Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of LibLaserCut.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Thomas Oster <>
 * RWTH Aachen University - 52062 Aachen, Germany
 *     LibLaserCut is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     LibLaserCut is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *     along with LibLaserCut.  If not, see <>.
package com.t_oster.liblasercut.drivers;

import com.t_oster.liblasercut.IllegalJobException;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.JobPart;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.LaserCutter;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.LaserJob;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.LaserProperty;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.ProgressListener;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.Raster3dPart;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.RasterPart;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.VectorCommand;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.VectorPart;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.platform.Point;
import com.t_oster.liblasercut.platform.Util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

 * This class implements a driver for the LAOS Lasercutter board.
 * Currently it supports the simple code and the G-Code, which may be used in
 * the future.
 * @author Thomas Oster <>
public class LaosCutter extends LaserCutter {

    private static final String SETTING_HOSTNAME = "Hostname / IP";
    private static final String SETTING_PORT = "Port";
    private static final String SETTING_BEDWIDTH = "Laserbed width";
    private static final String SETTING_BEDHEIGHT = "Laserbed height";
    private static final String SETTING_FLIPX = "X axis goes right to left (yes/no)";
    private static final String SETTING_FLIPY = "Y axis goes bottom to top (yes/no)";
    private static final String SETTING_MMPERSTEP = "mm per Step (for SimpleMode)";
    private static final String SETTING_TFTP = "Use TFTP instead of TCP";
    private static final String SETTING_RASTER_WHITESPACE = "Additional space per Raster line";
    private static final String SETTING_DEBUGFILE = "Debug output file";
    private static final String SETTING_SUPPORTS_PURGE = "Supports purge";
    private static final String SETTING_SUPPORTS_VENTILATION = "Supports ventilation";
    private static final String SETTING_SUPPORTS_FREQUENCY = "Supports frequency";
    private static final String SETTING_SUPPORTS_FOCUS = "Supports focus (Z-axis movement)";

    private boolean supportsFrequency = false;

    public boolean isSupportsFrequency() {
        return supportsFrequency;

    public void setSupportsFrequency(boolean supportsFrequency) {
        this.supportsFrequency = supportsFrequency;

    private boolean supportsFocus = false;

    public boolean isSupportsFocus() {
        return supportsFocus;

    public void setSupportsFocus(boolean supportsFocus) {
        this.supportsFocus = supportsFocus;

    private boolean supportsPurge = false;

    public boolean isSupportsPurge() {
        return supportsPurge;

    public void setSupportsPurge(boolean supportsPurge) {
        this.supportsPurge = supportsPurge;

    private boolean supportsVentilation = false;

    public boolean isSupportsVentilation() {
        return supportsVentilation;

    public void setSupportsVentilation(boolean supportsVentilation) {
        this.supportsVentilation = supportsVentilation;

    //only kept for backwards compatibility. unused
    private transient boolean unidir = false;
    private String debugFilename = "";

    public LaosCutterProperty getLaserPropertyForVectorPart() {
        return new LaosCutterProperty(!this.supportsPurge, !this.supportsVentilation, !this.supportsFocus,

    public LaosEngraveProperty getLaserPropertyForRasterPart() {
        return new LaosEngraveProperty(!this.supportsPurge, !this.supportsVentilation, !this.supportsFocus,

    public LaosEngraveProperty getLaserPropertyForRaster3dPart() {
        return new LaosEngraveProperty(!this.supportsPurge, !this.supportsVentilation, !this.supportsFocus,

    private double addSpacePerRasterLine = 5;

     * Get the value of addSpacePerRasterLine
     * @return the value of addSpacePerRasterLine
    public double getAddSpacePerRasterLine() {
        return addSpacePerRasterLine;

     * Set the value of addSpacePerRasterLine
     * This is a space (in mm) for the laserhead to gain
     * speed before the first 'black' pixel in every line
     * @param addSpacePerRasterLine new value of addSpacePerRasterLine
    public void setAddSpacePerRasterLine(double addSpacePerRasterLine) {
        this.addSpacePerRasterLine = addSpacePerRasterLine;

    public String getModelName() {
        return "LAOS";

    protected boolean useTftp = true;

     * Get the value of useTftp
     * @return the value of useTftp
    public boolean isUseTftp() {
        return useTftp;

     * Set the value of useTftp
     * @param useTftp new value of useTftp
    public void setUseTftp(boolean useTftp) {
        this.useTftp = useTftp;

    protected boolean flipXaxis = false;

     * Get the value of flipXaxis
     * @return the value of flipXaxis
    public boolean isFlipXaxis() {
        return flipXaxis;

     * Set the value of flipXaxis
     * @param flipXaxis new value of flipXaxis
    public void setFlipXaxis(boolean flipXaxis) {
        this.flipXaxis = flipXaxis;

    protected boolean flipYaxis = true;

     * Get the value of flipYaxis
     * @return the value of flipYaxis
    public boolean isFlipYaxis() {
        return flipYaxis;

     * Set the value of flipYaxis
     * @param flipYaxis new value of flipYaxis
    public void setFlipYaxis(boolean flipYaxis) {
        this.flipYaxis = flipYaxis;

    protected String hostname = "";

     * Get the value of hostname
     * @return the value of hostname
    public String getHostname() {
        return hostname;

     * Set the value of hostname
     * @param hostname new value of hostname
    public void setHostname(String hostname) {
        this.hostname = hostname;

    protected int port = 69;

     * Get the value of port
     * @return the value of port
    public int getPort() {
        return port;

     * Set the value of port
     * @param port new value of port
    public void setPort(int port) {
        this.port = port;

    protected double mmPerStep = 0.001;

     * Get the value of mmPerStep
     * @return the value of mmPerStep
    public double getMmPerStep() {
        return mmPerStep;

     * Set the value of mmPerStep
     * @param mmPerStep new value of mmPerStep
    public void setMmPerStep(double mmPerStep) {
        this.mmPerStep = mmPerStep;

    private int px2steps(double px, double dpi) {
        return (int) (Util.px2mm(px, dpi) / this.mmPerStep);

    private byte[] generateVectorGCode(VectorPart vp, double resolution) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(result, true, "US-ASCII");
        for (VectorCommand cmd : vp.getCommandList()) {
            switch (cmd.getType()) {
            case MOVETO:
                move(out, cmd.getX(), cmd.getY(), resolution);
            case LINETO:
                line(out, cmd.getX(), cmd.getY(), resolution);
            case SETPROPERTY: {
                this.setCurrentProperty(out, cmd.getProperty());
        return result.toByteArray();

    private void move(PrintStream out, float x, float y, double resolution) {
        out.printf("0 %d %d\n", px2steps(isFlipXaxis() ? Util.mm2px(bedWidth, resolution) - x : x, resolution),
                px2steps(isFlipYaxis() ? Util.mm2px(bedHeight, resolution) - y : y, resolution));

    private void loadBitmapLine(PrintStream out, List<Long> dwords) {
        out.printf("9 %s %s ", "1", "" + (dwords.size() * 32));
        for (Long d : dwords) {
            out.printf(" " + d);

    private float currentPower = -1;

    private void setPower(PrintStream out, float power) {
        if (currentPower != power) {
            out.printf("7 101 %d\n", (int) (power * 100));
            currentPower = power;

    private float currentSpeed = -1;

    private void setSpeed(PrintStream out, float speed) {
        if (currentSpeed != speed) {
            out.printf("7 100 %d\n", (int) (speed * 100));
            currentSpeed = speed;

    private int currentFrequency = -1;

    private void setFrequency(PrintStream out, int frequency) {
        if (currentFrequency != frequency) {
            out.printf("7 102 %d\n", frequency);
            currentFrequency = frequency;

    private float currentFocus = 0;

    private void setFocus(PrintStream out, float focus) {
        if (currentFocus != focus) {
            out.printf(Locale.US, "2 %d\n", (int) (focus / this.mmPerStep));
            currentFocus = focus;

    private Boolean currentVentilation = null;

    private void setVentilation(PrintStream out, boolean ventilation) {
        if (currentVentilation == null || !currentVentilation.equals(ventilation)) {
            out.printf(Locale.US, "7 6 %d\n", ventilation ? 1 : 0);
            currentVentilation = ventilation;

    private Boolean currentPurge = null;

    private void setPurge(PrintStream out, boolean purge) {
        if (currentPurge == null || !currentPurge.equals(purge)) {
            out.printf(Locale.US, "7 7 %d\n", purge ? 1 : 0);
            currentPurge = purge;

    private void setCurrentProperty(PrintStream out, LaserProperty p) {
        if (p instanceof LaosCutterProperty) {
            LaosCutterProperty prop = (LaosCutterProperty) p;
            if (this.supportsFocus) {
                setFocus(out, prop.getFocus());
            if (this.supportsVentilation) {
                setVentilation(out, prop.getVentilation());
            if (this.supportsPurge) {
                setPurge(out, prop.getPurge());
            setSpeed(out, prop.getSpeed());
            setPower(out, prop.getPower());
            if (this.supportsFrequency) {
                setFrequency(out, prop.getFrequency());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "The Laos driver only accepts LaosCutter properties (was " + p.getClass().toString() + ")");

    private void line(PrintStream out, float x, float y, double resolution) {
        out.printf("1 %d %d\n", px2steps(isFlipXaxis() ? Util.mm2px(bedWidth, resolution) - x : x, resolution),
                px2steps(isFlipYaxis() ? Util.mm2px(bedHeight, resolution) - y : y, resolution));

    private byte[] generatePseudoRaster3dGCode(Raster3dPart rp, double resolution)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(result, true, "US-ASCII");
        boolean dirRight = true;
        Point rasterStart = rp.getRasterStart();
        LaosEngraveProperty prop = rp.getLaserProperty() instanceof LaosEngraveProperty
                ? (LaosEngraveProperty) rp.getLaserProperty()
                : new LaosEngraveProperty(rp.getLaserProperty());
        this.setCurrentProperty(out, prop);
        float maxPower = this.currentPower;
        boolean bu = prop.isEngraveBottomUp();
        for (int line = bu ? rp.getRasterHeight() - 1 : 0; bu ? line >= 0
                : line < rp.getRasterHeight(); line += bu ? -1 : 1) {
            Point lineStart = rasterStart.clone();
            lineStart.y += line;
            List<Byte> bytes = rp.getRasterLine(line);
            //remove heading zeroes
            while (bytes.size() > 0 && bytes.get(0) == 0) {
                lineStart.x += 1;
            //remove trailing zeroes
            while (bytes.size() > 0 && bytes.get(bytes.size() - 1) == 0) {
                bytes.remove(bytes.size() - 1);
            if (bytes.size() > 0) {
                if (dirRight) {
                    //move to the first nonempyt point of the line
                    move(out, lineStart.x, lineStart.y, resolution);
                    byte old = bytes.get(0);
                    for (int pix = 0; pix < bytes.size(); pix++) {
                        if (bytes.get(pix) != old) {
                            if (old == 0) {
                                move(out, lineStart.x + pix, lineStart.y, resolution);
                            } else {
                                setPower(out, maxPower * (0xFF & old) / 255);
                                line(out, lineStart.x + pix - 1, lineStart.y, resolution);
                                move(out, lineStart.x + pix, lineStart.y, resolution);
                            old = bytes.get(pix);
                    //last point is also not "white"
                    setPower(out, maxPower * (0xFF & bytes.get(bytes.size() - 1)) / 255);
                    line(out, lineStart.x + bytes.size() - 1, lineStart.y, resolution);
                } else {
                    //move to the last nonempty point of the line
                    move(out, lineStart.x + bytes.size() - 1, lineStart.y, resolution);
                    byte old = bytes.get(bytes.size() - 1);
                    for (int pix = bytes.size() - 1; pix >= 0; pix--) {
                        if (bytes.get(pix) != old || pix == 0) {
                            if (old == 0) {
                                move(out, lineStart.x + pix, lineStart.y, resolution);
                            } else {
                                setPower(out, maxPower * (0xFF & old) / 255);
                                line(out, lineStart.x + pix + 1, lineStart.y, resolution);
                                move(out, lineStart.x + pix, lineStart.y, resolution);
                            old = bytes.get(pix);
                    //last point is also not "white"
                    setPower(out, maxPower * (0xFF & bytes.get(0)) / 255);
                    line(out, lineStart.x, lineStart.y, resolution);
            if (!prop.isEngraveUnidirectional()) {
                dirRight = !dirRight;
        return result.toByteArray();

     * This Method takes a raster-line represented by a list of bytes,
     * where: byte0 ist the left-most byte, in one byte, the MSB is the
     * left-most bit, 0 representing laser off, 1 representing laser on.
     * The Output List of longs, where each value is the unsigned dword
     * of 4 bytes of the input each, where the first dword is the leftmost
     * dword and the LSB is the leftmost bit. If outputLeftToRight is false,
     * the first dword is the rightmost dword and the LSB of each dword is the
     * the Output is padded with zeroes on the right side, if leftToRight is true,
     * on the left-side otherwise
     * rightmost bit
     * @param line
     * @param outputLeftToRight
     * @return
    public List<Long> byteLineToDwords(List<Byte> line, boolean outputLeftToRight) {
        List<Long> result = new ArrayList<Long>();
        int s = line.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            line.set(i, (byte) (Integer.reverse(0xFF & line.get(i)) >>> 24));
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i += 4) {
            result.add((((long) (i + 3 < s ? 0xFF & line.get(i + 3) : 0)) << 24)
                    + (((long) (i + 2 < s ? 0xFF & line.get(i + 2) : 0)) << 16)
                    + (((long) (i + 1 < s ? 0xFF & line.get(i + 1) : 0)) << 8) + ((long) (0xFF & line.get(i))));
        if (!outputLeftToRight) {
            for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
                result.set(i, Long.reverse(result.get(i)) >>> 32);
        return result;

    private byte[] generateLaosRasterCode(RasterPart rp, double resolution)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(result, true, "US-ASCII");
        boolean dirRight = true;
        Point rasterStart = rp.getRasterStart();
        LaosEngraveProperty prop = rp.getLaserProperty() instanceof LaosEngraveProperty
                ? (LaosEngraveProperty) rp.getLaserProperty()
                : new LaosEngraveProperty(rp.getLaserProperty());
        this.setCurrentProperty(out, prop);
        boolean bu = prop.isEngraveBottomUp();
        for (int line = bu ? rp.getRasterHeight() - 1 : 0; bu ? line >= 0
                : line < rp.getRasterHeight(); line += bu ? -1 : 1) {
            Point lineStart = rasterStart.clone();
            lineStart.y += line;
            List<Byte> bytes = rp.getRasterLine(line);
            //remove heading zeroes
            while (bytes.size() > 0 && bytes.get(0) == 0) {
                lineStart.x += 8;
            //remove trailing zeroes
            while (bytes.size() > 0 && bytes.get(bytes.size() - 1) == 0) {
                bytes.remove(bytes.size() - 1);
            if (bytes.size() > 0) {
                //add space on the left side
                int space = (int) Util.mm2px(this.getAddSpacePerRasterLine(), resolution);
                while (space > 0 && lineStart.x >= 8) {
                    bytes.add(0, (byte) 0);
                    space -= 8;
                    lineStart.x -= 8;
                //add space on the right side
                space = (int) Util.mm2px(this.getAddSpacePerRasterLine(), resolution);
                int max = (int) Util.mm2px(this.getBedWidth(), resolution);
                while (space > 0 && lineStart.x + (8 * bytes.size()) < max - 8) {
                    bytes.add((byte) 0);
                    space -= 8;
                if (dirRight) {
                    //move to the first point of the line
                    move(out, lineStart.x, lineStart.y, resolution);
                    List<Long> dwords = this.byteLineToDwords(bytes, true);
                    loadBitmapLine(out, dwords);
                    line(out, lineStart.x + (dwords.size() * 32), lineStart.y, resolution);
                } else {
                    //move to the first point of the line
                    List<Long> dwords = this.byteLineToDwords(bytes, false);
                    move(out, lineStart.x + (dwords.size() * 32), lineStart.y, resolution);
                    loadBitmapLine(out, dwords);
                    line(out, lineStart.x, lineStart.y, resolution);
            if (!prop.isEngraveUnidirectional()) {
                dirRight = !dirRight;
        return result.toByteArray();

    private byte[] generateInitializationCode() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(result, true, "US-ASCII");
        return result.toByteArray();

    private byte[] generateShutdownCode() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(result, true, "US-ASCII");
        this.setFocus(out, 0f);
        this.setVentilation(out, false);
        this.setPurge(out, false);
        return result.toByteArray();

    protected void writeJobCode(LaserJob job, OutputStream out, ProgressListener pl)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
        pl.progressChanged(this, 20);
        int i = 0;
        int max = job.getParts().size();
        for (JobPart p : job.getParts()) {
            if (p instanceof Raster3dPart) {
                out.write(this.generatePseudoRaster3dGCode((Raster3dPart) p, p.getDPI()));
            } else if (p instanceof RasterPart) {
                out.write(this.generateLaosRasterCode((RasterPart) p, p.getDPI()));
            } else if (p instanceof VectorPart) {
                out.write(this.generateVectorGCode((VectorPart) p, p.getDPI()));
            pl.progressChanged(this, 20 + (int) (i * (double) 60 / max));

    public void sendJob(LaserJob job, ProgressListener pl, List<String> warnings)
            throws IllegalJobException, Exception {
        currentFrequency = -1;
        currentPower = -1;
        currentSpeed = -1;
        currentFocus = 0;
        currentPurge = false;
        currentVentilation = false;
        pl.progressChanged(this, 0);
        BufferedOutputStream out;
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = null;
        pl.taskChanged(this, "checking job");
        if (!useTftp) {
            pl.taskChanged(this, "connecting");
            Socket connection = new Socket();
            connection.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), 3000);
            out = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
            pl.taskChanged(this, "sending");
        } else {
            buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            out = new BufferedOutputStream(buffer);
            pl.taskChanged(this, "buffering");
        this.writeJobCode(job, out, pl);
        if (this.isUseTftp()) {
            pl.taskChanged(this, "connecting");
            TFTPClient tftp = new TFTPClient();
            //open a local UDP socket
            pl.taskChanged(this, "sending");
            ByteArrayInputStream bain = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray());
            tftp.sendFile(job.getName().replace(" ", "") + ".lgc", TFTP.BINARY_MODE, bain, this.getHostname(),
            if (debugFilename != null && !"".equals(debugFilename)) {
                pl.taskChanged(this, "writing " + debugFilename);
                FileOutputStream o = new FileOutputStream(new File(debugFilename));
            pl.taskChanged(this, "sent.");
        pl.progressChanged(this, 100);

    private List<Double> resolutions;

    public List<Double> getResolutions() {
        if (resolutions == null) {
            //TODO: Calculate possible resolutions
            //according to mm/step
            resolutions = Arrays.asList(new Double[] { 100d, 200d, 300d, 500d, 600d, 1000d, 1200d });
        return resolutions;

    protected double bedWidth = 300;

     * Get the value of bedWidth
     * @return the value of bedWidth
    public double getBedWidth() {
        return bedWidth;

     * Set the value of bedWidth
     * @param bedWidth new value of bedWidth
    public void setBedWidth(double bedWidth) {
        this.bedWidth = bedWidth;

    protected double bedHeight = 210;

     * Get the value of bedHeight
     * @return the value of bedHeight
    public double getBedHeight() {
        return bedHeight;

     * Set the value of bedHeight
     * @param bedHeight new value of bedHeight
    public void setBedHeight(double bedHeight) {
        this.bedHeight = bedHeight;

    private static String[] settingAttributes = new String[] { SETTING_HOSTNAME, SETTING_PORT, SETTING_BEDWIDTH,

    public String[] getPropertyKeys() {
        return settingAttributes;

    public Object getProperty(String attribute) {
        if (SETTING_DEBUGFILE.equals(attribute)) {
            return this.debugFilename;
        } else if (SETTING_RASTER_WHITESPACE.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Double) this.getAddSpacePerRasterLine();
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_FREQUENCY.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.supportsFrequency;
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_PURGE.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.supportsPurge;
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_VENTILATION.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.supportsVentilation;
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_FOCUS.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.supportsFocus;
        } else if (SETTING_HOSTNAME.equals(attribute)) {
            return this.getHostname();
        } else if (SETTING_FLIPX.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.isFlipXaxis();
        } else if (SETTING_FLIPY.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.isFlipYaxis();
        } else if (SETTING_PORT.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Integer) this.getPort();
        } else if (SETTING_BEDWIDTH.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Double) this.getBedWidth();
        } else if (SETTING_BEDHEIGHT.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Double) this.getBedHeight();
        } else if (SETTING_MMPERSTEP.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Double) this.getMmPerStep();
        } else if (SETTING_TFTP.equals(attribute)) {
            return (Boolean) this.isUseTftp();
        return null;

    public void setProperty(String attribute, Object value) {
        if (SETTING_DEBUGFILE.equals(attribute)) {
            this.debugFilename = value != null ? (String) value : "";
        } else if (SETTING_RASTER_WHITESPACE.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setAddSpacePerRasterLine((Double) value);
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_FREQUENCY.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setSupportsFrequency((Boolean) value);
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_PURGE.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setSupportsPurge((Boolean) value);
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_VENTILATION.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setSupportsVentilation((Boolean) value);
        } else if (SETTING_SUPPORTS_FOCUS.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setSupportsFocus((Boolean) value);
        } else if (SETTING_HOSTNAME.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setHostname((String) value);
        } else if (SETTING_PORT.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setPort((Integer) value);
        } else if (SETTING_FLIPX.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setFlipXaxis((Boolean) value);
        } else if (SETTING_FLIPY.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setFlipYaxis((Boolean) value);
        } else if (SETTING_BEDWIDTH.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setBedWidth((Double) value);
        } else if (SETTING_BEDHEIGHT.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setBedHeight((Double) value);
        } else if (SETTING_MMPERSTEP.equals(attribute)) {
            this.setMmPerStep((Double) value);
        } else if (SETTING_TFTP.contains(attribute)) {
            this.setUseTftp((Boolean) value);

    public LaserCutter clone() {
        LaosCutter clone = new LaosCutter();
        clone.hostname = hostname;
        clone.port = port;
        clone.debugFilename = debugFilename;
        clone.bedHeight = bedHeight;
        clone.bedWidth = bedWidth;
        clone.flipXaxis = flipXaxis;
        clone.flipYaxis = flipYaxis;
        clone.mmPerStep = mmPerStep;
        clone.useTftp = useTftp;
        clone.addSpacePerRasterLine = addSpacePerRasterLine;
        clone.supportsFrequency = supportsFrequency;
        clone.supportsPurge = supportsPurge;
        clone.supportsVentilation = supportsVentilation;
        clone.supportsFocus = supportsFocus;
        return clone;
