Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2016 SRI International
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BooleanNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.sri.floralib.ast.FloraTerm;
import com.sri.floralib.ast.FrameTriple;
import com.sri.floralib.ast.FrameTripleWithCardinalities;
import com.sri.floralib.ast.Identifier;
import com.sri.floralib.ast.NamespaceMapping;
import com.sri.floralib.ext.interprolog.FlrException;
import com.sri.floralib.model.doc.FileFloraDocumentService;
import com.sri.floralib.model.ont.FileOntologyService;
import com.sri.floralib.model.ont.FrameTripleAssertion;
import com.sri.floralib.model.ont.IOntologyModel;
import com.sri.floralib.parser.FloraParser;
import com.sri.floralib.reasoner.IFloraEngine;
import com.sri.floralib.reasoner.QueryResult;
import com.sri.floralib.util.JsonUtils;

/** Main API for SAVE and other HTTP clients.
 * FloraJsonServer can only load one ontology at a time.
 * This class is (in theory, at least) thread-safe, but the reasoning itself is not threaded, i.e. it is blocking. 
 * This class is a thin layer on top of FloraEngine, FileFloraDocumentService, and FileOntologyService.
 * The main responsibility for this class is to translate between JSON and the internal FloraTerm
 * representation, and providing some convenience for dealing with the underlying "service" classes. 
 * Not all floralib functionality is exposed. More features can be added as needed.
 * @author elenius
public class FloraJsonServer {
    private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());

    private final FloraWrapper floraWrapper;
    private final URL ontBase;
    private final ObjectMapper om;
    private final IFloraEngine engine;
    private final FileFloraDocumentService docService;
    private final FileOntologyService ontService;

    public FloraJsonServer(FloraWrapper floraWrapper, URL ontBase) throws IOException, FlrException {
        this.floraWrapper = floraWrapper;
        this.ontBase = ontBase;
        om = new ObjectMapper();
        engine = floraWrapper.getEngine();
        docService = floraWrapper.getDocumentService();
        ontService = new FileOntologyService(docService);

     * Loads the given file into the main module, in addition to any previously loaded file.
     * Sets the given file as the active file.
     * Note: The file should import any other files that it depends on. Import paths are
     * relative to the contentdir that FloraJsonServer was created with.
     * @param filename JSON node containing the filename to be loaded, relative to the content
     * dir that this FloraJsonServer was created with.
    public BooleanNode loadFile(String filename) throws FloraJsonServerException {
        logger.debug("loadFile: " + filename);

        try {
            URL url = new URL(ontBase, filename);
            return BooleanNode.TRUE;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FloraJsonServerException(ex.getMessage());

     * loadFile() must be called before calling this method, to load *some* flora file.
     * @return A JSON array containing all the top-level classes in the current ontology.
     * Use getSubClasses to expand the hierarchy. The members of the array are strings.
    public ArrayNode getRootClasses() throws FloraJsonServerException {
        IOntologyModel<File> ontModel = ontService.getActiveOntologyModel();
        if (ontModel == null)
            throw new FloraJsonServerException("No active ontology model found!");
        Set<Identifier> rootClasses = ontModel.getAssertedRootClasses();
        List<FloraTerm> roots = new ArrayList<FloraTerm>(rootClasses);
        ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
        return JsonUtils.floraTermListToJsonStrings(roots, om);

    private ObjectNode getSubClasses(FloraTerm clsterm) throws FloraJsonServerException {
        IOntologyModel<File> ontModel = ontService.getActiveOntologyModel();
        if (!(clsterm instanceof Identifier))
            throw new FloraJsonServerException("Parameter must have an Identifier termtype");

        Identifier clsid = (Identifier) clsterm;
        Set<Identifier> subClasses = ontModel.getSubclasses(clsid, false, true, true);
        List<FloraTerm> subs = new ArrayList<FloraTerm>(subClasses);

        ObjectNode result = om.createObjectNode();
        result.put("superclass", clsterm.toString());
        result.set("subclasses", JsonUtils.floraTermListToJsonStrings(subs, om));

        return result;

     * @param cls A string representing an Identifier
     * @return A JSON object with:
     *   - a "superclass" property containing the superclass, as a string
     *   - a "subclasses" property containing an array with the subclasses of the given class, as strings
    public ObjectNode getSubClasses(String cls) throws FloraJsonServerException {
        logger.debug("getSubClasses " + cls);
        try {
            FloraTerm clsterm = FloraParser.parseTerm(cls, getCurrentNamespaceMapping());
            return getSubClasses(clsterm);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FloraJsonServerException(ex.getMessage());

    private ArrayNode triples2ArrayNode(Collection<FrameTripleAssertion<File>> triples) {
        List<ObjectNode> props = new ArrayList<ObjectNode>();
        for (FrameTripleAssertion<File> tr : triples) {
            FrameTriple ft = tr.getFrameTriple();
            for (FloraTerm value : ft.getValues()) {
                ObjectNode entry = om.createObjectNode();
                entry.put("property", ft.getMethod().toString());
                entry.put("value", value.toString());
                entry.put("kind", ft.getArrow().toString());
                if (ft instanceof FrameTripleWithCardinalities) {
                    FrameTripleWithCardinalities ftc = (FrameTripleWithCardinalities) ft;
                    entry.put("min", ftc.getMinCardinality());
                    entry.put("max", ftc.getMaxCardinality());
                entry.put("assertedIn", tr.getSubject().toString());
                entry.put("file", tr.getSource().getSource().getName());
        ArrayNode arr = om.createArrayNode();
        return arr;

    private ObjectNode getClassDetails(FloraTerm term) {
        IOntologyModel<File> ontModel = ontService.getActiveOntologyModel();

        ObjectNode result = om.createObjectNode();
        result.put("id", term.toString());

        if (term instanceof Identifier) {
            Identifier clsid = (Identifier) term;

            // Add the superclasses
            Set<Identifier> superClasses = ontModel.getSuperclasses(clsid, false, false, true);
            List<FloraTerm> sups = new ArrayList<FloraTerm>(superClasses);
            result.set("superclasses", JsonUtils.floraTermListToJsonStrings(sups, om));

            // Add the class properties
            result.set("classproperties", triples2ArrayNode(ontModel.getClassPropertyValues(clsid, true, true)));

            /* TODO: Add these
            public Collection<Triple<IOntologySource<SourceType>, Identifier, BooleanMethodSpec>> 
            getClassBooleanProperties(Identifier cls, boolean inherited, boolean equivalenceClasses); 
            public Collection<Triple<IOntologySource<SourceType>, Identifier, BooleanValue>> 
            getClassBooleanValues(Identifier cls, boolean inherited, boolean equivalenceClasses); 

            // Add the types
            Set<Identifier> typeClses = ontModel.getTypes(clsid);
            List<FloraTerm> types = new ArrayList<FloraTerm>(typeClses);
            result.set("types", JsonUtils.floraTermListToJsonStrings(types, om));

            // Add the individual properties
                    triples2ArrayNode(ontModel.getIndividualPropertyValues(clsid, true, true, false)));

            /* TODO: Add these
            public Collection<Triple<IOntologySource<SourceType>, Identifier, BooleanMethodSpec>> 
            getIndividualBooleanProperties(Identifier cls, boolean inherited, boolean equivalenceClasses, boolean assertedOnly); 
            public Collection<Triple<IOntologySource<SourceType>, Identifier, BooleanValue>> 
            getIndividualBooleanValues(Identifier cls, boolean inherited, boolean equivalenceClasses, boolean assertedOnly); 

        } else
            logger.warn("Class term is not an Identifier: " + term.toString());

        // TODO
        return result;

     * @param cls A string representing an Identifier
     * @return The details of the the given class. If there is an error, a JSON text node is returned with the
     * error message.
    public ObjectNode getClassDetails(String cls) throws FloraJsonServerException {
        try {
            FloraTerm clsterm = FloraParser.parseTerm(cls, getCurrentNamespaceMapping());
            return getClassDetails(clsterm);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FloraJsonServerException(ex.getMessage());

    private NamespaceMapping getCurrentNamespaceMapping() {
        return floraWrapper.getNamespaceMapping();

     * Send a query, in plain text form, to the reasoner. Prefixes are as defined in the current
     * NamespaceMapping.
     * @param q The query string. Any variables in q will be shown in the query result.
     * @return a "QueryResult" JSON node.
    public ObjectNode query(String q) throws FloraJsonServerException {
        try {
            NamespaceMapping nm = getCurrentNamespaceMapping();
            FloraTerm queryTerm = FloraParser.parseTerm(q, nm);
            QueryResult qr = engine.floraQuery(queryTerm, nm);
            ObjectNode result = qr.toJson(om);
            return result;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FloraJsonServerException(ex.getMessage());

    public BooleanNode command(String cmd) throws FloraJsonServerException {
        try {
            boolean result = engine.floraCommand(cmd);
            if (result)
                return BooleanNode.TRUE;
                return BooleanNode.FALSE;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new FloraJsonServerException(ex.getMessage());