try without. remove calls if this works.
        beatRectangle = new Rectangle();

        // Rectangle nextBeatRectangle = null;
        // index++;
        // if (index < this.beatRectangles.size() - 1) {
        // nextBeatRectangle = this.beatRectangles.get(index);
        // logger.debug(
        // "next beat rect for index {} the rectangle x {} y {} w {} h {}",
        // index,
        // nextBeatRectangle.getX(),
        // nextBeatRectangle.getY(),
        // nextBeatRectangle.getWidth(),
        // nextBeatRectangle.getHeight());
        // }

        // 1 get accidental
        // 2 determine stem direction
        // 3 get duration

        // for non accidentals.
        double y = model.getYpositionForPitch(pitch, true);
        Text text;

        if (isSpellingFlat(note)) {
            glyph = SymbolFactory.flat();
            logger.debug("is flat");
            y = model.getYpositionForPitch(pitch, true);
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));

            text = new Text(x, y, glyph);
            text.setStyle("-fx-cursor: hand; -fx-font-smoothing-type: lcd;");
            x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        if (isSpellingSharp(note)) {
            glyph =;
            logger.debug("is sharp");
            y = model.getYpositionForPitch(pitch, false);
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));

            text = new Text(x, y, glyph);
            text.setStyle("-fx-cursor: hand; -fx-font-smoothing-type: lcd;");
            x += text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

        double center = 0d;
        if (isTreble(pitch)) {
            center = model.getTrebleStaffCenter();
        } else {
            center = model.getBassStaffCenter();

        boolean stemUp = true;
        if (y < center) {
            stemUp = false;
        } else {
            stemUp = true;
        logger.debug("is stem up? {}", stemUp);

        QuadCurve tie = null;

        // Now pick the duration. not complete right now.
        // this ignores beaming completely.

        // whole
        if (duration - 4d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 4d;
            glyph = SymbolFactory.noteWhole();
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            addLedgers(note, x);
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);

            // double height = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();

            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            // if (slur != null) {
            // endSlur(x, y, slur, width);
            // slur = null;
            // }

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);
            x += width;

        // dotted half
        if (duration - 3d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 3d;
            if (stemUp) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfUp();
            } else {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfDown();

            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

            // get the x for the note and add it, not the dot's x
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            // now add a bit of space between the note and the dot
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);

            width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // half
        if (duration - 2d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 2d;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadHalf();
                addStemHalf(center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteHalfDown();

            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);

            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // dotted quarter
        if (duration - 1.5 >= 0d) {
            duration -= 1.5;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterDown();

            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

            // now add the dot
            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            // space between note and dot
            x += width / 2d;
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);

            width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // quarter
        if (duration - 1d >= 0d) {
            duration -= 1d;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                logger.debug("shoud draw stem at x {} y {}", x, y);
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterDown();

            logger.debug("quarter note. remainder {}", duration);

            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));

            text = addText(x, y, glyph);

            // x += text.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth();
            // shapes.add(new Rectangle(x,y,text.getBoundsInParent().getWidth(),
            // text.getBoundsInParent().getHeight()));
            // shapes.add(new Rectangle(x,y,text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(),
            // text.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()));

            // logger.debug("width local {} parent {} layout {} stringwidth {}",
            // text.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(),
            // text.getBoundsInParent().getWidth(),
            // text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth(),
            // grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph)
            // );

            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

            if (tie != null) {
                endTie(x, y, tie, width);
                tie = null;

            if (duration > 0d) {
                if (stemUp) {
                    tie = startTieUnder(x, y, width);
                } else {
                    tie = startTieOver(x, y, width);
                x += width;

            // beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);


        // dotted eighth
        if (duration - .75 >= 0d) {
            duration -= .75;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
                add8thFlag(x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thDown();

            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

            // now add the dot
            glyph = SymbolFactory.augmentationDot();
            // space between note and dot
            x += width / 2d;
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

            logger.debug("dotted eighth note. remainder {}", duration);


        // TODO
        // quarter triplet
        double qtriplet = 2d / 3d;
        if (duration - qtriplet >= 0d) {
            duration -= qtriplet;
            if (stemUp) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterUp();
            } else {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteQuarterDown();

            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;

        // eighth
        if (duration - .5 >= 0d) {
            duration -= .5;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
                add8thFlag(x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thDown();

            logger.debug("eighth note. remainder {}", duration);

            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // 16th
        if (duration - Duration.SIXTEENTH_NOTE >= 0d) {
            duration -= Duration.SIXTEENTH_NOTE;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
                add16thFlag(x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note16thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note16thDown();

            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        double etriplet = 1d / 3d;
        if (duration - etriplet >= 0d) {
            duration -= etriplet;
            if (stemUp) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thUp();
            } else {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.note8thDown();
            // x += grandStaffModel.stringWidth(glyph);
            // symbols.add(new StaffSymbol(x, y, glyph));
            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // .1875 dotted 32nd
        double d = Duration.getDotted(Duration.THIRTY_SECOND_NOTE);

        // 32nd
        // s+ c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t c,t
        if (duration - Duration.THIRTY_SECOND_NOTE >= 0d) {
            duration -= Duration.THIRTY_SECOND_NOTE;
            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                logger.debug("shoud draw stem at x {} y {}", x, y);
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note32ndUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note32ndDown();

            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        // 64th
        // s+ c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x c,x
        if (duration - Duration.SIXTY_FOURTH_NOTE >= 0d) {
            duration -= Duration.SIXTY_FOURTH_NOTE;

            // if the pitch is more than an octave from the center line, draw a
            // notehead and a stem.
            if (shouldDrawStem(pitch)) {
                glyph = SymbolFactory.noteheadBlack();
                logger.debug("shoud draw stem at x {} y {}", x, y);
                addStem(center, x, y, stemUp);
            } else {
                if (stemUp) {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note64thUp();
                } else {
                    glyph = SymbolFactory.note64thDown();

            text = addText(x, y, glyph);
            addLedgers(note, x);
            double width = text.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
            x += width;
            // beatRectangle.setWidth(beatRectangle.getWidth() + width);

        return x;

    public List<StaffSymbol> getSymbols() {
        return symbols;

     * @return the staffWidthProperty
    public DoubleProperty getStaffWidthProperty() {
        return staffWidthProperty;