Source code

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 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at <>.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is the Venice Web Communities System.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Eric J. Bowersox <>,
 * for Silverwrist Design Studios.  Portions created by Eric J. Bowersox are
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Eric J. Bowersox/Silverwrist Design Studios.  All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): 
package com.silverwrist.dynamo.htmlcheck;

import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.collections.*;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.db.NamespaceCache;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.except.*;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.iface.*;
import com.silverwrist.dynamo.util.*;

class ProfileObject implements HTMLCheckerProfile {
     * Static data members

    private static final HTMLOutputFilter[] OF_NULL = new HTMLOutputFilter[0];
    private static final HTMLRewriter[] R_NULL = new HTMLRewriter[0];

     * Attributes

    private ProfileOps m_ops; // database operations object
    private NamespaceCache m_ns_cache; // namespace cache object
    private int m_index; // index of this profile
    private ReferenceMap m_properties; // property cache
    private Vector m_output_filters = null; // output filters
    private Vector m_raw_output_filters = null; // raw output filters
    private Vector m_string_rewriters = null; // string rewriters
    private Vector m_word_rewriters = null; // word rewriters
    private Vector m_tag_rewriters = null; // tag rewriters
    private Vector m_paren_rewriters = null; // parenthesis rewriters
    private Vector m_bracket_rewriters = null; // bracket rewriters
    private Vector m_brace_rewriters = null; // brace rewriters
    private Set m_allowed_tag_set = null; // allowed tag set

     * Constructor

    ProfileObject(ProfileOps ops, NamespaceCache nscache, int ndx) {
        m_ops = ops;
        m_ns_cache = nscache;
        m_index = ndx;
        m_properties = new ReferenceMap(ReferenceMap.HARD, ReferenceMap.SOFT);

    } // end constructor

     * Implementations from interface ObjectProvider

     * Retrieves an object from this <CODE>ObjectProvider</CODE>.
     * @param namespace The namespace to interpret the name relative to.
     * @param name The name of the object to be retrieved.
     * @return The object reference specified.
    public Object getObject(String namespace, String name) {
        try { // convert the namespace name to an ID here
            PropertyKey key = new PropertyKey(m_ns_cache.namespaceNameToId(namespace), name);
            Object rc = null;
            synchronized (this) { // start by looking in the properties map
                rc = m_properties.get(key);
                if (rc == null) { // no use - need to try the database
                    rc = m_ops.getProperty(m_index, key);
                    if (rc != null)
                        m_properties.put(key, rc);

                } // end if

            } // end synchronized block

            if (rc == null)
                throw new NoSuchObjectException(this.toString(), namespace, name);
            return rc;

        } // end try
        catch (DatabaseException e) { // translate into our NoSuchObjectException but retain the DatabaseException
            throw new NoSuchObjectException(this.toString(), namespace, name, e);

        } // end catch

    } // end getObject

     * Implementations from interface HTMLCheckerProfile

    public void addOutputFilter(HTMLOutputFilter filter) {
        if (m_output_filters == null)
            m_output_filters = new Vector();

    } // end addOutputFilter

    public void addRawOutputFilter(HTMLOutputFilter filter) {
        if (m_raw_output_filters == null)
            m_raw_output_filters = new Vector();

    } // end addRawOutputFilter

    public void addStringRewriter(HTMLRewriter rewriter) {
        if (m_string_rewriters == null)
            m_string_rewriters = new Vector();

    } // end addStringRewriter

    public void addWordRewriter(HTMLRewriter rewriter) {
        if (m_word_rewriters == null)
            m_word_rewriters = new Vector();

    } // end addWordRewriter

    public void addTagRewriter(HTMLRewriter rewriter) {
        if (m_tag_rewriters == null)
            m_tag_rewriters = new Vector();

    } // end addTagRewriter

    public void addParenRewriter(HTMLRewriter rewriter) {
        if (m_paren_rewriters == null)
            m_paren_rewriters = new Vector();

    } // end addParenRewriter

    public void addBracketRewriter(HTMLRewriter rewriter) {
        if (m_bracket_rewriters == null)
            m_bracket_rewriters = new Vector();

    } // end addBracketRewriter

    public void addBraceRewriter(HTMLRewriter rewriter) {
        if (m_brace_rewriters == null)
            m_brace_rewriters = new Vector();

    } // end addBraceRewriter

     * External operations

    HTMLOutputFilter[] getOutputFilters() {
        return (m_output_filters == null) ? OF_NULL : (HTMLOutputFilter[]) (m_output_filters.toArray(OF_NULL));

    } // end getOutputFilters

    HTMLOutputFilter[] getRawOutputFilters() {
        return (m_raw_output_filters == null) ? OF_NULL
                : (HTMLOutputFilter[]) (m_raw_output_filters.toArray(OF_NULL));

    } // end getOutputFilters

    HTMLRewriter[] getStringRewriters() {
        return (m_string_rewriters == null) ? R_NULL : (HTMLRewriter[]) (m_string_rewriters.toArray(R_NULL));

    } // end getStringRewriters

    HTMLRewriter[] getWordRewriters() {
        return (m_word_rewriters == null) ? R_NULL : (HTMLRewriter[]) (m_word_rewriters.toArray(R_NULL));

    } // end getWordRewriters

    HTMLRewriter[] getTagRewriters() {
        return (m_tag_rewriters == null) ? R_NULL : (HTMLRewriter[]) (m_tag_rewriters.toArray(R_NULL));

    } // end getTagRewriters

    HTMLRewriter[] getParenRewriters() {
        return (m_paren_rewriters == null) ? R_NULL : (HTMLRewriter[]) (m_paren_rewriters.toArray(R_NULL));

    } // end getParenRewriters

    HTMLRewriter[] getBracketRewriters() {
        return (m_bracket_rewriters == null) ? R_NULL : (HTMLRewriter[]) (m_bracket_rewriters.toArray(R_NULL));

    } // end getBracketRewriters

    HTMLRewriter[] getBraceRewriters() {
        return (m_brace_rewriters == null) ? R_NULL : (HTMLRewriter[]) (m_brace_rewriters.toArray(R_NULL));

    } // end getBraceRewriters

    Set getAllowedTagSet() throws DatabaseException {
        if (m_allowed_tag_set == null)
            m_allowed_tag_set = m_ops.getAllowedTagSet(m_index);
        return m_allowed_tag_set;

    } // end getAllowedTagSet

} // end class ProfileObject