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 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.collections.set.ListOrderedSet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext;
import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException;

 * Template for {@link XWikiMigrationManagerInterface}.
 * @version $Id: 609901ddb9ac67d74b478308356358b239d8f533 $
public abstract class AbstractXWikiMigrationManager implements XWikiMigrationManagerInterface {
    /** logger. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractXWikiMigrationManager.class);

     * Internal class used to find out the migrators that are being forced in the XWiki configuration file.
    protected class XWikiMigration {
        public boolean isForced;

        public XWikiMigratorInterface migrator;

        public XWikiMigration(XWikiMigratorInterface migrator, boolean isForced) {
            this.migrator = migrator;
            this.isForced = isForced;

     * The database version when the migration process starts (before any migrator is applied). This is useful for
     * mirgator which need to run only when the database is in a certain version.
    private XWikiDBVersion startupVersion;

     * Unified constructor for all subclasses.
     * @param context - used everywhere
    public AbstractXWikiMigrationManager(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
        this.startupVersion = getDBVersion(context);

     * read data version from xwiki.cfg.
     * @param context used for read config
     * @return data version if set, or null.
    protected XWikiDBVersion getDBVersionFromConfig(XWikiContext context) {
        String ver = context.getWiki().getConfig().getProperty("");
        return ver == null ? null : new XWikiDBVersion(Integer.parseInt(ver));

    public XWikiDBVersion getDBVersion(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
        XWikiDBVersion result = getDBVersionFromConfig(context);
        return result == null ? new XWikiDBVersion(0) : result;

     * @param version to set
     * @param context used everywhere
     * @throws XWikiException if any error
    protected abstract void setDBVersion(XWikiDBVersion version, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException;

    public void startMigrations(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
        if (context.getWiki().isVirtualMode()) {
            // Save context values so that we can restore them as they were before the migration.
            String currentDatabase = context.getDatabase();
            String currentOriginalDatabase = context.getOriginalDatabase();

            try {
                for (Iterator it = getDatabasesToMigrate(context).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    String database = (String);
          "Starting migration for database [{}]...", database);
                    // Set up the context so that it points to the virtual wiki corresponding to the
                    // database.
                    try {
                        // Force the schema update since it's not been executed yet for sub wikis
                        // databases.
                        // TODO: In the future intead of doing this, move all the database schema
                        // update + migrations into XWiki's init (see
                        context.getWiki().getHibernateStore().updateSchema(context, false);

                        // Run the migrations on the current database
                    } catch (XWikiException e) {
              "Failed to migrate database [" + database + "]...", e);
            } finally {
        } else {
            // Just migrate the main wiki
            try {
            } catch (XWikiException ex) {
      "Failed to migrate main database...", ex);

     * Returns the names of the databases that should be migrated. This is controlled through the
     * "" configuration property in xwiki.cfg. A value of "all" will add all databases.
     * Note that the main database is automatically added even if not specified.
     * @param context The {@link com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext} object, needed for accessing the main wiki.
     * @return The names of all databases to migrate.
     * @throws XWikiException if the list of wikis cannot be obtained.
    private Set getDatabasesToMigrate(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
        Set databasesToMigrate = new ListOrderedSet();

        // Always migrate the main database. We also want this to be the first database migrated so
        // it has to be the
        // first returned in the list.

        // Add the databases listed by the user (if any). If there's a single database named and if
        // it's "all" or "ALL"
        // then automatically add all the registered databases.
        if (context.getWiki().isVirtualMode()) {
            String[] databases = context.getWiki().getConfig().getPropertyAsList("");
            if ((databases.length == 1) && databases[0].equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < databases.length; i++) {

        return databasesToMigrate;

     * It is assumed that before calling this method the XWiki context has been set with the database to migrate.
     * @param context The {@link com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext} object, needed for accessing the storage module.
     * @throws XWikiException if there is an error updating the database.
    private void startMigrationsForDatabase(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
        try {
            Collection neededMigrations = getNeededMigrations(context);
            startMigrations(neededMigrations, context);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XWikiException(XWikiException.MODULE_XWIKI_STORE, XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_STORE_MIGRATION,
                    "Migration failed", e);

     * @return collection of {@link XWikiMigratorInterface} in ascending order, which need be executed.
     * @param context used everywhere
     * @throws Exception if any error
    protected Collection getNeededMigrations(XWikiContext context) throws Exception {
        XWikiDBVersion curversion = getDBVersion(context);
        SortedMap neededMigrations = new TreeMap();

        Map forcedMigrations = getForcedMigrations(context);
        if (!forcedMigrations.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            Set ignoredMigrations = new HashSet(Arrays
            List allMigrations = getAllMigrations(context);
            for (Iterator it = allMigrations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                XWikiMigratorInterface migrator = (XWikiMigratorInterface);
                if (ignoredMigrations.contains(migrator.getClass().getName())
                        || ignoredMigrations.contains(migrator.getVersion().toString())) {
                if (migrator.getVersion().compareTo(curversion) >= 0) {
                    XWikiMigration migration = new XWikiMigration(migrator, false);
                    neededMigrations.put(migrator.getVersion(), migration);

        Collection neededMigrationsAsCollection = neededMigrations.values();
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
            if (!neededMigrations.isEmpty()) {
      "Current storage version = [" + curversion.toString() + "]");
      "List of migrations that will be executed:");
                for (Iterator it = neededMigrationsAsCollection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                    XWikiMigration migration = (XWikiMigration);
                    if (migration.isForced || migration.migrator.shouldExecute(this.startupVersion)) {
              "  " + migration.migrator.getName() + " - "
                                + migration.migrator.getDescription() + (migration.isForced ? " (forced)" : ""));
            } else {
                        "No storage migration required since current version is [" + curversion.toString() + "]");

        return neededMigrationsAsCollection;

    protected Map getForcedMigrations(XWikiContext context) throws Exception {
        SortedMap forcedMigrations = new TreeMap();
        String[] forcedMigrationsArray = context.getWiki().getConfig()
        for (int i = 0; i < forcedMigrationsArray.length; i++) {
            XWikiMigratorInterface migrator = (XWikiMigratorInterface) Class.forName(forcedMigrationsArray[i])
            XWikiMigration migration = new XWikiMigration(migrator, true);
            forcedMigrations.put(migrator.getVersion(), migration);
        return forcedMigrations;

     * @param migrations - run this migrations in order of collection
     * @param context - used everywhere
     * @throws XWikiException if any error
    protected void startMigrations(Collection migrations, XWikiContext context) throws Exception {
        XWikiDBVersion curversion = getDBVersion(context);
        for (Iterator it = migrations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            XWikiMigration migration = (XWikiMigration);

            if (migration.isForced || migration.migrator.shouldExecute(this.startupVersion)) {
                if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "Running migration [" + migration.migrator.getName() + "] with version ["
                            + migration.migrator.getVersion() + "]");
                migration.migrator.migrate(this, context);
            } else {
                if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "Skipping unneeded migration [" + migration.migrator.getName() + "] with version ["
                            + migration.migrator.getVersion() + "]");

            if (migration.migrator.getVersion().compareTo(curversion) > 0) {
                setDBVersion(migration.migrator.getVersion().increment(), context);
                if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "New storage version is now [" + getDBVersion(context) + "]");


     * @param context used everywhere
     * @return List of all {@link XWikiMigratorInterface} for this manager
     * @throws XWikiException if any error
    protected abstract List getAllMigrations(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException;