Source code

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 * This file is a component of thundr, a software library from 3wks.
 * Read more:
 * Copyright (C) 2014 3wks, <>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.threewks.thundr.injection;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;

import com.atomicleopard.expressive.Expressive;
import com.atomicleopard.expressive.collection.Pair;
import com.atomicleopard.expressive.collection.Triplets;
import com.threewks.thundr.configuration.Environment;
import com.threewks.thundr.introspection.ClassIntrospector;
import com.threewks.thundr.introspection.MethodIntrospector;
import com.threewks.thundr.introspection.ParameterDescription;
import com.threewks.thundr.introspection.TypeIntrospector;

public class InjectionContextImpl implements UpdatableInjectionContext {
    private static final String ENVIRONMENT_SEPARATOR = "%";
    private static final Set<Class<?>> TypesRequiringAName = createListOfTypesRequiringAName();

    private Triplets<Class<?>, String, Class<?>> types = map();
    private Triplets<Class<?>, String, Object> instances = map();

    private MethodIntrospector methodIntrospector = new MethodIntrospector();
    private ClassIntrospector classIntrospector = new ClassIntrospector();

    public <T> InjectorBuilder<T> inject(Class<T> type) {

        if (!TypeIntrospector.isABasicType(type)
                && (type.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers()))) {
            throw new InjectionException(
                    "Unable to inject the type '%s' - you cannot inject interfaces or abstract classes",

        return new InjectorBuilder<T>(this, type);

    public <T> InjectorBuilder<T> inject(T instance) {
        return new InjectorBuilder<T>(this, instance);

    public <T> T get(Class<T> type) {
        T instance = getExistingInstance(type, null);
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = createAndAddInstance(type, null);
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = getOnlyExistingNamedInstanceForNonBasicType(type);
        return instance;

    public <T> T get(Class<T> type, String name) {
        T instance = getExistingInstance(type, name);
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = createAndAddInstance(type, name);
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = get(type);
        return instance;

    protected <T> void addType(Class<T> type, String name, Class<? extends T> as) {
        types.put(type, name, as);

    protected <T> void addInstance(Class<T> type, String name, T as) {
        instances.put(type, name, as);

    private <T> T createAndAddInstance(Class<T> type, String name) {
        T instance = null;
        T newInstance = instantiate((Class<T>) types.get(type, name));
        if (newInstance != null) {
            synchronized (instances) {
                if (!instances.containsKey(type, name)) {
                    instances.put(type, name, newInstance);
                instance = (T) instances.get(type, name);
        return instance;

    private <T> T instantiate(Class<T> type) {
        if (type == null) {
            return null;
        List<Constructor<T>> ctors = classIntrospector.listConstructors(type);
        List<ParameterDescription> minimalParameters = Collections.emptyList();
        for (int i = ctors.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Constructor<T> constructor = ctors.get(i);
            List<ParameterDescription> parameterDescriptions = methodIntrospector
            minimalParameters = parameterDescriptions;
            if (canSatisfy(parameterDescriptions)) {
                Object[] args = getAll(parameterDescriptions);
                T instance = invokeConstructor(constructor, args);
                instance = invokeSetters(type, instance);
                return setFields(type, instance);

        throw new InjectionException(
                "Could not create a %s - cannot match parameters of any available constructors. The minimal set of parameters required is %s",
                type.getName(), minimalParameters);

    private <T> T invokeSetters(Class<T> type, T instance) {
        List<Method> setters = classIntrospector.listSetters(type);
        for (Method method : setters) {
            String name = getPropertyNameFromSetMethod(method);
            try {
                Class<?> argumentType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
                if (contains(argumentType, name)) {
                    method.invoke(instance, get(argumentType, name));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InjectionException(e, "Failed to inject into %s.%s: %s", type.getName(), method.getName(),
        return instance;

    // TODO - Stack Overflow - A thread local storing types being created could bail
    // out early in the case of stack overflow
    private <T> T setFields(Class<T> type, T instance) {
        List<Field> fields = classIntrospector.listInjectionFields(type);
        for (Field field : fields) {
            try {
                Object beanProperty = get(field.getType(), field.getName());
                boolean accessible = field.isAccessible();
                field.set(instance, beanProperty);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InjectionException(e, "Failed to inject into %s.%s: %s", type.getName(), field.getName(),

        return instance;

    private Object[] getAll(List<ParameterDescription> parameterDescriptions) {
        List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(parameterDescriptions.size());
        for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : parameterDescriptions) {
            Object arg = get(parameterDescription.classType(),;
        return args.toArray();

    public <T> boolean contains(Class<T> type) {
        return contains(type, null);

    public <T> boolean contains(Class<T> type, String name) {
        boolean contains = false;
        if (name != null) {
            String envName = environmentSpecificName(name);
            // named or environment named instance
            contains = contains || instances.containsKey(type, envName) || instances.containsKey(type, name);
            // named or environment named type
            contains = contains || types.containsKey(type, envName) || types.containsKey(type, name);
        // unnamed instance
        contains = contains || instances.containsKey(type, null);
        // unnamed type
        contains = contains || types.containsKey(type, null);
        return contains;

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("Injection context (%s instances, %s classes)", instances.size(), types.size());

    private <T> T getExistingInstance(Class<T> type, String name) {
        String environmentSpecificName = environmentSpecificName(name);
        T instance = (T) instances.get(type, environmentSpecificName);
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = (T) instances.get(type, name);
        return instance;

    private <T> T getOnlyExistingNamedInstanceForNonBasicType(Class<T> type) {
        boolean isBasicType = TypesRequiringAName.contains(type);
        if (!isBasicType) {
            Map<String, T> existing = new HashMap<String, T>();
            for (Entry<Pair<Class<?>, String>, Object> entry : instances.entrySet()) {
                Pair<Class<?>, String> key = entry.getKey();
                if (type.equals(key.getA())) {
                    T t = (T) entry.getValue();
                    existing.put(key.getB(), t);
            if (existing.size() > 1) {
                throw new InjectionException(
                        "Unable to get an instance of %s - the result is ambiguous. The following matches exist: %s. Check the casing of the expected parameter matches exactly.",
                        type.getName(), StringUtils.join(existing.keySet(), ", "));
            if (existing.size() == 1) {
                return existing.values().iterator().next();
        return null;

    private String environmentSpecificName(String name) {
        return name + ENVIRONMENT_SEPARATOR + Environment.get();

    private boolean canSatisfy(List<ParameterDescription> parameterDescriptions) {
        for (ParameterDescription parameterDescription : parameterDescriptions) {
            if (get(parameterDescription.classType(), == null) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private <T> T invokeConstructor(Constructor<T> constructor, Object[] args) {
        try {
            return constructor.newInstance(args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InjectionException(e, "Failed to create a new instance using the constructor %s: %s",
                    constructor.toString(), getRootMessage(e));

    private String getRootMessage(Exception e) {
        Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e);
        String message = rootCause == null ? e.getMessage() : rootCause.getMessage();
        return message;

    private String getPropertyNameFromSetMethod(Method method) {
        String nameWithUpperCaseFirstLetter = method.getName().replace("set", "");
        return nameWithUpperCaseFirstLetter.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase()
                + nameWithUpperCaseFirstLetter.substring(1);

    private <K1, K2, V> Triplets<K1, K2, V> map() {
        return new Triplets<K1, K2, V>();

    private static Set<Class<?>> createListOfTypesRequiringAName() {
        return Expressive.<Class<?>>set(String.class, byte.class, Byte.class, short.class, Short.class, int.class,
                Integer.class, long.class, Long.class, float.class, Float.class, double.class, Double.class,
                char.class, Character.class, boolean.class, Boolean.class, BigDecimal.class, BigInteger.class,
                List.class, Set.class, Map.class, Collection.class);