Source code

Java tutorial


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 * ******************************************************************************
 *   Copyright 2014-2016 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
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import com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.api.models.apispec.Ds3ResponseCode;

import static*;
import static com.spectralogic.ds3autogen.utils.Helper.indent;

 * Response parser generator for Allocate Job Chunk SpectraS3 command
public class AllocateJobChunkParserGenerator extends BaseResponseParserGenerator {

    protected static final ImmutableList<Integer> EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODES = ImmutableList.of(200);

     * Gets the non-error response codes required to generate this response
    public ImmutableList<ResponseCode> toResponseCodeList(final ImmutableList<Ds3ResponseCode> ds3ResponseCodes,
            final String responseName, final boolean hasPaginationHeaders) {
        //Verify that the expected status codes are present
        final ImmutableList<Integer> codes = getResponseCodes(ds3ResponseCodes);
        if (!codes.containsAll(EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODES)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Does not contain expected response codes: " + EXPECTED_RESPONSE_CODES.toString());

        final ResponseCode code200 = new ResponseCode(200,
                toParsePayloadCode(getDs3ResponseCode(ds3ResponseCodes, 200), responseName));

        // The switch case for 307 should fall through to the 503 handling
        final ResponseCode code307 = new ResponseCode(307, "");

        final ResponseCode code503 = new ResponseCode(503, toRetryLaterCode(responseName));

        return ImmutableList.of(code200, code307, code503);

     * Creates the java code for parsing the response payload
    protected static String toParsePayloadCode(final Ds3ResponseCode ds3ResponseCode, final String responseName) {
        final String responseModelName = getResponseModelName(ds3ResponseCode.getDs3ResponseTypes().get(0));

        return "try (final InputStream inputStream = response.getResponseStream()) {\n" + indent(5) + "final "
                + responseModelName + " result = XmlOutput.fromXml(inputStream, " + responseModelName + ".class);\n"
                + indent(5) + "return new " + responseName + "(result, 0, " + responseName
                + ".Status.ALLOCATED, this.getChecksum(), this.getChecksumType());\n" + indent(4) + "}\n";

     * Creates the java code for retry-later response
    protected static String toRetryLaterCode(final String responseName) {
        return "return new " + responseName + "(null, parseRetryAfter(response), " + responseName
                + ".Status.RETRYLATER, this.getChecksum(), this.getChecksumType());";