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 * Copyright 2010 Workplace Systems PLC (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.workplacesystems.utilsj.collections;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;

import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.Callback;
import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.UtilsjException;
import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.ThreadSession;
import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.collections.decorators.SynchronizedSet;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Red-Black tree-based implementation of Map. This class guarantees
 * that the map will be in both ascending key order and ascending
 * value order, sorted according to the natural order for the key's
 * and value's classes.<p>
 * This Map is intended for applications that need to be able to look
 * up a key-value pairing by either key or value, and need to do so
 * with equal efficiency.<p>
 * While that goal could be accomplished by taking a pair of TreeMaps
 * and redirecting requests to the appropriate TreeMap (e.g.,
 * containsKey would be directed to the TreeMap that maps values to
 * keys, containsValue would be directed to the TreeMap that maps keys
 * to values), there are problems with that implementation,
 * particularly when trying to keep the two TreeMaps synchronized with
 * each other. And if the data contained in the TreeMaps is large, the
 * cost of redundant storage becomes significant.<p>
 * This solution keeps the data properly synchronized and minimizes
 * the data storage. The red-black algorithm is based on TreeMap's,
 * but has been modified to simultaneously map a tree node by key and
 * by value. This doubles the cost of put operations (but so does
 * using two TreeMaps), and nearly doubles the cost of remove
 * operations (there is a savings in that the lookup of the node to be
 * removed only has to be performed once). And since only one node
 * contains the key and value, storage is significantly less than that
 * required by two TreeMaps.<p>
 * There are some limitations placed on data kept in this Map. The
 * biggest one is this:<p>
 * When performing a put operation, neither the key nor the value may
 * already exist in the Map. In the java.util Map implementations
 * (HashMap, TreeMap), you can perform a put with an already mapped
 * key, and neither cares about duplicate values at all ... but this
 * implementation's put method with throw an IllegalArgumentException
 * if either the key or the value is already in the Map.<p>
 * Obviously, that same restriction (and consequence of failing to
 * heed that restriction) applies to the putAll method.<p>
 * The Map.Entry instances returned by the appropriate methods will
 * not allow setValue() and will throw an
 * UnsupportedOperationException on attempts to call that method.<p>
 * New methods are added to take advantage of the fact that values are
 * kept sorted independently of their keys:<p>
 * Object getKeyForValue(Object value) is the opposite of get; it
 * takes a value and returns its key, if any.<p>
 * Object removeValue(Object value) finds and removes the specified
 * value and returns the now un-used key.<p>
 * Set entrySetByValue() returns the Map.Entry's in a Set whose
 * iterator will iterate over the Map.Entry's in ascending order by
 * their corresponding values.<p>
 * Set keySetByValue() returns the keys in a Set whose iterator will
 * iterate over the keys in ascending order by their corresponding
 * values.<p>
 * Collection valuesByValue() returns the values in a Collection whose
 * iterator will iterate over the values in ascending order.<p>
 * @since 3.2
 * @author Dave Oxley (
 * @author John Donnelly (
public class TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V> extends AbstractMap<K, V>
        implements TransactionalSortedFilterableBidiMap<K, V>, Serializable {
    // Increase the number when an incompatible change is made
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1890000639743995893L;

    //  final for performance
    private static final int KEY = 0;
    private static final int VALUE = 1;
    private static final int SUM_OF_INDICES = KEY + VALUE;
    private static final int FIRST_INDEX = 0;
    private static final int NUMBER_OF_INDICES = 2;
    private static final String[] dataName = new String[] { "key", "value" };

    private final Node<K, V>[] rootNode = new Node[] { null, null };
    private int nodeCount = 0;
    private int modifications = 0;
    private transient FilterableSet<K> setOfKeysByKey = null;
    private transient FilterableSet<K> setOfKeysByValue = null;
    private transient FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> setOfEntriesByKey = null;
    private transient FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> setOfEntriesByValue = null;
    private transient FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> setOfAllEntries = null;
    private transient FilterableCollection<V> collectionOfValuesByKey = null;
    private transient FilterableCollection<V> collectionOfValuesByValue = null;
    /* ? Was getting errors re. null comparator. Is there a better way to do this? */
    // private Comparator[] comparators = new Comparator[] { new DefaultComparator(), new DefaultComparator() };
    private Comparator[] comparators = new Comparator[] { null, null };
    private boolean auto_commit = true;

    private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TransactionalBidiTreeMap.class);

     * Construct a new, empty TransactionalBidiTreeMap
    public TransactionalBidiTreeMap() {

     * Constructs a new TransactionalBidiTreeMap from an existing Map, with keys and
     * values sorted
     * @param map the map whose mappings are to be placed in this map.
     * @throws ClassCastException if the keys in the map are not
     *                               Comparable, or are not mutually
     *                               comparable; also if the values in
     *                               the map are not Comparable, or
     *                               are not mutually Comparable
     * @throws NullPointerException if any key or value in the map
     *                                 is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are duplicate keys
     *                                     or duplicate values in the
     *                                     map
    public TransactionalBidiTreeMap(final Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map)
            throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException {

     * Constructs a new, empty TransactionalBidiTreeMap, sorted according to
     * the given comparators for key and value
     * @param key_c the comparator that will be used to sort the keys
     *        in this map.  A <tt>null</tt> value indicates that the
     *        keys' <i>natural ordering</i> should be used.
     * @param value_c the comparator that will be used to sort the values
     *        in this map.  A <tt>null</tt> value indicates that the
     *        values' <i>natural ordering</i> should be used.
    public TransactionalBidiTreeMap(final Comparator<? super K> key_c, final Comparator<? super V> value_c) {
        comparators[0] = (Comparator<Object>) key_c;
        comparators[1] = (Comparator<Object>) value_c;

    /** create a string for debug 
    public String rbmDump()
    Set keys = this.entrySet();
    String dump = "EntrySet - size=" + keys.size() + ": ";
    Iterator ik = keys.iterator();
    while (ik.hasNext())
        Map.Entry ike = (Map.Entry);
        dump += "[" + ike.getKey() + "/" + ike.getValue().hashCode() + "]" + "\n"; 
    Set values = this.entrySetByValue();
    dump += "ValueSet - size=" + values.size() + ": ";
    Iterator iv = values.iterator();
    while (iv.hasNext())
        Map.Entry ive = (Map.Entry);
        dump += "[" + ive.getKey() + "/" + ive.getValue().hashCode() + "]" + "\n"; 
    return dump;

    protected final String getThreadSessionKey() {
        // Use the hashCode of the rootNode array to get a unique id for this Map.
        // AbstractMap.hashCode returns the hashCode of all elements and therefore changes over time.
        return ".TransactionalBidiTreeMap(" + rootNode.hashCode() + ")-attach_id";

     * Attach the current thread to a specific id rather than using the
     * current thread for transactional changes. This allows transactional
     * changes to be done by different threads.
    public void attach(final String attach_id) {
        ThreadSession.putValue(getThreadSessionKey(), attach_id);

     * Detach the current thread from the attach_id.
    public void detach() {

     * Sets this map's  auto commit state to the given state.
     * If a map is in auto commit mode then all changes are 
     * available to all threads immediately, otherwise commit
     * must be called.
     * <P>
     * The default for the map is auto commit is on.
     * <P>
     * <B>NOTE:</B>  If this method is called while there are outstanding
     * transactions, commit is called.
     * @param auto_commit - false to enable transaction support
     *                      within this map.
    public void setAutoCommit(final boolean auto_commit) {

        if (!this.auto_commit && auto_commit)

        this.auto_commit = auto_commit;

    public boolean isAutoCommit() {
        return auto_commit;

    public interface TransactionNotifiable extends Serializable {
        void addedToMap(Object key, Object value);

        void removedFromMap(Object key, Object value);

    private transient Set commit_notifiers = null;

    private transient Set rollback_notifiers = null;

    public void setCommitNotifier(TransactionNotifiable commit_notifier) {
        if (commit_notifiers == null)
            commit_notifiers = SynchronizedSet.decorate(new HashSet());

    public void removeCommitNotifier(TransactionNotifiable commit_notifier) {

    public void setRollbackNotifier(TransactionNotifiable rollback_notifier) {
        if (rollback_notifiers == null)
            rollback_notifiers = SynchronizedSet.decorate(new HashSet());

    public void removeRollbackNotifier(TransactionNotifiable rollback_notifier) {

     * Commits the changes to the map so that all threads
     * see them.
    public void commit() {

        if (auto_commit)


     * Rolls back the changes to the map.
    public void rollback() {

        if (auto_commit)

        String id = getCurrentThreadId();

        ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> list = new ArrayList<Entry<K, V>>(allEntrySet());
        for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final Node<K, V> node = (Node<K, V>);

            if (, id)) {
                if (rollback_notifiers != null) {
                    SyncUtils.synchronizeRead(rollback_notifiers, new Callback() {
                        protected void doAction() {
                            for (Iterator i2 = rollback_notifiers.iterator(); i2.hasNext();)
                                ((TransactionNotifiable), node.getValue());

            if (, id)) {
                node.setStatus(Node.NO_CHANGE, null);
                if (rollback_notifiers != null) {
                    SyncUtils.synchronizeRead(rollback_notifiers, new Callback() {
                        protected void doAction() {
                            for (Iterator i2 = rollback_notifiers.iterator(); i2.hasNext();)
                                ((TransactionNotifiable), node.getValue());

     * Commits the changes to the map so that all threads
     * see them.
     * @param id the thread id to commit for, null commits
     *           all threads changes
    private void commit(final String id) {

        ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> list = new ArrayList<Entry<K, V>>(allEntrySet());
        for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            final Node<K, V> node = (Node<K, V>);

            if (, id)) {
                if (commit_notifiers != null) {
                    SyncUtils.synchronizeRead(commit_notifiers, new Callback() {
                        protected void doAction() {
                            for (Iterator i2 = commit_notifiers.iterator(); i2.hasNext();)
                                ((TransactionNotifiable), node.getValue());


            if (, id)) {
                node.setStatus(Node.NO_CHANGE, null);
                if (commit_notifiers != null) {
                    SyncUtils.synchronizeRead(commit_notifiers, new Callback() {
                        protected void doAction() {
                            for (Iterator i2 = commit_notifiers.iterator(); i2.hasNext();)
                                ((TransactionNotifiable), node.getValue());

     * Retrieve the current thread id for use by the
     * transaction code.
     * @return the thread id of the current thread
    protected String getCurrentThreadId() {

        String attach_id = (String) ThreadSession.getValue(getThreadSessionKey());
        if (attach_id != null)
            return attach_id;

        Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
        return thread.toString() + "(" + thread.hashCode() + ")";

     * Checks that this node is valid for the current thread
     * @param node the node to be checked
     * @return true if node is valid, otherwise false
    private boolean validNode(final Node<K, V> node, final String thread_id) {
        if (auto_commit || node == null)
            return (node != null);

        return !((, thread_id))
                || (, null) &&, thread_id)));

     * Returns the key to which this map maps the specified value.
     * Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this value.
     * @param value value whose associated key is to be returned.
     * @return the key to which this map maps the specified value, or
     *         null if the map contains no mapping for this value.
     * @throws ClassCastException if the value is of an
     *                               inappropriate type for this map.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null
    public K getKeyForValue(final Object value) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException {
        return (K) doGet(value, VALUE);

     * Removes the mapping for this value from this map if present
     * @param value value whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
     * @return previous key associated with specified value, or null
     *         if there was no mapping for value.
     * @throws ConcurrentModificationException if the value has been
     *                                     removed by another thread
    public K removeValue(final Object value) throws ConcurrentModificationException {
        return (K) doRemove(value, VALUE);

     * Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map. Each
     * element in the returned set is a Map.Entry. The set is backed
     * by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and
     * vice-versa.  If the map is modified while an iteration over the
     * set is in progress, the results of the iteration are
     * undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the
     * corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.  It does
     * not support the add or addAll operations.<p>
     * The difference between this method and entrySet is that
     * entrySet's iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates
     * over the mappings in ascending order by key. This method's
     * iterator method iterates over the mappings in ascending order
     * by value.
     * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
    public FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> entrySetByValue() {

        if (setOfEntriesByValue == null) {
            setOfEntriesByValue = new AbstractFilterableSet<Entry<K, V>>() {

                public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<Entry<K, V>>(VALUE) {

                        protected Entry<K, V> doGetNext() {
                            return lastReturnedNode;

                public boolean contains(Object o) {

                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                        return false;

                    Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                    Object key = entry.getKey();
                    Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(entry.getValue(), VALUE, getCurrentThreadId());

                    return (node != null) && node.getData(KEY).equals(key);

                public boolean remove(Object o) {

                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                        return false;

                    String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();

                    Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                    Object key = entry.getKey();
                    Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(entry.getValue(), VALUE, thread_id);

                    if ((node != null) && node.getData(KEY).equals(key)) {
                        if (auto_commit ||, thread_id))
                            node.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

                        return true;

                    return false;

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

                public void clear() {

        return setOfEntriesByValue;

     * Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map. Each
     * element in the returned set is a Map.Entry. The set is backed
     * by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and
     * vice-versa.  If the map is modified while an iteration over the
     * set is in progress, the results of the iteration are
     * undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the
     * corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.  It does
     * not support the add or addAll operations.<p>
     * The difference between this method and entrySet is that
     * entrySet's iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates
     * over the mappings in ascending order by key. This method's
     * iterator method iterates over the mappings in descending order
     * by value.
     * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
    public FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> entrySetByValueDescending() {

        return new AbstractFilterableSet<Entry<K, V>>() {

            public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {

                return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapDescendingIterator<Entry<K, V>>(VALUE) {

                    protected Entry<K, V> doGetNext() {
                        return lastReturnedNode;

            public boolean contains(Object o) {

                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                    return false;

                Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                Object key = entry.getKey();
                Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(entry.getValue(), VALUE, getCurrentThreadId());

                return (node != null) && node.getData(KEY).equals(key);

            public boolean remove(Object o) {

                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                    return false;

                String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();

                Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                Object key = entry.getKey();
                Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(entry.getValue(), VALUE, thread_id);

                if ((node != null) && node.getData(KEY).equals(key)) {
                    if (auto_commit ||, thread_id))
                        node.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

                    return true;

                return false;

            public int size() {
                return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

            public void clear() {

     * Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.  The set
     * is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in
     * the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an
     * iteration over the set is in progress, the results of the
     * iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal,
     * which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the
     * Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll, and clear
     * operations. It does not support the add or addAll
     * operations.<p>
     * The difference between this method and keySet is that keySet's
     * iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates over the
     * keys in ascending order by key. This method's iterator method
     * iterates over the keys in ascending order by value.
     * @return a set view of the keys contained in this map.
    public FilterableSet<K> keySetByValue() {

        if (setOfKeysByValue == null) {
            setOfKeysByValue = new AbstractFilterableSet<K>() {

                public Iterator<K> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<K>(VALUE) {

                        protected K doGetNext() {
                            return (K) lastReturnedNode.getData(KEY);

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o) {
                    return containsKey(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o) {

                    int oldnodeCount = nodeCount;


                    return nodeCount != oldnodeCount;

                public void clear() {

        return setOfKeysByValue;

     * Returns a collection view of the values contained in this
     * map. The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map
     * are reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. If the map is
     * modified while an iteration over the collection is in progress,
     * the results of the iteration are undefined. The collection
     * supports element removal, which removes the corresponding
     * mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Collection.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.
     * It does not support the add or addAll operations.<p>
     * The difference between this method and values is that values's
     * iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates over the
     * values in ascending order by key. This method's iterator method
     * iterates over the values in ascending order by value.
     * @return a collection view of the values contained in this map.
    public FilterableCollection<V> valuesByValue() {

        if (collectionOfValuesByValue == null) {
            collectionOfValuesByValue = new AbstractFilterableCollection<V>() {

                public Iterator<V> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<V>(VALUE) {

                        protected V doGetNext() {
                            return (V) lastReturnedNode.getData(VALUE);

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o) {
                    return containsValue(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o) {

                    int oldnodeCount = nodeCount;


                    return nodeCount != oldnodeCount;

                public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {

                    boolean modified = false;
                    Iterator<?> iter = c.iterator();

                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        if (removeValue( != null) {
                            modified = true;

                    return modified;

                public void clear() {

        return collectionOfValuesByValue;

     * Returns a collection view of the values contained in this
     * map. The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map
     * are reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. If the map is
     * modified while an iteration over the collection is in progress,
     * the results of the iteration are undefined. The collection
     * supports element removal, which removes the corresponding
     * mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Collection.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.
     * It does not support the add or addAll operations.<p>
     * The difference between this method and values is that values's
     * iterator() method returns an iterator that iterates over the
     * values in ascending order by key. This method's iterator method
     * iterates over the values in descending order by value.
     * @return a collection view of the values contained in this map.
    public FilterableCollection<V> valuesByValueDescending() {

        return new AbstractFilterableCollection<V>() {

            public Iterator<V> iterator() {

                return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapDescendingIterator<V>(VALUE) {

                    protected V doGetNext() {
                        return (V) lastReturnedNode.getData(VALUE);

            public int size() {
                return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

            public boolean contains(Object o) {
                return containsValue(o);

            public boolean remove(Object o) {

                int oldnodeCount = nodeCount;


                return nodeCount != oldnodeCount;

            public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {

                boolean modified = false;
                Iterator<?> iter = c.iterator();

                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    if (removeValue( != null) {
                        modified = true;

                return modified;

            public void clear() {

     * common remove logic (remove by key or remove by value)
     * @param o the key, or value, that we're looking for
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the key, if remove by value, or the value, if remove by
     *         key. null if the specified key or value could not be
     *         found
     * @throws ConcurrentModificationException if the node has been
     *                                     removed by another thread
    private Object doRemove(final Object o, final int index) throws ConcurrentModificationException {

        checkNonNullComparable(o, index);

        String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();

        Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(o, index, thread_id);
        Object rval = null;

        if (validNode(node, thread_id)) {
            if (node != null &&, null) && !, thread_id))
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            rval = node.getData(oppositeIndex(index));

            if (auto_commit ||, thread_id))
            else {
                node.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

        return rval;

     * common get logic, used to get by key or get by value
     * @param o the key or value that we're looking for
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the key (if the value was mapped) or the value (if the
     *         key was mapped); null if we couldn't find the specified
     *         object
    private Object doGet(final Object o, final int index) {

        checkNonNullComparable(o, index);

        Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(o, index, getCurrentThreadId());

        return (node == null) ? null : node.getData(oppositeIndex(index));

     * Get the opposite index of the specified index
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return VALUE (if KEY was specified), else KEY
    private int oppositeIndex(final int index) {

        // old trick ... to find the opposite of a value, m or n,
        // subtract the value from the sum of the two possible
        // values. (m + n) - m = n; (m + n) - n = m
        return SUM_OF_INDICES - index;

     * do the actual lookup of a piece of valid data
     * @param data the key or value to be looked up
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the desired Node, or null if there is no mapping of the
     *         specified data
    private Node<K, V> lookupValid(final Object data, final int index, final String thread_id) {
        return nextEqualValid(getFloorEqualNode(lookup(data, index), index), index, thread_id);

     * do the actual lookup of a piece of data
     * @param data the key or value to be looked up
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the desired Node, or null if there is no mapping of the
     *         specified data
    private Node<K, V> lookup(final Object data, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> rval = null;
        Node<K, V> node = rootNode[index];

        while (node != null) {
            int cmp = compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, data, node.getStatus(), node.getData(index), index);

            if (cmp == 0) {
                rval = node;

            } else {
                node = (cmp < 0) ? node.getLeft(index) : node.getRight(index);

        return rval;

     * Compare two objects
     * @param o1 the first object
     * @param o2 the second object
     * @return negative value if o1 < o2; 0 if o1 == o2; positive
     *         value if o1 > o2
    private int compare(final int o1_status, final Object o1, final int o2_status, final Object o2,
            final int index) {
        if (comparators[index] == null) {
            if (o1 instanceof TransactionalComparable)
                return ((TransactionalComparable) o1).compareTo(o1_status, o2, o2_status);
                return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2);
        } else {
            return comparators[index].compare(o1, o2);

     * find the least node from a given node. very useful for starting
     * a sorting iterator ...
     * @param node the node from which we will start searching
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the smallest node, from the specified node, in the
     *         specified mapping
    private Node<K, V> leastNode(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> lval = node;

        if (lval != null) {
            while (lval.getLeft(index) != null) {
                lval = lval.getLeft(index);

        return lval;

     * find the most node from a given node.
     * @param node the node from which we will start searching
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the largest node, from the specified node, in the
     *         specified mapping
    private Node<K, V> mostNode(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> rval = node;

        if (rval != null) {
            while (rval.getRight(index) != null) {
                rval = rval.getRight(index);

        return rval;

     * get the next larger node from the specified node
     * @param node the node to be searched from
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the specified node
    private Node<K, V> nextGreater(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> rval;

        if (node == null) {
            rval = null;
        } else if (node.getRight(index) != null) {

            // everything to the node's right is larger. The least of
            // the right node's descendants is the next larger node
            rval = leastNode(node.getRight(index), index);
        } else {

            // traverse up our ancestry until we find an ancestor that
            // is null or one whose left child is our ancestor. If we
            // find a null, then this node IS the largest node in the
            // tree, and there is no greater node. Otherwise, we are
            // the largest node in the subtree on that ancestor's left
            // ... and that ancestor is the next greatest node
            Node<K, V> parent = node.getParent(index);
            Node<K, V> child = node;

            while ((parent != null) && (child == parent.getRight(index))) {
                child = parent;
                parent = parent.getParent(index);

            rval = parent;

        return rval;

     * get the next smaller (previous) node from the specified node
     * @param node the node to be searched from
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the specified node
    private Node<K, V> nextSmaller(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> lval;

        if (node == null) {
            lval = null;
        } else if (node.getLeft(index) != null) {

            // everything to the node's left is smaller. The most of
            // the right node's descendants is the next smaller node
            lval = mostNode(node.getLeft(index), index);
        } else {

            // traverse up our ancestry until we find an ancestor that
            // is null or one whose right child is our ancestor. If we
            // find a null, then this node IS the smallest node in the
            // tree, and there is no smaller node. Otherwise, we are
            // the smallest node in the subtree on that ancestor's right
            // ... and that ancestor is the next smallest node
            Node<K, V> parent = node.getParent(index);
            Node<K, V> child = node;

            while ((parent != null) && (child == parent.getLeft(index))) {
                child = parent;
                parent = parent.getParent(index);

            lval = parent;

        return lval;

     * get the most valid node from the specified node
     * @param node the node to be searched from
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the specified node
    private Node<K, V> mostValidNode(final Node<K, V> node, final int index, final String thread_id) {
        Node<K, V> rval = node;

        while (rval != null && !validNode(rval, thread_id)) {
            rval = nextGreater(rval, index);
        return rval;

     * find the least valid node from a given node. very useful for starting
     * a sorting iterator ...
     * @param node the node from which we will start searching
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
     * @return the smallest valid node, from the specified node, in the
     *         specified mapping
    private Node<K, V> leastValidNode(final Node<K, V> node, final int index, final String thread_id) {
        Node<K, V> lval = node;

        while (lval != null && !validNode(lval, thread_id)) {
            lval = nextSmaller(lval, index);
        return lval;

    private Node<K, V> getFloorEqualNode(Node<K, V> node, final int index) {
        Node<K, V> current = node;
        while (node != null && compare(current.getStatus(), current.getData(index), node.getStatus(),
                node.getData(index), index) == 0) {
            current = node;
            node = nextSmaller(node, index);
        return current;

    private Node<K, V> nextEqualValid(Node<K, V> node, final int index, final String thread_id) {
        Node<K, V> current = node;
        while (node != null && !validNode(node, thread_id) && compare(current.getStatus(), current.getData(index),
                node.getStatus(), node.getData(index), index) == 0) {
            node = nextGreater(node, index);
        if (node != null && current != null && compare(current.getStatus(), current.getData(index),
                node.getStatus(), node.getData(index), index) == 0)
            return node;
        return null;

     * copy the color from one node to another, dealing with the fact
     * that one or both nodes may, in fact, be null
     * @param from the node whose color we're copying; may be null
     * @param to the node whose color we're changing; may be null
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> void copyColor(final Node<K, V> from, final Node<K, V> to, final int index) {

        if (to != null) {
            if (from == null) {

                // by default, make it black
            } else {
                to.copyColor(from, index);

     * is the specified node red? if the node does not exist, no, it's
     * black, thank you
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> boolean isRed(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return ((node == null) ? false : node.isRed(index));

     * is the specified black red? if the node does not exist, sure,
     * it's black, thank you
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> boolean isBlack(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return ((node == null) ? true : node.isBlack(index));

     * force a node (if it exists) red
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> void makeRed(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        if (node != null) {

     * force a node (if it exists) black
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> void makeBlack(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        if (node != null) {

     * get a node's grandparent. mind you, the node, its parent, or
     * its grandparent may not exist. no problem
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> Node<K, V> getGrandParent(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {
        return getParent(getParent(node, index), index);

     * get a node's parent. mind you, the node, or its parent, may not
     * exist. no problem
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> Node<K, V> getParent(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return ((node == null) ? null : node.getParent(index));

     * get a node's right child. mind you, the node may not exist. no
     * problem
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> Node<K, V> getRightChild(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return (node == null) ? null : node.getRight(index);

     * get a node's left child. mind you, the node may not exist. no
     * problem
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> Node<K, V> getLeftChild(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return (node == null) ? null : node.getLeft(index);

     * is this node its parent's left child? mind you, the node, or
     * its parent, may not exist. no problem. if the node doesn't
     * exist ... it's its non-existent parent's left child. If the
     * node does exist but has no parent ... no, we're not the
     * non-existent parent's left child. Otherwise (both the specified
     * node AND its parent exist), check.
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> boolean isLeftChild(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return (node == null) ? true
                : ((node.getParent(index) == null) ? false : (node == node.getParent(index).getLeft(index)));

     * is this node its parent's right child? mind you, the node, or
     * its parent, may not exist. no problem. if the node doesn't
     * exist ... it's its non-existent parent's right child. If the
     * node does exist but has no parent ... no, we're not the
     * non-existent parent's right child. Otherwise (both the
     * specified node AND its parent exist), check.
     * @param node the node (may be null) in question
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private static <K, V> boolean isRightChild(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        return (node == null) ? true
                : ((node.getParent(index) == null) ? false : (node == node.getParent(index).getRight(index)));

     * do a rotate left. standard fare in the world of balanced trees
     * @param node the node to be rotated
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private void rotateLeft(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> rightChild = node.getRight(index);

        node.setRight(rightChild.getLeft(index), index);

        if (rightChild.getLeft(index) != null) {
            rightChild.getLeft(index).setParent(node, index);

        rightChild.setParent(node.getParent(index), index);

        if (node.getParent(index) == null) {

            // node was the root ... now its right child is the root
            rootNode[index] = rightChild;
        } else if (node.getParent(index).getLeft(index) == node) {
            node.getParent(index).setLeft(rightChild, index);
        } else {
            node.getParent(index).setRight(rightChild, index);

        rightChild.setLeft(node, index);
        node.setParent(rightChild, index);

     * do a rotate right. standard fare in the world of balanced trees
     * @param node the node to be rotated
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private void rotateRight(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> leftChild = node.getLeft(index);

        node.setLeft(leftChild.getRight(index), index);

        if (leftChild.getRight(index) != null) {
            leftChild.getRight(index).setParent(node, index);

        leftChild.setParent(node.getParent(index), index);

        if (node.getParent(index) == null) {

            // node was the root ... now its left child is the root
            rootNode[index] = leftChild;
        } else if (node.getParent(index).getRight(index) == node) {
            node.getParent(index).setRight(leftChild, index);
        } else {
            node.getParent(index).setLeft(leftChild, index);

        leftChild.setRight(node, index);
        node.setParent(leftChild, index);

     * complicated red-black insert stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap
     * implementation, though it's barely recognizable any more
     * @param insertedNode the node to be inserted
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private void doRedBlackInsert(final Node<K, V> insertedNode, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> currentNode = insertedNode;

        makeRed(currentNode, index);

        while ((currentNode != null) && (currentNode != rootNode[index])
                && (isRed(currentNode.getParent(index), index))) {
            if (isLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index)) {
                Node<K, V> y = getRightChild(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

                if (isRed(y, index)) {
                    makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    makeBlack(y, index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    currentNode = getGrandParent(currentNode, index);
                } else {
                    if (isRightChild(currentNode, index)) {
                        currentNode = getParent(currentNode, index);

                        rotateLeft(currentNode, index);

                    makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    if (getGrandParent(currentNode, index) != null) {
                        rotateRight(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);
            } else {

                // just like clause above, except swap left for right
                Node<K, V> y = getLeftChild(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

                if (isRed(y, index)) {
                    makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    makeBlack(y, index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    currentNode = getGrandParent(currentNode, index);
                } else {
                    if (isLeftChild(currentNode, index)) {
                        currentNode = getParent(currentNode, index);

                        rotateRight(currentNode, index);

                    makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    if (getGrandParent(currentNode, index) != null) {
                        rotateLeft(getGrandParent(currentNode, index), index);

        makeBlack(rootNode[index], index);

     * complicated red-black delete stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap
     * implementation, though it's barely recognizable any more
     * @param deletedNode the node to be deleted
    private void doRedBlackDelete(final Node<K, V> deletedNode) {

        for (int index = FIRST_INDEX; index < NUMBER_OF_INDICES; index++) {

            // if deleted node has both left and children, swap with
            // the next greater node
            if ((deletedNode.getLeft(index) != null) && (deletedNode.getRight(index) != null)) {
                swapPosition(nextGreater(deletedNode, index), deletedNode, index);

            Node<K, V> replacement = ((deletedNode.getLeft(index) != null) ? deletedNode.getLeft(index)
                    : deletedNode.getRight(index));

            if (replacement != null) {
                replacement.setParent(deletedNode.getParent(index), index);

                if (deletedNode.getParent(index) == null) {
                    rootNode[index] = replacement;
                } else if (deletedNode == deletedNode.getParent(index).getLeft(index)) {
                    deletedNode.getParent(index).setLeft(replacement, index);
                } else {
                    deletedNode.getParent(index).setRight(replacement, index);

                deletedNode.setLeft(null, index);
                deletedNode.setRight(null, index);
                deletedNode.setParent(null, index);

                if (isBlack(deletedNode, index)) {
                    doRedBlackDeleteFixup(replacement, index);
            } else {

                // replacement is null
                if (deletedNode.getParent(index) == null) {

                    // empty tree
                    rootNode[index] = null;
                } else {

                    // deleted node had no children
                    if (isBlack(deletedNode, index)) {
                        doRedBlackDeleteFixup(deletedNode, index);

                    if (deletedNode.getParent(index) != null) {
                        if (deletedNode == deletedNode.getParent(index).getLeft(index)) {
                            deletedNode.getParent(index).setLeft(null, index);
                        } else {
                            deletedNode.getParent(index).setRight(null, index);

                        deletedNode.setParent(null, index);


     * complicated red-black delete stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap
     * implementation, though it's barely recognizable any more. This
     * rebalances the tree (somewhat, as red-black trees are not
     * perfectly balanced -- perfect balancing takes longer)
     * @param replacementNode the node being replaced
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private void doRedBlackDeleteFixup(final Node<K, V> replacementNode, final int index) {

        Node<K, V> currentNode = replacementNode;

        while ((currentNode != rootNode[index]) && (isBlack(currentNode, index))) {
            if (isLeftChild(currentNode, index)) {
                Node<K, V> siblingNode = getRightChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                if (isRed(siblingNode, index)) {
                    makeBlack(siblingNode, index);
                    makeRed(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    rotateLeft(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    siblingNode = getRightChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                if (isBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, index), index)
                        && isBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, index), index)) {
                    makeRed(siblingNode, index);

                    currentNode = getParent(currentNode, index);
                } else {
                    if (isBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, index), index)) {
                        makeBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, index), index);
                        makeRed(siblingNode, index);
                        rotateRight(siblingNode, index);

                        siblingNode = getRightChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    copyColor(getParent(currentNode, index), siblingNode, index);
                    makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    makeBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, index), index);
                    rotateLeft(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    currentNode = rootNode[index];
            } else {
                Node<K, V> siblingNode = getLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                if (isRed(siblingNode, index)) {
                    makeBlack(siblingNode, index);
                    makeRed(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    rotateRight(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    siblingNode = getLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                if (isBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, index), index)
                        && isBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, index), index)) {
                    makeRed(siblingNode, index);

                    currentNode = getParent(currentNode, index);
                } else {
                    if (isBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, index), index)) {
                        makeBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, index), index);
                        makeRed(siblingNode, index);
                        rotateLeft(siblingNode, index);

                        siblingNode = getLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    copyColor(getParent(currentNode, index), siblingNode, index);
                    makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, index), index);
                    makeBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, index), index);
                    rotateRight(getParent(currentNode, index), index);

                    currentNode = rootNode[index];

        makeBlack(currentNode, index);

     * swap two nodes (except for their content), taking care of
     * special cases where one is the other's parent ... hey, it
     * happens.
     * @param x one node
     * @param y another node
     * @param index KEY or VALUE
    private void swapPosition(final Node<K, V> x, final Node<K, V> y, final int index) {

        // Save initial values.
        Node<K, V> xFormerParent = x.getParent(index);
        Node<K, V> xFormerLeftChild = x.getLeft(index);
        Node<K, V> xFormerRightChild = x.getRight(index);
        Node<K, V> yFormerParent = y.getParent(index);
        Node<K, V> yFormerLeftChild = y.getLeft(index);
        Node<K, V> yFormerRightChild = y.getRight(index);
        boolean xWasLeftChild = (x.getParent(index) != null) && (x == x.getParent(index).getLeft(index));
        boolean yWasLeftChild = (y.getParent(index) != null) && (y == y.getParent(index).getLeft(index));

        // Swap, handling special cases of one being the other's parent.
        if (x == yFormerParent) { // x was y's parent
            x.setParent(y, index);

            if (yWasLeftChild) {
                y.setLeft(x, index);
                y.setRight(xFormerRightChild, index);
            } else {
                y.setRight(x, index);
                y.setLeft(xFormerLeftChild, index);
        } else {
            x.setParent(yFormerParent, index);

            if (yFormerParent != null) {
                if (yWasLeftChild) {
                    yFormerParent.setLeft(x, index);
                } else {
                    yFormerParent.setRight(x, index);

            y.setLeft(xFormerLeftChild, index);
            y.setRight(xFormerRightChild, index);

        if (y == xFormerParent) { // y was x's parent
            y.setParent(x, index);

            if (xWasLeftChild) {
                x.setLeft(y, index);
                x.setRight(yFormerRightChild, index);
            } else {
                x.setRight(y, index);
                x.setLeft(yFormerLeftChild, index);
        } else {
            y.setParent(xFormerParent, index);

            if (xFormerParent != null) {
                if (xWasLeftChild) {
                    xFormerParent.setLeft(y, index);
                } else {
                    xFormerParent.setRight(y, index);

            x.setLeft(yFormerLeftChild, index);
            x.setRight(yFormerRightChild, index);

        // Fix children's parent pointers
        if (x.getLeft(index) != null) {
            x.getLeft(index).setParent(x, index);

        if (x.getRight(index) != null) {
            x.getRight(index).setParent(x, index);

        if (y.getLeft(index) != null) {
            y.getLeft(index).setParent(y, index);

        if (y.getRight(index) != null) {
            y.getRight(index).setParent(y, index);

        x.swapColors(y, index);

        // Check if root changed
        if (rootNode[index] == x) {
            rootNode[index] = y;
        } else if (rootNode[index] == y) {
            rootNode[index] = x;

     * check if an object is fit to be proper input ... has to be
     * Comparable if the comparator has not been set and non-null
     * @param o the object being checked
     * @param index KEY or VALUE (used to put the right word in the
     *              exception message)
     * @throws NullPointerException if o is null
     * @throws ClassCastException if o is not Comparable and the 
     *         equivalent comparator has not been set
    private void checkNonNullComparable(final Object o, final int index) {

        if (o == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException(dataName[index] + " cannot be null");

        if (comparators[index] == null && !(o instanceof Comparable)) {
            throw new ClassCastException(dataName[index] + " must be Comparable");

     * check a key for validity
     * @param key the key to be checked
     * @throws NullPointerException if key is null
     * @throws ClassCastException if key is not appropriate
    private void checkKey(final Object key) {
        checkNonNullComparable(key, KEY);

     * check a value for validity
     * @param value the value to be checked
     * @throws NullPointerException if value is null
     * @throws ClassCastException if value is not appropriate
    private void checkValue(final Object value) {
        checkNonNullComparable(value, VALUE);

     * check a key and a value for validity
     * @param key the key to be checked
     * @param value the value to be checked
     * @throws NullPointerException if key or value is null
     * @throws ClassCastException if key or value is not appropriate
    private void checkKeyAndValue(final Object key, final Object value) {

     * increment the modification count -- used to check for
     * concurrent modification of the map through the map and through
     * an Iterator from one of its Set or Collection views
    private void modify() {

     * bump up the size and note that the map has changed
    private void grow() {



     * decrement the size and note that the map has changed
    private void shrink() {



     * insert a node by its value
     * @param newNode the node to be inserted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node already exists
     *                                     in the value mapping
    private void insertValue(final Node<K, V> newNode, final String thread_id) throws IllegalArgumentException {

        Node<K, V> node = rootNode[VALUE];

        while (true) {
            int cmp = compare(Node.ADDED, newNode.getData(VALUE), node.getStatus(), node.getData(VALUE), VALUE);

            if (cmp == 0) {
                if (nextEqualValid(getFloorEqualNode(node, VALUE), VALUE, thread_id) != null) {
                    String debug_message = "Cannot store a duplicate value (\"" + newNode.getData(VALUE)
                            + "\") in this Map. Value already exists for key " + node.getKey();

                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(debug_message);

                if (, null))
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                if (node.getRight(VALUE) != null) {
                    node = node.getRight(VALUE);
                } else if (node.getLeft(VALUE) != null) {
                    node = node.getLeft(VALUE);
                } else {
                    node.setRight(newNode, VALUE);
                    newNode.setParent(node, VALUE);
                    doRedBlackInsert(newNode, VALUE);

            } else if (cmp < 0) {
                if (node.getLeft(VALUE) != null) {
                    node = node.getLeft(VALUE);
                } else {
                    node.setLeft(newNode, VALUE);
                    newNode.setParent(node, VALUE);
                    doRedBlackInsert(newNode, VALUE);

            } else { // cmp > 0
                if (node.getRight(VALUE) != null) {
                    node = node.getRight(VALUE);
                } else {
                    node.setRight(newNode, VALUE);
                    newNode.setParent(node, VALUE);
                    doRedBlackInsert(newNode, VALUE);


    /* ********** START implementation of Map ********** */

     * Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the
     * map contains more than Integer.MAXVALUE elements, returns
     * Integer.MAXVALUE.
     * @return the number of key-value mappings in this map.
    public int size() {
        return size(false);

    public int size(boolean countAll) {
        if (countAll || auto_commit)
            return nodeCount;

        int size = 0;
        for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); {
        return size;

     * Returns true is the map is empty.
     * <p>This implementation returns <tt>!entrySet().iterator().hasNext()</tt>.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return !entrySet().iterator().hasNext();

     * Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified
     * key.
     * @param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested.
     * @return true if this map contains a mapping for the specified
     *         key.
     * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate
     *                               type for this map.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null
    public boolean containsKey(final Object key) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException {


        return lookupValid(key, KEY, getCurrentThreadId()) != null;

     * Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the
     * specified value.
     * @param value value whose presence in this map is to be tested.
     * @return true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified
     *         value.
    public boolean containsValue(final Object value) {


        return lookupValid(value, VALUE, getCurrentThreadId()) != null;

     * Returns the value to which this map maps the specified
     * key. Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
     * @param key key whose associated value is to be returned.
     * @return the value to which this map maps the specified key, or
     *         null if the map contains no mapping for this key.
     * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate
     *                               type for this map.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null
    public V get(final Object key) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException {


        return (V) doGet(key, KEY);

     * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this
     * map.
     * @param key key with which the specified value is to be
     *            associated.
     * @param value value to be associated with the specified key.
     * @return null
     * @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified key
     *                               or value prevents it from being
     *                               stored in this map.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value
     *                                 is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key duplicates an
     *                                     existing key, or if the
     *                                     value duplicates an
     *                                     existing value
    public V put(final K key, final V value) throws ClassCastException, NullPointerException,
            IllegalArgumentException, ConcurrentModificationException {

        checkKeyAndValue(key, value);

        Node<K, V> node = rootNode[KEY];

        String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();

        if (node == null) {
            Node<K, V> root = new Node<K, V>(key, value);

            rootNode[KEY] = root;
            rootNode[VALUE] = root;

            if (!auto_commit)
                root.setStatus(Node.ADDED, thread_id);

        } else {
            while (true) {
                int cmp = compare(Node.ADDED, key, node.getStatus(), node.getData(KEY), KEY);

                if (cmp == 0) {
                    if (nextEqualValid(getFloorEqualNode(node, KEY), KEY, thread_id) != null) {
                        String debug_message = "Cannot store a duplicate key (\"" + key + "\") in this Map";
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(debug_message);

                    if (, null))
                        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                    if (node.getRight(KEY) != null) {
                        node = node.getRight(KEY);
                    } else if (node.getLeft(KEY) != null) {
                        node = node.getLeft(KEY);
                    } else {
                        Node<K, V> newNode = new Node<K, V>(key, value);

                        insertValue(newNode, thread_id);
                        node.setRight(newNode, KEY);
                        newNode.setParent(node, KEY);
                        doRedBlackInsert(newNode, KEY);

                        if (!auto_commit)
                            newNode.setStatus(Node.ADDED, thread_id);

                } else if (cmp < 0) {
                    if (node.getLeft(KEY) != null) {
                        node = node.getLeft(KEY);
                    } else {
                        Node<K, V> newNode = new Node<K, V>(key, value);

                        insertValue(newNode, thread_id);
                        node.setLeft(newNode, KEY);
                        newNode.setParent(node, KEY);
                        doRedBlackInsert(newNode, KEY);

                        if (!auto_commit)
                            newNode.setStatus(Node.ADDED, thread_id);

                } else { // cmp > 0
                    if (node.getRight(KEY) != null) {
                        node = node.getRight(KEY);
                    } else {
                        Node<K, V> newNode = new Node<K, V>(key, value);

                        insertValue(newNode, thread_id);
                        node.setRight(newNode, KEY);
                        newNode.setParent(node, KEY);
                        doRedBlackInsert(newNode, KEY);

                        if (!auto_commit)
                            newNode.setStatus(Node.ADDED, thread_id);


        return null;

     * Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present
     * @param key key whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
     * @return previous value associated with specified key, or null
     *         if there was no mapping for key.
    public V remove(final Object key) throws ConcurrentModificationException {


        return (V) doRemove(key, KEY);

     * Removes all mappings from this map
    public void clear() {

        if (auto_commit) {

            nodeCount = 0;
            rootNode[KEY] = null;
            rootNode[VALUE] = null;
        } else {
            String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();
            ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> list = new ArrayList<Entry<K, V>>(entrySet());
            for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Node<K, V> node = (Node<K, V>);
                if (, thread_id))
                else {
                    node.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

     * Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map.  The set
     * is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in
     * the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an
     * iteration over the set is in progress, the results of the
     * iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal,
     * which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the
     * Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll, and clear
     * operations.  It does not support the add or addAll operations.
     * @return a set view of the keys contained in this map.
    public Set<K> keySet() {

        if (setOfKeysByKey == null) {
            setOfKeysByKey = new AbstractFilterableSet<K>() {

                public Iterator<K> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<K>(KEY) {

                        protected K doGetNext() {
                            return (K) lastReturnedNode.getData(KEY);

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o) {
                    return containsKey(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o) {

                    int oldNodeCount = nodeCount;


                    return nodeCount != oldNodeCount;

                public void clear() {

        return setOfKeysByKey;

     * Returns a collection view of the values contained in this
     * map. The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map
     * are reflected in the collection, and vice-versa. If the map is
     * modified while an iteration over the collection is in progress,
     * the results of the iteration are undefined. The collection
     * supports element removal, which removes the corresponding
     * mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Collection.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.
     * It does not support the add or addAll operations.
     * @return a collection view of the values contained in this map.
    public Collection<V> values() {

        if (collectionOfValuesByKey == null) {
            collectionOfValuesByKey = new AbstractFilterableCollection<V>() {

                public Iterator<V> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<V>(KEY) {

                        protected V doGetNext() {
                            return (V) lastReturnedNode.getData(VALUE);

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object o) {
                    return containsValue(o);

                public boolean remove(Object o) {

                    int oldNodeCount = nodeCount;


                    return nodeCount != oldNodeCount;

                public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {

                    boolean modified = false;
                    Iterator<?> iter = c.iterator();

                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        if (removeValue( != null) {
                            modified = true;

                    return modified;

                public void clear() {

        return collectionOfValuesByKey;

     * Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map. Each
     * element in the returned set is a Map.Entry. The set is backed
     * by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and
     * vice-versa.  If the map is modified while an iteration over the
     * set is in progress, the results of the iteration are
     * undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the
     * corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.  It does
     * not support the add or addAll operations.
     * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
    public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {

        if (setOfEntriesByKey == null) {
            setOfEntriesByKey = new AbstractFilterableSet<Entry<K, V>>() {

                public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<Entry<K, V>>(KEY) {

                        protected Entry<K, V> doGetNext() {
                            return lastReturnedNode;

                public boolean contains(Object o) {

                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                        return false;

                    Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                    V value = entry.getValue();
                    Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(entry.getKey(), KEY, getCurrentThreadId());

                    return (node != null) && node.getData(VALUE).equals(value);

                public boolean remove(Object o) {

                    if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                        return false;

                    String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();

                    Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                    V value = entry.getValue();
                    Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(entry.getKey(), KEY, thread_id);

                    if ((node != null) && node.getData(VALUE).equals(value)) {
                        if (auto_commit ||, thread_id))
                            node.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

                        return true;

                    return false;

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size();

                public void clear() {

        return setOfEntriesByKey;

     * It is very rare that this method would be required. You probably
     * want to use entrySet instead. This method returns all Entry's
     * in this Map no matter what its transactional status.
     * Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map. Each
     * element in the returned set is a Map.Entry. The set is backed
     * by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and
     * vice-versa.  If the map is modified while an iteration over the
     * set is in progress, the results of the iteration are
     * undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the
     * corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove,
     * Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations.  It does
     * not support the add or addAll operations.
     * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map.
    public FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> allEntrySet() {

        if (setOfAllEntries == null) {
            setOfAllEntries = new AbstractFilterableSet<Entry<K, V>>() {

                public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {

                    return new TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<Entry<K, V>>(KEY) {

                        protected Entry<K, V> doGetNext() {
                            return lastReturnedNode;

                        protected Node<K, V> getNextValidNode(Node<K, V> node, String thread_id) {
                            return node;

                //cannot have contains or remove methods 
                //as we have ALL the nodes and so may have duplicates 
                //which are in the provess of being deleted
                public boolean contains(Object o) {
                    throw new UtilsjException("method not supported");

                public boolean remove(Object o) {
                    throw new UtilsjException("method not supported");

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.size(true);

                public void clear() {

        return setOfAllEntries;

     * Copy all entries including transaction statuses from this map into the supplied map.
     * Do not use this method unless you know exactly what you are doing. The auto commit flag
     * of the supplied map may be changed as a result of calling this method, check that this is
     * valid first.
    public final void copyEntries(TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V> new_map) {
        K key;
        V val;
        int transaction_status;
        String transaction_id;


        if (!isAutoCommit()) {
            // Do committed and deleted first
            for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = allEntrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node<K, V> entry = (TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node<K, V>);
                key = entry.getKey();
                val = entry.getValue();
                transaction_status = entry.getStatus();
                transaction_id = entry.getTransactionId();

                if (transaction_status != TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node.ADDED) {
                    try {
                        // Put the value against the key
                        new_map.put(key, val);

                        // As the transaction status is deleted or no change then we need to commit the entry now.
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } // Duplicate keys can be ignored, this means we already have the value

                    try {
                        // If transaction status is deleted we need to now attach to the transaction id and remove.
                        if (transaction_status == TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node.DELETED) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } // The entry may have already been deleted 

                    // Finally detach

            // Then do added
            for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = allEntrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node<K, V> entry = (TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node<K, V>);
                key = entry.getKey();
                val = entry.getValue();
                transaction_status = entry.getStatus();
                transaction_id = entry.getTransactionId();

                if (transaction_status == TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node.ADDED) {
                    // As the transaction status is added then attach to the transaction id before putting.

                    try {
                        // Put the value against the key
                        new_map.put(key, val);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } // Duplicate keys can be ignored, this means we already have the value

                    // Finally detach
        } else {
            for (Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = allEntrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node<K, V> entry = (TransactionalBidiTreeMap.Node<K, V>);
                key = entry.getKey();
                val = entry.getValue();

                try {
                    new_map.put(key, val);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                } // Duplicate keys can be ignored, this means we already have the value

    public void copyEntriesToSetState(TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V> new_rep_map) {

    public Comparator<? super K> comparator() {
        return comparators[KEY];

    public Comparator<? super V> valueComparator() {
        return comparators[VALUE];

    public K firstKey() {
        return mostValidNode(leastNode(rootNode[KEY], KEY), KEY, getCurrentThreadId()).getKey();

    public V firstValue() {
        return mostValidNode(leastNode(rootNode[KEY], KEY), KEY, getCurrentThreadId()).getValue();

    public K firstKeyByValue() {
        return mostValidNode(leastNode(rootNode[VALUE], VALUE), VALUE, getCurrentThreadId()).getKey();

    public V firstValueByValue() {
        final Node<K, V> most = mostValidNode(leastNode(rootNode[VALUE], VALUE), VALUE, getCurrentThreadId());
        return most == null ? null : most.getValue();

    public K lastKey() {
        return leastValidNode(mostNode(rootNode[KEY], KEY), KEY, getCurrentThreadId()).getKey();

    public V lastValue() {
        return leastValidNode(mostNode(rootNode[KEY], KEY), KEY, getCurrentThreadId()).getValue();

    public K lastKeyByValue() {
        return leastValidNode(mostNode(rootNode[VALUE], VALUE), VALUE, getCurrentThreadId()).getKey();

    public V lastValueByValue() {
        final Node<K, V> least = leastValidNode(mostNode(rootNode[VALUE], VALUE), VALUE, getCurrentThreadId());
        return least == null ? null : least.getValue();

    public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(null, toKey, null, null, null, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public SortedBidiMap<K, V> headMapByValue(V toValue) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(null, null, null, toValue, null, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(fromKey, toKey, null, null, null, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public SortedBidiMap<K, V> subMapByValue(V fromValue, V toValue) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(null, null, fromValue, toValue, null, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(fromKey, null, null, null, null, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public SortedBidiMap<K, V> tailMapByValue(V fromValue) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(null, null, fromValue, null, null, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public FilterableMap<K, V> filteredMap(Filter<? super K> filter) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(null, null, null, null, filter, null);
        return new SubMap(r);

    public FilterableBidiMap<K, V> filteredMapByValue(Filter<? super V> filter) {
        SubMapRestriction r = new SubMapRestriction(null, null, null, null, null, filter);
        return new SubMap(r);

     * Gets the entry corresponding to the specified key; if no such entry
     * exists, returns the entry for the least key greater than the specified
     * key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the greatest key in the Tree is less
     * than the specified key), returns <tt>null</tt>.
    private Node<K, V> getCeilNode(Object lookup, int type) {
        Node<K, V> p = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.rootNode[type];
        Object compareval;
        if (p == null)
            return null;
        while (true) {
            compareval = type == KEY ? p.getKey() : p.getValue();
            int cmp =, lookup, p.getStatus(), compareval,
            if (cmp == 0) {
                return p;
            } else if (cmp < 0) {
                if (p.getLeft(type) != null)
                    p = p.getLeft(type);
                    return p;
            } else {
                if (p.getRight(type) != null) {
                    p = p.getRight(type);
                } else {
                    Node<K, V> parent = p.getParent(type);
                    Node<K, V> ch = p;
                    while (parent != null && ch == parent.getRight(type)) {
                        ch = parent;
                        parent = parent.getParent(type);
                    return parent;

    * Returns the entry for the greatest key less or equal to the specified key; if
    * no such entry exists (i.e., the least key in the Tree is greater than
    * the specified key), returns <tt>null</tt>.
    private Node<K, V> getFloorNode(Object lookup, int type) {

        Node<K, V> p = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.rootNode[type];
        Object nodeCompareVal;
        if (p == null)
            return null;
        if (lookup == null)
            return null;

        while (true) {
            nodeCompareVal = ((type == KEY) ? p.getKey() : p.getValue());
            int cmp =, lookup, p.getStatus(), nodeCompareVal,
            if (cmp > 0) {
                if (p.getRight(type) != null)
                    p = p.getRight(type);
                    return p;
            } else if (cmp == 0) {
                return p;
            } else { // implicit cmp < 0
                if (p.getLeft(type) != null) {
                    p = p.getLeft(type);
                } else {
                    Node<K, V> parent = p.getParent(type);
                    Node<K, V> ch = p;
                    while (parent != null && ch == parent.getLeft(type)) {
                        ch = parent;
                        parent = parent.getParent(type);
                    return parent;

    private class SubMapRestriction implements {

        public final Object fromKey, toKey, fromValue, toValue;
        public final Filter[] filters = new Filter[] { null, null };

        SubMapRestriction(K fromKey, K toKey, V fromValue, V toValue, Filter<? super K> filterKey,
                Filter<? super V> filterValue) {
            this.fromKey = fromKey;
            this.toKey = toKey;
            this.fromValue = fromValue;
            this.toValue = toValue;
            this.filters[KEY] = filterKey;
            this.filters[VALUE] = filterValue;

         * Test obeys SubMap description in javadoc
         * start >= valid range > end
         * nulls are false
        public boolean inRange(Object obj, int type) {
            boolean r;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (type == KEY)
                r = (fromKey == null || compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, obj, Node.NO_CHANGE, fromKey, KEY) >= 0)
                        && (toKey == null || compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, obj, Node.NO_CHANGE, toKey, KEY) < 0)
                        && (filters[KEY] == null ? true : filters[KEY].isValid(obj));
                r = (fromValue == null || compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, obj, Node.NO_CHANGE, fromValue, VALUE) >= 0)
                        && (toValue == null || compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, obj, Node.NO_CHANGE, toValue, VALUE) < 0)
                        && (filters[VALUE] == null ? true : filters[VALUE].isValid(obj));
            return r;

         * Check if a key is in range and the equivalent value is in range
         * Because it needs to check the equivalent value, the key must also
         * exist in the underlying representation
         * Essentially this method and its counterpart inRangeValueAndKey return the
         * same result for a part of any given tuple and differ only in the intial value
         * searched and optimization from the order of the checks
        public boolean inRangeKeyAndValue(Object key) {
            Object value;
            if (!inRange(key, KEY))
                return false;
            value = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.get(key);
            if (value == null)
                return false;

            return inRange(value, VALUE);

         * Check if a value is in range and the equivalent key is in range
         * Because it needs to check the equivalent key, the value must also
         * exist in the underlying representation
         * Essentially this method and its counterpart inRangeValueAndKey return the
         * same result for a part of any given tuple and differ only in the intial value
         * searched and optimization from the order of the checks
        public boolean inRangeValueAndKey(Object value) {
            Object key;
            if (!inRange(value, VALUE))
                return false;
            key = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.getKeyForValue(value);
            if (key == null)
                return false;

            return inRange(key, KEY);

         * Check if a key or value is in range, checktype indicates if the incoming value is a KEY or VALUE
         * and so determines the form of check that is made. No check is made on the counterpart value
         * so this test is suitable for occasions where the comparison object is not also a member of the
         * underlying data
        public boolean inRangeSingle(Object obj, int checktype) {
            return inRange(obj, checktype);

         * Check both parts of a key value pair are in range
        public boolean inRangeTuple(Object key, Object value) {
            return inRange(key, KEY) && inRange(value, VALUE);

        public Object MaxWithNull(Object obj1, Object obj2, int type) {
            if (obj1 == null)
                return obj2;
            if (obj2 == null)
                return obj1;
            return (compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, obj1, Node.NO_CHANGE, obj2, type) > 0) ? obj1 : obj2;

        public Object MinWithNull(Object obj1, Object obj2, int type) {
            if (obj1 == null)
                return obj2;
            if (obj2 == null)
                return obj1;
            return (compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, obj1, Node.NO_CHANGE, obj2, type) < 0) ? obj1 : obj2;

        public Filter mergedFilter(final Filter filter1, final Filter filter2) {
            if (filter1 == null)
                return filter2;
            if (filter2 == null)
                return filter1;
            return new Filter() {
                public boolean isValid(Object obj) {
                    return filter1.isValid(obj) && filter2.isValid(obj);

        public SubMapRestriction Conjunction(Object fromKey, Object toKey, Object fromValue, Object toValue,
                Filter filterKey, Filter filterValue) {
            return new SubMapRestriction((K) MaxWithNull(this.fromKey, fromKey, KEY),
                    (K) MinWithNull(this.toKey, toKey, KEY), (V) MaxWithNull(this.fromValue, fromValue, VALUE),
                    (V) MinWithNull(this.toValue, toValue, VALUE),
                    (Filter<K>) mergedFilter(this.filters[KEY], filterKey),
                    (Filter<V>) mergedFilter(this.filters[VALUE], filterValue));

     * SubMap provides for a subset of the TreeMap with filters (by range) 
     * set on keys and/or the values.
     * This dual filter raises the following problem. Take a mapping as follows
     * with filters allowing Keys from 2 to the end of the range and Values 
     * from B to the end.
     * Key Map   Value Map  Directly Filtered  Filtered by partner
     * 1 -> C    A -> 5     /                  X
     * 2 -> B    B -> 3     /                  X
     * 3 -> E    C -> 1     X                  /
     * 4 -> A    D -> 5     X                  /
     * 5 -> D    E -> 3     X                  X
     * this implies that the only valid value in the filtered SubMap is (5,D).
     * Finding this is comparatively expensive as it is necessary to
     * iterate through the required ordered subset checking each
     * key against the range allowed in the paired value filter
     * Where there is a filter set on value but you access by key a similar
     * problem occurs however there are still shortcuts that can be taken 
     * where the SubMap has only a single filter
    private class SubMap extends AbstractMap<K, V> implements SortedFilterableBidiMap<K, V>, {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7288136081567652280L;

        private SubMapRestriction restriction;

        SubMap(SubMapRestriction restriction) {
            this.restriction = restriction;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return this.entrySet().isEmpty();

        public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
            return (restriction.inRangeKeyAndValue(key));

        public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
            return (restriction.inRangeValueAndKey(value));

        private Node<K, V> nextInRange(Node<K, V> node, int index, final String thread_id) {
            while (node != null && (!restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getKey(), KEY) || !validNode(node, thread_id)
                    || !restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getValue(), VALUE)))
                node = mostValidNode(nextGreater(node, index), index, thread_id);
            return node;

        private Node<K, V> previousInRange(Node<K, V> node, int index, final String thread_id) {

            while (node != null && (!restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getKey(), KEY) || !validNode(node, thread_id)
                    || !restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getValue(), VALUE)))
                node = leastValidNode(nextSmaller(node, index), index, thread_id);
            return node;

        public V get(Object key) {
            V value;
            if (!restriction.inRangeSingle(key, KEY))
                return null;
            value = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.get(key);
            return (restriction.inRangeSingle(value, VALUE) ? value : null);

        public K getKeyForValue(Object value) {
            if (!restriction.inRangeSingle(value, VALUE))
                return null;
            return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.getKeyForValue(value);

        public V put(K key, V value) {
            if (!restriction.inRangeTuple(key, value))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("key or out of range");
            return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.put(key, value);

        public K removeValue(Object value) {
            if (!restriction.inRangeValueAndKey(value))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("value out of range");
            return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.removeValue(value);

        public Comparator<K> comparator() {
            return comparators[KEY];

        public Comparator<V> valueComparator() {
            return comparators[VALUE];

        private Node<K, V> firstNodeByKey() {
            Node<K, V> first = restriction.fromKey == null
                    ? TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.leastNode(rootNode[KEY], KEY)
                    : getCeilNode(restriction.fromKey, KEY);
            first = nextInRange(first, KEY, getCurrentThreadId());
            if (restriction.toKey != null
                    && compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, first.getKey(), Node.NO_CHANGE, restriction.toKey, KEY) >= 0)
                throw (new NoSuchElementException());
            return first;

         * Returns the first key when the collection is ordered by key
        public K firstKey() {
            return firstNodeByKey().getKey();

        * Returns the first value when the collection is ordered by key
        public V firstValue() {
            return firstNodeByKey().getValue();

        private Node<K, V> firstNodeByValue() {
            Node<K, V> first = restriction.fromValue == null
                    ? TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.leastNode(rootNode[VALUE], VALUE)
                    : getCeilNode(restriction.fromValue, VALUE);
            first = nextInRange(first, VALUE, getCurrentThreadId());
            if (restriction.toValue != null
                    && compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, first.getValue(), Node.NO_CHANGE, restriction.toValue, VALUE) >= 0)
                throw (new NoSuchElementException());
            return first;

        * Returns the first key when the collection is ordered by value
        public K firstKeyByValue() {
            return firstNodeByValue().getKey();

         * Returns the first value when the collection is ordered by value
        public V firstValueByValue() {
            return firstNodeByValue().getValue();

        private Node<K, V> lastNodeByKey() {
            Node<K, V> last;
            if (restriction.toKey == null) {
                last = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.mostNode(rootNode[KEY], KEY);
            } else {
                last = getFloorNode(restriction.toKey, KEY);
            last = previousInRange(last, KEY, getCurrentThreadId());
            if (restriction.toKey != null
                    && compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, last.getKey(), Node.NO_CHANGE, restriction.toKey, KEY) > 0)
                throw (new NoSuchElementException());
            return last;

         * Returns the last key when the collection is ordered by key
        public K lastKey() {
            return lastNodeByKey().getKey();

         * Returns the last value when the collection is ordered by key
        public V lastValue() {
            return lastNodeByKey().getValue();

        private Node<K, V> lastNodeByValue() {
            Node<K, V> last;
            if (restriction.toValue == null) {
                last = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.mostNode(rootNode[VALUE], VALUE);
            } else {
                last = getFloorNode(restriction.toValue, VALUE);
            last = previousInRange(last, VALUE, getCurrentThreadId());
            if (restriction.toValue != null
                    && compare(Node.NO_CHANGE, last.getValue(), Node.NO_CHANGE, restriction.toValue, VALUE) > 0)
                throw (new NoSuchElementException(last.getValue().toString()));
            return last;

         * Returns the last key when the collection is ordered by value
        public K lastKeyByValue() {
            return lastNodeByValue().getKey();

         * Returns the last value when the collection is ordered by value
        public V lastValueByValue() {
            return lastNodeByValue().getValue();

        private transient FilterableSet entrySet[] = { new EntrySetView(KEY), new EntrySetView(VALUE) };

        public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
            return entrySet[KEY];

        public FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> entrySetByValue() {
            return entrySet[VALUE];

        public FilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> entrySetByValueDescending() {
            return new EntrySetViewDescending(VALUE);

        public FilterableSet<K> keySetByValue() {
            return new AbstractFilterableSet<K>() {
                public Iterator<K> iterator() {
                    return new Iterator<K>() {
                        private Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = entrySetByValue().iterator();

                        public boolean hasNext() {
                            return i.hasNext();

                        public K next() {

                        public void remove() {

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object k) {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.containsKey(k);

        public FilterableCollection<V> valuesByValue() {
            return new AbstractFilterableCollection<V>() {
                public Iterator<V> iterator() {
                    return new Iterator<V>() {
                        private Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = entrySetByValue().iterator();

                        public boolean hasNext() {
                            return i.hasNext();

                        public V next() {

                        public void remove() {

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object v) {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.containsValue(v);

        public FilterableCollection<V> valuesByValueDescending() {
            return new AbstractFilterableCollection<V>() {
                public Iterator<V> iterator() {
                    return new Iterator<V>() {
                        private Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = entrySetByValueDescending().iterator();

                        public boolean hasNext() {
                            return i.hasNext();

                        public V next() {

                        public void remove() {

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object v) {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.containsValue(v);

        public Collection<V> values() {
            return new AbstractFilterableCollection<V>() {
                public Iterator<V> iterator() {
                    return new Iterator<V>() {
                        private Iterator<Entry<K, V>> i = entrySet().iterator();

                        public boolean hasNext() {
                            return i.hasNext();

                        public V next() {

                        public void remove() {

                public int size() {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.size();

                public boolean contains(Object v) {
                    return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.containsValue(v);

        public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(fromKey, toKey, null, null, null, null));

        public SortedBidiMap<K, V> subMapByValue(V fromValue, V toValue) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(null, null, fromValue, toValue, null, null));

        public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K toKey) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(null, toKey, null, null, null, null));

        public SortedBidiMap<K, V> headMapByValue(V toValue) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(null, null, null, toValue, null, null));

        public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K fromKey) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(fromKey, null, null, null, null, null));

        public SortedBidiMap<K, V> tailMapByValue(V fromValue) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(null, null, fromValue, null, null, null));

        public FilterableMap<K, V> filteredMap(Filter<? super K> filter) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(null, null, null, null, filter, null));

        public FilterableBidiMap<K, V> filteredMapByValue(Filter<? super V> filter) {
            return new SubMap(restriction.Conjunction(null, null, null, null, null, filter));

        private boolean inRange(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        return (fromStart || compare(obj, from, type) >= 0) &&
               (toEnd     || compare(obj, to, type)   <  0);

         * EntrySetView inner class start
        private class EntrySetView extends AbstractFilterableSet<Entry<K, V>> {
            transient int size = -1, sizeModCount, type;

            private EntrySetView(int type) {
                this.type = type;

            private boolean valEquals(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
                return, obj1, Node.NO_CHANGE, obj2,
                        this.type) == 0;

            public int size() {
                if (size == -1 || sizeModCount != TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.modifications) {
                    size = 0;
                    sizeModCount = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.modifications;
                    Iterator i = iterator();
                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                return size;

            public boolean isEmpty() {
                return !iterator().hasNext();

            public boolean contains(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                Object key = entry.getKey();
                if (!TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.restriction.inRangeKeyAndValue(key))
                    return false;
                Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(key, this.type, getCurrentThreadId());
                return node != null && valEquals(entry.getValue(), node.getValue());

            public boolean remove(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<K, V> entry = (Map.Entry<K, V>) o;
                Object key = entry.getKey();
                if (!TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.restriction.inRangeKeyAndValue(key))
                    return false;
                final String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();
                Node<K, V> node = lookupValid(key, KEY, thread_id);
                if (node != null && valEquals(node.getValue(), entry.getValue())) {
                    if (auto_commit ||, thread_id))
                        node.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

                    return true;
                return false;

            public Iterator iterator() {
                return new SubMapEntryIterator(
                        type == KEY ? TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.firstNodeByKey()
                                : TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.firstNodeByValue(),
                        TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.restriction, type) {

        private class EntrySetViewDescending extends EntrySetView {

            public EntrySetViewDescending(int type) {

            public Iterator iterator() {
                return new SubMapEntryDescendingIterator(
                        type == KEY ? TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.lastNodeByKey()
                                : TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.lastNodeByValue(),
                        TransactionalBidiTreeMap.SubMap.this.restriction, type) {

    /* **********  END  implementation of Map ********** */
    private abstract class TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {

        private int expectedModifications;
        protected Node<K, V> lastReturnedNode;
        private Node<K, V> nextNode;
        protected int iteratorType;

         * Constructor
         * @param type
        TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator(final int type) {

            iteratorType = type;
            expectedModifications = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.modifications;
            lastReturnedNode = null;
            nextNode = leastNode(rootNode[iteratorType], iteratorType);
            nextNode = getNextValidNode(nextNode, getCurrentThreadId());

         * Constructor
         * @param type
        TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator(final Node<K, V> startNode, final int type) {

            iteratorType = type;
            expectedModifications = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.modifications;
            lastReturnedNode = null;
            nextNode = startNode;
            nextNode = getNextValidNode(nextNode, getCurrentThreadId());

         * @return 'next', whatever that means for a given kind of
         *         TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator
        protected abstract E doGetNext();

        /* ********** START implementation of Iterator ********** */

         * @return true if the iterator has more elements.
        public final boolean hasNext() {
            return nextNode != null;

         * @return the next element in the iteration.
         * @throws NoSuchElementException if iteration has no more
         *                                   elements.
         * @throws ConcurrentModificationException if the
         *                                            TransactionalBidiTreeMap is
         *                                            modified behind
         *                                            the iterator's
         *                                            back
        public final E next() throws NoSuchElementException, ConcurrentModificationException {

            if (nextNode == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            if (modifications != expectedModifications) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            lastReturnedNode = nextNode;
            nextNode = nextGreater(nextNode, iteratorType);
            nextNode = getNextValidNode(nextNode, getCurrentThreadId());

            return doGetNext();

        protected Node<K, V> getNextValidNode(Node<K, V> node, String thread_id) {
            if (auto_commit)
                return node;

            return mostValidNode(node, iteratorType, thread_id);

         * Removes from the underlying collection the last element
         * returned by the iterator. This method can be called only
         * once per call to next. The behavior of an iterator is
         * unspecified if the underlying collection is modified while
         * the iteration is in progress in any way other than by
         * calling this method.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if the next method has not
         *                                  yet been called, or the
         *                                  remove method has already
         *                                  been called after the last
         *                                  call to the next method.
         * @throws ConcurrentModificationException if the
         *                                            TransactionalBidiTreeMap is
         *                                            modified behind
         *                                            the iterator's
         *                                            back
        public final void remove() throws IllegalStateException, ConcurrentModificationException {

            if (lastReturnedNode == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();

            if (modifications != expectedModifications) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();
            if (auto_commit ||, thread_id)) {
            } else
                lastReturnedNode.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

            lastReturnedNode = null;

        /* **********  END  implementation of Iterator ********** */
    } // end private abstract class TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator

    private abstract class TransactionalBidiTreeMapDescendingIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {

        private int expectedModifications;
        protected Node<K, V> lastReturnedNode;
        private Node<K, V> nextNode;
        protected int iteratorType;

         * Constructor
         * @param type
        TransactionalBidiTreeMapDescendingIterator(final int type) {

            iteratorType = type;
            expectedModifications = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.modifications;
            lastReturnedNode = null;
            nextNode = mostNode(rootNode[iteratorType], iteratorType);
            nextNode = getNextValidNode(nextNode, getCurrentThreadId());

         * Constructor
         * @param type
        TransactionalBidiTreeMapDescendingIterator(final Node<K, V> startNode, final int type) {

            iteratorType = type;
            expectedModifications = TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.modifications;
            lastReturnedNode = null;
            nextNode = startNode;
            nextNode = getNextValidNode(nextNode, getCurrentThreadId());

         * @return 'next', whatever that means for a given kind of
         *         TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator
        protected abstract E doGetNext();

        /* ********** START implementation of Iterator ********** */

         * @return true if the iterator has more elements.
        public final boolean hasNext() {
            return nextNode != null;

         * @return the next element in the iteration.
         * @throws NoSuchElementException if iteration has no more
         *                                   elements.
         * @throws ConcurrentModificationException if the
         *                                            TransactionalBidiTreeMap is
         *                                            modified behind
         *                                            the iterator's
         *                                            back
        public final E next() throws NoSuchElementException, ConcurrentModificationException {

            if (nextNode == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            if (modifications != expectedModifications) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            lastReturnedNode = nextNode;
            nextNode = nextSmaller(nextNode, iteratorType);
            nextNode = getNextValidNode(nextNode, getCurrentThreadId());

            return doGetNext();

        protected Node<K, V> getNextValidNode(Node<K, V> node, String thread_id) {
            if (auto_commit)
                return node;

            return leastValidNode(node, iteratorType, thread_id);

         * Removes from the underlying collection the last element
         * returned by the iterator. This method can be called only
         * once per call to next. The behavior of an iterator is
         * unspecified if the underlying collection is modified while
         * the iteration is in progress in any way other than by
         * calling this method.
         * @throws IllegalStateException if the next method has not
         *                                  yet been called, or the
         *                                  remove method has already
         *                                  been called after the last
         *                                  call to the next method.
         * @throws ConcurrentModificationException if the
         *                                            TransactionalBidiTreeMap is
         *                                            modified behind
         *                                            the iterator's
         *                                            back
        public final void remove() throws IllegalStateException, ConcurrentModificationException {

            if (lastReturnedNode == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();

            if (modifications != expectedModifications) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            String thread_id = getCurrentThreadId();
            if (auto_commit ||, thread_id)) {
            } else
                lastReturnedNode.setStatus(Node.DELETED, thread_id);

            lastReturnedNode = null;


    private class SubMapEntryIterator extends TransactionalBidiTreeMapIterator<Entry<K, V>> {

        private TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V>.SubMapRestriction restriction;

        SubMapEntryIterator(Node<K, V> first, TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V>.SubMapRestriction restriction,
                int type) {
            super(first, type);
            this.restriction = restriction;

        protected Node<K, V> getNextValidNode(Node<K, V> node, final String thread_id) {
            if (restriction == null)
                return super.getNextValidNode(node, thread_id);
            while (node != null && (!validNode(node, thread_id) || !restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getKey(), KEY)
                    || !restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getValue(), VALUE))) {
                node = nextGreater(node, iteratorType);
                node = super.getNextValidNode(node, thread_id);
            return node;

        protected Entry<K, V> doGetNext() {
            return lastReturnedNode;

    private class SubMapEntryDescendingIterator extends TransactionalBidiTreeMapDescendingIterator<Entry<K, V>> {

        private TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V>.SubMapRestriction restriction;

        SubMapEntryDescendingIterator(Node<K, V> first,
                TransactionalBidiTreeMap<K, V>.SubMapRestriction restriction, int type) {
            super(first, type);
            this.restriction = restriction;

        protected Node<K, V> getNextValidNode(Node<K, V> node, final String thread_id) {
            if (restriction == null)
                return super.getNextValidNode(node, thread_id);
            while (node != null && (!validNode(node, thread_id) || !restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getKey(), KEY)
                    || !restriction.inRangeSingle(node.getValue(), VALUE))) {
                node = nextSmaller(node, iteratorType);
                node = super.getNextValidNode(node, thread_id);
            return node;

        protected Entry<K, V> doGetNext() {
            return lastReturnedNode;

    // final for performance
    public static final class Node<K, V> implements Map.Entry<K, V>, {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5178097310251692266L;

        private K dataKey;
        private Node<K, V> leftNodeKey;
        private Node<K, V> rightNodeKey;
        private Node<K, V> parentNodeKey;
        private boolean blackColorKey;
        private V dataValue;
        private Node<K, V> leftNodeValue;
        private Node<K, V> rightNodeValue;
        private Node<K, V> parentNodeValue;
        private boolean blackColorValue;
        private int hashcodeValue;
        private boolean calculatedHashCode;
        private int transactionStatus;
        private String transactionId;

        public static final int NO_CHANGE = 0;
        public static final int DELETED = 1;
        public static final int ADDED = 2;

         * Make a new cell with given key and value, and with null
         * links, and black (true) colors.
         * @param key
         * @param value
        Node(final K key, final V value) {
            dataKey = key;
            dataValue = value;
            blackColorKey = true;
            blackColorValue = true;
            calculatedHashCode = false;
            transactionStatus = NO_CHANGE;
            transactionId = null;

        private void setStatus(final int status, final String id) {
            transactionStatus = status;
            transactionId = id;

        public int getStatus() {
            return transactionStatus;

        public String getTransactionId() {
            return transactionId;

        private boolean is(final int status, final String id) {
            if (transactionId == null)
                return status == NO_CHANGE;

            if (id == null || transactionId.equals(id))
                return transactionStatus == status;

            return status == NO_CHANGE;

         * get the specified data
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
         * @return the key or value
        private Object getData(final int index) {
            return index == KEY ? dataKey : dataValue;

         * Set this node's left node
         * @param node the new left node           if(!toEnd)
            return TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.getKeyForValue(getFloorEntry(;
        return (type == KEY) ? 
            TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.get(TransactionalBidiTreeMap.this.lastKey()) :
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void setLeft(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {
            if (index == KEY)
                leftNodeKey = node;
                leftNodeValue = node;

         * get the left node
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
         * @return the left node -- may be null
        private Node<K, V> getLeft(final int index) {
            return index == KEY ? leftNodeKey : leftNodeValue;

         * Set this node's right node
         * @param node the new right node
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void setRight(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {
            if (index == KEY)
                rightNodeKey = node;
                rightNodeValue = node;

         * get the right node
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
         * @return the right node -- may be null
        private Node<K, V> getRight(final int index) {
            return index == KEY ? rightNodeKey : rightNodeValue;

         * Set this node's parent node
         * @param node the new parent node
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void setParent(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {
            if (index == KEY)
                parentNodeKey = node;
                parentNodeValue = node;

         * get the parent node
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
         * @return the parent node -- may be null
        private Node<K, V> getParent(final int index) {
            return index == KEY ? parentNodeKey : parentNodeValue;

         * exchange colors with another node
         * @param node the node to swap with
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void swapColors(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {

            // Swap colors -- old hacker's trick
            if (index == KEY) {
                blackColorKey ^= node.blackColorKey;
                node.blackColorKey ^= blackColorKey;
                blackColorKey ^= node.blackColorKey;
            } else {
                blackColorValue ^= node.blackColorValue;
                node.blackColorValue ^= blackColorValue;
                blackColorValue ^= node.blackColorValue;

         * is this node black?
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
         * @return true if black (which is represented as a true boolean)
        private boolean isBlack(final int index) {
            return index == KEY ? blackColorKey : blackColorValue;

         * is this node red?
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
         * @return true if non-black
        private boolean isRed(final int index) {
            return index == KEY ? !blackColorKey : !blackColorValue;

         * make this node black
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void setBlack(final int index) {
            if (index == KEY)
                blackColorKey = true;
                blackColorValue = true;

         * make this node red
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void setRed(final int index) {
            if (index == KEY)
                blackColorKey = false;
                blackColorValue = false;

         * make this node the same color as another
         * @param node the node whose color we're adopting
         * @param index KEY or VALUE
        private void copyColor(final Node<K, V> node, final int index) {
            if (index == KEY)
                blackColorKey = node.blackColorKey;
                blackColorValue = node.blackColorValue;

        /* ********** START implementation of Map.Entry ********** */

         * @return the key corresponding to this entry.
        public K getKey() {
            return dataKey;

         * @return the value corresponding to this entry.
        public V getValue() {
            return dataValue;

         * Optional operation that is not permitted in this
         * implementation
         * @param ignored
         * @return does not return
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
        public V setValue(Object ignored) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Map.Entry.setValue is not supported");

         * Compares the specified object with this entry for equality.
         * Returns true if the given object is also a map entry and
         * the two entries represent the same mapping.
         * @param o object to be compared for equality with this map
         *          entry.
         * @return true if the specified object is equal to this map
         *         entry.
        public boolean equals(Object o) {

            if (this == o) {
                return true;

            if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry)) {
                return false;

            Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) o;

            return dataKey.equals(e.getKey()) && dataValue.equals(e.getValue());

         * @return the hash code value for this map entry.
        public int hashCode() {

            if (!calculatedHashCode) {
                hashcodeValue = dataKey.hashCode() ^ dataValue.hashCode();
                calculatedHashCode = true;

            return hashcodeValue;

        /* **********  END  implementation of Map.Entry ********** */
} // end public class TransactionalBidiTreeMap