Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed to Scoreflex ( under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership. Scoreflex licenses this
 * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package com.scoreflex;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;

import com.scoreflex.ScoreflexView.ScoreflexViewListener;
import com.scoreflex.facebook.ScoreflexFacebookWrapper;
import com.scoreflex.facebook.ScoreflexFacebookWrapper.FacebookException;
import com.scoreflex.model.JSONParcelable;

import android.content.res.Configuration;
import org.OpenUDID.*;

 * The main class to access to Scoreflex
public class Scoreflex {

    private static Context sApplicationContext;
    private static String sClientId;
    private static String sClientSecret;
    private static boolean sIsInitialized = false;
    private static String sBaseURL;
    private static String sLang;
    private static Location sLocation;
    private static boolean sIsReachable;
    private static int sDefaultGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
    private static WeakReference<ScoreflexView> mScoreflexView;
    private static HashMap<String, ScoreflexView> mPreloadedViews;
    public static boolean showDebug = false;

    protected static final String API_VERSION = "v1";
    protected static final String SDK_VERSION = "Unity-Android-";

    private static final String PRODUCTION_API_URL = "" + API_VERSION;
    private static final String SANDBOX_API_URL = "" + API_VERSION;

    private static final int PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST = 9000;

    private static final String PREF_FILE = "scoreflex";

     * the timeout for a webview request
    public static final int WEBVIEW_REQUEST_TOTAL_TIMEOUT = 10000;

    protected static final int SUCCESS_LOGOUT = 200000;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_CLOSE_WEBVIEW = 200001;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_PLAY_LEVEL = 200002;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_NEEDS_AUTH = 200003;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_AUTH_GRANTED = 200004;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_MOVE_TO_NEW_URL = 200005;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_NEEDS_CLIENT_AUTH = 200006;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_START_CHALLENGE = 200007;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_LINK_SERVICE = 200008;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_INVITE_WITH_SERVICE = 200009;
    protected static final int SUCCESS_SHARE_WITH_SERVICE = 200010;

    protected static final int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 10001;
    protected static final int ERROR_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER = 10002;
    protected static final int ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN = 11003;
    protected static final int ERROR_SECURE_CONNECTION_REQUIRED = 10005;
    protected static final int ERROR_INVALID_PREV_NEXT_PARAMETER = 12011;
    protected static final int ERROR_INVALID_SID = 12017;
    protected static final int ERROR_SANDBOX_URL_REQUIRED = 12018;
    protected static final int ERROR_INACTIVE_GAME = 12019;
    protected static final int ERROR_MISSING_PERMISSIONS = 12020;
    protected static final int ERROR_PLAYER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 12000;
    protected static final int ERROR_DEVELOPER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 12001;
    protected static final int ERROR_GAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 12002;
    protected static final int ERROR_LEADERBOARD_CONFIG_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 12004;
    protected static final int ERROR_SERVICE_EXCEPTION = 12009;

     * Intent extra key for GCM notification data when the user clicks the
     * notification.
    public static final String NOTIFICATION_EXTRA_KEY = "_sfxNotification";

     * A push notification sent from the developer to the player (using
     * Scoreflex).
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_DEVELOPER_TO_PLAYER = 1;

     * A push notification sent from the player to another player (using your
     * game).
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PLAYER_TO_PLAYER = 2;

     * A notification received when the player has been invited to a challenge.
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHALLENGE_INVITATION = 100;

     * A notification received when a challenge is ended.
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHALLENGE_ENDED = 101;

     * A notification received when it is the player's turn in a challenge.
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_YOUR_TURN_IN_CHALLENGE = 102;

     * A notification received when a friend of the player joins the game.
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_FRIEND_JOINED_GAME = 103;

     * A notification received when the player highscore has been beaten by a
     * friend.
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_FRIEND_BEAT_YOUR_HIGHSCORE = 104;

     * A notification received when a player gets a new rating.
    public static final int NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PLAYER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 105;

     * Local intent broadcasted when the game should load a challenge.
    public static final String INTENT_START_CHALLENGE = "scoreflexStartChallenge";

     * The extra key for the full challenge instance (a JSONParcelable object)
     * in a {@link #INTENT_START_CHALLENGE} intent
    public static final String INTENT_START_CHALLENGE_EXTRA_INSTANCE = "challengeInstance";

     * Local intent broadcasted when the reachability to Scoreflex has changed.
    public static final String INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_CHANGED = "scoreflexConnectivityChanged";

     * The extra key for the reachability state in a
     * {@link #INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_CHANGED} intent.
    public static final String INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_EXTRA_CONNECTIVITY = "scoreflexConnectivityState";

     * Local intent broadcasted when the Scoreflex sdk has been initialized and
     * is reachable.
    public static final String INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZED = "scoreflexInitialized";

     * Local intent broadcasted when the Scoreflex sdk could not be initialized
    public static final String INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZE_FAILED = "scoreflexInitializeFailed";

     * The extra key for the scoreflex initialisation failed reason in a
    public static final String INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZE_FAILED_EXTRA_REASON = "scoreflexInitializeFailedReason";

     * Local intent broadcasted when a resource has been successfully preloaded.
    public static final String INTENT_RESOURCE_PRELOADED = "scoreflexResourcePreloaded";

     * The extra key for the path of a preloaded resource in a
     * {@link #INTENT_RESOURCE_PRELOADED} intent.
    public static final String INTENT_RESOURCE_PRELOADED_EXTRA_PATH = "scoreflexResourcePreloadedPath";

     * Local intent broadcasted when the current user has changed.
    public static final String INTENT_USER_LOGED_IN = "scoreflexUserLoggedIn";

     * The extra key for the new SID of the player in a
     * {@link #INTENT_USER_LOGED_IN} intent.
    public static final String INTENT_USER_LOGED_IN_EXTRA_SID = "sid";

     * The extra key for the new access token of the player in a
     * {@link #INTENT_USER_LOGED_IN} intent.
    public static final String INTENT_USER_LOGED_IN_EXTRA_ACCESS_TOKEN = "accessToken";

     * Local intent broadcasted when the game should load a level.
    public static final String INTENT_PLAY_LEVEL = "scoreflexPlayLevel";

     * The extra key for the leaderboard ID in a {@link #INTENT_PLAY_LEVEL}
     * intent.
    public static final String INTENT_PLAY_LEVEL_EXTRA_LEADERBOARD_ID = "leaderboardId";

    private static ConnectivityReceiver sConnectivityReceiver = new ConnectivityReceiver();

    protected static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE = "en";
    protected static final String[] VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES = { "af", "ar", "be", "bg", "bn", "ca", "cs", "da", "de",
            "el", "en", "en_GB", "en_US", "es", "es_ES", "es_MX", "et", "fa", "fi", "fr", "fr_FR", "fr_CA", "he",
            "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "is", "it", "ja", "ko", "lt", "lv", "mk", "ms", "nb", "nl", "pa", "pl", "pt",
            "pt_PT", "pt_BR", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sv", "sw", "ta", "th", "tl", "tr", "uk", "vi",
            "zh", "zh_CN", "zh_TW", "zh_HK", };
    static final int FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE = 0;
    private static long playingSessionStart;

     * Checks if Scoreflex is initialized.
     * @return True if the SDK is initialized.
    public static boolean isInitialized() {
        return sIsInitialized;

     * Initialize Scoreflex. Call this method before using Scoreflex. Will
     * initialize a production mode not sandbox
     * @param clientId
     *            The clientId of your game.
     * @param clientSecret
     *            The clientSecret of your game.
    public static void initialize(Context context, String clientId, String clientSecret) {
        initialize(context, clientId, clientSecret, false);

     * Initialize Scoreflex. Call this method before using Scoreflex. A good
     * place to initialize Scoreflex is in your main activity's onCreate method
     * as follow
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
     *    Scoreflex.initialize(this, "clientId", "clientSecret", isSandbox);
     * }
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * @param clientId
     *            The clientId of your game.
     * @param clientSecret
     *            The clientSecret of your game.
    public static void initialize(Context context, final String clientId, String clientSecret, boolean useSandbox) {
        sApplicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
        sClientId = clientId;
        sClientSecret = clientSecret;
        sBaseURL = useSandbox ? SANDBOX_API_URL : PRODUCTION_API_URL;
        sIsInitialized = true;
        // Initialize OpenUDID

        // Wait for UDID to be ready and fetch anonymous token if needed.
        new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                if (OpenUDID_manager.isInitialized()) {
                    boolean isFetchingToken = ScoreflexRestClient
                            .fetchAnonymousAccessTokenIfNeeded(new ResponseHandler() {
                                public void onFailure(Throwable e, Response errorResponse) {
                                    Intent broadcast = new Intent(INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZE_FAILED);
                                    if (errorResponse != null) {
                                        JSONParcelable parcelable = new JSONParcelable(

                                public void onSuccess(Response response) {
                                    Intent broadcast = new Intent(INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZED);
                    if (!isFetchingToken) {
                        // even if we have an access token, we need to ensure
                        // connectivity
                        // state
                        Scoreflex.get("/network/ping", null, new ResponseHandler() {
                            public void onFailure(Throwable e, Response errorResponse) {
                                Intent broadcast = new Intent(INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZE_FAILED);
                                if (errorResponse != null) {
                                    JSONParcelable parcelable = new JSONParcelable(errorResponse.getJSONObject());
                                    broadcast.putExtra(INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZE_FAILED_EXTRA_REASON, parcelable);

                            public void onSuccess(Response response) {
                                Intent broadcast = new Intent(INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZED);
                } else {
                    new Handler().postDelayed(this, 100);



     * True if the SDK is running in sandbox mode.
     * (@see {@link #initialize(Context, String, String, boolean) Sandbox}).
     * @return True if the SDK is running in sandbox mode.
    public static boolean usesSandbox() {
        return SANDBOX_API_URL.equals(sBaseURL);

     * Returns the base URL for the Scoreflex API. This is the URL used to
     * prefix every API resource path and might change depending if you're using
     * {@link #initialize(Context, String, String, boolean) Sandbox}.
     * @return The base URL.
    public static String getBaseURL() {
        return sBaseURL;

     * Returns the base URL for the Scoreflex API with a <code>http:</code>
     * scheme.
     * (@see {@link #getBaseURL()}).
     * @return The base URL.
    public static String getNonSecureBaseURL() {
        return sBaseURL.replaceFirst("https:", "http:");

     * A GET request.
     * @param resource
     *            The resource path, starting with /.
     * @param params
     *            AsyncHttpClient request parameters.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            An AsyncHttpClient response handler.
    public static void get(String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        ScoreflexRestClient.get(resource, params, responseHandler);

     * A POST request.
     * @param resource
     *            The resource path, starting with /.
     * @param params
     *            AsyncHttpClient request parameters.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            An AsyncHttpClient response handler.
    public static void post(String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {, params, responseHandler);

     * A POST request that is guaranteed to be executed when a network
     * connection is present, surviving application reboot. The responseHandler
     * will be called only if the network is present when the request is first
     * run.
     * @param resource
     * @param params
     *            The request parameters. Only serializable parameters are
     *            guaranteed to survive a network error or device reboot.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            An AsyncHttpClient response handler.
    public static void postEventually(String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        ScoreflexRestClient.postEventually(resource, params, responseHandler);

     * A PUT request.
     * @param resource
     *            The resource path, starting with /.
     * @param params
     *            AsyncHttpClient request parameters.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            An AsyncHttpClient response handler.
    public static void put(String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        ScoreflexRestClient.put(resource, params, responseHandler);

     * A DELETE request.
     * @param resource
     *            The resource path, starting with /.
     * @param params
     *            AsyncHttpClient request parameters.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            An AsyncHttpClient response handler.
    public static void delete(String resource, Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        ScoreflexRestClient.delete(resource, responseHandler);

     * Changes the default gravity.
     * @param defaultGravity
     *            The new default gravity.
    public static void setDefaultGravity(int defaultGravity) {
        if (Gravity.TOP == (defaultGravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK))
            sDefaultGravity = Gravity.TOP;
            sDefaultGravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;

     * Returns the default gravity.
     * @return The default gravity.
    public static int getDefaultGravity() {
        return sDefaultGravity;

     * Displays a Scoreflex panel on the provided activity using the default
     * gravity.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The leaderboard id of the rankbox that you want to show.
     * @param score
     *            The last score the user did.
    public static ScoreflexView showRanksPanel(Activity activity, String leaderboardId, long score) {
        return showRanksPanel(activity, leaderboardId, score, sDefaultGravity);

     * Displays a Scoreflex panel on the provided activity.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The leaderboard id of the rankbox that you want to show.
     * @param score
     *            the last score the user did.
     * @param gravity
     *            Choose if the view should be up are down of the screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showRanksPanel(Activity activity, String leaderboardId, long score, int gravity) {
        // Params
        Scoreflex.RequestParams params = new Scoreflex.RequestParams();
        params.put("score", "" + score);

        return showRanksPanel(activity, leaderboardId, gravity, params);

     * Shows a view of the specified resource to the user.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The string of the Scoreflex resource you want to display.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The displayed view call close() to hide it.

    public static ScoreflexView showFullScreenView(Activity activity, String resource,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        ScoreflexView view = Scoreflex.view(activity, resource, params, true);

        activity.addContentView(view, view.getLayoutParams());
        return view;

     * Shows a view of the specified url to the user.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param url
     *            the url to show
     * @return The displayed view call close() to hide it.
    public static ScoreflexView showFullScreenView(Activity activity, String url) {
        ScoreflexView view = Scoreflex.view(activity, url, true);

        activity.addContentView(view, view.getLayoutParams());
        return view;

     * Shows a panel view (small view) of the specified resource to the user.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The string of the Scoreflex resource you want to display.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @param gravity
     *            Whether the panel should be shown on top or bottom of the
     *            screen.
     * @return The displayed view call close() to hide it.
    public static ScoreflexView showPanelView(Activity activity, String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            int gravity) {
        ScoreflexView view = Scoreflex.view(activity, resource, params, false);
        attachView(activity, view, gravity);
        return view;

     * Shows the player profile of the player (playerId) or the logged player if
     * playerId is null. Endpoint: <code>/web/players/:id</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param playerId
     *            The identifier of the player or null for the current logged
     *            player.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showPlayerProfile(Activity activity, String playerId,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        if (null == playerId) {
            playerId = "me";

        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/players/" + playerId, params);

     * Shows the friends of the player (playerId) or the logged player if
     * playerId is null. Endpoint: <code>/web/players/:id/friends</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param playerId
     *            The identifier of the player or null for the current logged
     *            player.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showPlayerFriends(Activity activity, String playerId,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        if (null == playerId) {
            playerId = "me";

        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/players/" + playerId + "/friends", params);

     * Shows the news feed of the logged player. Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/players/me/newsfeed</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showPlayerNewsFeed(Activity activity, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/players/me/newsfeed", params);

     * Shows the edit profile form of the logged player. Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/players/me/edit</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showPlayerProfileEdit(Activity activity, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/players/me/edit", params);

     * Shows the settings form of the logged player. Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/players/me/settings</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showPlayerSettings(Activity activity, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/players/me/settings", params);

     * Shows the rating of the logged player. Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/players/me/rating</code>
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showPlayerRating(Activity activity, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/players/me/rating", params);

     * Shows the profile of the developer (developerId). Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/developers/:id</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param developerId
     *            The identifier of the developer.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showDeveloperProfile(Activity activity, String developerId,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/developers/" + developerId, params);

     * Shows the games of the developer (developerId). Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/developers/:id/games</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param developerId
     *            The identifier of the developer.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showDeveloperGames(Activity activity, String developerId,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/developers/" + developerId + "/games", params);

     * Shows the details of the game (gameId). Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/games/:id</code>
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param gameId
     *            The identifier the game.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showGameDetails(Activity activity, String gameId, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/games/" + gameId, params);

     * Shows the players of the game (gameId). Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/games/:id/players</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param gameId
     *            The identifier the game.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showGamePlayers(Activity activity, String gameId, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/games/" + gameId + "/players", params);

     * Shows a leaderboard (leaderboardId). Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/leaderboards/:leaderboardId</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The identifier of the leaderboard.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showLeaderboard(Activity activity, String leaderboardId,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/leaderboards/" + leaderboardId, params);

     * Shows the overview of the leaderboard (leaderboardId). Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/leaderboards/:leaderboardId/overview</code>
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The identifier of the leaderboard.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showLeaderboardOverview(Activity activity, String leaderboardId,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/leaderboards/" + leaderboardId + "/overview", params);

     * Shows the challenges list of the current player. Endpoint:
     * <code>/web/challenges</code>.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showChallenges(Activity activity, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/challenges", params);

     * Shows the search form. Endpoint: <code>/web/search</code>
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @return The Scoreflex view on screen.
    public static ScoreflexView showSearch(Activity activity, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showFullScreenView(activity, "/web/search", params);

     * Shows a Scoreflex panel on the provided activity.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The leaderboard id of the rankbox that you want to show.
     * @param gravity
     *            Chooses if the view should be up are down of the screen.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
    public static ScoreflexView showRanksPanel(Activity activity, String leaderboardId, int gravity,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return showRanksPanel(activity, leaderboardId, gravity, params, false);

     * Shows a Scoreflex panel on the provided activity.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The leaderboard id of the rankbox that you want to show.
     * @param gravity
     *            Chooses if the view should be up are down of the screen.
     * @param params
     *            The parameter to be given to the resource (query string).
     * @param openAsActivity
     *            Tell wether or not the full view (when the rank panel is clicked)
     *            should be opened as a new activity
    public static ScoreflexView showRanksPanel(final Activity activity, String leaderboardId, int gravity,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params, boolean openAsActivity) {
        // Resource
        String resource = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "/web/scores/%s/ranks", leaderboardId);

        // Get the leaderboard & display
        ScoreflexView leaderboardView = Scoreflex.view(activity, resource, params, false);
        attachView(activity, leaderboardView, gravity);
        if (openAsActivity) {
            leaderboardView.setScoreflexViewListener(new ScoreflexViewListener() {

                public void onViewClosed() {


                public boolean handleOpenNewFullscreenView(String fullUrlString) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(activity, ScoreflexActivity.class);
                    intent.putExtra(ScoreflexActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_ABSTRACT_URL, fullUrlString);
                    return true;

        return leaderboardView;

     * Attach the given view above the activity's view hierarchy.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param view
     *            The view to attach.
     * @param gravity
     *            Chooses if the view should be up are down of the screen.

    private static void attachView(Activity activity, View view, int gravity) {
        ViewGroup contentView = (ViewGroup) activity.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(;
        // final float scale =
        // activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

        FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
        // activity.addContentView(view, layoutParams);
        if (view instanceof ScoreflexView)
            ((ScoreflexView) view).addDropShadow(gravity);

     * Build a view that displays Scoreflex content.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The REST resource corresponding to that view.
     * @return A view that you can attach to your view hierarchy.
    protected static ScoreflexView view(Activity activity, String resource) {
        return view(activity, resource, null);

     * Builds a view that displays Scoreflex content.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The REST resource corresponding to that view.
     * @param params
     *            The request parameters.
     * @return A view that you can attach to your view hierarchy.
    protected static ScoreflexView view(Activity activity, String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        ScoreflexView result = null;

        if (mPreloadedViews != null) {
            result = getPreloadedView(resource);

        if (result == null) {
            result = new ScoreflexView(activity);
        } else {
            removePreloadedView(resource, false);
            return result;
        result.setResource(resource, params);
        return result;

     * Builds a fullscreen view to Scoreflex content and returns it.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The REST resource corresponding to that view.
     * @param params
     *            The request parameters.
     * @return A view that you can attach to your view hierarchy.
    public static ScoreflexView getFullscreenView(Activity activity, String resource,
            Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return view(activity, resource, params, true);

     * Builds a panel view to Scoreflex content and returns it.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The REST resource corresponding to that view.
     * @param params
     *            The request parameters.
     * @return A view that you can attach to your view hierarchy.
    public static ScoreflexView getPanelView(Activity activity, String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params) {
        return view(activity, resource, params, false);

     * Builds a view that displays Scoreflex content.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The REST resource corresponding to that view.
     * @param params
     *            The request parameters.
     * @param forceFullScreen
     *            Set wether the view should be full screen.
     * @return A view that you can attach to your view hierarchy.
    protected static ScoreflexView view(Activity activity, String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            boolean forceFullScreen) {
        ScoreflexView result = null;
        if (mPreloadedViews != null) {
            result = getPreloadedView(resource);

        if (result == null) {
            result = new ScoreflexView(activity);
        } else {
            removePreloadedView(resource, false);
            return result;
        result = new ScoreflexView(activity);
        result.setResource(resource, params, forceFullScreen);
        return result;

     * build a view in with the given url
     * @param activity the activity that will host the view
     * @param url the url to show
     * @param forceFullscreen Set wether the view should be full screen.
     * @return  A view that you can attach to your view hierarchy.
    protected static ScoreflexView view(Activity activity, String url, boolean forceFullscreen) {
        ScoreflexView result = new ScoreflexView(activity);
        result.setFullUrl(url, forceFullscreen, false);
        return result;

     * Handles Scoreflex activity results. This method MUST be called from your
     * Activity's onActivityResult method in order to handle facebook / google
     * login. Your onActivityResult should look like this :
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     *    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
     *    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
     *    Scoreflex.onActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data);
     * }
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * @param activity
     *            The current activity that received the result.
     * @param requestCode
     *            The requestCode the activity received.
     * @param responseCode
     *            The responseCode the activity received.
     * @param intent
     *            The intent the activity received.
    public static void onActivityResult(Activity activity, int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent intent) {

        if (requestCode == FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE && mScoreflexView != null) {
            ScoreflexView view = mScoreflexView.get();
            if (view != null) {
                view.onActivityResult(activity, requestCode, responseCode, intent);
        ScoreflexGoogleWrapper.onActivityResult(activity, requestCode, responseCode, intent);
        ScoreflexFacebookWrapper.onActivityResult(activity, requestCode, responseCode, intent);

     * A helper method that submits a score.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The leaderboad id to submit the score to.
     * @param score
     *            The score of the player.
     * @param params
     *            Other parameters that will be used for the api call.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            A response handler that will be called if the request is sent
     *            immediatly otherwise, will never get called (@see
     *            {@link #postEventually(String, RequestParams, ResponseHandler)}
     *            ).
    public static void submitScore(String leaderboardId, long score, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        if (params == null) {
            params = new Scoreflex.RequestParams();

        params.put("score", Long.toString(score));
        submitScore(leaderboardId, params, responseHandler);

    protected static void submitScore(String leaderboardId, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        final String scoreResource = "/scores/" + leaderboardId;
        // RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
        // params.put("score", Long.toString(score));

        Scoreflex.postEventually(scoreResource, params, responseHandler);

     * A helper method that submits a score to a leaderboard ID and show the
     * rank panel for the current player.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param leaderboardId
     *            The leaderboad id to submit the score to.
     * @param score
     *            The score of the player.
     * @param params
     *            Other parameters that will be used for the api call and the
     *            rankbox display.
     * @param gravity
     *            Chooses if the view should be up are down of the screen.
     * @return the Scoreflex view call close() to hide it.
    public static ScoreflexView submitScoreAndShowRanksPanel(final Activity activity, final String leaderboardId,
            long score, RequestParams params, final int gravity) {

        if (params == null) {
            params = new RequestParams();
        params.put("score", Long.toString(score));

        final RequestParams finalParams = params;

        ScoreflexView rankbox = Scoreflex.showRanksPanel(activity, leaderboardId, gravity, finalParams);

        submitScore(leaderboardId, params, new Scoreflex.ResponseHandler() {

            public void onFailure(Throwable e, Response errorResponse) {
                Log.d("Scoreflex", "Could not submit score, Rankbox wont be shown");

            public void onSuccess(Response response) {


        return rankbox;

     * Gets the current player id from the local cache.
     * @return The current player id from the local cache.
    public static String getPlayerId() {
        return ScoreflexRestClient.getPlayerId();

     * Gets the access token from the local cache.
     * @return The access token from the local cache.
    public static String getAccessToken() {
        return ScoreflexRestClient.getAccessToken();

     * A helper method that submits a turn to a challenge instance.
     * @param challengeInstanceId
     *            The challenge instance id.
     * @param turn
     *            The turn data.
     * @param responseHandler
     *            A response handler if the request is sent immediatly
     *            otherwise, will never get called (@see
     *            {@link #postEventually(String, RequestParams, ResponseHandler)}
     *            ).
    public static void submitTurn(String challengeInstanceId, RequestParams turn,
            Scoreflex.ResponseHandler responseHandler) {
        final String turnResource = "/challenges/instances/" + challengeInstanceId + "/turns";
        JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
        try {
            Set<String> parameters = turn.getParamNames();
            for (String parameterName : parameters) {
                body.put(parameterName, turn.getParamValue(parameterName));
            long playingTime = Scoreflex.getPlayingSessionTime();
            if (playingTime > 0) {
                body.put("playingTime", playingTime);
            RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
            params.put("body", body.toString());
            Scoreflex.postEventually(turnResource, params, responseHandler);
        } catch (JSONException e) {

     * A helper method that submits turn data and directly show challenge
     * detail.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param challengeInstanceId
     *            The challenge instance id.
     * @param turn
     *            The turn data.
    public static void submitTurnAndShowChallengeDetail(final Activity activity, final String challengeInstanceId,
            RequestParams turn) {

        final String resource = "/web/challenges/instances/" + challengeInstanceId;

        submitTurn(challengeInstanceId, turn, new Scoreflex.ResponseHandler() {

            public void onFailure(Throwable e, Response errorResponse) {
                Log.d("Scoreflex", "Could not submit score, Chalenge detail wont be shown");

            public void onSuccess(Response response) {
                View view = Scoreflex.view(activity, resource, null, true);
                activity.addContentView(view, view.getLayoutParams());


     * A class that handles the parameter to provide to either an api call or a
     * view.
    public static class RequestParams extends implements Parcelable {

        public static final String TAG = "RequestParams";

        public RequestParams(Parcel in) throws JSONException {
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(in.readString());
            Iterator<?> it = json.keys();
            String key;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                key = (String);
                this.put(key, json.optString(key));

         * Constructs a new empty <code>RequestParams</code> instance.
        public RequestParams() {

         * Constructs a new RequestParams instance containing the key/value
         * string params from the specified map.
         * @param source
         *            The source key/value string map to add.
        public RequestParams(Map<String, String> source) {

         * Constructs a new RequestParams instance and populate it with multiple
         * initial key/value string param.
         * @param keysAndValues
         *            A sequence of keys and values. Objects are automatically
         *            converted to Strings (including the value {@code null}).
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException
         *             If the number of arguments isn't even.
        public RequestParams(Object... keysAndValues) {

         * Constructs a new RequestParams instance and populate it with a single
         * initial key/value string param.
         * @param key
         *            The key name for the intial param.
         * @param value
         *            The value string for the initial param.
        public RequestParams(String key, String value) {
            super(key, value);

         * Return the names of all parameters.
         * @return
        public Set<String> getParamNames() {
            HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
            return result;

         * Returns the value for the given param. If the given param is
         * encountered multiple times, the first occurrence is returned.
         * @param paramName
         * @return
        public String getParamValue(String paramName) {

            if (this.urlParams.containsKey(paramName))
                return this.urlParams.get(paramName);

            if (this.urlParamsWithArray.containsKey(paramName)) {
                List<String> values = this.urlParamsWithArray.get(paramName);
                if (0 < values.size())
                    return values.get(0);

            return null;

         * Checks whether the provided key has been specified as parameter.
         * @param key
         * @return
        public boolean has(String key) {
            return urlParams.containsKey(key) || fileParams.containsKey(key) || urlParamsWithArray.containsKey(key);

        public String getURLEncodedString() {
            return getParamString();

        public int describeContents() {
            return 0;

        public JSONObject toJSONObject() {
            JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
            java.util.List<org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair> params = getParamsList();
            for (org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair parameter : params) {
                try {
                    result.put(parameter.getName(), parameter.getValue());
                } catch (JSONException e) {
            return result;

        public void writeToParcel(Parcel destination, int flags) {

        public static final Parcelable.Creator<Scoreflex.RequestParams> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Scoreflex.RequestParams>() {

            public RequestParams createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
                try {
                    return new RequestParams(in);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Error while unserializing JSON from a Scoreflex.RequestParams", e);
                    return null;

            public RequestParams[] newArray(int size) {
                return new RequestParams[size];

     * Http response handler.
    public static abstract class ResponseHandler {
         * Called when the request failed. Default implementation is empty.
         * @param e
         * @param errorResponse
        public abstract void onFailure(Throwable e, Response errorResponse);

         * Called on request success. Default implementation is empty.
         * @param response
        public abstract void onSuccess(Response response);

         * Called on request success. Default implementation calls
         * onSuccess(response).
         * @param response
        public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Response response) {


     * An HTTP response object
    public static class Response {
        JSONObject mJson;

        public Response(String responseContent) {
            try {
                mJson = new JSONObject(responseContent);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.e("Scoreflex", "Invalid JSON in response content: " + responseContent, e);

        public Response(JSONObject responseJson) {
            mJson = responseJson;

        public boolean isError() {
            return mJson.has("error");

        public String getErrorMessage() {
            if (!isError())
                return null;

            return mJson.optJSONObject("error").optString("message");

        public int getErrorStatus() {
            if (!isError())
                return 0;

            return mJson.optJSONObject("error").optInt("status");

        public int getErrorCode() {
            if (!isError())
                return 0;

            return mJson.optJSONObject("error").optInt("code");

        public JSONObject getJSONObject() {
            return mJson;

     * Gets the application context that was captured during the {@link
     * Scoreflex.initialize(Context, String, String} call.
     * @return
    protected static Context getApplicationContext() {
        if (null == sApplicationContext)
            Log.e("Scoreflex", "Application context is null, did you call Scoreflex.initialize ?");
        return sApplicationContext;

    protected static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(Context c) {
        if (null == c)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context must be set");

        return c.getSharedPreferences(PREF_FILE, 0);

     * Gets the Scoreflex shared preferences for that application.
     * @return
    protected static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences() {
        if (null == getApplicationContext())
            return null;
        return getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(PREF_FILE, 0);

     * Gets the clientId that was specified during the {@link
     * Scoreflex.initialize(Context, String, String} call.
     * @return
    public static String getClientId() {
        return sClientId;

     * Gets the clientSecret that was specified during the {@link
     * Scoreflex.initialize(Context, String, String} call.
     * @return
    protected static String getClientSecret() {
        return sClientSecret;

     * Gets the model of this android device.
     * @return
    protected static String getDeviceModel() {
        return String.format("%s - %s", Build.MANUFACTURER, Build.MODEL);

     * Returns the UDID determined by OpenUDID.
     * @return The UDID determined by OpenUDID or null if OpenUDID is not
     *         initialized.
    protected static String getUDID() {
        if (OpenUDID_manager.isInitialized())
            return OpenUDID_manager.getOpenUDID();
        return null;

     * Gets the current language. If language was specified using {@link
     * Scoreflex.setLang(String)}, this value is returned. Otherwise it is
     * guessed from the system.
     * @return The locale in use.
    public static String getLang() {
        if (null != sLang)
            return sLang;

        Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();

        if (null == locale)
            return DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE;

        String language = locale.getLanguage();
        String country = locale.getCountry();
        String localeString = String.format("%s_%s", language != null ? language.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) : "",
                country != null ? country.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) : "");

        // 1. if no language is specified, return the default language
        if (null == language)
            return DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE;

        // 2. try to match the language or the entire locale string among the
        // list of available language codes
        String matchedLanguageCode = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES.length; i++) {

            if (VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES[i].equals(localeString)) {
                // return here as this is the most precise match we can get
                return localeString;

            if (VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES[i].equals(language)) {
                // set the matched language code, and continue iterating as we
                // may match the localeString in a later iteration.
                matchedLanguageCode = language;

        if (null != matchedLanguageCode)
            return matchedLanguageCode;


     * Sets the language code used by the Scoreflex SDK. This language code will
     * affect the responses of the REST server as well as Scoreflex web content.
     * @param lang
     *            Valid values are available in
     *            {@link Scoreflex.VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If the lang is not a valid language.
    public static void setLang(String lang) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        for (int i = 0; i < VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES.length; i++) {
            if (VALID_LANGUAGE_CODES[i].equals(lang)) {
                sLang = lang;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("%s is not a valid language code", lang));

     * Sets the location of the user. If you are collecting user location, this
     * setting will allow the SDK to forward user location to the Scoreflex REST
     * server when appropriate and present the user location specific
     * information.
     * @param location
    public static void setLocation(Location location) {
        sLocation = location;

     * Returns the Location as set in {@link setLocation(Location)} or the best
     * last known location of the {@link LocationManager} or null if permission
     * was not given.

    public static Location getLocation() {
        if (null != sLocation)
            return sLocation;

        Context applicationContext = getApplicationContext();

        if (applicationContext == null)
            return null;

        LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) applicationContext
        try {
            Location locations[] = { locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER),
                    locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER), };

            Location best = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {

                // If this location is null, discard
                if (null == locations[i])

                // If we have no best yet, use this first location
                if (null == best) {
                    best = locations[i];

                // If this location is significantly older, discard
                long timeDelta = locations[i].getTime() - best.getTime();
                if (timeDelta < -1000 * 60 * 2)

                // If we have no accuracy, discard
                if (0 == locations[i].getAccuracy())

                // If this location is less accurate, discard
                if (best.getAccuracy() < locations[i].getAccuracy())

                best = locations[i];

            return best;
        } catch (java.lang.SecurityException e) {
            // Missing permission;
            return null;

    protected static void setCurrentScoreflexView(ScoreflexView view) {
        mScoreflexView = new WeakReference<ScoreflexView>(view);

     * Method to be called when the back button is pressed (hardware) to handle
     * history in a scoreflexView. Call it in the activity's back button pressed
     * method as follow:
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * public void onBackPressed() {
     *    if (Scoreflex.backButtonPressed() == false) {
     *    super.onBackPressed();
     * }
     * }
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * @return <code>true</code> If handled <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public static boolean backButtonPressed() {
        if (mScoreflexView == null) {
            return false;

        ScoreflexView view = mScoreflexView.get();
        if (view != null) {
            if (view.canGoBack()) {
                return true;
            } else {
                mScoreflexView = null;
                return true;

        return false;

    private static boolean checkPlayService(Activity activity) {
        return ScoreflexGcmWrapper.isGooglePlayServiceAvailable(activity);

     * If network is available, preload a view with the specified ressource and
     * hold a reference on it until the view is shown or freed.
     * @param activity
     *            The activity that will host the view.
     * @param resource
     *            The ressource to preload.
    public static void preloadResource(Activity activity, String resource) {
        if (activity == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("activity can not be null");
        if (resource == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource can not be null");

        if (mPreloadedViews == null) {
            mPreloadedViews = new HashMap<String, ScoreflexView>();

        if (mPreloadedViews.containsKey(resource)) {

        if (null == getPlayerId() || !isReachable()) {

        if (sApplicationContext == null) {
            sApplicationContext = activity.getApplicationContext();
        ScoreflexView preloadView = new ScoreflexView(activity);
        addPreloadedView(resource, preloadView);

    private static void addPreloadedView(String resource, ScoreflexView view) {
        synchronized (mPreloadedViews) {
            mPreloadedViews.put(resource, view);

    private static void removePreloadedView(String resource) {
        removePreloadedView(resource, true);

    private static void removePreloadedView(String resource, boolean closeView) {
        synchronized (mPreloadedViews) {
            ScoreflexView view = mPreloadedViews.get(resource);
            if (view != null) {
                if (closeView) {

    private static void clearPreloadedView() {
        synchronized (mPreloadedViews) {
            for (Entry<String, ScoreflexView> entry : mPreloadedViews.entrySet()) {

    private static ScoreflexView getPreloadedView(String resource) {
        ScoreflexView view = null;
        synchronized (mPreloadedViews) {
            view = mPreloadedViews.get(resource);
        return view;

     * Free the specified preloaded ressource from memory.
     * @param resource
     *            The ressource to free (all preloaded resource if null).
    public static void freePreloadedResources(String resource) {
        if (null == mPreloadedViews) {

        if (resource == null) {

     * Helper method that will register a device for google cloud messages
     * notification and register the device token to Scoreflex. This method must
     * be called after the initialize.
     * @param senderId
     *            Google Cloud Message sender id to register to.
     * @param activity
     *            The current activity.
    public static void registerForPushNotification(Activity activity) {
        if (checkPlayService(activity)) {

    protected static void showView(Activity activity, String resource, Scoreflex.RequestParams params,
            boolean useActivityForViews) {
        if (useActivityForViews) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(activity, ScoreflexActivity.class);
            intent.putExtra(ScoreflexActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_FULLSCREEN_RESOURCE, resource);
            intent.putExtra(ScoreflexActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_REQUEST_PARAMS_KEY, params);
        } else {
            showFullScreenView(activity, resource, params);

     * Method to call on your onCreate method to handle the Scoreflex
     * notification, it must be added to the Activity implementation of the
     * class you gave to
     * {@link #onBroadcastReceived(Context, Intent, int, Class)} (must be called
     * after Scoreflex.initialize(). As follow:
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
     *    Scoreflex.onCreateMainActivity(this, getIntent());
     * }
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * @param activity
     *            The current activity.
     * @param intent
     *            The intent the activity received.
     * @param useActivityForViews
     *            Set if scoreflex views should be presented as separate activities
     * @return <code>true</code> if handled, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public static boolean onCreateMainActivity(final Activity activity, Intent intent,
            final boolean useActivityForViews) {
        if (intent.hasExtra(Scoreflex.NOTIFICATION_EXTRA_KEY)) {
            String notificationString = intent.getStringExtra(Scoreflex.NOTIFICATION_EXTRA_KEY);

            try {
                JSONObject notification = new JSONObject(notificationString);
                JSONObject data = notification.getJSONObject("data");
                String resource = null;
                Scoreflex.RequestParams parameters = null;
                int code = notification.getInt("code");
                Scoreflex.RequestParams trackParams = new Scoreflex.RequestParams();
                trackParams.put("code", Integer.toString(code));
                Scoreflex.postEventually("/notifications/track", trackParams, null);
                        || NOTIFICATION_TYPE_YOUR_TURN_IN_CHALLENGE == code
                        || NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHALLENGE_ENDED == code) {
                    resource = "/web/challenges/instances/" + data.getString("challengeInstanceId");
                } else if (NOTIFICATION_TYPE_FRIEND_JOINED_GAME == code) {
                    resource = "/web/players/" + data.getString("friendId");
                } else if (NOTIFICATION_TYPE_FRIEND_BEAT_YOUR_HIGHSCORE == code) {
                    parameters = new RequestParams();
                    parameters.put("friendsOnly", "true");
                    parameters.put("focus", data.getString("friendId"));
                    resource = "/web/leaderboards/" + data.getString("leaderboardId");
                } else if (NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PLAYER_LEVEL_CHANGED == code) {
                    resource = "/web/players/me";
                if (isInitialized()) {
                    showView(activity, resource, parameters, useActivityForViews);
                } else {
                    final String finalResource = resource;
                    final Scoreflex.RequestParams params = parameters;
                    BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {

                        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                            showView(activity, finalResource, params, useActivityForViews);

                    IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Scoreflex.INTENT_SCOREFLEX_INTIALIZED);
                    LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(activity).registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
                return true;
            } catch (JSONException e) {

        return false;

     * Method to call on your onCreate method to handle the Scoreflex
     * notification, it must be added to the Activity implementation of the
     * class you gave to
     * {@link #onBroadcastReceived(Context, Intent, int, Class)} (must be called
     * after Scoreflex.initialize(). As follow:
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
     *    Scoreflex.onCreateMainActivity(this, getIntent());
     * }
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * @param activity
     *            The current activity.
     * @param intent
     *            The intent the activity received.
     * @return <code>true</code> if handled, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public static boolean onCreateMainActivity(Activity activity, Intent intent) {
        onCreateMainActivity(activity, intent, false);
        return false;

     * Starts listening to network connectivity change.
     * @param context
    public static void registerNetworkReceiver(Context context) {
        // registering network listener
        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
        try {
            context.registerReceiver(sConnectivityReceiver, filter);
        } catch (Exception e) {


     * Stops listening to network connectivity change
     * @param context
    public static void unregisterNetworkReceiver(Context context) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


     * Method to be called in your Google Cloud Message Broadcast receiver to
     * handle scoreflex cloud messages and show the appropiate notification.
     * Implement your onBroadcastReceived as follow :
     * <pre>
     * <code>
     * public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
     *    if (Scoreflex.onBroadcastReceived(context, intent, R.drawable.icon, GoblinsAttackActivity.class)) {
     *    return;
     * }
     * // do your own handling here
     * }
     * </code>
     * </pre>
     * For more information about Google Cloud Message visit:
     * {@linkplain <a href=""></a>}
     * .
     * @param context
     *            The current context.
     * @param intent
     *            The received intent.
     * @param iconResource
     *            The icon you want to show in the notification.
     * @param activityClass
     *            The activity class you want to start when the user touches
     *            the. notification
     * @return <code>true</code> if handled, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public static boolean onBroadcastReceived(Context context, Intent intent, int iconResource,
            Class<? extends Activity> activityClass) {
        return ScoreflexGcmClient.onBroadcastReceived(context, intent, iconResource, activityClass);

     * Returns the time interval between {@link #startPlayingSession()} and
     * {@link #stopPlayingSession()} have been called.
     * @return The current playing session time of the player in milliseconds.
    public static long getPlayingSessionTime() {
        if (playingSessionStart != 0) {
            return System.currentTimeMillis() - playingSessionStart;
        return 0;

    private static Point getScreenSize() {
        final Point size = new Point();
        WindowManager w = (WindowManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
        Display d = w.getDefaultDisplay();

        try {
            Method getSizeMethod = d.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getSize", Point.class);
            getSizeMethod.invoke(d, size);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            size.x = d.getWidth();
            size.y = d.getHeight();
        return size;

     * Retuns whether Scoreflex is reachable or not.
     * @return <code>true</code> if Scoreflex is reachable <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise
    public static boolean isReachable() {
        return sIsReachable;

    protected static void setNetworkAvailable(boolean state) {
        if (state != sIsReachable) {
            Intent connectivityChangedIntent = new Intent(Scoreflex.INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_CHANGED);
            connectivityChangedIntent.putExtra(Scoreflex.INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_EXTRA_CONNECTIVITY, state);
        sIsReachable = state;

    protected static int getDensityIndependantPixel(int size) {
        Point screenSize = getScreenSize();
        float width = 480.0f;
        float height = 320.0f;
        if (getApplicationContext().getResources()
                .getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
            width = 320.0f;
            height = 480.0f;

        float xRatio = (float) ((float) screenSize.x / width);
        float yRatio = (float) ((float) screenSize.y / height);
        float ratio = yRatio < xRatio ? yRatio : xRatio;
        return (int) ratio * size;

     * Sends a google interactive post inviting a user (or a list of users) to
     * install the game
     * @param activity
     *            the current activity
     * @param text
     *            the message that will be prefilled in the invitation
     * @param friendIds
     *            a list of friend you want to invite
     * @param url
     *            the url your want to share on the interactive post button
     * @param deeplinkPath
     *            the deeplink that your application will receive on launch
    public static void sendGoogleInvitation(Activity activity, String text, List<String> friendIds, String url,
            String deeplinkPath) {
        ScoreflexGoogleWrapper.sendInvitation(activity, text, friendIds, url, deeplinkPath);

     * Share a link on google plus
     * @param activity
     *            the current activity
     * @param text
     *            the message that will be prefilled in the invitation
     * @param url
     *            the url your want to share
    public static void shareOnGoogle(Activity activity, String text, String url) {
        ScoreflexGoogleWrapper.shareUrl(activity, text, url);

     * Post on the facebook feed of the current logged user
     * @param activity
     *            the current activity
     * @param title
     *            the title of the link
     * @param text
     *            the message that will be prefilled in the invitation
     * @param url
     *            the url your want to share
    public static void shareOnFacebook(Activity activity, String title, String text, String url) {
        try {
            ScoreflexFacebookWrapper.shareUrl(activity, title, text, url);
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Sends a facebook app request inviting a user (or a list of users) to
     * install the game
     * @param activity
     *            the current activity
     * @param text
     *            the message that will be prefilled in the invitation
     * @param friendIds
     *            a list of friend you want to invite
     * @param suggestedFriendIds
     *            the suggested friend (appears in the invitation dialog)
     * @param data
     *            any data you want to attach to the invitation (deeplink)
    public static void sendFacebookInvitation(Activity activity, String text, List<String> friendIds,
            List<String> suggestedFriendIds, String data) {
        try {
            ScoreflexFacebookWrapper.sendInvitation(activity, text, friendIds, suggestedFriendIds, data,
                    new SocialShareCallback() {

                        public void OnSuccessShare(List<String> invitedFriends) {
                            String concatenatedFriends = "Facebook%3A"
                                    + TextUtils.join(",Facebook%3A", invitedFriends);
                            Scoreflex.postEventually("/social/invitations/" + concatenatedFriends, null, null);
        } catch (FacebookException e) {

     * Stops the playing session of a player (user for tracking player session
     * time).
    public static void stopPlayingSession() {
        playingSessionStart = 0;

     * Starts the playing session of a player (user for tracking player session
     * time).
    public static void startPlayingSession() {
        Scoreflex.playingSessionStart = System.currentTimeMillis();