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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.

package com.twitter.algebra;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter;
import org.apache.mahout.common.Pair;
import org.apache.mahout.common.iterator.sequencefile.SequenceFileIterator;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseMatrix;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix;
import org.apache.mahout.math.MatrixSlice;
import org.apache.mahout.math.SparseMatrix;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable;
import org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.DistributedRowMatrix;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.twitter.algebra.matrix.format.MapDir;
import com.twitter.algebra.matrix.format.MatrixOutputFormat;

 * This class includes the utility functions that is used by multiple algebra classes
 * @author maysam yabandeh
public class AlgebraCommon {
    public static class ExcludeMetaFilesFilter implements PathFilter {
        public boolean accept(Path path) {
            String name = path.getName();
            return !name.startsWith(".") && !name.startsWith("_");

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AlgebraCommon.class);

     * @param m
     *          matrix
     * @return m.viewDiagonal().zSum()
    static double trace(Matrix m) {
        Vector d = m.viewDiagonal();
        return d.zSum();

     * Assuming that the input is generated by {@link MatrixOutputFormat}, this method
     * convert it to a centralized dense matrix.
     * @param inPath the path to the {@link MapDir matrix}
     * @param nRows
     * @param nCols
     * @param conf
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static DenseMatrix mapDirToDenseMatrix(Path inPath, int nRows, int nCols, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException {
        Path tmpPath = inPath.getParent();
        DistributedRowMatrix distMatrix = new DistributedRowMatrix(inPath, tmpPath, nRows, nCols);
        return toDenseMatrix(distMatrix);

     * Assuming that the input is generated by {@link MatrixOutputFormat}, this method
     * convert its first row it to a centralized sparse matrix.
     * @param inPath the path to the {@link MapDir matrix}
     * @param nRows
     * @param nCols
     * @param conf
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static Vector mapDirToSparseVector(Path inPath, int nRows, int nCols, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException {
        SparseMatrix matrix = mapDirToSparseMatrix(inPath, nRows, nCols, conf);
        Vector v = matrix.viewRow(0);
        return v;

     * Assuming that the input is generated by {@link MatrixOutputFormat}, this method
     * convert it to a centralized sparse matrix.
     * @param inPath the path to the {@link MapDir matrix}
     * @param nRows
     * @param nCols
     * @param conf
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static SparseMatrix mapDirToSparseMatrix(Path inPath, int nRows, int nCols, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException {
        Path tmpPath = inPath.getParent();
        DistributedRowMatrix distMatrix = new DistributedRowMatrix(inPath, tmpPath, nRows, nCols);
        return toSparseMatrix(distMatrix);

     * If the MapDir matrix is small, we can convert it to an in memory representation
     * and then run efficient centralized operations
     * @param origMtx in MapDir format (generated by MatrixOutputFormat)
     * @return a dense matrix including the data
     * @throws IOException 
    public static DenseMatrix toDenseMatrix(DistributedRowMatrix origMtx) throws IOException {
        MapDir mapDir = new MapDir(new Configuration(), origMtx.getRowPath());
        DenseMatrix mtx = new DenseMatrix(origMtx.numRows(), origMtx.numCols());
        Iterator<MatrixSlice> sliceIterator;
        try {
            sliceIterator = mapDir.iterateAll();
        } catch (Exception e) {
  "Input is not in matrix format, trying SequenceFileFormat instead ...");
            sliceIterator = origMtx.iterateAll();
        while (sliceIterator.hasNext()) {
            MatrixSlice slice =;
            //      int r = slice.index();
            //      for (int c = 0; c < mtx.numCols(); c++) {
            //        mtx.set(r, c, slice.get(c));
            //      }
        return mtx;

     * If the MapDir matrix is small, we can convert it to an in memory representation
     * and then run efficient centralized operations
     * @param origMtx in MapDir format (generated by MatrixOutputFormat)
     * @return a dense matrix including the data
     * @throws IOException 
    static SparseMatrix toSparseMatrix(DistributedRowMatrix origMtx) throws IOException {
        MapDir mapDir = new MapDir(new Configuration(), origMtx.getRowPath());
        SparseMatrix mtx = new SparseMatrix(origMtx.numRows(), origMtx.numCols());
        Iterator<MatrixSlice> sliceIterator = mapDir.iterateAll();
        while (sliceIterator.hasNext()) {
            MatrixSlice slice =;
        return mtx;

     * Trace of a matrix obtained in a centralized way. For some reason, which I did not have time to debug, raises memory exception for big matrices. 
     * TODO: MapReduce job for traces of big matrices.
     * @param origMtx
     * @return trace of the input matrix
     * @throws IOException
    static double trace(DistributedRowMatrix origMtx) throws IOException {
        MapDir mapDir = new MapDir(new Configuration(), origMtx.getRowPath());
        Iterator<MatrixSlice> sliceIterator = mapDir.iterateAll();
        double trace = 0;
        while (sliceIterator.hasNext()) {
            MatrixSlice slice =;
            int index = slice.index();
            if (index >= slice.vector().size())
            double value = slice.vector().get(index);
            trace += Double.isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
        return trace;

     * Multiply a vector with a matrix
     * @param vector V
     * @param matrix M
     * @param resVector will be filled with V * M
     * @return V * M
    public static Vector vectorTimesMatrix(Vector vector, Matrix matrix, DenseVector resVector) {
        int nCols = matrix.numCols();
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
            Double resDouble =;
            resVector.set(c, resDouble);
        return resVector;

     * Multiply a vector with transpose of a matrix
     * @param vector V
     * @param transpose of matrix M
     * @param resVector will be filled with V * M
     * @return V * M
    public static Vector vectorTimesMatrixTranspose(Vector vector, Matrix matrixTranspose, Vector resVector) {
        int nCols = matrixTranspose.numRows();
        for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
            Vector col = matrixTranspose.viewRow(c);
            double resDouble = 0d;
            boolean hasNonZero = col.getNumNondefaultElements() != 0;
            if (hasNonZero)
                resDouble =;
            resVector.set(c, resDouble);
        return resVector;

     * Convert a 2-dimensional array to a dense matrix in {@link MapDir} format
     * @param vectors a 2-dimensional array of doubles
     * @param outPath the path to which the dense matrix will be written
     * @param tmpPath an argument required to be passed to {@link DistributedRowMatrix}
     * @param label a unique label to name the output matrix directory
     * @return a {@link DistributedRowMatrix} pointing to the in-filesystem matrix
     * @throws Exception
    public static DistributedRowMatrix toDenseMapDir(double[][] vectors, Path outPath, Path tmpPath, String label)
            throws Exception {
        DenseMatrix m = new DenseMatrix(vectors);
        return AlgebraCommon.toMapDir(m, outPath, tmpPath, label);

     * Convert a 2-dimensional array to a sparse matrix in {@link MapDir} format
     * @param vectors a 2-dimensional array of doubles
     * @param outPath the path to which the dense matrix will be written
     * @param tmpPath an argument required to be passed to {@link DistributedRowMatrix}
     * @param label a unique label to name the output matrix directory
     * @return a {@link DistributedRowMatrix} pointing to the in-filesystem matrix
     * @throws Exception
    public static DistributedRowMatrix toSparseMapDir(double[][] vectors, Path outPath, Path tmpPath, String label)
            throws Exception {
        int nRows = vectors.length;
        int nCols = vectors[0].length;
        SparseMatrix m = new SparseMatrix(nRows, nCols);
        for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++)
            m.set(r, vectors[r]);
        return AlgebraCommon.toMapDir(m, outPath, tmpPath, label);

     * Convert an in-memory representation of a matrix to a distributed MapDir
     * format. It then can be used in distributed jobs
     * @param oriMatrix
     * @return path that will contain the matrix files
     * @throws Exception
    public static DistributedRowMatrix toMapDir(Matrix origMatrix, Path outPath, Path tmpPath, String label)
            throws Exception {
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        Path outputDir = new Path(outPath, label + origMatrix.numRows() + "x" + origMatrix.numCols());
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(outputDir.toUri(), conf);
        if (!fs.exists(outputDir)) {
            Path mapDir = new Path(outputDir, "matrix-k-0");
            Path outputFile = new Path(mapDir, "data");
            SequenceFile.Writer writer = new SequenceFile.Writer(fs, conf, outputFile, IntWritable.class,
            VectorWritable vectorw = new VectorWritable();
            IntWritable intw = new IntWritable();
            try {
                for (int r = 0; r < origMatrix.numRows(); r++) {
                    Vector vector = origMatrix.viewRow(r);
                    writer.append(intw, vectorw);
            } finally {
            MapFile.fix(fs, mapDir, IntWritable.class, VectorWritable.class, false, conf);
        } else {
            log.warn("----------- Skip matrix " + outputDir + " - already exists");
        DistributedRowMatrix dMatrix = new DistributedRowMatrix(outputDir, tmpPath, origMatrix.numRows(),
        return dMatrix;

     * Write a vector to filesystem so that it can be used by distributed jobs
     * @param vector
     * @param outputDir
     * @param label the unique label that be used in naming the vector file
     * @param conf
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static Path toDistributedVector(Vector vector, Path outputDir, String label, Configuration conf)
            throws IOException {
        Path outputFile = new Path(outputDir, "Vector-" + label);
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(outputDir.toUri(), conf);
        if (fs.exists(outputFile)) {
            log.warn("----------- OVERWRITE " + outputFile + " already exists");
            fs.delete(outputFile, false);
        SequenceFile.Writer writer = new SequenceFile.Writer(fs, conf, outputFile, IntWritable.class,
        VectorWritable vectorw = new VectorWritable();
        writer.append(new IntWritable(0), vectorw);
        return outputFile;

     * Read a vector from the filesystem and covert it to a dense vector
     * TODO: how about sparse vectors
     * @param vectorFile that file that contains the vector data in SequenceFile format
     * @param conf
     * @return a dense vector
     * @throws IOException
    public static DenseVector toDenseVector(Path vectorFile, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
        SequenceFileIterator<IntWritable, VectorWritable> iterator = new SequenceFileIterator<IntWritable, VectorWritable>(
                vectorFile, true, conf);
        DenseVector vector;
        try {
            Pair<IntWritable, VectorWritable> next;
            next =;
            vector = new DenseVector(next.getSecond().get());
        } finally {
            Closeables.close(iterator, false);
        return vector;

    static void printMemUsage() {
        int mb = 1024 * 1024;
        // Getting the runtime reference from system
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        System.out.println("##### Heap utilization statistics [MB] #####");
        // Print used memory
        System.out.print("Used Memory:" + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb);
        // Print free memory
        System.out.print(" Free Memory:" + runtime.freeMemory() / mb);
        // Print total available memory
        System.out.print(" Total Memory:" + runtime.totalMemory() / mb);
        // Print Maximum available memory
        System.out.print(" Max Memory:" + runtime.maxMemory() / mb);

    //  public static int computeNumReducers(Configuration conf, int rows, int cols) {
    //    int blockSize = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
    //    blockSize = conf.getInt("file.blocksize", blockSize);
    //    int nReducers = (int) (rows / (float) blockSize * cols * 12);
    //    // ~12 byte/element
    //    nReducers = Math.max(nReducers, 1);
    //    return nReducers;
    //  }