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 * Copyright 2007 Matthias L. Jugel.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.thinkberg.moxo.dav.lock;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSelectInfo;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException;

import com.thinkberg.moxo.vfs.extensions.DepthFileSelector;

 * The lock manager is responsible for exclusive and shared write locks on the
 * DAV server. It is used to acquire a lock, release a lock, discover existing
 * locks or check conditions. The lock manager is a singleton.
 * @author Matthias L. Jugel
 * @version $Id$
public class LockManager {
    private static LockManager instance = null;

     * Get an instance of the lock manager.
     * @return the lock manager
    public static LockManager getInstance() {
        if (null == instance) {
            instance = new LockManager();

        return instance;

    private final Map<FileObject, List<Lock>> lockMap;

     * The lock manager is a singleton and cannot be instantiated directly.
    private LockManager() {
        lockMap = new HashMap<FileObject, List<Lock>>();

     * Acquire a lock. This will first check for conflicts and throws exceptions if
     * there are existing locks or for some reason the lock could not be acquired.
     * @param lock the lock to acquire
     * @throws LockConflictException if an existing lock has priority
     * @throws FileSystemException   if the file object and its path cannot be accessed
    public void acquireLock(Lock lock) throws LockConflictException, FileSystemException {

     * Release a lock on a file object with a given lock token. Releeases the lock if
     * if one exists and if the lock token is valid for the found lock.
     * @param object the file object we want to unlock
     * @param token  the lock token associated with the file object
     * @return true if the lock has been released, false if not
    public boolean releaseLock(FileObject object, String token) {
        List<Lock> locks = lockMap.get(object);
        if (null != locks) {
            for (Lock lock : locks) {
                if (lock.getToken().equals(token)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        return true;

     * Discover locks for a given file object. This will find locks for the object
     * itself and parent path locks with a depth that reaches the file object.
     * @param object the file object to find locks for
     * @return the locks that are found for this file object
     * @throws FileSystemException if the file object or its parents cannot be accessed
    public List<Lock> discoverLock(FileObject object) throws FileSystemException {
        FileObject parent = object;
        while (parent != null) {
            List<Lock> parentLocks = lockMap.get(parent);
            if (parentLocks != null && !parentLocks.isEmpty()) {
                return parentLocks;
            parent = parent.getParent();

        return null;

     * Check a condition for a file object. The condition check looks for locks on the
     * given file object and will throw exceptions if the condition does not meet the
     * lock requirements (i.e. lock token in the condition differes from the token in
     * the discovered lock) or no condition exists if a lock was discovered. If no lock
     * was discovered but a condition exists a lock condition exception will be thrown.
     * @param object the file object in question
     * @param ifCond the condition to check
     * @return the lock found for the given if condition and the object
     * @throws FileSystemException          if the object or path cannot be accessed
     * @throws LockConflictException        if there is a a lock but no condition
     * @throws LockConditionFailedException if the condition and lock does not match
    public Lock checkCondition(FileObject object, String ifCond)
            throws FileSystemException, LockConflictException, LockConditionFailedException {
        List<Lock> locks = discoverLock(object);
        if (null != locks && !locks.isEmpty()) {
            // if there is no condition but a lock, this must fail
            if (null == ifCond) {
                throw new LockConflictException(locks);

            // simple check whether the token is in the condition (TODO: check for NOT)
            for (Lock lock : locks) {
                if (ifCond.indexOf("<" + lock.getToken() + ">") != -1) {
                    return lock;
            throw new LockConditionFailedException(locks);
        } else if (null != ifCond) {
            // no lock but a condition must fail too
            throw new LockConditionFailedException(null);

        return null;

     * Add a lock to the list of shared locks of a given object.
     * @param lock the lock to add
    private void addLock(Lock lock) {
        FileObject object = lock.getObject();
        List<Lock> locks = lockMap.get(object);
        if (null == locks) {
            locks = new ArrayList<Lock>();
            lockMap.put(object, locks);

     * Check whether a lock conflicts with already existing locks up and down the path.
     * First we go up the path to check for parent locks that may include the file object
     * and the go down the directory tree (if depth requires it) to check locks that
     * will conflict.
     * @param requestedLock the lock requested
     * @throws LockConflictException if a conflicting lock was found
     * @throws FileSystemException   if the file object or path cannot be accessed
    private void checkConflicts(final Lock requestedLock) throws LockConflictException, FileSystemException {
        // find locks in the parent path
        FileObject parent = requestedLock.getObject();
        while (parent != null) {
            List<Lock> parentLocks = lockMap.get(parent);
            if (parentLocks != null && !parentLocks.isEmpty()) {
                for (Lock parentLock : parentLocks) {
                    if (Lock.EXCLUSIVE.equals(requestedLock.getScope())
                            || Lock.EXCLUSIVE.equals(parentLock.getScope())) {
                        throw new LockConflictException(parentLocks);
            parent = parent.getParent();

        // look for locks down the path (if depth requests it)
        if (requestedLock.getDepth() != 0 && requestedLock.getObject().getChildren().length > 0) {
            requestedLock.getObject().findFiles(new DepthFileSelector(1, requestedLock.getDepth()) {
                public boolean includeFile(FileSelectInfo fileSelectInfo) throws Exception {
                    List<Lock> childLocks = lockMap.get(fileSelectInfo.getFile());
                    for (Lock childLock : childLocks) {
                        if (Lock.EXCLUSIVE.equals(requestedLock.getScope())
                                || Lock.EXCLUSIVE.equals(childLock.getScope())) {
                            throw new LockConflictException(childLocks);
                    return false;
            }, false, new ArrayList());