Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Orignal work: Copyright 2015
 * Modified work: Copyright 2016
 *             Copyright 2017-2019 B.Hecquet
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.seleniumtests.ut.driver;

import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.HeadlessException;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Options;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.Window;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.SessionId;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PowerMockIgnore;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import com.seleniumtests.MockitoTest;
import com.seleniumtests.browserfactory.BrowserInfo;
import com.seleniumtests.connectors.selenium.SeleniumGridConnector;
import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ScenarioException;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.CustomEventFiringWebDriver;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.DriverExceptionListener;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.DriverMode;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.Keyboard;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.screenshots.VideoRecorder;
import com.seleniumtests.util.osutility.OSUtility;
import com.seleniumtests.util.osutility.OSUtilityFactory;

@PrepareForTest({ OSUtilityFactory.class, CustomEventFiringWebDriver.class })
public class TestCustomEventFiringWebDriver extends MockitoTest {

    private RemoteWebDriver driver;

    private Options options;

    private Window window;

    private OSUtility osUtility;

    private BrowserInfo browserInfo;

    private Robot robot;

    private Keyboard keyboard;

    private SeleniumGridConnector gridConnector;

    private VideoRecorder videoRecorder;

    private EventFiringWebDriver eventDriver;

    @BeforeMethod(groups = { "ut" })
    private void init() throws Exception {


        // add DriverExceptionListener to reproduce driver behavior
        eventDriver = spy(
                new CustomEventFiringWebDriver(driver, null, browserInfo, true, DriverMode.LOCAL, null, null)
                        .register(new DriverExceptionListener()));

        when(driver.getSessionId()).thenReturn(new SessionId("1234"));
        when(window.getSize()).thenReturn(new Dimension(100, 100));


        PowerMockito.doReturn(new Rectangle(1900, 1000)).when(CustomEventFiringWebDriver.class,


    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testGetSessionId() {
        Assert.assertEquals(((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getSessionId(), "1234");

     * Test the case where driver is not a RemoteWebDriver (htmlunit)
     * We shoud get a generated id
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testGetSessionIdWithIncopmatibleDriver() {
        Assert.assertNotEquals(((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getSessionId(), "1234");

    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testGetPageSource() {
        Assert.assertEquals(((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getPageSource(), "<html></html>");

     * Test the case where driver cannot return page source (case for mobile browsers or old edge versions for example)
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testGetPageSourceWithIncopmatibleDriver() {
        doThrow(new WebDriverException("some error")).when(driver).getPageSource();
        Assert.assertNull(((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getPageSource());

     * check that if an error occurs during javascript invocation, window size is returned (issue #161)
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testNullJavascriptReplyForContentDimension() {
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getContentDimension();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 100);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 100);

     * Check standard web case where dimension comes from javascript call
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testContentDimension() {
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120L, 80L));
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getContentDimension();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 80);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 120);

     * issue #165: Check case where browser is not at 100% zoom and so, double reply is returned
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testContentDimensionWithZoomFactor() {
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120.5, 80.67));
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getContentDimension();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 80);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 120);

     * For non web test, dimension is returned from driver call, not javascript
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testContentDimensionNonWebTest() {
        eventDriver = spy(new CustomEventFiringWebDriver(driver, null, null, false, DriverMode.LOCAL, null, null)
                .register(new DriverExceptionListener()));
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120L, 80L));
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getContentDimension();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 100);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 100);

     * check that if an error occurs during javascript invocation, window size is returned (issue #161)
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testNullJavascriptReplyForContentDimensionWithoutScrollbar() {
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getViewPortDimensionWithoutScrollbar();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 100);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 100);

     * Check standard web case where dimension comes from javascript call
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testViewPortDimensionWithoutScrollbar() {
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120L, 80L));
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getViewPortDimensionWithoutScrollbar();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 80);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 120);

     * issue #165: Check case where browser is not at 100% zoom and so, double reply is returned
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testViewPortDimensionWithoutScrollbarWithZoomFactor() {
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120.5, 80.67));
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getViewPortDimensionWithoutScrollbar();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 80);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 120);

     * For non web test, dimension is returned from driver call, not javascript
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testContentDimensionWithoutScrollbarNonWebTest() {
        eventDriver = spy(new CustomEventFiringWebDriver(driver, null, null, false, DriverMode.LOCAL, null, null)
                .register(new DriverExceptionListener()));
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120L, 80L));
        Dimension dim = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getViewPortDimensionWithoutScrollbar();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.height, 100);
        Assert.assertEquals(dim.width, 100);

     * check that if an error occurs during javascript invocation, window size is returned (issue #161)
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testNullJavascriptReplyForScrollPosition() {
        Point point = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getScrollPosition();

        // check we get the default position: (0,0)
        Assert.assertEquals(point.x, 0);
        Assert.assertEquals(point.y, 0);

     * Check standard web case where dimension comes from javascript call
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testScrollPosition() {
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120L, 80L));
        Point point = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getScrollPosition();

        // check we get the scroll position
        Assert.assertEquals(point.x, 120);
        Assert.assertEquals(point.y, 80);

     * issue #165: Check case where browser is not at 100% zoom and so, double reply is returned
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testScrollPositionWithZoomFactor() {
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120.5, 80.67));
        Point point = ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getScrollPosition();

        // check we get the window dimension
        Assert.assertEquals(point.x, 120);
        Assert.assertEquals(point.y, 80);

     * For non web test, dimension is returned from driver call, not javascript
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = WebDriverException.class)
    public void testScrollPositionNonWebTest() {
        eventDriver = spy(new CustomEventFiringWebDriver(driver, null, null, false, DriverMode.LOCAL, null, null)
                .register(new DriverExceptionListener()));
        when(driver.executeScript(anyString())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(120L, 80L));
        ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).getScrollPosition();


     * Check driver is quit and all pids are killed
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testQuit() {
        when(browserInfo.getAllBrowserSubprocessPids(new ArrayList<>())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(1000L));

        ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).quit();
        verify(osUtility).killProcess(eq("1000"), eq(true));

     * Check that even if error is raised when driver is quit, killing process is done
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testQuitInError() {
        when(browserInfo.getAllBrowserSubprocessPids(new ArrayList<>())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(1000L));
        doThrow(new WebDriverException("some error")).when(driver).quit();

        try {
            ((CustomEventFiringWebDriver) eventDriver).quit();
        } catch (WebDriverException e) {
        verify(osUtility).killProcess(eq("1000"), eq(true));

     * Test left click in local mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testLeftClickOnDesktop() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.leftClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

        verify(robot).mouseMove(eq(0), eq(0));
        verify(gridConnector, never()).leftClic(eq(0), eq(0));

     * Test left click in headless mode: an error should be raised because there is no session
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testLeftClickOnDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws Exception {

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.leftClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

     * Test left click with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testLeftClickWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.leftClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector);

     * Test left click in grid mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testLeftClickOnDesktopWithGrid() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.leftClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector);

        verify(robot, never()).mousePress(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, never()).mouseRelease(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, never()).mouseMove(eq(0), eq(0));
        verify(gridConnector).leftClic(eq(0), eq(0));

     * Test double click in local mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testDoubleClickOnDesktop() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.doubleClickOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

        verify(robot, times(2)).mousePress(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, times(2)).mouseRelease(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot).mouseMove(eq(0), eq(0));
        verify(gridConnector, never()).doubleClick(eq(0), eq(0));

     * Test double click in headless mode: an error should be raised because there is no session
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testDoubleClickOnDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws Exception {

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.doubleClickOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

     * Test double click with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testDoubleClickWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.doubleClickOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector);

     * Test double click in grid mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testDoubleClickOnDesktopWithGrid() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.doubleClickOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector);

        verify(robot, never()).mousePress(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, never()).mouseRelease(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, never()).mouseMove(eq(0), eq(0));
        verify(gridConnector).doubleClick(eq(0), eq(0));

     * Test right clic in local mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testRightClickOnDesktop() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.rightClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

        verify(robot).mouseMove(eq(0), eq(0));
        verify(gridConnector, never()).rightClic(eq(0), eq(0));

     * Test right clic in headless mode: an error should be raised because there is no session
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testRightClickOnDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws Exception {

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.rightClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

     * Test right click with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testRightClickWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.rightClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector);

     * Test right clic in grid mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testRightClickOnDesktopWithGrid() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.rightClicOnDesktopAt(0, 0, DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector);

        verify(robot, never()).mousePress(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, never()).mouseRelease(eq(InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK));
        verify(robot, never()).mouseMove(eq(0), eq(0));
        verify(gridConnector).rightClic(eq(0), eq(0));

     * write to desktop in local mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testWriteToDesktop() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.writeToDesktop("text", DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

        verify(gridConnector, never()).writeText(anyString());

     * Write text in headless mode: an error should be raised because there is no session
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testWriteToDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws Exception {

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.writeToDesktop("text", DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

     * write textk with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testWriteTextWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.writeToDesktop("text", DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector);

     * write to desktop in grid mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testWriteToDesktopWithGrid() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.writeToDesktop("text", DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector);

        verify(keyboard, never()).typeKeys("text");

     * send keys to desktop in local mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testSendKeysToDesktop() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.sendKeysToDesktop(Arrays.asList(10, 20), DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

        verify(gridConnector, never()).sendKeysWithKeyboard(any(List.class));

     * Write text in headless mode: an error should be raised because there is no session
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testSendKeysToDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws Exception {

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.sendKeysToDesktop(Arrays.asList(10, 20), DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

     * send keys with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testSendKeysWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.sendKeysToDesktop(Arrays.asList(10, 20), DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector);

     * send keys to desktop in grid mode
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testSendKeysToDesktopWithGrid() {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.sendKeysToDesktop(Arrays.asList(10, 20), DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector);

        verify(robot, never()).keyPress(eq(10));
        verify(robot, never()).keyPress(eq(20));
        verify(robot, never()).keyRelease(eq(10));
        verify(robot, never()).keyRelease(eq(20));

     * capture picture in local mode
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testCaptureDesktop() throws IOException {
        File imageFile = File.createTempFile("image-", ".png");
                getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("tu/images/ffLogoConcat.png"), imageFile);
        BufferedImage bi =;


        String b64img = CustomEventFiringWebDriver.captureDesktopToBase64String(DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);
        verify(gridConnector, never()).captureDesktopToBuffer();

     * capture picture in local headless mode, ScenarioException should be raised
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testCaptureDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws IOException {


        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.captureDesktopToBase64String(DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector);

     * capture desktop with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testCaptureDesktopWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.captureDesktopToBase64String(DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector);

     * capture picture in grid mode
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testCaptureDesktopWithGrid() throws IOException {

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.captureDesktopToBase64String(DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector);

     * start video capture to desktop in local mode
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testStartVideoCaptureToDesktop() throws IOException {
        File videoFolder = File.createTempFile("video", ".avi").getParentFile();
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.startVideoCapture(DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector, videoFolder, "video.avi");

        verify(gridConnector, never()).startVideoCapture();

     * start video capture in headless mode: an error should be raised because there is no session
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testStartVideoCaptureToDesktopWithoutDesktop() throws Exception {
        File videoFolder = File.createTempFile("video", ".avi").getParentFile();
        PowerMockito.whenNew(VideoRecorder.class).withArguments(any(File.class), anyString())

        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.startVideoCapture(DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector, videoFolder, "video.avi");

     * start video capture with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testStartVideoCaptureWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        File videoFolder = File.createTempFile("video", ".avi").getParentFile();
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.startVideoCapture(DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector, videoFolder, "video.avi");

     * start video capture to desktop in grid mode
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testStartVideoCaptureToDesktopWithGrid() throws IOException {
        File videoFolder = File.createTempFile("video", ".avi").getParentFile();
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.startVideoCapture(DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector, videoFolder, "video.avi");

        verify(videoRecorder, never()).start();

     * stop video capture to desktop in local mode
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testStopVideoCaptureToDesktop() throws IOException {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.stopVideoCapture(DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector, videoRecorder);

        verify(gridConnector, never()).stopVideoCapture(anyString());

     * stop video capture whereas it has not been started, ScenarioException should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testStopVideoCaptureIfNotStarted() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.stopVideoCapture(DriverMode.LOCAL, gridConnector, null);

     * stop video capture with device providers: this is not supported, so exception should be raised
     * @throws Exception 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" }, expectedExceptions = ScenarioException.class)
    public void testStopVideoCaptureWithDeviceProviders() throws Exception {
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.stopVideoCapture(DriverMode.SAUCELABS, gridConnector, videoRecorder);

     * stop video capture to desktop in grid mode
     * @throws IOException 
    @Test(groups = { "ut" })
    public void testStopVideoCaptureToDesktopWithGrid() throws IOException {

        File videoFile = File.createTempFile("video", ".avi");
        CustomEventFiringWebDriver.stopVideoCapture(DriverMode.GRID, gridConnector, videoRecorder);

        verify(videoRecorder, never()).start();