Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Wegas
 * Copyright (c) 2015 School of Business and Engineering Vaud, Comem
 * Licensed under the MIT License
package com.wegas.log.neo4j;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.wegas.core.Helper;
import com.wegas.core.exception.internal.NoPlayerException;
import com.wegas.core.persistence.variable.primitive.NumberInstance;
import com.wegas.mcq.persistence.ChoiceDescriptor;
import com.wegas.mcq.persistence.QuestionDescriptor;
import com.wegas.mcq.persistence.Reply;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.LocalBean;
import javax.ejb.Schedule;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import java.util.Date;

 * This class contains all the methods used to add, modify or delete graphs
 * objects in the neo4j database.
 * @author Grald Eberle
 * @author Cyril Junod (cyril.junod at
public class Neo4jPlayerReply {

    private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
    private boolean dbUp;

    static {
        objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        objectMapper.configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, false);
        objectMapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true);

    private enum TYPE {


    public void addNumberUpdate(final Player player, final NumberInstance numberInstance)
            throws NoPlayerException, JsonProcessingException {
        if (player == null || player.getGame() instanceof DebugGame || player.getTeam() instanceof DebugTeam
                || Helper.isNullOrEmpty(player.getGameModel().getProperties().getLogID()) || !dbUp) {
        final String key = nodeKey(player, TYPE.NUMBER);
        ObjectNode newNode = createJsonNode(player, numberInstance.getDescriptor().getName(),
        createLinkedToYoungest(key, "gamelink", newNode, player.getGameModel().getName());

     * Creates or adds a player and its answer data in the graph belonging to a
     * given game.
     * @param player             the player data
     * @param reply              the player's answer data
     * @param choiceDescriptor   the selected choice description
     * @param questionDescriptor the selected question description
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
    public void addPlayerReply(final Player player, Reply reply, final ChoiceDescriptor choiceDescriptor,
            final QuestionDescriptor questionDescriptor) throws JsonProcessingException {
        if (player.getGame() instanceof DebugGame
                || Helper.isNullOrEmpty(player.getGameModel().getProperties().getLogID()) || !dbUp) {
        String key = nodeKey(player, TYPE.QUESTION);
        ObjectNode newNode = createJsonNode(player, reply, choiceDescriptor, questionDescriptor);
        createLinkedToYoungest(key, "gamelink", newNode, player.getGameModel().getName());

     * Constructs a key from several fields of the player's object.
     * @param player the player data
     * @return the formed key
    private static String nodeKey(Player player, TYPE type) {
        return "{playerId:" + player.getId() + ", teamId:" + player.getTeamId() + ", gameId:" + player.getGameId()
                + ", type:\"" + type.toString() + "\"}";

     * Creates a new Question node, with all the necessary properties.
     * @param player             the player data
     * @param reply              the player's answer data
     * @param choiceDescriptor   the selected choice description
     * @param questionDescriptor the selected question description
     * @return a node object
    private static ObjectNode createJsonNode(Player player, Reply reply, ChoiceDescriptor choiceDescriptor,
            QuestionDescriptor questionDescriptor) {
        ObjectNode jsonObject = objectMapper.createObjectNode();

        jsonObject.put("playerId", player.getId());
        jsonObject.put("type", TYPE.QUESTION.toString());
        jsonObject.put("teamId", player.getTeamId());
        jsonObject.put("gameId", player.getGameId());
        jsonObject.put("name", player.getName());
        jsonObject.put("starttime", (new Date()).getTime());
        jsonObject.put("choice", choiceDescriptor.getName());
        jsonObject.put("question", questionDescriptor.getName());
        jsonObject.put("result", reply.getResult().getName());
        jsonObject.put("times", reply.getQuestionInstance().getReplies().size());
        if (reply.getResult().getImpact() != null) {
        } else {
            jsonObject.put("impact", "");
        jsonObject.put("logID", player.getGameModel().getProperties().getLogID());
        return jsonObject;

     * Creates a new Number node, with all the necessary properties.
     * @param player the player data
     * @param name   the variable name
     * @param value  the actual variable value
     * @return a node object
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
    private static ObjectNode createJsonNode(Player player, String name, double value)
            throws JsonProcessingException {
        ObjectNode jsonObject = objectMapper.createObjectNode();

        jsonObject.put("type", TYPE.NUMBER.toString());
        jsonObject.put("playerId", player.getId());
        jsonObject.put("teamId", player.getTeamId());
        jsonObject.put("gameId", player.getGameId());
        jsonObject.put("name", player.getName());
        jsonObject.put("starttime", (new Date()).getTime());
        jsonObject.put("variable", name);
        jsonObject.put("number", value);
        jsonObject.put("logID", player.getGameModel().getProperties().getLogID());
        return jsonObject;

     * Link a new node to an already existing newest filtered by key
     * @param key           key to filter "youngest" nodes
     * @param relationLabel label to put onto the relation
     * @param target        new node to create
     * @param label         label to put onto the node
     * @throws JsonProcessingException
    private static void createLinkedToYoungest(String key, String relationLabel, ObjectNode target, String label)
            throws JsonProcessingException {
        String query = "CREATE (p:`" + label + "` " + objectMapper.writeValueAsString(target)
                + ") WITH p AS p Match (n " + key + ") WHERE n <> p WITH max(n.starttime) AS max, p AS p MATCH (n "
                + key + ") WHERE n.starttime = max AND n <> p WITH n AS n, p AS p CREATE (n)-[:`" + relationLabel
                + "`]->(p) return p";
        String result = Neo4jUtils.queryDBString(query);

     * Checks if an error occurred during the execution of a query. The
     * potential error message is recorded in the JSON result of the query. If
     * an error was found this method raises an exception.
     * @param result the result of the query
    private static void checkError(String result) {
        String err = Neo4jUtils.extractErrorData(result);
        if (err == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(err);

    @Schedule(hour = "*", minute = "*/15")
    private void checkDB() {
        dbUp = Neo4jUtils.checkDataBaseIsRunning();