Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011, Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

package com.vendsy.bartsy.venue;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.db.DatabaseManager;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.AppObservable;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.Category;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.Cocktail;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.Menu;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.Order;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.Profile;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.model.Venue;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.service.ConnectionCheckingService;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.service.ConnectivityService;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.utils.Constants;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.utils.Utilities;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.utils.WebServices;
import com.vendsy.bartsy.venue.view.AppObserver;

 * The ChatAppliation class serves as the Model (in the sense of the common user
 * interface design pattern known as Model-View-Controller) for the chat
 * application.
 * The ChatApplication inherits from the relatively little-known Android
 * application framework class Application. From the Android developers
 * reference on class Application:
 * Base class for those who need to maintain global application state. You can
 * provide your own implementation by specifying its name in your
 * AndroidManifest.xml's <application> tag, which will cause that class to be
 * instantiated for you when the process for your application/package is
 * created.
 * The important property of class Application is that its lifetime coincides
 * with the lifetime of the application, not its activities. Since we have
 * persistent state in our connections to the outside world via our AllJoyn
 * objects, and that state cannot be serialized, saved and restored; we need a
 * persistent object to ensure that state is held if transient objects like
 * Activities are destroyed and recreated by the Android application framework
 * during its normal operation.
 * This object holds the global state for our chat application, and starts the
 * Android Service that handles the background processing relating to our
 * AllJoyn connections.
 * Additionally, this class provides the Model for an MVC framework. It provides
 * a relatively abstract idea of what it is the application is doing. For
 * example, we provide methods oriented to conceptual actions (like our user has
 * typed a message) instead of methods oriented to the implementation (like,
 * create an AllJoyn bus object and register it). This allows the user interface
 * to be relatively independent of the channel implementation.
 * Android Activities can come and go in sometimes surprising ways during the
 * operation of an application. For example, when a phone is rotated from
 * portrait to landscape orientation, the displayed Activities are deleted and
 * recreated in the new orientation. This class holds the persistent state that
 * is required to correctly display Activities when they are recreated.
public class BartsyApplication extends Application implements AppObservable {
    private static final String TAG = "BartsyApplication";
    public static String PACKAGE_NAME;

     * When created, the application fires an intent to create the AllJoyn
     * service. This acts as sort of a combined view/controller in the overall
     * architecture.
    public void onCreate() {
        Log.v(TAG, "onCreate()");
        PACKAGE_NAME = getApplicationContext().getPackageName();

        // Start background ConnectionCheckingService
        startService(new Intent(this, ConnectionCheckingService.class));

        // Start the background connectivity service if running on Alljoyn
        if (Constants.USE_ALLJOYN) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(this, ConnectivityService.class);
            mRunningService = startService(intent);
            if (mRunningService == null) {
                Log.v(TAG, "onCreate(): failed to startService()");

        // load venue profile if it exists. this is an application-wide
        // variable.

        // GCM registration
        // --------------------------------------------------
        final String regId = GCMRegistrar.getRegistrationId(this);
        if (regId.equals("")) {
            GCMRegistrar.register(this, WebServices.SENDER_ID);
        } else {
            Log.v(TAG, "Already registered");
        System.out.println("the registration id is:::::" + regId);

        // --------------------------------------------
        // DataBase initialization - First activity should call this method

        List<Category> categories = DatabaseManager.getInstance().getCategories(Category.SPIRITS_TYPE);
        if (categories == null || categories.size() == 0) {

    public Venue mVenueProfileActivityInput;

     * Convenience functions to generate notifications and Toasts 

    public Handler mHandler = new Handler();

    public void makeText(final String toast, final int length) { Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Log.v(TAG, toast);
                Toast.makeText(BartsyApplication.this, toast, length).show();

    public int NOTIFICATION_IMAGE_SIZE = 120;

    private void generateNotification(final String title, final String body, final int count) { Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // Get app icon bitmap and scale to fit in notification
                Bitmap largeIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher);
                largeIcon = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(largeIcon, NOTIFICATION_IMAGE_SIZE, NOTIFICATION_IMAGE_SIZE,

                NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext())

                // Creates an explicit intent for an Activity in your app
                Intent resultIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class);

                // The stack builder object will contain an artificial back stack for the
                // started Activity.
                // This ensures that navigating backward from the Activity leads out of
                // your application to the Home screen.
                TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(getApplicationContext());
                // Adds the back stack for the Intent (but not the Intent itself)
                // Adds the Intent that starts the Activity to the top of the stack
                PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = stackBuilder.getPendingIntent(0,
                NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(

                // Play default notification sound
                // mId allows you to update the notification later on.

    // Ingredients
    public boolean isIngredientsSaved;

     *  To load csv file in background
    private void loadCSVfilesAndSaveInDB() {
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                // To read spirits and mixers data from CSV file and save in the DB 
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Utilities.saveIngredientsFromCSVFile ::" + e.getMessage());

                // To read cocktails data from CSV file and save in the DB
                try {
                            getAssets().open(Constants.COCKTAILS_CSV_FILE), null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Utilities.saveCocktailsFromCSVFile ::" + e.getMessage());
                isIngredientsSaved = true;


                if (venueProfileID != null) {
                    // Upload the data to server


     * Upload Ingredients and cocktails to the server in background
    public synchronized void uploadDataToServerInBackground() {

        //      new Thread(){
        //         public void run() {
        //            uploadIngredientsDataToServer();
        //             uploadCocktailsDataToServer(null);
        //         }
        //      }.start();

    public void uploadIngredientsDataToServer() {
        // Get spirits categories from the database and upload to server
        List<Category> categories = DatabaseManager.getInstance().getCategories(Category.SPIRITS_TYPE);
        for (Category category : categories) {
            WebServices.saveIngredients(category, DatabaseManager.getInstance().getIngredients(category),
                    venueProfileID, BartsyApplication.this);

        // Get mixer categories from the database and upload to server
        List<Category> mixercategories = DatabaseManager.getInstance().getCategories(Category.MIXER_TYPE);
        for (Category category : mixercategories) {
            WebServices.saveIngredients(category, DatabaseManager.getInstance().getIngredients(category),
                    venueProfileID, BartsyApplication.this);

     *  Get cocktails from the db and upload to server
    public void uploadCocktailsDataToServer(String menuName) {
        // Make sure that menu name should not be empty or null
        if (menuName == null || menuName.trim().equals("")) {
            menuName = Utilities.DEFAULT_MENU_NAME;

        List<Cocktail> cocktails = DatabaseManager.getInstance().getCocktails(menuName);
        WebServices.saveMenu(cocktails, menuName, venueProfileID, BartsyApplication.this);

     * TODO - Synchronize orders
     * This is the main synchronization function with the server. It's called if a discrepancy is found in our state versus the server state.
     * It performs all necessary synchronizations between our state and the server state.
     * @param message
     * @param background  - run in the background or not

    synchronized public void performHeartbeat() {

        Log.v(TAG, "performHeartbeat()");

        if (venueProfileID == null) {

        try {
            // Create json object
            JSONObject postData = new JSONObject();
            postData.put("venueId", venueProfileID);

            // Heart beat Webservice calling - this is useless for now in checking state so use the more complete syscall 
            WebServices.postRequest(WebServices.URL_HEART_BEAT_VENUE, postData, this);

        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Accessors for the main update function. These decide if we should access in the current
     * thread of spin up a new thread. They also can return a cloned version of the orders list
     * instead of performing an update

    synchronized public ArrayList<Order> cloneOrders() {
        return accessOrders(ACCESS_ORDERS_VIEW);

     * Simple scheduler for the update function 

    Runnable runUpdate = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

    synchronized public void update(long delay) {

        // Debug log
        Log.e(TAG, "Scheduling update in " + delay + " ms");

        // First reset any scheduled updates

        // Schedule an update after the specified delay
        mHandler.postDelayed(runUpdate, delay);

    synchronized private void update() {

        if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
            // We're in the main thread - execute the update in the background with a new asynchronous task
            Log.w(TAG, "Running updateOrders() in an async task");
            // Runnable() {

            //            @Override
            //            public void run() {
            new Thread() {
                public void run() {
            //            };
            //         });

            //         new UpdateAsync().execute();
        } else {
            // We're not in the main thread - don't spin up a thread
            Log.w(TAG, "Running updateOrders()");


    private class UpdateAsync extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
        protected void onPreExecute() {

        protected Void doInBackground(Void... Voids) {
            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Void params) {

     * This is the main function of the bunch. It performs most of the work using helper functions. It looks at the server
     * state and updates the current state by adding, removing and updated orders.
    public static final int ACCESS_ORDERS_UPDATE = 0;
    public static final int ACCESS_ORDERS_VIEW = 1;

    synchronized private ArrayList<Order> accessOrders(int options) {

        if (options == ACCESS_ORDERS_VIEW) {
            return (ArrayList<Order>) mOrders.clone();

        // Print orders before update
        String ordersString = "\n";
        for (Order order : mOrders) {
            ordersString += order + "\n";
        Log.w(TAG, ">>> Open orders before update:\n" + ordersString);

        boolean network = false;
        try {
            network = WebServices.isNetworkAvailable(BartsyApplication.this);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        if (network) {

            JSONObject json = WebServices.syncWithServer(venueProfileID, BartsyApplication.this);
            if (json == null)
                return null;

            // Synchronize people 

            // Get remote orders list
            ArrayList<Order> remoteOrders = extractOrders(json);

            // Find new orders, existing orders and missing orders.
            ArrayList<Order> addedOrders = processAddedOrders(mOrders, remoteOrders);
            processRemovedOrders(mOrders, remoteOrders);
            processExistingOrders(mOrders, remoteOrders);

            // Generate notifications
            if (addedOrders.size() > 0) {
                String message = "";
                int count = 0;
                if (addedOrders.size() > 0) {
                    message += "Added orders:\n";
                    for (Order order : addedOrders) {
                        message += "New order for " + order.getRecipientName(mPeople) + "\n";
                    message += "\n";

                // Print and generate modifications
                Log.w(TAG, message);
                generateNotification("New orders", message, count);

            // Print orders after update
            ordersString = "\n";
            for (Order order : mOrders) {
                ordersString += order + "\n";
            Log.w(TAG, ">>> Open orders after update:\n" + ordersString);



        // Update timers and notify observers of status changes

        return null;

    public void printOrders(ArrayList<Order> addedOrders) {

        String ip = Utilities.loadPref(this, R.string.config_printer_ip, null);

        if (ip == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Printer IP address not configured");

        try {
            for (Order order : addedOrders) {
                Socket sock = new Socket(ip, 9100);
                PrintWriter oStream = new PrintWriter(sock.getOutputStream());
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Unknown host");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "I/O error");

    ArrayList<Order> extractOrders(JSONObject json) {

        ArrayList<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>();

        try {
            // To parse orders from JSON object
            if (json.has("orders")) {
                JSONArray ordersJson = json.getJSONArray("orders");

                for (int j = 0; j < ordersJson.length(); j++) {

                    JSONObject orderJSON = ordersJson.getJSONObject(j);

                    // If the server is incorrectly sending the order timeout as a venue-wide variable, insert it in the order JSON
                    if (!orderJSON.has("orderTimeout") && json.has("orderTimeout"))
                        orderJSON.put("orderTimeout", json.getInt("orderTimeout"));

                    Order order = new Order(orderJSON);

        } catch (JSONException e) {
        return orders;

    Order findMatchingOrder(ArrayList<Order> orders, Order order) {
        for (Order found : orders) {
            if (found.orderId.equals(order.orderId))
                return found;
        return null;

     * These are the processing helper functions of the main update function. They process orders that were in the server
     * but not in the local state (new orders), orders that are in the local state but were not in the server state (removed 
     * orders) and orders that are both in the server state and the local state (updated orders)

    ArrayList<Order> processAddedOrders(ArrayList<Order> localOrders, ArrayList<Order> remoteOrders) {

        Log.w(TAG, "processAddedOrders()");

        // Find the orders to remove and store them in a separate list to avoid iterator issues
        ArrayList<Order> processedOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();
        for (Order order : remoteOrders) {
            if (findMatchingOrder(localOrders, order) == null) {

                switch (order.status) {

                // Legal state - add new orders to the list of work and notify the user
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_NEW:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_READY:

                // This is not an illegal state but can happen right now because the phone may not be dismissing the order. Just don't add these locally (or even change their status - think about it more!) - for now
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_CANCELLED:
                    Log.e(TAG, "Skipping cancelled order: " + order.orderId + " with status: " + order.status);

                // Illegal state - print message and don't process the order
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_REJECTED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_FAILED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_OFFER_REJECTED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_OFFERED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_REMOVED:
                    Log.e(TAG, "Skipping illegal order: " + order.orderId + " with status: " + order.status);

        // Add the orders found
        ArrayList<Order> addedOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();
        for (Order order : processedOrders) {
            if (addOrder(order)) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Adding order: " + order.orderId + " with status: " + order.status);
            } else {
                Log.e(TAG, "Could not add order: " + order.orderId + " with status: " + order.status);

        return addedOrders;

    ArrayList<Order> processRemovedOrders(ArrayList<Order> localOrders, ArrayList<Order> remoteOrders) {

        Log.w(TAG, "processRemovedOrders()");

        // Find the orders to remove and store them in a separate list to avoid iterator issues
        ArrayList<Order> removedOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();
        for (Order order : localOrders) {
            Order remoteOrder = findMatchingOrder(remoteOrders, order);
            if (remoteOrder == null) {

                switch (order.status) {

                // The orders are gone from the host's state, remove them from the local cache too
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_REJECTED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_FAILED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE:

                // Local state only, the host doesn't know about those orders any more. 
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_CANCELLED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_TIMEOUT:

                // These states should really not be appearing, but if they do change them to cancelled (server timeout) state
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_NEW:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS:
                            "This order took too long and it timed out. Please process orders promptly.");
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_READY:
                            "This order was not picked up on time and the customer was charged. You may dispose of it or wait in case the customer comes to claim it.");

                // This local state should not exist without the host also being in the same state. Remove them
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_OFFERED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_OFFER_REJECTED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_REMOVED:
                    Log.e(TAG, "Illegal order: " + order.orderId + " with status: " + order.status
                            + ". Removing it locally");

        // Remove orders found
        for (Order order : removedOrders) {

        return removedOrders;

    ArrayList<Order> processExistingOrders(ArrayList<Order> localOrders, ArrayList<Order> remoteOrders) {

        Log.w(TAG, "processExistingOrders()");
        ArrayList<Order> updatedOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();

        for (Order remoteOrder : remoteOrders) {

            Order localOrder = findMatchingOrder(localOrders, remoteOrder);

            // Handle the case where the timeout of the bartender has changed while we have open orders 
            if (localOrder != null && localOrder.timeOut != remoteOrder.timeOut) {
                Log.v(TAG, "Adjusting order timeout for order " + localOrder.orderId + " from " + localOrder.timeOut
                        + " to " + remoteOrder.timeOut);
                localOrder.timeOut = remoteOrder.timeOut;

            if (localOrder != null && localOrder.status != remoteOrder.status) {

                switch (remoteOrder.status) {
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_CANCELLED:
                    // <=== orderTimeout - **** Change the state and leave it in the order list until user acknowledges the time out ****
                            "This order took too long and it timed out. Please accept orders promptly.");

                switch (localOrder.status) {

                // These orders have a local status that the host doesn't know about and shoudln't know about.
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_CANCELLED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_TIMEOUT:

                // The status has been changed due to a local user action. Notify the host.
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_READY:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_REJECTED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_FAILED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE:

                // These states should not be possible locally if the host has a different status - flag them and move them to timeout
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_OFFERED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_OFFER_REJECTED:
                case Order.ORDER_STATUS_NEW:
                            "Skipping illegal order: " + localOrder.orderId + " with status: " + localOrder.status);


        // Send changes across if any
        if (updatedOrders.size() > 0) {
            WebServices.orderStatusChanged(updatedOrders, BartsyApplication.this);

        return updatedOrders;

     * This functions updates the timers of the various orders and moves them to the expired state in case of a local timeout

    private synchronized void updateOrderTimers() {

        Log.v(TAG, "updateOrderTimers()");

        for (Order order : mOrders) {

            // The additional timeout when we check for local timeouts gives the server the opportunity to always time out an order first. This 
            long duration = Constants.timoutDelay + order.timeOut
                    - ((System.currentTimeMillis() - (order.state_transitions[order.status]).getTime())) / 60000;

            if (duration <= 0) {

                        "Order " + order.orderId + " timed out. Status " + order.status + " ("
                                + order.state_transitions[order.status] + "), last_status: " + order.last_status
                                + " (" + order.state_transitions[order.last_status] + "), placed ("
                                + order.state_transitions[Order.ORDER_STATUS_NEW] + ")");

                // Order time out - set it to that state (this won't have an effect if already in that state as the called function guarantees that)

     * TODO - Profile

    public void saveVenueProfileImage(Bitmap bitmap) {
        // Save bitmap to file
        String file = getFilesDir() + File.separator
                + getResources().getString(R.string.config_venue_profile_picture);
        Log.w(TAG, ">>> Saving venue profile image to " + file);

        try {
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
            bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error saving venue profile image");

    Bitmap loadVenueProfileImage() {
        String file = getFilesDir() + File.separator
                + getResources().getString(R.string.config_venue_profile_picture);
        Log.w(TAG, ">>> Loading venue profile from " + file);
        Bitmap image = null;
        try {
            image = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Could not load venue profile image");
        return image;

    void eraseVenueProfileImage() {

        Log.w(TAG, ">>> Erase venue profile image");

        File file = new File(
                getFilesDir() + File.separator + getResources().getString(R.string.config_venue_profile_picture));

     * TODO - Synchronize people

    synchronized private void updatePeople(JSONObject json) {
        // Verify checked in users match server list
        try {

            if (json.has("checkedInUsers")) {

                JSONArray users;
                users = json.getJSONArray("checkedInUsers");

                // Check sizes match
                if (users.length() != mPeople.size()) {

                // Check Id's match
                for (int i = 0; i < users.length(); i++) {
                    JSONObject userJson = users.getJSONObject(i);

                    boolean found = false;
                    for (Profile person : mPeople) {
                        if (person.userID.equalsIgnoreCase(userJson.getString("bartsyId"))) {
                            found = true;

                    if (!found) {
        } catch (JSONException e) {


    synchronized private void syncPeople(JSONArray users) {
        Log.w(TAG, "syncPeople()");

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < users.length(); i++) {
                mPeople.add(new Profile(users.getJSONObject(i)));
        } catch (JSONException e) {



     * TODO - Vennue profile
     * This venue ID represents the venue in which this tablet is setup. This is
     * used only on the tablet.

    public String venueProfileID = null;
    public String venueProfileName = null;
    public Venue venueProfile = null;

    void loadVenueProfile() {
        SharedPreferences sharedPref = getSharedPreferences(
                getResources().getString(R.string.config_shared_preferences_name), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        venueProfileID = sharedPref.getString("RegisteredVenueId", null);
        venueProfileName = sharedPref.getString("RegisteredVenueName", null);

     * The list of people present (when checked in) is also saved here, in the
     * global state. We have all handling code here because the application
     * always runs in the background. If there is an activity that displays a
     * view of that list listening, we will send an update message, but this
     * code will always correctly change the model so that we never lose orders
     * even if hte phone (or tablet) is in sleep mode, etc.

    public ArrayList<Profile> mPeople = new ArrayList<Profile>();
    public static final String PEOPLE_UPDATED = "PEOPLE_UPDATED";

     * To add profile to the existing checked in people list
     * @param profile
    synchronized public void addPerson(Profile profile) {

        // Don't add duplicates
        Profile found = null;
        for (Profile person : mPeople) {
            if (profile.userID.equals(person.userID)) {
                found = person;
        if (found == null) {

     * Called when we have a person check out of a venue
    synchronized String removePerson(String profileId, boolean rebuildUI) {

        Log.v(TAG, "removePerson(" + profileId + ")");
        String response = null;

        for (Profile profile : mPeople) {
            if (profileId.equals(profile.userID)) {
                String message = "(" + profile.getName() + ", " + profileId + ")";
                Log.v(TAG, "Removing " + message + " from the person list");
                if (response == null)
                    response = message;
                    response += ", " + message;

        if (rebuildUI)

        return response;

    synchronized String removePeople(JSONArray usersCheckedOut) {
        String notificationMessage = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < usersCheckedOut.length(); i++) {
            String userId;
            try {
                userId = usersCheckedOut.getString(i);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                return null;
            String removeMessage = removePerson(userId, false);
            if (removeMessage == null)
                notificationMessage += "<" + userId + ", not found> ";
                notificationMessage += userId + " ";


        return notificationMessage;

     * TODO - Orders
     * The order list is saved in the global application state. This is done to
     * avoid losing any orders while the other activities are swapped in and out
     * as the user navigates in different screens.

    private ArrayList<Order> mOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();
    public ReentrantLock mOrdersLock = new ReentrantLock(); // used to synchronize access to the orders list on any operation that changes its structure

    public static final String ORDERS_UPDATED = "ORDERS_UPDATED";

     * This add a new order after verifying the person placing it is currently
     * checked in this venue

     * Called from the push notification when the order receives from the user
     * @param order
     * @return    true if all went well
     *          false if order was not added

    private synchronized boolean addOrder(Order order) {

        // Make sure the receiver of the order is present in our list of people
        Profile userFound = null;
        for (Profile p : mPeople) {
            if (p.userID.equals(order.recipientId)) {
                // User found
                userFound = p;
                order.orderRecipient = p;

        // Decline order if the recipient was not found
        if (userFound == null) {
            // User placing the order not in the list of users - decline order and send updated order status to the remote
            Log.d(TAG, "Error processing order " + order.orderId + ". User not checked in: " + order.profileId);
            order.nextNegativeState("User not checked in. Please check out and check back in the venue.");
            order.view = null;
            ArrayList<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>();
            WebServices.orderStatusChanged(orders, this);
            return false;

        // Add the order to the list 
        return mOrders.add(order);

     * Remove the orders based on the json array which is getting from the user check out PN
     * @param expiredOrders

    synchronized String cancelOrders(JSONArray expiredOrders, String cancelReason) {

        Log.v(TAG, "expireOrders(" + expiredOrders + ", " + cancelReason + ")");

        // Lock the orders list

        try {
            // If cancelled orders count greater than 0
            for (int i = 0; i < expiredOrders.length(); i++) {

                String orderId = null;
                try {
                    // To get the cancelled orderId from the jsonArray response
                    orderId = expiredOrders.getString(i);
                    Log.v(TAG, "Trying to find order " + orderId);

                    for (int j = 0; j < mOrders.size(); j++) {
                        // To get the order object from the existing orders list
                        Order order = mOrders.get(j);

                        // Matching order - flag it as expired
                        if (order.orderId.equalsIgnoreCase(orderId)) {
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    return null;
        } finally {

        // Notify views to display the updated order list

        return expiredOrders.toString();

    public synchronized void removeOrder(Order order) {
        // Add the order to the list of orders

    private synchronized void removeOrderWihtOutNotify(Order order) {

    public int getOrderCount() {
        return mOrders.size();

     * Inventory

    public static final String INVENTORY_UPDATED = "INVENTORY_UPDATED";

     * TODO - This is the AllJoyn code

    ComponentName mRunningService = null;

     * Since our application is "rooted" in this class derived from Application
     * and we have a long-running service, we can't just call finish in one of
     * the Activities. We have to orchestrate it from here. We send an event
     * notification out to all of our observers which tells them to exit.
     * Note that as a result of the notification, all of the observers will stop
     * -- as they should. One of the things that will stop is the AllJoyn
     * Service. Notice that it is started in the onCreate() method of the
     * Application. As noted in the Android documentation, the Application class
     * never gets torn down, nor does it provide a way to tear itself down.
     * Thus, if the Chat application is ever run again, we need to have a way of
     * detecting the case where it is "re-run" and then "re-start" the service.
    public void quit() {
        mRunningService = null;

     * Application components call this method to indicate that they are alive
     * and may have need of the AllJoyn Service. This is required because the
     * Android Application class doesn't have an end to its lifecycle other than
     * through "kill -9". See quit().
    public void checkin() {
        Log.v(TAG, "checkin()");
        if (Constants.USE_ALLJOYN && mRunningService == null) {
            Log.v(TAG, "checkin():  Starting the AllJoynService");
            Intent intent = new Intent(this, ConnectivityService.class);
            mRunningService = startService(intent);
            if (mRunningService == null) {
                Log.v(TAG, "checkin(): failed to startService()");


     * This is the method that AllJoyn Service calls to tell us that an error
     * has happened. We are provided a module, which corresponds to the high-
     * level "hunk" of code where the error happened, and a descriptive string
     * that we do not interpret.
     * We expect the user interface code to sort out the best activity to tell
     * the user about the error (by calling getErrorModule) and then to call in
     * to get the string.
    public synchronized void alljoynError(Module m, String s) {
        mModule = m;
        mErrorString = s;

     * Return the high-level module that caught the last AllJoyn error.
    public Module getErrorModule() {
        return mModule;

     * The high-level module that caught the last AllJoyn error.
    private Module mModule = Module.NONE;

     * Enumeration of the high-level moudules in the system. There is one value
     * per module.
    public static enum Module {

     * Return the error string stored when the last AllJoyn error happened.
    public String getErrorString() {
        return mErrorString;

     * The string representing the last AllJoyn error that happened in the
     * AllJoyn Service.
    private String mErrorString = "ER_OK";

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that an AllJoyn error has
     * happened.
    public static final String ALLJOYN_ERROR_EVENT = "ALLJOYN_ERROR_EVENT";

     * Called from the AllJoyn Service when it gets a FoundAdvertisedName. We
     * know by construction that the advertised name will correspond to a chat
     * channel. Note that the channel here is the complete well-known name of
     * the bus attachment advertising the channel. In most other places it is
     * simply the channel name, which is the final segment of the well-known
     * name.
    public synchronized void addFoundChannel(String channel) {
        Log.v(TAG, "addFoundChannel(" + channel + ")");
        Log.v(TAG, "addFoundChannel(): added " + channel);


     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that a channel has been
     * found. By default Bartsy joins new channels automatically unless it's
     * already connected to a channel. If it's already connected it adds the new
     * channel to the list of channels in the main action bar UI and notifies
     * the user with a notification that there are other services available
     * nearby
    public static final String NEW_CHANNEL_FOUND_EVENT = "NEW_CHANNEL_FOUND_EVENT";

     * Called from the AllJoyn Service when it gets a LostAdvertisedName. We
     * know by construction that the advertised name will correspond to an chat
     * channel.
    public synchronized void removeFoundChannel(String channel) {
        Log.v(TAG, "removeFoundChannel(" + channel + ")");

        for (Iterator<String> i = mChannels.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String string =;
            if (string.equals(channel)) {
                Log.v(TAG, "removeFoundChannel(): removed " + channel);

     * Whenever the user is asked for a channel to join, it needs the list of
     * channels found via FoundAdvertisedName. This method provides that list.
     * Since we have no idea how or when the caller is going to access or change
     * the list, and we are deeply paranoid, we provide a deep copy.
    public synchronized List<String> getFoundChannels() {
        Log.v(TAG, "getFoundChannels()");
        List<String> clone = new ArrayList<String>(mChannels.size());
        for (String string : mChannels) {
            Log.v(TAG, "getFoundChannels(): added " + string);
            clone.add(new String(string));
        return clone;

     * The channels list is the list of all well-known names that correspond to
     * channels we might conceivably be interested in. We expect that the "use"
     * GUID will allow the local user to have this list displayed in a
     * "join channel" dialog, whereupon she will choose one. This will
     * eventually result in a joinSession call out from the AllJoyn Service
    private List<String> mChannels = new ArrayList<String>();

     * The application has three ideas about the state of its channels. This is
     * very detailed for a real application, but since this is an AllJoyn
     * sample, we think it is important to convey the detailed state back to our
     * user, whom we assume knows what it all means.
     * We have a basic bus attachment state, which reflects the fact that we
     * can't do anything without a bus attachment. When the service comes up it
     * automatically connects and starts discovering other instances of the
     * application, so this isn't terribly interesting.
    public ConnectivityService.BusAttachmentState mBusAttachmentState = ConnectivityService.BusAttachmentState.DISCONNECTED;

     * Set the status of the "host" channel. The AllJoyn Service part of the
     * Application is expected to make this call to set the status to reflect
     * the status of the underlying AllJoyn session.
    public synchronized void hostSetChannelState(ConnectivityService.HostChannelState state) {
        mHostChannelState = state;

     * Get the state of the "use" channel.
    public synchronized ConnectivityService.HostChannelState hostGetChannelState() {
        return mHostChannelState;

     * The "host" state which reflects the state of the part of the system
     * related to hosting an chat channel. In a "real" application this kind of
     * detail probably isn't appropriate, but we want to do so for this sample.
    private ConnectivityService.HostChannelState mHostChannelState = ConnectivityService.HostChannelState.IDLE;

     * Set the name part of the "host" channel. Since we are going to "use" a
     * channel that is implemented remotely and discovered through an AllJoyn
     * FoundAdvertisedName, this must come from a list of advertised names.
     * These names are our channels, and so we expect the GUI to choose from
     * among the list of channels it retrieves from getFoundChannels().
     * Since we are talking about user-level interactions here, we are talking
     * about the final segment of a well-known name representing a channel at
     * this point.
    public synchronized void hostSetChannelName(String name) {
        mHostChannelName = name;

     * Get the name part of the "use" channel.
    public synchronized String hostGetChannelName() {
        return mHostChannelName;

     * The name of the "host" channel which the user has selected.
    private String mHostChannelName;

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that the state of the
     * "host" channel or its name has changed.

     * Set the status of the "use" channel. The AllJoyn Service part of the
     * appliciation is expected to make this call to set the status to reflect
     * the status of the underlying AllJoyn session.
    public synchronized void useSetChannelState(ConnectivityService.UseChannelState state) {
        mUseChannelState = state;

     * Get the state of the "use" channel.
    public synchronized ConnectivityService.UseChannelState useGetChannelState() {
        return mUseChannelState;

     * The "use" state which reflects the state of the part of the system
     * related to using a remotely hosted chat channel. In a "real" application
     * this kind of detail probably isn't appropriate, but we want to do so for
     * this sample.
    private ConnectivityService.UseChannelState mUseChannelState = ConnectivityService.UseChannelState.IDLE;

     * The name of the "use" channel which the user has selected.
    private String mUseChannelName = null;

     * Set the name part of the "use" channel. Since we are going to "use" a
     * channel that is implemented remotely and discovered through an AllJoyn
     * FoundAdvertisedName, this must come from a list of advertised names.
     * These names are our channels, and so we expect the GUI to choose from
     * among the list of channels it retrieves from getFoundChannels().
     * Since we are talking about user-level interactions here, we are talking
     * about the final segment of a well-known name representing a channel at
     * this point.
    public synchronized void useSetChannelName(String name) {
        mUseChannelName = name;

     * Get the name part of the "use" channel.
    public synchronized String useGetChannelName() {
        return mUseChannelName;

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that the state of the
     * "use" channel or its name has changed.

     * This is the method that the "use" tab user interface calls when the user
     * indicates that she wants to join a channel. The channel name must have
     * been previously set with a call to setUseChannelName(). The "use" channel
     * is the channel that we talk about in the "Use" tab. Since it's a remote
     * channel in a remote bus attachment, we need to tell the AllJoyn Service
     * to go join the corresponding session.
    public synchronized void useJoinChannel() {

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that user has requested
     * that we join a channel in the "use" tab.
    public static final String USE_JOIN_CHANNEL_EVENT = "USE_JOIN_CHANNEL_EVENT";

     * This is the method that the "use" tab user interface calls when the user
     * indicates that she wants to leave a channel. Since we're talking about a
     * remote channel corresponding to a session with a remote bus attachment,
     * we needto tell the AllJoyn Service to leave the corresponding session.
    public synchronized void useLeaveChannel() {

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that user has requested
     * that we leave a channel in the "use" tab.
    public static final String USE_LEAVE_CHANNEL_EVENT = "USE_LEAVE_CHANNEL_EVENT";

     * This is the method that the "host" tab user interface calls when the user
     * has completed providing her preferences for hosting a channel.
    public synchronized void hostInitChannel() {

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that user has requested
     * that we initialize the host channel parameters in the "use" tab.
    public static final String HOST_INIT_CHANNEL_EVENT = "HOST_INIT_CHANNEL_EVENT";

     * This is the method that the "host" tab user interface calls when the user
     * indicates that she wants to start hosting a channel.
    public synchronized void hostStartChannel() {

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that user has requested
     * that we initialize the host channel parameters in the "use" tab.

     * This is the method that the "host" tab user interface calls when the user
     * indicates that she wants to stop hosting a channel.
    public synchronized void hostStopChannel() {

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that user has requested
     * that we initialize the host channel parameters in the "use" tab.
    public static final String HOST_STOP_CHANNEL_EVENT = "HOST_STOP_CHANNEL_EVENT";

     * Whenever our local user types a message, we need to send it out on the
     * channel, which we do by calling addOutboundItem. This will eventually
     * result in an AllJoyn Bus Signal being sent to the other participants on
     * the channel. Since the sessions that implement the channel don't "echo"
     * back to the source, we need to echo the message into our history.
    public synchronized void newLocalUserMessage(String message) {
        addInboundItem("Me", message);
        if (useGetChannelState() == ConnectivityService.UseChannelState.JOINED) {

     * Whenever a user types a message into the channel, we expect the AllJoyn
     * Service local to that user to send the message to everyone participating
     * on the channel. At each participant, the messages arrive in the AllJoyn
     * Service as a Bus Signal. The Service handles the signals and passes the
     * associated messages on to us here. We expect the nickname to be the
     * unique ID of the sending bus attachment. This is not very user friendly,
     * but is convenient and guaranteed to be unique.
    public synchronized void newRemoteUserMessage(String nickname, String message) {
        addInboundItem(nickname, message);

    final int OUTBOUND_MAX = 5;

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that the the user has
     * entered a message and it is queued to be sent to the outside world.

     * The outbound list is the list of all messages that have been originated
     * by our local user and are designed for the outside world.
    private List<String> mOutbound = new ArrayList<String>();

     * Whenever the local user types a message for distribution to the channel
     * it calls newLocalMessage. We are called to queue up the message and send
     * a notification to all of our observers indicating that the we have
     * something ready to go out. We expect that the AllJoyn Service will
     * eventually respond by calling back in here to get items off of the queue
     * and send them down the session corresponding to the channel.
    private void addOutboundItem(String message) {
        if (mOutbound.size() == OUTBOUND_MAX) {

     * Whenever the local user types a message for distribution to the channel
     * it is queued to a list of outbound messages. The AllJoyn Service is
     * notified and calls in here to get the outbound messages that need to be
     * sent.
    public synchronized String getOutboundItem() {
        if (mOutbound.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return mOutbound.remove(0);

     * The object we use in notifications to indicate that the history state of
     * the model has changed and observers need to synchronize with it.
    public static final String HISTORY_CHANGED_EVENT = "HISTORY_CHANGED_EVENT";

     * Whenever a message comes in from the AllJoyn Service over its channel
     * session, it calls in here. We just add the message item to the history
     * list, with the "nickname" provided by Service. This is currently expected
     * to be the unique name of the bus attachment originating the message. Once
     * the message is saved in the history, a change notification will be sent
     * to all observers indicating that the history has changed. The user
     * interface part of the application is then expected to wake up and
     * syncrhonize itself to the new history.
    private void addInboundItem(String nickname, String message) {
        addHistoryItem(nickname, message);

     * Don't keep an infinite amount of history. Although we don't want to admit
     * it, this is a toy application, so we just keep a little history.
    final int HISTORY_MAX = 20;

     * The history list is the list of all messages that have been originated or
     * recieved by the "use" channel.
    private List<String> mHistory = new ArrayList<String>();

     * Whenever a user in the channel types a message, it needs to result in the
     * history being updated with the nickname of the user originating the
     * message and the message itself. We keep a history list of a given maximum
     * size just for general principles. This history list contains the local
     * time at which the message was recived, the nickname of the user who
     * originated the message and the message itself. We send a change
     * notification to all observers indicating that the history has changed
     * when we modify it.
    private void addHistoryItem(String nickname, String message) {
        if (mHistory.size() == HISTORY_MAX) {

        DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
        Date date = new Date();
        // mHistory.add("[" + dateFormat.format(date) + "] (" + nickname + ") "
        // + message);

        // Don't add local history messages for now - TODO
        if (nickname.equalsIgnoreCase("me"))


     * Clear the history list. Whenever a user joins a new channel, we want to
     * get rid of any existing history to avoid confusion.
    private void clearHistory() {

     * Whenever a new message is added to the history list, an update
     * notification is sent to all of the observers registered to this object
     * that indicates that the history list has changed. When the observer hears
     * that the list has changed, it calls in here to get the new contents.
     * Since we have no idea how or when the caller is going to access or change
     * the list, and we are deeply paranoid, we provide a deep copy.
    public synchronized List<String> getHistory() {
        List<String> clone = new ArrayList<String>(mHistory.size());
        for (String string : mHistory) {
            clone.add(new String(string));
        return clone;

    public synchronized String getLastMessage() {
        if (mHistory.size() == 0)
            return null;
            return mHistory.get(mHistory.size() - 1);

     * This object is really the model of a model-view-controller architecture.
     * The observer/observed design pattern is used to notify view-controller
     * objects when the model has changed. The observed object is this object,
     * the model. Observers correspond to the view-controllers which in this
     * case are the Android Activities (corresponding to the use tab and the
     * hsot tab) and the Android Service that does all of the AllJoyn work. When
     * an observer wants to register for change notifications, it calls here.
    public synchronized void addObserver(AppObserver obs) {
        Log.v(TAG, "addObserver(" + obs + ")");
        if (mObservers.indexOf(obs) < 0) {

     * When an observer wants to unregister to stop receiving change
     * notifications, it calls here.
    public synchronized void deleteObserver(AppObserver obs) {
        Log.v(TAG, "deleteObserver(" + obs + ")");

     * This object is really the model of a model-view-controller architecture.
     * The observer/observed design pattern is used to notify view-controller
     * objects when the model has changed. The observed object is this object,
     * the model. Observers correspond to the view-controllers which in this
     * case are the Android Activities (corresponding to the use tab and the
     * Host tab) and the Android Service that does all of the AllJoyn work. When
     * the model (this object) wants to notify its observers that some
     * interesting event has happened, it calls here and provides an object that
     * identifies what has happened. To keep things obvious, we pass a
     * descriptive string which is then sent to all observers. They can decide
     * to act or not based on the content of the string.
    public void notifyObservers(Object arg) {
        Log.v(TAG, "notifyObservers(" + arg + ")");
        for (AppObserver obs : mObservers) {
            Log.v(TAG, "notify observer = " + obs);
            obs.update(this, arg);

     * The observers list is the list of all objects that have registered with
     * us as observers in order to get notifications of interesting events.
    private List<AppObserver> mObservers = new ArrayList<AppObserver>();