Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * EasyCukes is just a framework aiming at making Cucumber even easier than what it already is.
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Worldline or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3.0 of the License.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;

import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.DeleteMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientRequest;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.ClientFilter;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.LoggingFilter;
import com.worldline.easycukes.commons.ExecutionContext;
import com.worldline.easycukes.commons.config.EasyCukesConfiguration;
import com.worldline.easycukes.commons.config.beans.CommonConfigurationBean;
import com.worldline.easycukes.commons.helpers.HtmlHelper;
import com.worldline.easycukes.commons.helpers.JSONHelper;

 * {@link RestService} is actually the main entry point to be used in order to
 * interact with REST services. It provides a way to send requests to the target
 * platform, but also to manipulate the responses.
 * @author mechikhi
 * @version 1.0
public class RestService {

     * Base URL to be used for rest requests
    private String baseUrl = null;

    private String nonProxyHost = null;

     * Jersey client to be used for REST requests
    private final Client jerseyClient;

     * HTTP Client (cap'tain obvious)
    private final HttpClient httpClient;

     * Headers to be used for http requests
    private final Map<String, String> requestHeaders = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

     * {@link ClientResponse} containing the latest response got from a REST
     * call
    private ResponseWrapper response;

     * Internal class for Singleton holder
    private static class RestServiceSingeltonHolder {
        private static final RestService INSTANCE = new RestService();

     * Allows to get the singleton instance of {@link RestService}
     * @return the singleton instance
    public static final RestService getInstance() {
        return RestServiceSingeltonHolder.INSTANCE;

     * Private default constructor to ensure we're using the singleton pattern
    private RestService() {
        jerseyClient = newJerseyClient();
        httpClient = new HttpClient();

     * Creates and returns a new instance of jersey client
     * @return the instance created of jersey client
    private static Client newJerseyClient() {
        final Client c = Client.create();
        c.addFilter(new LoggingFilter(System.out));
        return c;

     * Destroy the client.
    public void destroy() {

     * Allows to initialize the instance of {@link #httpClient} by setting the
     * configuration of proxy
    public void initialize(@NonNull String baseUrl) {
        EasyCukesConfiguration<CommonConfigurationBean> configuration = new EasyCukesConfiguration<>(
        if (configuration.isProxyNeeded())
        this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
        this.nonProxyHost = configuration.getValues().proxy.byPassHost;

     * Allows to send a REST request with parameters in JSON format
     * @param method     the HTTP method you want to use (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST)
     * @param path       the path on which the request should be sent (starting from
     *                   base URL, see in the configuration files)
     * @param parameters the parameters to be used for the request (in JSON formatted
     *                   as a String)
    public void sendRequestWithParameters(@NonNull final String method, @NonNull final String path,
            final String parameters) {"Sending " + method + " to " + path + " with: " + parameters);

        response = null;
        String fullpath = path;
        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;

        if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
            if (parameters == null || parameters.length() == 0)
                response = JerseyClientHelper.get(jerseyClient, fullpath);
                log.error("Sorry, parameters cannot be given this way for GET requests...");
        } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
            if (parameters == null || parameters.length() == 0)
                response =, fullpath);
                try {
                    response =, fullpath, JSONHelper.toProperJSON(parameters));
                } catch (final ParseException e) {
                    log.error("Sorry, parameters are not proper JSON...", e);
        } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("PUT")) {
            if (parameters == null || parameters.length() == 0)
                response = JerseyClientHelper.put(jerseyClient, fullpath);
                try {
                    response = JerseyClientHelper.put(jerseyClient, fullpath, JSONHelper.toProperJSON(parameters));
                } catch (final ParseException e) {
                    log.error("Sorry, parameters are not proper JSON...", e);
        } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")) {
            if (parameters == null || parameters.length() == 0)
                response = JerseyClientHelper.delete(jerseyClient, fullpath);
                try {
                    response = JerseyClientHelper.delete(jerseyClient, fullpath,
                } catch (final ParseException e) {
                    log.error("Sorry, parameters are not proper JSON...", e);
        } else
            log.error("Unknown m: " + method);


     * Gets the response status of a previous REST call
    public int getResponseStatus() {
        return response.getStatus();

     * Gets the value of the specified property in the response header of a
     * previous REST call
     * @param property
     * @return the value if it's found (else it'll be null)
    public String getPropertyFromResponseHeader(@NonNull String property) {
        final int index = property.indexOf(".");
        String headerName = property;
        if (index > 0)
            headerName = property.substring(0, index);
        final String headerValue = response.getHeaderValue(headerName);
        if (index < 0)
            return headerValue;
        if (headerValue != null)
            return extractHeaderParam(headerValue, property.substring(index + 1));
        return null;

     * Extract the input value from the last html response.
     * @param input the name of the input in the html form
     * @return The value, if it could be extracted, null otherwise.
    public String extractInputValueFromHtmlResponse(@NonNull final String input) {
        return HtmlHelper.extractInputValueFromHtmlContent(input, response.getResponseString());

     * Extract the attribute from the header value passed
     * @param headerValue header value
     * @param param       the attribute whose value will be extracted
     * @return the value if it's found (else it'll be null)
    protected String extractHeaderParam(@NonNull final String headerValue, @NonNull final String param) {
        final String PARAM_BEGIN = param + "=";
        int start = headerValue.indexOf(PARAM_BEGIN);
        if (start >= 0) {
            start += PARAM_BEGIN.length();
            int end = headerValue.indexOf(";", start);
            if (end > start)
                return headerValue.substring(start, end);
            end = headerValue.indexOf(",", start);
            if (end > start)
                return headerValue.substring(start, end);
            return headerValue.substring(start);
        } else
            log.warn("Could not extract " + param + " from response header. Raw data is:\n'" + headerValue + "'");
        return null;

     * Allows to get the specified property from the response of a previous REST
     * call
     * @throws ParseException if there's something wrong while parsing the JSON content
    public String getResponseProperty(@NonNull String property) throws ParseException {
        return JSONHelper.getPropertyValue(response.getResponseString(), property);

     * Allows to get the specified property randomly from the response array of
     * a previous REST call
     * @param property
     * @return the value if it's found (else it'll be null)
     * @throws ParseException
    public String getRandomlyPropertyFromResponseArray(@NonNull String property) throws ParseException {
        final JSONArray jsonArray = JSONHelper.toJSONArray(response.getResponseString());
        if (jsonArray != null && !jsonArray.isEmpty())
            return JSONHelper.getValue((JSONObject) jsonArray.get(new Random().nextInt(jsonArray.size())),
        return null;

     * Allows to get the specified 0th property from the response array of
     * a previous REST call
     * @param property
     * @return the value if it's found (else it'll be null)
     * @throws ParseException
    public String getFirstPropertyFromResponseArray(@NonNull String property) throws ParseException {
        final JSONArray jsonArray = JSONHelper.toJSONArray(response.getResponseString());
        if (jsonArray != null && !jsonArray.isEmpty())
            return JSONHelper.getValue((JSONObject) jsonArray.get(0), property);
        return null;

     * Allows to get an item randomly from the response array of a previous REST
     * call
     * @return the value if it's found (else it'll be null)
     * @throws ParseException
    public String getRandomlyAnItemFromResponseArray() throws ParseException {
        final JSONArray jsonArray = JSONHelper.toJSONArray(response.getResponseString());
        if (jsonArray != null && !jsonArray.isEmpty())
            return (String) jsonArray.get(new Random().nextInt(jsonArray.size()));
        return null;

     * Gets response content from the response
    public String getResponseContent() {
        return response.getResponseString();

     * Gets the result of the execution of a get request. the attempt will be
     * repeated until obtain the exepected result
     * @param path       the path on which the request should be executed
     * @param expression the result that should be returned by the GET request, which
     *                   allows to know if that request is completely processed or not
     * @throws Exception if something's going wrong...
    public void retryGetRequestUntilObtainExpectedResponse(@NonNull String path, @NonNull String expression)
            throws Exception {
        String fullpath = path;
        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;
        log.debug("Sending GET request to " + fullpath + " with several attemps");

        final int maxAttempts = Integer.parseInt(ExecutionContext.get(RestConstants.MAX_ATTEMPTS_KEY));
        final int timeToWait = Integer.parseInt(ExecutionContext.get(RestConstants.TIME_TO_WAIT_KEY));

        final HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(fullpath);
        try {
            for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
                method.setRequestHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());

            String responseAsString = null;
            String toCheck = null;
            String expected = expression;
            String prop = null;
            final int idx = expression.indexOf("=");
            if (idx > 0) {
                prop = expression.substring(0, idx);
                expected = expression.substring(idx + 1);
            int statusCode;
            int attempts = 0;
            boolean success = false;
            do {
                // waiting timeToWait seconds
                Thread.sleep(timeToWait * 1000);
                statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
                if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                    responseAsString = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
                    toCheck = responseAsString;
                    if (prop != null)
                        toCheck = JSONHelper.getPropertyValue(responseAsString, prop);
                    if (toCheck.contains(expected)) {
                        success = true;
                        log.debug("The result is available! ");
                    } else
                        log.warn("The result is not yet available! | Waiting " + timeToWait + " seconds ...");
                } else
                    log.warn("unsuccessful GET request : " + method.getStatusLine() + " | Waiting " + timeToWait
                            + " seconds ...");
            } while (!success && maxAttempts > attempts);
            response = new ResponseWrapper(responseAsString, statusCode);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {

     * Gets the result of the execution of a get request. the attempt will be
     * repeated several times in case of failures
     * @param path the path on which the request should be sent
     * @throws Exception if something's going wrong...
    public void retryGetRequestUntilSucceed(@NonNull String path) throws Exception {
        String fullpath = path;
        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;

        log.debug("Sending GET request to " + fullpath + " with several attemps");

        final int maxAttempts = Integer.parseInt(ExecutionContext.get(RestConstants.MAX_ATTEMPTS_KEY));
        final int timeToWait = Integer.parseInt(ExecutionContext.get(RestConstants.TIME_TO_WAIT_KEY));

        final HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(fullpath);
        try {
            for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
                method.setRequestHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());

            String responseAsString = null;
            int statusCode;
            int attempts = 0;
            boolean success = false;
            do {
                // waiting timeToWait seconds
                Thread.sleep(timeToWait * 1000);
                statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
                // check for status code 200
                if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                    responseAsString = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
                    success = true;
          "The result is available! ");
                } else
                    log.warn("unsuccessful GET request : " + method.getStatusLine() + " | Waiting " + timeToWait
                            + " seconds ...");
            } while (!success && maxAttempts > attempts);
            response = new ResponseWrapper(responseAsString, statusCode);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {

     * Allows to send a POST request, with parameters using JSON format
     * @param path path to be used for the POST request
     * @param data paremeters to be used (JSON format) as a string
    public void sendPost(final String path, final String data) throws Exception {
        String fullpath = path;
        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;"Sending POST request to " + fullpath);
        final PostMethod method = new PostMethod(fullpath);
        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
            method.setRequestHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
        if (data != null) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = null;
            try {
                jsonObject = JSONHelper.toJSONObject(data);
                for (final Iterator<String> iterator = jsonObject.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    final String param =;
                            (jsonObject.get(param) != null) ? jsonObject.get(param).toString() : null);
            } catch (final ParseException e) {
                log.error("Sorry, parameters are not proper JSON...", e);
                throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);

        try {
            if (nonProxyHost != null && fullpath.contains(nonProxyHost)) {
            final int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
            response = new ResponseWrapper(method.getResponseBodyAsString(), method.getResponseHeaders(),
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {

     * Allows to send a GET request to the path passed using the http client
     * @param path the path on which the request should be sent
    public void sendGetRequest(final String path) throws Exception {
        String fullpath = path;
        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;"Sending GET request to " + fullpath);

        final HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(fullpath);
        try {
            for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
                method.setRequestHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
            final int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
            response = new ResponseWrapper(method.getResponseBodyAsString(), method.getResponseHeaders(),
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {

     * Allows to setup request specific parameters. it will be used to define a
     * custom headers for all http requests.(example cookie header).
     * @param header the header name to add
     * @param value  the header value
    public void addRequestHeader(@NonNull String header, @NonNull String value) {
        if (requestHeaders.isEmpty())
            jerseyClient.addFilter(new ClientFilter() {
                public ClientResponse handle(final ClientRequest request) throws ClientHandlerException {
                    for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
                        request.getHeaders().putSingle(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
                    return getNext().handle(request);
        requestHeaders.put(header, value);

    * Allows to send a PUT request, with parameters using JSON format
    * @param path path to be used for the PUT request
    * @param data paremeters to be used (JSON format) as a string
    public void sendPut(final String path, final String data) {
        String fullpath = path;

        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;"Sending PUT request to " + fullpath);

        final PutMethod method = new PutMethod(fullpath);

        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
            method.setRequestHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());

        if (data != null) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = null;
            try {
                jsonObject = JSONHelper.toJSONObject(data);

                for (final Iterator<String> iterator = jsonObject.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    final String param =;
                    HttpMethodParams methodParams = new HttpMethodParams();
                            (jsonObject.get(param) != null) ? jsonObject.get(param).toString() : null);
            } catch (final ParseException e) {
                log.error("Sorry, parameters are not proper JSON...", e);

        try {
            if (nonProxyHost != null && fullpath.contains(nonProxyHost)) {
            final int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
            response = new ResponseWrapper(method.getResponseBodyAsString(), method.getResponseHeaders(),
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {

     * Allows to send a DELETE request, with parameters using JSON format
     * @param path path to be used for the DELETE request
     * @param data paremeters to be used (JSON format) as a string
    public void sendDelete(final String path, final String data) {
        String fullpath = path;

        if (path.startsWith("/"))
            fullpath = baseUrl + path;"Sending DELETE request to " + fullpath);

        final DeleteMethod method = new DeleteMethod(fullpath);

        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> header : requestHeaders.entrySet())
            method.setRequestHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());

        if (data != null) {
            JSONObject jsonObject = null;
            try {
                jsonObject = JSONHelper.toJSONObject(data);

                for (final Iterator<String> iterator = jsonObject.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                    final String param =;
                    HttpMethodParams methodParams = new HttpMethodParams();
                            (jsonObject.get(param) != null) ? jsonObject.get(param).toString() : null);

            } catch (final ParseException e) {
                log.error("Sorry, parameters are not proper JSON...", e);

        try {
            if (nonProxyHost != null && fullpath.contains(nonProxyHost)) {
            final int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
            response = new ResponseWrapper(method.getResponseBodyAsString(), method.getResponseHeaders(),
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {

     * Allows to get object Id from the response array having not null value for given property of
     * a previous REST call
     * @param property
     * @return the value if it's found (else it'll be null)
     * @throws ParseException
    public String getIdFromResponseArrayByProperty(@NonNull String property) throws ParseException {
        final JSONArray jsonArray = JSONHelper.toJSONArray(response.getResponseString());

        for (Object jsonArrayObj : jsonArray) {
            if (JSONHelper.getValue((JSONObject) jsonArrayObj, property) != null)
                return JSONHelper.getValue((JSONObject) jsonArrayObj, "id");

        return null;
