Source code

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* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

package com.symbian.utils.config;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.InvalidPreferencesFormatException;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;

import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;

 * @author EngineeringTools
public class ConfigUtils {

    private static final String NO_MANIFEST_FOUND = "No manifest found.";

    /** The preferences that are user dependent. */
    private Preferences iPrefrences;

    /** Name of the preferences node. */
    private final String iNodeName;

    /** Stored configuration. */
    private final HashMap<String, Comparable> iSavedConfig;

    /** Configuration Map. */
    private final Map iConfigMap;

    /** Preference Literals. */
    private final String[] iPreferenceLiterals;

    /** Generic Logger. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ConfigUtils.class.getName());

     * @param aConfigMap
     * @param aPreferenceAddress
     * @param aPreferenceLiterals
     * @throws IOException
    protected ConfigUtils(String aPreferenceAddress, String[] aPreferenceLiterals) throws IOException {
        iNodeName = aPreferenceAddress;
        iConfigMap = new HashMap();
        iSavedConfig = new HashMap();
        iPreferenceLiterals = aPreferenceLiterals;

        iPrefrences = Preferences.userRoot().node(iNodeName);
        // if created for the first time, it needs to be flushed.
        try {
        } catch (BackingStoreException lBackingStoreException) {
            LOGGER.warning("Failed to flush the configuration: " + lBackingStoreException.getMessage());
        // Register the listener for prefs changes
        iPrefrences.addPreferenceChangeListener(new PreferenceChangeListener() {
            public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt) {
                try {
                } catch (BackingStoreException lBackingStoreException) {
                    LOGGER.warning("Failed to flush the configuration: " + lBackingStoreException.getMessage());

     * completeConfigFromStore
     * add any extra elements from the store. For example, if the plugins have been activated before, there settings 
     * would have been loaded by their activators.
    protected void completeConfigFromStore() {
        try {
            TreeSet<String> storeKeys = new TreeSet<String>();
            TreeSet<String> localKeys = new TreeSet<String>();

            for (String key : storeKeys) {
                if (!localKeys.contains(key)) {
                    addConfig(key, iPrefrences.get(key, ""), new CheckGetConfig(), new CheckSetConfig(),
        } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not initialise the config " + e.getMessage());

     * @param aKey
     * @param aKeyLiteral
     * @param aDefault
     * @param aCheckGetConfig
     * @param aCheckSetConfig
     * @param aType
    public void addConfig(final int aKey, final String aDefault, final CheckGetConfig aCheckGetConfig,
            final CheckSetConfig aCheckSetConfig, final Class aType) {
        iConfigMap.put(iPreferenceLiterals[aKey], new Object[] { aCheckGetConfig, aCheckSetConfig, aType });

        String lValue = iPrefrences.get(iPreferenceLiterals[aKey], aDefault);
        if (lValue == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("The preference: " + aKey + " is NULL");
        } else if (aDefault.equals(lValue)) {
            iPrefrences.put(iPreferenceLiterals[aKey], aDefault);
            saveLocalPreference(iPreferenceLiterals[aKey], aDefault, aType);
        } else {
            saveLocalPreference(iPreferenceLiterals[aKey], lValue, aType);

    public void addConfig(final String aKey, final String aDefault, final CheckGetConfig aCheckGetConfig,
            final CheckSetConfig aCheckSetConfig, final Class aType) {
        String lKey = aKey.toLowerCase();
        iConfigMap.put(lKey, new Object[] { aCheckGetConfig, aCheckSetConfig, aType });

        String lValue = iPrefrences.get(lKey, aDefault);
        if (lValue == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("The preference: " + lKey + " is NULL");
        } else if (aDefault.equals(lValue)) {
            iPrefrences.put(lKey, aDefault);
            saveLocalPreference(lKey, aDefault, aType);
        } else {
            saveLocalPreference(lKey, lValue, aType);

    public boolean hasConfig(String aConfigElement) {
        if (iConfigMap.containsKey(aConfigElement.toLowerCase())) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param aKeyLiteral
     * @param aDefault
     * @param aType
    private void saveLocalPreference(final String aKeyLiteral, final String aDefault, final Class aType) {
        if (String.class.equals(aType)) {
            iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteral, aDefault);
        } else if (Boolean.class.equals(aType)) {
            iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteral, new Boolean(aDefault));
        } else if (File.class.equals(aType)) {
            iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteral, new File(aDefault));
        } else if (Integer.class.equals(aType)) {
            iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteral, new Integer(aDefault));

     * Clear user prefrences from the configuration
     * @throws IOException
     *             If the operation fails.
    public void clearConfig() throws IOException {
        try {
        } catch (BackingStoreException lBSE) {
            throw new IOException("Can not clear user prefs from configuration" + lBSE.getMessage());

     * Save the Configuration settings to files.
     * @param aPrefFile
     *            The Java Preference file to export/save.
     * @throws IOException
     *             If the saving doesn't work.
    public void exportConfig(final File aPrefFile) throws IOException {
        try {
            iPrefrences.exportNode(new FileOutputStream(aPrefFile));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException lFileNotFoundException) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot create new properties file: " + aPrefFile.getPath() + ": "
                    + lFileNotFoundException.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException lIOException) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Properties file I/O error: " + aPrefFile.getPath() + ": " + lIOException.getMessage());
        } catch (BackingStoreException lBackingStoreException) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Backing Store error: " + aPrefFile.getPath() + ": " + lBackingStoreException.getMessage());

     * load the Configuration settings from files.
     * @param aPrefFile
     *            The Java Preference file to import/load.
     * @throws IOException
     *             If the load doesn't work.
    public void importConfig(final File aPrefFile) throws IOException {
        try {
            Preferences.importPreferences(new FileInputStream(aPrefFile));
            iPrefrences = Preferences.userRoot().node(iNodeName);

        } catch (FileNotFoundException lFileNotFoundException) {
            throw new IOException("Cannot create new properties file: " + aPrefFile.getPath() + ": "
                    + lFileNotFoundException.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException lIOException) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Properties file I/O error: " + aPrefFile.getPath() + ", " + lIOException.getMessage());
        } catch (InvalidPreferencesFormatException lIPFE) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "Prefrences files are not valid: " + aPrefFile.getPath() + ", " + lIPFE.getMessage());

     * Print the Configuration setting
     * @param aLogger
     *            If <code>true</code> then prints to logger, else if
     *            <code>false</code> then prints to STDOUT.
     * @throws IOException
    public void printConfig(final boolean aLogger) throws IOException {
        try {

            StringBuffer lOutput = new StringBuffer();


            TreeSet<String> sortedKeys = new TreeSet<String>();


            for (Iterator lConfigIter = sortedKeys.iterator(); lConfigIter.hasNext();) {
                String lKey = (String);
                //for lite version enhancement. Depreciate "sysbin", instead use "statLite"
                if (lKey.equalsIgnoreCase("platsec")) //PlatSec will not be used and should not be displayed to user
                String lKeyDisplayName = lKey.equalsIgnoreCase("sysbin") ? "statlite" : lKey;
                String lMessage = "Preference " + lKeyDisplayName + ":"
                        + (lKeyDisplayName.length() < 12 ? "\t\t" : "\t") + iSavedConfig.get(lKey);
                if (aLogger) {
                    lOutput.append(lMessage + "\n");
                } else {

            if (aLogger) {

        } catch (SecurityException lSecurityException) {
            throw new IOException("Security exception: " + lSecurityException.getMessage());

     * Retrieves the preference for the local storage intially created from the
     * registry.
     * @param aKey
     *            The key of which preference to create.
     * @return The preference requested according to the key.
     * @throws ParseException
    public String getPreference(final int aKey) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!String.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the getPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Getting Preference " + aKey + ": " + iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

        return (String) ((CheckGetConfig) lConfigMap[0]).get(aKeyLiteal, iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

     * Retrieves the preference for the local storage intially created from the
     * registry.
     * @param aKey
     *            The key of which preference to create.
     * @return The preference requested according to the key.
     * @throws ParseException
    public String getPreference(final String aKey) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = aKey;
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            return null;
        if (!String.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the getPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Getting Preference " + aKey + ": " + iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

        return (String) ((CheckGetConfig) lConfigMap[0]).get(aKeyLiteal, iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

     * @param aKey
     * @param aValue
     * @throws ParseException
    public String setPreference(final int aKey, final String aValue) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!String.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Setting Preference " + aKey + ": " + aValue);

        String lCheckedValue = (String) ((CheckSetConfig) lConfigMap[1]).set(aKeyLiteal, aValue);

        iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);
        iPrefrences.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);

        return lCheckedValue;

     * @param aKey
     * @param aValue
     * @throws ParseException
    public String setPreference(final String aKey, final String aValue) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = aKey.toLowerCase();
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!String.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Setting Preference " + aKey + ": " + aValue);

        String lCheckedValue = (String) ((CheckSetConfig) lConfigMap[1]).set(aKeyLiteal, aValue);

        iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);
        iPrefrences.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);

        return lCheckedValue;

     * @param aKey
     * @return <code>true</code> if the preference for the Key is
     *         <code>true</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @throws ParseException
    public boolean isPreference(final int aKey) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!Boolean.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Getting Preference " + aKey + ": " + iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

        return ((Boolean) ((CheckGetConfig) lConfigMap[0]).get(aKeyLiteal, iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal)))

     * @param aKey
     * @param aValue
     * @throws ParseException
    public boolean setPreferenceBoolean(final int aKey, final boolean aValue) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!Boolean.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Setting Preference " + aKeyLiteal + ": " + aValue);

        Boolean lCheckedValue = (Boolean) ((CheckSetConfig) lConfigMap[1]).set(aKeyLiteal, new Boolean(aValue));

        iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);
        iPrefrences.putBoolean(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue.booleanValue());

        return lCheckedValue.booleanValue();

     * @param aKey
     * @return The integer stored in the preferences by the key.
     * @throws ParseException
    public int getPreferenceInteger(final int aKey) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKey);
        if (!Integer.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Getting Preference " + aKeyLiteal + ": " + iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

        return ((Integer) ((CheckGetConfig) lConfigMap[0]).get(aKeyLiteal, iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal)))

     * @param aKey
     * @param aValue
     * @throws ParseException
    public int setPreferenceInteger(final int aKey, final int aValue) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!Integer.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Setting Preference " + aKeyLiteal + ": " + aValue);

        Integer lCheckedValue = (Integer) ((CheckSetConfig) lConfigMap[1]).set(aKeyLiteal, new Integer(aValue));

        iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);
        iPrefrences.putInt(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue.intValue());

        return lCheckedValue.intValue();

     * @param aKey
     * @return The file stored in the preferences by the key.
     * @throws ParseException
    public File getPreferenceFile(final int aKey) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!File.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Getting Preference " + aKeyLiteal + ": " + iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

        return (File) ((CheckGetConfig) lConfigMap[0]).get(aKeyLiteal, iSavedConfig.get(aKeyLiteal));

     * @param aKey
     * @param aValue
     * @throws ParseException
    public File setPreferenceFile(final int aKey, final File aValue) throws ParseException {
        String aKeyLiteal = iPreferenceLiterals[aKey];
        Object[] lConfigMap = (Object[]) iConfigMap.get(aKeyLiteal);

        if (lConfigMap == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Incorrect key: " + aKeyLiteal);
        if (!File.class.equals(lConfigMap[2])) {
            throw new ParseException("This preference " + aKeyLiteal
                    + " cannot use the setPreference() method. It must be of type " + lConfigMap[2].toString());

        LOGGER.finest("Setting Preference " + aKeyLiteal + ": " + aValue);

        File lCheckedValue = (File) ((CheckSetConfig) lConfigMap[1]).set(aKeyLiteal, aValue);

        iSavedConfig.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue);
        iPrefrences.put(aKeyLiteal, lCheckedValue.toString());

        return lCheckedValue;

    private static String iName = NO_MANIFEST_FOUND;

    public static void setName(String aName) {
        iName = aName;

     * Get Name
     * @return the name of the program e.g. TestDriver
    public static String getName() {
        return iName;

    private static String iVersion = NO_MANIFEST_FOUND;

    public static void setVersion(String aVersion) {
        iVersion = aVersion;

     * get version number
     * @return the version string of the program e.g. 1.00.1000
    public static String getVersion() {

        return iVersion;

    private static String iCopyright = NO_MANIFEST_FOUND;

    public static void setCopyright(String aCopyright) {
        iCopyright = aCopyright;

     * get copyright
     * @return the copyright of the program

    public static String getCopyright() {

        return iCopyright;